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Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in the HPverse. Darn oh well. Happy reading

A/N: Sorry for the long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long ,wait for this chapter. But I had the hugest, most biggest writers block on the face of the Earth.

So here's the chapter you all had been waiting for. So Eat, Read and be Merry ^_^

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 7-In The Ring.

Harry woke up to a swift kick to his stomach; he couldn't help the groan that followed as a large heavy lump fell on top of him. "Hey, get off me." Harry moaned out in pain.

"Oh sorry." A boy replied as he stood. "I didn't mean to trip on you, it was an accident. I am a bit clumsy at times."

"Just try to watch where you're going all right." Harry said irritably. He didn't feel like being nice to anyone, he was too busy trying to figure a way out. Not to mention training everyday for the upcoming match, which was to take place this afternoon; he was sure he wouldn't make it through alive. He was so tired and broken from the extensive gladiator training that Harry wasn't in the mood for kindness. He noticed the boy reminded him a lot of Neville, 'Great another Neville, that's just perfect'. He thought sarcastically to himself.

Once again like at the beginning of the week, a hawk flew in through the bars of the cell and landing on Harry's knee, extending its talon where a scroll was neatly tied to its ankle. Last week it had brought him some strawberries wrapped in a cloth handkerchief. He didn't know where they came from but he really enjoyed them. All he got in here was stale bread and some bitter tasting soup. Of course he was used to that kind of treatment, so he didn't complain at all, unlike the other men in this cell who complained about the food.

Harry turned his attention to the letter; he saw his name written in the neat cursive writing, which he knew to be Hermione's on the rolled up scroll. He reached out and quickly untied the scroll from the hawk's talon. The bird seemed to be waiting patiently for something. Harry shrugged and took the red satin ribbon from around the scroll and pulled the parchment open and he began to read silently to himself.


I hoped you liked the strawberries I sent you, I hoped you didn't share them cause one of them had a translation bean in it. Just in case. It's better to have eaten it now in case the other one wore off early.

I fear someone is watching me; I get this strange feeling when I walk the halls. I turn around to see if I'm being followed and no one is there. Perhaps I'm just being paranoid.

Anyway, I sense that you are scared. I just want you to know that it is all right to be frightened; it doesn't mean you are weak. You are going to be fighting for your life so it's understandable to feel that way. Harry please be careful, if anything happened to you I don't know what I would do. Just stay safe, and please Harry don't be a hero. Just live and come back to me.

I love you.


Harry removed the lose brick from the wall and put Hermione's letter in with the other ones he had received from her. They would be safe there and no one would go prying into his business. He replaced the block just as Enzo came over to him.

"Come on Harry I want to show you a few moves." Enzo offered.

Nodding, Harry stood. "All right, let's get started."

Hermione carried the empty bucket down to the gardens, toward the well. She stood by the stone well and started turning the crank pulling up another bucket of water; she was working up quite a sweat. Hermione hoped that they would return home soon, she couldn't stand anymore of living in the past. But she did find a new respect for women of history; they sure had to put up with a lot over the centuries.

"Hey, you girl."

Hermione looked up and saw Caesar heading in her direction. She noticed he was holding a familiar piece of wood in his hand, her eyes widened a bit. Her wand. What was he going to do with it? Would he throw it down the well? She hoped not. Hermione lost grip of the well crank as the bucket plummeted back down into the water creating a loud splash.

"Oh bugger." Hermione cursed, and immediately started turning the crank again.

Caesar approached her, standing right next to her. "You must stop whatever you are doing and give me full attention and respect." His voice was trimmed with annoyance, he would not be ignored.

A long loud sigh escaped Hermione. "Oh forgive me please." She tried not to sound sarcastic, but she couldn't help it.

"I will ignore that tone of voice; I did not come here to talk pleasantries. My time is rarely my own, I have important plans to go over. But I need to talk to you about this." He held her wand up straight.

"What about it?" Hermione asked looking at her wand.

"Tell me what this does." Caesar's eyes narrowed as he held the piece of wood snugly in his hand.

