Unofficial Portkey Archive

Amulet of Torna by Ryoko Blue

Amulet of Torna

Ryoko Blue

Disclaimer: I don't own original Harry Potter characters or situations, They belong to J.K Rowlings. If I owned them, I would be sitting in Hawaii right now sipping drinks with little umbrellas in them and having hot guys serving my every need. *sigh* Oh well

Amulet of Torna

Chapter 4-Carlo's Gift

"Wait." Harry stopped her before Hermione had a chance to tell her tale. He figured this was going to be a long story so he pulled Hermione back with him getting comfortable; he propped some pillows up and leaned against them. He nestled Hermione against his chest, with his arm around her. "Okay, now you can tell me."

Hermione took a deep breath and remembered back to the spring break of her fifth year. "You know I had left for Easter holidays, well I returned home and my dad was taking my trunk into the house. I heard two people arguing in Italian, I assumed it was Carlo and his mother, they are always yelling at each other. I stood there listening to their fight; I mean I don't know why I don't speak Italian." She laughed and Harry smiled a little.

"Well out came Carlo and he was mumbling something, he picked up the hose and started watering the roses, he saw me. I saw him. He actually smiled at me. I was blushing so brightly, I had like the biggest crush on him-" She was interrupted by Harry.

"Had right, had?" Harry asked, his brows were arched.

"Yes had." She turned and looked at him, "Remember I was fifteen at the time. I had crushed on him since I was like eleven. Before I left for school, I hadn't even met you yet." She rested her head on his shoulder.

"Well when did you start crushing on me?" Harry asked proudly.

"Well I would have to say the middle of our third year; so much had gone on that year with the Crookshanks, Dementors, and Sirius. You know it was the first time I was really scared for you and it seemed my feelings were becoming clear." She cleared her throat, "Anyway Carlo and I started spending time together. So I did a little experimenting with him, I didn't want to go all the way with him because well frankly I didn't know him. At all."

Harry heard the slight shake in her voice, "Do you want to continue? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No Harry, I have to tell you." She said nestling herself even more against him. "Well he tried to go too far, I didn't want him to." Hermione closed her eyes tightly, "I can still feel his hands wrapped around my throat."

Harry felt the anger bubbling inside him; he wanted to hurt that jerk that hurt his Hermione. He held her tighter.

"He was too strong for me I kept trying to push him, or scratch at his hands. I reached for his face to scratch out his eyes; anything that would make him let go. He was using his own knees to keep my legs open. He was almost there, you know I could feel him right there ready to-" She paused a moment. "I figured this was it, I was going to be…but I reached for something behind me, my wand which he thought was just a strange stick. I reached for it, still struggling. I was able to get to my wand and I pointed it at him shouting the first thing that popped into my head."

Hermione took a deep breath, "The ministry was on me in minutes, and let's just say if it wasn't for Ron's father, I wouldn't even be here with you right now. They would have expelled me from school and banished me from the Wizarding World."

Harry hugged her to him so tightly; "I'm going to hurt him for causing you pain like this." His protective instincts took over and all he saw was blinding red rage, he wanted kick the living daylights out of Carlo Yuri and he probably would to if it wasn't for the pleading tone in Hermione's voice.

She was sitting up looking deep and worriedly into his eyes. "Harry you can't, it's over it's in the past. He can't hurt me anymore." She said.

"Does he know you're a witch?" Harry asked, still wanting to drive his fist right into that Italian's face.

"No, the ministry used a memory charm on him and replaced his memory with one of me kicking him away." She said glancing down at her fingers.

"I still say you let me beat the crap out of him, no one should treat you that way. No one. You have a heart and feelings, and you are so gentle and kind." Harry's voice was light and happy, his eyes then darkened with anger. "And he goes and hurts you like that, he deserves to be punished Hermione."

Hermione lifted her hand and ran her fingers light over his cheek. "I had done enough to him by using that mild curse on him. He went through a ministry trial; they probed his brain, searched his mind." She heard Harry sigh.

Harry reached over and pulled her onto his lap, her legs opened so that she was straddling him. She circled her arms around him and rested her cheek against chest.

"I know you want to hurt him Harry, I know. But I didn't tell you so that you could go beat him up, just had to get it off my chest. I had to tell someone." Hermione felt Harry's arms around her. She felt his fingers in her hair; she closed her eyes with contentment as he comforted her.

