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Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: I don't own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 9-While We Wait

He let out a heavy sigh and glanced down at the full plate of food. He twirled the fork in the creamy noodles, not really intending to eat them. For the first time in his life he was not hungry.

"Ron?" Zara's calm voice made him look up. "What's the matter? You're not eating." She had an idea of what was bothering him. His lack of appetite worried her.

Ron shrugged and in a low and melancholy voice, he replied, "I don't know. Just not hungry I guess." Ron let out another sigh as he sat the fork down on the plate.

Zara noticed his eyes were bloodshot. She knew that he hadn't slept in days. "Ron, I'm worried about you. This isn't healthy. Look at you. You hardly sleep, and now you're not even eating." She reached over the table and placed her hand over his. "I know you're worried, but that's no reason to throw your health away. Worrying yourself to death is not going to be much help."

"I know, I know." Ron ran his fingers through his hair. "I can't help but worry about them though."

Zara smiled a little. "You're a good friend to care about them, but they wouldn't want you getting sick over it. They'll come back I know they will."

"I hope dad is having more luck in trying to get them back." Ron took a drink from his bottled water.

"Ron you heard what Dumbledore and that Nilrem said. They have to get back themselves through some portal. That's the only possible way." She leaned back in her chair. She could tell that Ron was not convinced.

"No, I don't think that is such a good idea right now." Arthur said as he followed Fudge down the hall with Mavis.

"She is a Muggle and should have her memory erased as soon as possible. Right along with that other boy. We've already had to deal with him before, and if I recall correctly..." he paused for almost a dramatic effect, "that was a disaster."

"It's inhumane to do that to her now. She's just had her cousin ripped away. How would you feel?"

"Rules are rules, Arthur, there can be no exceptions." Fudge's tone was unyielding.

Mavis had had enough. "Except running for political office right?"

"Haven't you got something more important to do? Let's say, your job?" Fudge narrowed his eyes.

"I am doing my job. The job of an Auror is very delicate. It requires concentration and deduction, as opposed to taking bribes and trying to further your career." Mavis saw Fudge actually turn beet red with anger, but she continued relentlessly. "Amelia is my relation and she has every right to know what's happening to Hermione."

"I will see to it myself that Amelia does not do anything that will compromise the security of our world," Arthur added.

Fudge's voice was a low growl. "Do what must be done. Mavis, Arthur -- just keep that girl out of trouble." He walked away from them and then paused. "If anything goes wrong, it's on your heads. Both of your jobs are on the line." With a swift motion he turned and continued on down the hall until he was out of sight.

Mavis and Arthur both looked at each other. The question was, what do we do now?

Ginny wandered down the sidewalk, window shopping. Everything here was so expensive. She remembered she had to beg her father to let her see some of the sights. His complaint was, "Your mother would never forgive me if something happened to you." Ginny promised she would be extra careful. There was nothing she could do for Harry and Hermione. She needed a distraction or she would go crazy with worry.

She stopped beside the window of a rather exclusive jewelry shop and looked in. There, resting on a blue velvet cushion, was the most beautiful sapphire and diamond necklace. The shimmering diamonds gave off a radiant glow that most women were helpless to resist. Ginny pictured the diamonds resting against her own neck.

She grimaced. Everything had been handed down to her. Even some of her brother's clothing. She always accepted it with a smile. She was never one to complain openly about things. She wasn't Ron. She did care about her brother but sometimes he really got on her nerves. Ginny wanted something to happen in her life. Something worth while. Something better.

"See anything you like?" a voice that sounded like pure silk asked, from behind her.

Surprised, Ginny looked up into the glass window. Draco Malfoy's reflection was looking back at her. She smiled and turned around to face him.

"Draco what are you doing here?"

"I'm on vacation with my parents. They decided to go do something which I find rather boring." Casually, he leaned against the building. "I decided to go off on my own and take a look around." His head tilted a bit, looking at her directly. "Imagine my surprise when I saw you here."

Ginny nodded, "I'm here with my dad and brother. I just had to get away on my own for a little while."

"I can understand that." Draco looked into the window at what Ginny was looking at. "I see that necklace strikes your fancy."

"Yes it does," Ginny glanced at the piece again.

Draco nodded. "Come with me." And he pulled her into the jewelry shop.

Ron and Zara left the restaurant, heading down towards the hotel Ron's father put them in for the night. The strolled together along the side walk.

