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Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: Disclaimer: don't own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

A/N: Wow, oh wow. Finally a chapter done. I know its been soooo long since my last update. But I was working steadily on my novel, which I am trying to get published. I was met with a saddened blow today by receiving my first rejection letter for my novel. It's sad I know, but hey I still worked on this chapter for you my wonderful and glorious readers, who have been so patient with the updating of this fanfiction. SO now here's the chapter you've all been waiting for. ^_^


Last time on Amulet of Torna:

They reached each other in a matter of seconds; Hermione had flung herself into his arms holding onto him for dear life. Tears were streaming wildly down her cheeks as she held him.

* * *

Ellia looked at the direction of the door. "Who are you and how long have you been at that door?" She was irritated.

"I... uh... just now..." Harry felt bad for eavesdropping. He had just wanted to know what was in that back room.

* * *

"Torna, that is very far from here. Do you even have any idea of how you will get there?" Ellia leaned back in her chair folding her arms over her bosom.

"We have a group that has agreed to travel with us," Harry replied. "And... we have a hostage...."

"That's how you are going to get to Torna?" She was amused.

"Yes," Harry replied defensively.

Ellia shook her head, "How do you know you won't end up in Greece; you need some kind of direction." She stood and hurried over to a drawer and pulled it open retrieving a map and bringing it back to them. "Here I think this might come in handy." She spread it out for them to look over.

"Wow!" both of them said at once. The map was rather large and it had markings on it of the dangerous areas of Italy. But Harry pretty much could see exactly how to get to Torna even though there were several different paths to the city. But Ellia pointed to the exact path that they need to take.

* * *

Now on with the fanfiction:

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 11-Gods and Monsters

He kissed her gently, slowly, as if they were the only two left in the world. The fear of never seeing her again raced back into Harry's mind, he gripped her tighter. But as he did he felt the pain in his shoulder envelope him. He pulled back from her and gasped out in pain.

"Harry, let me get someone to close this up. It won't heal unless you put something on it." Hermione said as she looked intently at his wound.

Harry shook his head, "No, really its fine."

Hermione glared as she stood up, "Do not argue with me Harry Potter, normally if we were back in the future you would either have stitches done the Muggle way or healed up by some magical hospital." And without another word, she left the room and searched for someone to help sew up his wound.

Looking over at his shoulder, Harry cringed at the sight of how the wound looked; it really was in need of medical attention, Hermione was right. He leaned back on the fur staring up at the ceiling, thinking of what their journey now consisted of. They would have to go back to the shop tomorrow and purchase more supplies. Yetis and other monsters were sure to attack them, how would they ever survive?

It wasn't long before the door to their room opened and in walked Hermione with what looked like a healer. The healer was a woman with very dark brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. She looked about twenty years old. In her hand was a small wicker basket with a piece of green cloth covering over the top.

She stepped up to Harry and bowed lightly, "I am Gina, and I have been told you are in need of healing. Allow me to assist you."

Harry sighed and looked at Hermione who had a rather pleased look on her face as Gina sat down next to him on her knees and dug through her basket.

She pulled out a needle and black thread. "I got this thread from Lady Ellia, she assured me that it heals most open wounds, and using this thread it will not leave a scar."

"Is this going to hurt?" Harry asked with a slight smile.

Gina nodded, "I am afraid so, of course this pain is really nothing compared to whatever weapon made your wound."

Hermione sat down on the floor next to Harry on his other side, he squinted his eyes shut and Hermione's hand covered over his, he clutched her hand tightly as he felt the needle pierce his skin, he kept in his small cry. He did not look as Gina threaded her needle through his flesh and wiping the blood off every so often with her green cloth.

"All right now, I am finished." Gina tied off the end of the thread and snipped the longer piece that was left with a pair of silver shears. "Try not to tear it open again, let it heal before you do anymore fighting."

Harry nodded, not really listening to her. Mostly because he was sure that he and Hermione would be faced with a lot more dangers and fighting was definitely not going to stop because he had an injury. He looked towards Hermione who had leaned her head against his shoulder; there was no way he was going to let anything happen to Hermione. He had to protect her and he wasn't going to let some injury stop him from seeing that Hermione was safe.

