Unofficial Portkey Archive

Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: : I don't own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 3-Amelia's Bright Idea

"Okay kids, let's get going lots to see this evening." Amelia said with a smile. She escorted Harry, Hermione and Carlo out of her flat and locked it up good and tight. Amelia pocketed her keys and they started down the sidewalk. "My shop is just a block or so, it's within walking distance."

"Did that new line come in yet?" Carlo asked.

"Sure it did babe, it came in on Wednesday." Amelia said with a smirk, she turned to Hermione, "so does Harry here know what I do?"

Hermione sighed, "Yes a little." She looked at him, feeling the redness rising to her cheeks already.

Harry cleared his throat, "I know you are a designer for-" He was interrupted by Carlo.

"For fetishes and naughty underwear." Carlo answered. "Do you think you can take it in there? Some things are pretty out of this world, probably way out of this world for a shielded little boy like yourself who's probably still a- " This time Carlo was interrupted by Harry.

"I can take anything you throw at me; I'm not as shielded as you may think." Harry narrowed his eyes, this guy was irritating.

They continued to walk down the sidewalk of businesses and came to a shop with words Steele painted on the door. She shop had tinted windows so you really couldn't see inside. Harry took Hermione's hand in his as Amelia opened the door and they stepped inside a very busy store.

The room smelled of lavender incense and the atmosphere of the shop made you feel like you just walked into some kind of dungeon. There were chains along the walls which looked like they actually came from a dungeon cell. Light fixtures in the shape of candles were strewn about the walls with one very large iron chandelier in the center of the showroom. The floor was made of black carpet with red spots. Racks of garments, skimpy and odd looking garments were all about the shop. There were many more expensive items on the walls much higher up.

Hermione felt Harry clasp her hand tighter. She looked over at him she noticed him looking around the shop unsure. "Are you alright?"

Harry cleared his throat. "Yeah, of course." He smiled. He was starting to feel a little warm as he glanced about the shop he spotted Amelia talking to three girls obviously dressed up in her fashions. He wondered if they were the models because they seemed like employees rather than customers. One of the girls who was a blonde was wearing a red leather halter-top with black vinyl shorts that cut off high above the thigh, and spiked red vinyl heel boots.

The next girl who was a redhead wore a short black leather mini dress with a zipper down the front, her bosom looked like it would spill out of the outfit in any given second. On her feet were again leather spiked heels. The third girl who was a brunette wore a simple white sheer robe with a black lacey bra and matching panties. She too was wearing heels although hers were not spiked.

Hermione tugged on Harry's hand and he looked at her. "So what do you think?"

"It-it's very interesting in here." He was far more then just warm now. Harry saw a garment grab his attention and he pulled Hermione towards the rack and dropped her hand. "Hey what do you think about this?" He lifted the garment from the rack.

"What for you?" She stared at the dark blue leather mini dress the bodice was tied together with a black leather string. She stared at it for a minute, "I don't think it would fit you, I mean here look the skirt would totally ride up and-" She was interrupted.

"Well not for me, well sort of for me. But for you." Harry grinned.

Hermione sighed, "Well it is a nice color, but leather. I don't know." She really didn't want it. "I don't think it comes in my size." She saw him looking through the sizes and he pulled it out with a very large smile on his face.

"Look here's your size right here." He lifted the hanger and dangled it back and forth. "Please, I think you would look very, very ,very-" He was cut off.

"Okay fine." Hermione replied.

Amelia was watching her cousin take the hanger from Harry while on the other side of the showroom. She smiled a bit. Carlo came up behind her.

"Are you sure we should have taken them here?"

She turned slightly, "what do you mean?"

"You don't want to go around putting ideas into their heads." Carlo said with a smirk.

"Oh Carlo, there is not one thought that I put in their heads that they haven't already thought about." Amelia watched as Harry followed Hermione towards a sales clerk.

Hermione leaned near Harry's ear, "I sure hope she speaks English I forgot to take the translation pills."

"I hope so too, I also forgot." Harry said as Hermione decided to get the salesclerk's attention.

"Could I get a fitting room please?" She asked the lady.

The salesclerk nodded with a smile, and ushered Hermione towards a door and unlocked it with a key hanging around her neck. Hermione went inside and closed the door behind her.

Harry waited for a few minutes, in only a short amount of time he was growing impatient, surely it couldn't take that long to try that on. He knocked on the door of the fitting room and pressed his ear to the door. "Is everything all right in there?"

