Unofficial Portkey Archive

Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Nope, not mine ^_^

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 12-Troubles

Evening seemed to be approaching at a much faster speed now. The group counted their blessings when they found an inn. Counting the money they had left, Harry figured they would run out of funds soon and he was sure they were still a very long way from Torna. He hoped they did not have to do any extra jobs on the way. That would make the time it took to get to the city even longer.

After paying the inn keeper the correct amount of money for three rooms, Marcelo and Enzo decided to room together and Rosa and Meldina decided to share their room with each other which left Hermione and Harry to share a room. Harry and Hermione did not realize that their traveling party had decided to give them their privacy.

"Good night," Rosa giggled from the door of her and Meldina's room, "We'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning."

"Alright," Hermione smiled and turned following Harry into their room.

Harry immediately lit the candles using his wand. The room was small, but clean. There was one square window on the left side, and the sun had gone down completely. There was a bed, the head board made of iron rested up against the far wall, a small table with two chairs, and three candles sitting on the flat splintered wood of the table. There was no bathroom. Hermione had remembered seeing a bathroom in the hall on their way up here.

The room was very quiet. Harry started pulling out food from their packs for dinner, he separated the fruits and the meats into piles, he wasn't really concentrating on the food, more like the thoughts that were running through his mind were the gods, man what a ridiculous lot they are, how can they treat people like that! We almost died! Harry thought crossly. Time seemed to pass by as the two of them sat on the bed that was surprisingly soft and ate their dinner in silence while Harry was deep in thought.

"How's your shoulder?" Hermione suddenly spoke, causing Harry to jump a bit, startled. She heard him laugh softly.

Hermione smirked, "Did I scare ya?" She snickered

Running a hand through his hair, Harry nodded. "Well I was just thinking."

"About what?"

Harry waved his hand in the air nonchalantly, "Nothing really important, the same stuff. You know, how are we going to get home, what other immortal beings are going to use us as pawns in their little games?"

"It was awfully unfair for them to do that to us," Hermione shook her head with disappointment, "You would think immortal beings had much more important things to do than to bother mortals."

Harry shoved a piece of meat in his mouth and chewed it quickly, "You were asking about my shoulder?"

"Yes," she answered seriously. Hermione wanted to know if the stitches that the nurse maid back in the village had been pulled out or loose because of the battle that they had. Of course she didn't see any blood or anything through his shirt but you can never be too careful.

"I'm not going to lie to you Hermione and tell you it doesn't hurt, it hurts like hell." He knew she was going to ask to see it, so might as well beat her to her question. Harry grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head. He saw Hermione's eyes shoot up towards the curved wound that had been sewn together. Harry tilted his head looking at it himself. He noticed that it was still puffy but the swelling had gone down considerably. He was relieved to find that the thread was not pulled and the wound did not open but of course, there was still some blood lightly flowing from it.

Hermione hummed, scrutinizing the wound, "Well at least it's not ripped open or anything. It could have you know; considering you were waving that sword around like there was no tomorrow."

"Hey now, would you have rather gotten eaten by that thing?"

Her hands lifted in the air defensively, "Hey I wasn't saying that it was completely wrong, Harry. You sure jump to conclusions."

Slouching forward, Harry rested his chin on his fist and grumbled, "Sorry," he said a tad tensely, while looking away from her.

Rolling her eyes, she did not want to get into a fight with him now of all times, besides she was too tired to do much of anything even argue. Rubbing her tired eyes, she then stretched her arms up towards the ceiling. "I'm going to bed." Getting up she moved their packs off the bed and placed them up against the wall.

"Are you mad at me?" Harry asked innocently.

"Not mad, Harry." She sighed and pulled the blankets back, "I'm just tired all right." Hermione answered in an annoyed tone and Harry groaned. Hermione ignored that for now, she slipped quietly into the blankets, her back to him.

Great, now he was getting the silent treatment. That girl got mad quicker than anyone he knew, even his relatives. But being a gentleman, instead of starting a fight, he quietly got up and went to the candles on the table and blew them out for her. "Good night Hermione." The half moon light shone in the room from the window and the stars were twinkling brightly.

"Good night." Hermione said while yawning.

He grabbed a chair from around the table, and brought it over to the window and sat down, glancing out. Harry wondered what other dangers they would come in contact with. he had to admit that he was afraid, who wouldn't be afraid if they were suddenly dropped back in the ancient past, with monsters ready to swallow you whole, and the fear of losing the one you care about to those monsters. The mere idea of it, caused Harry to shudder, he took a look over at Hermione, her back was still facing his direction. Wondering if she was already asleep, he quietly stood from the chair and headed over to the bed.

