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Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: don't own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 10-Twins' Troubles

Hermione wasn't sure if was just her mind playing tricks on her, but the figures on horseback heading towards her looked an awful lot like her friends back home. As they got closer and Hermione was able to see more clearly, she was assured that she knew at least one of them. She nearly couldn't believe it, her eyes prickling with tears. "Harry!" she screamed and pushed Marc Antony off the horse in the process of her practically jumping from it. She started running back towards them, her hair flying wildly behind her.

They reached each other in a matter of seconds; Hermione had flung herself into his arms holding onto him for dear life. Tears were streaming wildly down her cheeks as she held him.

"Harry," She whispered, pressing against him more. Hermione felt his arms tightly around her also not wanting to let her go. "I never thought I'd see you again."

Harry took a deep breath, taking in the scent that was pure Hermione. How he had waited for this moment, how he longed just to see her once more. This was the only thing he could have asked for, he was alive and with Hermione, if they were stuck back in this time for all eternity it wouldn't matter as long as they were together. "It'll take more than death to stop me from getting to you."

She pulled back a little staring up into his dirt smudged face, "I saw everything, felt everything you had even though it was really bad, I knew you were still alive I could feel your strength for survival."

After looking at her for a few more moments, he pulled her back tightly into his arms. He felt her rest her cheek against his chest. "Nothing will keep me from you ever again."

"I'm so glad that we have found each other." Hermione smiled.

Harry was about to say something else when he heard two voices behind him sighing, he turned to look at them. It was if both Enzo and Marcelo had hearts in their eyes, they were looking very sweetly at the two of them. "What are you two looking at?"

"This is so romantic." Enzo said with a silly grin.

"Yeah," Marcelo also said with the same far out look in his eyes.

Harry looked at the two of them. "Haven't you two got something better to do then watch us?"

Marcelo's brows lifted, "Oh and just what do you expect us to watch besides you, where are in the middle of nowhere, not much to see here." He smirked.

Hermione buried her head in Harry's chest again as she felt his arms go around her. She was so hoping to have some moments alone with him later, but she had a feeling that this company was going to be with them for the whole trip.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to your lady?" Enzo asked politely while smiling at the back of Hermione's head.

Harry cleared his throat and pushed Hermione back a little while grinning at her. "This is Hermione, the girl I told you all about." He gently turned her to face his new companions. "These two idiots Hermione..." He heard Marcelo scoff yet snicker as well. "...are my new friends I suppose, Enzo and Marcelo" He pointed to each of them.

"Lovely to meet you," Hermione answered. "And this is Rosa and Meldina," she gestured to her friends who were looking at Harry with genuine interest. "And..." she turned and made a face. "You already know him."

"Let me down." Antony spat angrily. "I need to stretch my legs." He added with a touch of bitterness in his voice.

Hermione rolled her eyes but stepped away from Harry to let Marc Antony down.

Harry glared as his twin stood next to the horse.

"Can you untie me now?" He said glaring at the three girls, but avoiding Harry's intense glare.

Hermione reluctantly did the ropes and had no sooner stepped back when Harry shot past her.

Harry looked back at Hermione, "Has this fool hurt you in anyway?" His fists were clinched tightly against his thighs.

"No," Hermione answered. "He's just a real prat."

"Has he taken advantage of you, done anything that would give me a reason to crush his skull?" Harry's voice was dangerously calm.

Hermione shook her head wordlessly. "No Harry, I swear."

Harry nodded, looking back at Antony. "I should kill you for what you had done, sending me to my death I can overlook, but you sent your best friend to die all for what? Because you were being a jerk and sleeping with another's woman."

Antony had the gall to look bored, he even yawned. "What's your point?"

"Harry, come on," Hermione touched his shoulder. "We should get to the village soon," she knelt down and looked at him. "We have plenty of time to settle up with him later," she whispered so only he could hear.

Harry sighed, "Perhaps you're right."

Antony snickered. "You're actually listening to what a woman has to say?"

"And just what is wrong with that?" Harry continued to glare.

Hermione's brown eyes turned dark. "You'd be better off listening to a woman, Antony," she warned. "You don't want me angry at you."