Hermione shrugged "It's just a piece of wood."

"Really? If it's just a piece of wood then you won't mind me throwing it down the well." He stepped closer to the well, holding the wand over the opening.

"NO! Don't do that, please." She begged. Hermione knew her calm cover was blown yet she didn't care.

"Why?" He still held it over the well "Why is this so important to you?" His eyes held a child like curiosity. He saw her stalling; she wasn't going to say anything. "Tell me now or I throw it down." Caesar opened a few of his fingers ready to drop it.

"It's a wand; it's used to channel magic through the user. Now please don't drop it. I really need it." Hermione's immediately spoke up; her eyes were wide with worry.

"Magic huh?" He started laughing, "Come now, you don't expect me to believe that?"

"I told you the truth; why else would I not want you to drop it down the well?" She was in disbelief at this man's foolishness. And they said Caesar was the greatest conqueror in history. Yeah right, she would laugh that off if ever she heard that again in a Muggle history class.

Caesar regarded her coldly. "I'm not saying I believe you, but I just had to know why you and that boy had these. They were brought to me and they were said to be some kind of weapon."

"Well they are a weapon in some ways, but we are taught not to use it that way. So please, can I have it back?" She opened her hand and reached for her wand.

Caesar shook his head, "No." he held on to it tighter. "I think I would like to study this a bit more. Just to make sure it's not dangerous." He looked at her a moment. "You know, it's really amazing that you look like my lady. I mean sure she's years older than you, but its such a striking resemblance."

"You know why I look like her, I'm sorry if you don't believe me. But that's the truth." Hermione sighed with defeat when she saw that he was ignoring her words. She went back to turning the well crank, she didn't even hear Caesar turn and start talking to someone until she was spoken to. She turned around and found Marc Antony looking her over through narrowed eyes.

"Getting water for her ladyship?" Antony asked coldly.

"That's what it looks like doesn't it?" Hermione shook her head while continuing to turn the crank; finally the bucket was visible just barely above the well opening. Hermione secured the crank and tipped the full water bucket into her empty one.

"I was just speaking with Caesar, you are aware of the gladiator match this afternoon? Well I persuaded him to let you attend, of course you would be serving her ladyship."

"I can hardly wait." Hermione said rolling her eyes.

Antony nodded a bit; he could still hear that rude tone in her voice. "I just thought you would be excited, after all that boy will be participating."

"Harry?" Hermione almost dropped her bucket of water.

"Was that his name? I forget." Antony smirked, "Anyone that goes around impersonating me deserves to die."

Hermione would try to ignore him; all she knew was that she was going to be forced to watch Harry get killed. She could see that the look of horror that would appear on her face would please her captors. Gods she hated them. If only she had her wand she could get away and not have to put up with this.

"So what's so special about this boy?" Antony spat cruelly, "For you to have such devotion to him, even when he's going to die."

"Because I love him," Her tone was hard and firm. "I'm sure even a person like you knows what its like to love someone." Hermione watched as Antony sat on the edge of the well; it was so very tempting to push him in there. She even moved forward a bit, hand outstretched, just one little push that's all it would take. Her mind scolded her, 'How dare you even think that,' she was no murderer. 'Ah but come on, no one would know you did it. No I can't, I'm not cruel. Well you could be. Stop it, I'm not gonna kill him.' And that was her final thought; she stepped back and dropped her hand to her side. 'Stupid conscience.' Hermione thought to herself.

"Of course someone like me could love, as I'm sure you know whom I fancy. After all playing decoy for her ladyship is no easy task." He tilted his head to the side a bit, noticing that her hair was just a tad lighter than Cleopatra's; it looked silky and soft, not all bunched up and messy like his love's hair.

"How could you even do something like that?" Hermione looked at him with pure disgust as he stood up. "I mean sneaking around behind your so called friend's back."

"All's fair in love and war." Antony smirked.

"You people are unbelievable." She practically screeched in absolute loathing.

