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Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: I don't own original Harry Potter characters or situations, they belong to J.K Rowling. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well.

A/N: Sorry for the long delay people, but I had a really bad case of writers block, but now it's gone. Yay!! So here's the next chapter happy reading ^_^

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 6-What Time Is It?

After the smoke cleared Harry and Hermione found themselves surrounded by furniture that wasn't there a moment ago. Sunlight poured in from the partial stained glass window to left of them, to the right was a portrait of a man in a toga of crimson lined with gold. The man in the portrait was staring back at you in a most intimidating fashion. A large crystal ball stood in the center of the room, the sunlight reflecting off it creating rainbow like colors all along the walls. Bookshelves lined the wall behind them; the scent from the leather bound covers filled the room.

Hermione was clutching Harry's arm tightly, her fingernails were digging into his skin. "What happened Harry, are we dead?"

"If we were dead I doubt I would be feeling the pain of your fingernails digging into me." Harry winced.

"Oh sorry," She immediately dropped his arm. "I'm just a little scared. You-Know-Who said something about a curse, and a slow working one at that." Hermione took a breath, "What do you think he meant?"

Harry shook his head "I'm not sure. Although, I don't remember this portrait or all of this furniture." He said looking around; something was rather off about this room. Perhaps he was just wasn't remembering correctly, after all they only popped into that room a few moments ago trying to hide from Voldemort. Harry looked at the portrait closer and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Hermione, don't you think that picture looks a lot like Oliver Wood?"

Hermione tilted her head to the side regarding the artwork, "Yes it does, although he is a little older. But it looks almost exactly like him."

A fuzzy radio like sound disturbed their concentration on the picture, hearing a voice in the room, Harry and Hermione looked around in all directions. The sound of the voice was faint and gradually getting louder.

"Harry Potter." The voice said.

Harry's eyes went wide, "Yes?" He said carefully while looking around the room. He was a bit nervous; perhaps it was Voldemort coming to finish the job since it was obvious that the curse didn't work. But no matter, Harry would stand his ground and not shrink or wither in front of the so called Dark Lord. If Voldemort wanted Harry to fear him, well he had another thing coming.

"Harry Potter, the crystal. Come to the crystal." The voice beckoned.

Harry started to move when Hermione grabbed his arm, he looked down at her fingers lightly holding onto him. He glanced up and the pure look of concern was clearly visible on her pretty face.

"No Harry don't, it could be a trick." She was worried, and did not trust anything that was inside Voldemort's rooms. This was after all his palace and Death Eater training camp.

"Harry, it's not a trick. 'Tis I" The voice paused a moment. "You know the creator of the Soul Scepter."

"Merlin?" Hermione's voice was quiet as she stood there in awe, why did he seem to pop up whenever something went wrong? But she trusted Merlin without a doubt.

Harry's eyes widened in shock, with Hermione's hand still on his arm, they moved over towards the crystal ball. It was very similar to the one back in Merlin's vault in Camelot. When they approached the crystal they stared down into it. Both Harry and Hermione found Merlin's face staring back at them appearing very relieved.

"Oh thank the fates that you two are all right." Merlin said with a tiny smile.

"What's going on, what happened to us?" Hermione spoke up first.

Merlin took a deep breath, "You two have been merely transported back through time to the ancient year of forty three BC. This particular curse was very powerful and tends to work similar to the time turner; you do know what that is don't you?"

Hermione nodded, "Indeed."

"But this is even more powerful magic for to go that far." Merlin added

"How do we get back?" Harry wasted no time with getting to the point.

"That…is the tough part." Merlin tried not to let his worry show, but it was nearly impossible. "In order to get back you must find the Amulet of Torna, when you find it you must take it to the city of Torna, the only Wizarding city in Italy. Remember this is a time when Muggles knew about Wizarding folk, it wasn't so concealed yet." Merlin took a breath. "But you have to take the amulet to the heart of Torna; in the citadel is a portal that will allow you to go to any time and place you wish. You will need to plug the amulet into the device that works the portal."

