Unofficial Portkey Archive

Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear by Solomon Aegis

Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear

Solomon Aegis


The characters and universe created by J.K.Rowling are hers alone. As imitation is the sincerest form of flattery I hope this story can be taken in that way. Some of the additional characters are mine and who knows some of them may even be real.

4. Away Day

The message from Professor Aegis had said to meet him in the entrance hall at eight thirty that morning, so duly dressed in their good school robes Harry and Hermione waited for him to arrive.

He came down the main staircase with his dog at his heels.

"Good morning Professor" they both said together. Hermione was going to remark that she didn't realise that his dog would be coming when it occurred to her that she had no idea of his name. Neither she nor Harry had asked and the Professor had never mentioned it.

"Is …err…he coming too?" she asked lamely.

"His name is Compass and yes he is. Avalon is his home as well". Answered Aegis.

"That's an odd name" Harry said before he put his brain in gear. "Err. Sorry didn't mean to be rude."

Aegis smiled. "He is supposed to give me a sense of purpose, of direction. Hence Compass".

"Not so daft after all" giggled Hermione.

"Well at least he can tell me in which direction food can be found. He's really good at that."

Professor Aegis took a small white metal disc from his pocket. Harry noticed the dog grip the professor's cloak in his mouth. Holding the disc out to the two students Aegis said "Grab hold" and as they both touched it they all vanished.

The portkey dropped them in a narrow lane at the back of a shop proclaiming to be 'Frank Puddy's Pie Emporium, Glastonbury'. They walked out onto the main street and Harry and Hermione stopped to stare in amazement.

"This is a muggle town isn't it Professor?" asked Harry.

Aegis nodded. Harry's confusion was understandable as every other shop appeared to be a magic one. Magic certainly, but magical, he wasn't so sure. One white painted shop had a sign over its door proclaiming 'Man, Myths and Majic', and its windows were full of items that Harry and Hermione found faintly familiar. Healing crystals were on display in the shop next door. At first glance this could have been an upmarket Diagon Alley but something was missing.

The air in the real Diagon Alley almost sparkled with the magic that was present all around. Here there was none.

"I don't understand professor, all this," Said Harry gesturing at the street, "but no real magic?"

However it was Hermione who answered him "The muggle legends all say how magical this place is. So some muggles have taken advantage of this and set up these shops. Not all muggles hate the idea of magic. To some it's a wonderful thing, but just out of reach, so they pretend that they are witches and wizards. It's as close as they can get to our world."

Aegis lead them along the High Street while Hermione continued.

"Sometimes they even write stories about what it would be like to be one of us." She laughed out loud.

"What?" said Harry.

"I bet they would like your story Harry, it would make a good book."

They both dissolved in peals of laughter that drew attention from passing muggles.

"When you two have quite finished making a spectacle of yourselves," said Aegis good naturedly, "We need to go this way."

A short walk down the High Street and across a main road the ruins of a monastery came into view. It was set in the shadow of a steep grass-covered hill. At the top of this hill was a tower which looked as if it had once been part of a church.

The muggle at the entrance to the ruins, there to collect money from those wishing to view the ancient monument, paid them no attention as they walked passed. Harry assumed a disillusionment charm of some sort was in operation, the professor confirmed this stating that without it, it would cost the Islanders a small fortune just to use their front door.

Aegis led them across the grass covered ruins towards a row of dilapidated stone arches which had once formed part of the cloisters of the monastery. He stopped in front of one which to Harry and Hermione looked no different to the others.

"This is the way in, treat it the same as the entrance to platform 9¾, just walk forwards and keep together" He said.

Taking a deep breath Harry and Hermione followed the Professor. As he stepped into the shadow of the arch his form shimmered and vanished, and when the pair moved forward they felt a stretching sensation as if one step had covered a considerable distance instead of one stride.

They found themselves standing in a large cavern with a solid rock wall at their backs.

The cave glittered with light; little pinpoints of red, gold, white and purple flickered in and out of existence making it seem like the walls were in motion.

"Beautiful" said Hermione, "Wow" said Harry.

Aegis smiled "These are the crystal caves; this is where Merlin first found his magic when he was a boy. The caves are full of natural magic and it is said that he passed into a trance and when he awoke several years later he had become a very powerful wizard."

