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Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear by Solomon Aegis

Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear

Solomon Aegis


The characters and universe created by J.K.Rowling are hers alone. As imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I hope this story can be taken in that way. Some of the additional characters are mine and who knows some of them may even be real.

a/n Only one more after this to reach the end of Part One. Be assured Part Two is on its way and looks as if it will be longer. Solomon.

14. Out and About Again

When Harry opened his eyes he realised that he was yet again in the Hospital wing. Outside darkness had fallen but the gentle glow of candles allowed him to see that he was not alone. He expected to see Dumbledore, Pomfrey or perhaps Aegis in the chair next to his bed but to his surprise Natalie Granger was sitting there.

"Hello mum; how's Hermione?" he said weakly.

"Oh Harry." She leaned forward and gave him a hug. "We just don't know yet, she still hasn't woken up. We do know one thing though."

"What's that?"

"You saved her life. Poppy said that if you hadn't stopped the bleeding when you did it would have been too late……she...she would be dead" Harry's surrogate mum burst into tears.

Her sobs brought two people into Harry's line of sight, Madam Pomfrey and David Granger.

"Ahh Mr. Potter, back in the land of the living again I see." said Madame Pomfrey "You need to rest; you very nearly exhausted yourself completely. It could have been very serious for you."

"I don't matter; I want to know about Hermione. Will she be OK?"

"I disagree with you there. You do matter to a lot of people actually, as for Miss Granger she has a good chance but we won't know until she wakes up. It's the damage the blood may have done, we can't say how badly she will be affected." Madame Pomfrey moved away shaking her head. "And that's one thing that nobody can do anything about."

Harry was worried now, should he tell Madame Pomfrey that he had repaired the damage he had seen, should he have even tried? It was all he could do to look Mr Granger in the face, what if Hermione didn't get better because of what he had done?

David Granger reached out and squeezed Harry's shoulder, "Thanks son" was all that he said. The world crashed down about Harry's ears, they were thanking him and he may have caused so much harm to their daughter. What was he going to do? He was panicking now. He felt he was walking towards a precipice and if he fell over the edge there was no coming back.

'Whoa Harry take a deep breath' said the voice in his mind. It was a deep soothing voice, one he knew well. 'Relax and calm down, nothing will be as bad as you think. We need to talk, I'll be right there' Silently and in the blink of an eye Professor Aegis appeared by the side of his bed.

Harry's eyes held a wild look, his panic was subsiding but not completely gone. "Poppy I must talk with Harry alone, if you would be so kind." He indicated that she and the Grangers should retire to the office. It looked as if Madame Pomfrey was about to complain but Professor Aegis added "Please" and they filed out.

"Right Harry, what was all that about? It's not like you to lose control like that."

"It's Hermione."

"OK, reason enough, what about her?"

"Madame Pomfrey said that if she was damaged inside then she might not be alright. But there was damage, I saw it, and Madame Pomfrey said nobody could do anything about it."

"Yes, I'm afraid that is the case, it's not something that's within our powers to repair."

"But that's just it Professor, I saw the damage and I mended it, what have I done?"

"Stay calm and tell me exactly what you saw and did while you were in Hermione's mind, all the details Harry, it may be very important." said the Professor.

So Harry described everything as he could remember it. Pushing back the cloud and sealing the damaged blood vessel, then seeing how perfect her mind was, all except one bit. The care with which he joined the broken ends and the spells he used. Then finally the pattern he saw as he moved away, the five pointed star formed of little golden beads.

Aegis was looking strangely at Harry. "A five pointed star you say, could you draw it for me?"

"Yes of course, but there's no need, that's it there." Harry pointed to the cover of one of Madam Pomfrey's healers books that was lying on the trolley near his bed. "It's a pentagram isn't it?"

Aegis sighed with relief "Yes Harry and if that is what you really saw then I don't think we need to worry about you harming Hermione any more. You may have changed things a little but caused her harm… no. The pentagram is the oldest magical symbol there is and will do nothing but good to your young lady. For that pattern to emerge, it is to coin David Granger's words, 'quite remarkable'."

The relief that flooded through Harry was incredible; he relaxed back in his bed with a wide smile on his face. He looked over to the still silent form of his girlfriend lying in the next bed and he felt a tear run down his cheek.

"I will talk with Poppy and the Headmaster" said Aegis "Rest for you my lad, and don't worry I have every confidence that she will be fine."

Harry spent two days in the Hospital, recovering from the strain of the spells he had used on Hermione. He rested, as he had been told, spending most of his time sitting next to Hermione holding her hand and waiting for her to wake up.