Antony wanted to hurt her, "If you didn't have that ridiculous stick I wouldn't even be here. But then I really didn't mind having your arms around me." He purred. "I suppose it was worth it."

Hermione glared and now Harry had to hold her back. After a few moments of him whispering something in her ear she calmed down. "Let's go," she said, grabbing the rope and tying Antony's wrists again.

"Do I get to ride you; I mean do I get to ride with you again my dear?" Antony was smirking.

"In your dreams, maybe," were the first words she could think to say, but as soon as she uttered them, Harry was pummeling Antony into the ground.

Harry was smashing his fist into his look-alike's face, and then grabbed him by the shirt. "Don't you ever speak her like that again; if you do I will do a lot more than hurt you." He got up off of Antony and walked back over to Hermione, "I can't believe that I was acting like him in this past life. It's rightfully disturbing." He groaned feeling very frustrated. "I can't believe I was that bad."

"At least you've made up for it this lifetime," Hermione sent him a smile and leaned forward to kiss him briefly.

Enzo and Marcelo snickered and made annoying cat calls.

"Way to go Harry!" Enzo shouted.

"Oooh what else is she going to give you?" Marcelo said in a laughing voice.

Hermione groaned, pulling her mouth from his. "Later?" she asked quietly.

Harry nodded with a smile, "Definitely."

Marcelo cleared his throat and his expression turned serious. "Lady Hermione where were you three girls heading?"

"To the village," Hermione answered, nodding her head.

"To Ellia's village?" Enzo asked.

"Well our final destination is Torna," Hermione replied. "But we need to stop there to get supplies, and to figure out how to go from there."

"Well that's where we were heading as well, talk about fate." Marcelo answered. "Do you believe in fate?"

Antony groaned on the ground feeling the pain shooting through his every nerve.

Hermione looked at Harry, trying to keep the smile from her face, as she found Antony's pain humorous.

"What are we going to do with him?" Meldina asked

"Do we even need him anymore?" Rosa also asked.

"Probably not," Hermione answered, giving the man a disdainful look. "But he's good insurance; he may be able to get us out of any trouble we come across,"

Marcelo glared down at Antony. "Put him up here with me, I'll make sure nothing too unfortunate happens to him," He had a certain gleam in his eye, one that was shouting revenge and pain.

The group mounted their horses, and Harry rode his right next to Hermione's. She shot him another smile and he took one hand off the reign and gripped hers for a minute.

"The village shouldn't be too much further" Meldina said as she started to lead the way. She was hurrying faster than anyone; this village was her home and she was glad to be returning.

They could see the tall pointed fence line of an upcoming village it was very secure from what they could see. There were pretty yellow flowers growing around the fence line. Hearing the sound of a horn blowing they all neared the gate. Harry rode up first as a man in a toga looked down at him.

"What do you want here traveler?" The man asked holding out his sword.

"Hello, we are in need of supplies and rest. We just escaped from Caesar's Palace."

"Caesar's you say, well then you and your companions are welcome here." The turned and looked down. "Open the gate!"

The sound of cranks turning was heard as the gate started to swing open. Harry gestured for everyone to move along. Once inside the gate guard was spotted climbing down a very tall ladder and jumping to the ground.

"Welcome to our village, I hope you find all you need here. Someone will be along to help you get settled in for the night."

A group of young boys came forward as Harry and his group dismounted. They smiled and grabbed the reins of the horses. "Please allow us to take charge of your horses; we have some of the best oats and greens for them." One of the younger boys said.

"Oh how kind of you." Hermione said with a smile as she relinquished the reins to the child.

Harry grinned at his girlfriend as she got off the horse. He dismounted his own and reached over, taking her hand in his.

"Are you all right love?" he murmured in her ear.

"Yes," she answered, turning to give him a quick kiss. "I'm so glad we're together again."

Harry grinned and was about to respond when a shout made them both look over. Antony was struggling as the young boys attempted to help him off the horse.

"I can get off myself!" he was saying angrily as he tried to move his way around and not fall flat on his face. It was not an easy task with his hands tied together.