"What no lessons or essays to write, sounds like he had it easy" said Harry with a grin at Hermione.

The professor had been gazing round the glittering caves lost in his own thoughts; "No I don't think it was easy for him at all, alone, no food" ….He looked back to them and realised that Harry hadn't meant for his comment to be taken seriously….. "Yes well the tale is probably not entirely accurate, come on, we go this way".

They walked a well trodden path that ran down the centre of the caves and turning a sharp bend they saw the source of most of the light which still flickered about them. This was odd because it seemed to be shining upwards from a pool of water which straddled the path. When they reached the edge of the pool they could see stone steps disappearing into its depths and Aegis started down them.

"Ahh!.. Professor I'm afraid I am not very good with water like this" Said Hermione.

"Well that's alright then because it isn't water, it just looks like it, see not even wet" Aegis replied as he stepped back up again. "Hang on to Harry and you will be fine."

Even though she knew the water was not water as her head slipped through the surface Hermione could not help taking a last gulp of air.

The rippling surface had no thickness to it and they found themselves in a short passageway which reminded Harry of the one to Honeydukes cellar that he had used in his third year. This however opened on to a grassy hillside swathed in bright sunlight.

They were back in the muggle world, but no, as Harry looked around the scenery was the same, the tall mound was at their backs and the flat fields stretched before them, but there were no buildings. The town was gone.

"What's happened to everything?" gasped Harry "Where are we?"

"This is the Isle of Glass, an area around the Tor that has been enchanted err…a little sideways" said Aegis.

"What?" chorused Harry and Hermione.

"Sorry, not a good explanation. The area that contains Avalon is covered by enchantments similar to those at Hogwarts but rather than seeing ruins the muggles here see nothing and we can't see them. The Isle of Glass is out of step with normal time and is thus invisible" continued the Professor.

"How far does the enchantment extend Professor?" asked Hermione.

"As far as necessary; for your eyes, as far as you can see; for your physical body as far as you walk or fly, but no apparating as you just end up back in the normal world again if you try it.

It was undeniably the same world that was inhabited by the muggles and Harry's own wizarding kind but there was no evidence that anyone had ever existed, miles of empty countryside was all that could be seen until they followed the path to the other side of the hill. Spread below them on the flat plain was a wizarding village so much like Hogsmead that Harry and Hermione half expected to see Hogwarts Castle in the background.

Solomon Aegis spread his arms wide and gestured towards the village. "There!" He said "Set in the Isle of Glass,…… my home,…….. Avalon".

The three of them descended the hill by a winding path; the black dog had long since scampered off into the village. "Probably looking for food, it's his passion", Aegis had remarked, raising his eyebrows.

Harry smiled and thought that the dog and Ron would get on well as they had that particular trait in common.

Passing through the outskirts of the village it became obvious that the settlement was more like a small town with houses round the edge and in the centre an area which contained shops and grander buildings. All the streets were very narrow and the houses in fairly typical wizarding style seemed to defy gravity in the fact that they didn't collapse but had little in their construction which would account for this.

The shops could have been plucked from Diagon Alley although none of the names were familiar. The strangest thing of all was how quiet it was, certainly as they passed by people they could hear the occasional low conversation, but the general babble usual in market places was absent, people nodded to each other and to Aegis and Harry assumed that silent exchanges were taking place but his mind could hear nothing.

As they turned into the central square Aegis stopped. He seemed to be listening intently then he turned to the pair.

"I have been summoned to the Merlinium, the ruling body in Avalon" he explained, "You will have to amuse yourselves for a short while, but do not wander out of the central area, stay close to the shops".

With that he turned and walked towards a building that in a muggle town would have passed for the Town Hall.

Harry and Hermione began to window shop, walking round two sides of the square before they found themselves in front of a bookstore. Hermione looked longingly at the shelves of books inside, Harry smiled to himself as he watched his friend battle with herself and lose.

"Oh Harry, would you mind if….?"

"No, go ahead I'll join you in a minute."

Something had caught Harry's eye, he wasn't sure he had even seen it, just a sudden flash of light from a shop window on the other side of the square, but he felt compelled to investigate. Nearing the shop in question the light flashed again and now that he was facing the window it was quite blinding. He was left with a secondary image imprinted on the back of his eye and it enabled him to see exactly where the light had come from.