"It's alright Hermione," Harry said softly, his fingers ever so gentle running through her hair.

"Yes it is alright, I just hope Amelia dumps his ass." She laughed a little.

"I don't want to sound like a jerk, but I don't want him near you. Not at all." Harry said his tone was bitter.

"Well that makes two of us; I don't want him near me either." Hermione pulled back a little and smiled at him. She lifted her hand to his cheek, where her fingers lightly drifted about his face. "I don't want to talk or think about Carlo anymore."

"No complaints here." Harry smiled.

With a small smile Hermione leaned forward and kissed him gently. Harry's hands reached up into her hair, grasping the back of her head as she tried to pull away. He wanted her mouth on his longer, and he held the simple kiss.

Harry's hands were now on her shoulders as Hermione pulled away. Hermione took a breath and buried her face within Harry's shirt, she inhaled his scent. He smelled fresh and crisp, like after it rains.

She smiled gently. "You smell nice." Her voice was muffled since she still had her face pressed against his chest.

"I haven't had a shower since this morning, and it's been a hectic day. Are you sure you don't mean I stink?" Harry smiled though he was serious.

Hermione lifted her head looking at him, "I still say you smell nice." Hermione smiled and poked him in the stomach with a gentle finger. She saw him laugh. "Now let me see if you taste as good as you smell."

"Are you coming on to me?" Harry asked innocently.

Hermione leaned closer to his ear, "You better believe I am." She gave him a soft kiss on his cheek, trailing her lips to cover over his mouth. Harry's lips immediately parted as did hers; she was rewarded with a gentle flick of his tongue against hers. Her hand flattened against his chest and wandered downward over his stomach as the kiss deepened.

Harry moaned as he felt her hand on top of his shirt which was pressed flat against his chest, he wanted to feel her hand on him. So he pulled his mouth from hers and quickly lifted his shirt over his head. Harry took in a deep breath as he let Hermione take her time looking at him. Hermione leaned in and pressed her lips to his neck, kissing him slowly, wandering down to his chest where she left sensual open mouthed kisses across his chest. She scooted down more and kissed his stomach gently. Harry's hands were on her back, rubbing up and down. He didn't like this shirt too much anymore; he wanted her smooth soft skin beneath his hands. This shirt had to go, but first he was a bit apprehensive about what she was doing. Sure he had an idea and he'd seen it done on certain Muggle movies that Dudley had in private storage under his mattress. It's just no one had ever gone down on him before, not even Cho.

"Hermione?" He said breathlessly as he felt her hand against the zipper of his shorts.

Hermione rested her chin on this stomach and looked up, giving him her attention.

"What are you-" He stopped in mid sentence when she lifted her mouth to his in a brief but thorough kiss, her tongue twirled softly with his and she pulled back with a tiny smile.

"Just trust me, you'll like this." She said with a reassuring smile and a twinkle in her eye.

"I don't want you doing something that you might not be comfortable with." Harry said as he threaded his fingers through her hair.

"To tell you the truth," She lowered her eyes for a moment and then lifted her gaze to collide with his. "I've wanted to do this to you for a long time." She smirked and pressed a soft kiss just below his stomach.

Harry's breath caught in his throat as he watched her gentle, slender fingers unbuttoned his shorts; he lifted up a bit so she could slip both his underwear and his shorts off. Once settled back on the bed he closed his eyes, an instant later he felt her fingers, her hands and then her mouth. "Oh God!" Harry breathed out as he gripped the sheets with his hands. He felt her tongue her lips, the slight suction and movements of her hand. Harry was breathing hard, the emotions the sensations were like none other, hot and needy. He managed to bury his hands within her hair, he even found himself thrusting in and out of her mouth. She welcomed him, almost encouraging him.

This feeling was too much, she was very skilled and she was driving him crazy, he wasn't going to be able to hold back any longer. "Herm…ione" He gasped out. "I-I'm gonna, I can't-" It was as if she didn't hear him for she kept going, he couldn't hold it. Harry gripped the back of her head, every muscle strained, he cried out. After a few moments of catching his breath she was there now, lying on top of him and looking down. Harry buried his face into her neck holding her so tightly; almost as if he were afraid she would disappear. He felt her own arms around him as she too was embracing him tightly. She could still feel his heart beating fast.

