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Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: I don't own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

A/N: Sorry it took so long for this chapter, but a lot was put into it. Now if you could all please read Heaven's newly updated fic called Within The Shadows of Hatred, it is very good. And also I've started a new fan fiction an anime one in the Dark Fiction folder, if you could please take a look at that I would greatly appreciate it. If I'm going to be a best selling author I have to write things from all angles. So please take a peek and tell me what you think. Have fun reading Amulet of Torna Chapter 8 ^_^

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 8-The Great Escape

Harry groaned opening his eyes, he felt like he'd been hit by a semi truck and backed over and hit again. He tried to sit up even though all his muscles ached. He glanced around at where he was. Harry was sitting on a bed made of straw; he touched his shoulder where there was still a large amount of pain coming from it, it had been bandaged up. Harry rubbed his eyes as he tried to sit up, a strange dizziness overcame him and he had to lie back down. He looked up at the stone ceiling not really recalling how he got there, the last thing he remembered was getting stabbed and then all went dark.

Hearing footsteps Harry turned to see Marcelo come and stop by his side holding an old wooden bowl, Harry was sure that the tall red head was going to kick him in the side, dump whatever was in the bowl all over him, and stalk off angry, but only managing in surprising him by kneeling down.

Marcelo extended a bowl of a very sweet smelling mixture. "Here, you'll want to put some of this on your wound, it'll make the pain bearable."

Harry sat up looking at Marcelo suspiciously, "What is that stuff, poison maybe?"

"No." Marcelo shook his head, "A lot of us who are still alive use this to ease our pain. Look its up to you if you want to use it, I'm not your nursemaid." He put the bowl down on the ground next to Harry and stood. "I just wanted to say thanks."

"Thanks for what?" Harry looked up at him.

"For saving my life out there," Marcelo cleared his throat and turned on his heels moving away from Harry thinking maybe this boy was nothing like Marc Antony.

Harry stared at the substance in the bowl, he wasn't exactly sure if he should trust Marcelo, but he was in far too much pain to care right now. He removed the bandages from around his shoulder and scooped out a bit of the mixture with his fingers and began rubbing it over the wound in his shoulder, immediately he felt his shoulder begin to numb a bit, he wondered just what this stuff was. Harry shrugged and continued to cover each bad gash and bruise with the mixture.

Sighing with the sudden relief, Harry leaned back against the cold hard stone wall. He saw Enzo heading in his direction.

"How are you feeling?" Enzo stopped right next to Harry and took a seat.

"How do you think I'm feeling?" Harry said; he couldn't help his sarcasm.

Enzo nodded, he glanced around the cell and found Marcelo staring at Harry and himself. Marcelo quickly turned away in what looked like disgust.

"I think he's been hit in the head too many times." Harry spoke up.

"Why do you say that?" Enzo scrapped the stone flooring with his fingernail.

"He's just been behaving oddly; he came over and gave me this stuff." Harry held up the bowl of healing solution. "And he thanked me for saving his life. Clearly he's suffering from some sort of brain illness."

Enzo chuckled, "Yes, I see what you mean."

Marcelo turned around facing them. "I heard that! I'm not suffering from brain illness!" Marcelo replied bitterly. "I just happen to think that you aren't as bad as Antony, even though you look like him." He pointed right at Harry. "He would have just left me to die he doesn't have one ounce of moral fiber left in his entire body!" Marcelo was yelling now. "Why did you have to go and save my life? I didn't ask you to!"

"I know you didn't, but I had to do something- no one deserves to die like that." Harry said.

A sigh escaped from Marcelo. "You're like no one I've ever met before; it's odd to see someone who does something for another without expecting anything in return for it."

"I'm sorry if that offends you, but I'm not going to change anything."

"I didn't ask you to." Marcelo said, "Actually I'm glad you are that way, I could be dead right now." He smiled a little, "From now on…" Marcelo held out his hand in what looked like a friendly gesture.

Harry glanced at him suspiciously, the red head's hand extended, his brows arched slightly unsure. Was this his way of saying he wanted to now be friends. Harry took a chance; he stood and grasped Marcelo's hand firmly.

Hermione stood in front of a large door and knocked, it was opened by a male slave and she stepped into the well lit room. She saw Caesar sitting at a desk near the far wall; he was twirling something in his hand. Hermione cleared her throat, "You wanted to see me?" She noticed he picked up a wand from the desk and tucked it into his robe. Hermione wondered how Caesar knew which one was hers. It disturbed her that Caesar was that observant.

