Unofficial Portkey Archive

Just Friends by Searcy

Just Friends


Out In The Open

Harry walked into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place bright and early Tuesday morning to find Remus Lupin sitting at the kitchen table reading the morning edition of the Daily Prophet while having his breakfast.


Remus looked up to greet Harry and was shocked when he caught sight of Harry's Quidditch practice robes. Remus laid down his paper and said.

"Good morning"

Harry went to the cupboard to retrieve a mug for himself while Remus set about filling two plates with kippers, eggs, mushrooms, fried potatoes, grilled tomatoes, toast and marmalade.

Harry poured himself a cup of tea. Harry took a long sip from his cup before he lowered himself into a seat at the table. Spearing a kipper with his fork and popping it into his mouth Harry gestured towards the paper Remus had discreetly folded and tucked out of sight and asked.

"How bad is it"

Remus placed the paper back onto the table and slid it over to Harry.

"Not too bad…its mostly just any pictures they could find of the pair of you together and a recap of yesterday's story…considering that no one who knows anything will talk to them they really have nothing worth printing I suppose"

Harry nodded mechanically as Remus continued.

"Although Witch Weekly and a few other publications have taken a rather…er…shall we say novel approach"

Harry stopped eating and asked.

"What'd they do"

Remus pulled out rolled up copies of Witch Weekly and The Simmering Cauldron and handed them to Harry. Somewhat reluctantly Harry took the magazines from Remus' grasp and unraveled them. Situated on the cover of The Simmering Cauldron, dead center was a picture of his own smiling face surrounding it were pictures of various witches he'd dated at some point in time; her royal Highness Principessa Andrea Antonio D'Onoforio, Wizarding World News anchor witch Persephone Radcliffe, Tutshill Tornados seeker Cho Chang and of course there was Hermione. The magazine bore the legend:

`The Women of Harry Potter'

Along the bottom of the cover were the words:

`The Truth About The Women in Harry Potter's Life: Love, Secrets and Lies'

`How Long Has This Been Going On: An Exclusive Interview with Seeker Cho Chang Reveals The Truth About Harry Potter and Hermione Granger His One True Love and Their Secret Seven Year Love Affair'

Harry shook his head and shoving the Cauldron aside picked up the copy of Witch Weekly Remus had given him. On the cover was a picture of Hermione; a radiant smile was playing across her face; the headline read:

`Hermione Granger…Beauty, Brains and Harry Potter…An In-depth Look at What This Witch Has On The Rest Of Us'

Harry groaned and asked.

"Are they all like this"

Remus shook his head and answered.

"As I said before most of it is just a reprint of what was written yesterday…it's just a few that have taken to writing their own versions of events"

Silence enveloped the room for a moment before Remus spoke again.

"Decided to brave the dragon's liar again I see"

Harry summoned the kettle from the stove with his wand and poured himself another cup of tea and refilled his plate before responding.

"Not much point in staying here really…the press is going to print whatever the bloody hell they want whether we stay holed up here or not. Plus there is the small matter of our match against Ireland on Saturday. I can't shirk my responsibilities as seeker for the National team because of a bit of attention from the press. And I'd go nutters if I had to stay cooped-up with nothing to do all day"

Remus laughed.

"I presume Hermione is going to work as well"

No sooner than the words had left Remus' mouth Hermione appeared in the doorway of the kitchen dressed in her official black Ministry of Magic Robes.

"Good morning…that would be correct Remus…I am going in to the office today"

Hermione strode over to the table and planted kisses on both Harry and Remus' cheeks before striding over to the cupboard for a cup. Hermione returned to the table and took a seat next to Harry who set a plate of food down in front of her. Hermione muttered thank you as she slathered butter and marmalade on her toast. Out of the corner of her eye Hermione caught a glimpse of her own face staring happily up at her. Setting her uneaten toast back on her plate Hermione picked up the copy of Witch Weekly that Harry had tossed aside several minutes before. Remus and Harry stared at each other unsure of what her reaction would be. Hermione stared at the magazine for a moment before setting it back down and saying.

"At least they chose a flattering picture this time"

Hermione retrieved her toast and took a bite as Harry and Remus laughed at her apparent indifference over the magazine headlines. They spent the remainder of breakfast laughing at Harry's incredulousness over the Cauldron article featuring Cho Chang. Harry could not for the life of himself understand why Cho was still so upset over their disastrous Valentine's Day date and what Hermione had done to Marietta Edgecombe's face following Marietta's betrayal of the DA to Umbridge in their fifth year. As they cleared the table of the breakfast dishes Harry glanced down at his watch and said.