"Somehow this doesn't sound like it's going to be easy." Hermione let out a puff of air.

Merlin nodded, "It's a long and hard journey filled with dangers. But you two can do it, I know you can."

Harry rested his fingers against his sinuses as he felt a headache coming on. "How are we going to even find this amulet, we haven't the faintest idea of where such a thing can be."

Merlin nodded in understanding, "The oracles of Nolan Mountain can help you, seek them out." Merlin's head vanished from the crystal but was replaced by Albus Dumbledore's

"Ah Professor Dumbledore." Harry took a breath, "Why am I not surprised to see you?" Harry gave off a half grin.

"Hallo there Harry, how are you doing?" Dumbledore asked politely.

Harry took in another breath. "Oh well, Voldemort tried to kill me and I'm stuck back in the ancient past. Not to mention there will be fierce and horrible creatures after me to enjoy a fine meal. I'd say I'm doing just fine and dandy." Harry's tone was sarcastic as well as his smile.

"Glad to hear it Harry." Dumbledore looked around before focusing on Harry, "You must watch out for Tom Riddle. When he was fresh out of Hogwarts he had gone back in time looking for powerful ancient magic, that sometimes work better then the updated ones. But he is there, young and power hungry especially for someone no older then eighteen years old.

Harry smirked, "That means I could kill him, right?"

"Harry!" Hermione gasped. She never heard him talking so favorably of killing someone in her entire life, even if it was the younger version of Voldemort. It was still quite disturbing.

He looked at her. 'Oops' Maybe he shouldn't have said anything like that in front of Hermione. The last thing he wanted to do was scare her. He was saved in Hermione's eyes by Merlin's quick thinking as his head also came into view. Now Harry was looking at both Dumbledore and Merlin.

"Harry just avoid him, killing Tom Riddle will cause a different outcome. You don't know what will happen if you kill him." Merlin hoped he was listening. "Time is not something to be messed with; the things that have already happened are now carved in fate and if you play with that, you'll be doing more damage than good."

Harry's eyes narrowed. Voldemort killed his parents if there was a way to stop that from happening then he would do it. Of course he wasn't going to tell Dumbledore or Merlin that. Harry shook his head slightly and looked back into the crystal. "I'll certainly keep that in mind." He hid a smirk.

Dumbledore and Merlin's face disappeared and now Ron was looking back at him.

"Hey Harry, everything all right? Are you and Hermione okay?" Ron looked genuinely worried.

"Yeah Ron, we're all right." Harry smiled a little.

Ron let out a breath of pure relief. "Oh good. Don't ever do that again, you scared us out of our wits." Ron teased.

"Well first you would have to at least have wits Ron." Hermione smirked.

"Ha, ha." Ron was sarcastic.

Harry shook his head with amusement. "Okay Ron, we'll try to avoid this in the future how does that sound?"

Ron nodded with a smile, "Take care of Herms, don't let her order you around too much." He lowered his voice to a whisper. "She can be quite annoying at times."

"I heard that Ron." Hermione grinned, "Just you wait as soon as we get back you are so going to suffer."

"Oooooh like I'm scared of you." Ron teased.

"You had better be." Hermione shot back.

"Just be careful you two, we are so worried here." Ron glanced down.

"We'll be careful." Harry answered, trying to save face in front of his friend, he was worried as well. A sudden movement from Hermione caused Harry to look at her. She appeared to be listening to something; Hermione put her finger up against her lips in a signal for him to be quiet.

The door handle rattled and Ron's head vanished from the crystal ball. Hermione could hear voices on the other side of the door; the voices were speaking in Italian. At first the voices were confusing but became as clear as English to her.

"Yes Ezio said he heard voices coming from this Caesar's most private study." A male voice said. "No one is ever allowed in here." He said as he rattled to door handle again.