"I was right," Hermione said with a smile.

"Right about what?" He shifted so he could look up at her, still wrapped up in her arms.

"You taste as good as you smell." She smiled into his eyes.

Harry gave off a soft chuckle looking at her, "Something is off here, I happen to be naked but you are still fully clothed." His tone was playful.

"I am?" She said looking down at herself, "Well imagine that, what do you suppose I should do about this?" Hermione grinned.

"I know exactly what to do." He pulled her up to a sitting position and he saw and as if reading his mind Hermione reached down with her hands towards the hem of her shirt, she was going much to slow for his taste. "Oh here, let me help you." And he quickly brought his hands to the bottom of her shirt and lifted it up and over her head. The rest of her clothing was soon to follow.

Hermione was lying on her back while Harry was next to her propped up one arm,

Harry lightly swept his hand over her body, slowly over her hip, her thigh. Just making her feel nice and relaxed. He glanced down at her belly button ring, playing with it a little. "So this is what that god awful pinch was? That hurt you know." He smirked.

"Oh I forgot," Hermione sniggered. "I forgot that we could feel each other's pain and emotions when apart." She said.

"Oh and don't forget pleasure," He wiggled his eyebrows. "I know what you were doing at night, alone. And on several different occasions too." He smirked.

"Hey!" She smiled. "Geez, now I can't do anything now without you knowing about it." She laughed.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing," Harry laughed and lightly rubbed his fingers in small circles on her tummy around her belly button; it was a tad red and he didn't want to aggravate it more. "Does your ring still hurt?"

"Well there's sort of a dull ache there now, it hurts but the pain will go away in a few days." She smiled, watching him still tracing around her belly button. Hermione stretched her arms behind her and her hand hit a bag. She looked behind her a bit and saw the bag of peanut butter cups. Hermione grabbed it and opened it.

Harry heard a crinkling noise above him; he looked up and saw she was digging into the bag of peanut butter cups. She pulled one out and started eating it.

"Well these are very good." Hermione said with her mouth full or chocolate and peanut butter. She saw him looking at her and she held half of the peanut butter cup to him, "Do you want some?"

"Yes I do." He took the candy from her but he didn't eat it, instead he covered her mouth with his, Hermione was a bit stunned but she recovered quickly and started kissing him back. Her arms went around his neck and pulled him closer. She felt Harry's hand on the area just above her breast, sliding down to cover over the round firmness. Hermione pressed her mouth harder to his, Harry moaned softly as their tongues playfully tangled together.

After a few moments of kissing her, Harry pulled his mouth from hers and they both noticed where his hand had been there was a smear of chocolate. "Ooops." Harry said. "I better take care of that." He gave off half grin.

Hermione took in a sharp breath as she felt his tongue on her breast, right where the chocolate now used to be. Both of her hands were buried in his hair as he continued to tease her breast with his tongue and lips. She cried out feeling his other hand between her thighs, touching, teasing invoking the hot fire of need that was now surrounding her. Her hands cupped the back of his head, which caused him to look up at her. She pulled his mouth up to hers where she kissed him hard and deep, letting her tongue collide passionately with his, making him groan into her mouth.

She ripped her mouth from his, crying out from feeling his finger inside her and his thumb rubbing against her little button, she was drowning in the essence of her fiery need. She scraped her fingernails up his back. Hermione heard him breathing harshly in her ear as she was clutching his shoulders. Her mouth was next to his ear when she spoke. "Harry…please…I need you…now."

"Right now?" He teased her with his words as well as his hand and fingers.

"Yes, right now." Hermione squeaked, she felt him pull his hand away.

Harry smiled and kissed her neck, covering her throat with butterfly kisses, which grew into passionate open mouthed kisses; he moved and covered over her with the warmth of his body. Hermione's thighs spread wide and he lay between them, she felt him pressed against the entrance of her body and she groaned pushing herself onto him.

"I said right now." Hermione smirked through her heavy desired euphoria and closed her legs around him pulling him deep inside of her, she gasped with pleasure.