"Yeah," her voice was muffled through the door. "It just takes time to lace up this thing. Much like that gown I wore back in," She paused, "Uh you know where."

"Do you think you need some help?" The door opened a little and Harry could see her eyes.

"Yes I could, do you want to help me or should I get the saleslady?" She asked even though she already knew the answer. She really didn't need help, but she hoped he bought the rouse.

"Oh no I'll help you." Harry offered immediately. He watched the door open more and he slipped inside closing the door behind him. Harry turned around and saw Hermione. It seemed that time had actually stopped as he took in the full beauty of her body wrapped so snugly in blue leather, it clung to her like second skin. He felt his heart beat quicken, as his eyes followed up the bodice that was only half way laced up.

"Okay so are you going to help me or what?" She said with a smirk.

"Uh…uh yeah." He scratched the back of his head and he closer to her and lifted his hands to the strings where he held them lightly looking down. He lifted his head and their eyes met. Harry forgot all about the garment and covered her mouth with his. He moaned at the taste of her lips, he felt them part beneath his and he deepened the kiss. His arms went around her and pulled her closer against him. He felt her responding eagerly to his kiss, their tongues tangling slowly and sweetly together. He ran his fingers up her back and found he really didn't like this material after all. His hands continued to wander up her back and over her shoulders.

While still kissing her Harry's fingers went into the straps of the leather and pushed them off her shoulders and with his other hand tugged on the hem of the skirt and the garment started slipping agonizingly slow off her body. That would not do at all. It wasn't until Harry really tugged at it that it gave way to the beauty that was Hermione. Now only standing in her undergarments, the leather dropped to her feet. Harry pressed Hermione up against the wall as he continued to ravish her mouth without showing any restraint. He pulled his mouth from hers taking a breath and then returned for more. He could never get enough of kissing her, over and over again.

Hermione's arms went around him tightly as she pulled him closer, she felt one of his hands travel down over her tummy and between her thighs. She gasped into his mouth feeling him pressing his hand up against her. Harry pulled his mouth from hers and kissed her cheek, down her chin and towards her neck. He didn't want to kiss her too much on her neck and throat in case it brought back painful memories, then again she would tell him if she didn't want him doing that.

Harry's fingers slipped inside her panties and she gave a loud moan and pressed herself into his hand. A knock at the fitting room door caused him to quickly remove his hand from her body. He leaned his forehead against hers and sighed with disappointment.

"Hermione is everything alright?" It was Amelia's voice "how are you coming?"

"Well thanks to you I'm not." Hermione whispered and she heard Harry laugh. "She has the worst timing."

"Yeah." He said quietly, he reached down and grabbed her shirt for her, holding it with sort of a half grin. "Well we have all night you know."

Hermione smiled taking the shirt from him, "I know. But still." She threw her shirt on over her head.

Harry moved out of her way and he watched as Hermione bent down and got into her shorts. "So do you think I should get the outfit?" She stood straight gazing into his eyes.

"Nah, I like you better in nothing at all anyway. That leather is just not easy to get you out of." He smirked and Hermione leaned in to kiss him again but her cousin's voice ruined the moment.

Amelia heard Hermione talking to someone "Hermione who are you talking to?"

"Who do you think?" Hermione replied in complete annoyance. And she turned to the fitting room door and opened it. She and Harry stepped out into the shocked face of her cousin.

"What was he doing in there?" Amelia asked wondering if her cousin had lost her mind. She knew what they must have been up to. Her cousin's flushed face, the swollen lips, the mussed up hair, the irritation in her voice. No matter how wild Amelia was she hasn't engaged in something like sex in public. "I'm surprised at you Hermione." She then gave off a smirk.

"Oh please, spare me your lectures." Hermione replied. "It's not like you haven't done anything like that yourself."

"Actually, I haven't done anything like that myself, yet." Amelia grinned. "So are you going to get the outfit or not?"

Hermione shook her head, "no. It's just not for me."

"Okay then, Hermione I want to take you to do some shopping. Just us gals." Amelia turned to Harry "You can get to know Carlo and do; oh I don't know manly things."

"Oh joy." Harry said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"But Amelia, I don't want-" She was cut off by her cousin.

"Hermione, I won't take no for an answer we are going shopping and that's final." Amelia held her finger up as if she were going to give a lecture. "Carlo and Harry can meet us back here in a few hours." Amelia grabbed Hermione by the arm, not even giving her cousin the chance to back out.