"I had better get going or I'm going to be late"

Hermione checked the time and saw that Harry had at least an hour before practice started.

"Sweetie…you have more than an hour before practice starts"

"I know…but Ron and I like to get in some early morning flying on Tuesdays and Thursdays…I thought I might try to get a word before the rest of the team gets there"

Hermione eyed Harry questioningly.

"Do you really think that's such a good idea…I had to hex him to get him to sit still and listen to me…and after last night…well…I'm not sure the two of you should be left alone"

Hermione tenderly ran a hand over Harry's faintly bruised cheek. Harry turned his head and clasping her hand between his hand and his lips kissed her open palm.

"Love…I've got to talk to him sooner or later…and the sooner the better…the press would just love to find out that my best mate and I aren't speaking on account of his being keen on my girlfriend…something like that'd be awful for the team…I've got to make him see sense…no need in letting this get any more out of control than it already has"

Hermione nodded her head and sighed.

"I know you're right…but I do not want you two fighting again…and I'm afraid that that is exactly what is going to happen…Ron is so angry right now…the daft git has got it into his thick head that we did this on purpose…"

Harry pulled Hermione into his arms and held her gently to him.

"Everything will be fine…we won't come to blows…I promise…trust me…all right"

Hermione looked up at Harry and smiled feebly.

"Well go on then I don't want you to be late on my account"

Harry smiled and kissing her quickly on the cheek snatched up his Quidditch bag and disapparated with a crackling pop.


Harry arrived at Llellewyn Field to find the locker room completely empty. Maybe Ron was already on the pitch flying. Harry waved his wand and opened his locker, he opened his duffle bag and grabbed his gloves and boots. After slipping them on he pulled out his beloved Firebolt and set his bag inside his locker. Just as he was closing the door to his locker he heard an angry grunt coming from behind him. Harry turned around and saw Ron glaring at him furiously. Harry set his broom down on the bench before him and spoke.

"All right Ron"

Ron said nothing he merely pushed past Harry to his own locker slamming his bag down on the bench as he went. Ron opened his bag then he wrenched open his locker door very nearly separating it from its hinges and began emptying it of its contents. Catching on to what Ron was obviously doing Harry expelled a frustrated sigh and said.

"Ron you can't switch lockers"

Ron stared at Harry as if he'd just sprouted a hippogriff's head out of the side of his neck and sputtered crossly.

"I can't switch lockers…I can do whatever I damn well please"

Ron turned and resumed his packing. Harry spoke again more forcefully.

"Ron I'm not letting you switch lockers"

Ron's face went a dangerous shade of red as he looked at Harry. It was clear how badly he wanted to tear into him at that moment. And if the truth were told Harry was just as eager for the chance to knock some sense into Ron's thick skull but remembering his promise to Hermione he said.

"I'm not trying to tell you what to do here Ron…I know you're angry with me but there are other things to consider here…no matter how narked you are with me over my relationship with Hermione we are still teammates…"

Ron eyed Harry suspiciously but said nothing. Taking that as a positive sign Harry continued speaking.

"No matter what has happened between us we have an obligation to this team to make sure that we don't jeopardize our chances of winning the cup…we can't let our disagreement affect the whole damn team…and your switching lockers would raise a whole lot of questions that neither of us wants to answer at the moment"

Ron grudgingly admitted that Harry was right. He stopped emptying his locker and said.

"I`ll do it for the sake of the team…as long as we're here I'll be civil but outside of practice, games and any other team functions I've nothing to say to you…understand"

Harry inclined his head shortly to indicate that he accepted Ron's conditions. Ron turned back to his bag and began transferring his belongings from his bag back into his locker. Harry watched him for a second before he spoke.

"I didn't know Ron…"

Ron looked back at Harry.

"I honestly didn't know that Hermione was the witch you were talking about…if I had I…I…I…"

Harry's voice faltered and Ron angrily cut in.


Harry replied hotly.


Ron spat back at Harry.


Harry sighed and asked.


Ron answered.


Harry nodded.


Having said that Ron snatched up his broom and thundered out of the locker room and out onto the pitch.


