Unofficial Portkey Archive

Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear by Solomon Aegis

Forever Together Part 1. Hermione's Tear

Solomon Aegis

9. Hide and Sneak

From the moment Harry vanished from the Leaky Cauldron it took less than two minutes to decide who was going and activate the portkey but by the time they ported into what was left of the Granger's kitchen it was too late. The house had been almost totally destroyed and there was no sign of Mr or Mrs Granger.

Remus and Arthur Weasley fought their way through the rubble to the front of the house. The stairway seemed to be the only part of the building still reasonably intact. Standing on the stairs was Harry. He was covered in dust, his usually messy hair was in an even worse state, he stood there shaking with rage, his wand held out in front of him. He had a very wild look in his eyes. He did not move but said through clenched teeth. "Fetch Hermione, NOW!"

With the destruction of the house the safety wards had collapsed so nodding to Mr Weasley, Remus apparated away.

Arthur Weasley stumbled round to the foot of the stairs and could now see what Harry had been pointing his wand at. Part of the front door was still recognisable, the thing next to it wasn't. It had obviously once been a man but it was now charred to blackness, it mouth fixed open in a silent scream.

"Harry" said Arthur gently "It's over for now, why don't you come down to me?"

Harry seemed incapable of movement, so Mr Weasley slowly moved up to him and laid a hand on his extended arm. At his touch Harry came back to reality with a start, he lowered his wand and turned to him.

"I'm sorry Mr Weasley, when I got here the house was already starting to fall apart. It was only a few seconds before that", he gestered to the corpse, "came through the door, I only just had time to…." He paused.

"MUM! DAD! HARRY!" The cry from Hermione shattered the slience.

Harry ran down the stairs to stop her in what remained of the hallway and protect her from seeing what he had done. She flew into his arms.

"Oh Harry, what's happened to Mum and Dad, where are they?" she was almost in hysterics.

"I'm sorry Hermione there wasn't time…..I wasn't very gentle with them, I hope they're alright."

He turned to the side of the stairway and struggling with the door he opened the cupboard under the stairs. Huddled in the dark space were Hermione's mother and father, lying very still, but alive.

Fifty yards away Peter Pettigrew was crouching amongst some bushes, his face showed a look that was a mix of fear and abject horror. He could not believe what he had just seen.

The plan had gone so well, he and Walker had avoided all the wards that had been placed around the mudblood's home. They had approached the path to the door, and then Walker, who had been in the lead, arrogant sort Peter had surmised, must have tripped an unseen alarm. He had walked closer to the house, and when he felt in range, had let fly with multiple reductor curses. Walker had started on the upper floor, and Peter had worked with him.

Within seconds the house had started to collapse. Then Walker, the idiot, had marched up to the front door, which had been blown open, and taken one step inside. It was what had occurred then that Peter couldn't understand.

Instead of two frightened or disabled muggles and their daughter the mudblood, Harry Potter was standing on the stairs.

Wormtail had reverted to his rat like reactions at this point and backed off. He had seen the boy, he had seen Walker raise his wand and begin "ADVRA……. But then "INCENDIO" had rung out. Etched on his brain Wormtail saw Harry his hair on end looking dirty and dishevelled, with an aura of power surrounding him. Then the flames projected with such force that they almost reached him in the road and reduced Walker to a charred corpse in seconds.

Wormtail ran, reached the bushes he was currently hiding in, and vomited in fear. He knew he had to run, not back to the Dark Lord, that was certain death. He would hide, he was good at that, he would not tell the Dark Lord what had happened, he would go to Hogwarts and bide his time. Finishing his task was what mattered, only that would save him now. Wormtail shifted into his rat form and scurried through the grass to safety.

Back at what was left of Hermione's home, Dumbledore arrived, and he took only a few seconds to survey the scene.

"Arthur, please take Harry and Hermione, use their emergency portkeys, and go to Hogwarts."

Hermione did not want to leave her parents but Dumbledore was insistent. He looked at her kindly. "Poppy is on her way and we will get your mother and father to the infirmary as soon as possible." He turned to the Order members, "Now close off this area and question any witnesses."

Madam Pomfrey duly arrived and after ascertaining that it was safe to move them, ported the Grangers to Hogwarts. After a short while the reports came back that all useful information had been gathered. The order was given for the wizards to shield themselves. Dumbledore drew himself up and raised his arms "Localis Oblivious", there was a white flash of light, and the memories were gone.