"Sorry Harry, I'll see you later." Hermione yelled out as she was being dragged away from him by her cousin.

"No problem Hermione." Harry waved to her. He turned to Carlo who was smirking.

"Oh boy, this is going to be a treat isn't it." Carlo said with smile.

"Yeah, wonderful fun." Harry sighed was dreading this already, he watched as Amelia and Hermione passed by the window.

Amelia brought Hermione to a number of department stores and next to a sweet shop where Hermione picked up some cherry and vanilla swirled flavored hard candies to suck on, she also bought some tiny peanut butter cups for Harry. They stopped before a shop where the name was written in Italian, Hermione cursed herself for not remembering to take the translation pill.

"Come on Hermione, let's go in here." Amelia was excited.

"Why, what is this place?" Hermione said unsure of where they were going

"I need another piercing and I was thinking about getting a tattoo also." Amelia said as she opened the door and stepped into the shop. Hermione hesitantly followed after her. The studio reeked of rubbing alcohol.

"Amelia, just how many piercings do you have?" Hermione was very curious, for all up the sides of both ears were already many piercings.

"Oh I always look to pierce something different. But let's see I have about ten on each ear." Amelia started to say and point to all her piercings. She pointed to her tongue, her eyebrow, her nose. "I have both nipples pierced." Amelia said pointing to her breasts "I also wear a dainty gold chain on my nip piercings that connect to by belly button ring. I have my-" She cut herself off and pointed between her thighs.

Hermione cringed in horror. "Oh you even have that pierced?" she felt sick.

"Oh yeah, it makes everything extra sensitive." Amelia boasted.

"Uh, I'll take your word for it." Hermione said and they sat down on the red leather couch. Hermione opened her bag of sweets and pulled out a cherry/vanilla candy. She was about to pop it into her mouth. "AHHH!!!" someone screamed and Hermione's candy shot from her fingers as she was startled. She watched as the candy flew across the room and hit a tiny mirror resting on the counter and shattered. Hermione placed the bag of candy back into her backpack and closed it up.

Amelia looked at her cousin, "are you alright Cuz?" She laughed.

"Why do you think that person screamed?" Hermione asked as she saw her cousin shrug.

"I really don't know." Amelia replied with a smile. She rested her arm on the back of the couch and turned half way facing Hermione. "You know I love getting piercings and now that I have a bit more time to think about it, I'll probably get that tattoo as well."

"Amelia, you are going to be so full of holes and covered in colors no one is going to recognize you at family reunions." Hermione replied.

"Hey why don't you get something pierced or tattooed?" Amelia suggested.

Hermione shook her head, "My ears are already pierced you know. So no I don't think so, I don't need anything more."

"Well why not? I think you would look pretty snazzy with something pierced, other than your ears that is." Amelia tilted her head to the side regarding her cousin. "It doesn't even have to be something that big, it can be little."

"It doesn't have to be anything at all." Hermione pointed out.

"Oh you are a shame to your mother's side of the family, "We Steele women are suppose to be wild and untamed, and you well you are just-" Amelia was cut off.

"Sorry to disappoint you Cuz." Hermione started, "But I am a Granger, not a Steele. I'm not as wild as you."

"Oh I don't know about that, I mean you were willing to get it on a dressing room. I say you're plenty wild you just haven't found your Steele streak yet." Amelia said and turned straight.

Hermione shook her head and looked in the direction of the shattered mirror, out of the corner of her eye she saw a girl come out of the back room looking down at something silver and shiny on her tummy. Hermione turned completely and watched as the young girl fingered her new ring. Sure she had seen belly button rings on television, some American programs and teenage movies informed her of the interesting idea of piercing that part of the body. She had always been fascinated by such things. 'Hmm, maybe I should get one?' She thought to herself.

"You want one Hermione?" Amelia smirked.

"Huh?" Hermione shook her head, "Want one what? I couldn't possibly want anything." She said leaning back against the cushion.

"You can get your belly button pierced Hermione, my treat. Huh what do you say?" Amelia offered with a genuine smile.

Hermione sighed, "Will it hurt?"

"I'm not going to lie to you Herms, yes it will hurt. But eventually the pain goes away and you're left with a beautiful piercing." She watched her cousin, noticing that the young lady was really thinking about it.

"Well, alright then. I'll do it." Hermione sighed with defeat. She was going to get one.

"Wonderful!" Amelia's voice trimmed with excitement.

