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Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear by Solomon Aegis

Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear

Solomon Aegis


The characters and universe created by J.K.Rowling are hers alone. As imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I hope this story can be taken in that way. Some of the additional characters are mine and who knows some of them may even be real.

a/n Sorry this is quite a long chapter, it's just the way it happened to come out. I hope you like it. Solomon

8. Parents Lost and Parents Found

During the last two weeks of the term Hufflepuff played their Quidditch match against Ravenclaw. It was the only day which had any decent sunshine though it was bitingly cold. The match was very close and it was only due to Cho, now in her final year and Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, catching the snitch from under the nose of the Hufflepuff seeker that made the difference and gave them the win.

After the game Harry was walking back to the library to check on Hermione who had decided to study rather than watch the match when he was intercepted by Professor Aegis.

"Mind if we have a word Harry? I was just on my way to my office for a warming hot chocolate".

"Yeh ok, I don't suppose Hermione will be expecting me just yet"

Aegis looked thoughtful for a moment "She knows you're with me now", he said, "I think I just gave her a bit of a fright, please apologise to her for me, and I will replace her ink bottle".

Harry sat warming his hands on the steaming mug of chocolate and looked at his teacher who was staring at the fire blazing in the grate "What did you want to talk about Professor?"

Aegis looked up "Sorry Harry, lost in a world of my own then. This isn't an easy subject but how much do you know about Neville Longbottom's parents?"

"All of it" said Harry sadly.

"Ah, well, that makes things a little easier, did you know how it preys on his mind, that he worries about them every day, and talks to them in his mind before he goes to sleep each night?"

Harry shot the professor a stern look "No, I didn't and I don't think Neville would be pleased to know that someone was snooping around his mind".

"I understand Harry, it wasn't done just to be nosey, it is one of the tasks the Headmaster has set me. I don't find it particularly easy but I have to let my mind roam the school looking for other minds that might be in turmoil, calming them where I can and preventing brewing trouble from boiling over. Haven't you wondered how the Headmaster seems to know what is going on all round the school and is suddenly there if there is a crisis?"

Harry nodded "Yes, it makes sense though I thought it was just the way the Headmaster was, you know, sort of all powerful"

"No Harry, it is well to remember that no one, not the Headmaster, and certainly not your friend Voldemort, are all powerful, every one has their faults and weaknesses…… Well now you know how, there was one other bit of information that came my way in Gryffindor tower that evening and it concerns you."

Harry wasn't sure he liked the way this conversation was going. Had Aegis been snooping in his head as well? His anger began to rise.

"Please be patient and let me finish, I was going to say that I know what you are thinking, but I feel that would be in rather bad taste, what I mean is that I know you are angry, but you must believe me when I say this is only done to help and not to pry. This task does, however, make me very uncomfortable."

Harry barely controlled his temper "Then why do you do it? Tell the Headmaster how you feel".

"I could Harry, but then he will only pass it on to another, and the only other candidate for the job was Professor Snape".

Harry's anger evaporated at once, the thought of the potions master using his mind skills on the whole school was more than he could comfortably cope with. He had only known the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher for a few months but Harry knew who he would prefer to be fishing for thoughts and it wasn't Snape.

"Sorry Professor, I suppose I had never thought how difficult it must be to control a school such as this, especially in the present circumstances. What was the thought you got from me?"

"It was your disappointment that you could not show off Hermione to your parents."

"Yes that's true, and what about Neville?"

"Neville is aware that his mother and father have not lost their minds but are lost in their minds".

"There's a difference?"

"Oh yes Harry, a very great difference, and because of that difference, we may be able to help you both".

Harry told no one of the details of his conversation with Professor Aegis, nor the information that the Professor had divulged to him before they parted. He kept it very close to his chest, and had to be careful not to dwell on it too much, as when he did, a small smile crept on to his face, and on at least two occasions he was asked by Ron what he thought was so funny.

The last day of term found Harry feeling both excited as to what the holiday might bring, but also very nervous as Hermione had decided that it was time for Harry to meet her parents. She had been to see Professor Dumbledore and had asked for permission to take Harry home with her for at least some of the holidays. The Headmaster had thought about and then finally agreed. There had been many arrangements made to ensure their safety, but as protection wards had been in place around Hermione's home since the end of her first year the problems were not insurmountable.

Harry had spent the Christmas holidays at Hogwarts for five of his last six years. Last year had he been sent to Grimmauld Place and that house didn't hold too many happy memories for him. He hoped that this year might be different. Hermione had everything under control so Harry decided for once in his life to relax and be the passenger.

The Headmaster had called them both to his office and explained the procedures which would keep them safe and the rules they had to abide by if they wished the holiday to go as planned.

"I have to make this very clear to both of you" Dumbledore explained "You will not be allowed out of the confines of Hermione's home except to visit Diagon Alley or St.Mungos. Then only with an escort and you will only travel by a means which I have arranged. You will also keep these on you at all times". He handed them both a small glass ball.

"They look like marbles" said Harry.

"Emergency portkeys I think" said Hermione.