The wizards apparated and ported away Dumbledore was the last to leave, sirens from the muggle fire brigade could now be heard as they rushed to the scene. He stopped in what had once been the Granger's front room, bent down and picked up something and with one last look around he quietly vanished.

Harry, Hermione and Arthur Weasley ported to the Headmasters Office. Hardly had they touched down then Hermione was off running out of the door in the direction of the infirmary. Mr Weasley tried to call her back but Harry stopped him.

"Let her go, we'll follow in a minute, Merlin! I feel so tired". Harry slumped down in one of the armchairs by the desk.

"Here Harry eat this" said a voice from behind them.

Mr Weasley jumped sideways holding his hand to his chest. "Good grief Solomon, you're going to give me a heart attack, creeping around like that!"

"Sorry Arthur, I've been practicing Dumbledorian Apparation, it is a bit on the sneaky side".

He handed Harry a large bar of Honeyduke's best. Harry nodded gratefully and began to eat.

The chocolate took effect very quickly and within five minutes Harry was feeling much better.

"I would like to go to Hermione now" he said. "And I need to know how…err…...Mum and Dad are" he added self-consciously.

Mr Weasley turned to him sharply, then a look of sadness crept onto his face, Harry regarded him, puzzled for a moment, then he realised. "I hope you didn't misunderstand that, you and Mrs Weasley are still very much family to me, its just that with Mr and Mrs Granger, Hermione and I are all they have, I….. don't think I'm explaining this very well."

"It's alright Harry I understand now, I wasn't aware that things between you two had got that far".

"They haven't really, but in time they will, if we are given the time. Mr and Mrs Granger are just trying to make us happy." Harry could feel his anger building. "And because of that, they were attacked, why does it have to happen this way?" He calmed himself. "Can I go to Hermione now?"

The three of them made their way down through the silent corridors to the Hospital Wing. Harry stood in front of the oak doors, took a deep breath, and walked in. He had only taken a few steps when he was almost knocked flying by Hermione, who rushed into his arms, clung to his neck, and whispered in his ear "They're going to be OK, Oh thank you Harry".

Harry smiled "Glad to hear it".

They walked together to the beds hidden by curtains. Mr and Mrs Granger were propped up in bed stoically taking whatever Madam Pomfrey was doing to heal them.

"Ahh Mr Potter, thought I would be seeing you soon," she gave him the quick once over, "No major damage to you then, and fortunately no major damage to them either. Both have nasty bumps on their heads, something to do with being pushed into a cupboard, I understand."

David Granger opened his eyes, he could see the nurse standing to one side, on the other was his daughter and her young man. He looked tired but happy, still covered in dust and grime. In his daughter's eyes he could see a fierce pride in what that young fellow had done, at goodness knows at what risk to himself, but thank God he had done it.

"Harry" Mr Granger's voice cracked, not just with tiredness. "I don't really know what to say, except thank you son, you have allowed me to keep both my daughter and my wife. It's a debt that's very difficult to carry and impossible to pay."

"No debt sir, it's already paid in full" Harry said with a meaningful look at the girl by his side.

"Harry," Dumbledore called from the shadows of the infirmary. Harry left Hermione talking to her father and walked over to him. "They are going to be alright I understand."

"Yes sir."

"That's good, we will need to talk about what happened tonight, but for the moment I thought you might like to return this to its owner." Dumbledore held the rose Harry had given to Mrs Granger for Christmas. "If it's going to last for ever then she will have to look after it. Off you go."

Harry carried the rose back into the light around the two beds. He carefully placed it on Mrs Granger's bedside table, and looked round to see Hermione and Mr Granger staring at him. He smiled at them, then sat in the chair by her bed and waited for his new mum to wake up.

Over the next few hours the complete story of what had happened came out.

Muggles who had witnessed the event spoke of two men. One was undoubtedly the corpse, the other by description was Wormtail. Their approach and partial destruction of the house was described. As to what occurred when the man entered the house they said was a back draft, 'You know, like in the movie, the way the flames shot out of the door was incredible.' None of the wizards had any idea what they were talking about but David Granger did and explained it.

"You did that Harry?" he asked "Quite remarkable".