His heart sped up feeling her tight around him where he gave her a soft smile, then his mouth covered over hers as he thrust into her warm, soft body. He started gently but gradually sped up his movements, harder and harder he went into her. Tighter and tighter she closed around him. She moaned and cried out into his mouth, as his kiss was passionate and almost bruising.

A bit deeper and harder Harry pressed into her, Hermione whimpered telling him she wanted more by attaching her lips to his neck and suckling the flesh and leaving her mark, she moved her mouth and continued to leave her little love marks. He gave her more he shifted and grabbed a hold of her ankles lifting her legs high in the air, where they bent at the knees and pressed near her ears. Harry was able melt even further into her hot warmth making her moan loudly. She was pushing her hips against his and he plunged faster and harder into her.

Harry felt her body close around him. He glanced down at Hermione's face, her eyes slammed shut, she was breathing hard and fast. He released her legs and they found their way around him again, her ankles locking together at the small of his back. Harry bent, kissed her once, twice. Opening her mouth with his where his tongue also plunged into her mouth at the same time as his body did inside her. Her arms were tight around him, pulling his chest against hers. Hard and hot he went, she was silky soft and tight around him. It was coming he could feel, she was on the edge. Her inner walls pulsated around him and he too was going to lose it for the second time that night.

Hermione's fingers clutched his shoulders hard, and his dug into her hips. Harry pulled her against him and he thrust in deeper again and again. Her body closed around his so hard and tight that Hermione's heart lurched and stomach tightened. Her body lifted nearly half way off the bed as she screamed in her release. Moments later he too had joined the heavens for a moment.

Hermione was looking up at him, watching him cry out his unrestrained pleasure. God he was beautiful. She smiled a bit looking up at him until he nestled his face in between her neck and shoulder. Still breathing hard and recovering from his ascent to the stars. Hermione kissed the side of his head, neck, as she was content to let him calm down against her. She ran her fingers up and down his smooth back. His breathing slowed, and she realized that he was asleep. Hermione let him lie there for a few minutes, before she gently moved him off of her. She got up from the bed and immediately he sat up.

"Hermione?" he said sleepily, looking around for her.

"I'm here love." Hermione moved over to the light switch she glanced over at the bed and noticed he was sitting up with his eyes closed. She flipped it down, making the room dark. "I'm just turning off the light."

"Alright." Harry leaned back against the pillow, pulling the blankets over him. He heard Hermione moving back towards the bed, where she lifted the covers and slid in next to him. She was on her back looking up at the dark ceiling, when Harry rested his head against her chest and he snuggled close. Hermione kissed the top of his head, and his forehead. She heard his gentle breathing return, he was asleep. Hermione smiled and closed her eyes, within moments she too drifted off into the world of dreams.


Harry and Hermione were in the bathroom finishing up their morning rituals, when Hermione popped a Translation Bean into her mouth. Harry did the same. They tasted kind of sweet.

"We don't want to forget this time." Hermione said with a smile.

Harry nodded; he grabbed a couple more from the bag and stuck them in his pocket. He watched Hermione do the same. Boy they sure think very similarly.

Hermione saw him looking at her with a goofy grin on his face. "What?" She saw him point to her pocket and Hermione smiled. "Sure the guy in Camelot said the beans last two weeks, but we don't know that for sure? For all we know they last two minutes." Hermione replied.

"I agree with you, I wasn't going to say anything except that we sure think alike." He said with a smile.

They both heard Amelia's voice shouting from the kitchen.

"Breakfast!" Amelia shouted.

Both Harry and Hermione came from the bathroom and sat down at the table to a giant feast. Hermione was confused.

"Uh, Amelia what's with all the food? You don't cook?" Hermione looked up at her cousin who was smiling. She could sense that her cousin was not happy, but was covering up something. "Alright what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing." Amelia sat down across from Hermione, "Nothing except I kicked Carlo out. Pass the toast please." Her tone was as plain as talking about the weather.

Hermione looked right at her cousin, "You really kicked him out?" She saw Amelia nod. "Oh good for you," Hermione smiled.

"Oh it's not good Hermione, I already miss him." Amelia sighed and glanced down at her empty plate.

"Yes it is Amelia, Carlo is an asshole."

"Well at times yes he was, but I could tell he really cared about me." Amelia replied.

Hermione sighed shaking her head; she was going to tell her cousin just what kind of a jerk Carlo was when there was a loud knock at the door.

