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Just Friends by Searcy

Just Friends


Just Friends

Monday morning dawned clear, bright and dreadfully cold. Hermione was not particularly enthused about getting out of bed. She lay there silently contemplating whether or not to open her eyes when she felt Harry's soft, warm lips peppering her face with kisses. Bleary-eyed and smiling Hermione allowed herself to be coaxed from the warmth of the edges of her slumber and sat upright in bed. Glancing around the room Hermione noticed a tray sitting beside her bed. The tray was loaded down with eggs, bacon, fresh baked croissants, strawberry jam and freshly brewed French vanilla coffee, her favorite. Hermione plucked one of the croissants from the tray and tore off a corner and popped it into her mouth. Her smiled widened as the flaky buttery delicacy melted in her mouth. She quizzed Harry.


Harry smiled took a plate from the tray and began filling it with food.

"Of course…nothing but the best for you love"

Harry placed the plate of food on Hermione's lap as he gently brushed a kiss across her lips. Hermione circled her arms around Harry's neck and pulled him close prolonging the kiss by sliding her tongue into his warm mouth. Harry moaned as their tongues met and caressed each other. After a full two minutes Harry reluctantly pulled himself away from Hermione. His voice was a throaty whisper when he spoke.

"Your breakfast is getting cold"

Hermione wound her left arm about his waist while she trailed her right hand across his rock hard abdomen as she gently kissed and licked his pulse point.

"How odd…you say my breakfast is getting cold and here I am thinking I've just started to get it warmed up"

Harry took on a pseudo-affronted air and replied.

"Oh so its come to that has it…is that all I am to you…a piece of arse"

Hermione picked up a slice of bacon and chewing slowly sat up just a hair and cast her eyes over Harry's shoulder and down towards his backside and rejoined with.

"Well it is a very nice arse"

Harry's eyes widened at Hermione's brazen comment, recovering quickly he came back with.

"So be it…but you can't have any afters until you finish your breakfast"

Hermione giggled girlishly as she slathered jam on top of her croissant and began to eat with gusto. Harry and Hermione spent the next twenty minutes leisurely discussing their plans for the day over breakfast before they adjourned to the bath for `afters' and to get ready for their respective days at the Ministry of Magic and on the Quidditch pitch. Harry stood in the bathroom mirror face lathered up with shaving foam carefully removing the weekend's stubble from his jaw line he called to Hermione and asked.

"Love…what's your schedule for the day look like"

Hermione emerged from her walk in closet dressed in an attractively formfitting black and light blue pinstriped muggle pantsuit with a light blue top and a matching set of black and light blue pinstriped robes.

"I have a morning full of meetings scheduled with a horde of representatives and dignitaries from the visiting offices of the Departments for the Care and Regulation of Magical Beasts and Creatures in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Bulgaria…we're setting things up for the European National Convention of Magical Beasts and Creatures. And we have to prepare for that gala the Ministry is insisting on throwing for the lot of them this Friday night as well…those meetings should run right up to lunch, then I've earmarked my afternoon for answering my correspondence and of course there is the usual start of week briefing with Percy…"

Hermione rolled her eyes up into her head and waggled her tongue following her pronouncement about the briefing with Percy. Harry laughed loudly at her antics as he sauntered out of the bath; towel loosely wrapped about his waist and began scanning the room for his Quidditch bag. Hermione probed.

"What are your plans"

Harry replied while still searching for his bag.

"Ummm…er…an all day training session with the full team…got to get ready for the upcoming matches we're hosting against the Irish and Bulgarian squads"

"You'll get to see Wood then"

"Yeah…looking forward to catching up with him…haven't spoken to him in a bit it'll be good to see him…have you seen my bag"

Hermione walked to the other side of her massive closet and slid the door back. Harry was stunned to see that one side of Hermione's beloved walk in closet now housed a collection of his things. His dress robes, trousers and shirts had been freshly laundered, neatly pressed and hung to his left. Situated on his right was his Quidditch gear and robes; practice robes in the front game robes in the back. Jeans, jumpers and casual things were in the center and all of his shoes were lined up neatly at the very bottom. Harry turned to Hermione and asked.