"Quite right Miss Granger. If there is any trouble, any trouble at all, you grip the marble, say or think 'Portus' and you will be brought here to this office. You understand all my instructions?" they both nodded, "Right then, off you go, and have a good holiday".

They walked back towards the Gryffindor common room, down the stairs and to the portrait of the Fat Lady. Hermione was lost in thought so Harry said "Forever together", it always made him blush for some reason. The Fat Lady smiled at him "Yes dear I am sure you will be" and swung outwards to reveal the entrance.

"You know it's odd" said Hermione as she climbed over the threshold.

"What's odd?" Harry asked as he followed her in.

"Dumbledore said we could only go to Diagon Alley or St.Mungos. Why would we want to go to the wizards' hospital?"

"Perhaps it's just a precaution, in case one of us gets hurt. You know trips, falls, things like that, aren't most accident supposed to happen in the home?" Suggested Harry

"Umm… I think he's up to something"

Thankfully before Hermione could pursue this line of thought any further Harry caught sight of Ron and rushed over to find out what he was up to. He had just received an owl from his mother, he was going to spend a week or so at the Burrow and then it looked as if he was to spend Christmas at Grimmauld Place. Harry didn't envy Ron one bit and it was obvious Ron wasn't too chuffed about it either.

"I tell you what" said Hermione brightly, "If we can arrange it Ron could actually spend Christmas with us".

"Oh I don't know, I would feel like I was intruding, you don't want me there." He smiled. "Don't want to cramp your style".

Harry could see Hermione inflate, he'd seen Mrs Weasley do exactly the same thing on a number of occasions and he knew what was going to happen next.

"Ronald Weasley! What on earth do you think we are going to be doing that would stop us from wanting you there?" Harry could see the crescendo building. Then just as Hermione drew breath to deliver the final tirade she stopped, reddened and said "On second thoughts I don't want to know".

"Ron, mate, if Hermione and her parents don't mind then I'm fine with it. Just the three of us, it would be fun".

The journey to Kings Cross was uneventful and as the Hogwarts Express drew into Platform 9¾ Harry, Ron and Hermione bade farewell to their friends collected their luggage and passed through the gateway to the muggle station. Harry looked back to see Neville struggling with his trunk. Professor Aegis had caught Harry just before he had left the castle earlier that day and had told him all the arrangements had been made and he would be contacted about when to make his move. Neville had managed to get his trunk on a trolley now, and Harry really hoped he would have a happy time as well.

As the noise and bustle of the muggle Kings Cross assaulted Harry's ears he was brought back to reality and his nerves began to rise again. He looked around but couldn't see Mr or Mrs Granger, but who he did see was Remus Lupin and standing next to him was Molly Weasley.

"Professor Lupin, Mrs Weasley how nice to see you" said Harry.

"Remus, Harry, Remus, not your Professor any more, remember?" answered Lupin.

"Harry, Ron, Hermione, lovely to see you all", said Mrs Weasley in a businesslike manner.

"Ron we will wait for Ginny and then you will be coming with me. Harry, Hermione you will go with Remus and he will take you to Mr and Mrs Granger."

"See you two later in the holidays, I hope" said Ron. He clapped Harry on the back and Hermione stretched up on her toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"See you" they both chorused, then Harry and Hermione followed Remus toward the station entrance.

Before they reached the main doors Lupin took them to one side towards a line of telephone boxes. He glanced around to see if anyone was watching, then opened one of the boxes and removed the telephone book.

"At the count of three your hands on the book please, one, two, three, Portus!" There was the familiar sensation of a portkey at work and the three of them found themselves standing in a secluded garden at the back door to Hermione's house.

"Right you will be OK from here on" said Remus "No need for me to hang about." He gave Harry a nudge with his elbow. "You're on your own now, be brave, and behave". He winked at Hermione and "Portus!" he was gone.

Hermione opened the door and went in "Mum! Dad! I'm home" she called out.

A woman's voice answered from the depths of the house calling to her husband. "David! Hermione is home"

A few moments later it was as if to Harry's eyes that a older, taller version of Hermione swept into the kitchen and threw her arms around her daughter, almost lifting her off her feet. There was so much bushy brown hair in that hug that Harry imagined himself looking at the back of Hagrid's head. No sooner had Hermione and her mother parted then her father appeared and this time Hermione's feet did leave the floor. Harry could feel the warmth of the love in their greeting wash over him and he took a little of it for himself.

He was conscious of the fact that Mrs Granger was looking intently at him, he was just considering making a run for it when she smiled at him. Turning to Hermione she said "Dear, don't you think you should ask your friend in and introduce him to us."

Hermione looked grief stricken "Oh Harry I'm so sorry" she raced across to him, grabbed his hand, and pulled him over the door step. "Mum, Dad, this is Harry……Harry Potter".

Hermione's father stepped forward and held out his hand, "Very pleased to meet you Harry. We have heard a lot about you of course and I think we meet briefly in Diagon Alley once a while ago."