He had talked to Madam Pomfrey and now she understood what Harry had done she was far more confident that Hermione would be alright. Like Professor Aegis she did not know what effect Harry's repair would have, she was still amazed that he had been able to do it at all.

Harry tried not to think about how he may have changed Hermione, would it strengthen their bond, weaken it or maybe destroy it completely? Forever together he willed it to be so.

Harry was due to go back to Gryffindor tower that evening and was spending his last few minutes with Hermione "Sorry love, but they won't let me stay tonight" It was like the time she had been petrified. He talked to her as if she could hear and respond. "I'll be back in the morning; we've both been excused exams, so I'll look in on you."

He leaned over her and kissed her goodnight.

"That's nice Harry, see you in the morning" her arms encircled his neck and she held on to him.

"Madam Pomfrey! Hermione's awake!" Harry called out.

The school healer shot out of her office with Hermione's parents in her wake. She fussed over her patient and the Grangers crowded around. Harry stepped back and took in the scene, he couldn't believe it. He sank onto a bed and burst into tears, burying his head in his hands.

He felt someone sit down next to him and he looked up, David Granger was there, Harry could see the moisture in his eyes as well. He put his arm round Harry's shoulder, sniffed, looked to Hermione's bed and said. "Good isn't it son?"

Harry smiled "Yeh really good".

Hermione continued to improve over the next few days and it appeared that she had suffered no lasting effects from the blow to her head or to Harry's repair but she was still very weak.

It was decided not to tell her the details of Harry's work until she was completely well again.

Hermione was kept in the hospital for two weeks. During that time her strength slowly returned but it was not until the second week that she was able to stand unaided. Madam Pomfrey assured her that with time and gentle exercise all her weaknesses would fade.

Harry was with her nearly all the time, initially he read to her, then he helped her hold the books so that she could read, then he exhausted himself running back and forth to the library carrying the piles of books that Hermione could get through in a day. Eventually he decided that it was time for Hermione to start some exercise of her own.

The first trip was just to the next bed, then halfway down the ward, then to the large oak doors at its end. Madam Pomfrey watched the exchanges between the two students. In her time at Hogwarts she had seen thousands of students interacting in similar ways, but only once before had she seen such harmony. They had been a year older than these two, but it was like seeing James and Lily all over again.

In one of the brief moments Harry was not sitting at her bedside he was with Ron and Luna walking by the lake in the morning sun. Harry and Ron were discussing Ron's last exam, fortunately he was doing better than usual, when Harry was distracted by the rhyme that Luna was singing to herself.

"….say the bells of Old Bailey, I'm sure I don't know says the great bell of Bow, Here comes the candle to light you to bed, here comes the chopper to…"

"Luna! What is that rhyme? its' driving me mad, you see I had this dream……Oh Merlin!" The dream came flooding back to him.

"Sorry Harry? That rhyme, oh it's a muggle nursery rhyme. It's called Oranges and Lemons."

Two days after her release from hospital Hermione found herself in the Headmasters study. Harry and Professor Aegis were there as well and for the first time they discussed in depth the events of the last three weeks. Hermione's last memory was of leaving the stands at the end of the match, then nothing until she awoke in the hospital. Harry described how he thought she had called for him, but Neville had said that she had made no sound.

Professor Aegis had a theory about how Harry was called but he did not want to divulge it until he was sure. Harry then told the story of the events in the Shrieking Shack ending with Wormtail's attempt with the severing charm. Hermione shuddered at the thought of what had happened then and was glad that she didn't witness it first hand. Then they talked over Harry's prolonged stay and spell work in Hermione's head in great detail, finally telling her of the repair to her mind and the possible significance of the pattern that had been left by it.

The more she thought about all of this the more she was convinced something had changed in her and now she was going to try it out.

'I love you Harry'

Harry turned to look at her in shock, she just came out and said that in front of Dumbledore and Aegis, and she wasn't even blushing. The two Professors, discussing some fine point, continued as if nothing had been said.

'I really do love you'

It was loud and clear but Harry had been looking at her and now he knew that nothing had been said.

Hermione giggled in Harry's mind, he shivered, it was like having a goblet of freezing water poured down his back. Goose bumps appeared on his arms.

'What on earth is happening to me? Am I hearing things?' thought Harry.

'Yes of course you are. It's me.'


Harry must have made an involuntary noise, during this silent conversation, which drew the attention of the Professors. Neither Harry nor Hermione saw the exchange but Dumbledore flicked his eyes from Aegis to the students and then Aegis concentrated for a moment. He nodded to the Headmaster, then closed his eyes.