Hermione drummed her fingers on the table unconsciously. She was stuck in one of Percy's ridiculous briefings. Presently he was droning on and on about the changes he wanted to make to the menu for Friday's ball, before that he'd been going on about decorating the head tables in the colors of each of the visiting dignitaries national colors. Padma Patil looked at Hermione pulled a face and rolled her eyes skyward as Percy continued his listing of national dishes he wanted prepared for the ball. Hermione suppressed a giggle, she understood exactly how Padma felt. Listening to Percy's monotonously tedious rantings often had that kind of effect on people. Upon arriving at the office that morning and learning that she was to sit through one of Percy's boring briefings she had nearly gone back home. A thought that she had nearly acted on when she had walked into her own office and found Rita Skeeter waiting for her. Maude had apologized profusely as she had no idea how Rita could have gotten past her. Hermione had told Maude that everything was fine before sending her back to her own desk. Hermione surmised that Rita had turned into her animagus form of a beetle and scuttled underneath the closed door. Naturally Rita had wanted an interview, which Hermione had refused to do but Rita being her usual vile self hadn't given up without a fight. In the end Hermione had had to threaten Rita with revealing her animagus secret to get her out of her office. Hermione wondered how Harry's day was going. Were reporters ambushing him as well? Had he spoken to Ron and sorted things out? Hermione was brought back to the present moment by Percy's voice.

"Are there any questions"

When no one said anything Percy smiled sanctimoniously and responded.

"Very well then we'll break for lunch"

Everyone hopped up from the conference table and hurried to their individual offices before Percy thought of something else to say. Just as she reached her office door Padma called out to her.

"Hermione want to grab a bite to eat"

Hermione shook her head and replied.

"Thanks Padma but I have other plans…how about some time next week when all this nonsense has died down "

Padma smiled and nodded.

"Next week it is then"

Seeing that Maude was not at her desk Hermione stopped jotted down a quick note to her letting her know where she was headed in case she was needed then strode into her office grabbed her purse and slipped into her cloak and apparated to Ginny's office at the Daily Prophet. Ginny was sitting behind her desk quill in hand busily writing. Hermione called out.

"Big story"

Ginny looked up and a smile spread across her face.

"Hermione what in the name of Merlin are you doing here"

"Attempting to have lunch with my best friend"

Ginny glanced at the clock on her desk a surprised expression on her face.

"I had no idea it was lunch time already"

Hermione walked over to Ginny's desk and took a seat.

"You haven't just sat through a three hour briefing with Percy so I would not expect you to have a concept of how slowly time has been moving"

Ginny burst into uproarious giggles as Hermione said.

"Only Percy could extend a briefing to three hours…it amazes me how he completely ignores the clear definition of the word brief…"

As her laughter subsided Ginny asked.

"So you went in to the office today"

Hermione nodded and replied.

"Yes I didn't see much point in staying home"

It was Ginny's turn to nod.

"How was your chat with Ron last night…did you get him to come round any"

Hermione blew out a heavy sigh.

"Not well. I had to hex him to get him to sit down and listen. For all I know he could have been blocking out every word I said while envisioning my head as it exploded. Harry went down to the pitch early this morning to have a go at talking to him"

Ginny's eyes widened in surprise.

"You don't think they had another row do you"

Hermione gnawed her bottom lip. She had been wondering the same thing herself. She was just about to articulate her thoughts to Ginny when a loud cracking pop sounded in the room. Both Hermione and Ginny looked up and set eyes on Harry standing before them holding take out bags. Hermione asked.

"Harry what are you doing here"

Harry took out his wand and literally drew up a table and three comfy chairs. He walked over to the table and deposited his packages onto the table and called over his shoulder.

"I stopped over at the Ministry and Maude said you'd come to see Ginny…she figured you two were going to have lunch. So I popped into a Chinese restaurant on my way over and picked up some crispy duck…you don't want to brave that pack of nutters unless you have to"

Harry set the crispy duck, Peking duck, fried rice, spring rolls and hoi sin sauce on the table along with some lemonade and butterbeer. Harry stepped back and said.

"So you two hungry or not"

Ginny and Hermione quickly came over to the table sat down and began filling their plates.

Hermione asked.

"We were just wondering how your talk went with Ron this morning"

Harry sighed.