Amelia got up from the table and rushed through her flat towards the front door and opened it. Carlo stood there looking like a little lost puppy, her heart melted. She then remembered what he said about Hermione and her face grew stern and serious. "What are you doing back here?"

"You told me to get my stuff, so that's what I'm here to do." Carlo's voice was just as stern as hers. Maybe if he played the cards right he would get her to accept him back. He just needed to make it look like he really was leaving and if that didn't work; he would give Amelia the gift. Carlo pushed his way passed Amelia and into the flat.

He glared at Harry and Hermione who had come to see what was going on, he simply walked passed them and into his room where he began collecting his things. Carlo heard a knock on the side of the open door and he turned, Amelia was standing there. "Well I hope you are happy, I will soon be out of your life just as you wanted."

Amelia looked at the floor and then up at him, "Just remember Carlo you brought this on yourself." She glared "If you really wanted a relationship with me, you wouldn't be cheating and you wouldn't be treating my cousin like she's lower than dirt."

"Ah your cousin, well let me tell you a few things about her." He crossed his arms over his chest. "She is a tease Amelia a big tease, she leads people on and then when-" He was interrupted by both Harry and Hermione who had come up behind Amelia.

"She is not a tease." Harry said bitterly. "I know what you did, and you know what you did." With his fists clinched at his sides he glared at Carlo who had a twinge of fear flicker in his eyes.

"Whatever, it's in the past. It doesn't matter anymore." Carlo said.

"That's right it doesn't matter anymore." Hermione said her head held high. "You don't matter anymore." Her hands found her hips, as she looked Carlo right in the eye.

Carlo's tactics were certainly not working; he needed to appeal to Amelia's love for gifts. He reached behind him and under the hem of his shirt brought a gift wrapped in silver paper which had been tucked into the back of his pants. "Look I know I messed up Amelia and that we aren't together anymore, but I got you this anyway." He sure hoped that whatever was in this box was what that man said was in there.

"You got me a present?" Amelia said her voice lightened up, and so did her eyes.

"Amelia what are you doing?" Hermione was surprised at her cousin's reaction. "Don't accept anything from him you just broke up."

"Oh but Hermione, he knows we aren't together." Amelia. "Right Carlo?"

"Right, I just wanted you to have this as a remembrance of me and all the times we had together." Carlo sighed.

Hermione shook her head in disappointment she looked at Harry who seemed angry. "She's going to take him back, look at that." She pointed to her cousin.

Amelia took the gift from Carlo's hand. "No I'm not taking him back; I just want to see what my present is." She carefully started unwrapping the gift. Both Harry and Hermione glanced over the shorter girl's shoulders, they two were a bit curious as to what the gift was. Under the silver wrapping paper there was a shiny green box.

Harry got an odd feeling, why did the wrapped gift suddenly remind him of school and Slytherins. He looked over at Hermione; he noticed she was in deep concentration as well.

Hermione felt Harry's eyes on her and lifted her gaze to his, they didn't have to speak they knew what each other were thinking. They both continued looking down at Amelia opening her gift.

Amelia lifted the cover of the box and inside resting on a green tissue paper was a blown glass picture frame with a unicorn portrait. "Wow." Amelia said breathlessly. "This is beautiful," she looked up at Carlo. "It must have cost you a fortune."

"Well price is no object when it comes to you." Carlo said smugly.

Harry looked about the picture; he scanned it thoroughly. He couldn't shake this feeling that something was off about the picture. Harry let his eyes scan all over the picture and there in the corner within the painted grass blades was the dark mark.

At the same time Harry and Hermione's heads shot up staring in horror at each other.

Amelia was about to touch the frame when Harry and Hermione both shouted "NO!" which started her and the box went flying from her hand. The picture flew out of the box and as if almost in slow motion the picture started falling towards them. Both Harry and Hermione held their hands up to catch it. Whatever it was they wanted to make sure nothing was going to happen to the Muggles. Carlo of course had a different idea as he reached for it. Amelia had grabbed onto Carlo's arm trying to jump up higher and grab the picture before the glass shattered all over the floor.

The picture was still falling from the air as Harry, Hermione, Amelia and Carlo all grabbed it at the same time and tried to pull it in different directions. They each felt a pulling within moments they found themselves on the ground in the middle of a large group of people in masks and black hooded robes.