"But the door is locked, who could have been able to get inside?" Another voice said. "Come on Adrian, you know how Ezio is always exaggerating."

"Pietro, we have to check the room," The door unlocks and is pushed open.

Since there was nowhere to hide, Hermione and Harry were left out in the open vulnerable to any attack that Voldemort could bring upon them. Grasping his wand behind his back he stood face to face not with Voldemort but with a complete stranger.

"Oh excuse me sir." Adrian said looking at Harry apologetically, yet he was wondering what in the Gods they were wearing? He didn't let his own confusion show. "We didn't know you were in here."

Hermione elbowed Harry lightly in the side and whispered, "Say something."

Harry who was rather confused nodded lightly and turned to the man before them, "Uh…no, no it's quite all right, no harm done." He tried to look serious.

"What are you two discussing, war plans maybe?" Adrian tried to contain his excitement then looked right at Harry, "You did discuss with Caesar that I wanted to join his army right?"

Not really knowing what to say, Harry simply said, "Sure."

Adrian smiled and backed out of the room closing the door. But Pietro stopped him.

"What are you doing, who's in there?"

"Oh it's just Antony and Cleopatra." Adrian said with a shrug of his shoulders.

Pietro glared "That is impossible."

"What do you mean?" Adrian replied looking in the half open door at Harry and Hermione.

"Well for one, Antony and Cleopatra are with Caesar right now, watching the gladiators. There is no way they can be in that room." Pietro said pointing to the door.

"Oh yeah! Then who are they?!" Adrian violently thrust opened the door as his temper rose.

Pietro looked into the room and saw the same thing Adrian saw, but he knew right away that they were not who Adrian claimed. "That is not them."

"But-" Adrian was interrupted.

"They are imposters." Pietro shouted, which brought about more individuals who were passing by hearing the loud accusing voice.

Hermione was about to answer when Pietro waved his hand violently in the air, "Silence woman." He looked at Harry, "What kind of devilry is this?" Pietro's eyes narrowed into angry slits.

"No devilry." Harry answered.

"Then explain how it is you look exactly like Marc Antony?" Pietro's arms crossed in front of his chest.

"I don't know." Harry lied; he had an idea of why he looked like Marc Antony. It's not like he could just say…well he is a past life of mine and I got somehow thrown back in the past. They would think he lost his mind.

"You don't know, perhaps a few days in the dungeon will make you talk." Pietro cried. And as if he conjured up guards, two of them came through the door.

Hermione's eyes were wide with worry as she looked at Harry; he pulled his wand from behind his back and pointed it at them.

"Stay back." Harry threatened.

"Harry, what are you doing?" She whispered.

"We are getting out of here." Harry was ready to cast a spell.

"But Harry, they are Muggles…the consequences not to mention the ministry-" She was cut off by Harry looking right at her.

"The ministry doesn't exist during this time, so that doesn't matter anymore." Harry had pointed out. "So we aren't going to be punished for this."

"Come on Harry use your head, we can't cast a spell on Muggles. You don't know the damage it could cause."

Harry wasn't in the mood to listen to her reasons, his irritation was growing. Sometimes she just didn't know when to be quiet. This was a time for action not for thinking and she was standing in their way of escape, only because she wouldn't stop blabbing. "Hermione," Harry started to say, as the anger clearly heard in his voice. Pietro saw this as his chance while both Harry and Hermione were distracted to attack. He knew very well what that stick was that Harry was holding. Someone passed through with that exact weapon. He wasn't going to take any chances.

Pietro gave a small hand signal to two palace guards went forward, catching Harry and Hermione by surprise. They fought against the guards as both their wands were ripped from their hands. Harry received a punch in the face, the guard's fist connected right with Harry's eye. His, you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses would you trick didn't quite hold up anymore. The guards managed to get Harry and Hermione into the palace dungeon, where the large iron door was slammed shut. Harry and Hermione had nothing to say to each other.