Lying on a small velvet pad at the back of the shop display was a necklace; a fine white metal chain was coiled on the dark blue material and attached to the chain was the object which had reflected the bright sunlight.

About the size of a Phoenix's eye, in the shape of a teardrop, was what looked to Harry to be a diamond, its many facets glimmering in the light. It wasn't a clear stone, there was a tinge of blue to it, although Harry thought it might have been the colour of the pad beneath showing through. Also if you looked carefully, deep in the very centre there was a fine shadow which almost seemed to dance with the light.

"Anything which takes your fancy young man?"

Harry jumped. The owner of the shop, a rather stout elderly witch was standing in the doorway. Although he wasn't sure the woman had actually spoken the words Harry answered

"Oh yes!" 'But I can't afford it'he thought.

"Well never hurts to ask, you might be surprised" she replied, obviously understanding Harry completely.

Harry followed her inside and asked about the necklace.

"I thought that was what you were looking at," 'I suppose it would be rather appropriate', she thought to herself, "It has a name you know."

"Err….. no I didn't know" Said Harry.

"Well it does, its called Hermione's Tear". Harry stared at her in disbelief.

"My friend, no my girlfriend…..err.. her name is Hermione too."

"Really what a coincidence. Well the tale is that this Hermione, who was the daughter of Helen of Troy, had been distraught by the thought that the love of her life had perished in some quest or other. She was also the Granddaughter of the god Zeus and as such she wouldn't show her emotions as mere mortals would, no wailing and pulling at her hair, she just shed a single tear and it solidified into the stone you see now."

Harry realised that his mouth had dropped open and he probably looked rather stupid so closing it he asked "Did her love die then?"

"Oh no! he was saved at the last minute, but if you tell that bit it sorts of ruins the story. It will cost you two Galleons and a good deed."

Harry was momentarily lost by the sudden change in the conversation.

"Well I can afford the money but it must be worth much more than that ….umm, what good deed do you want me to do?"

The shopkeeper looked kindly at him "You will know when the time comes," 'and it will far outweigh the difference', was a silent thought; "would you like me to wrap it for you?"

"Yes please" Said Harry handing over the money.

Harry bade goodbye to the old woman and walked out of the shop. She spoke so quietly Harry didn't hear her "Good luck Harry Potter" and she smiled a sad smile.

Harry couldn't help grinning to himself as he walked back to the bookstore; September the 19th was Hermione's seventeenth birthday and in his pocket was the perfect present for her. He was still smiling when he bumped into her as she came out through the door. She had had a wonderful time, books that she had never seen before or even imagined had existed filled the shop, she had even bought two but as they were very heavy the shop was going to send them straight to Hogwarts.

She asked what Harry had been up to, he was desperately trying to think of what to say when Professor Aegis turned up "Well timed" thought Harry "My pleasure" came back.

Very suddenly Harry tried to think of nothing at all.

"I hope you two have been using your time well, I have seen the full council and discussed a few points with them the upshot of which is that the head of the council wishes to see you both; nothing to worry about, she is, I suppose, equivalent to your minister of magic but you won't find her quite so stuffy. We'll have a look round and something to eat first though". Said Aegis.

It was all very well for the professor to tell them not to worry, but as their contacts with things ministry were not usually good, Harry and Hermione did.

The professor lead them on a guided tour of the village. He explained that at any one time there were about a thousand witches and wizards living there. The village was basically self supporting. The land around the Tor was very fertile and provided for most of their needs. Anything which had to come in from outside was shipped through the only real wizard-owned shop in the muggle town 'The Pie Emporium'.

"Good wizard is Frank, has a West Country accent you could cut with a knife, rather like your friend Hagrid. He has a heart of gold but takes a little too much cider on occasion, it's left him with a rather red nose."

"Urgh, I don't like cider" said Hermione "I much prefer butterbeer."

"Just as well" Harry quipped "You'd look really silly with a big red nose"

It was only Harry's seeker reflexes that allowed him to escape the swing Hermione sent his way.

