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Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear by Solomon Aegis

Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear

Solomon Aegis

a/n Here it is the last one.

15. Where Do We Go From Here

At breakfast the following morning Harry, Hermione and Ron received a note asking them to meet Professor Aegis in his office. As the three trouped up the stairs they passed Ginny and Luna who were on their way to sit the last paper of their OWL exams. They wished the girls good luck and Ron received the usual tongue in cheek remark back from his sister

"How long is it going to take you to learn Ron? If you work hard you don't need good luck" said Ginny, Hermione giggled and Ron harrumphed.

They walked into the Defence classroom and then up to the office. Harry immediately noticed something strange. Every other year he had entered this room at this time of year he had seen the signs of an imminent departure. This time there were none. Professor Aegis was seated behind his desk.

"Staying on then Professor?" Harry couldn't help but ask.

"Not got the sack yet Harry. Unless you know something I don't?"

"No sir" Harry smiled.

"OK, please take a seat, I have something to tell you." He pointed to three comfortable arm chairs that had popped into existence in front of his desk. "You were aware that the Dementors left Azkaban last year?" they nodded "Well they returned last night, we lost twelve Aurors and over eighty prisoners in the attack."

Hermione drew in a sharp breath "Were they killed or…" she left the comment unfinished.

"No, not killed but it might have been a blessing for them if they had been. Unfortunately that is not all. Nearly twenty prisoners were unaccounted for."

"Let me guess" jumped in Harry "Voldemort's Death Eaters."

"Got in one. All the ones captured last year plus a few others. Some of those who had been in before the Dementors err… resigned may not be in too good a shape, but all the others will be fighting fit. Voldemort has his troops back. I thought you should know before it becomes common knowledge, you will need to alert the rest of the Tyr and the DA members."

Aegis stood and walked to the window overlooking the courtyard. He stared out not really seeing anything. In his mind he was reliving the past. He turned back to the room and looked at the three students sitting in front of him.

"This summer is going to be difficult for everybody; Voldemort won't hesitate to strike once his forces are ready. He will start small and build the terror; he will go for the weak and defenceless first, I am afraid that we are running out of time."

Ron was looking very uncomfortable "Does this mean that they will come after Hermione again. Didn't Wormtail say V-Voldemort needs the stone on her necklace before Harry's birthday?"

"I don't think anyone is safe Ron, though I hope that Hermione will be in no extra danger because her necklace is not what Voldemort wants. Pettigrew got it wrong, he didn't know there was another stone in the castle." The three students stared at him with dumfounded expressions. "The stone he needs to keep Harry away from is this".

Solomon Aegis lifted some papers on his desk to reveal a crystal pyramid, its base about four inches on each side.

"But that's the portkey we used to get back from Avalon" cried Hermione.

"And you've been keeping it in plain sight on your desk?" said Harry disbelievingly.

"One of those strange quirks of life is that the thing you want most of all is often just sitting there right in front of you waiting to be noticed." Professor Aegis looked pointedly between Harry and Hermione. Harry got the idea straight away, Hermione blushed slightly. "From what Pettigrew told Harry he was here in the castle, he could have walked into this room and taken it without any trouble."

Ron stared at the crystal, its smooth facets seemed to draw him into it; he broke his gaze with difficulty. "So are you going to tell us what it does, or is it another secret that we can't be told yet?"

Harry thought Ron was pushing his luck, Professors often didn't appreciate being talked to in that way, he imagined how Snape would have reacted.

"I understand your concerns Ron, but although I know what I can do with it I don't know exactly what you will be able to get it to do. That is what we will be working on over the summer."

Ron was shocked "What no summer holiday, are we staying at school then? I'm not sure I can cope with that, I mean Oh Bloody Hell that's not fair…….." He mumbled and moaned but Harry knew wild Hippogriffs wouldn't keep him away from anything like this.

Hermione had been sitting quietly thinking, as usual. "This has to do with the message that the Headmaster received before you came."

"Quite correct."

"What message was that then?" said Ron.

Harry explained that it was the message that persuaded the Headmaster to call Harry and Hermione back to school at the beginning of the last summer holidays.

"I take it that I didn't get a mention then?" said Ron a little glumly. "Mind you I'm not sure that I am all that worried, do you still want me to help?"

Harry looked at his best friend and smiled "Do you know if you had asked me that this time last year I would have said no to both you and Hermione. Then I didn't want anyone else involved, not that I wanted the glory or anything like that, but I thought there was no chance of defeating Voldemort. I wouldn't have wanted to bring you down with me. Now I can't imagine beating him without you, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna at my side. Remember that Voldemort divides and conquers; if he can't divide then he can't conquer. Of course I want you with me," he looked at Hermione, "with us."

Hermione thought for a moment, "Then I have to learn how to use the crystal…, to be a channel for the power…,it doesn't seem to make much sense, we don't even know what power the ministry is holding, what about the ministry?"

"All in good time" Aegis reassured her, "I would suggest that at the end of term you and Harry go directly to Avalon, we will see if we can get the others to join you there after a couple of weeks. It will be the safest place for the moment. We will see how we progress then we may get to the ministry before the next school year starts. For now act normally and enjoy the last week of term."

Harry met with the rest of the Tyr later that same day. All six were sitting by Harry and Hermione's favourite spot down by the lake. He had decided that the time had come for him to have a serious talk with them all.

"Well guys, now you know the score and you've seen what has happened this last year. I want you all to think very carefully where we all go from here. Now that the Death Eaters are out Voldemort will be after my blood, literally, it is going to get very dangerous to be close to me.

I will understand if anyone wants out, its' not your fight it is mine."