Antony found it hard not to laugh out loud at her, what a naive girl she was. Of course maybe she wasn't as naïve as she let on. No, there was something about her, something different, something he was not used to. It intrigued him also with the fact that she did look almost exactly like Cleopatra, he still couldn't get over that. He stepped up toward her, almost in her personal space.

"As I was approaching I heard Caesar mention something about you looking pretty close to his mistress. I think he is so right." He lifted his hand, touching her hair lightly. "Although your hair is a lot softer than hers is." Antony saw Hermione looking at him, her brown eyes were warm and comforting, nothing like the cold cruel grey of Cleopatra's. He watched as she lowered her gaze to the ground.

Hermione felt her pulse quicken while he was touching her hair gently, she was responding to his soft touch. There was also a strange sensation going through her, one that wouldn't be described as pleasant. She again lifted her eyes to his, his eyes were empty, they held nothing that she could find serenity in, they were just… empty. Nothing like the love and warmth Harry's eyes held. This man was unfeeling and cold. It was almost frightening that someone who could look almost exactly like Harry could be so different.

His hand dropped to her bare shoulder and he saw her take in an almost uncomfortable breath; yet her feelings on the matter didn't concern him. Antony's fingertips traced along her shoulder, touching her neck, then her collarbone, his fingers lingering there. "You have really smooth skin…" He leaned in closer to her ear "Young and firm." He saw her eyes narrow in bitter anger but it did not sway him, he continued on. "You know once your lover dies in the gladiator pit today, and since you and her ladyship are one in the same as you claim, I might just take you up as another one of my mistresses."

The fire of rage burned hot in Hermione's eyes. "How dare you!" she shouted, her hand rose to slap him hard, but Antony's hand grabbed her wrist before her hand reached its destination.

"Don't be a fool." Antony still held onto her wrist, but now he was tracing his thumb against the top of her hand. "You know he will die today and then you'll be left with nothing."

Hermione tried to pull her hand from his grasp but it was doing little good. "You don't know Harry very well, he'll live… He can survive even the worst of evil." She still continued to pull her hand away. "And he will survive this, I know he will." Hermione's voice was confident and strong.

Antony released her hand, he was irritated. "You're a stupid girl to believe that."

Even though he released her, she still did not back down. She would not show weakness in front of him. "Well perhaps I am a stupid girl, but I believe in Harry. He can do anything. And nothing you or anyone else can say will make me think otherwise." And with that she turned from him, picked up her bucket and swiftly walked away.

It was really disturbing to see someone who looked like Harry acting like a total jerk. She had to remind herself that that wasn't Harry. That Marc Antony may look like Harry, but he certainly was not him in any way except on the outside. Hermione sighed deeply, she didn't know if she could take any more of this. Hermione carried the bucket into the palace, up to the bathroom where she set it on the hot iron like stove to heat the water.

"Took you long enough, what kept you?" Rosa said while cleaning the bathtub.

"A weasel in the garden." Hermione replied with half a smirk.

"Oh is that certain person bothering you again? Although I don't know why you won't tell us his name." Meldina said while scrubbing the floor.

Hermione shrugged, "Oh it's not important who it is, just that someone who annoys me greatly." She started on washing the windows. "It's just he was more forward this time, usually it's just a quick, almost non existent touch." She stared out the window a bit, thinking about earlier. Hermione felt nauseous and repulsed. But this was nothing, compared to what Harry is going through she wouldn't complain about her troubles. She hoped he was working hard on at least trying to learn to stay alive.

"You have to lift it higher, or it'll slice right into you." Enzo said helping Harry to achieve a hard trick that would block his heart from getting punctured.

Harry nodded, "This is a lot more difficult than how it looks, I notice you all seem to have no trouble."

"We've practiced a long time; well we know how to defend ourselves now at least. I can't even count how many times we were in the ring fighting for our lives." Enzo explained.

Marcelo started laughing, while his training partner Frizi stared at him like he was insane. "I don't see why you keep helping him Enzo," The red head then cleared his throat, all that laughing made him short of breath. "He's never going to make it out there."