Reaching the side of the bed, he leaned over the side, over her back to peer at her face, her eyes were closed and her breathing was steady, "Hermione?" he whispered, and when Harry didn't receive an answer he nodded to himself. Definitely, she was asleep. Perhaps he should get some sleep too. After deciding that he stripped down to his boxers and climbed in the bed next to Hermione and throwing his arm over his eyes to block out any of the light that came in through the window. With his other hand, he grabbed the blankets and pulled them over himself and settled down to sleep.

The room was boiling, stifling as he threw off the blanket, his legs resting out on top of the sheets, he could hear Hermione's soft breathing next to him an occasional snore escaped her nose and he sniggered to himself. He cursed her silently for being able to sleep in this heat, he didn't know what time it was only that the moon was high in the sky. He couldn't see it anymore that's for sure but the moons rays shone in through the window, stupid nearly full moon, Harry thought to himself. Hearing the blankets shift and the mattress move next to him, he turned his head and looked at Hermione.

One of her hands was fisted in the blanket and it was stretched up over her breasts and pulled tight resting against her neck, her legs were tangled in the sheets, and Harry could see her creamy thigh. He swallowed hard and closed his eyes and his heartbeat sped up. It was true it had been a long time since he had held her, been this close to her since they had been here in the past. Gods he missed touching her and keeping her close to him. His eyes shot up and he again looked in her direction.

Shifting on his side and propping himself up on his elbow he gazed down at her sleeping face, she seemed so peaceful and happy. Harry lifted his hand and lightly traced her cheek with his finger tips, he felt a sudden surge of guilt knowing that it was all his fault that she was here in this ancient time, her life in danger. It was all his fault, she should not be suffering, she is innocent. Harry promised himself as he stroked his fingers in her hair that he would never let anything happen to her, that he would always protect her. No matter what. Leaning over he lightly pressed his lips to her forehead, "I promise." He whispered to her sleeping form, then lightly tracing her neck and throat with his fingers.

In her sleep, Hermione smiled and seeing it made Harry's stomach flip. Leaning in, Harry lightly touched his lips to her nose and then her cheek, he heard her softly sigh. Pulling back he saw her eye lashes flutter and then open.

Turning her head a bit, looking at him, she blinked her eyes getting used to having being woken up. "Harry?" She started softly, and then felt a soft brushing on her bare thigh, she cleared her throat. "What are you doing?" she asked tiredly.

Harry simply smiled and moved in kissing her full on the mouth, his fingers stroking her skin, moving towards the crease between them, she moaned softly and her thighs seemed to part a little, Hermione felt his hand rub up the inside of her thigh, caressing with his palm and fingers, then fingers disappearing in the juncture between legs, and she groaned out loud.

"Harry," She breathed out, "A-are you sure you want to do this." Hermione moaned, "What about your…" Her pulse raced faster as she felt his hand palming her sex and his finger pressing inside her, "Injury?" She closed her eyes and seemed to purr lightly.

Grinning against her neck, Harry lightly kissed her there. "Don't worry about it." He whispered and moved his finger quicker inside her warmth.

Wrapping her arms around his neck, Hermione was still careful of his injury. She clung to him as he rubbed his other hand up and down her hip, her side, up to cup her breast, shaping it with his palm causing Hermione to squeal lightly.

"Harry," Hermione said her voice sounding thick, her eyes found his and she smiled, carefully pushing him on his back and swinging her leg over him, straddling him. Her hair hung down to one side and she moved in and kissed him hard on the mouth, her palms were flattened against his chest as she adjusted herself so she was positioned over his hard erection. Taking but a moment Harry reached down between the both of them to rid himself of his boxers.

They were both breathing hard as Hermione lifted the bottom half of her toga, at the same time her tongue dipping into his mouth, mating with his. Her hand went between them and she curved her fingers around his length, hearing him sigh she pressed the tip of his erection in between her folds while pressing herself down slowly onto him. Hermione moaned his name seductively and Harry reached up gripping her hips while pressing the back of his head into the pillow his mouth slightly open in pure bliss as her body engulfed his hardness like a warm glove.