"Hell a Portkey." He glanced around. "Oh great, just what this trip needs. Death Eaters." Harry said to Hermione as he pulled her to her feet.

"Do you think we're still in Rome?" Hermione looked at the group. She heard a moaning from on the ground, she turned and saw Amelia and Carlo on the ground who looked ready to vomit. "Oh no Harry look," Hermione pointed to the ground "Amelia and Carlo." She was greatly distressed.

Amelia slowly got to her feet, as did Carlo.

"What happened?" Amelia put her hand to her head.

"Harry Potter" A voice hissed out.

Harry turned to Hermione. "Wands out." He saw Hermione nod as they both recognized that voice.

Both Harry and Hermione pulled their wands from their holders, which were underneath their shirts.

Amelia and Carlo looked oddly at Harry and Hermione.

"Why do you have those sticks? And who the hell are these guys, and why do you two seem to know what you're doing?!" Carlo asked, for some reason Hermione's stick seemed familiar.

"We'll explain later." Hermione said still keeping her eyes on the group.

A path was created through the Death Eaters as two men came forward, one whose head was covered and the dark lord himself Voldemort. Hermione felt herself begin to shake and for reasons not known to her as the two came forward.

"Well, well, Harry Potter. Good to see you again." Voldemort smirked.

"Too bad I can't say the same." Harry glared.

"This worked better then I had planned." He grinned.

"What do you mean?" Harry's eyes narrowed even more in suspicion.

"Why doesn't my servant explain it to you?" Voldemort moved to the side as the man next to him lowered his hood and removed his mask, the man smirked.

"But that's impossible." Harry said as he looked upon the man, "Malfoy said he killed you." Harry heard Hermione whimpering next to him. He looked for a moment at her and saw her shaking almost uncontrollably for the man who stood before them was none other than Lucius Malfoy.

"He tried." Lucius smirked at Harry then glanced at Hermione. "Ah you've come back my screaming Mudblood." Lucius sneered.

'Get a hold of yourself!' Hermione's head shouted. She stopped her whimpering and held her wand up her hand still shaking. "You-you stay away." She said waving her wand in the air.

"Oh would you look at that Gryffindor bravery, more like Gryffindor stupidity to me." Lucius smirked then pointed his wand between Harry and Hermione. "Accio Wands." He shouted. Both Harry and Hermione's wands were ripped from their grasps and sailed into Lucius outstretched hand. Lucius continued to smirk.

"Hey I know you, you gave me that gift." Carlo said pointing at Lucius.

Harry, Hermione and Amelia turned glaring at Carlo.

"Carlo you asshole, you lied to me again." Amelia shouted.

"Not only that…" Hermione paused "Oh my God, all of this is your fault." Hermione spat. Lucius laughed causing chills of fear to run down Hermione's spine. She remembered that laugh all too well.

"We only intended for that Muggle there to be brought here." He pointed at Amelia. "So that Potter here would be forced into a rescue." Lucius laughed again. "We didn't count on the both of you two to arrive." He smirked. "Just imagine my luck."

Harry stepped in front of Hermione, this time he wasn't letting anyone past him.

Lucius just chuckled. "You know, I seem to remember an incident just like this. The outcome will be the same." He winked.

Hermione's hands grabbed hard onto Harry's shoulders.

"Hermione…what's…going on?" Amelia was confused. And she didn't like it that she wasn't being answered by her cousin. She was going to ask again but was interrupted.

"We shall deal with the Muggle prisoners in a moment; lock them in the dungeon cell." Voldemort ordered.

"Yes sir." A few Death Eaters came forth and took both Carlo and Amelia away.

Hermione watched with worry as the back of her cousin's head disappeared into the castle.

"The only person you should be worrying about here is yourself." Voldemort said which got Hermione's attention, she looked right at him. And for some strange reason he was smiling. 'Interesting' she heard him say. "What-is?" She asked.

Harry in shock looked at her especially when out of oddness Voldemort smiled. Harry shook his head and returned his angered gaze to Voldemort's. "Alright Voldemort why aren't we dead yet, or why haven't I been killed yet?"

"I am going to offer this to you one more time, I offered it to you before but you so rudely declined."