"You just take care of yourself Marcelo." Enzo was very defensive as he glared right at Marcelo. "And by the way, he has made a lot of progress almost better than you, you coward. He's not afraid to go out there, but you… You wet yourself the first time we were sent out."

"Is that so?!" Marcelo feeling insulted threw down his wooden sword and started towards Enzo, "I am not a coward you jack ass!" He was going rearrange his face, but Frizi held him back.

"Don't be stupid, save it for the ring. We need this anger out there not in here." Frizi did have his moments of brilliance, but it was rare.

Marcelo backed off spitting on the ground near Enzo's feet. "Ah you're not worth it," He kicked his wooden sword hard against the wall and it shattered into small pieces. Marcelo walked away in anger towards the other side of the cell; he picked up another wooden weapon from off the table and began practicing on his own.

Harry watched him a moment, noting that he was good, very good. All his anger was being used toward his moves. "Hey Enzo, why is he so angry?"

"It has to do with what happened and why he was sent down here to his death." Enzo said practicing a couple more defence moves. "Well him and your look alike were really good friends at one time, until Marcelo caught him with Caesar's mistress. Marcelo isn't too fond of betrayal of any kind so he was going to go to Caesar and tell him what was going on."

"Why is that so important for someone to be sent to their death? People do that all the time." Harry said.

"Well Caesar's mistress is always looking for a better opportunity if it will help her in the long run. We all know the reason she is with Caesar because he can give her power. I doubt if she even really loves the man." Enzo looked down at his feet "Marcelo heard Cleopatra and Antony in discussion about why she is with Caesar; she eventually wants to rule his empire. That's what Marcelo was going to inform Caesar about, also the fact that she and Antony had been sneaking around behind his back."

Harry nodded, "So that's why he was sent here, to be kept quiet." He wasn't going to say anything for it could really mess up history. He only wanted to alter his parents' fate and that was enough for him.

Gino stepped into the cell. "It's almost time, only a few minutes till our fates are sealed."

"Oh stop being so dramatic Gino." Frizi said.

Enzo's eyes narrowed, as he glared at Frizi, "You only say that because you are up to something, I know you have something going on with the other gladiators trying to kill us, something to spare your life you pathetic fool."

Frizi shrugged, "Think what you will about me, I really couldn't care less. Just so you know I stay alive because I'm smart, unlike you." He smirked.

Harry continued to practice on his own while the others continued arguing. He guessed that there was a lot of anger and hatred between them, no wonder they would die. They aren't going at it like a team. Perhaps they should and then they would survive.

"You know I was thinking." Harry started to say, "That maybe if you put your differences aside that you could possibly stay alive?" He looked at each of them.

Marcelo scoffed, "What do you know about surviving in the pit, you've never had to do this a day in your life. Why should we take your advice?"

Harry cleared his throat, "I think you should take it on like it was a game. Like you all are a team or part of an army, not just fighting for yourselves but for everyone."

"Well I hate to break it to you," Marcelo glared. "But this is far from a game; you'll see what I'm talking about once you are out there." He got right into Harry's face "Your life is on the line, so when you've actually survived then you'll have the right to give advice!" Marcelo's eyes were dark with anger and hatred as he continued to glare at Harry while walking away from him, heading towards the large iron doors that led out into the pit.

Harry didn't want to show them that he was afraid; when in reality he was downright terrified. He'd heard and seen documentation about what happened with Gladiators. Anyone would be a fool not to fear it. Harry heard the sounds of a very large crowd outside. He went over to the barred windows and looked out, and was astounded at what he saw; there were more people than he saw even at the World Cup sitting out there. They were chanting and cheering waiting for the gladiators to come out and start killing each other.

He gulped nervously; Harry felt a lump almost as large as a Muggle tennis ball form in his throat. This was so overwhelming; people were there to see him get brutally murdered. How could people find this sort of thing entertaining? People would be losing their lives out there. Through the corner of his eye he saw a man being drug out of another opening by two men; Harry turned his head to see what was going on with him. He watched as the victim was thrown to the dusty ground of the pit. The noise of the crowd intensified with shouts and screams of approval. The gladiator's captors were shackling his ankles together; a long chain ran from the man's ankles to the side of the wall. If he took off running that man wasn't going to get very far that was for sure.