The two of them heard footsteps coming from the back room, a man with long blonde hair smiled upon seeing them. He spoke in a gentle voice, Hermione couldn't understand a word he was saying since he was speaking in Italian, but Amelia was laughing and acting coy around him. Hermione knew that Amelia was a big flirt no matter who she was steadily seeing. The man then looked at Hermione and pointed to her, and Amelia nodded. He gave a signal with his fingers for both girls to follow him.

Hermione glanced at Amelia as they sat in two chairs, "I wonder how Harry and Carlo are doing?"

* * *

"So Larry-" Carlo started

"Harry." Harry corrected his name.

"Whatever." Carlo replied. "Well what do you think of Amelia?

"She's nice." Harry replied as the two of them walked towards a busy area of Rome.

"Just to let you know Amelia is mine so keep your grubby hands off." Carlo threatened.

Harry was confused, "Why would I be going after your girl?" And not to mention really annoyed.

"Most people find Amelia oh what's the word. Hot, sexy. And I don't want some other guy coming in and sweeping her off her feet." Carlo started, "Besides you probably couldn't anyway."

"Like I would want to, I have a girlfriend that I am very happy with." Harry replied confidently.

"Ah yes, I'm thinking you are meaning Hermione. That's your girlfriend." Carlo "I wonder how you could ever snag her?"

"Well for one Hermione and I were good friends first." Harry narrowed his eyes.

"Oh are you the fellow she goes to school with, where is it you two go again?" Carlo scratched the back of his head in thought.

"It's just a boarding school, but yes I go to school with her so I see her every day of her life." Harry replied with a smile he could have sword he saw Carlo give off some kind of scowl, but it was gone quickly.

"How fun for you Jerry."

"Harry." Harry corrected, he was getting downright annoyed. He glanced about not really know all that much about Rome, "Where are we?"

"This is the manly part of Rome, do you think you can handle it?" Carlo taunted.

"Handle what?" Harry asked looking around.

"Being a man or are you still a little boy, not up to anything over the age of ten." Carlo smirked.

Harry's eyes narrowed in anger and Carlo laughed.

"Come on Gary." Carlo opened the door to the building.

"Harry." Harry replied. As he followed Carlo inside.

Harry gasped as he looked around, there were red satin furniture on a dark red carpet, the walls were painted a lovely pastel pink, heart shaped light fixtures rested about the walls. There were pretty ladies walking around, they wearing practically nothing and flirting with gentlemen. A loud cracking noise came from another room with a pool table caught Harry's attention Harry knew where he was taken and he turned to Carlo. "Why are we in here?"

"To do manly things," Carlo answered with a smile.

"This is a brothel," Harry stated.

"Boy, you are a smart one aren't you? What gave it away?" Carlo smirked as he was very sarcastic.

Harry rolled his eyes, "What are we doing here, you have a girlfriend. I have one and I don't think Hermione will be too happy that I came in here."

"Oh Amelia understands that I have a wandering appetite, but then so does she. We two come here all the time, even sometimes together." He was very smug.

"Well I don't have a wandering appetite." Harry said repeating the same words Carlo used.

"Too bad, there are such beautiful ladies here." Carlo pointed to a few who waved at him and giggled.

"Yes, imagine the diseases. That's something I so what to have before my life is over." Harry replied.

"Most of these gals are disease free, come on let us just go and take a peak. After all I'm sure your sheltered life keeps you from enjoying anything. Like I was going to say before I got interrupted, you are probably still a virgin so you wouldn't understand what I'm talking about." Carlo insulted.

Harry wanted to burst out into laughter, but he kept it in. "You think what you want."

"Are you going to be a man and look around, or be a child and hide your eyes?"

A black haired lady came up and draped her arm over Harry's shoulder and he turned to her with a polite smile. Harry noticed that she was looking at him sweetly, and it was true she was pretty. But he was happy with Hermione and no other girl would take her place. He picked up the girls arm off his shoulder and shook his head. He knew she probably didn't speak English. "No thank you." Harry replied slowly. He could see a bit of disappointment in her eyes as she removed her hand. She smiled and lightly ran her hand across his cheek. She sighed and walked away.

"Why did you pass her up, that's Dora people have to book weeks in advance for her. And she came up to you. What is wrong with you boy?" Carlo insulted.