A many unbearable hours passed as Harry and Hermione sat in the dungeon cell refusing to speak to one another. They had been yelling at each other about whose fault it was since they were thrown in the dungeon. Hermione had made the mistake of opening up that can of worms by simply asking him how long he thought they were going to be in here. It turned into a full blown yelling match. Until finally Harry said he had enough and to just shut up, he hadn't felt like talking sense then.

The truth was, they both ruined their chances of escape.

Hermione ruined their chances of escape because she didn't want Harry to use any magic on the Muggles. And Harry was just plain horrible thinking he could use magic on Muggles without their being any consequences. But neither was going to let the other know they were both wrong.

Hermione had her knees tucked up against her chest as her chin rested on them, she faced the wall her back to Harry. She hated cells, not that it really made a difference. She was sure a lot of people hated them. But she hated them even more ever since the incident back at the end of last year. Her eyes were wet with tears, she quickly wiped them away. There was no way she was going to show Harry how weak she had become. She didn't want his pity; and she still wasn't going to admit she was wrong. If he thought she was going to admit anything he had another thing coming. Hermione couldn't help her sniffling, hopefully she was quiet enough.

Harry was sitting on the other side of the cell up against the wall with his legs straight, one ankle crossed over the other. His eyes were closed but he wasn't asleep, he was thinking. Maybe he should go and tell her that she was right, magic against Muggles would have been very wrong, there were reasons why the laws were there. His head argued. 'No, don't be weak. She was wrong. You should have used any means necessary to get away from your captors and what did she do? She stood in your way that's what. She should come to you and apologize.' Yeah, Harry was going to agree with his head and make her come to him but that soft sniffle on the other side of the cell caused his heart to melt. It was no longer her fault and he stood, walking ever so quietly making his way over to her.

He knelt down next to her, facing her side. Harry's arms went around her and he felt her wiggling in his hold trying to push him away from her. "Hermione." He spoke quietly. "I'm sorry about yelling at you." He felt her still trying to get away from him and he was certainly not going to release her until she heard him out. "Hermione, sweetie, love. I am really sorry."

Hermione lifted her hand and pushed him away from her. "It doesn't matter." She wiped her eyes and got to her feet. Her back was still towards him.

"Yes it does, I didn't mean to blow up at you I'm just really angry about what has happened." Harry noticed Hermione step away from him as her arms enclosed about her, hugging herself. She was taking that rigid stance, in her own way telling people to stay away from her. "Hermione, don't withdraw from me. Please let's talk about this."

Hermione shook her head, "I don't want to, you made it perfectly clear whose fault it was being stuck here in this-" She looked around and that familiar shudder crept over her "in this dungeon." Her voice sounded a bit high pitched and squeaky. She sniffled again "You even told me to shut up, so I am." She didn't turn around or anything, Hermione just stood there trying to keep herself from breaking down completely. She took a couple of breaths to steady her nerves.

"I feel really bad about that, it isn't your fault." He took a breath. "I had no right to take my anger of the situation out on you. I'm clearly to blame, possibly even more." Harry took a step forward, towards her.

She heard him start to move. "No, just stay there." 'Why are you being so hard headed, he apologized what more do you want? Forgive him.' She said to herself. After taking a deep breath she turned around to find him standing directly in front of her. "Harry you were right it was my fault, I mean if I hadn't stopped you from casting a spell to allow us escape we wouldn't be sitting in here right now." She looked down at her toes. "It's just I know so much about what happens to Muggles when they get spells cast upon them, I've also dealt with the ministry and they are a not gentle when it comes down to it."

"No Hermione, I wasn't thinking about what could happen to Muggles if I cast a spell or curse them. I was blinded by anger. If I was thinking clearly I could have just blasted the window and we could have gotten away. But no you were right I should have used my head. Magic performed on Muggles is against the law for a good reason."