Gina stood and Harry thanked her as she walked quickly to the door and let herself out. Harry looked down at Hermione, he was about to call her name when he heard the soft breathing and saw the gentle up and down motion of her chest. She was asleep. Harry smiled to himself and, keeping his injury in mind, he slowly got to his feet and gently lifted her into his arms. He cringed at the weight of her body on his now healing injury. Adjusting her a bit so that more of her weight was managed on the other arm he carried her to the bed just a few feet from the fire place and laid her in it.

Covering her up, Harry then stripped down to his boxers and climbed in next to her. Hermione made a little murmuring noise before turning over on her side, facing him. He gazed down at her face, so peaceful and lovely she was as she slept. Her lashes fanned out against her now tan cheeks, being in the sun and traveling had made her skin a rather golden bronze color which was appealing to him. Her hair had also been sun kissed, he could now see a bit of honey within her brown tresses. Great Gods he had missed her, he never wanted to be without her again. When they were separated he felt his whole world had come crashing down and he would do whatever it takes, even take on the Grim Reaper himself if he and Hermione would find a way to be together again.

Thank the fates that he didn't have to go against death as of yet, but if it was to pass he would be ready. Lightly placing a tender kiss to her forehead, Harry turned on his side and cradled her against him. He closed his eyes and sleep soon found him.

* * *

Inside the Goods shop, Harry and Hermione were purchasing more supplies for their journey; they were told by the shop keeper that the place to buy winter furs was on the opposite side of the village. After paying for their goods, they exited the shop only to come face to face with Marcelo, Enzo, Rosa and Meldina. It was Marcelo who spoke up.

"And just where do you think you two are going?" He said rather like scolding a child.

Harry ran his hand through his normally wild hair, "We are gathering supplies to continue our journey; we have to make it to the city of Torna so that we may return to our home."

"Torna," Enzo gasped, "That is quite a distance from here."

Narrowing his eyes, Harry was a bit confused, "How do you know about Torna?"

Enzo shrugged, "I was born there. I know it's not really well known to parts around here. Mostly because it should be kept a secret. Amazing things go on in Torna that they might burn us for."

"So you two were going to go all on your own?" Marcelo asked with one eye brow raised. He saw both Harry and Hermione nod. "Well we just can't allow that now. I mean you two braving this world which is unknown to you, honestly, what reality did you wake up in?"

Hermione felt offended, "Excuse me, but what exactly are you implying here?" She said with her hands planted firmly on her hips, a sign of complete and utter annoyance.

"It's simple really," Marcelo said with a wave of his hand, "You will need someone to show you the way and someone to assist you with the monsters that you will encounter on this journey of mad proportions."

Harry knew what Marcelo was saying, but he didn't want to endanger their lives like this. "Marcelo I don't want to drag you and the others into this. This is mine and Hermione's problem, not yours."

Marcelo looked at the others, "That's not for you to decide now. I know you have to get back home to wherever it is you came from-" He was interrupted by Rosa.

"We are going with you, and that is that. Do not argue with us. You two have already done so much for us. We want to assist you." Rosa said in a tone that said that if you argue with me I'm going to hurt you.

Meldina nodded, agreeing completely with Rosa, "I tend to agree with Rosa here. It's dangerous out there and you'll need the help of us, your friends, to be able to make it through."

"Are you sure?" Hermione was impressed by the loyalty of these people that she had met just a few short days ago.

Enzo nodded with a smile, "Absolutely. We want to help."

"Just face it, you can't make this journey without us," Marcelo still tried to convince them, and it seemed like it was working.

Hermione looked at Harry and he nodded. She looked back at the four of them, "All right then, you'll need winter furs since we'll be traveling over icy mountains."

"We will need funds." Marcelo said.

Enzo looked at Marcelo, a question burning in his gaze, "And just where do you expect to get funds?"