"Hey Ron, isn't that your sister?" Zara pointed to Ginny coming out of a jewelry shop with Draco following her.

"What is he doing here?" Ron tried to stay calm, but that was quickly evaporating into a violent anger.

"Ah, I see. So that's why you're here," Draco said to Ginny.

"Yeah, I just hope nothing happens to them." Ginny sighed, holding the shopping bag tightly. She heard someone call her name. Ron and Zara were on the other side of the street. She waved to him.

Ron nodded and proceeded to cross the street with Zara trying to keep the pace behind him. He stood in front of his sister, smiling pleasantly at her.

"What's Malfoy doing here?"

Ginny smiled, "Oh, his family is on vacation too."

Ron glared at Draco. "Is that so?" Ron crossed his arms. "I don't buy that for one moment."

"Oh relax, Weasley." Draco glared back. "I was just taking a walk. I saw Ginny and decided to say hi. Unless you have a problem with that, I suggest you be on your way."

"Ginny, don't you think it's odd that Harry and Hermione disappear and here Malfoy is? His parents are obviously in league with You-Know-Who."

"Ron, you don't have any proof of that."

Ron didn't care what Ginny said. He had a feeling that Malfoy wasn't totally being honest here. Something was going to go wrong. He knew it. "What's in the bag?" He decided to change the subject.

Ginny tucked her hair behind her ear, "It's just something Draco bought for me. Nothing much really."

Draco sneered at Ron, "Yeah Weasley, its nothing much. Just something that cost me more than you have ever seen in your pathetic life."

"Watch it Malfoy. You're treading on thin ice." Ron's fingers closed tightly, forming a fist.

Zara shoved him lightly. "Come on, let's keep moving. He's not worth it."

"Listen to your tart, Weasley." Draco chuckled.

"Take that back, Malfoy. Take it back before I ram my fist down your throat and pull out your heart."

"No." Draco was not one to bow to threats; he was usually the one making them.

"Ron, let's just go," Zara said. She was not in the mood to tangle with Draco right now.

Ron took a deep breath, calming himself.

"Yeah, all right. Let's go." As he turned away, Draco spoke in a low voice that only Ron could hear.

"I heard about Potter and Granger. They are going to die and it's going to be wonderful. Imagine such gruesome deaths." Draco's gaze was fixed on Ron. He was enjoying taunting him. "Too bad, I didn't think of this myself, first I would kill that know-it-all Granger. I can see many people would thank me for getting rid of her. Oh and don't even get me started on Potter. What a fool, what a freak." Draco didn't have time to laugh or continue as Ron's fist connected with his face. A second later both boys were engaged in a fist fight.

Ginny and Zara had to pull the boys apart, which was very hard considering both boys were determined to kill one another. Once the boys were separated Zara pushed Ron down the sidewalk away from the other two, Ginny doing the same but in the opposite direction.

"Ron, you shouldn't let him get to you like that. Whatever he said, it was only because he knew he would be able to get a rise out of you. And guess what? He did."

"I know." Ron was breathing hard.

"What did he say? I couldn't hear it." Zara noticed a small bruise forming on his cheek. Malfoy was a lousy fighter; he'd barely gotten one punch in.

"It was about Harry and Hermione, mostly." Ron kept his eyes on the sidewalk as they walked back to the hotel.

Amelia waited in an office. Her legs shook. She remembered what Nilrem had said about two worlds, the Wizarding World and the Muggle World. She wasn't sure she could handle it. Her cousin was a witch, and she was dating a wizard? Amelia rested her face in her hands. This was too much for her to grasp right now. She needed to escape, get out of here. The window! She could escape that way.

She scooted the chair back slightly, standing as the door to the office opened. In walked Arthur Weasley and Mavis Granger, whom she called grandmother, although Mavis wasn't related to her by blood.

"Thinking of running away Amelia?" Mavis said.

"How did you… I just wanted to get some air." Amelia corrected herself quickly.

Arthur sat down behind the desk as Mavis sat down in the chair next to her granddaughter in law.

"I can understand how confused you are Amelia." Mavis took Amelia's hand.

Amelia quickly pulled her hand away. "How's Carlo?"

"He'll live," said Arthur. "We had to put him in hospital due to the beatings, and they have to check him out for the use of unforgivable curses." He noticed that Amelia looked confused at what he was saying. "There are types of curses that are illegal to use."