Harry was angry he also felt a sharp pinch in his stomach. 'What in the world was that?' he thought to himself. He shook the feeling off and saw Carlo's glare and remembered the insult he had just thrown at him. "Nothing is wrong with me; I have a girlfriend who I love. I'm not about to ruin what I already have for just a few minutes of, that." He pointed towards the girls with his palm towards the ceiling. "You are pitiful, you have a wonderful lady yet you spend your time here." Harry shook his head.

"Only someone who is less of a man would pass this up, so I think that you are the pitiful one." Carlo replied trying to cut Harry down.

"I'm getting out of here." Harry not taking anymore insults turned from Carlo and walked towards the door.

Carlo sighed and threw his arms up and followed after Harry. Amelia would have his head if he let this boy travel around Rome without a guide. Harry was already down the sidewalk by the time Carlo caught up to him.

"I hope you realize Terry-" He was interrupted.

"Look here, my name is Harry. Not Jerry, Larry, Gary, Terry or any other fricken name. It is Harry. Got it? Or is your brain to small to even grasp such a simple concept as remembering a name?"

"Whoa, whoa there. No need to get testy boy. I get it." Carlo replied. "You even insulted me like Hermione did; you spend far too much time around that girl." He shook his head.

"I really don't mind spending my time with Hermione."

"Hermione was mine for about a week."

"Yes I know, and now" He sighed, he was going to make Carlo uncomfortable since he brought him to that brothel. "She loves me and I love her."

"Enough with the love talk," Carlo felt sick.

"Oh fine," Harry replied.

Carlo thought a moment, "What is she like at school?" He asked Harry.

"Hermione?" Harry asked.


"Well Hermione is kind and considerate, funny oh really smart. I'm sure she will be Head Girl. We have been best friends since we were eleven."

"Which best friend were you? Were you the loud one, as she described to me?" Carlo asked searching Harry for an answer.

Harry chuckled a bit, "Loud one, no that would be Ron not me."

"Oh so I know which one you were then." Carlo smirked, "You do know the reason Hermione and I spent time together that week was because of-" He was interrupted by Harry

"Yes, yes I know. You don't have to tell me." Harry said still regretting his own dense attitude back in fifth year. "But that doesn't matter anymore, Hermione and I are together."

"Well good for you." Carlo was sarcastic. "Too bad for you that I Carlo Yuri had a chance at her first. You two probably haven't been close yet. Hermione was always very stern about sex. She was always saying no." His fists briefly clinched at his sides.

"Oh I don't know about that, perhaps she was just waiting for the right person." Harry said. "He really didn't want to brag about Hermione and his relationship. But it was true all it took is the right person. Harry glanced about Carlo he looked a bit angry, but the look vanished. He just shrugged his shoulders thinking

The two of them were walking along the sidewalk back towards Amelia's shop when Harry saw Hermione and Amelia walking towards them from the opposite direction.

"Hey Barry, let's not mention that I brought you to a brothel alright?"

Harry smirked, "Why not? I thought you and Amelia went there all the time." He was sarcastic.

"Never you mind that boy, let's just not mention it alright." Carlo was angry.

There was no way Harry was keeping something like that from Hermione, she trusts him to always be honest and that's exactly what he was going to do. Harry turned and saw Hermione's smiling face as she ran towards him.

Hermione ran to him and practically knocked him down with the force of her hitting against him. "I missed you." She said as Harry regained his balance.

"Did you have fun?" He said into her ear.

"It was okay." Hermione said with her arms around him, "I probably would have had more fun with you though."

She pulled back smiling, "so what did you two do?" Hermione asked.

"Well Carlo here brought me to a brothel." Harry answered. He could feel the very angry gaze of Carlo on his back. It almost made him burst into laughter. He never promised to keep it a secret.

"Oh I see. What was it like inside?" Hermione asked casually. "Did they have really nice furniture with beautiful girls fulfilling any man's every dream?"

"It was a bit tacky looking actually." Harry said with a smile.

Amelia looked at Hermione and then tapped her on the shoulder. "Carlo brought him to a whore house and you are just asking him what it was like inside?" Amelia was shocked.

"Well why not? I want to know." Hermione answered honestly.

"I think you should be more concerned with what he actually did in that whore house." Amelia glared at Harry.

Harry wanted to laugh as did Hermione.

"Oh Amelia, calm down. I trust him, I know he didn't or wouldn't do anything with other women." Hermione said with a smile.

"How do you know, you can never really trust any man Hermione." Amelia glared at Carlo.

She looked up at Harry and pointed inconspicuously to the spot over her heart, but Harry noticed and he smiled. "I just know Amelia, I trust Harry with my life."