"Oh, please, let me assist," Harry sent a smart ass grin at his look-alike and yanked him down roughly. "There, all down from the horse," He pushed Antony back hard and the man fell on his behind in the dirt.

Marcelo gave Antony a good kick in the side who curled up into an almost fetal position clutching his side.

"What a pansy," Harry laughed. He grinned at Marcelo, liking the man more and more as time went by.

Antony struggled to get to his feet, "how dare you refer to me in such a manner, if my hands were unbound I would show how a real man takes action."

"What, show us like you did last time? No thanks, we've got better things to do." He felt Hermione take his hand and looked back at Marcelo. "You'll take care of him?"

Marcelo started cracking his knuckles, "Oh you can rest assured that I will definitely take care of him."

"Thanks, we'll be back in just a little while." he nodded courteously to Meldina and Rosa, smiling as they grinned first at him, then Hermione, then pulled his girlfriend away from the group.

A woman off in the distance who was collecting water at the fountain in the village square was watching the visitors with great curiosity.

Hermione moved through the village glancing at all the houses which seemed to be made of stone and very sturdy. "Harry?" She looked towards Meldina who was suddenly engrossed in a very tight hug. "Do you think we'll ever get home?" She sighed with the longing to see her family.

"Sure we will," he tried to answer confidently, squeezing her hand for added benefit. "We're going to find that amulet and go back... where I'm going to take a VERY long, hot shower."

A large smile spread across her face, "I know what you mean, I could use a nice hot bath myself." Hermione pressed herself up against him.

"Is that an invitation?" he asked lightly, looking down and kissing the top of her brown head affectionately.

"Harry you cheated death how can you make jokes at a time like this?" She shook her head, yet she was amused

He didn't respond, only hugged her tighter with one arm as they walked further through the village.

Harry noticed several of the villagers point and begin to whisper. At first he was confused but then he realized that he was being recognized as Antony. "Hermione," he said quietly. "Maybe we should uh... get out of the street... people think I'm that jerk back there," he nodded his head in the direction of the group they had arrived with.

Instead of complying with his request, Hermione cleared her throat. "This is not who you think it is, the one you are talking about is back there!" She shouted pointing to where Marcelo was. She watched as some of the villagers who still looked suspicious dashed away to see what she was talking about.

Harry was still embarrassed, and dragged Hermione over to a nearby shop. "Come on, let's start stocking up," he said, entering the store.

The shop keeper behind the counter was smiling but then stopped upon seeing them. He bowed his head. "My Lord and Lady what brings thee to our humble village?"

"We're looking for some supplies to take on a journey," Harry answered.

"We are but a small shop we have little of what someone of great importance would purchase here."

"Oh," Hermione placed a soft hand on the shop keeper's shoulder. "We are not who you think we are. We just resemble them that's all. Isn't that right Harry?" She looked at him.

"That's right," Harry said, growing testy to being known as Antony.

"The resemblance is uncanny, what is this some sort of black magic?" The shop keeper studied Harry's face, getting within the younger man's personal space. He examined Harry while adjusting his spectacles.

"No, it's not magic," Harry said irritably. "Can we please just buy some supplies?" he turned on his heel and walked over to a stack of barrels against the wall, trying to control his sudden temper.

"Oh forgive me; I could have sworn I felt some kind of a 'special' aura about you."

Harry bit his lower lip as he looked at Hermione. He started rummaging through a carton to find some canteens so they would have water.

"I can assume you are traveling a great distance, what kind of supplies are you in need of?" He said putting his hands on the counter.

Hermione looked at the items on the shelves, "We could use some of those tiny pots there" She pointed.

The door to the shop swung open and in walked Enzo and Marcelo. Hermione turned around to look at them as the shop keeper reached up and got Hermione's request.

"What are you two doing in here, where's Antony?"

Marcelo smirked, "Oh he's just a little tied up at the moment."

Enzo snickered. "We tied him to a tree while the villagers pelted vegetables and rotten fruits at him."

Harry grinned. "We should hurry up; I'd like to take a turn at that."

"Harry!" Hermione gasped looking at him much like if she were scolding a child.

"What?" Harry asked innocently. "He's a prat!"