"If you're thinking that you can get me to join you, then you are surely mistaken." Harry spat.

Voldemort laughed, "Don't be so quick to jump to a decision, I have hostages you know."

"What are you going to do to them?" Hermione said in fear for her cousin, and forgetting all about Lucius.

Voldemort looked at Hermione, "have no worry; I'll only cause a little pain for your cousin." He saw Hermione's eyes widen. "But that foolish Muggle boy, oh yes I think I'll order him lots of pain, isn't that you the both of you want to see, him suffering?" He asked almost innocently as if they had a choice in the decision.

"No." Harry and Hermione said at the same time.

"No? If I'm not mistaken, the ministry almost banished you." He pointed his finger at Hermione. "Only because you were defending yourself, now is that fair?" Voldemort laughed, "Don't you want to see what's coming to him?"

"No." Hermione said.

"Why are you both so stubborn?!" Voldemort growled. "If you don't want to see people you care about hurt you will join me!" He ordered. "Here I'll give you some time to think about it." With a snap of his fingers, a few Death Eaters grabbed both Harry and Hermione by the arms and brought them to a dungeon cell, and pushed them in closing the door with a loud echoing slam.

Harry stood from the floor when they were thrown in, Hermione was already on her feet and she was pacing back and forth quickly. They failed to notice Carlo and Amelia huddled close together in the dark corner of the cell.

"Oh Harry, oh my God what are we going to do, what about-" But she was cut off by Harry.

"Yes I know Voldemort he's going to-" This time he was cut off.

"No Harry not Voldemort. Sure I still fear the dark lord but not as much anymore. It's Him." She chill ran down her spine and she shook a bit "I can't believe, I-" She broke down.

"He's not going to hurt you again, I will not let him."

They heard a rustling from the corner of the cell, which cause Harry and Hermione to turn. Amelia stood.

"Will one of you please tell me what the hell is going on here?" She was enraged.

"Amelia we can't explain it to you, I can not explain it to you." Hermione replied.

Carlo also stood his arms folded across his chest. "Well one of you had better tell us something. Who are these people and how did he steal your sticks like that. What was that some kind of a trick?"

"They aren't tricks, they are real."

"Hermione please, as your cousin tell us what is going on." Amelia sounded desperate.

Hermione shook her head, "I'm not allowed to say, I can't. I'm sorry."

Carlo came forward in a mad rage and he grabbed Hermione by the shoulders, "You had better fuckin' tell me what is going on."

Harry went to get Carlo off of Hermione, but someone beat him to it. Hermione kicked him in the shin and he yelled in pain as he, rubbing the now bruised area of his leg.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" She shouted.

"Just let us figure a way out of this." Harry said bitterly, "Just go and sit down and shut up. You have no idea what is going to happen to you.

"Are you threatening me?" Carlo glared.

"No, I'm warning you. These people are well, they don't like you. I don't like you but I don't want to see you dead. Well actually I do, but I would never kill you." Harry admitted.

"They want to kill us?" Amelia gasped.

Hermione nodded.

Amelia couldn't help the tears, "Oh what are we going to do, we have to get out of here."

"We're working on that Amelia; just let us take care of this okay. Trust us." Hermione said softly.

They waited there for over four hours before the door to the cell banged open. Lucius followed by six death Eaters walked inside the cell.

"Ah this brings back memories doesn't it?" Lucius mocked. "Although this time there is no Weasley" He spat. "Hiding in the corner" He smiled at Hermione, "Is it true that you Mudblood used magic on that Muggle over there?"

"How did you know that?" Hermione gasped.

"So I see you are very similar to my son, using whatever means to get the desired result."

"Don't listen to him Hermione." Harry spoke softly.

Hermione started shaking, "He, he was going to hurt me."

Lucius stepped right up to her and grabbed her by the hair tilting her face upward. She tried to struggle out of his grasp but he had a good hold on her hair. Harry tried to attack Lucius but he was held back by the Death Eaters, it took four of them to hold him back.