What was more remarkable was how Harry had managed to get to the Granger's at all. He said that when he heard Remus shout something snapped, he knew what he wanted, he knew where he had to be, and he knew the stone on Hermione's necklace would help. Then he was there. He found the Granger's standing in shock by the stairs, and none too gently pushed them into the cupboard.

He mounted the stairs to get a height advantage and when he saw the intruder he had originally intended just to set fire to his clothes. He need to delay him until help arrived, but when he heard him start the killing curse he poured all his power into that simple incendio spell and didn't turn it off.

Harry was shocked by what he had done. He had killed someone. Self defence, protecting others, it was easy to say but hard to live with. Mr Granger with his muggle logic tried to allay his fears.

"Sometimes Harry it's the only way, sometimes the bad guy won't take no for an answer. If you really want to avoid having to do it again listen to your Professors and learn as much as you can, only with knowledge and experience will the path you tread become clear. For what it's worth for our family's sake I am glad you acted the way you did."

"Odd though isn't it Harry?" said Mrs Granger, "That all the time you were being so badly treated by you Aunt and Uncle they unwittingly kept you in the safest part of the house".

Dumbledore looked up "Yes I had not considered that, indeed ironic." But there was a merry twinkle in those shockingly blue eyes.

For the second time in as many terms Harry and Hermione met the Hogwarts Express at Hogsmead station. The rest of the Tyr, except for Neville bundled off the train and sought them out. They wanted to know exactly what had happened as all they had been told was that every one was safe. The story was regaled once again. They were appalled as to the damage the two Death Eaters had wrought, but proud and encouraged by the way Harry had acted, even if he was still having some problems with it.

It wasn't until their first study period with Professor Aegis that they had a real opportunity to discuss all the implications. Harry's ability to seemingly apparate was due to the need to do it and the augmentation of Harry's innate power by the stone of Hermione's Tear. As to the effects of his incendio spell Aegis put this down to Harry's state of mind.

Ron put it very succinctly "You mean he was pissed off."

"Not exactly how I would have put it Ron, but essentially, yes". Said the Professor.

On their release from the Hospital the Granger's were lodged in the same guest rooms that Harry and Hermione had occupied the previous summer. It became increasingly obvious that they would not be safe if they returned to the muggle world, but being at Hogwarts was rather like imprisonment as they could not leave their rooms. It had been possible, by a rather circuitous route, to contact the remaining partner at their dental practice and inform him that under the circumstances, having no home left, they were taking a sabbatical. Locums could be hired to cover their absence. They might be away for some time.

It was considered that they could go abroad, but Hermione had scotched that one, not wanting them that far away. The answer came from a patch of mist that appeared in the common room of the guest quarters.

Harry, Hermione, Dumbledore and the Grangers had been discussing this very problem when the mist appeared and Lady Niniane stepped into the room.

"It occurs to me that a sanctuary is needed for David and Natalie, I offer Avalon. There they will be left in peace to study or work as they see fit. We are more tolerant of those less gifted in the arts than normal, and Hermione will be able to visit when necessary."

It took a while to explain to Mr and Mrs Granger just what was being offered. In the end both agreed that this would be an ideal arrangement and plans were set in motion to that effect.

"Professor Aegis?"

"Yes Harry."

"I thought it was very rare for an outsider wizard to get into Avalon?"

"Yes, it is Harry."

"But Lady Niniane offered sanctuary to err….Mum and Dad as if it was the most usual thing in the world."

"Yes, well, I had to do some very fast talking, and I have used up all my favours for the next thousand years. It just goes to show that sometimes mothers can't say no."

"Thank you Professor."

"That's alright Harry it's my pleasure…….and Harry"

"Yes Professor."

"It will get easier."

"What will?"

"Calling Hermione's parents Mum and Dad"

The winter snow sparkled in the weak sunlight. This was the time of year when the castle looked as if it had stepped from a fairy story. The rugged slopes of the surrounding mountains were softened by the white blanket that covered them. Except for the hardy most students remained in the relative shelter of the buildings, even Hagrid was forced to take his lessons in a large barn close to the Herbology greenhouses.

The Granger's had departed for Avalon, through the mist, half way through January. Professor Aegis had escorted them himself; Harry and Hermione had been there to see them off.

Hermione had smiled and Harry laughed out loud for as Mr and Mrs Granger vanished in the mist David Granger's voice floated back, "Remarkable, truly remarkable!"