"You people have laws and rules; you mean people can't go around cursing each other?" Amelia looked down at her boots.

"Of course we have laws and rules; it's a society much like yours, except for the magic."

"I didn't like what I saw today. I hate knowing about this secret world of yours. It's horrible." Amelia had tears in her eyes as she looked up at Arthur.

"You're just worried about Hermione." Mavis was calm and leaned back in the chair. "You just need some rest."

Amelia turned her teary gaze to Mavis."No, that's not the only thing. I saw people hurting others. I saw some nasty man do something to Carlo to make him hurt himself really badly. You have no idea what I saw, you have no idea what I went through today, having to see that and not be able to do anything about it! So don't you sit there and lecture me about how I am feeling."

"You'd be surprised at what I have seen Amelia," Mavis said, trying not to sound angry. Mavis took a breath, "I have seen horrors your mind couldn't even comprehend." She could tell that Amelia didn't really understand. "Darling, what I do is not pretty work; it's not safe. It is very dangerous. I could be killed for what I am doing." Mavis turned towards the window, a far off look in her eyes.

Ron entered the hotel room and threw himself restlessly on the bed. "Stupid Malfoy," he muttered to himself. Ron didn't really want to think much about Malfoy. Right now, he wanted to go to sleep, but he couldn't. Why was he worrying like this? What was the matter with him? It had been four days since he last rested. He looked up at the ceiling. The fan whirred gently. Restlessly, Ron lifted his arm and slung it across his eyes, trying to block out the afternoon sun.

The minutes seemed to pass like hours; Ron tossed and turned repeatedly. There was a light knock from the adjoining door.

"Come in." Ron said, tiredly.

The adjoining door opened quietly, and a pair of dark green painted fingernails appeared, followed by Zara's head.

"Hey, I was just checking on you." She smiled. "If there's anything you need, don't be afraid to ask."

Ron liked seeing this side of her. It was one she showed to very few people. To others, Zara was cold, unfeeling and tough. But not to Ron. To him she was sweet, thoughtful and caring.

"I could use some company," Ron said.

Without hesitation, Zara made her way over to Ron's bedside and sat down next to him. She stretched her legs and shifted her body so that she was lying on her side facing him. Ron reached out and pulled her closer. He breathed in her faint jasmine scent. He could stay this way forever.

"I am glad you're here with me, Zara. I don't know what I would do without you." His voice was soft and low.

Zara kissed the top of his head. She wondered if he was this way with his friends. She didn't think he would let anyone see this vulnerability. From what she had learned about Ron over the past year, he was loud and quick tempered, something that she found very challenging. She had never met anyone quite like him before.

But did she dare think there was something more to this? Would she dare to let herself feel something for him? For this crazy British clown. Zara smiled at that thought. Feelings were something she was never very good at, always expecting the absolute worst of people.

Zara lowered her head a bit so she could see his face. His eyes were closed, but she could tell he wasn't asleep yet. She seemed to be memorizing him. His eyes opened, meeting hers, and he felt short of breath.

For the first time in Zara's life , she blushed. Why was she behaving like a silly little girl? This wasn't the first time she had shared a bed with Ron. Why was her heart beating almost uncontrollably? It seemed to slam against her chest as if trying to escape. Her eyes remained fixed on his. Those deep ocean blue pools mesmerized her. She didn't even notice his fingers come up and gently trace her cheek. Zara inhaled sharply, feeling his fingertips travel over her face. He gently caressed her lips, as if he had never kissed a girl before and was learning his way.

Draco held a cloth to his bleeding nose, grumbling.

"Let me see," said Ginny.

She pulled the cloth away from his face. "I can't believe he punched you like that. He said he wouldn't anymore."

"So much for his promises, huh?" Draco said sniffling, "Owww!"

He knew why Weasley had attacked him, but it was worth it. On the outside appeared to be in pain; on the inside he was snickering, wishing he had the chance to do it all over again. The look on Weasley's face had been priceless.

"What did you say to him anyway?"

"It's not important." Draco knew what she was after. "Just the usual 'stay away from my sister'. You know how it goes."

"Damn him," said Ginny, scowling. "I'll have a thing or two to say to him, later."

"Ginny, just ignore him. Face it. Your brother will never change. I don't expect him to and neither should you."

"But-" Ginny was cut off as Draco put a finger to her lips.

