Unofficial Portkey Archive

Just Friends by Searcy

Just Friends


Beginnings and Endings

Harry's idea to give the press what they wanted seemed to have been a stroke of pure genius when he looked back on the whole affair weeks later. He and Hermione had had a wonderful evening talking, dancing, and just being together openly. It was such a relief to finally be able to hold Hermione in public and be honest about his feelings for her, that it hadn't mattered to him one bit that the entire wizarding world was watching with bated breath to see what was happening between them. Hermione was equally happy to at last have the truth out in the open this had been evidenced at the evening's end by her gracious responses to the press' non-work related questions including those asked by Rita Skeeter.

However the moment that had cemented the couple's relationship as that of `true love' in the eyes of the wizarding world had come five days later when the English National team had hosted the defending National Cup Champions from Bulgaria. As the only two teams in the race for the cup who remained undefeated, the English squad had just edged out Ireland four days earlier after a diving catch of the snitch by Harry; the match had been touted as a precursor to the cup finals. The fact that Hermione had all but been engaged to the star seeker of the Bulgarian squad just a scant year ago added fuel to the fire. Whereas most people speculated quietly on the ins and outs of the Viktor Krum-Hermione Granger-Harry Potter love triangle Rita Skeeter unmistakably raised the question of where Hermione's heart truly lie in an article featured in Witch Weekly entitled `Apparently Seekers Really Do It Better…But Which One'. There was such a stir over the threesome that more seats had to be added to Llellewyn Field to accommodate the number of witches and wizards in attendance for the match.

On the evening of the match Hermione found herself seated in the top box along with the Minister of Magic, Remus, Wendlyn, Ginny, Draco, Molly, Arthur and Fred and George. When asked which seeker she was hoping caught the snitch she'd smiled and said that while she wished both teams an excellent outing she had no doubts that the English squad would win the match and that Harry would catch the snitch.

The match had indeed been a spectacular one with England in the lead for most of the contest. That is until their beaters McClellan and Thomaston were penalized severely for fouls against Bulgaria's chasers Ivanovich and Rokmanonkov. Ron who was having an abysmally bad performance missed blocking the foul shots. This brought Bulgaria to within ten of England. Ron pulled himself together and managed to block every other shot attempt by the Bulgarians but so did their keeper, which meant it all came down to Harry and Krum. The two teams played for another full hour before Harry and Viktor simultaneously spotted the snitch circling around the bottom of the goal posts at the far end of the field.

They both pelted off in a blur of maroon, blue, and broomstick brown. Neck and neck they hurtled down the pitch bumping and shoving, arms extended towards the snitch. Suddenly a collective gasp rose from the stands as it became obvious that the snitch was not veering to the right or the left it was headed straight for the stone pillar supporting the Minster of Magic's spectator box. Harry and Viktor continued to head straight for the pillar. Hermione stared at the large viewing screen that had been erected for the occasion caught between wanting to cover her eyes and desperate to make sure Harry escaped unhurt. Then at the last possible second Viktor jerked his broomstick hard to the right and circled the pitch while Harry pulled his broomstick upward. Harry was so close to the stands that the people sitting there could literally reach out and feel the sting of his Quidditch robes slapping against their skin as he bolted past them. As he leveled off at the top of the spectator's box the stadium erupted in a tremendous roar as the crowd realized that he had the snitch clutched firmly in his fist. Hermione had been so relieved that Harry was all right that she completely forgot herself and grabbing him by the front of the robes hauled him halfway into the spectator's box and kissed him full on the mouth. Had it not been for the strong hold she had on him Harry certainly would have toppled off his broom from the shock of the moment.

The following day Harry and Hermione's snog in the Minister's box was the talk of London. Their pictures were on the cover of every wizarding publication in the city and the WWN was continuously running recaps of the evening's events every thirty minutes. Every detail of the match and everything about the young couple was discussed following their very public display of affection. But Harry and Hermione were not the only couple that'd made a big splash at the Quidditch match that evening. Ginny and Draco had also garnered a fair amount of attention from the press themselves. All of wizarding London had been stunned to see the solidly uncommitted Draco Malfoy kissing the daughter of one of his father's bitterest rivals following Harry's catching of the snitch. While the two had been given more than a few surprised looks at the ball little more than that had been thought of the whole affair. While it was a well-known fact that there was no friendly association between the Weasleys and the Malfoys it was also a well-known fact that Draco had a weakness for beautiful young witches. In point of fact Draco could often be found in the company of one stunning young witch or another. None of these entanglements ever lasted very long or led anywhere of course and there were never ever any open displays of fondness involved. So it was no wonder that more than a few eyebrows were raised at the rather obvious display on Ginny's part; the kiss, that was followed by an equally obvious display on Draco's part; his wrapping his arm around Ginny's waist and snuggling her close to him as the crowd applauded Harry's brilliant catch of the snitch. If there had been any doubt before that Draco and Ginny were something other than friends it was expelled by those two simple actions. It became quite apparent very quickly that the two were completely enamored with one another. Quite naturally the press became very keen to know when their intimate association had begun as well as how long it had been serious. Suddenly Ginny and Draco found themselves embroiled in their own much smaller version of an hour in the day in the life of Harry and Hermione. They found themselves staring at cameras answering questions about some very personal matters as they waited along with Molly and Arthur, Fred and George, Remus and Wendlyn and Hermione for Ron and Harry to come out of the team locker room following the game.