Harry stepped even closer to her, "I will never take my anger out on you again Hermione, you have that promise." His hands rested on her shoulders and she looked up at him. Harry didn't like it when they yelling at each other like that. Although, she did look rather sexy all fiery and riled up with her hair flying wild and free. He shook his head, he was obsessed. He even loved her anger. Harry took a breath, "Do you realize that has been the first fight we had since we've been together, and it wasn't small either."

Hermione snickered. "That's true, it's like anything we do is always big, even our fights."

"Which I hope to never have again." Harry pulled Hermione against him, embracing her tightly.

"Sometimes fights are unavoidable; let's just promise not to stay mad at each other for too long." Hermione's arms went around him just as tightly. It was at that moment that the cell door opened, making Harry and Hermione spring apart.

It was Pietro followed by three more soldiers coming into the cell, "It's time to meet your fate imposters." Pietro grinned. The three soldiers went towards Harry and Hermione and withdrew their swords, pointing the weapons and waving them about threateningly. Harry and Hermione followed after Pietro while the soldiers where behind them making sure the prisoners would not escape.

Both Harry and Hermione were brought before a man who resembled Oliver Wood who was standing by a large table. Sitting down in a chair next to him was a young lady who looked a lot like Hermione. Harry also saw another man who looked like him standing behind the large table of food. He had his arms crossed and a glare etched into his face.

Harry opened his mouth to speak but was silenced by a quick wave of a hand from Oliver's look alike.

"Silence! I Caesar am to speak first." He pointed at Harry. "Not you." He turned to Harry's look alike. "You may ask the questions Antony." Caesar sat down next to the young lady.

Antony came around the other side of the table, still glaring at Harry and Hermione, "Who are you, and why do you look like Lady Cleopatra and myself?" He crossed his arms over his chest.

Hermione slipped her hand into Harry's and he gave a soft reassuring squeeze before clearing his throat to speak.

"I know this is probably going to be hard for you to take in sir, but we are your future selves. You and I have the same soul" Harry said.

"You really expect us to believe that rubbish?" Antony replied with a scowl.

"How could you not?" Hermione spoke up, "Isn't the truth staring you in the face."

Antony was about to lash out at Hermione for speaking up before it was her turn to speak, when he felt a hand touch his. He looked down at the young lady and gave a nod.

"Well I certainly don't believe it." Caesar spat. "This is clearly done by some sort of trick to take over my empire. The villagers have been getting cleverer by the day, trying to resist the inevitable. This is done by some sort of sorcery; you have come here to take over. Well I won't allow it. Guards kill the girl and-" He was interrupted by Cleopatra.

She had spoken up, "Wait Julius. Don't kill the girl. Give her to me; I can always use another slave." She stood and approached Hermione. "It's such an uncanny resemblance;" She whispered so only Hermione could hear her, after a few moments of Cleopatra looking at Hermione, her voice rose to a normal pitch as she talked to Caesar. "I could use a girl like this." She turned and smiled sweetly at him.

It appeared that Caesar was deep in thought as he gave a silent nod of approval. He then turned around and looked at Antony. "What do you want to do with him?"

Antony smirked, "Gladiators, I would like to see him fight for his life in the ring, he probably won't last more then two minutes."

Hermione clutched Harry's whole arm now, she wasn't going to let him go. "No, you can't." She felt Harry's arms go around her just as tightly.

"So be it." Caesar replied ignoring Hermione; he snapped his fingers and about four guards came forward, trying to wrestle Harry and Hermione apart.

"No, no you can't take him I won't let you." Hermione struggled against the guards hold.

"Get away from me." Harry replied, trying to hold onto Hermione and fight off the guards was no easy task but he was managing just fine. For now. After some time of putting up a fight Hermione was pulled from Harry. It was when Hermione was slapped by a guard with such a force that she fell to the ground. Harry totally lost it. He wanted to rip that soldier's head off and he would have if more guards hadn't been summoned to keep Harry at bay.