Her face contorted in complete concentration as the feelings of being stretched and filled completely, raced through her. Oh it was the most intense feeling as she settled down on him completely, her heart pounded hard within her chest. She started slow, moving herself up and down on him, her eyes closed as she concentrated on the feelings she was feeling. Getting to a sitting position, Harry still let her have most of the control, but he wanted to touch her, hold her, and caress her body.

The shoulder strap of her toga gown had fallen down exposing more of her shoulder; Harry bent forward kissing his way from her shoulder, up her slender neck, to press his mouth hard against hers as her body exquisitely moved atop his, harder and harder. Hermione's arms circled around his neck as she cried out with every move she made, her eyes blissfully shut. His hands were everywhere, her back, her breasts molding and caressing flicking her stiff nipples with his fingers.

Gods she missed this, missed him, missed feeling him there deeper inside her, nearly bringing out a wild demon from within her. Her mouth found his, hard and hot. Hermione felt herself start to shake atop of him, Harry held her tighter to him, as she reached it, the peak of her pleasure, falling into sweet nothingness, melting from reality.

Feeling her tighten around him felt so good, so hot. Harry clutched her hips hard, pulling her down forcefully onto him, imbedding himself deep within her folds, inside her eternal warmth crying out. He fell backwards onto the bed, Hermione on top of him. Both of them breathing so hard, they felt their lungs would burst out of their chests. Moaning in appreciation, Hermione stayed exactly where she was, she did not want to move. She felt fingers in her hair and she smiled while her eyes were drifting closed, her cheek resting against his chest as she listened to his very soothing heartbeat.

Pulling the blankets up around them, Harry tucked them in. He did not want to move her. He wanted to stay just this way. Circling his arms around her, holding her tightly too him, he felt his eyes start to droop and then close as he seemed to join her in the land of slumber.


The sounds of birds chirping outside and the combination of the warm sunrays shinning brightly on Hermione's sleeping face caused her to squint, coming out of the daze of slumber. She woke feeling surprisingly well rested for the first time since they had been thrown back in the past. Hermione feeling that someone was watching her, turned her head to find Harry, dressed and sitting in a chair by the side of the bed. "Good morning." She smiled brightly.

Harry simply returned the gesture, "Morning."

"How long have you been awake?" She asked rising to a sitting position.

Shrugging, Harry stretched his arms forward and then leaned back in the chair, "Not long. You just looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you."

Hermione threw the blankets off of her and lifted herself off the bed, her toga hem falling down to her thighs; she really needed to get some other clothes, something more suitable for travel. Stretching her arms upward, Hermione pulled the kinks out of her back and sighed. "Is your shoulder all right?"

Nodding, Harry answered, "Yeah, why do you ask?" He reached back and rubbed the back of his neck.

She reached up and started twirling the ends of her hair with her fingers, "Well you know after what happened between us last night; I figured you could have pulled the stitches out." Hermione rocked back and forth on her heels, "The last thing I want to do is hurt you."

"I understand Hermione," Harry stood and approached coming to stand in front of her, "No worries." He reached up and held his hand out to her, Harry watched as Hermione slipped her fingers into his open hand, his fingers curving around her hand. "I am as fine as can be," Harry pulled her closer and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, resting his chin atop her head. He felt her relax into him as she too wrapped her arms around him. "We should get going; the others are probably waiting for us." He said quietly.

Nodding slowly, she agreed. "Yeah we should." Stepping out of his embrace, Hermione lifted her head, smiling sweetly at him. "We need to get home." Hermione spun around and went for her pack lying up against the wall, Harry did the same.

A brief stop to the bathroom, and using a piece of leather as a toothbrush to clean their teeth, and perform other necessary bathroom duties; it was tough living in this time period, no indoor plumbing, the water was pumped in by a lever and the toilet was just a wooden bowl which someone had to clean it out daily. They sure didn't take too long in there that was for sure. Hermione and Harry raced down to the lobby of the inn, where sure enough their group was waiting for them. Enzo was playing the game of Paper, Rock, Scissors, with Rosa, which Hermione showed them yesterday. It appeared that Rosa was winning and she was an awful winner, pointing, laughing and cheering herself on every time she got the upper hand. It made both Harry and Hermione laugh seeing Enzo's grumpy face.

While they were all walking outside into the warm morning sunlight, Marcelo said, "Ah, there you two are." with a knowing tone, "Can I assume you two were up pretty late." He wiggled his brows suggestively.

Hermione's face flamed crimson, "That is none of your business, come on Harry." She said throwing her nose in the air.