"When did you do all this"

"Saturday when you went off to look after Remus…I was straightening up the flat and I noticed all your things lying around and I just thought I would put your them away so they would be easier to find…you always seem to misplace something or other when you are here and since you spend so much time here I just thought it made more sense and that it might be more convenient for you to have a specific place for all your things…I made space in the loo as well"

Hermione's voice trailed off to nearly a whisper. Harry ran a hand through his hair and thought back to his time in the loo getting ready earlier that morning and realized that one of the double sinks was now exclusively devoted to all of his toiletries; his brand of soap and shampoo were sitting on the second shelf in the shower as well. He turned to Hermione and wrapped his arms around her delicate waist, drew her close and said.

"Thank you…that is by far the sweetest thing that anyone has ever done for me"

A relieved smile spread across Hermione's face as she stood on tiptoe and aimed a kiss at Harry's cheek. Harry turned his head at the last second and caught her lips with his own. He slid his tongue along her bottom lip before gliding it inside her mouth and entwining it with hers. Hermione moaned as the kiss deepened and became more passionate. Harry's hands moved up and down her back as she ran her hands through his thick tousled ebony hair. Hermione whispered Harry's name as he lifted her into his arms and soundly shut the closet door after them.

Three quarters of an hour later the pair emerged from Hermione's flat and descended the stairs hand in hand. Once they reached the courtyard Hermione turned to Harry and said.

"Will I see you tonight at dinner"

Harry nodded and mumbled something that sounded like yes as he turned to face her and wrapped both his arms about her. Hermione asked.

"Seven all right"

Harry replied with a monosyllabic.


Hermione smiled and swiftly kissed Harry on the lips.

"See you at seven darling"

Harry nodded and pulling Hermione more closely to him repeated the stated time for their dinner plans.

"Seven o'clock love"

Harry lowered his head and kissed Hermione firmly but gently on the lips. She smiled up at him adoringly whispered the words `I love you' then disapparated with a pop. Harry stood for a moment staring at the spot where Hermione had been before he too disapparated.


"So after dinner I asked her what else she wanted to do and she takes me to this muggle carnival… those Marvin the Mad Muggle comics I used to read as a kid weren't too far off the mark I'll tell you…you can't imagine the stuff that muggles think is fun…well I guess you can you were raised by muggles after all…anyway we went to this carnival and she got me going on all these crazy rides and we're laughing just having the best time when she starts going on about how her dad used to take her to these things and play the games to win her prizes…so I ask her what her favorite prize was and she says a teddy bear…we walk around the booths until we find one where the prize is a teddy bear and I win it for her…Harry…Harry…Harry are you listening to a bloody word I'm saying"

"Huh…ummm…er…ummm…yeah I'm listening…dinner…carnival…teddy bear…go on"

Ron pulled his practice robes on over his head and lowered himself onto the bench next to Harry and asked.

"All right enough of this…who is she"

Harry looked over at Ron before he responded.


"Who is she"

"Who is she who"

Harry asked slightly confused.

Ron chuckled.

"Who's the girl"

"What girl"

"The girl who's got you so preoccupied that you disappear for days at a time leaving poor Dobby and Winky strict instructions to lie to your best friend about your comings and goings and your whereabouts in general…the girl who has got you wound up so tight that you can't keep your mind on your best mate's story about his date with the girl he fancies"

Harry quizzed Ron.

"And what makes you so sure it's a girl that has me doing all those things"

"We've been friends a long time mate I've seen the look and the modesi operandi enough to know the signs"

Harry nodded.

"Okay so it's a girl"

Ron smiled triumphantly.

"Anyone I know"

Harry shrugged noncommittally.

"Ahh…keeping mum about this one, she must be special"

Harry's words were barely above a whisper when he spoke.

"You have no idea"

Ron was shocked; he hadn't expected an answer like that, he pressed the issue further.

"What's she like this unbelievable girl…is she a witch or is she a muggle…is she funny…smart maybe…decent cook…good shag…is her nose dead center"

Harry smiled at Ron's method of questioning before he answered him.

"She's completely amazing; she's a witch…muggleborn…she's got a great sense of humor and she's brilliant…very good cook and she's bloody gorgeous…not to mention we can talk about absolutely anything…Ron she rearranged her closet and the cupboards in her loo to make room for my things…I can't stand to be away from her and when I'm around her I can barely think…did I mention she's gorgeous"

Ron nodded and patted Harry on the back.

"Yeah mate you did…but you didn't answer my question about whether or not she's a good shag…so why haven't I met this amazing woman"

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his ebony locks.

"Well we've only been seeing each other a few months…we wanted to be sure something was really there before we let on to anyone…sorry I haven't said anything about this before"

Ron waved off Harry's apology.