A cruel, sinister smile crept upon the tall red head's face, "I know exactly where. Just wait here a moment." After having said that, Marcelo dashed off towards the jail. He returned moments later with a huge money pouch strapped to his side, and as he approached them, he was grinning.

"And just where did you get that?" Rosa said, her hands planted firmly on her hips.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Marcelo simply said, "It was donated." He then gestured for everyone to follow him towards the shop where they could get their furs.

The guys were packing up and tying their supplies to the horses' saddles, when Hermione looked towards the jail.

"What are we going to do with our hostage?"

Harry shrugged, "We can just leave him here, let the villagers take care of him from now on."

"He's right," Meldina said, "It is not like we need him anymore, he'll only be an extra burden on us now."

"That's true," Hermione said with a nod. She couldn't help the strange feeling she got. Something was going to happen, she just didn't know what but she could feel it and she was sure that Marc Antony was going to be the cause of it. She shook her head to rid herself of these weird feelings and turned back around towards the group. "All right then, shall we go?"

"Yep," Harry said with a smile as he watched Hermione mount up on the horse. He turned to the rest of them and they were doing the same so he followed suit. Once they were all atop of their mounts Enzo took the lead since he claimed to know where they were going. They raced towards the entrance of the village and came to a stop, waiting as the very large crank was turning and the gate was opening. The villagers that were standing around all waved to Harry and his friends as they made it through the open gate and out into the wilds of Italy.

They had been traveling for over six hours and the girls were about ready to fall off of their horses from exhaustion. But they didn't say anything or complain about it. Meldina and Rosa were worse off then Hermione was. Only cause they were not used to riding this much on horseback. It was true Hermione wanted to rest as well, but she also wanted to get home. And the feeling of wanting to get home won out in the end.

"Hey look a pond; we can take a small break for something to eat." Marcelo spoke up.

"It is such a lovely spot too." Rosa said and Marcelo looked at her and she lifted a single brow in the form of a question.

"Which is only dwarfed by your beauty," Marcelo said, smiling dazzlingly.

Rosa blinked and then rolled her eyes before she raced ahead to ride near Hermione to be out of range of that idiot.

"Yes we should stop here for a bit," Harry said and then pulled his horse to a stop; the rest of them did the same and climbed down.

They gathered by the crystal blue water and sat down on the soft green grass while Hermione passed out food rations, some fruit and dried meat. Looking at their surroundings, Hermione found the spot they had picked to be quiet nice, almost too nice. There were bright blue and purple flowers growing around the pond's edge with some decorative stones and boulders around them. The sun light was sparkling atop the water. She then wondered how everyone was doing back home. She missed her friends, her family, her time period. She had often read about ancient times and thought of the romantic aspect of it, but she definitely did not want to live during them.

Hermione was just about to comment on her thoughts when a bright light nearly blinded them. After their vision cleared, hovering over the pond was a man, wearing armor over his black and gold toga, his frame rippling with muscle. His hair was the darkest black one had ever seen, and his eyes the shade of dark obsidian. He smiled.

The whole group of travelers all stared at the presence of the man before them.

"Forgive my intrusion," the man spoke, his powerful voice practically booming in their ears.

"Who are you?" Meldina asked before anyone else could.

The corner of the man's mouth lifted into a smirk, "What, do you mean you do not recognize me?" He hovered over to the bank of the pond and landed on the soft grass. "In Greece I am known as Aries, God of War, but here in Italy I am called Mars." He bowed like a respected gentleman.

The four Italian's in the group immediately got to their feet in respect for their God, they bowed to him and after they stood upright, all four of them looked down at Harry and Hermione who still seemed to be sitting.

Aries's eyes narrowed in the direction of Harry and Hermione, "Why do you two not show me respect?"

"We aren't really from around here." Harry said, but he and Hermione stood anyway, just so that they didn't feel so threatened by this God.

Nodding, Aries looked Harry up and down, "I see. Well, I had observed your gladiator match and I must say that I was very impressed with all of your skill, especially you." He pointed to Harry, "Who claims to not be from around here, as you put it." He started pacing. "I have a favor to ask of you. If you succeed in this I will bestow a gift upon you."