Harry couldn't help but chuckle at her embarrassment, "Come on Marcelo, that's enough. What we do is our own business."

"I agree, besides you're in love and that is so wonderful." Meldina softly sighed and clapped her hands together. "Love is such a beautiful thing."

Running a hand through his hair, Marcelo leaned on the side of the inn looking charmingly at Meldina, "You know, I believe in love too."

Meldina's brow arched with suspicion, "Is that so?"

"Yeah," He straightened up, "The love between a man and a woman is truly one of the Gods' greatest gifts they could bestow upon us mortals."

Her eyes seemed to sparkle with admiration; perhaps he wasn't as stupid as she thought. She was smiling.

"You know, Meldina, I could prove to you how wonderful being in love can be. We can even practice."

She growled, and the sparkling admiration left her eyes, "Practice, practice for what?"

Hearing a low growl, Harry and Hermione glanced up from the map they were looking at, their attention now was firmly on what was going on around them, rather than figuring out how to get to Torna.

Marcelo's arm curved around Meldina's shoulder and he pulled her closer, he did not notice that she was irritated, her whole body shook slightly with anger and her eyes were closed, her fist rising up against her chest. "Why practice for our wedding night of course." He said rather roguishly.

For a moment, letting her anger reach its peak, Meldina did not even speak, she just lifted her hand and then at the same time as she said…"Why you…pervert!" She shouted, having slapped him so hard that it knocked him to the ground. She turned abruptly and stomped away from him while shaking her tense fists around heading towards Hermione, "He won't get away with this, he won't, he won't!"

Enzo was snickering, and Marcelo simply gazed at her from his spot on the ground, "She loves me," He grinned smoothly. Marcelo could hear even Harry and Hermione laughing, but he just shrugged it off and stood, dusting himself off as if it hadn't even happened. "So where are we going?"

Hermione calmed down from her laughing fit, "We will be going up through these mountains," She pointed to the map, and Enzo and Marcelo moved by her side and glanced over her shoulder looking down at the mountain range.

"Hmm, we're going up into those mountains?" Enzo asked with caution in his voice.

"Yeah, why?" Harry could see the discomfort in the way Enzo was standing.

Rubbing the back of his head, nervously, Enzo replied. "Well it's dangerous is all, Are you sure you want to risk your life over this."

Harry nodded, "We would risk it all just to get home."

With a sigh, Enzo wondered himself if this was worth it. "You know, you two could have a perfectly happy life."

Hearing the concern in his voice, Hermione knew what he was trying to say. Saying that he really didn't want anyone to suffer or get hurt. "That might be true Enzo, but we don't belong here. Our family, our friends are all back in twenty first century, and as wonderful as you make it all sound, I would not want to continue living in this time period. We are already too set in our ways to conform to living without plumbing for one." Hermione teased with a friendly smile.

Feeling a hard slap on his back, Harry looked at Marcelo. "Did you want to say something?"

Marcelo nodded, "Yeah, let's get you two home." The red head said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Good idea." Harry also grinned and started rolling up the map and putting it securely in his pack.

The group then climbed up onto their horses and headed towards the mountains and most of all getting closer to Torna.


"It's so c-c-cold." Hermione's teeth chattered as she pulled the fur lined coat tighter around her body. Her nose felt frozen as if it were ready to pop off.

They were high in the frozen mountains; Hermione didn't even think there was snow during this time of year. It was summer. As if by magic a sudden blizzard assaulted the traveling party.

"Harry!" Hermione screeched through the mad falling snow and howling wind, "We can't go on anymore in this weather."

He tended to agree, "I know, but I don't see any shelter for us."

"Meldina, what should we do?" Rosa asked. Her fingers felt like they were frozen to the horses' reins. Even wearing their thick coats the cold seemed to be biting into them worse than ever.

Squinting, Harry thought he saw a light coming towards them, it kept coming closer and closer. Pulling his horse to a stop, the light still pressed forward. "Do you guys see that?"

"Do you think it's a ghost?" Rosa asked, also squinting.

The light suddenly stopped moving, "Who is there?" A feminine voice shouted and the blizzard immediately died down.

The whole group blinked for what they saw in front of them was a tall young woman, wearing a white fur coat, her eyes were the darkest black and there was a whispering of midnight bangs resting against her forehead, but as the wind settled and ruffled through her hair, they could see a small purple triangle shaped marking on her forehead.

Harry cleared his throat, "We are on our way to Torna. Would there be an inn or something somewhere where we could rest for awhile?"