"Believe me I know he is, but don't sink to the level of him. Do you really want to be like him because as of now you are on that path."

Harry saw that Hermione was on the edge of not speaking to him so he smiled. "I was just joking," he set several canteens on the counter. "Let's get everything else we need."

A bell jingled above the shop keepers head, "Excuse me a moment would you." He backed away and opened a door to the left and quickly left through it.

Harry looked at Hermione, who had busied herself with arranging their purchases on the counter, and over at Marcelo and Enzo who were busy with something on the other corner of the room. Slowly, he inched over to the door and began to creak it open.

"Lady Ellia, it will arrive promptly at noon by Hawk transfer."

"I can not believe my foolish sister even thought of using it without my permission." She shook her head, while holding a flask of green sparkling crystals.

"At least she has the decency to return it."

"What?" Harry couldn't stop himself from blurting out.

Ellia looked at the direction of the door. "Who are you and how long have you been at that door?" She was irritated.

"I... uh... just now..." Harry felt bad for eavesdropping. He had just wanted to know what was in that back room.

Ellia no longer glared at him, "Well don't just stand there staring at us boy, what have you over heard?" She moved her beautiful white- almost silver hair from off her shoulder. She had no wrinkles at all and looked no older than eighteen years old. Her voice held the wisdom of many years passing

"Just... that your sister used something you didn't want her to," Harry answered ashamedly.

Ellia smiled a little, "What's your name? Why are you here in this village?"

"Harry, Harry Potter," he answered automatically. "My girlfriend and I are looking for the amulet of Torna..." he looked uneasily towards the shopkeeper.

Ellia's eyes narrowed in suspicion, "How do you know about the Amulet as well as the city of Torna?" Her tone was accusing.

"Well," Harry shifted from one foot to the other. He looked at Ellia and realized she reminded him of Nilrem, or Merlin as he had turned out to be. "My girlfriend, Hermione and I were transported here, and were told by Merlin that we needed to get the Amulet of Torna to return to our time."

"All right I seem to understand if Merlin sent you, I originally thought you were in league with someone else who traveled here not too long ago."

Harry's eyes narrowed. "Voldemort was here..."

"I know not of who you speak, all I know is that a traveler who called himself Thomas Riddleson took a room here and stayed over night, he spoke of powers and frightened many of the villagers. He asked about my sister and when I conversed with him he seemed very cold and distant. In the morning he was gone, as if he was never here. Only the fear of him lingered on.

"Tom Riddle!" Harry exclaimed. "That IS Voldemort! He's evil... he's the one that brought us here!"

Ellia sighed, "I sensed a great darkness within his soul. Where is it that you hail from?"

"Normally near London, but I go to school in Scotland. We were in Rome when we were brought here though," Harry ran a hand through his hair.

"I know of an ancient scroll that spoke of such travelers coming from a great distance to restore order to our world." She smiled. "Could it be there scrolls were speaking of a mere boy such as yourself?"

"I don't think you're talking about me," Harry replied, his tone definite. He was tired of being mistaken for other people.

"We shall see." Ellia smiled.

Harry heard shuffling behind him, his Hermione's sweet voice echoed in his ear. "Harry, what are you doing back here?"

"Nothing," he tried to back out of the room but she was already in the doorway.

She looked at him suspiciously, "What are you hiding? What's going on?" Her hands planted against her hips as she stared at him waiting for an answer.

"I was just talking to these people, but we can go now," he tried to take her arm and drag her away from the door.

"Hold up there." Ellia stepped forward looking right at Hermione. "Come here."

"What, why?" Hermione backed away from the woman, fearful.

"We're leaving," Harry spoke louder now.

"No Stop!" Ellia shouted, her voice booming like thunder. "This young lady has a lot to deal with, mostly caused by a certain orb that has been created."

Both Harry and Hermione stopped still. "How did you know about the orbs?" Hermione asked in a shaky voice. Harry moved his arm around her waist in support.

Ellia bowed, "I am Lady Ellia, I created a powerful orb to use for the power of healing, and my sister Lady Ereena created an orb for the power of deception

Harry didn't know whether to feel grateful or angry. She obviously was who she said she was, knowing about the orbs. "Your... your sister made the orb of Ereena?" he asked.