"Thank you sir"

"Oh dear, so formal," said Mrs Granger, who walked up to Harry, glanced at her daughter and then to his surprise drew him into a hug, "Welcome Harry, welcome to our family".

"Thanks Mum" said Hermione quietly.

As for Harry he was having a little difficulty in controlling the lump which had risen in is throat. He was embarrassed to feel his eyes misting a little.

"Thank you very much Mrs Granger. You don't know what it means for me to have a welcome like that".

The rest of the evening was spent in unpacking and settling in and for Harry and the Grangers getting to know each other better. Bit by bit Harry's story came out, from the loss of his parents, through the years with the Dursleys and then to the last six years at Hogwarts. If he was a little economical with the dangers they had all faced and played down his part, he was full of praise for anything that Hermione had done to enable them to come through it all.

Mr and Mrs Granger were not fooled that easily. Hermione had told them all about Harry's exploits as they had unfolded and although, with Harry's retelling, they now realised how much involvement Hermione had had in these adventures, they were still aware that without a doubt on several occasions this young man had saved her life.

It was later after both Harry and Hermione had gone to bed that her parents were sitting quietly in the front room. Mr Granger put down his copy of the Daily Telegraph and looked over at his wife who was filling out a crossword puzzle.

"That's quite a remarkable young man you know."

"Who's that dear?" Mrs Granger said from the depths of her puzzle.

"Harry, quite remarkable."

"Yes it's about time our daughter thought of something other than books".

"What do you mean, am I missing something?"

"Oh David, for such an intelligent man, you can be awfully dense at times. She can't keep her eyes off him, she is watching him all the time, ready to help, or to encourage. As for him the only time he doesn't look like a lost puppy is when he's looking at her. Besides have you seen Hermione's necklace, you don't get a present like that, from a passing acquaintance."

"Harry gave that to her? I thought it was one of these fake glass fashion statements youngsters wear these days, you know like pre-torn jeans."

"No, Hermione told me, its real and very old and I get the impression it's not just for show, but she wouldn't tell me any more".

"Natalie, do you think I should have a chat to Harry, about things, err…Hermione and such?"

"Don't you dare, just let things follow their natural course".

"Beats me how you can cope with all this. I don't understand how you know what is going on."

Mrs Granger laughed "That's because I am a woman".

"Yes, well there is that I suppose".

The objects of their discussion were having very different nights. Hermione was laying wide awake, thinking, how was she to tell her parents about her birthday present to Harry, without them going ballistic. Harry was fast asleep.

Harry's nights remained peaceful and uninterrupted for the next week. Each morning he awoke in the Granger's guest room and each morning he marvelled at the size of it. It was just a normal sized double room but when you have spent eleven years living in a cupboard it was like a palace.

He was concerned about Hermione. She had been a little distant with everyone last night and Harry knew she was preparing herself for talking to her mother and father. He had a horrible feeling it was going to be today.

Hermione waited until after breakfast then she fixed Harry with a stare he knew so well.

"Harry front room please" he knew better that to argue.

Hermione faced her parents. "Mum, Dad would you come into the front room I have something I need to tell you."

Mr Granger looked at his wife over the top of his reading glasses and saw her mouth 'I told you so'. They stood as asked and trooped into the room were Harry was sitting trying not to look like a scared rabbit.

Hermione stood in the centre of the room and cleared her throat. 'Oh Merlin thought Harry she's going to give us a lecture about it.'

But she didn't. She knelt down in front of her mother and father. Her father looked worried. Her mother smiled at her.

Hermione looked shocked "You know already!" she accused.

"No" said her father.

"Yes" said her mother. "Not the details, but I have the general idea". She glanced up to Harry and included him in her smile. "Why don't we all relax and you can tell us about it".

So Hermione got to do her lecture in the end. She told her parents all about the summer holidays, Harry's birthday, the trip to Avalon, and about Professor Aegis. Then she told them about her present to Harry.

She explained her actions to her bemused father "Harry has to do something very special, for all of us, muggles too, and he can't do it on his own." She looked at him. "He thinks he can, but he can't. He doesn't want to put anyone else in danger, but like it or not we will be there for him when it counts. Me, Ron, and the others. I wanted him to know that I will always be there".

Harry had moved so that he was sitting on the floor next to Hermione, she took his left had and turned it over. The heart shaped mark was more visible than usual and quite easy to see.

"Lovely sentiments dear" said Mr Granger "But it does seem a bit one sided."

Hermione held out her right hand, the mark now plain to see. "Harry shared the spell, I just held his hand and it jumped."

Harry looked Mr Granger squarely in the eyes. "The commitment is mutual, sir, I don't know where it will lead us eventually. Hermione has given me a reason to want to continue to live and to do that Voldemort must be defeated. It is essential that you understand that Hermione's safety comes at the top of my list of things to do. I would die to protect her and I would die inside if anything happened to her."

Hermione had climbed on the sofa next to her mother who was looking intently at her hand. Both of them had the start of tears gathering at the corners of their eyes.