Caesar stood and approached the girl, "Yes I did." He cleared his throat and held up her wand. "How does this work?"

"Why do you want to know?" Hermione felt a little nervous.

"I know that it is a great weapon, I've seen it being used once."

"But you told me you didn't know what it was." Hermione took a step forward.

"I wanted to hear from your own lips what this was; I wanted to make sure you weren't my enemy. Are you my enemy?" Caesar's brow arched suspiciously.

Hermione sighed. "No sir, I am not your enemy. But even if I was, do you think it would be wise for me to admit to being your enemy when surely it would land me in more trouble?"

Caesar turned away a moment, thinking, she was intelligent that much was true. It was rare to see an intelligent woman. She very well could deceive his men, but never deceive himself. For he was Julius Caesar, the greatest Emperor the world had ever known, he would get her to show him how to use this weapon and then he would be even greater. Caesar smirked and faced her.

"Explain this." Caesar referred to the wand.

"I doubt you would be able to use it effectively, it only works with the wit-person it was meant for."

He crossed his arms not believing her. "If you don't show the great Julius Caesar how to use this then you will be severely punished."

"You don't have to threaten me; I was just trying to explain how the wand works because you could get seriously hurt if used improperly." Hermione took a breath. "Not everyone can use this, only someone with magic in them could do it."

"Do not try to sway me young lady, you will not leave this room until you tell Caesar how to use this." His eyes narrowed in anger.

"All right, don't say I didn't warn you." Hermione hoped that the wand worked for him, even though he did look like Oliver Wood it didn't mean that in this lifetime he would be able to do magic. She told him how to hold it correctly and point it at an object; she gave him a simple spell to try.

Of course Caesar had said it all wrong so nothing happened.

"Here let me show you." Hermione quickly took the wand from him before he had time to react and pointed it at the small vase in front of them and said, "Wingardium Leviosa." And the small vase lifted slowly off the table.

Caesar stared in wide eyed in disbelief. "Astounding. Do another one." He nudged her with his elbow.

Hermione nodded and ended the spell on the vase and moved her wand to the soft cushion pillow on the sofa and said "Accio pillow." The pillow zoomed its way towards her and she directed it to sit up against the wall.

Caesar imagined weapons flying through the air, piercing his enemies in one blow thus creating ever lasting victory; he shook his head of his day dream and grabbed the wand from her. "Let me try now."

He pointed the wand towards book on the shelf and said, "Accio book!" the book headed in his direction, he forgot to redirect the object, and the book continued and hit him square in the face with such a force that it knocked him out.

Hermione blinked down at him, she couldn't help the laughter that soon followed. She went over to Caesar's unconscious body and picked up her wand from the floor, then kneeled down next to him. She really didn't want to go fishing through his clothing for Harry's wand but she had little choice at the moment, she sighed heavily and her hands went into his clothing.

"So what is she like?"

Harry turned away from the barred window looking at Marcelo. "What's who like?"

"Your woman," Marcelo bit off a hunk of stale bread. "What's she like?" He did not look up but into his bowl of slop. "She must be quite a woman for you to always think about her."

"How do you know I always think about her?" Harry asked, glancing at him suspiciously.

Marcelo grinned, "You always get this glazed look in your eyes, and you also say her name in your sleep."

Harry pulled his knees up to his chest resting his arms on them, "I love her." Harry sighed and leaned his head back against the stone wall, "This isn't fair to her. She shouldn't be going through something like this, if it weren't for me she wouldn't be here."

Marcelo could hear guilt in his voice; he didn't try to understand why Harry would be feeling guilty about something, he looked up at him. "Who are you really?" Marcelo's eyes scanned over Harry's every feature.

"I told you who I was." Harry said staring back at him, "I don't know why you don't believe me."

"Where do you come from?" Marcelo's eyes narrowed in thought, "And don't bother lying it won't help."

Harry gulped, he would tell the truth. "All right I won't lie." He cleared his throat, "My name is Harry Potter and I come from the future. I was thrown back in time to die a slow agonizing death." Harry let out a slow, long breath. "And the girl who occupies my thoughts is my best friend now girlfriend, the one I love and would die to protect."

Marcelo looked at Harry, wondering if what he was told is true. It was most absurd; surely no one could travel through time. He would let this lie slide for now, but sooner or later the truth would come out it was only a matter of time. If this Harry wanted to keep up this pretence for now, then so be it.