'Oh not again' Hermione was disappointed that despite all they had been through Harry still felt he should be tackling Voldemort on his own, and she was going to tell him so. As she drew in her breath to argue the point Neville interrupted her.

"Hang on Hermione, we all know where you stand, and you all probably know where I stand but I think its time we all got a few things straight. I thought Harry had decided not to be a prat anymore but it looks like I was wrong. He looked directly at Harry. Everything we have in this world is threatened by Voldemort and his followers, my family, your family, Ron's family, even this old school. Everything Harry, everything, and I am not going to sit by and let that excuse for a wizard take any of them from me, …from us." Ginny was sitting on the ground next to him, her eyes fixed on his face. Neville could see the shining in her eyes. He reached over and took her hand; he drew it to his lips and then kissed the back of it. "He is never taking anything I hold dear from me again."

Neville looked up at the others. This was a very different Neville than the one who had been at the ministry a mere twelve months ago. He had changed, he had found his family and without raising any suspicions had found someone who cared for him as much as he cared for her.

Ginny looked defiantly at he brother daring him to say anything, Ron wisely kept quiet. She turned her gaze to Harry.

"You know the way we all feel about you, about all this. Luna and I have talked this over even if it weren't for these two" indicating Ron and Neville "we would want to be with you all," Luna nodded in agreement, "we may be the youngest but neither of us is afraid to face what is coming, the alternative is too horrible to imagine."

Ron breathed a sigh of relief "Thank goodness I don't have to worry about her anymore, she's all yours Nev', good luck." Ginny glared at him and stamped an imaginary foot.

Hermione turned to her boyfriend. "Well Harry you know how I feel, so the pack is complete, everyone is with you and everyone stays with you. What have you got to say to that?"

Harry had a sheepish look, "Thanks guys, some real help will make all the difference" he smiled to himself "But I guess I will have to make do with you lot."

The bucket that appeared over his head discharged its contents all over him, it was very wet and icy cold.

"I was only kidding honestly Oh Merlin! This is really cold," he looked at Hermione who was putting her wand back in her pocket and asked imploringly "You wouldn't happen to know a good drying charm would you love?" The laughter rang out across the lake.

The DA held a meeting the day before the end of term. Word had slowly leaked out about what had occurred at Azkaban prison even though it didn't appear in the Daily Prophet. As usual news like this wasn't going to stay quiet for long but the details of the Death Eater escape was only known to the members of the DA.

Harry had to warned them to be on their guard, he was going to be more worried over their safety than that of his closest friends over this summer. His advice had been unequivocal 'watch for movements in the shadows then stun first and ask questions later' he wanted to see them all safe and well at the start of the new school year in September.

On the evening of the leaving feast it came as no surprise that Gryffindor had retained the house cup. What did cause Harry some consternation was that no one or at least no Slytherins were held accountable for what had happened to Hermione. The bludger that hit her was never found and as Malfoy had the excuse that he had no wand he was in the clear. Peter Pettigrew took the rap for that as well.

Harry accosted the Headmaster about this and Dumbledore regarded him over his half moon spectacles and replied "I am well aware as to where the finger of suspicion points but without proof remember 'innocent until proven guilty' Harry." That had a rather familiar ring to it.

The morning that the train was to take the school back to London Harry helped Ron pack his trunk and get Pig into his cage for the journey. They carried the trunk down the spiral staircase met Hermione, Ginny and Neville in the common room and set off for the station together. Luna was already waiting on the platform for Ron. With all six helping they heaved their trunks onto the train and found an empty compartment. Harry and Hermione left the train and returned to the platform.

The four were hanging out of one of the windows and were joined by Seamus and Dean. Harry thought that Neville looked particularly happy to be going home, smiling with Ginny hanging onto his arm. The whole of Gryffindor knew about his parents but that was a far as that particular piece of information travelled. Harry was very proud of his house for that. Hermione watched as Harry waved to Neville then saw his little sigh; she knew exactly what he was thinking and gripping his hand gave it a little squeeze.

"Mum and Dad will be really pleased to see us both tomorrow" she tried to take his mind off his thoughts.

Harry smiled at her appreciating her efforts. 'I know and I'm very grateful to them but there will always be a little bit of me that will miss my own.' He thought at her.

'I wouldn't expect anything else Harry and neither would they but they do love you, not as much as I do but they do'

'You know at St Mungo's I never told my Mum and Dad that I loved them.'

'Do you think they didn't know that?'

'No, …though they never said they loved me either'

'Have you ever doubted it?'


'Didn't need to be said then did it?'


Hermione put her arms round Harry's neck and drew him into a kiss. The wolf whistles from the watching students were suddenly drowned out as the train whistle sounded and the scarlet engine slowly pulled out of the station.

As their lips parted Harry gazed into Hermione's glistening eyes. "Forever together?"

"You better believe it Harry, forever together."

"Great let's go."

Another a/n. This is the end of Hermione's Tear but not the end of the story. The second part of Forever Together (A Time to Live and a Time to Die) is being written at this moment, and it will take Harry and Hermione through their final year at Hogwarts to the meeting with Voldemort.

I am actually going off to Norway to study Trolls for a week, and as I need to get a couple of chapters down the line before I start to post the next part, it may be a few weeks before it appears. I will post the whole of part one as a single piece before the first chapter of part two is posted.

I hope you have all enjoyed the story so far, thanks to those of you who have read it from the first post, and especially thanks to all those who have reviewed. Until you write something you don't realise how important the reviews are. Finally thanks to my own version of Hermione who has beta read the story for me, and provided inspiration for the personal interaction between the two main characters.