"No buts, Ginny. That's just the way he is." Draco sighed. "He was angry about the necklace. That's what started the fight." He lied.

Ginny nodded, "It was awfully expensive, and I did try to talk you out of it." She smiled.

"Ginny, my dear, you deserve the best. That's exactly what you're going to get from me." Draco grinned, and then winced. "Owww."

Ginny wished she could heal his nose, but they were forbidden to perform magic outside of school, which meant Draco would have to wait until it healed normally or they found an adult who knew medicine.

Draco looked at her. Could he trust her? He was going to risk it. "Ginny, I want to take you some place very special."

"Where is it?" Ginny was curious.

"You'll see, just come with me." Draco quickly took her hand in his and they continued on down the sidewalk. He turned down a darkened alley and brought her over to a rather old looking door and knocked three times. A little iron flap moved to the side and a pair of eyes looked out at them. Ginny felt a cold chill run up her back and she shivered. A strange feeling came over her as she looked back into those eyes. They seemed to reach into her very soul.

"What do you kids want?" It surprised Ginny that when the man spoke it wasn't in Italian but in English.

"I'm Draco Malfoy. Let me in now," Draco demanded.

The flap was immediately shut and the sounds of locks were heard. The door opened slowly.

Ginny clung to Draco's arm. "Where are we?" She was scared.

"A library." Draco patted her arm, trying to make her feel more at ease.

She shook her head. "Why would I want to come to a library? I'm not Hermione, you know. I find no joy in this." Ginny glanced timidly around the room. There seemed to be only men there and they looked like a bunch of ex-convicts. The dark menacing figures seemed to leer at her. One man with greasy, unwashed hair and missing teeth gave her a lecherous stare, his eyes fixing on her hips before traveling up to her breasts.

"Hey!" Draco shouted, "This is my woman, keep your eyes off or I'll burn them out." He sneered. Ginny would have spoken up about that, but she didn't think it was the right time to remind him that she belonged to no one. She kept her comments to herself.

The slimy man reluctantly moved away and looked down at his book, and Draco turned to Ginny.

"He won't bother you again." Draco led her over to a book shelf. "So what do you think?"

"Of what, this place?"


"It's creepy and I don't exactly feel comfortable in here. What kind of a library is this anyway?"

"A library for only the most powerful," Draco whispered. "Those who want to achieve ultimate power come in here."

Ginny was wide eyed. "You mean for…" She gulped.

"Yes Ginny, for the Dark Arts."


Ron didn't say anything. He just smiled before leaning toward her and lightly touching his lips to hers. The smallest contact had Zara's heart leaping as his hand came up and gently caressed the side of her breast. A low moan escaped from her throat as his thumb brushed over her nipple, making her involuntarily arch her back.

Zara loved it when they started out slow. She buried the fingers of her right hand in his hair, while her left moved down over his chest. His muscles contracted as she slid her palm up under his shirt.

It was Ron's turn to moan now. He kissed her harder, their responses to each other growing faster and more frenzied. His hand moved lightly caressing her hip through her black shorts, and she rewarded him with a soft sigh. His fingers went to the button on her shorts and expertly popped it open. Ron quickly pulled the zipper down and pushed his hand inside. He heard Zara gasp and he moved his lips to her neck where he started suckling the tender flesh there.

His hand was working between her legs, rubbing against the fabric that separated him from her flesh. Zara cried out, loudly. He needed to feel her skin. He tugged her shorts down over her legs and dropped them over the side of the bed onto the floor. Her shirt followed.

He moved over her so that he was covering her with his body. He kissed her deeply. One hand continued to caress her breast. His thumb gently grazed her erect nipple. Ron was breathing hard now. He brushed aside the triangle of satin and ran his finger over her slit, gently pushing inside. Her whole body seemed to tremble with the contact.

Zara closed her eyes, savoring the glorious sensations. She felt Ron's lips, mouth, moving down her neck. His tongue darted out tasting her skin. His hand gently covered her breast, his fingers tracing the sensitive tip before moving lower still. She writhed beneath him until he cupped her completely, rubbing and caressing. She cried out in pleasure. Encouraged by this, he circled her hard nipple with his tongue, while caressing her other breast with his hand. Her body was alive with an agonizing need to be filled completely. She whimpered as he continued to torture her in the sweetly.