Harry's attention was brought to a large iron door that was lifted and out stalked a large and hungry looking lion, the animal slowly made its way into the pit. The lion approached the gladiator who only had what looked like a knife. Harry gripped the bars on the windows as he saw the man swing its knife at the lion, which roared loudly driving the spectators wild. The lion did jump back and then spring forward. The man was quick on his feet as he tried to run around the animal.

The lion's large menacing paw reached for the man, its claws sharp and deadly grazed the man's right leg, immediately the wound began to bleed profusely. Even from that distance away Harry could see the large amount of blood flowing down the man's leg. The man swung again but the lion seemed to know what was coming and dodged the weapon. The animal moved around fiercely as its other paw shot up and grabbed the man about the waste pulling him to the ground. Harry felt the large chunks of what he ate for lunch begin to churn in his stomach, making a sour foul taste.

Harry could no longer hear what was going on around him as the lion swung its paw at the gladiator knocking him around like a mouse toy. Blood was everywhere, on the walls, on the ground. It was when the lion sunk its teeth into the man's shoulder ripping it from his body while snarling and growling that Harry couldn't keep anything in his stomach he had eaten that day inside of him anymore. He turned away from the window and clutched his stomach as he retched violently.

Enzo looked over at Harry who was throwing up violently, "That was basically just a crowd teaser to get them in the mood. You get used to it eventually."

Shaking his head Harry wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "How can you get used to something like that?" Harry said weakly, his voice shaking. He sank to his knees now fighting another yet strange urge to vomit again.

Frizi shrugged, "You just do. Be glad that its not you."

"Awww what's the matter, can't handle it?" Marcelo mocked, laughing as he saw Harry who looked up at him with a piercing glare.

"No I can't." Harry said taking a much needed breath of air, "I can't handle seeing innocent people being murdered so violently, and for what? For entertainment?"

Marcelo was still laughing. "Well if you can't stomach this, you'll never make it down here."

"I don't plan on making it down here; I plan on getting out of here." Harry finally got to his feet. He didn't sound very sure, even to himself. He knew he would probably not make it past today. He was wandless so it was not like he could use magic, this seemed utterly hopeless.

Hermione turned her head away from the sight of that poor man being attacked and a torn apart by that lion, she couldn't keep down, the urge to vomit was strong as she heard the lion's snarling and growling as it ripped apart that man's flesh. Quickly Meldina handed Hermione a wooden bucket. Hermione grabbed the bucket and tossed everything she had eaten that day into it.

"This is your first gladiator match so I knew you would need this." Meldina nudged the bucket with her elbow then took a breath and sighed, "I remember my first match. I was so shocked and disgusted that I think I used that bucket the entire time." She then smiled reassuringly, "But don't worry, the more you see the more you'll get used to it."

Breathing hard, Hermione's face paled. She felt like she would pass out any moment now. This was nothing like she had expected, it was cruel and the victims suffered greatly. "I don't want to get used to it, this is just awful. That poor man…" She felt the tears stinging in her eyes. "Whatever did he do to deserve a death that horrific and brutal?" She lifted her head leaning against the back of the chair taking in deep breaths to prevent her from passing out.

"He didn't do anything." Rosa replied as she looked down into the pit. The lion had since been removed from the area, which meant it was time for the real event to begin.

"Usually they are innocent men and women who die down there." Meldina watched Hermione's reaction; the girl was horrified at such a thing.

Hermione's mind wandered, that same exact thing could happen to Harry. 'Oh gods no!' Her head shouted. She continued to stare down at the spot where the lion had been; there were still fragments of body parts lying around, not to mention so much blood. She breathed in heavily a few times, in…and…out, in…and…out. The air was becoming dense as she saw colours swirl and spots before her eyes.

"Hermione, are you all right?" Rosa asked concerned, seeing Hermione's body start to sway a bit.