Something hard hit Harry in the back of the head and he fell to the floor unconscious. It took more than a few guards to lift him.

"No, not Harry please." Hermione begged, she had gotten to her knees. "Take me instead." She took a deep breath "Just not him." Her voice quivered from the tears in her eyes.

It was as if no one heard her as she watched Harry being taken away. She got to her feet and tried to run to stop them, but someone's foot shot out tripping her, she didn't make it in time as the doors closed. Two men lifted her to her feet and started taking her down the hall, she kicked her legs about trying to get free, but they were much too strong.

"I don't know why they don't just kill you woman." One of them said.

The other man opened the door to a large room and she was thrown inside, she landed on her back, the wind knocked out of her. She heard the door slam closed and lock. Hermione got to her feet and ran to the door, she messed with the handle but it wouldn't turn. She banged loudly on the door. "Let me out of here, right now."

"That's useless," A feminine voice said from behind her.

Hermione turned around to find to her surprise Lavender Brown, or at least someone who looked exactly like her. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"They won't listen to you, we are all enslaved here. We are to serve our mistress Cleopatra." She stood. "I'm Meldina."

"Hermione," She said back.

Meldina looked at Hermione, "You look almost exactly like our mistress, but your eyes are a different color and so is your hair and you're a bit younger."

Hermione looked at the door, "I have to get out of here."

"That is impossible." Another girl said to Hermione, "They only let us out when its time to fulfill our duties."

Hermione looked at the other girl, she looked so much like Zara. She shook her head "You don't understand, I can't stay here. Harry needs me; I have to go to him…to help him." She sank to her knees, her hands still on the door handle.

Meldina helped Hermione from off the floor and walked her over to a pile of cushions and silks on the floor. Hermione threw herself into the pillows, finally loosing all dignity she cried hard into the pillow she was hugging tightly.

"Rosa, this poor girl." Meldina couldn't help the moisture forming in her eyes as well. The two slave girls watched as Hermione finally cried herself to sleep.

"Do you think this Harry person is her lover?" Rosa said with a raised eyebrow.

Meldina nodded, "I think so."

"They probably sent him to the gladiators." Rosa said, "I'll send a message using Falore." She pointed to the hawk sleeping in its cage.

"I know what you're thinking Rosa, you think these people are who the prophesy spoke about," She watched Rosa nod vigorously. "Well I don't think agree." Meldina said, "I've lost all hope for our freedom."

"Never give up Meldina, never." Rosa went and grabbed a piece of parchment and scribbled something on it, she rolled it up. "Falore." She whistled and the hawk was at attention. Rosa smiled and put on her leather glove and stuck her hand in the cage, Falore climbed onto her hand, and he was pulled from the cage. Rosa kissed his head and tied the parchment to his leg. "You know what to do."

The hawk squawked as if he understood what she said. Rosa moved over to the open window and stuck her arm out; Falore took off in the air soaring through the clouds.

"Do you think she'll be all right?" Rosa said coming back to stand next to Meldina.

Meldina sighed, "I hope so, we should inform the other girls of our new sister. I'll go do that." She went through a door on the other side of the room that led into another bedroom.

"Do you think he's dead?" A male voice said

"One can only hope Enzo. I just wonder why Caesar would send his most faithful and best friend down here to the gladiators." The other male said, his voice was rather angry sounding.

"Well Marcelo maybe he was doing something really wrong, and Caesar finally found out." Enzo replied. "Look he's starting to come to."

Harry moaned in pain, his eyes opened slowly. His vision was a bit blurred in front of him was a tall red blob and a blondish blob. Harry's eyes started coming into focus. "Ron, Seamus is that you?" Harry tried to sit up, his head pounded as he pressed his hand to the back of his head. "Ow, what happened? Where am I?

The two males looked oddly at each other.

"Have you gone mad? It's me Enzo and Marcelo." The Seamus look alike gestured towards the Ron look alike.