Harry felt his heart melt.

"Too bad I can't say the same for Carlo." Hermione glared at Carlo.

Carlo rolled his eyes. "Let it go Hermione, let it go."

"I will never let it go." She said bitterly.

"What are you two talking about?" Amelia interrupted.

"Nothing," Carlo said trying to keep his temper down. "It was a long time ago and it doesn't matter anymore." He turned to Amelia, "let's find some place for dinner okay. You three decide I really don't care."

Harry felt Hermione clasp his hand and he looked at her. He noticed she was distressed about something and he pulled her close.

"I know a place to go for dinner. "Romero's is excellent. Come on kids let's go eat." Amelia said braking up the awkward silence also giving Carlo a look that said when we get home we are going to have a serious talk.

They made their way to Romero's and since Amelia was well known they were seated immediately. After a few minutes they ordered at least four pasta dishes, along with Chicken Scampi, and fried Calamari.

"Harry, how is going to school with Hermione, is she all serious all the time?" Amelia asked with a smile.

"Not all the time." Harry answered. "But school is something she takes very seriously." He turned to Hermione who was next to him. "Isn't it?"

"Oh absolutely," Hermione answered. "Although, I have been known to take it easy every now and then." Hermione replied glancing down into her glass of cranberry juice and lemon lime soda. "I want to make Head Girl next year, but I don't know if it's possible."

"Why not, you're smart enough." Amelia pointed out.

"That's not the point." Hermione looked up at her cousin, "I didn't accept Prefect last year like I was in my fifth year, I turned it down. I don't know if I can make Head Girl now because of that."

"Well why didn't you accept this Prefect last year?" Carlo asked.

She hesitated, "I was going through a bad time in my life I suppose. It all wasn't fun and games." Hermione took a deep breath, and relaxed as she felt Harry's hand cover over hers.

Carlo scoffed, "Oh please you live your little pampered life at some outlandish boarding school, what could be so hard about that?" Carlo half insulted.

"Oh if you only knew," Hermione replied. Her tone was bitter and unfeeling. "But you never understood me to begin with anyway." She was glaring at Carlo with extreme hate.

The waiter interrupted their conversation and brought by what they had ordered. The four of them sat in silence and ate the glorious meal. After Carlo and Amelia finished off a bottle and a half of wine Harry felt the urge to use the restroom. He surveyed the table thinking that he could get up and leave Hermione there, since her cousin was still at the table. Harry leaned over to Hermione's ear "I'm going to use the restroom, but I don't want to just leave you here you know because of the promise I made to you." He had promised not to leave her alone with Carlo.

"It's alright Harry, Amelia is here you can go and take care of business." Hermione said with a smile.

Harry's chair scraped the floor as he stood, "I'll be right back." And he looked up for the direction of the rest room. He saw a little sign pointing and he followed the path.

Hermione stared into her plate and twirled her fork in her half eaten pasta as she thought about last year, a cold shudder went down her spine and she shivered. She didn't even notice Amelia get up and go talk to people she does business with at their table.

"Oh is goodie, goodie Hermione cold."

"No." She replied with a roll of her eyes.

"We really need to talk about what happened that time." Carlo replied.

"I don't want to talk-" Hermione paused and lifted her head, her cousin was gone. She did not want to sit at a table with Carlo, she didn't want to be anywhere near him for as long as she lived. She stood. "I don't want to talk about this with you ever, what you did was inexcusable and you know it. I'm going to find Harry, excuse me."

"What does that idiot have that I don't?" Carlo asked.

"A heart." Hermione answered bitterly while glaring at him. "And Harry is not an idiot; the only idiot here is you." She pointed rudely at him and turned to walk towards the bathroom.

Hermione felt someone grab her arm and turn her around, she was face to face with Carlo and he did not look happy. "I was not the idiot. I put in time and money on you."

"Let go of me." She demanded. But he wouldn't let go. "If you don't let go of me right now you will live to regret it."

"Oh what you going to do, slap me?" Carlo replied, "I didn't think you were the type Hermione."

Hermione made a fist and his him in the stomach and Carlo bent half way over yet he didn't let go of her arm. "Let go of me now." She ordered, her voice angry.

Carlo glared he was going to say something really low and mean when he heard someone shout at him.

"Hey! Let go of her right now!!"

Carlo turned to find Harry who looked ready to kill him heading his way. Carlo dropped Hermione's arm and stood up straight. "Well if it isn't Carry rushing to save his lady love." He taunted.