"Its okay I knew something was up but I figured you'd tell me when you were ready…so seeing as how you're telling me about her I suppose you've sorted out your feelings for her"

Harry nodded.

"I'm in love with her Ron"

"Blimey…you're in love with this bird"

Harry nodded emphatically.

"And even more amazing than me being in love with her is the fact that she's in love with me"

"She told you that"


"Bloody hell my best mate's in love…hold on…you aren't thinking of asking her to marry you are you"

Harry stared at Ron's stricken expression and chewed his bottom lip. He loved Hermione there was no doubt about that and he was equally certain that she felt the same way about him but the thought of them getting married had never entered his mind. Of course when he envisioned his future Hermione was there at his side but until Ron had said the word `marry' he hadn't really thought about what her being there at his side truly entailed. Harry smiled to himself…if the truth were told he rather liked the sound of the name…Hermione Jane Potter.

Ron stared at his best friend of twelve years and watched as the most ridiculously happy smile he'd ever seen came over Harry's face he was just about to ask what in the name of Circe had him smiling like some daft git when the voice of their coach Darnley Cromwell rang through the room.

"Potter in my office now…the rest of you lot get to your respective strategy sessions"

Ron speared Harry with a questioning gaze to which Harry replied with a shrug of his shoulders. Ron watched as Harry disappeared through Cromwell's office door.


Harry stared at the front page of the Simmering Cauldron with an expression of complete and total shock; there staring back at him was a picture of himself and Hermione kissing outside of her flat this morning. After all their careful planning and strategizing to never appear as anything more than friends out in public one moment's lack of care had exposed everything. Cromwell's gravelly voice pierced its way into Harry's thoughts.

"This picture's bound to be on the cover of every bloody wizard paper or magazine there is by now…the pitch is already crawling with reporters and photographers trying for a glimpse of you…I'm holding strategy sessions for all the guys today to keep some of the fray down…figured you and your lady friend might need a moment to compose yourselves considering the circumstances…why don't you take some time off until the commotion dies down…nothing we're doing here that you don't already have a lock on"

Harry nodded numbly as he rose from his seat mumbled a tense thank you and quickly left the office. He hurriedly changed out of his practice robes and donned his clothes from earlier that morning. Stuffing everything into his bag he exhaled deeply as he apparated to the Ministry of Magic.

Harry arrived at Hermione's office and found her in the company of her departmental assistant Maude Titmarsh, her colleagues Padma Patil and Penelope Clearwater-Weasley and their departmental supervisor Percy Weasley. Percy was pacing back and forth speaking in a panic-stricken voice.

"Honestly Hermione of all the times for you to go off and let your personal life get in the way of things you chose the time when I need you most…"

Penelope cut in.

"Really Percy be reasonable its not as if she's done this on purpose"

Percy ignored Penelope's declaration and continued his frantic soliloquy.

"For the love of Merlin there are reporters all over the Ministry…badgering the staff of this and every other department for statements on your relationship with Harry…which I forbid all of you to give…no talking to anyone in the press is that understood…"

Maude, Penelope and Padma exchanged exasperated glances but nodded to signify their understanding all the same. Percy resumed his pacing and speaking to the room at large.

"And the poor Bulgarian representative is being hounded endlessly as it seems he is a quite close friend of the Krum family…really Hermione what were you thinking"

Hermione replied brusquely.

"That my personal affairs are just that …personal"

Percy stopped pacing and stared at her disbelievingly.

"You know for someone who is touted to be so bloody brilliant you are acting the part of a daft twit surprisingly well"

Harry spoke through clinched teeth as he responded to Percy's barb in reference to Hermione.

"Percy…I tolerate you out of love for Ron, Molly and Arthur but say one more word to Hermione like that and you'll find out firsthand what I can do when I'm angry"

Everyone turned towards the door stunned to see Harry standing there. Percy and Padma spoke simultaneously.

"Ha…Harry…I…I…what are you doing here"

"How is it that you can apparate without making a sound"

Satisfied that Percy was sufficiently subdued Harry disregarded both Padma and Percy's queries and turned his attentions to Hermione.

"Are you all right"

Hermione nodded and replied.

"I'm perfectly fine…with the exception of it being my fault that all Ministry business has ground to a halt"

Harry smiled apologetically.

"Llewellyn Field is swarming with them too…Cromwell thought it best if I begged off practice until this thing dies down…"

Harry paused as he heard Ministry Security scuffling outside Hermione's office with what sounded like at least a dozen reporters and photographers. Harry returned his attention to Hermione and said.