"Did he get any delicious screams out of you? Ones that were meant for me?" His eyes narrowed he heard her groan in agony as he watched her eyes shut tight. "Oh I bet he got lots of them." He looked towards Carlo, "You stole something that I enjoy, for that you will suffer." It was a good thing that Lucius was still preoccupied with hurting her and talking to Carlo that he didn't notice Hermione reach into his robe pocket and grab hers and Harry's wand, she quickly hid them in her back pockets, since her shirt hung down almost covering her bottom, no one would know she was hiding the wands.

Lucius let go of Hermione's hair and she stepped back from him. She was surprised that he let her back away and towards Harry. Lucius snapped his fingers and three of the Death Eaters charged Carlo and pushed him up against the wall.

A few of the Death Eaters started hitting him the Muggle way while one of them used curses on him. One punched him hard in the stomach three times, while another used the imperious curse and made Carlo punch himself in the face and charge into the wall and bang his head against the stones several times. Amelia stood there in horror, tears and her screams echoed through the cell.

"Oh please Hermione, Harry make them stop, whatever they are doing just please." Amelia begged.

Lucius snapped his fingers and the Death Eaters stopped their assault on Carlo, he fell to the ground breathing hard and bloody. Amelia sank to her knees and glanced down at him "What kind of people are you?" Amelia looked up at Lucius. He was glaring down at her.

"Oh look at that filth looking up at me, you should be put in your place wench, I should have you-" Lucius was interrupted by Wormtail coming into the cell.

"Master wants the prisoners now," Wormtail squeaked out.

Lucius took in a breath, "Fine. Let's go." He turned on his heels and the Death Eaters escorted the prisoners to the thrown room, Carlo again had the imperious curse inflicted upon him so that they wouldn't have to carry him. Into the thrown room they went and Voldemort was feeding a rare bird, with purple feathers upon its wings and head, its body was in the shape of a snake, but it had talons.

"So have you decided what you will choose? Join with me or there will be much pain inflicted upon all of you." Voldemort threatened.

Harry looked at Hermione, Carlo and Amelia. He didn't want them to get hurt. But he couldn't join with Voldemort that would mean the end of everything. He felt something being pressed into his hand. He glanced down at Hermione had his wand. Voldemort was too busy paying attention to his bird that to notice Hermione holding a long piece of wood and handing it to Harry.

"No, I will not join you. And neither will Hermione." Harry glared.

Voldemort wasted no time in lifting his wand and pointing it at Harry. "Then you shall die. Avada Kedavra!" Voldemort shouted.

Harry dodged the curse as it went flying at him, he then grabbed onto Hermione's hand tightly and pulled her. Amelia was busy shielding a still under control Carlo from whatever was going on.

Voldemort shouted the curse again but Harry too dodged that one, Harry and Hermione ran through the castle with Death Eaters on their tail. Harry opened the door a room and pulled her inside. Harry leaned against the door as he heard people next to it talking. "Kill Potter but leave the girl. Master's orders."

"Well why should we even have to kill Potter, he's better as one of us. He's even more powerful then the dark lord."

"That's why he has to be killed soup for brains, he could kill Lord Voldemort. He almost did once and he was just a baby. Just kill him and think about it later okay. Kill first then ask questions, got it."

"Got it." The Death Eaters agreed.

Harry sighed with relief, as the Death Eaters seemed to move on.

"Do you think we're safe in here?" Hermione said standing over by a desk. "What about Amelia and Carlo? They are still out there with them."

Harry walked over to Hermione, "We will get help."

"But what if they're dead already?" Hermione couldn't help the tears from swelling in her eyes.

"I don't think Voldemort would kill them just yet, he needs bait." Harry said, he never liked it when Hermione cried, it always broke his heart. There was no time for comfort though because the door was blasted away and pieces of wood went flying everywhere.

Voldemort walked forward with Death Eaters behind him. "You can't hide forever Potter, not from your fate. Luck has always seemed to be on your side, but not this time." Voldemort opened extended his hand and opened it; inside it was a large red ruby. "This is a special curse Potter, it will kill you. Slowly but you will die."

Hermione grabbed onto Harry's arm just as Voldemort threw the ruby at Harry's feet, a dark cloud enclosed the both of them, since she was holding onto Harry the cloud formed around her as well. A few moments the cloud faded and nothing was there. Harry and Hermione were gone.


Well that's it for chapter 4, I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for chapter 5-Under the Sun. Remember to review. Thanks Ryoko :-D and here's my yahoo group in case you are interested.