"It didn't"

Ginny cut in.

"What happened"

Harry snorted in irritation and responded with.

"Your brother is a dunderheaded git who hasn't got the sense of a handful of frog spawn"

Ginny popped a piece of a spring roll into her mouth and rejoined with.

"Still being difficult eh"

Harry speared a piece of duck and responded.

"Difficult is an understatement"

Hermione interjected.

"Tell us exactly what happened"

Harry relayed the story of his meeting with Ron and the understanding they had reached. He then told them about his attempt to apologize to Ron for inadvertently hurting him.

"And he says to me…you want to know what you can do…you really want to know…stay the hell away from me! Can you believe that? He acts as if I did this on purpose…like I would or could do something like that to him on purpose"

Hermione reached out and grabbed Harry's hand.

"He knows that Harry…deep down he knows it…he's just so angry right now that he isn't thinking straight"

Ginny chimed in.

"Hermione's right…he'll come round as soon as he calms down"

Harry nodded indifferently.

"Assuming I'll care by then"

Hermione was about to chastise Harry for his comment when Ginny's office door burst open and Draco Malfoy strolled in with a bouquet of roses floating along in front of him that was nearly as large as he was. Harry sat up straight in his chair and eyed Draco and his flowers curiously. He turned to Hermione and mouthed `What the hell is that about'.

Draco called out.

"Love about last night I know you were upset and I know I've been a bit of a prat about telling my mum about us but…"

When Harry turned to Hermione and stared at her she quickly shook her head warning him not to say what he was thinking at the moment out loud. Ginny stiffly rose from her seat and stalked over to where Draco was standing just as Draco lowered the flowers he was holding. As Draco caught sight of Harry and Hermione sitting by the window a highly embarrassed expression covered his face. Draco dropped his voice to a whisper and said.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were entertaining"

Ginny took the flowers from Draco's grasp and set them on her desk.

"There's no need to whisper Draco…Hermione and Harry know all about our relationship"

Harry's eyes widened in surprise then narrowed in pain following the blow Hermione dealt him underneath the table. Harry looked at her and Hermione mouthed the words `Play along'. Draco stared at Ginny in utter astonishment.

"I suspected that Granger knew but Potter"

Ginny nodded.

"Of course Harry knows…he is just as close a friend to me as Hermione is and as they are a couple they have no secrets from one another"

Draco chanced a glance at Harry and Hermione. Harry smiled brightly and waved. Ginny queried Draco.

"So have you told your mum about us then"

Draco turned back to Ginny and spoke.

"Ginny I don't think now is the time or the place…considering the fact that you have guests"

Ginny replied.

"As I said before I have no secrets from my friends…they know all about what I said to you last night…so have you or haven't you told your mother about us"

Draco sighed.

"No Ginny I haven't spoken to mum…I thought that…"

Ginny cut in.

"You thought I was being an over emotional twit and that I'd have come back round to your way of thinking. And if I hadn't a bouquet of flowers and a good snogging would bring me round…"

Ginny paused and watched as Draco shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other before she continued speaking.

"I told you last night Draco I love you more than anything or anyone in this world but I won't keep pretending that nothing is happening between us…I don't know how to say it any plainer…now if you'll excuse me you've interrupted my lunch"

Ginny handed Draco his flowers and walked back to her seat with Hermione and Harry. An angry sounding pop indicated Draco's departure from the room. Hermione reached over and gently squeezed Ginny's hand.

"Are you all right"

Ginny replied.

"I'll be fine"

Hermione persisted in her query.

"So you gave him an ultimatium then"

Ginny's eyes filled with tears that she blinked back as she answered in a hushed voice.

"Yeah…guess what he chose"

Harry interjected.

"Hang on…you've been seeing that git Malfoy…"

Ginny and Hermione looked at each other then turning back to Harry nodded affirmatively.

"And you told him he had a choice between you and his death-eater mum and he chose her…"

Ginny lowered her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

A scraping noise resonated through the room as Harry rose from his seat and started for the door. Hermione called after him.

"Harry where are you going"

Harry stopped and turned around.

"To kick Malfoy's bloody arse"

Ginny looked up with a stunned expression on her face.

"I thought you'd be angry that I was even seeing him…"

Harry answered cutting off Ginny's words.