"Does she even know what she did to my girlfriend?" his voice shook in rage.

Ellia nodded "I am aware of all the power each of the orbs held. But how is it that you two have gotten a hold of it? It is sitting in Ereena's bedroom as we speak."

Harry and Hermione looked at one another. "We... she got it... in the future," Harry said.

"Come closer." Ellia beckoned to Hermione with a gentle finger gesture.

Hermione slowly moved forward until she was standing directly in front of Ellia. Harry stood behind her, ready to yank her out of harms way in case this woman was going to do something to her.

"Relax my young ones; I'm going to help this girl." Ellia placed the palm of her hand against Hermione's forehead. The thoughts of the past year rushed quickly through Hermione's head, the effects of the Orb of Ereena seemed to vanish leaving everything else un affected. "I took the depressing feelings that my sister's orb inflicted upon you. I did not tamper with anything after you returned the orb to its owner at the time.

Hermione almost seemed to wilt as she nearly toppled backwards. Harry came up behind her and she could feel his strong hands on her upper arms. "I'm okay Harry," she said. "I feel... so much better all of a sudden! Better than I have since last summer!"

Ellia smiled, "I think it is about time for the feast, you should both go enjoy it, it looks like you two are in need of nourishment.

"Thank you," Hermione smiled at the woman, and took Harry's hand as they left the shop.

Ellia followed them out, "Before you two retire for the night, come to my hut and we'll discuss a few things."

Hermione nodded and Harry still looked confused as they began to walk away down the street.

Antony was still tied to the tree while his face was covered in tomato and squash and what looked like large purple grape skins and seeds as Marcelo and Enzo stood there laughing at him.

Harry couldn't fight back a snigger as well as they joined their group. "He looks better than he did this morning,"

Marcelo nodded, putting his finger to his chin as if he were regarding a work of art. "Red is definitely his color."

Harry laughed loudly at that as Antony struggled against his bonds. "Shall we leave him here for the night?"

"You can't" A woman said, "We have this demon that comes out at night which protects our village, if anyone is caught by it, they are consumed."

"I don't see anything wrong with that," Harry tried to look innocent but Hermione elbowed him.

"Harry he may be an absolute jerk and a terror to women, but no one deserves to be eaten by a demon," she said with narrowed eyes

"All right," Harry covered hastily. "Where should we stick him then? Stables?"

"How about just the jail?" The woman suggested, "There's chains in there and you can keep him locked up."

"Sounds good to us," Harry answered for all of them. "Thank you very much."

"Harry cut the ropes." Marcelo said as he and Enzo bent down to grab Antony by the arms

Harry did as instructed and Antony stood up, glaring at all of them. Harry smirked in his look-alike's face before shoving him along the path.

Hermione watched as the many people were had finished setting up a large table in the center of the village for a great feast.

His stomach rumbling loudly, Harry pulled on Hermione's arm towards the tables. "I'm starving," he said unnecessarily.

"Me too" Hermione said looking down at all the food. "Wow there is so much; it almost reminds me of Hogwarts"

"Should we just fall in line here?" Harry asked.

A man passing them nodded hearing Harry's question, "Yeah just grab a plate and help yourselves to anything"

"Thank you," Harry nodded at the man. He quickly did as was said and soon was heaping his plate full of food.

Hermione was doing the same, only she had twice as much on her plate than Harry did, she took a glace at his plate and started heaping on more food as if it were a contest on who had the most. Harry grinned at her as they found seats next to one another.

Hermione breathed in the scent of the food on her plate, "This all smells so good, they barely fed us at, well you know where." She said picking up her fork and sticking it into a piece of chicken. Harry's mouth was too full to answer so he just nodded.

Soon the feast was over and people started retiring to their homes. "Remember Ellia wanted to speak with us, where do you suppose her house is?" Hermione looked around.

"I'm not sure," Harry replied. "I don't really want to disturb anyone."

Meldina appeared behind them, "Ellia's home is that one." She pointed.