They didn't have time for these extra opportunities. They had to get to Torna and get home. But Aries did not stop in his asking, he continued.

"You see there is this foul creature that has been attacking a city that worships me. And well, I just can't have that. I can not defeat this creature because it is out of my hands. But if you could do something about it, then perhaps my city can be saved."

"I'm not some kind of hero you know. Go find someone else to save your city." Harry said with a wave of his hand.

Aries shook his head, "There is no other with the qualifications that you and your group possess." He looked towards Marcelo, "You would all be rewarded handsomely for your trouble." Aries then looked at Harry, hoping to convince the boy of this. After all, he did seem like the leader of this pack of humans. "The rewards could perhaps benefit your journey."

"Just what exactly is this creature that is attacking one of your cities?" Hermione asked him.

"Well my dear, let me tell you that it is a fierce serpent like beast, known as the Hydra." Aries said with a gleam in his eye.

Hermione's eyes narrowed in thought, "The Hydra, are you sure? Because that creature I know is a Grecian monster, which lives in the marshes in the vicinity of Argos."

'This girl was too intelligent for her own good,' Aries thought to himself. "Yes well no one told this Hydra that, because it's terrorizing my city." He needed to get these people to take care of this monster, but if this girl knew about it then his plan was going to be ruined.

"But if its terrorizing innocent people I don't see why we can't help you." Hermione said.

Harry sighed, "Hermione, we need to get home. This will just delay us more."

Turning to Harry, Hermione lightly placed her hand on his shoulder. "Harry we need to help these people. Like this God said- if we are the only ones capable of handling this creature then we have to do all we can. It would be wrong if we ignored their cry for help."

Taking a deep breath, Harry nodded. She was right. He did not want innocent people to suffer either, especially at the hands or rather teeth of a monster. Harry turned around to his group of travelers and they created a circle to talk it over. "So what do you all think?"

"I wonder what kind of reward he is talking about?" Marcelo thought out loud.

Enzo rolled his eyes, "Is that all you ever think about?"

Shaking his head, Marcelo answered. "No, sometimes I think about women."

"All right, let's get back on track here." Harry interrupted. "So do you all have some time to spare to help this city with this creature?"

Meldina nodded, "I think we should help them. After all, if something as dangerous as this creature sounds was attacking a city I was living in I would sure want help."

Rosa was the only one who did not agree with this, "I think we should leave it alone. I have a feeling there is something more to this story than the God is letting on."

"Oh Rosa, you're always suspecting the worst. It's Mars we're talking about here. He is asking mortals for help." Meldina argued.

She was not ready to give up this argument, "That is exactly it, Meldina. The God of war is asking assistance from a couple of mortals."

"You're overreacting; we will help these poor city folk from this monster." Meldina said with anger in her voice. "And you can either help us or not. It doesn't matter much to me."

"It's not that I don't want to help them-" Rosa started to say but was interrupted by Meldina.

"Then help us, stop complaining." Meldina nearly shouted.

Rosa shook her head, but said, "Fine, I'll help. Not that any good will come of this. But I will help."

With a nod of his head Harry turned around and faced the god, "All right we will help you."

Aries clapped his hands together once and grinned, "You have done the right thing. Now all I need from this creature is one of its heads, preferably the middle one." He pulled something out of thin air and threw it to Harry, "This is a map of where the city lies, it's not too far from here." And without even so much as a thank you, he disappeared.

"Well let's get moving," Hermione said and she mounted up on her horse. Something in the back of her mind told her to be weary of this arrangement and that there was something different about the middle head; she just could not for the life of her remember what it was. Hermione lightly shrugged, she'd probably remember it later. It certainly was not that important.

As soon as everyone was sitting atop their horse they started down the path towards the city that was supposedly being attacked by this monster known as the Hydra.