Mr Granger sat back and ran his hand through his hair. "Remarkable young man, just like I said the first night eh! Natalie".

His wife drew her gaze from Hermione's hand "David, how come you never gave me anything like this when we started going out".

Mr Granger gave his wife a filthy look, then said to Harry, "Come on son, you and me, in the garden, I need some fresh air, lets leave these women to weave their spells.

It hadn't been too bad, there was some talking, some assurances and some promises made and now Hermione's mother and father completely understood that these two young people needed each other. They had a task to complete and if they succeeded, then, well we'll see.

A week before Christmas two things happened to make the holiday. Ron arrived, his mother had relented and allowed him to come, and he had a letter with him. The letter was addressed to Harry and it was very short.

Dear Harry

All preparations have been made. It will be up to you to break the news on Christmas Eve. I will see you then.


"Ok Harry spill, that letter's from school, I examined the envelope it's the same as the ones our yearly letters come in."

"Surprised you didn't try to steam it open" said Harry scathingly.

Ron went a little red "It had a charm on it to prevent that" he said.

"Honestly Ronald, how could you try something like that? That's awful!" said Hermione in her most disapproving voice.

"That's just what Mum said, she made me do all the washing up for a week. Without magic!"

Harry laughed "Well I'm not going to tell either of you what I hope will happen, if it works the wait will be worth it. Now I need to see your Mum and Dad Hermione, I have to ask them a favour."

Christmas Eve morning dawned bright, but cold, Harry looked out of his bedroom window to the frost covered street below. He poked Ron who was still snoring on the camp bed that had been added for him. Unintelligible noises told Harry that he had made contact of a sort.

Slowly Ron's head emerged from the bed clothes.

"Wazthetime" Ron mumbled.

"About eight, it's going to be a lovely day" said Harry.

"You're far too cheerful for this time of the morning." Ron yawned and scratched his head.

At breakfast Harry maintained his cheerfulness, much to Ron's annoyance and Hermione's curiosity.

"Right you three we have a little trip organised we leave at ten o'clock" said Mrs Granger.

"Where are we going Mum, I thought we had to be very careful where we go, does Professor Dumbledore know?" said Hermione all in a rush.

"Err... wait and see, yes you are right, and yes he does" she replied.

As it got closer to the appointed time Harry began to loose his cheery disposition as it was replaced with nervousness and worry. Hermione picked up on his change almost immediately. He was sitting in the front room in one of the armchairs. She squatted down at his feet and laid her hand on his knee.

"Need to talk, Harry?"

"It's OK really, I'm just beginning to have doubts but if I tell you, it will spoil it". He looked very uncertain as to what to do. He smiled a weak smile and looked as if he was about to say more when there was a rap on the back door. Mr Granger opened it revealing Remus Lupin carrying an old football. Harry was saved from divulging his fears.

Remus gathered everyone into the kitchen and instructed them all to touch the ball. Then with a whirl of colours and blurred shapes they were off. Mr and Mrs Granger had been travelling by portkey to and from work for the last three weeks in the accompaniment of a member of the order and Ron Harry and Hermione had used them on many occasions so all of them remained standing when they arrived at the portkey point at St.Mungo's.

There was the usual hustle and bustle in the foyer, witches and wizards in various states of disrepair were trying to get to the appropriate floor for their particular predicament.

"Fifth floor Harry?" asked Remus.

"Yes we need to meet them in the tea room."

"Who are we meeting Harry?" whispered Hermione.

"Wait and see, only another moment" Harry pleaded.

They climbed the stairs to the top floor. Hermione noticed Harry giving a furtive glance to the doors leading to the fourth floor.

As they entered the tea room the first thing most of them noticed was a hat. This hat had a stuffed vulture on the top and it belonged to Neville Longbottom's grandmother.

They walked over to Neville and his grandmother who were sitting alone at a large table. Harry asked Mrs. Longbottom if they could join her and she nodded her consent.

"Hello Nev' how are you?" said Harry.

"Ok I suppose, I always find coming here a bit depressing, you know why" he replied.

"Yeh I do" commiserated Harry. He then turned to Mrs Longbottom "Would you mind if I talked to Neville on his own for a moment" she said nothing but shook her head in consent.

As Harry and Neville walked over to the window, Harry looked back to see Mrs Longbottom and Remus engaged in conversation.

"Don't know what's the matter with Gran today", remarked Neville "She has hardly said a word to me since breakfast, but look at her now" he nodded towards the distant table. "Really odd".

"I'm afraid it's my fault" explained Harry "She knows something you don't and I think she would have found it hard to keep it from you if she spoken".

Neville looked strangely at his friend "Are you going to tell me what's going on Harry"

"Not yet, I want to ask you something first, then I'll tell you. You believe that your parents are lost in some sort of limbo and you have been hoping to find them, haven't you?"

Neville sagged "Yes, you're right Harry, but it is difficult to keep that hope up."