"Thank you." Hermione and Harry started heading in that direction. Upon reaching the door, Harry raised his hand and knocked softly.

"The door is open." A voice from inside said.

Hermione pushed the door and they stepped inside, upon entering the house, they found Ellia, kneeling on the floor, meditating.

"Uh... hello?" Harry asked uncertainly.

"Come inside; don't linger in the doorway, its rude." She said with her eyes closed. The jasmine scented incense burned slowly creating a pleasant atmosphere that calmed people's nerves.

Hand in hand, they hesitantly came into the room. "Where... where should we sit?" Harry asked.

Ellia stood up and pulled out her wand from her drawer and started a fire in the fireplace which lit up the room. "At the table" She pointed and smiled.

Hermione quickly took her seat and Harry followed suit, pulling his chair as close to Hermione's as possible.

"Would you two like some tea?" Ellia stepped near her tea kettle and glanced at the two of them.

Hermione shook her head, "No I'm all right."

"No thank you," Harry replied as well. "What do you want us here for?"

Ellia sat down with her tea cup, "Are you two in a rush or something, you two need to relax." She sat down across from them. "Tell me about yourselves, especially what time in the future you come from." She looked at Harry for the answer.

"We're from the twentieth century," Harry replied. "We were on vacation in Rome when we were transported here by that Tom Riddle you mentioned earlier."

"You two are obviously on a journey, where is that you are heading?" Ellia lifted the tea cup to her lips taking a small sip of the steaming liquid.

"We are heading to the city of Torna where there is a transport device that will allow us passage home." Hermione answered with a sigh.

"Torna, that is very far from here. Do you even have any idea of how you will get there?" Ellia leaned back in her chair folding her arms over her bosom.

"We have a group that has agreed to travel with us," Harry replied. "And... we have a hostage...."

"That's how you are going to get to Torna?" She was amused.

"Yes," Harry replied defensively.

Ellia shook her head, "How do you know you won't end up in Greece; you need some kind of direction." She stood and hurried over to a drawer and pulled it open retrieving a map and bringing it back to them. "Here I think this might come in handy." She spread it out for them to look over.

"Wow!" both of them said at once. The map was rather large and it had markings on it of the dangerous areas of Italy. But Harry pretty much could see exactly how to get to Torna even though there were several different paths to the city. But Ellia pointed to the exact path that they need to take.

"This path you must not stray from, you will be traveling directly through Griffin territory."

"Griffin?" Harry asked. "As in Gryffindor?"

Ellia shook her head, "No as in the beast," She pointed again. "Here you must be very careful of sprites and ferries, they will deceive you, and you must not listen to a word they say."

Harry and Hermione nodded. "All right," he answered. "Anything else?"

"You'll need winter furs, you'll be going through the mountains before reaching Torna, its always covered in snow and ice, Yetis live among the caves there so be careful."

Harry looked at his girlfriend. This journey sounded bleaker and bleaker by the moment. Hermione sighed, feeling tired already.

"Oh my dears do not despair, you will make it. I have the utmost faith in the both of you." Ellia said placing her hands on top of theirs. "Now do you have any questions for me?"

Hermione had a few; she looked up at Ellia, "I might have a few, mostly concerning your sister and her orb." She waited for the permission in Ellia's eyes and she continued. "What kind of a person would create something so evil, to hurt people." She sighed.

"Well I think you already know that answer my dear, people do whatever they can to achieve absolute power. But in the case of my sister, she is the exact opposite of me. The evil twin theory applies here, she has hair as black as midnight, eyes as dark as obsidian. It is as if she has no soul and I'm almost sure that she doesn't." Ellia sighed, "We have never got along as children, and we are even competing now. We have so many troubles to deal with, but I suppose that happens when your mother falls in love with a demon."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Hermione said.

Ellia smiled a little, "You have nothing to be sorry for. She is my sister and she will be dealt with by me when the time is right." She avoided telling them about Ereena's territory which they will be passing through, there are just some things they are not to be warned about to see their real potential. Especially if this boy was the one the ancient scrolls spoke about. She would wait and see. Ellia then looked at Hermione, "Have you any more questions?"