Hermione couldn't help the blush that spread across her cheeks as she searched Caesar's body for Harry's wand; she had found that this man was in very good shape. He was very well built and she assumed it was from wielding weapons since he was a strong leader. She found it even more awkward that he looked so much like Oliver Wood and here she was going through his clothes and having to touch him. Finally she had found Harry's wand and immediately stood up with both wands in hand she turned towards the doors and headed out of the room. Her face was still burning; she hoped to never have to go through anyone's clothes ever again.

She reached the door at rapid speed and quickly opened it, going inside. Meldina and Rosa came from the adjoining room to greet her.

"What did he want?" Meldina wondered, her voice trimmed with worry.

"Were you punished?" Rosa searched her new friend's face for any sign of brutality.

Hermione shook her head, "No. He just wanted to know how to use this." She brought out her wand from within her sleeve.

Meldina stared at the stick, "Why would he want to know how to use that? It's just a piece of wood."

"Oh no, it's more than just a piece of wood." Hermione pointed her wand at the feather duster sitting on the table and muttered a quick Transfiguration spell. The feathers on the duster slowly started to disappear, as well as the body changing into a long object with scales, slowly moving back and forth, it was a snake and it was alive.

Hermione stared wide eyed at it, then slapped herself in the forehead. "Oh I'm such an idiot, I said the last part of the spell wrong, I said an s-sound instead of a c-sound, silly me."

Meldina and Rosa stared at the snake, what if it struck at them. Rosa pointed and shouted when she saw Hermione point her wand at the snake and shout, "Incendo!" the snake immediately erupted into flame which caused both Rosa and Meldina to jump back both shrieking at the same time.

"How…how did you do that?" Meldina couldn't help the fear in her voice.

"Magic." Hermione simply said. "And it'll help us get out of here."

"What, do you mean escape?" Rosa looked at the brunette perhaps a little too hopeful. She really wanted out of here.

Hermione nodded. "Yes, escape. I have to get out of here, find Harry and get home; I don't intend to die here in ancient times." She packed a wicker basket with some fruit, cheese and bread that was sitting on a platter.

"Ancient times, what do you mean by that?" Meldina stepped forward, still a bit wiry of her new friend.

"I am not from this time period," Hermione said as she secured Harry's wand to Falore's talon and sent it off to Harry. "I am from a time way in the future, farther than you can even imagine." She looked up at the girls, "I'm leaving here, are you two coming with me?"

"Now, now my dear, why would you want to leave here?" A masculine voice said.

Hermione sighed; she did not need to be annoyed right now. She turned slowly looking at him, and sure enough it was Marc Antony who stood there. Hermione poked out one hip placing her hand on it and gave him her most no nonsense expression. "Oh great it's you. What do you think you're doing coming in here like that?"

Rosa and Meldina clung to each other again; they feared Antony and found it really brave of Hermione to even talk to him. Especially like that, like he was lower than the dirt she walked upon.

"One would think you didn't like me?" He smirked.

"I don't like you." Hermione said glaring at him, she still found it difficult to glare at the face that also belonged to Harry but she stayed strong and kept her hard glare on him.

"What's this I hear about you going to escape?" Antony stepped closer running his fingers along the top of the table almost innocently. He didn't wait for her to answer, "Well I just can't allow that now."

"You have no say." Hermione replied gripping her wand tight from the anger she was feeling for this arrogant bastard. Her wand!! She glanced down at it in her hand and smirked. Hermione lifted her wand and pointed it at him, staring him straight in the eye. "You aren't going to stop me."

Antony laughed loud and harsh at her, "Oh and just what are you going to do to me with that stick, throw it at me?" He laughed again.

"Ha, you wish." Hermione arched a brow at him. "After I get done using this stick on you you'll wish you were dead." She was tired of his laughter and his arrogance and Hermione pointed her wand at the far wall and shouted a curse at the sofa which caused it to explode which caused Antony to jump back in complete fear as large particles of the couch flew all around the room. "You're next!" She pointed the wand at him.

"Now lets not be hasty here, you really don't want to hurt me now do you?" Antony said holding his hands up.

"Oh you have no idea how bad I want to hurt you. Let's figure out why shall we. First you send Harry to die, then you try to put the moves on me." She got a funny look from him with that phrase; he obviously didn't understand what she meant. Hermione rolled her eyes. "All right you try to take advantage of me. Now that I can let slide but you sending my Harry to die is UNACCEPTABLE!" She shouted, her loud voice echoing off the walls. "You deserve to lose a leg, an arm at least!"