The woman stepped closer, her eyes squinting as she shoved the lantern in Harry's face. "I know you." She said with tensely.

Arching his brows, Harry wondered how she knows him. He has never seen her in his whole entire life. "How do you know me?"

A tiny smirk curved against her lips, "I just know." Her smirk disappeared and all that was in its place was an emotionless mask, "Follow me, you may rest in my palace." She gestured with a grand sweep of her arm towards the tall palace which seemed to be made of nothing but ice. It was a sight to behold, much like in a fairy tale, with its towers and turrets. The woman started walking, what was odd about this woman was that she wasn't wearing shoes, her feet were bare and she wasn't even shivering.

Harry looked back at his friends and they all nodded, turning around he nudged his horse and it started moving, following the young woman.

Men dressed in what looked like flimsy tunics ran forward and took charge of the horses.

"Aren't they cold?" Meldina asked the woman about the stable hands.

The woman merely shook her head and said, "No," Plainly. After giving each of her guests a glance over, she cleared her throat. "You seem harmless enough, come along inside."

They followed her through the courtyard of trees which looked jagged and dead, a fountain was frozen over and snow seemed to dust everything lightly. The woman brought them in through two large iron doors, which she pulled open herself really easily.

Marcelo's jaw dropped the moment he and his friends stepped inside, "This is absolutely amazing." He said in awe, what's more was that he felt warm, not at all like he thought. Sure a castle made of ice should be cold, but this was not. It was toasty warm.

The woman led them into one of the sitting rooms, where she pointed to the sofa, and chairs which were placed decoratively around a wooden table. She sat down herself in a chair with a high back and a red cushion for her head to lean against. She watched as everyone else took a seat.

"First things first," She started, "I am Ereena, and welcome to my home."

Hermione gasped and nudged Harry lightly with her elbow, she saw him nod in understanding.

"You are Ereena?" Harry now noticed that she did look an awful lot like Ellia, except for the differences in eye and hair color. Ellia was a silver and angelic looking, where as Ereena here seemed the exact opposite.

"I am surprised to hear that you have heard of me?" Ereena answered in a soft tone, as if she wasn't surprised at all.

Hermione fidgeted in her seat, wringing her fingers together. "We met your sister."

The woman's eyes seemed to blaze red for a moment, before changing back to their dark obsidian like color. "You met my sister? How unfortunate for you." Ereena crossed her legs, one over the other and shifted a bit in her chair. "I want to apologize to you about the blizzard which I put in your path. You see, I do not trust strangers and you trespassed into my realm."

"You made that blizzard?" Rosa asked sitting up straighter.

Ereena grinned, "That I did, and you see I am an enchantress, much like my sister. Although my tastes tend to run a little darker than hers, there is nothing I won't try. But she, Ellia, has a conscience." She said this as she glanced down at her clean fingernails.

"I'm curious," Harry spoke up, "Why is it you think you know me?"

Again there was that smirk upon Ereena's lips, "Well when I spoke to the oracle that lives in Sapphire City, she told me that several young people were coming to pay me a visit. I of course didn't really believe her at first, until this very arrogant young man whose face she showed me in her seeing pool, he in fact came to my door, I let him in. He stayed a night and was gone by sunrise the next day." She then snarled, "That bastard deceived me and ran off with a few of my spells, powerful ones at that."

"Spells?" Hermione asked, "What kind of spells."

Ereena sighed and leaned back in her chair, folding her hands in front of her in her lap. "Ones that kill, I had just invented this one where a stream of green light shot out from a wand could kill a human instantly."

Both Harry and Hermione turned and looked at each other knowingly, they brought their attention back to Ereena.

"What did the oracle say about us?" Hermione asked.

"That you would get revenge for me, for him stealing my spells. I saw all of our faces in that pool of liquid." Ereena grinned, "Now I trust you will do what is expected of you."

"We have no time to go chasing around a thief." Harry said to Ereena.

Ereena's eyes narrowed and she got to her feet, "You will do what is expected of you, the oracle has already foretold it. She wasn't wrong about the thief, so I don't think she is wrong about you."

Crossing her feet at her ankles, Hermione let out a puff of air, "What else did this thief take from you?"

Her cross expression turned to one of kindness, Ereena walked over to Hermione, "Would you like to see where I create my spells, perhaps I can show you what that thief had taken." Holding her hand out to Hermione, Ereena could feel something incredibly interesting about this girl.