They stopped for lunch at a small pub called 'The Sword in the Stone'. On seeing the sign Hermione launched into the story of King Arthur for Harry's benefit. As she crossed the threshold of the hostelry she stopped mid sentence. For in the centre of the pub's only room was a large squared off block of stone. Sticking out of it was a heavy looking sword. It was obviously very old but still shone brightly reflecting the light from the lamps used to illuminate the room.

"Is that Excalibur?" she said in a whisper.

"That, oh yes" replied Aegis "Have a go if you like."

Hermione walked up to the stone and almost as if she thought it might bite her tentatively reached out and grasped the pommel of the sword. A low hum reverberated around the room, and all conversation ceased. Hermione quickly withdrew her hand, the humming stopped and she gave a nervous laugh.

"I suppose it does that all the time?" she looked to Aegis.

"No, not really" he considered her thoughtfully, and didn't see Harry reach for the sword.

The humming started again even before Harry's hand had closed on the hilt, and when he actually grasped it the vibration was such that bottles and goblets were bounced around on the tables.

Harry felt the sword move under his touch. Then Professor Aegis placed a restraining hand on his and drew him away.

"Better not Harry, I think that is one responsibility you could well do without."

Hermione was looking stunned and Harry just couldn't help himself. Putting on a vapid expression he said "Why what do you mean Professor?"

Aegis cottoned on "Well Harry, you pull that sword out of the stone and you would be the King."

"Oh like Ron, that's what the Gryffindors called him last year 'The King'."

Hermione couldn't believe it, she had a complete idiot for a boyfriend. "No you twerp King as in the King of England," she snapped, then she noticed the identical grins on Harry and Aegis' faces. "OH! Honestly."

After their meal the three left the central square and walked into the domestic area of the town. Aegis explained that they were to be interviewed at the Merlect's house, the Merlect being the title of the head of the Merlinium.

They stopped in front of a house which, unlike most of the others, could have fitted into any muggle village without causing any suspicion. As they approached the front door it opened on its own, and once they were inside it closed behind them again.

Seated in the single room which took up much of the lower floor was a female version of Dumbledore. Undeniably old, thin and if standing they thought that she would be tall, identical sparkling blue eyes, even the glasses were the same, her white hair was just as long, but fortunately she had no beard, and that allowed them to see that despite her age she was still very beautiful.

Aegis placed his hand over his heart and bowed his head in greeting.

"My Lady Niniane, I present to you Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, the students of which I spoke about". Announced Aegis.

"Alright Solomon I know who they are there's no need to stand on ceremony". She waved him back and then looked not at Harry but at Hermione. "Come here child". She said and held out her hand.

Hermione walked forward and placed her hand in that of the old woman. Lady Niniane searched Hermione's eyes with her own then seemingly satisfied glanced down at Hermione's palm which she had turned up.

"You are very young to be making this sort of commitment my dear but with circumstances the way they are we must expect exceptions to the normal run of things". She looked past Hermione to Harry gazing at him over her spectacles. "You feel he is worthy of this commitment, young lady?"

There was no hesitation in her voice when Hermione answered "Oh yes!"

Lady Niniane beckoned to Harry who moved forward to stand next to Hermione, his hand was examined and his eyes searched. Harry was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable as the silent examination took place. He watched the old woman pass her eyes over the pocket in which he had put Hermione's present and saw her smile.

She placed Hermione's and Harry's hands together and both felt a warm tingling which made them look at each other.

"Yes Hermione, I agree with you, I think Harry will do nicely." She looked up at Aegis. "They have been chosen well, Solomon." And with that Lady Niniane stood, she was indeed tall, bowed her head in acknowledgement and vanished.

"Wow!" said Hermione.

"Double wow!" said Harry.

"Very deep, as always" said Professor Aegis. "Makes me feel very inadequate. Well I fear it is time for us to leave now. As soon as…….." The front door opened on it own again and Compass padded into the room……… "Ahh! Right on cue."

The Professor went to a small table in the corner of the room. Sitting on it was a crystal in the shape of a pyramid. Its base was about four inches on each side and its sides were smooth and flawless.

"Gather round if you please and on the count of three touch the crystal".

The dog stood next to his master and took the edge of his cloak in his mouth.

"One! Two!, Three!"e

There was the familiar navel jerk and with the rushing and whirling of the senses Harry, Hermione, Professor Aegis and Compass found themselves standing, once again, in front of the great oak doors of Hogwarts Castle.