"Never lose hope Neville" and Harry began to tell him of Professor Aegis' fishing trips at Hogwarts. "You see Nev' it boils down to this, you have a strong desire to find your parents and see if you can help them, I have a strong desire to talk to mine. I need to tell them well… that's not important." Harry continued quietly. "My Mum and Dad are dead, and their souls are free. Your Mum and Dad are alive, but their souls are trapped, lost, somewhere inside their heads."

"I don't understand Harry, where is all this leading?"

"Professor Aegis believes that using the right kind of spells we can attract the souls of my parents to the bodies of yours, they would only be able to stay there for a short time, but they might be able to find your Mum and Dad and bring them out of hiding".

"You mean they might get better?"

"Oh Merlin Neville, I don't want to give you false hopes, it is possible, but when their souls are freed they may not want to stay, they could leave with my parents".

"But Harry I wouldn't be any worse off, my parents don't really exist at the moment anyway".

Harry was finding this very difficult. He wanted to be positive but he needed to be realistic. "Neville if this fails your parents will leave forever, they will die".

Neville looked as if he was being torn in two, he looked at Harry "What do you think?"

"The decision must be yours, you have so much to lose, my part in this is secondary and quite selfish, if I was honest about it."

Neville glanced over to the table "It's about Hermione isn't it."

"How could you possibly know that?" Gasped Harry.

"I probably sleep worse than you, sometimes, you tend to mumble a lot, it must have been preying on your mind." Neville seemed to straighten, he had obviously made a decision. "It's tearing me apart seeing Mum and Dad the way they are. It's been nearly fifteen years and they haven't got any better, physically they get worse". He smiled sadly at Harry. "I think it's time for some alternative medicine".

The closed ward was bare and the only two occupants were sitting in chairs staring at a glittering mobile that was spinning lazily in front of them.

"That's all they do for hours on end. Poor dears". said the Healer in charge "What can I do for you, I didn't expect to see you again today Mr Longbottom, Mrs Longbottom," addressing Neville and his grandmother, "I am not sure all these people can really stay, it might be too disruptive".

"Don't worry yourself madam" said a growly voice from the door. Everyone turned to see Professor Aegis standing there with his familiar by his side.

"OH goodness no dogs, no dogs allowed!" the Healer shrieked.

"He goes where I go" said Aegis.

"Then you'll have to leave. Yes all of you!" the Healer felt she was rapidly loosing control.

"Later, please take a seat." With a small wave of his hand the Professor conjured a chair directly behind the Healer and with another wave she sat down hard and appeared unable to get up again.

Aegis strode over to Harry and Neville, nodded in greeting to Neville's grandmother, and said to the two boys. "Have we reached an agreement?". Neville nodded. "You want us to try?"

Neville swallowed "Yes Sir I, that is we, do" he said, including Harry.

"Very well, then this is what you must do. Harry you must concentrate very hard on your parents, you have to call them, ask them to come and help, you know that they will only be able to remain for a few minutes. So you must be quick. They will know what to do in contacting Neville's parents, once they have found them, it will be up to Neville to convince them to stay." The Professor studied Neville. "It will take a great force of mind to do this, but I have no doubt that you are up to it."

"When will we know that you have cast the spell Professor" Said Harry.

"Not me, dear boy, beyond what I can do"

"Then who?"

At that point Hermione gave a little shriek and Mr and Mrs Granger who had been at the back of the group trying to look inconspicuous unconsciously stepped back.

A mist had formed in the middle of the ward and out of it stepped Lady Niniane. A gasp sped round the assembled onlookers. Harry saw the Healer slump in her chair, she had fainted. Aegis bowed in greeting.

Ron said "Bloody hell!" and Remus looked daggers at him for it.

"Solomon is every thing ready, are all involved here?" Lady Niniane asked.

"Yes my Lady."

"Good, you may assist me"

"Yes my Lady"

Harry was sure she rolled her eyes skywards in a creditable impression of Hermione's favourite action when she was exasperated with him and Ron.

The black dog padded over to sit in front of Neville's parents. Their eyes which had never left the mobile turned down to stare at the Labrador. They relaxed, their stares vacant.

The Lady Niniane began an incantation in a language that Harry had never heard before, her voice was very low and very compelling.

Aegis looked to Harry "Go and stand behind Compass, take Hermione with you. When I say take Hermione's Tear in your hand and think very hard about your mother and father and what you want them to do. Hermione you just concentrate on Harry, give him support".

They both walked over to stand in front of Neville's parents as instructed. Frank and Alice Longbottom were still looking down at the dog.

The Lady Niniane's voice rose slightly then fell to a low murmur.

"Now Harry"

Harry thought, Harry concentrated, Harry willed the souls of his parents to come to him. He was not aware that Hermione had put her arm round his waist. That she was leaning in to him. Her mind was bombarding his with thoughts of comfort and encouragement. He was aware of the stone in his hand becoming very warm, he was aware that the power in him was growing, reaching out far beyond the confines of the ward, far beyond the confines of the world, past the boundaries of reality. To a place that was quiet and peaceful that was plain and beautiful all at the same time. Then his power began to contract, drawing him back to the presence of his friends, to the ward, to now, but he didn't come back alone.