Hesitating at first, Hermione then gathered her wits and bravery and slipped her hand into Ereena's. She was pulled to her feet and with a wink, Ereena turned around pulling Hermione behind her. Ereena hadn't gotten but two steps, when she turned around sharply. "The rest of you stay here." Her eyes blazed red.

"Will Hermione be all right if she is alone with you?" Harry asked, suspicion lacing his voice.

"Certainly," Ereena said, then pulling Hermione along leaving no time for arguing "So, what time period do you come from?"

Hermione was shocked, "How did you know?"

Snickering, Ereena smiled brightly. "The oracle told me of you, of what you would do for me and my orb."

Feeling a sudden chill run up her spine, Hermione remembered everything about that orb, no matter how long it has been, she would never, ever forget it. "What will I be doing for you?"

Ereena did not answer Hermione's question, she would ask one of her own. "Tell me, how did you feel when it was in your presence?" She was now walking side by side with Hermione.

"I was slowly losing my mind, your orb is bad. It shouldn't even exist."

"It made you believe your worst fears, didn't it?" Ereena was looking away from Hermione but there was a very pleased smile upon her face. "That is the whole point of it my dear, how far did it control you?"

Hermione shook her head, "It didn't control me into hurting anyone if that's what you're asking."

"Then you did not have it long enough," Ereena said with a hint of disappointment. The continued on through the halls and finally came to a stairwell that led downwards in a spiral. "Down there is my creating room, would you like to see it?"

She had to admit, she was curious. Even if Hermione here was in the home of the so called evil twin, she wanted to know what this Ereena was actually capable of. "Yes Ereena, please show me."

With a smile that would rival the Cheshire cat, Ereena's grin was in fact very large. She clutched Hermione's hand a little tighter with her left hand, and then with her right she pushed in one of the ice blocks in the wall. There was the sound of something scraping, part of the wall opened allowing the two of them to enter the creating room.

Ereena lit the lamps and the room filled with bright light, "So what do you think? I know it is a bit messy, but when I create there is no time for cleaning." Walking over to one of the ice sculpted chairs that were lying on its side; she picked it up and started making the room a bit more presentable. Like the other rooms in the palace, this one too was made of ice, even the shelves that lined books of spells. There were glass beakers on a long ice table with different colored liquids in it. The room was definitely a lot messier than Merlin's cave back at Camelot, scrolls laid about the floor crumpled and torn, books were left open, their pages down on the table which would in fact ruin the bindings. Candles only half used were thrown about the corners.

Something sparkled getting Hermione's attention. It was round and made of crystal. While Ereena started to straighten up Hermione cautiously stepped closer to the object. She remembered this thing. Perhaps if she took it now and threw it down some hole or something, it would save herself from having to go through all this pain later. Her eyes widened with her plan, yes it was a good plan. Hermione did not realize that she had this dazed look in her eyes as she reached for orb. Blinking, getting her attention back to what she was going to do. She decided it was probably better if she did not look at it.

Reaching down, Hermione tore the last bit of her toga which was ready to be ripped off anyway, and cautiously while keeping a close watch on Ereena, bent slightly and wrapped the cloth around the orb, securing it from her sight. Making sure that she was not going to get caught, Hermione with the orb in hand reached up and slipped it into the opening of her pack. She would get rid of this thing if it was the last thing she would ever do.

Harry paced the floor, waiting for Hermione and Ereena's return, was it exactly wise to let Hermione go off with a woman who has an orb that inflicts pain and torture on someone. What was he thinking, why did he let Hermione go alone, what if she was in danger, what if she was… he gulped…dead. "Hermione!" He turned around to head in the direction the two girls left in, when he saw Hermione there, smiling and laughing.

Relief surged through his entire being and he sank to the chair. Thank the fates for that. He thought to himself. He figured he better tell Hermione that the plan had changed. That they were going to journey to the Sapphire City to pay a visit to this oracle, perhaps she could help them with their quest and journey home. He just hoped that Hermione understood and did not blow a fuse.

Enzo was mostly quiet while the plans were being rearranged, he dreaded this, seeing the oracle, he would have to face her again and he really wasn't looking forward to this.


Well that is it for chapter 12, I know it has been awhile since the update, but I hope you all stayed with me in the long wait. I'll try to get the next one out sooner. Things to come in the next chapter. The oracle, orbs, Sapphire City, Jealousy and what's this… a yeti? *Grins* So Until next time readers.

Remember to review,

Thank you,

Ryoko Blue