It happened very quickly. Professor Aegis was physically thrown backwards off his chair, Dumbledore was laughing, and Harry and Hermione spun in their seats to see what was going on.

Professor Aegis grumbled as he picked himself up off the floor. "Don't know why I let you con me into doing that Headmaster. No one, not even Voldemort, will get at Harry or Hermione that way again".

Harry glanced at Hermione. "Professor what happened? I thought I felt your presence then you were blocked out."

"It would appear that the effect of your repair work is starting to show. In more ways than one." said Dumbledore "The professor and I could sense your silent exchanges, I got him to check".

"Yes well" continued Aegis "I could tell you were talking in there but when I tried to dig deeper I was rather forcibly thrown out. It seems you have a private line to Hermione that won't allow snooping."

"Harry?" Dumbledore called, Harry turned to face him. There was no warning "Legilimens!" Harry flinched at the spell but nothing happened. He vaguely felt the Headmasters mind but then it was if a steel shutter dropped, there was no mental intrusion at all.

Professor Aegis was looking at the stone of Hermione's necklace. At the Headmaster's spell the stone had produced a single pulse of light, and he noticed that this was repeated when the same spell was fired at Hermione.

"You are correct Solomon, they both have a perfect shield."

"But Professor how is this possible?" said Harry " My efforts at Occlumency were not that successful and Hermione has never studied it at all. I know that Voldemort couldn't stay in my mind, but I couldn't keep him out like that."

Solomon Aegis stood and paced the floor. There was silence as he considered the problem,

then it was obvious that something made sense to him.

"I think Harry's piece of artwork in there" he said, pointing to Hermione's head "Is maintaining a contact between their two minds and the stone is providing the power to produce the mental block and it can now do it for both of them."

"We must find out more about the stone." Professor Aegis was beginning to see all sorts of possibilities in these developments. "Harry would you please take off Hermione's necklace?" Harry reached round her neck and did as he was asked, "Fine, now both of you hold the chain so that you can see the stone."

They lifted their arms, each holding one side of the chain, the stone was suspended between them. "Both of you concentrate on the stone, look into it, focus on the shadow inside."

It was as if their minds were holding hands, they moved towards the indistinct shadow which seemed some distance ahead. As they approached, the shadow began to take form, two figures became apparent, one remained in the background, pale and indistinct but both Harry and Hermione realised that this form was that of a woman of great age and she remained perfectly still and quiet.

Harry thought she seemed vaguely familiar but he concentrated his thoughts on the closer, more distinct figure. He could see that it was a young girl, again there was a familiarity about her. He exchanged a mental glance to Hermione who looked back down to the young boy in front of her.

"Who are you?" Harry and Hermione asked together.

The boy-girl looked up at them "I have no name, I am just here waiting."

"What are you waiting for?" they chorused.

"For the evil to go away, then my journey can continue."

"Do you know where you are going?"

"Yes, to be with you, and you will need this to make it happen" The boy held out his hand to Hermione and the girl held out her hand to Harry. Hermione took the boy's hand in her right; Harry took the girl's hand in his left. The three of them formed a circle.

The mark on Harry's palm began to burn, it wasn't painful but he could feel something passing to him over that contact. He knew from her expression that Hermione was having a similar experience. Then a light began to pulse around them, which became brighter and brighter and when it faded Harry and Hermione found themselves standing back in the Headmasters office.

They were holding hands and the necklace was fixed around Hermione's neck again.

"Wow!" said Harry "That was amazing, that little girl….."

"Girl Harry? no it was a little boy" they looked at each other in confusion. "Well whatever, we held hands and something passed between us, it made my hand tingle, but it was a little boy."

Harry opened his mouth to argue but Professor Aegis stepped in "Don't worry about the details, it's probably just because Harry's a boy and Hermione's a …. Well obvious, you see what I mean?" He gave the Headmaster an 'I hope they don't ask too many questions about that' sort of look. "Was just this one awareness present or anything else?"

"Now you mention it there was someone, or something, very faint I thought it was a woman, old, very old, but she didn't say anything. Right Harry?"

"Yes, I thought it was a woman. I thought I had seen her somewhere before but I admit I didn't pay it, or her too much attention as I was concentrating on the little girl" Harry replied.

Hermione's eyes narrowed and she pursed her lips.

"That is very interesting, two awarenesses. Well then" Solomon Aegis said brightly "I am now sure that it was the stone which called Harry to Hermione's aid when she was attacked. Harry's repair work has forged a link between these two young people and the stone is using that connection to divide its power.

"What about the little girl err… or boy?" said Harry "What was that all about?"