The others in the ward saw an explosion of white light spread out and away from Harry and Hermione. It expanded to fill everywhere with its radiance. It stretched beyond the ward, beyond the hospital, beyond the city, to a place that everyone goes to but very few ever return from, and then slowly the light diminished and died.

One of the figures sitting in the chairs in front of them lifted her head. Harry stared into a pair of eyes as intensely green as his own.

"Hello Harry, my you have grown, you look just like your dad when he was your age but I see you still have my eyes"

Harry was trying very hard to keep himself together. He felt Hermione give him a reassuring squeeze.

His mother's voice was joined by another. "We have watched you from the beginning my lad, you have coped better that we ever imagined." Harry stared into the face of Neville's father, but he knew that the soul was that of James Potter. "I know that the task before you will be difficult to carry out, but you will not have to do it alone. Your friends will be paramount in aiding you, never turn away from them, their help will be willingly given and you must willingly accept it."

The soul occupying Neville's mother spoke again. "I see that you have decided to accept at least one person's help" said Lily Potter "Will you not introduce us?"

Harry felt he was on the edge of a total collapse; He was sure that if Hermione had not been there he would have been on his knees. He gathered his thoughts and though his voice was very shaky he said "Mum, Dad, this is Hermione, I so wanted you to meet her. I hope you approve that we have chosen each other. Now that I have finally found her and realised what she means to me I wanted you to know.

The green eyes in Neville's mother's face twinkled, Harry's mother replied "We have watched you grow together over the years, we could not be anything other than pleased that you have both accepted your love for each other".

"Harry" his father said "I will ask only one thing of you. Protect what you have found; she will be your salvation."

"Hermione" Harry's mother said. "Comfort him when he needs it, understand when he is difficult, and love him always, for he is the protector of you all."

Harry dared to glance away from his parent's presence to Hermione. Tears were flowing silently down her face but she smiled and nodded when she saw him looking at her.

The voice of James Potter spoke again "Harry our time is very short and we know what we must do, know that we are content to watch you and that we are happy to be together, Goodbye my son"

"Goodbye Harry", Lily's voice already sounded distant.

"Goodbye Mum, Goodbye Dad" Harry managed to croak out. Then he collapsed into Hermione's arms.

For a few seconds there was absolute silence then Lady Niniane began to murmur another incantation. The tone was one of invitation and encouragement.

"Now Neville it's your turn" said Aegis.

Neville moved to stand where Harry and Hermione had stood, it was clear that he was very nervous. Neville concentrated on his parents willing them to respond to the summons, trying to remember how they once were, but his memories of how they were now kept intruding, He needed help and he knew it. He felt someone grasp his left hand and another grasp his right. In the reflection in the window behind his parent's seats he could see Harry to his left and Hermione to his right standing with him.

There was a hand now on each shoulder and standing behind him was Ron, a good head taller than all of them. The four students stood together and tried again but it wasn't enough. At the door to the ward there was a commotion, it burst open and two more people entered. Almost as if they had been drawn by some strange force, Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood walked

up to the four standing in front of the Longbottoms. They stood next to Ron joining their hands with his on Neville's shoulders.

The Tyr was complete and a gentle golden glow surrounded them.

Their heads were bent in concentration and the glow began to pulse. It brightened so that those watching had to shield their eyes. Then suddenly it faded. Neville's mother opened her eyes, Harry noticed they were blue.

She looked at the group in front of her. Her voice was very weak "Neville, is that you? I think your father and I have finally managed to find our way home."

Neville stood rooted to the spot, his friends released their hold on him and Ron gave him a gentle push forward. Neville stumbled towards his parents who stood on unsteady legs and drew him into a loving embrace.

Harry turned to look at his companions, etched on to each face was an expression of awe and happiness. The happiness was not for themselves but for one of their own, the happiness brought forth other emotions and none of the five could hold back the tears. As a group they turned away from Frank, Alice and Neville Longbottom to give them the privacy they needed, and moved towards the others who had witnessed the event.

It was clear that everyone there was affected in the same way and at Remus's urging they all moved to the far end of the ward.

The Lady Niniane and Solomon Aegis stood slightly apart from the others quietly talking. Harry separated himself from Hermione's arms and went over to them. He bowed to the Lady Niniane.

"I don't know how to thank you for what has happened here today. Neville has had so much sorrow to cope with, to see him like this is wonderful."

"I approve of this boy Solomon" the Lady Niniane addressed the Professor, then she turned to Harry. "Even though you have received solace, you think first of others, in one so young, this is quite amazing. I am sure it will bring you a reward you were not expecting."

"I didn't do this for any reward, and that" Harry said indicating the family reunion, which now included Neville's grandmother. "Would be reward enough".

The Lady Niniane smiled "Rewards have a habit of being offered especially when they are not sought young man. Now I must go." She turned to Aegis. "Solomon you are using up a lot of favours, but if Harry needs my help again I will do what I can. Contact me".

Aegis bowed his head "Yes my Lady".