Zara's gripped the sheets tightly. Her other hand made its way down into Ron's trousers. She moved past his boxers and grasped him, lightly. She slid her hand up and down, and now it was Ron's turn to cry out. His mouth returned to hers; he plunged his tongue deep in her mouth. He felt her lips close around his tongue, sucking on it a bit and then releasing.

His hand trembled as he brought it down between her thighs once again. He found her already wet. She was slick and warm. It was agony, torture. Ron wanted to take her hard and fast, right there. It took all of his willpower not to rush. To go slow. To make sure she was aroused and ready.

A low growl seemed to come from within Zara as Ron pushed one finger and then another inside her, pumping them in and out in quick motions, his thumb brushing against her sensitive button. He moved lower, placing a kiss just below her belly button. She opened for him. Her scent was beautiful, alluring. Ron heard her gasp as he removed his fingers.

"Ron…" She was begging, now.

He wasted no time, pressing a soft kiss to the inside of her thigh. Zara whimpered and sucked in a breath as she felt him move between her legs. Then his lips and tongue were against her most sensitive and intimate of places. She moaned and her fingers buried themselves in his thick hair, grasping the back of his head. She urged his mouth down harder against her sex. Zara was moving against his mouth desperately, wanting to feel as much as possible; it was when his lips closed around her that she couldn't take it anymore.

"Ron!" Zara screamed. "Now . . . please… I'm going to… Uh . . . I can't wait . . ." she panted.

"As you wish," Ron said, his voice strained and full of desire. He shed his remaining clothing and settled between her thighs. He looked down at her face, which was sweaty and flushed. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He kissed her, moving his hands over her hips, and the tip of his member pressed against her opening. Lifting her up, he gripped her hips pulling her down against him as he pushed inside her in one quick motion causing her to cry out in frustration and pleasure at the sensation of it all.

Zara clung to him, her legs wound around his hips, pulling him harder into her body, thrusting herself up against him in almost violent motions. Harder and faster they moved together, the erotic movements unrestrained, holding nothing back as if they intended to become one. They joined together so that they felt both needed and the need to please each other. The sensations were hot and wild, and they were drowning in the passion and pleasure of it all.

The way Ron plunged into her hot, tight warmth sent his body and mind soaring to a new height. He could tell she was close; she gripped him, her body gloving him completely. He let go of all sanity and gave in to his ascent to the heavens.

Zara tightened her arms and legs around him, lifting herself off the bed, crying out against his shoulder. Ron felt her body shaking as her heart continued to beat rapidly and her stomach jumped. Zara saw stars. Something indescribable, a sensation like no other engulfed her.

Panting hard, Ron laid her back on the bed. Zara was still whimpering from the extreme pleasure her body had felt. Her nerves were very sensitive. Ron did not move from his position on top of her. He loved the way she felt underneath him - he felt so protective of her this way. So long as he wasn't crushing her, he would stay just this way. Besides, she didn't seem to be complaining. He heard her sigh, slow and long. He could still hear her heart beating fast. He listened to its rhythmic and lulling sound as it gradually slowed down to a steady pace.

"Zara?" He didn't lift his head from her chest.

"Hmmm?" She sounded very pleased.

"I um…" Ron started to say. He was never good at admitting his feelings. He so wanted to say something meaningful right now, but the words weren't forming in his brain. He took a deep breath, "Zara," He lifted his head to talk to her and noticed her eyes were closed. He felt lucky he didn't say anything more or he might have felt like a real fool talking to thin air. He leaned his head back down and nuzzled against her chest.

"A library for the dark arts?! Have you lost your mind?!" Ginny screeched.

"Shhh," Draco put his finger to her lips, "Keep your voice down."

Ginny turned her back on him, "I think we should leave." She started to walk away but Malfoy grabbed her arm.

"Ginny wait, let me explain why I brought you here."

Something in his voice made Ginny turned around and faced him, waiting for his answer. "Well, what is it?"

"Have you ever wondered what the dark arts really are?" He noticed the 'what kind of fool do you take me for' look. Draco noted that she looked really cute with her hip popped out and her hand resting on it, looking much like she was about to scold him. "There is no such thing as light and dark magic" he continued. "It's all the same. It just depends on if you're strong and brave enough to use it." Draco glanced around the book shelves to make sure they were alone.

"I don't understand." Ginny leaned against the shelf. "What does strength and bravery have to do with anything?"