"That I think was the stone connecting itself to you, rather like Hermione's birthday gift to you Harry. I am sure it will take time before we can be certain but I would expect to see the effects of this become more evident over, maybe, the next few months". He sat looking very thoughtful. "This is very complex Wiccan magic, very old."

"That's who it was!" exclaimed Harry.

"That's who what was, Harry?" asked Hermione.

"The second presence in the stone. It was Eleanor Wicca, the old lady who sold it to me in the first place."

"You bought the stone from Eleanor Wicca?" Harry nodded. Aegis shook his head in wonder "Fascinating" he said.

"There's a little more to it than that isn't there Solomon?"

Dumbledore and Aegis were alone, Harry and Hermione were on their way back to the Gryffindor common room.

"Yes Headmaster, the shadow in the stone is a life force, the awareness of the stone if you like. However it should be a single entity. Normally I would expect it to have the appearance they both saw, that of an elderly woman." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows questioningly, "Err… the stone was created by a woman, 'ancient Hermione' we could call her, some five thousand years ago, thus the appearance. Why she should look like old Eleanor I don't know" Aegis said by way of explanation.

"The splitting of the life force and the creation of the boy for Hermione and the girl for Harry suggests to me that the stone now has two purposes. The original life force provides protection, both physical and mental, and it seems now that it can protect the both of them due to their new found connection. The addition of the child or children, that is an entirely different matter.


Somewhere far to the north and east of Hogwarts two figures stood on a rocky outcrop. Their cloaks were flapping in the cold, fierce, easterly wind, which was piling up the sea to send it crashing onto the cliffs that surrounded the bleakest place on the planet. The land was grey, all rock, no vegetation had ever gained a foothold on this place. The building was grey and streaked with salt from the spray which gave it a diseased appearance. It was massively built, it needed to be, simply to stand up to the weather that remained in turmoil all year round.

The figures walked toward the entrance of the building, the slighter figure, possibly a woman, was having difficulty in keeping her balance, the wind was pulling at her so. Her companion made no move to assist her, and when she stumbled merely turned to her to admonish her for her inabilities. Even in the half light which permeated the area his red eyes glowed with an intensity which would have sent many into mindless hysteria. They reached the iron-banded door, the man with the flaming red eyes raised his arms and the doors swung open to grant them access. Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange walked into Azkaban prison.

They had not entered the prison alone. Tall grey-cloaked figures glided in around them, their faces were completely hidden by their hoods, and the air cooled noticeably as they passed. The only sound they made came from beneath their dark hoods as they drew in long slow rattling breaths. They knew this prison well, but not as inmates, as until twelve months ago they had been the guards here. The Dementors had returned to Azkaban, they were not here to stay, but had finally agreed to help Voldemort and had returned to Azkaban for one last night.

The Aurors guarding the prisoners hadn't stood a chance. The Dementors using their knowledge of the prison had surprised them, the wizards cried out in shock but the cries were weak, and faded as the happiness was drained from them, as they collapsed the Dementors bent over them granting each one a last kiss. With this kiss their very souls were drawn out and devoured, their bodies left as a living empty shell. Bellatrix followed after the Dementors gathering an arm full of wands, a testament to the numbers that had 'almost' died.

There were almost one hundred inmates secreted in cells throughout the prison but Voldemort was only interested in a few, these the Dementors had set free. They had, on their release, fled in terror from the Dementors, but now seeing the Dark Lord in the courtyard they approached their master with equal trepidation.

Bellatrix smiled at their discomfort "Crucios' all round boys?" she laughed.

"Silence!" the order hissed out "I will not have you making decisions for me Bellatrix. Take care it is not you who suffer my wrath."

The Death Eaters made no sound, they knew that obedience was the only thing which would keep them alive.

"Take these" Voldemort indicated the pile of ex-Auror wands "And go from here if you value your worthless skins. I will call you in a few days. Come to me then."

Many of the group grovelled on the ground as they searched through the wands to find one reasonably compatible, and in ones and twos they began to apparate away. Voldemort called to a tall man with white blonde hair.

"Not you Lucius, you will come with me."

"As my Lord commands, I will obey" Lucius Malfoy's voice had lost none of its superior tone, despite the twelve months incarceration. He was however looking with some fear at the Dementors which were gathering in the courtyard, Voldemort turned to them.

"As promised, the prisoners we leave behind are yours, I have no interest in them, once you have finished with them then you may do as you please. Remember, if you can, that when the time comes I, Lord Voldemort, will be able to give you more souls to feed on…. For a price."

With Bellatrix and Lucius hanging on to his cloak tails the three vanished and hell returned to Azkaban.