"Oh I really didn't think your Harry was going to die, no, no. I had faith in his superior strength, I really did." He laughed nervously then cleared his throat. "Oh and when you dumped that vomit on my head, which was a nice touch might I add." His grin was even nervous.

Hermione simply looked at him her brows arched, she enjoyed hearing him grovel. She laughed inside to herself thinking how pathetic he was. Without taking her wand down or her eyes from the groveling Marc Antony she spoke to Rosa and Meldina.

"Are you two coming with me or not?"

Meldina let out the breath she was holding, "Yes, I am. I don't want to be a slave anymore."

Rosa nodded agreeing but she had some concerns. "Well I would love to go but what about the armed guards outside; they will never let us leave."

An idea popped into Hermione's head "Oh I think we have a way out." She smirked not taking her eyes off Marc Antony.

Just as Harry was about to think of a plan of action for escape a hawk flew in through the barred windows. He recognized it as the same hawk that has been delivering him messages from Hermione. He noticed the hawk had a long object secured with in it's talons. Falore dropped the object into Harry's awaiting hands and flew back out the window.

It felt good to Harry to have his wand again, for the first time since he had been there he smiled. "Now to get out of here."

"And just how are you going to do that?" Marcelo still couldn't help the way his voice still sounded bitter. But he had been bitter for a long time he guessed it was impossible to change over night. He really wanted to look on with a new idea and a new personality. He would try his hardest not to be a bastard.

"With this, my wand." Harry ignoring Marcelo's tone twirled his wand happily in the air with his fingers. "Oh yes things are certainly starting to look up." He pointed his wand at the side of the

Both Marcelo and Enzo were a quite confused, how was Harry going to escape with that little stick? Marcelo started chuckling quietly, he was sure the boy had certainly lost his mind.

Harry rolled his eyes at the sound of Marcelo laughing, well he had no desire to explain to him, the red head would find out what he could do with this stick soon enough. With his wand still pointed at the wall he shouted a spell turning the solid stone into water.

The water sloshed everywhere, getting the entire ground soaked; Harry could hear the sounds of shouting and excitement as many men and women ran forward like wild beasts that hadn't eaten in weeks running for their freedom. It was a sight that almost made Harry proud that he was dropped here; having helped that many people was a great feeling. Harry turned around facing Marcelo and Enzo who were just standing there staring. They appeared to be stunned.

"Marcelo, Enzo?" Harry calmly said walking over to them. They didn't respond so Harry waved his hand in front of their faces, still nothing. After a few seconds the two men suddenly screamed like little girls, their voices so high pitched that Harry had to cover his ears from the aching sound.

"H-How did you do that?" Enzo had been first to calm down as he looked upon Harry wide eyed.

"I have my ways." Harry smirked, "Now are you two going to stand around here all day or are you going to escape?"

Enzo started to move forward, "Oh I'm definitely going." He turned around seeing as Marcelo didn't even start walking. "Marcelo, are you coming?"

Wordlessly, Marcelo nodded his head slowly and began moving forward with Harry and Enzo.

"Ow! It's too tight." Antony bellowed.

"Oh shut up, just keep going." Hermione ordered, "And if you expose your wrists I'll not falter on killing you." Of course she had no intention of killing him, but she had to make it sound convincing. Hermione was on horseback behind Antony; his wrists were bound together holding on the horse reins, with a cloak that was neatly wrapped around him coming to rest against his wrists which were no visible to the public eye. Hermione herself was holding on to him with one secure arm while her other arm was free. In her free hand she was holding her wand against his back. She took a glance behind her at Rosa and Meldina. "You girls all right back there?"

Rosa and Meldina were on separate horses and they both smiled.

"Yeah we are doing just fine." Meldina replied.

Rosa cleared her throat. "Hermione are you sure this idea of yours is going to work?"

"I hope so. My ideas usually do work." Hermione turned back around as they approached the entrance to the city where two armed guards stood. They bowed on Marc Antony's arrival out of respect for a great man.

Hermione pushed her wand into his back more making Antony start to speak.

"Greetings, I'm just taking these three lovely ladies out for an evening ride." He said sounding cheerful but he was making small head gestures trying to tell them something was wrong.

Hermione saw what he was doing and pinched him hard in the side.

"Ow!" Antony shouted, which alerted the guards.

"Sir are you all right?" The one on the left said.

Hermione poked him with her wand in the back again; she even started to murmur a spell in his ear, not a real one of course. She almost had to hold back laughter that was threatening to come out of her.

"Yes of course I'm all right," Antony smiled.