"You'll see in time, but right now… It is wrong to keep us sheltered from such power at school. Why won't they teach us powerful magic, why do they keep everything secret? What's the reason they don't give us the real lessons?" He noticed Ginny clearly paying attention, "It's because they want the power all to themselves. We are being divided into sections. I'm more than certain that is the reason they keep real power away from us." Draco glared down at the floor. "It's because they want us at a low level, so that we are at their mercy! We will be their slaves!"

Ginny wondered who he kept referring to as "they". But she also noticed the passion and fight in his voice, and she was enthralled by it. Such emotion displayed for her . She wanted him to continue, and thankfully he did. Ginny listened intently.

"And I don't know about you Ginny, but I don't plan on being anyone's slave. I will be the master."

Zara felt a pleasant pressure pressing against her. Her eyes opened and she heard the quiet breathing of Ron, who was sleeping peacefully. She was feeling a tad chilly, so gently, without waking him, Zara moved out from under Ron. He rolled over onto his side, still in his deep sleep.

Ron mumbled something about Muggle Gummi Bears, "Red is my favorite," He grinned. "I want to cover it in chocolate, mmmm."

Zara smiled, and had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing out loud. She was relieved - at least he was dreaming about food. Zara hoped this meant he was going to be okay. After covering Ron and herself with the blankets, she snuggled close to him, pressing herself up against his back, and throwing her arm over him, across his chest. With a yawn, Zara closed her eyes again.

Something had been bothering Amelia since Carlo and Hermione had recognized each other. There seemed to be some hatred there, and it was clearly bugging her. She remembered overhearing Arthur talking about Carlo, saying something to the effect of 'Oh it's you again'. She looked up at Arthur and Mavis.

"How do you know Carlo Yuri?" Amelia asked, searching both their faces, She noticed Arthur's face cloud with anger. She watched him shift about in his chair and lean forward a bit, folding his hands on the desk top.

Arthur cleared his throat and looked right at Amelia, "He was tried not too long ago for attempted rape." He looked away from her and out the window for a moment.

"Of who?" Amelia squeaked out, somehow already knowing the answer. She needed to hear it with her own ears.

"Your cousin, Hermione." He felt the anger all over again, thinkng of how that boy hurt his son's friend like that. He never wanted to hurt anyone more in his life. Well maybe he wouldn't mind hurting Lucius Malfoy - any punishment would be worth that.

Amelia looked down into her lap and shook her head, "How could he do that, what was he thinking?"

"Apparently he wasn't thinking." Arthur said.

"Actually he was, he was just thinking with the head between his legs. The bastard." Amelia sighed. Her poor cousin. What if she never saw her again? "Is Hermione going to be okay?"

Mavis shook her head, "I have no idea, we just have to trust in that she and Harry can both make it back alive." She saw Amelia's deep concern, as well as the tears the dark haired girl was trying to hold back. "Hermione is intelligent. She'll make it. You just have to keep believing and have faith in her."

"And Harry too." Amelia added.

"And Harry too." Mavis agreed with a smile. "They are both resilient and can overcome even the hardest of trials." She placed a tender hand on Amelia's shoulder and added "I am certain of it."

Amelia wished with all her heart that the two of them were okay.

"How much farther to the village?" Hermione asked.

Rosa pulled her horse to a stop and glanced around, "Not too far, just over those hills there." She pointed.

"Why don't we just kill him?" Medlina offered. Medina twisted her body to offer a nasty glare at Marc Antony.

"That won't solve anyone's problems right now," Hermione said, "And besides, what if we need him, for a sacrifice or something. I sure wouldn't want to be devoured by some wild animal." She grinned, "Well just toss this waste of flesh in the way and we'll have a means of escape."

"Oh that sounds like a great plan." Antony said sarcasticly.

"What, you don't like it?" Rosa was amused, "It sounds great to me."

Meldina's ears perked, she sat up straighter and listened to what sounded like the wind. "Hey - did you hear that?"

The other three were now doing the same thing, straining to listen to whatever could be heard. All four heard it at once. Hermione's eyes widened at what she saw.


Well that's it for chapter 9. Sorry for the long length of time it took me in writing this. I'll try to get the next chapter out a little quicker. so until next time… Stay Tuned for Chapter 10-Twins Troubles

Remember to review,

Thanks, Ryoko Blue