"Well of course I'm not chuffed about you and Malfoy as a couple but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit here and let him bloody mistreat you…its obvious you care about the git and I'm not going to let him toy with you just for sport"

Ginny walked over to Harry and asked.

"You'd do that for me"

Harry looked at her with a bewildered expression and replied simply.

"Of course I would…that's what big brothers are for isn't it"

Ginny smiled and hugged Harry tightly.

"Thank you Harry but you don't really need to kick his arse though I love you for wanting too"

Harry returned the hug and said with a smile.

"You're welcome…and I won't go looking for Malfoy but if I see that prat walking along the street…well…"

Ginny looped her arm through Harry's and lead him back to the table where Hermione and the remainder of their lunch awaited them and completed Harry's unfinished sentence.

"Then you can't be held responsible for your actions"

Harry sat back down and nodded his head vehemently.


Harry picked up his chopsticks and grabbing a bite chewed his Peking duck forcefully. Ginny and Hermione took one look at the outraged expression covering Harry's features and dissolved into giggles.


The remainder of the week went by in a haze. Each morning Harry and Hermione left Grimmauld Place and arrived at their respective places of work to a barrage of questions from reporters and the whirring click of cameras flashing in their faces. All media personnel had been banned from stepping foot inside the Ministry of Magic as well as from going inside Llewellyn Field; since the news of Harry and Hermione being a couple had become common knowledge that seemed the only way to ensure that any work could be done. While the press was barred from entering either of the buildings where the couple worked the edicts from the Minister of Magic did little to prevent the hordes of reporters from standing outside of the Ministry of Magic or Llewellyn Field nor did it stop them from staking out any place they thought the couple may be seen together. Both Harry and Hermione's flats, bookshops and Quidditch supply stores they had been known to frequent, the Burrow and Harry's Glynnmoor estate were among the most likely places to be bombarded with reporters. As a result Hermione and Harry had taken to staying as out of sight as possible. They employed such tactics as having lunch with Ginny in her office each day as the last place that a bunch of reporters would look for someone who was avoiding them was in a newspaper office. Outside of their allotted hour for lunch they dared not venture from the confines of the Ministry or the Quidditch pitch until days end at which point they would head back to the safety of Grimmauld Place. Each evening they would return to number twelve Grimmauld Place undetected, as the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black still remained warded and unplotable to all eyes but those to whom its location had been revealed.

Remus was sitting in the downstairs lounge pouring over some papers when Harry arrived with a pop. Remus checked his watch and saw that it was just after one in the afternoon.

"You're home early…everything all right"

Harry slipped out of his cloak and set the armload of packages he was carrying down on the edge of the couch.

"Everything's fine…we just got out of practice early because of the ministry ball tonight…representatives from Bulgaria and Ireland are in town for this do and as we're set to play both the Bulgarian and Irish squads in the next week all three teams have been invited to the festivities"

Remus nodded.

"Ahh yes I had forgotten all about that"

Harry picked up one of the parcels he'd brought in and tossed it to Remus.

"I figured as much…I picked up the dress robes you ordered from Madame Malkin's and Hermione's bringing the tickets she got for you and Wendlyn"

Remus nodded his head again.

"I don't know who's worse…you or Dobby"

Harry smiled and rejoined with.

"Someone has to keep you in line old man"

Remus chuckled good-naturedly. Suddenly the fireplace roared to life as Hermione materialized out of the emerald green flames. She strolled over to where Harry and Remus were sitting on the couch and pulled an envelope from the pocket of her cloak and handed it to Remus. Remus smiled and said.

"And these I presume are my and Wen's tickets to this evening's do"

Hermione smiled and dropped into Harry's lap.

"Yes…quite good seats actually…right up at the head table…with Percy and three IWC members"

Remus cocked an eyebrow at Hermione and asked.

"Now we wouldn't be politicking this evening would we"

Hermione pinned Remus with the most innocent facial expression she could muster and answered.

"Of course not. I only got you those seats because I will be seated there as will Arthur and Molly I expect…and as Harry will most likely have to sit with his teammates I wanted to make sure I had at least one sane person who is not a member of the press to talk to. The fact that three members of the IWC who have a great deal of influence in regards to the proposed new policy on werewolves will be seated there as well is a mere coincidence"

Harry stifled a laugh as Remus eyed Hermione suspiciously for a moment before he rose from his seat and started for the stairs. Hermione called after him.