Harry approached Carlo, oh if looks could kill Carlo would have already died twice. "If you ever touch her again, I will make you pay."

"Oh what are you going to do about it, little boy."

"Oh get off it you prick," Hermione looked at Carlo. "You are only two years older than us."

"He is?" Harry said, "I could have sworn he was younger, he acts like a ten year old." Harry replied with a smile.

"Why does Amelia put up with you anyway, you are lying cheating scum of the earth, she can find way better than you." Hermione was disgusted.

Amelia walks up to them, "Can find better then who?"

"Carlo." Hermione pointed to him with her thumb. "You are too good for him."

"Hermione, please keep your opinions to yourself, I have a serious relationship with Carlo and if you can't accept that." Amelia was a little hurt that he cousin would stand in the way of her happiness.

"What can you possible see in him. For one he's way immature even for being nineteen." Hermione started. "Not only is he-" She was interrupted by her cousin who was also looking confused at Carlo.

"Nineteen? You said you were twenty three." Amelia saw Carlo's eyes widen a bit.

"Uh, well I am nineteen." Carlo replied while keeping his anger towards both Harry and Hermione, they were ruining everything. First that Harry spilled the beans at where they went, and now Hermione gave away information about him.

Amelia crossed her arms over her bosom, "so what else are you lying to me about?" She was very serious.

Carlo looked around they were gathering many eyes of the customers as they seemed to be watching the drama unfolding before their eyes. Carlo heard someone say this is better then daytime television. "Amelia, can we go we're making a scene."

Amelia sighed. "Fine." They walked towards the table and Amelia looked at the check. She put down the right amount. Amelia always carried a lot of cash around, she hated using credit or checks. She headed towards the door that led outside. Once the entire gang stepped out Amelia turned to Hermione. "Hermione honey, you're good with directions right?"

"Yeah, I think so why?" Hermione glanced about Amelia wondering what she was trying to say.

"Do you remember where I live?" Amelia asked without showing any emotion.

Hermione nodded, as did Harry.

"Okay." She pulled out her keys and handed them to Hermione, she watched her cousin take them from her hand with a confused expression on her face. "Why don't you take Harry here and go back to my flat. Carlo and I need to have a talk."

"You're going to talk to him out here on the street?" Harry asked confused.

"Yep, that way I have nothing to throw." Amelia answered looking at Carlo.

"Okay Amelia, we'll see you there." Hermione said as she and Harry started down the block from where they came.

Amelia watched as Harry and Hermione disappeared and then turned to Carlo. "So baby," She started sarcastically. "What else have you been lying about?"

"Nothing." Carlo replied. "Do you mind that I'm nineteen?"

"No, but that's not the point Carlo. You lied to me about something so little. I wouldn't have cared in the least. What else is going on, I know you've been cheating. I'm not stupid."

"Okay I have been visiting Victoria's." Carlo admitted, He was going to kill that Carry if it was the last thing he'd do. That boy gave away his plans.

"Carlo what is going on between you and Hermione, I've seen all the looks you've been giving her and Harry. Are you trying to break them up? You took Harry to a brothel for what? Why do you feel the need to ruin her relationship?" Amelia glared at Carlo waiting for an answer.

"The little bitch is no-" He was cut off with a slap in the face. He looked at Amelia shocked.

"That is my cousin you just insulted Carlo Yuri, I will not stand for that." Amelia shouted. "Carlo I have no idea why you've been lying and cheating on me. Hermione is right I deserve better," She looked him right in the eyes. "I want you out of my life, you have twenty four hours to get your belongings out of my flat before you find your stuff out on the street."

"Amelia, please don't do this. I want us to be together." Carlo whimpered.

"You should have thought of that before you lied about your age, why you want to find companionship with other women and insulted my cousin. You are out." Amelia turned and started walking back towards her flat.

Carlo watched as Amelia walked away from him, all of this was that Darry and Hermione's fault. Oh how he loathed them. Carlo lost his place to live, his money supply and the warm bed of a sex goddess and it was all just ripped from him. He turned and angrily walked towards the manly part of Rome where he could drown his sorrows in women and booze.

Someone bumped into him knocking him on the ground, Carlo cursed at him in Italian. But the man just laughed.

"Oh do forgive me sir; I wasn't watching where I was going. Uh you do speak English don't you?" The man said.

"Oh great another tourist, that's just what this city needs." Carlo insulted.

The man laughed, "Yes I am a tourist, and I sort of lost my way. Do you think you can help me?"