* * *

Aries looked down into the pool of humanity with a sinister grin upon his face, "Let's see here," He watched as the group of humans he had fight the monster was already making good time towards the city. "Well now sister dear," He said to no one in particular, "I've been itching to do this for a long time now." Aries looked towards his table of clay models, different kinds of creatures were in his collection, he had a Chimera, a Griffon, a minotaur, sirens. All kinds of monsters, he looked for his model of the Hydra. But it wasn't on the table, where was it? He heard a baby giggling on the floor and turned around. He saw baby Hercules sitting on their chewing on one of the Hydra's heads.

"Num, num," Baby Hercules said grinning up at Aries with the head in his mouth.

"Hey now, that's not yours." He reached down and took the model from the baby, "Auntie Artemis will be mad if you eat her creatures." Aries grinned and stood back up, he heard the baby start to move, and he looked towards the floor and saw Hercules crawling away. "It's my turn to make Artemis angry," He grinned turning around facing the mortal table and placed the Hydra in the city, he then moved back over to the pool of Humanity to watch the scene unfold.

* * *

As Harry and his friends rode towards the city they could hear wild screaming and a monster's fierce roar along with the sounds of destruction. He turned to Hermione, "What exactly do you know about this creature?"

"Well it has nine heads and it's huge and serpent like, kind of like a dragon. But there is something about the middle head that I can't really remember." Hermione narrowed her eyes in thought, trying to remember what it was.

Harry nodded, "Yes well that is the head we need to get, and it's probably the one that kills it." He looked at this rest of his group, "We should leave the horses out here so that nothing happens to them."

"Good idea," Enzo said, and he started to dismount, just like the rest of them.

Out of the saddle bags, they pulled the weapons they bought from the weaponsmith back at the village and raced into the city as families and other citizens were racing out. The six of them all skidded to a halt at what they saw… The Hydra was much larger than a dragon ever was, but it had four legs, and nine heads that were snapping and attacking the citizens. One of them didn't make it, their leg was ripped off by fierce teeth and the man's body fell to the ground in a lifeless lump.

Hermione immediately notched an arrow and pulled back the string ready to fire, she took quick aim and released the arrow and it flew towards the middle head to pierce the eye, but it didn't pierce anything, it just hit and fell to the ground. Hermione was confused, but she didn't have time to be confused for the creature started towards them and the six of them had to dodge the snapping heads. Hermione dove behind a ruined building.

Marcelo saw his chance to attack the middle head, as the long neck bent down for its other many heads to snap at its victims. Marcelo swung his sword but the middle head backed away as a head from right came at him, he didn't care his blade sliced through the neck and it laid there twitching for a moment along with the other heads. It wasn't moving. "There you see we didn't need to kill the middle head at all." Marcelo shouted with glee.

Sounds of sloshing and gushing went on behind him, Marcelo slowly turned around to find the severed neck sprouting out three new heads. He jumped back as it roared to life once again.

Harry was shocked to see this but it did not stop him, for he tried to attack the monster, soon everyone but Hermione was in on the fight, heads were being chopped off left and right, but every time that happened three more grew in its place.

"Harry that obviously is not working!" Hermione shouted as she jumped out of the way as one of its necks swooped down at her. She kicked it in its nose and it squealed.

"I know that Hermione! But what else should we do, its trying to eat us and the heads keep coming at us!?"

Rosa was using her sword along with Meldina and they were encountering the same problem.

Harry had perfect aim of the middle head, he could do a jump and slice it off and this would all be over. Hermione saw the same thing, but what she was trying to remember earlier banged its way into her head.

"Harry no!" she was too late as he jumped up towards the middle head and as he was still in mid air aiming to slice it off, Hermione shouted, "Harry the middle head is immortal! You can't kill it!"

"What!?" Harry yelled and was caught off guard for a moment as the Hydra's claw had come up and captured him in it's talons, the heads all looking at him as if he was tonight's dinner.

The Hydra lifted Harry towards one of its mouths, but other ones got jealous that it was going to be the one to eat so all the heads started attacking the middle one, and Harry was released. He was falling towards the earth as the Hydra was fighting itself. Everything around him slowed and stopped, time was at a standstill.