"I uh… don't feel…so good." She made another grab for the bucket as she lost it a second time. Hermione sat the bucket back down on the cement. She heard a snigger coming from next to her. She turned to the side seeing Marc Antony laughing quietly at her.

"Not so strong now, are you?" Antony laughed.

"Strength has nothing to do with it. This is the most inhumane and brutal thing I have ever seen. No man or woman should be subjected to this." Hermione said bitterly.

"Think about this, in a few short minutes that…" He pointed down to the pit to where that man was killed by the lion. "…Could be your precious lover." He smirked.

Hermione glared, "Harry will not die." She said with the utmost confidence. She had faith in him. "So just wipe that smug smirk off your face, because once he gets through down there. He'll be coming after you and yours."

Antony laughed out loud. "I am a general of an army; he is nothing but a boy, a child even. I have men at my back ready to defend me at any cost. He'll be dead before he sets foot in the door."

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Hermione smirked herself then turned to face the pit. She was sure Harry would survive. Hermione heard some kind of trumpet sound signalling the start of the match.

Harry reached over on the table choosing a fine weapon, out of what was left anyway. There weren't too many choices everything impressive was already taken. There were a few daggers, some small short swords, bows and arrows and a few broad swords. Nothing too grand, he was sure the blades were even dulled. Harry lifted the sword from the table, he nearly dropped it on the floor it was so heavy. He swung it around a bit getting used to the weight, he tried a couple of moves that he had learned from Hogwarts and Ordon in the forest back near Camelot.

He looked around at all the people practicing with real weapons, he saw Enzo using a fine sword and shield. Harry looked around for a shield but there weren't any; they really wanted people to be unprotected. Harry shook his head as he continued to scan the crowd of gladiators. Frizi was swinging a mace around looking like he handled it pretty well. Gino was messing with a bow and arrow set; he fired arrows at the targets on the walls. Harry noticed that Marcelo was using two swords, which were double edged; he twirled them around which resembled one of those martial art stunt men.

Marcelo turned and glared at Harry, taking a step forward swiping his sword at him menacingly. Harry rolled his eyes; he didn't want to mess with that jerk right now. He had more important things to worry about.

Harry heard the trumpets blow loud ear shattering music, he had to press his palms over his ears to keep out the noise. After the trumpets stopped he saw the prisoners all lining up ready to head out and die. Harry got in line behind Gino, this was it he thought, the end of his life was near. This must have been how Voldemort wanted him to die, racked with agony and twitching in pain. No magic to help him, to die at the hands of an ordinary man. Voldemort would certainly think that would be the shameful way to die. At the hands of a Muggle, there was no other shame in the world that could compare with that to an evil demon like Voldemort. To die at the hands of a Muggle was completely unacceptable to the likes of Voldemort.

The line started moving, Harry thought of Hermione at this point. He wondered what would become of her if he were killed. She would forever be at the hands of these cruel men who would most likely treat her inhumanely. She would probably be tortured day in and day out, just the thought of someone hurting her made him see red.

He was concerned mostly since she didn't have her wand to help her to escape from this kind of life. He had to live to see that she was safe, and it wasn't a choice. He could not die and leave her all alone. As he and the other gladiators made their way out into the pit he scanned the crowd, hoping for a chance to see Hermione. There were so many people it was hard to tell who was who up there.

Hermione watched as the gladiators came into view. She heard Rosa speaking to her.

"All the gladiators have been divided into groups of two." Rosa explained pointing down below. "Those right there are the red group and then over there is the green. The Reds will most likely be defending themselves and the green attacks full and hard."

Meldina nodded agreeing with Rosa, "The greens usually cheat and they use animals like horses. But Caesar doesn't care if they cheat as long as there is a winner in the end."

Hermione sighed; she stood and looked all the way down. She noticed they had the best seats. She could see everyone and everything clearly. More important she could see Harry. Hermione leaned over the wall a bit wanting to get a better look at him. She felt the tears swell in her eyes at the site of him. He seemed so small and alone down there, the fear of him dying finally hit her. He very well could be killed, she didn't know what she would do if that happened. She could sense that he had been scared, that's why she sent him that note this past morning she truly hoped her words had some comfort.