Harry nodded, trying to get to his feet. Faster then lightning striking, he was lifted in the air and slammed up against the hard stone wall. Harry winced in pain. "Hey, let go." He was much too weak to fight back.

"I should kill you for sending us down here." Marcelo spat.

"What are you talking about? I don't even know who you are." Harry said as he was slammed against the wall again.

"Liar." Marcelo spat and he slammed Harry up against the wall again.

"Marcelo, let him down." Another male voice said coming through the small crowd that was now gathered around.

"Why should I Gino, I'm gonna kill him for sending us all to our deaths, we're lucky that we're all still alive. It's all his fault." Marcelo growled.

"I think you should kill him." Someone else said who was leaning up against the wall.

"Shut your mouth Frizi, no one wants to hear your shit talk." Marcelo shouted at the pure blonde.

Harry had enough, he was more awake and for some reason most of these people wanted to kill him. Well he wasn't going to wait around for that. His foot shot out and kicked Marcelo hard in the shin. Harry was immediately dropped, and he fell to the ground on a bunch of dirt and straw.

He looked up at them, "Look I'm not who you think I am, my name is Harry Potter and it seems I'm to suffer the same fate as you all, so don't assume you know me when you don't" Harry got to his feet.

Marcelo crossed his arms, "Oh really, prove it then."

Enzo glanced at Harry noticing some differences, "Well for one Marcelo, Mark Antony doesn't have that scar on his forehead, which looks like it's been around for awhile."

"All my life, I got it when I was a baby." Harry said.

"You can't base anything on a scar Enzo." Marcelo spat. "You just keep that ass away from me and everything will be as smooth as glass." Marcelo glared at Harry, "If you come near me, I will kill you." Marcelo's eyes narrowed as he turned his back on Harry and walked away from them.

It was strange seeing someone like Ron wanting to kill him. Even if this guy was older than Ron was. He couldn't have been that old, but he remembered from primary school lessons that life was hard during this time in history. Marcelo very well could only be twenty one years old. Harry didn't want to think about that right now, all he wanted was to find a way out of here, find Hermione and get far away from here.

"How does one get out of here?" Harry asked while walking to the barred window, he gave the bars a tug; it wouldn't even budge an inch.

"Death is the only way out of here." Enzo said, he sat down on the ground against the wall.

"Not true Enzo, you can win your freedom. But that would take ages almost. Most of us don't even live that long." Gino replied.

"No, that's far too long." Harry said. "I need to get out of here now." He heard the harsh laughter coming from Marcelo. Harry turned his head wondering why he was being laughed at.

"You think it's that simple, if it were I would have been out of here long ago." Marcelo scoffed.

"I have to get out, there's a girl who needs me. I must go to her and we need to get home."

"Good luck foolish boy, you're in here now you might as well forget about her. You'll die come fifth day."

Harry looked around the large dirty cell, if only he had his wand. He wondered what they did with them. Well those Roman's better not have done anything to his and Hermione's wands, or there would be hell to pay. Harry turned and looked out the barred window, he could see Caesar's palace off in the distance. He hoped Hermione was all right, he feared he may never see her again.

Hermione woke with a start as she sat up, her hand pressed against her chest. "Oh Harry." She whispered to herself. She could feel his uneasiness; she worried so much for him. She was safe; it was him that was in trouble. Hermione tried to send reassuring feelings that she was all right, but the feelings were clouded with sadness and distress for him. She got to her feet and went to the window, she sat down on the bay window cushions look out into the now night time sky. She did not want to lose Harry this way, Hermione saw a star shoot across the sky, she closed her eyes making a wish. She hoped with all her heart that she and Harry would be together again, and safe from harm.

She closed her eyes softly and whispered into the night. "Be safe Harry, be safe."


Well that's it for chapter 6, hope you enjoyed it. Now stay tuned for chapter 7 In The Ring. Remember to review, thanks Ryoko