A woman appeared wearing a short leather toga with some armor over it; she had dark brown hair and amazing emerald eyes. She had a quiver of arrows slung on her back and she was holding a long bow, strapped to her exposed thigh was a dagger and attached to her hip was broadsword. She waved her hand and time started up again and Harry fell to the ground with a loud Oof.

"Wait, that thing is dangerous, get away from it." Hermione shouted as she started towards the woman.

The woman merely lifted an eyebrow as one of the Hydra's many heads, bent down and nuzzled the woman, who smiled and patted it on the snout. Hermione blinked and wondered why the creature wasn't tearing her apart. She then heard Harry's moan of pain and ran over to him.

"Are you all right Harry?"

Harry got to his knees and nodded, "Yeah, what happened?" He felt Hermione's hand on his back; he then looked up at the woman who was petting the monster. "I was almost eaten by that thing, and you're just standing there petting it?!" Harry shouted.

"You deserved it," the woman said, she stopped petting the Hydra and turned her angry gaze towards Harry. She watched as four others ran to him shaking their heads and telling him to be quiet, but she could tell he wasn't having any of it.

"Deserved it!? Have you lost your mind?" Harry got to his feet.

"Yes!" She shouted and thunder boomed, "You humans deserve to get eaten, for trying to kill it. It has done nothing to you yet you are all attacking it!"

Harry's jaw dropped, "What, we were trying to protect this city that this creature was terrorizing." His eyes narrowed, "Just who are you anyway?"

"Some know me as Diana, but others as Artemis goddess of the hunt. I did not approve of the hunt of one of the god's creatures, this is grounds for death you do realize that."

"Then what was it doing here in this city?" Harry asked and the goddess looked like she was thinking.

Hermione nodded approaching, "It's true, this is a Grecian monster, not usually seen in Italy at all."

Rosa cleared her throat, "It was Mars who had come to us, saying that we needed to save one of his cities from this creature."

Artemis's eyes narrowed, "Aries, you say? He told you this did he?"

In a puff of smoke Aries appeared before them, "You mortal, how dare you mention my name in this slanderous fashion." He lifted his hand to strike the woman down, but Artemis grabbed his hand in mid air.

"This was all your doing, was it?" Artemis had an eerie calmness sound to her voice.

Aries looked right at Artemis, "Sister dear, who are you going to believe, your own brother or a bunch of mortals?"

Artemis sighed, "I'm not even going to answer that, you know what I would say." Artemis then turned to the group of mortals. "I apologize for jumping to conclusions; it seems my brother has been playing around. You know him always starting wars." She waved it off as if it were no big deal.

"You act as if this kind of thing happens all the time." Harry said in pure disbelief.

"Well young mortal, it does. It just seems that Aries was trying to anger me. It's all perfectly normal, he does this to our other siblings too. Now if he had any common sense he will not try to anger me for another millennium."

"You two are related?" Harry asked.

"Unfortunately yes, we just happen to have the same father. Our mothers are completely different, but we are both Aries and I are a set of twins. Apollo is mine and Eris is his."

"We were almost killed because of him!" Hermione shouted pointing a finger at Aries.

"Yes and I am deeply sorry about that." Artemis said as she approached the humans. "How about we make it up to you in some way?"

"Not ruddy likely," Aries said, but he felt his sister bash him in the stomach with her elbow. "Fine." He said with disgust as he crossed his arms over his muscled chest.

Artemis smiled and with the wave of her hand, four immortals appeared before them. "Because of Aries' deceit we the immortals shall grant to each of you something of great value."

Aries grunted, "I will start." He pointed to Harry, "You step forward." Just as Harry approached Aries, The god pulled from his holster a mighty sword with diamonds adorning the hilt and he handed it to the young man. "This is the finest sword in all the universe, it is completely unbreakable and you can cut through anything, stone, bones, you name it, this metal used will not leave a scratch." He waited as Harry looked at the weapon as he stepped away from Aries.