Did he know she was in the audience? She didn't get to ask herself that for long for his eyes met hers, it was as if everything else ceased to exist. Out of all these people he had found her, her heart ached. She longed to hold him, to tell him everything was all right that she believed in him. She wondered if he knew what she wanted to say.

Harry could see the immense worry for him deep within her eyes he tried to give her a reassuring smile but he didn't really get the chance for the five gates circling around them began to open. He looked in all directions as the men and women around him immediately went into their fighting stances, preparing for the battle.

It was unfair that the assault army raced out covered from head to toe in thick armour, with helmets to protect their heads. Their weapons were larger, sharper more extravagant. The green team immediately began attacking violently, the crowd was pleased as they cheered and hollered. One man in green shoved his sword straight into a Red's stomach twisting it with a most evil look on his face. Another man in green threw a large battle-axe; it imbedded itself within a Red's forehead killing him instantly. The blood was flowing fast and hard as the Reds were being slaughtered one by one.

Harry was quick on his feet as he avoided weapon after weapon, he blocked and dodged several attacking Greens. Two women on horseback rode out shooting arrows in Harry's direction, he had jumped out of the way to avoid being punctured. A man in green ran at Harry but he ducked and the man ran hard into Harry's back. Harry grabbed the man's legs and as he stood upright the man in green was thrown off landing on the ground head first breaking his neck. Harry saw Gino who was shooting arrows at anyone who would get near him; he had a good empty space around him. No one was getting close. When four fast arrows used in cross bows zoomed and stuck right into Gino's chest.

Gino fell to his knees as Harry was still defending himself; he tried as hard as he could to get to him, but it was useless. He was hounded and attacked by Greens as he saw Frizi run towards Gino his own weapon waving frantically in the air, Harry wasn't sure but it looked like Frizi was going to finish off Gino.

Frizi swung his mace wildly in the air aiming to hit Gino in the head but Gino was too quick for him as he lifted a sword that he had picked up from the ground next to him, he twirled the blade lopping off Frizi's hand. The blood gushed from the now stub on the end of Frizi's arm. He ripped the edge of his clothing and wrapped the material tightly around the nub trying to get the bleeding to stop. Gino's small victory was short lived as someone in green came up behind him shoving a sword to the hilt into his back so that the sharp tip poked through his heart, piercing completely though his flesh and sticking out of his chest.

Harry turned away, fighting the urge to throw up. He had to keep his head level he had to stay focused. That could be him next. He had to stay alert. He glanced around as he fought off a small man from plunging a dagger into his arm. Harry kicked the man in the leg, the man in green fell and another man in red came swinging through with some kind of fancy sword and swiped at the man in green knocking off his head. Harry couldn't tell if the were winning or losing, there were so many people lying on the ground dead.

The crowd was going wild as each man and woman was brutally slaughtered. Body parts were ripped from their persons; individuals were being stabbed and gutted viciously.


The Red's were starting to be victorious while the greens were diminishing in quantity. Marcelo had two double bladed swords; he swung them about in a masterful way. He was slicing off arms, stabbing people in the heart, stomach any one that would get in his way would be eliminated by his masterful skills

Hermione, who was standing, was holding a small tray of wine goblets made the mistake of taking a look into the pit. She saw Harry fighting really hard down there. She couldn't take it anymore she threw the tray to the ground and stood up against the ledge.

A very large muscular man in green knock Marcelo's swords from his hands by twirling a spear in his hand like a baton. The man in green lifted Marcelo up in the air much like a wrestler on television would. The large man threw Marcelo to the ground, grinning evilly his upper front teeth were black from rot; he was missing his bottom front teeth. His large foot came down hard on Marcelo's chest, knocking the wind out of him. Next the large man lifted his spear high into the air, his smile turned into a sneer as he growled.