"Solomon Aegis if you 'yes my Lady' me one more time I shall lose my temper. You know perfectly well who I am, moderate your response accordingly."

Harry's Defence against the Dark Arts Professor looked as if he wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole. He bowed once more and replied. "Yes Mother".

The mist appeared behind her and with a swirl of her cloak Lady Niniane turned, walked in to it and vanished.

Harry turned to Hermione, and grinned. She had sidled up to him during the final exchange, and slipped her arm through his again, seemingly unwilling to be parted from him. Professor

Aegis regarded both of them for a moment and said. "Family can be a problem sometimes".

He began to gather everyone together and gesturing towards the doors, "I feel it is time we should all leave" he said. Remus nodded in agreement, and they began to file out of the doors. Harry and Hermione were just crossing the threshold when they turned in response to "Harry!" and the sound of someone running. Harry was nearly knocked off his feet by Neville who threw his arms round him and pounded him on the back.

"Thanks mate I don't think we will ever be able to repay you for what you did today" Neville said with a voice cracking with emotion. "This goes far beyond friendship."

"I'm glad it was successful, remember we both got something out of this, Nev', but you were the one who took all the risks" remarked Harry. Neville smiled, nodded, and turned back to go to his mother and father. "Oh by the way Nev', Happy Christmas".

Hermione was glued to Harry's side again "You're really rather special you know". She whispered in his ear.

"It wasn't just me, didn't you realise it was all six of us, working together that made it possible".

It suddenly occurred to her that it was indeed all six of them. How had Ginny and Luna known that they were needed and how had they got to St.Mungo's. Her questions were answered as they reached the foyer.

Mrs Weasley was being mollified by Remus and Professor Aegis and it seem as if the worst was over. It appeared that Ginny and Luna had been together at the Burrow and had suddenly dashed into the fireplace and flooed to St.Mungo's. They were apologising to Mrs Weasley saying that they didn't know how but Harry had somehow summoned them and they knew he needed them at the wizarding hospital and they couldn't wait for her. Once all that had transpired had been told to her she sat weakly with Ginny and Ron at her sides and tears rolled down her face.

Ron decided that he should return with his mother for the night but that if Mr and Mrs Granger didn't mind he would return to their house the following morning. So it was a slightly depleted group that ported back to the Granger's kitchen. Remus took his leave saying he would bring Ron back the next day.

Harry noticed that Mr and Mrs Granger seemed a little distracted by all that had happened and as he and Hermione settled in the front room they remained behind in the kitchen to talk. Harry sat on the sofa and the events of the morning began to catch up with him. Hermione was curled up next to him with her head on his chest and had already dropped off to sleep. Harry extracted his arm from under her and draped it round her shoulders and then followed her into dreamless sleep.

That was how Mrs Granger found them some two hours later, she stood at the doorway and her breath caught in her throat.

"David" she called quietly, "Come here but be quiet, I don't want to disturb them." She was joined by her husband who stood behind her and encircled her waist with his arms.

"Well my dear, if we hadn't already decided, I think that that sight would have made up our minds. We ought to let them sleep until dinner; it's obviously been very exhausting for them".

She nodded and they returned to the kitchen.

Later that evening after a delicious meal the four of them were ensconced in the front room. Harry and Hermione were sitting on the floor in front of the fire and Hermione's mother and father were together on the sofa.

Mr Granger cleared his throat, "Ahh… Harry, err…I, that is we would like to err… see it's like this."

Hermione regarded her father with a look of astonishment. She had never, well almost never, seen him at a loss for words. Her father gave his wife a pleading look, she continued.

"What David is trying to say, and making a complete cod's ear over it, is this. We watched today not really understanding everything, but we did learn a lot about you. We saw what you did and why you did it, we also heard what you said to your parents about Hermione. We saw the way your friends reacted to you and the way they feel about you. We have also, over the last couple of weeks, watched the way you behave around Hermione."

Harry wasn't sure whether to be pleased, surprised or worried by what was being said so he just nodded and waited for the axe to fall.

"We know that you are both very young, in our terms, for serious commitment, but that in your world Hermione is of age and you will be next July. We are also aware of what you face and although it frightens us silly to think that Hermione will get mixed up in this fight, we know that there is no way we could stop her. What comforts us, Harry, is that you will be there, because we know that you will keep her as safe as you can. If you come through all this safely, it is clear to us, that to two of you are suited and possibly fated to be together. When you first came here I welcomed you to our family, if you remember, we would like to make that more of an official welcome. We cannot replace what you have lost, but if you would do us the honour we would like you to consider us your mother and father as well as Hermione's."

To say that Harry was taken aback would have been a severe understatement; he didn't know what to say. He looked at Hermione who was sitting in shock with tears welling up in her eyes. She returned his look and mouthed 'Please'.

Harry stood "I have never really had anyone I could or would wish to call my family. I know Mrs Weasley has tried but she has enough of her own to worry about. I will try to live up to your expectations of me, and if you are prepared to have me as your 'son in waiting' I would be very proud to call you…….um what do I call you?"