It was Artemis who then called Hermione forward, she pulled the quiver of arrows off her back, "These are sacred silver arrows, they will pierce the heart of any living creature no matter which distance you stand, they are also used to purify." She handed her arrows and bow to Hermione. "I had watched you use the human arrows, and you were impressive with those, lets see how you would use these in the future." She smiled as Hermione was looking down at the arrows.

One of the immortal's that was summoned by Artemis stepped forward, it was Athena and she was holding a bronze helmet. Artemis signaled for Marcelo to stand before Athena who was smiling.

Athena looked the mortal over, "This is a helmet which makes its wearer invisible." She handed it to him.

Rosa leaned over to Meldina, "Is she sure she wants to give him that particular gift."

Meldina snickered, "Who knows what he would use it for."

"I can only imagine." Rosa said with annoyance in her voice. It was then her turn to be called and she stood before another immortal with shimmering golden hair and enchanting blue eyes.

"Greetings mortal, I am Aphrodite, which you would know me as Venus." She held a hand mirror towards Rosa. "This is a mirror which one can see the truth in a lie."

Rosa nodded and accepted the gift, and stepping away. It was then Enzo's turn and he approached one of the God's who was wearing really thick armor.

"Mortal, I am Hephaistos, which I am known here as Vulcan." And he presented Enzo with a golden shield. "A shield crafted by me that will protect against anything." He handed Enzo the shield and watched as the young mortal stepped back.

Meldina was the last and she stepped towards the last immortal.

"I normally do not do this kind of thing, for I live among mortals myself. But I thought I would make an exception for this group and for you. I am Hestia which is known here in Italy as Vesta. This is a rope which I weaved from the strongest fabrics and I am bestowing it upon you. Lady Meldina. It is completely unbreakable, it will not tear or shred. You can hold any weight amount with this rope." She handed the rope to Meldina and watched as the young member of Italian royalty stepped back.

Artemis then looked at each one of the mortals, "Guard these gifts well mortals for once they are gone you will not get them back."

"Eh, sorry about the..." Harry gestured towards the Hydra.

Artemis was smiling, "That is not your fault, and I will be dealing accordingly with Aries." She turned her gaze upon him and narrowed her eyes and she saw her brother lightly grin. "Come Aries I need someone to use as target practice." She grabbed his arm and all of the immortals along with the Hydra disappeared.

Rosa then turned to Meldina, "See I told you something was up, since when does a God need help from mortals? And didn't I say that already?"

Marcelo put his hand on Rosa's shoulder, "Now, now Rosa, it's not as bad as you made it out to be. Look at what we have been granted." Marcelo was gazing down at his helmet.

"Look you idiot, we were almost killed." Rosa glared at Marcelo and then at his hand on her shoulder, "And take your hand from off of my person before I remove it."

Not wasting any time, Marcelo quickly removed his hand from Rosa's shoulder, "You know I'm getting the feeling you don't like me much."

"Gee, what gave you that idea?" Rosa said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

"You'll see Rosa; you'll fall for me before this journey is over." Marcelo said with sly smirk.

Rosa rolled her eyes again, "Highly doubtful."

Marcelo snickered, "You will, you'll see." He kept grinning.

Meldina and Enzo were both laughing and Rosa turned to them with a sour look upon her face and shouted, "Oh be quiet the lot of you," And she stalked off towards Harry and Hermione.

And together the six of them headed back towards their horses to continue on their journey towards Torna, who knew what they would encounter next. But they were prepared for anything especially with their newest additions to their weapons. Hopefully, everything would go smoothly now.

* * *

A lone figure in the jail cell chained up the person who was bringing him food; he slipped the hood on and exited the jail, hoping to avoid the demon that protected the village and escape. He would get Marcelo and his new friends back for what they did to him, he promised himself that he would not rest until he got his revenge. He saw a drunken man fall off his horse unconscious and with a grin to himself, he said, "perfect."


Well that is it for chapter 11, I hoped everyone enjoyed it and hope you stay tuned for chapter 12, it'll be really exciting.

Remember to review,


Ryoko Blue