"Where are you off to"

Remus smiled his best marauder's smile and replied.

"To trim my nails and shave my excess back hair…wouldn't want to scare any members of the IWC now would we"

Without another word Remus turned and trudged up the stairs as Harry burst into raucous laughter. Hermione swatted him on the arm.

"It's not funny"

Harry wiped away the tears of mirth that were trickling from his eyes.

"Actually it was enormously funny…that was about as subtle as a dragon sitting on your chest"

Hermione shrugged.

"Well I saw it as a prime opportunity to rid those doddering old fools of their heinous views about werewolves. I mean honestly what better way to show them that werewolves are people than to introduce them to one…and you have too agree that Remus is a damn sight better as a werewolf than some wizards are on an every day basis"

Harry kissed Hermione affectionately on the cheek.

"You'll get no argument from me there love…but you know how he hates being made a spectacle of"

"I'm not making a spectacle of him…he's simply a close friend I've invited to sit with me at my table…and if someone articulates so much as an unkind grunt I'll hex them into the middle of next year"

Harry smiled at Hermione and kissed her gently on the lips. Hermione turned herself around straddled Harry's lap and wrapping her arms around his neck returned his kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist and moaning faintly slipped his tongue inside her mouth as they deepened the kiss. They sat that way; lips pressed together, tongues encircled, enjoying the feel and taste of each other for a full ten minutes, pausing intermittently to breathe before they broke apart. Harry pressed his lips to the throbbing pulse at Hermione's neck and murmured through his kisses.

"I've been thinking…"

Hermione leaned back and waited for Harry to say what was on his mind when nothing was forth coming she ventured to ask.

"You have been thinking about…"

Harry took a deep breath and answered Hermione's query.

"Well…I've been thinking about us and the press and this ball at the ministry tonight"

Hermione eyed Harry warily.

"We both have to be there right…"

Hermione replied with a simple nod of her head. Harry continued.

"And the whole wizarding world already knows we are a couple…"

Again Hermione nodded.

"The bloody press is going to be snapping pictures like mad every time we so much as breathe and we knew that sooner or later we were going to go public about our relationship…so…"

Harry paused and Hermione repeated his last word in hopes of prodding him to finish what he was saying.


Harry took another breath and grabbing the remaining two packages he brought home off the end of the couch completed his thought.

"So…I thought that we could go to this do…together…out in the open…as a couple…and let the press take all the ruddy pictures they want…let the whole sodding world know how much I love you"

Hermione's face broke into a radiant grin.

"Why Harry James Potter are you asking me out on a formal date in wizard society"

"Yes I do believe I am"

"Then I accept"

Harry smiled brightly and handed the two packages to Hermione. Hermione cocked an eyebrow at Harry and put a question to him.

"What's this"

Harry smiled.

"Oh just a little something I think you'll look magnificent in"


Harry bounded down the stairs to find Remus talking animatedly with his close friend Wendlyn Carlyle. Remus looked quite debonair in his black velvet dress robes although Harry suspected that the flush of color in his cheeks was there because of Wendlyn who was looking quite fetching in her wine-colored dress robes. Harry smiled and said.

"Well now don't the two of you look positively smashing"

Remus and Wendlyn turned to Harry and flashed him two bright smiles. Wendlyn replied.

"Thank you Harry…you are looking quite corking yourself"

Harry smiled and thanked Wendlyn for her compliment. Remus chimed in.

"Where is Hermione"

Harry was about to say that he reckoned she'd be down in a moment when he heard the soft padding of footsteps coming down the staircase. Harry turned and completely lost his train of thought at the sight of Hermione. She was more beautiful than he'd ever seen her. The form fitting soft pale green dress robes she wore somehow seemed to reveal just enough of her deliciously curved body and honey bronzed skin to drive him to distraction. Harry had been right to think that she'd look stunning in them when he'd seen them in Madame Malkin's shop window and though he knew Hermione'd have a fit if she knew how many galleons he'd spent on the ensemble Harry was certain that it had been worth every bloody cent. The feel of his chin being pushed up to stop his mouth from hanging open snapped Harry backed to the present. Hermione was staring at him expectantly as she said.

"I take it that you are pleased with how I look then"

Harry waggled his head dumbly in reply and whispered.

"You're absolutely stunning"

Remus called from the other side of the room.