"Judging from the sound of things out there I imagine lying low might be the best course of action for you as well"

At Harry's suggestion that Hermione go into hiding Percy once again found his voice.

"No Hermione you can't leave…our guests from the visiting Ministries are here…we have meetings to conduct and reports to present…I can't possibly do all this alone"

Harry was about to tell Percy to sod off when Penelope stepped in.

"Padma and I are more than capable of filling in for Hermione… we are a team after all not to mention the fact that she's left detailed notes"

Padma chimed in.

"And we've been communicating back and forth on this project for ages so we all know what needs doing and if we get lost on any point I'm sure Maude could sort us out straight away"

Maude added in.

"Of course I'll be more than happy to help however I can"

Seeing they nearly had him won over Penelope walked over to her husband and slipped her hand into his and said.

"This way we can get all of these blasted media people out of the Ministry offices and get back to work…something that I'm sure the Minster himself would be more than pleased about…I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he didn't thank you personally for handling the situation in such a timely manner"

Percy straightened at the mere mention of the Minster of Magic. In as lofty a voice as he could muster Percy turned to Hermione and said.

"I want you to take off the rest of the week until things calm down a bit…I expect all this will have blown over by Friday and so quite naturally I ask that you attend the gala for our guests on Friday evening…I'll make your apologizes for missing today's meetings"

Hermione indicated her agreement and appreciation of Percy's words with a nod of her head. Percy excused himself to as he put it "handle the press". Hermione then turned to Padma, Penelope and Maude and hugging each of them in turn said thank you.

Maude turned to Harry with a smile and said.

"Take good care of our girl"

Harry replied.

"I will…I promise"

As the trio exited the room Hermione gathered her things and posed a question to Harry.

"Exactly where are we going to go…I imagine that just as many reporters are at our flats as there are here and at the Quidditch pitch…and I'm sure your cottage in Appleton and the Glynnmoor estate are similarly being watched"

Harry smiled as he took Hermione's right hand in his left and said simply.

"We're going to the safest place I know"


Harry and Hermione appeared in the kitchen of number 12 Grimmauld Place with a deafening pop. The table in front of them held tea and sandwiches. The doors swung open and Remus strode through them. His movements where slower than usual no doubt due to his recent illness but his cheeks held a healthier tint than the last time Harry had seen him. Remus was the first of the three to speak.

"Ahh…you've made it then have you…well go on have a seat I had Winky to whip up a little something before I sent her off I thought you may be a bit hungry given the events of the day"

Harry and Hermione complied obediently and sat down at the table as Remus busied himself pouring tea.

"I took the liberty of sending Winky to your flat Hermione and Dobby to yours Harry to collect some of your personal effects I thought that might make your stay here more comfortable…they are also putting up some more virulent wards and repelling spells to keep some of the more wily members of the press out. And I've dispatched Tonks to inform your parents, Hermione, and Molly and Arthur of your location and the nature of the situation. I expect they will all be along shortly"

Harry stared at Remus and asked.

"Is there anything you haven't thought of"

Remus smiled and answered.

"Tuck in"


Ron emerged from his morning strategy session to find that Coach Cromwell had ordered lunch for the entire team. But unlike his teammates Ron had absolutely no interest in the tables packed with food he was too busy looking for Harry to be worried about food. Something was definitely up…why had Cromwell changed the practice schedule just days before a match especially considering that they were squaring off against one of the only other undefeated teams in the European league…and why had he wanted to see Harry alone…what was so bloody urgent…and where the hell was Harry now? Ron took a seat along the wall facing the door that way he'd be sure to see Harry as soon as he walked through the door and hopefully get some answers to some of the questions rolling about his brain. Not knowing how long a wait he'd have Ron aimlessly picked up the afternoon edition of The Daily Prophet he saw lying on the seat next to him. Must be some big news to print a noon edition of the paper. Ron flipped the paper over and nearly toppled off his chair at the site that greeted him. There on the front page of The Daily Prophet was a picture of two of the people who meant most to him in the world caught in an obviously intimate moment. Ron blinked several times before closing his eyes and shaking his head to clear it. His eyes must be playing tricks on him as what he thought he'd seen on the front page of the paper could not possibly be real. Slowly Ron opened his eyes and the reality of what he was seeing slammed into him like a blow from a bludger. There on the front page of The Daily Prophet under the title `Just Friends' was a picture of Harry and Hermione kissing.