"Well Harry" piped up Hermione "I've always found that Mum and Dad work quite well."

She leapt to her feet and wrapped him in a warm hug.

Harry grinned and looked at the Grangers. "Mum and Dad". He said.

It was a Christmas like no other for Harry. Ron reappeared mid morning, and the youngsters partook of all the traditional festivities. Food was taken almost to excess. Ron managed to leave excess far behind. Carols were sung. Games were played. Presents exchanged. Harry was over the moon with a selection of muggle clothes the Grangers had bought him, he was able to discard all Dudley's old hand me downs. Ron and he swapped boxes of Chocolate Frogs and Hermione gave him a new watch. Harry for his part had found an interesting book on ancient artefacts for Hermione; at least he hoped it was interesting, and an Eagle feather quill for Mr Granger.

For Mrs Granger Harry was at a bit of a loss. He had little experience of present buying and none if the recipient was his surrogate mother. He had spent some time trying to get it right and so when all the other presents had been exchanged he sat next to her on the sofa.

"I hope you won't take this the wrong way" Harry said hesitantly "I wanted to give you something that would remind you of Hermione and me." He smiled "So it ought to be beautiful and magical, err…. Hermione's the beautiful bit."

He held out a twig he had picked up in the garden and a piece of an old wire coat hanger. He wound the wire around the twig several times. At this point every one in the room, even Hermione, thought that Harry had overdosed on happiness and had lost the plot. As he held his present in his hand he lowered his gaze to it and concentrated. He used no wand, no mystical signs and no incantation, but the twig and wire glowed. The light surrounding them became so bright that it was hard to look at them, then it was impossible. Slowly the light faded and in his hand Harry held a single red rose.

"I hope you like it" he sounded a bit light headed "The steel from the wire is in the rose. It won't fade or loose its scent, I hope it will last for ever, like us."

"Bloody hell! um sorry" said Ron.

"Gosh Harry that's amazing, how did you do that with out a wand" he was pleased that Hermione was impressed.

"You just have to want it enough, well that is what it said in the book" he replied.

Mrs Granger took the present, smiled at Harry and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you son it is perfect".

Mr Granger looked at his daughter and then at Harry " Remarkable" he said to no one in particular.

The rest of the holiday passed too quickly for everyone. Ron had returned to Grimmauld Place for the New Year and then all too soon it was time to head back to Hogwarts.

The last day of the holidays was busy for everyone. Harry and Hermione packed everything into their trunks which were to be taken directly to Hogwarts. They were to spend their last night at The Leaky Cauldron as it was closer to Kings Cross, and the Weasleys would all be there for added protection. They said goodbye to Mr and Mrs Granger and ported out of the kitchen.

They spent the afternoon walking the crowded street of Diagon Alley getting the last minute things that everyone forgets they will need. Remus was constantly at their side keeping a wary eye out for trouble.

Trouble in Diagon Alley had an address, number 93, the home of the recently formed Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes. Harry and Hermione hadn't seen the shop before but Ron had.

"Touch as little as possible and don't eat anything," he said "Unless you want to go back to school as something other than yourself."

The shop was quite small but the twins assured Harry that there was ample room for expansion and considering how busy it was there was certainly a need. The range of items on display was really quite frightening.

Hermione was closely examining something in a display case, but to be on the safe side she had her hands firmly planted in her pockets. "Will it really do that?" she asked Fred or was it George.

"That? Oh yes, and its goes such a pretty colour" he replied.

"That is really rather disgusting you know"

"I think our Hermione has led a very sheltered life."

Remus cast a glance over Hermione's shoulder to see what they were talking about. "Well I haven't, and I think it's rather disgusting too" He said.

"Sells well though" said Gred or was it Forge.

They left the twins shop grateful that they were all in one piece and the same shape they had entered it. Harry fell in beside Remus as they continued down the alley and took the opportunity to talk to him as Hermione went inside another bookshop, just for a look.

"Thank you for looking after us this holiday, I hope we weren't too much trouble for you."

"Not at all Harry" Remus replied "It was wonderful to see you enjoying yourself for once".

"Will you still keep an eye on err… Hermione's Mum and Dad".

"Oh yes, the Order is bound to look after them now, the wards on their house will remain. If there is a problem this alarm will go off" he said, patting his pocket, "and we can be there in minutes, they'll be fine."

Harry was concerned for the new members of his family, as muggles they had no protection of their own. Remus's assurances were all very well but they seemed to be a soft target.

It was dark by tea time and so everyone returned to The Leaky Cauldron for a final meal before an early night.

It must have been about eight or nine o'clock that evening the pub was nearly empty save for the Weasleys, Hermione, Remus and Harry, the adults were all huddled in one alcove talking quietly amongst themselves when an appalling noise rent the air. Remus jumped to his feet and looked with horror at the alarm he pulled from his pocket. "It's the Grangers!" he shouted.

Hermione screamed "NO!" then "HARRY!"

For Harry, at Remus's exclamation, had reached out and grasped the stone of Hermione's necklace and vanished.