"I don't think I would be of much help to you sir, but if you go down that sidewalk you'll find many places where people can give you directions." Carlo said as he got up off the ground.

"You aren't very friendly." The man observed.

"Well you wouldn't be friendly if your life was just ruined by two idiots and a poor excuse for a girlfriend." Carlo was bitter.

"Ah you're life had been ruined? Oh I doubt that. You are a young man you have plenty of time to find love and life." The man replied with a sinister looking smile.

"Yeah, whatever." Carlo replied.

"You know you shouldn't stay mad at them for too long, they are only human. All mug-humans make mistakes you know." The man replied.

"They just ruined my life, how could I not stay mad at them." Carlo spat.

"Well you could be the bigger man and start on the road to forgiveness, is it really these people's fault that your life is ruined? Think about your actions and what you've done. Is it really their fault, or is it yours?"

Carlo thought a moment, "Well I suppose it could be my fault, but if they hadn't said anything I would still have a place to live and my girlfriend back."

"Well." The man said digging into his leather knap sack, "why don't you give them a present, you know say you're sorry?" The man extended the little wrapped box towards Carlo.

"What is it?" Carlo looked at the box curiously.

"Oh just a little stained glass picture frame of a unicorn, it's real nice." The man waved the box in front of Carlo. "It would probably get in good with your girlfriend."

"How much?" Carlo asked.

"Well if you tell me where I can find some good food, then you can have it free of charge." The man replied.

"Well." Carlo glanced at the gift. "Are you sure it's special enough."

"Oh yes, it is very special."

"Okay then, give it to me."

Hermione unlocked the door to Amelia's flat and the two of them stepped inside, they walked back towards their room. Harry and Hermione stepped inside and the door closed behind them.

"Oh Harry I bought something for you." Hermione remembered and went digging through her bag.

"Really? You bought something for me?" Harry smiled.

"Yep," Hermione finished digging through her purchases and found the bag of candy. She held it out to him. "I bought you candy."

"Oh Hermione you are so wonderful." Harry took the candy bag from her and opened it looking. "Peanut butter cups. Yum!" He looked up at her and smiled. "You are so good to me." He moved closer to her and kissed her gently on the lips. He pulled back smiling at her.

Hermione moved away and took off her sweater laying it on the chair revealing the yellow short sleeved shirt she had been wearing. She heard Harry already opening the bag, she assumed he was already eating one or two, she stretched up and the hem of her shirt lifted revealing her tummy.

Harry spit out the cup and looked closely at her while she stretched, "Hermione?"

She dropped her arms and turned looking at him. "What?"

He walked right over to her, "is there something you would like to tell me?" He said with amusement.

"What?" Hermione said innocently.

Harry tossed the bag onto the bed and reached down lifting the hem of her shirt revealing her pierced belly button. "Did you get this today?"

"Did I get what today?" Hermione asked still trying to play innocent.

"This," he lightly touched the ring with his finger.

"Oh you think I got this today? I could have had this forever." Hermione smirked.

"No, I would have seen it. I know everything on your body. I definitely would have seen this."

She turned around facing him completely. "So you have me memorized do you Mr. Potter?"

"Oh yes," He smiled, "there is nothing on you or about you that I don't know." He wrapped his arms around her.

"So what do you think of it?" Hermione asked worried that he wouldn't like it.

"I think it looks very good, down right sexy on you." Harry replied and he pulled her close. He rested his forehead against hers.

"There is something you don't about Harry." Hermione said very seriously.

"What is that?" Harry was concerned.

She pulled from his arms and sat down on the edge of the bed, Hermione looked up at him. She was on the verge of tears. "Its about what happened with Carlo, I was almost expelled from school because of it. Well something worse almost happened. Thank goodness for Ron's father or it would have been a mess."

Harry sat down next to her and took her hand in his. "Do you want to tell me what happened?"

Hermione sniffled, "I do."

"Okay, I'm here to listen." Harry said as he put an arm around her and pulled her against him, just simply holding her.

"Well this is what happened."


Ah what a place to leave you huh, well I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And stay tuned for Chapter 4-Carlo's Gift. Read and review. Thanks Ryoko

A/N: All you wonderful, wonderful reviewers. I love you all for your wonderful words of encouragement, I hope you didn't wait too long for this chapter, it hasn't really been that long. And you guys want quality not speedy half ass crap right? Well as Tigger says TTFN Ta Ta For Now