"We best get a move on otherwise Hermione is going to be late for her own ball"

Hermione smiled as Harry slipped her cloak over her shoulders and offered her his arm.


Ron stood at the far end of the ballroom a glass of Maudpin's Special Dark and Fiery Whiskey clutched tightly in his hand. If he'd had his druthers he'd have been home instead of stuck here at this ministry ball but Cromwell had made it abundantly clear that he expected every one of his players present otherwise there would be hell to pay. Ron had been sorely tempted to test Cromwell's threat but at the last minute he'd pulled on his dress robes and apparated over. He kept telling himself he'd done it so that on the off chance Cromwell followed through on his threats he wouldn't be too tired to play in Saturday's match against Ireland and there was also Wednesday's match against Bulgaria to consider. But the truth of the matter was that he'd really come for the same reason over half of the people in that room had come for…to see them together…to see if his two former best friends really were a couple. Of course Ron had seen the pictures in the papers like everyone else had and unlike everyone else he had verbal confirmation from both Harry and Hermione that they were indeed together…but as they say…seeing is believing and Ron could not bring himself to believe that they had done this to him until he saw it with his own eyes.

As he took a sip of his drink Ron cast a watchful eye towards the entrance to the ballroom. All was quiet and he was certain that if those two traitors had shown up the press would be circling that doorway like a gang of hungry Chimeras who'd just found dinner. There was also the poor bloke standing at the door announcing each new arrival; at that moment he was announcing Mrs. Narcissa Malfoy. Ron pondered the absence of Draco from his mother's side for a moment before he heard the wizard at the door call out Mr. Arthur Weasley and his wife Mrs. Molly Weasley. Ron watched his mother scanning the room…she was looking for her children. He followed her gaze as she spied Percy and Bill the only Weasley's other than himself in attendance. He continued to watch as his parents made their way over to his brothers and presumably inquired of his whereabouts. His suspicions were confirmed when he saw Bill point to his corner of the room; Ron raised his glass and nodded to his parents then directed his attention back to the door. Once again the wizard's voice rang out as he announced the newest arrivals…Mr. Draco Malfoy and Ms. Ginevra Weasley…Ron's head snapped up and his eyes landed on his sister positively beaming walking arm in arm with that slimy ferret. Ron looked over at his parents and to his surprise noticed a lack of outrage on their faces…although his father's jaw did seem to be set rather rigidly. Ron set down his glass and started across the room to where Ginny and Malfoy were greeting some ministry officials. He was going to find out what the bloody hell was going on.

Ginny felt a hand close tightly around her upper arm she turned to find herself face to face with her brother Ron. From the look on his face it was evident that he had not bothered to read the note she'd sent him. Ginny spoke quickly through clenched teeth before Ron had a chance to utter a single word.

"Ronald Bilius Weasley do not make a scene…"

Ginny's words were drowned out by the announcement of the newest arrivals…Mr. Remus Lupin and Ms. Wendlyn Carlyle. Ron let go of Ginny's arm suddenly and stared at the door. If Remus was here then surely they were just behind. The wizard at the door's voice rang out again…Mr. Harry Potter and Ms. Hermione Granger. A hush seemed to fall over the room as every eye turned towards the doorway to watch as Harry and Hermione entered. Cameras whirred and flashes flickered, a million clouds of black and purple smoke billowed into the air as the photographers snapped picture after picture of the couple all of wizarding London had turned out to see.

Hermione was beautiful in her pale green dress robes. Ron couldn't remember the last time he'd seen her smile so brightly, and Harry looked dashing in his bottle green robes and seemed quite at ease in front of the cameras with Hermione at his side. The press surrounded them and fired off question after question.

"How long have you two been seeing each other"

"Is this your first public date"

"How do your family and friends feel about this new relationship"

"How serious is this relationship"

"Are you in love"

"Are there wedding plans in the near future"

"How about a kiss for the camera"

Ron watched as Harry expertly navigated himself and Hermione through the crowd and up to their table. Harry held out Hermione's chair for her. As she gracefully sat down he gently scooted her chair into place before taking his own seat. Once he'd taken his seat Harry reached over and took Hermione's hand in his and raising it to his lips kissed her open palm. Ron felt a pang in his chest as he read the expressions etched on both their faces. He'd seen far more than what he came for. He cast one final glace at Harry and Hermione before he disapparated without a sound.