The guard on the right nodded with a smile and opened the doors for him and watched with great jealousy as Marc Antony with the three ladies headed for the outside world.

"We have to travel ten miles to the village." Rosa said.

And with that the four of them headed in the direction of the village.

Marcelo, Enzo and Harry were hiding behind a wall looking over at the stables at Caesar's, Antony and Cleopatra's private stallions which were enjoying a delicious dinner of oats and hay. Marcelo suddenly smirked.

"Are you two thinking what I'm thinking?" He looked at the two of them.

Enzo's stomach made a loud grumbling sound. "Yeah, I'm so hungry I could eat a horse too." He patted his stomach.

Marcelo rolled his eyes, "No you idiot. I'm thinking we steal, er, I mean borrow Caesar's horses; I doubt he'll even miss them."

Harry nodded. "Good idea, come on lets go before someone sees us."

Harry, Marcelo and Enzo looking in all directions cautiously headed towards the stables. Harry looked over his shoulder as Marcelo and Enzo took to saddling the horses. Harry knew nothing about horses and he kind worried that he might not be able to ride it, what if he fell off?

Marcelo and Enzo worked quickly at saddling, they were once part of Caesar's army so they were quite fast.

"All right Harry." Enzo handed Harry the reins. "Let's go."

Harry gulped. "Um… I have never ridden a horse before."

"Oh? Well don't worry it's not that hard. Just climb on up and use your feet and kick him here." Enzo patted the horse in the area where it is to be kicked. "Just not too hard, just enough to make him move." Enzo climbed on his horse as well as Marcelo and they started moving away from the stables

Harry climbed up onto the horse, he felt as if he were going to split in two. He wondered how people ever got used to this. He gently kicked the horse and it started to move, he followed after Marcelo and Enzo, the horse was very bumpy as it started to trot a little, catching up with the other horses, he had to hold on tight or else he really would fall off. "I…don't…like…this." Harry shouted his voice vibrating with every step the horse took that it made Marcelo and Enzo laugh. Harry glared, and pouted at the same time as they continued on their way.

"I can't believe it, I'm being ordered around by a bunch of lowly women." Antony grumbled. "I'm the man here; you're supposed to be taking my orders."

Hermione rolled her eyes "You know how can someone who's as great as I heard you were be such a prick?"

Antony ignored that, probably because he had no idea of what she just called him. "If my wife here's about this I'll never live it down."

"You're married!!" Hermione shrieked completely disgusted.

A smirk crossed Antony's face, "Jealous?"

"Ewww no!" Hermione felt repulsed and smacked him in the back of the head.

"Oww! What'd you do that for?" He really wanted to rub the back of his head where she hit him.

"Because you're a jerk, how can you be married?"

"Hey I'm a man I have urges and my wife isn't always around, in fact she's at my home far away from Rome."

"That's no excuse." Hermione shook her head, that just made her hate him even more.

"Caesar is married too you know, we all are married because we have to have heirs to continue on our family line."

"Well if they are offspring of yours, I hope your wife is infertile."

"Infertile, what's that?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Oh never mind."

"Marcelo why did we have to charge the guards I'm sure someone will find them knocked out." Enzo looked back and Rome was far behind them.

Marcelo sighed, "Unless you wanted to be recaptured then we certainly didn't have to knock them out, but I was thinking hey we want to escape, we want to be free. Besides, by the time anyone finds them we'll be so far from Rome they won't want to come after us."

"Yeah I guess your right." Enzo replied, looking over at Harry who was gripping the saddle hard. He chuckled. "Hey Harry you can relax you won't fall off."

Harry felt like an idiot and he let go of the saddle. "Sorry, I'm just not used to riding a horse." He heard Marcelo and Enzo laughing quietly. "Hey! It's not funny." He heard them still continue to laugh and he made a growling noise. Marcelo abruptly stopped laughing which alerted Harry. "Marcelo what's wrong?"

"There are some people ahead of us." Marcelo pointed.

Harry looked in that direction; sure he could see figures off in the distance. He wondered if they were bandits or friendly. He really didn't want any trouble but he was more than sure, that's what awaited them. Harry cleared his throat, "Well lets see who they are maybe they can help us." He tried not to sound unsure, but he didn't know who to trust in this time period. He saw both Marcelo and Enzo nod slowly and they dashed off to see if see if these people were friend or foe.


Well that's it for chapter 8, I hope you all enjoyed it ^_^ Stay tuned for chapter 9 remember to review, thanks. Ryoko Blue