"No," Hermione answered. "We should be getting on; we need to find an inn or something to stay in for the night."

With a nod Ellia stood, "Well there is one across the way." She pointed out the window for both Harry and Hermione to see. "They don't charge that much, you'll find their price affordable."

Harry rolled up the map and held it tightly in his hand as he also stood. "Thank you for the map and information."

"Anytime, "Ellia smiled and watched as the two left her home and headed for the inn.

Meldina was slowly enjoying the food, much of which she hardly received while being enslaved. No more scraps for her it was real food now. She licked her lips and moved in for her custard tort. She lifted the bowl and put it in front of her.

Marcelo sat a few feet away, admiring the way Meldina ate. He was ashamed to admit that such a beautiful woman had escaped his sight for so long. Brushing back his hair, he sauntered over and sat down right next to her. "Well hello there," he said in his deepest voice.

Meldina had just lifted the utensil to her lips and stopped in mid air hearing a voice. She looked up at him "Hello." She didn't want to really talk to this person; she was more interested in the food.

"I can't believe I haven't seen you around the palace before," Marcelo grinned appealingly. "Been there long?"

"Long enough," She stuck a bit of her tort into her mouth.

Marcelo looked over at Enzo, who was smirking at him while talking to Rosa. He didn't understand why Meldina wasn't falling to his charms right away- most other women did. "So what are you doing later?"

Meldina rolled her eyes, "Sleeping."

"Well before that how about a roll in the hay over there?" Marcelo nodded his head in the direction of the stables and eagerly anticipated her answer.

Meldina was shocked but she didn't let it show on her face, she simply stood and moved really close to him. With a smile on her face she lifted her custard and shoved it in his face, smearing it around. With that same smile she turned on her heels and stalked away from him.

"Wha..." Marcelo angrily wiped custard from his face. "Why did she do that?" he asked no one in particular. He looked down the table and saw Enzo and Rosa laughing at him.

"Quiet you two!" he snapped, getting up and walking away. That comment just made the Rosa and Enzo laugh even harder.

Harry unlocked the door with the key and Hermione followed him inside. It was a tad cold so she lifted her wand and pointed it at the fireplace.

"Incendio!" She said and watched as the spell shot from her wand to the wood and lit up immediately. Hermione looked back at Harry and noticed he looked like he was suffering from some pain. "Harry are you all right?"

He rubbed his shoulder and cringed at the pain that still bothered him. "Not really, but there's not much one can do about this."

"Would you mind if I took a look?" She said with a tile of her head, concern evident on her pretty face.

He sighed, "I fear it will make you sick from just the sight of my wounds." Harry said not wanting her to see it

"Harry, if something is wrong I need to know about it. What if it's infected? Now stop acting like a child and let me see it." She said with the utmost authority. Hermione was pleased with herself when Harry sat down on the fur pelt on the floor in front of the fireplace. Hermione moved over to him and sat down behind him and carefully lifted his shirt. Harry reached up and helped her pull it off and revealed the white bandage which was now stained with blood.

Hermione carefully unwrapped his shoulder; she did cringe at the view of this really deep wound. "Goodness Harry, this is just awful." She touched the outer puffy edges and heard him suck in a strained breath of pain. "I'm sorry Harry, did that hurt?" She saw him nod. "Its times like this that I wish I had the healing talent that Ginny has, I would be able to heal it all up."

Harry reached up and his hand covered over hers which was resting on his shoulder. "Hermione, don't worry about it. It will heal in time." He turned a bit taking her hand and placing it in his lap as he gazed into her eyes. "It will just be another scar, one of many that I already have." His free hand cupped her cheek, "I worry more about losing you than losing my arm. So as long as you are still around I have a reason to fight."

"Oh Harry," She said breathily. "I love you so very much."

He smiled and his hand reached around to the back of her neck and proceeded to pull her towards him.


Hahaha I know what a place to leave this chapter. Well get used to it. It's called torture and you know you love it *wink* Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I know it took a long time to get it out, but I was really busy with trying to write a novel so that I may publish it. I'll get the next chapter out as soon as I can, hopefully you'll wait for it. So until then Tata.