Harry wasted no time and without really thinking he jumped onto the large man's back, his arms circling his neck choking him. The large man staggered back a bit as Marcelo managed to get out from underneath the position of his weapon. The large man flexed his muscles, Harry's eyes grew wide as he felt the man expanding in thickness he was losing his grip, he was flipped over landing on the ground. Harry was dazed and as soon as he became aware of what was happening around him, the large man plunged a sharp thick sword into his shoulder. He yelled and hollered in complete agony.

Hermione practically fell over the edge at the immense pain rushing through her body as she too screamed in pain. She managed to grab a hold of the ledge and force herself away from it. Instead she fell backwards, the pain was too much to bear.

Rosa and Meldina were at her side in an instant wondering why she was tossing and turning on the cement screaming. She was attracting unwanted attention from the spectators around her.

"Stop that I say." Cleopatra commanded, feeling more than embarrassed looking around nervously.

"It hurts… it hurts." Hermione clutched her shoulder, not hearing Cleopatra's commands. "Make it stop!"

"What is the matter with her?" Caesar said looking over at Hermione on the ground.

Cleopatra shrugged, "I have no idea, I think the girl's lost her mind or something."

"Maybe the match was too much for her to bear; I don't know why I agreed to force her to attend Antony?" Caesar said shaking his head, "I didn't think it would be a good idea, and now I know that I should have gone with my first instinct."

"I happen to think it's a good experience for her." Antony said hiding a smirk, "All her ladyship's slaves should be use to this."

Harry grabbed a hold of the blade with his bare hand; it was really sharp as it sliced the soft skin of his palm yet he tried to lift it. The large men kept pushing the blade down, making Harry yell even louder. The man then stopped and started to fall forward, Harry moved out of the way, as the man fell to the ground. Harry saw an axe buried in the guy's back and Marcelo looked like he had just thrown it. Harry reached up and tried to pull the weapon from his shoulder. He stopped it hurt too much.

The rest of the Red's came over to them, they were helping their injured teammates, it was rare that people would live after something like this. Enzo, whose head was bleeding, rushed over to Harry.

"Hey Harry, hold on." Enzo reached down and grabbed a hold of the sword and started pulling it out.

Harry couldn't stay focused; his mind was going blank, his vision blurry as the world spun around him. The pain was too much for him to bear as he lost consciousness.

At that point, Caesar declared the Red's the winners; the gladiators began to leave the pit. Enzo lifted Harry up onto his shoulder and carrying him from the pit.

Hermione who was miraculously all better and had stopped screaming, she was acting like nothing had happened. She was standing near the chair she had been sitting in throughout the match. She was so relieved that Harry was alive, unconscious but alive.

Antony was snickering, "Did you see that… What a lucky fool, if it hadn't been for that redhead down there he'd have died today. Too bad he doesn't have MY strength, then he'd be a worthy adversary."

Her fists clinched at her sides, Hermione was becoming more and more livid by each passing comment that Marc Antony had made about Harry. She saw his eyes connect with hers, a smug smile on his face as he continued talking.

"What a weakling that boy of yours is, it took him so long to fight his way through everything." Antony laughed.

Marc Antony's tone became a buzzing noise in Hermione's ears, and before she knew what she was doing she had picked up the bucket of vomit. She looked at him calmly. Hermione couldn't hear what he was saying his mouth was moving but no words were emerging. As he continued to talk she lifted the bucket of fresh vomit over his head and tipped it.

Marc Antony stopped speaking immediately. He was so shocked that he didn't even utter a phrase he looked at her. Setting the bucket down Hermione smiled sweetly, batted her eyelashes and walked away from him to join the other girls with Cleopatra. Marc Antony still sat there, he blinked a few times. He heard the sounds of heavy laughter coming from behind him. He turned and saw Caesar laughing his head off at him.

"You…should have seen…" He took a deep breath "Your face." Caesar said his stomach was hurting from laughing so hard, but he didn't care he hadn't laughed like that in years. Marc Antony was turning red, he was deeply embarrassed. This day hadn't turned out as good as he thought. He would get even with that girl if it was the last thing he ever did.

Well that's it for Chapter 7; I hope you all enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, now do the right thing and Review, review review ^_^