The two students had promised to pay 'Mum and Dad' a visit, in a few weeks, once they were settled in their new home. For now they returned to the punishing schedule of their lessons.

Two weeks into the term Neville arrived back at school. It was said that he had been off sick with wizards' flu. Harry was playing and losing a game of wizards' chess with Ron, Hermione was sitting next to them reading as usual, when the portrait hole opened. Neville rushed into the common room, stopping in its centre obviously looking for someone. Dean Thomas called out a greeting and on hearing this and seeing Neville, Harry, Ron and Hermione stood to welcome him back. Neville walked over and stopped in front of Harry. Harry could see the emotion in Neville's eyes.

"Good Christmas Nev?" said Harry with a smile.

Neville placed one hand on Harry's shoulder and held out his other. Harry took it and they stood sharing a silent communication.

"Yeah Harry, the best, thanks to you."

"No Nev' remember it was all of us working together, that's what did it."

"Well you may be right, but whatever happens from now on, I am right beside you. If you asked me to I would walk up to Voldemort and spit in his eye."

"It's being friends that's the important thing Nev'." Harry looked over at Hermione, whose eyes were damp with tears of happiness. Harry gazed round at the students that had gathered around them, and he spoke to them all, "Remember, Forever Together, that's what it will take, that's what we must remain."

Potions classes were presenting Harry with something of a problem. Malfoy had taken to ignoring him and had done so since he had returned after the attack on Hermione's birthday. Even with the lack of any verbal exchanges there was an obvious tension present whenever Draco and Harry were in the same room. Harry knew that he was up to something but he had no proof.

Professor Snape was acutely aware of the tension and held Harry and Hermione back after one particularly tense class.

"Potter you and Miss Granger will have to take extra care and try to head off any trouble before it gets out of hand. I cannot act in your defence if Mr. Malfoy does nothing against the rules. He is only allowed his wand in the presence of a teacher, but remember, using magic is not the only way to attack."

It was clear that Snape had been badly shaken by the actions of his students last term. While not wanting to be overtly friendly to Harry he realised how serious the situation could have become.

"What are you going to do to them Draco?" Pansy Parkinson asked him one evening as they sat together in the Slytherin common room.

"I'm not saying yet" he replied "But I have it all worked out. I'm not in any hurry, there will be a time when she is vulnerable then I will have her".

"Aren't you going to get Potter as well?"

"That's the beauty of it Pansy, getting the mudblood will hurt Potter more than attacking him directly. Two low life's with one stone." He laughed at his own joke.


His trip back to Hogwarts had been relatively easy but rather uncomfortable. He had kept himself safe by shunning any connection with wizard kind, he had travelled as a rat hitching rides on muggle vehicles. The last had been a camper van so at least he had fed well. As luck would have it the van had passed close to the lake at the other end from Hogwarts Castle. The muggles had stopped and got out to view the old ruins standing on the hill.

"What's this place called dear?" the man said.

"I don't know. It doesn't appear to be on this map, perhaps the scale is too big." His wife replied.

"Never mind, will look at the other map later. I am surprised that some corporation hasn't bought these old buildings up and turned them into a hotel or something. Looks a good site."

Strangely although they had their cameras with them they took no pictures, they returned to their van and drove away. Half a mile down the road they had even forgotten that they had stopped at all.

Their unknown passenger had slipped away and was hidden in the bushes by the side of the road. The scene to him was very different, he could see the castle in all its glory, lights shining from the many windows becoming brighter in the gathering gloom of the evening.

In the weeks that followed Wormtail watched, he was afraid of the Potter boy, he would not

act unless he was out of the way. He had seen what he could do, he didn't want to be burned to a crisp like Walker. He spent as little time on the school grounds as possible, aware that the Marauders Map would show his location. Only during lesson time did he feel it was safe. He had seen Harry, Hermione and his former owner only once in the last few weeks, they had emerged from the castle and spent a few moments surveying the snow covered countryside. The sun had peeped out from behind a cloud and the jewel at the mudblood's neck had sparkled.

'I will bide my time' he thought to himself 'I will wait for the right moment. I know that James' boy is the only one who can remove it. Terrible wizard that he is I will have to find someway to persuade him, if not there are other ways. I wonder how clever will you be Miss Granger without your head?"

The rat turned and scuttled away back to Hogsmead where he had found a nice warm sewer to hide in.