It was Harry who rescued the pair when he emerged from the team locker room just as Viktor Krum was making his way out of the visitor's locker room. Hermione had made her way to Harry's side and they were making plans for how they would spend their evening when Viktor joined them and extended his hand to Harry. Harry spared a glance at Hermione before taking Viktor's hand and shaking it. Krum congratulated Harry on his skill with a broom and said that it appeared that the better man had caught the snitch that night. And though most believed him to be speaking of Quidditch Harry had no doubts that Viktor was making reference to something much more important than a Quidditch match. Again the sea of reporters present snapped pictures endlessly and the late, late edition of the Evening Prophet's front page carried the headline:


No one seemed to notice the tall red-haired English keeper standing in the shadows scowling.


The match against Bulgaria was the last match for the National team until after the Christmas holidays. Things also slowed down considerably for Hermione at the Ministry. With most of the people she needed to contact off with their families for the holidays Hermione saw very little sense in hanging about the office having pointless progress meetings with Percy. Maude, Padma and Penelope agreed with Hermione and ignoring Percy's vehement protests to the contrary took their allotted vacation days, shut down the office and went home for the holidays. With neither Harry nor Hermione having anything to occupy their days the two decided to give the run of Grimmauld Place back to Remus and headed off to Harry's estate in Glynnmoor for some alone time the week before Christmas with the promise that they would indeed be back in time for Christmas Eve with Thaddeus and Olivia and Christmas dinner at the Burrow.

The village of Glynnmoor was beautiful, all covered in snow and strung with Christmas decorations galore. It strongly reminded Harry and Hermione of their days at Hogwarts and the nearby wizarding village Hogsmeade. Glynnmoor was very similar to Hogsmeade though wizards occupied only a tiny portion of it. Harry had dubbed it their imitation Hogsmeade just smaller with fewer shops and with loads of muggles. They spent their days meandering about the village picking up presents for their friends and loved ones or exploring the grounds of Harry's estate having snowball fights or building snow sculptures and then bewitching them into life to romp around the grounds. Their evenings were spent making dinner and cuddling by the fire, or reading and watching the telly; one of the few muggle amenities they refused to give up. Sometimes Hermione would wrap presents and Harry would help by fetching tape or sticking his finger in to hold the ribbon so Hermione could tie the bow properly. Harry thought it would have been easier to use magic but Hermione preferred to do it the muggle way she thought it was much more fun and festive. Harry soon found that Hermione took her holiday preparations seriously. She'd made him traipse out into the snow and chop down a tree and haul it back to the house for them to decorate because she said every house needed a proper Christmas tree. Though she'd had to relent and use magic to create decorations as there weren't any in the house on account of Harry not owning any and the village shops were all out as it was so close to Christmas. Still it was a lovely tree just the same.

The evening before Christmas Eve found Hermione curled up on the couch in front of the fire reading from a book that was perched on her lap. Crookshanks sat beside her and purred with satisfaction as she stroked his fur. A tray bearing a large steaming cup of hot chocolate and a plate of homemade Christmas cookies that Socrates had brought from Hermione's mum sat on the table at her side untouched. Harry strolled into the room and stared at her for several minutes completely mesmerized by how beautiful she was. As he stood there Harry's thoughts drifted back to the day the world had found out about the two of them and his conversation with Ron.

"What's she like this unbelievable girl…is she a witch or is she a muggle…is she funny…smart maybe…decent cook…good shag…is her nose dead center"

Harry smiled at Ron's method of questioning before he answered him.

"She's completely amazing; she's a witch…muggleborn…she's got a great sense of humor and she's brilliant…very good cook and she's bloody gorgeous…not to mention we can talk about absolutely anything…Ron she rearranged her closet and the cupboards in her loo to make room for my things…I can't stand to be away from her and when I'm around her I can barely think…did I mention she's gorgeous"

Ron nodded and patted Harry on the back.

"Yeah mate you did…but you didn't answer my question about whether or not she's a good shag…so why haven't I met this amazing woman"

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his ebony locks.

"Well we've only been seeing each other a few months…we wanted to be sure something was really there before we let on to anyone…sorry I haven't said anything about this before"

Ron waved off Harry's apology.

"Its okay I knew something was up but I figured you'd tell me when you were ready…so seeing as how you're telling me about her I suppose you've sorted out your feelings for her"

Harry nodded.

"I'm in love with her Ron"

"Blimey…you're in love with this bird"

Harry nodded emphatically.

"And even more amazing than me being in love with her is the fact that she's in love with me"

"She told you that"


"Bloody hell my best mate's in love…hold on…you aren't thinking of asking her to marry you are you"

Harry stared at Ron's stricken expression and chewed his bottom lip. He loved Hermione there was no doubt about that and he was equally certain that she felt the same way about him but the thought of them getting married had never entered his mind. Of course when he envisioned his future Hermione was there at his side but until Ron had said the word `marry' he hadn't really thought about what her being there at his side truly entailed. Harry smiled to himself…if the truth were told he rather liked the sound of the name…Hermione Jane Potter.

Hermione looked up and caught Harry staring at her. Upon seeing the queer expression on his face Hermione called to him.

"Harry…darling…is everything all right"

At the sound of Hermione's voice Harry was snatched from his thoughts back to the present moment.

"Ummm…er…sorry love…what's that"

Hermione chuckled and shook her head from side to side.

"I asked if you were all right"

Harry nodded perfunctorily and walked across the room to the couch and sat down. Looking at Hermione he asked.

"Are you busy…I'd like to have a word with you"

Crookshanks stood up, stretched then leapt off the couch and ran out of the door. Hermione closed her book with a snap and set it on the floor. Then she turned to Harry giving him her full attention and responded by saying.

"Not busy at all…what's on your mind"

Harry ran his hand through his hair, something he only did when he was fighting a case of nerves.

"Well it's more like asking you something than it is talking"

Hermione nodded and waited patiently for him to continue. Harry took a deep breath.

"That day that I was going to tell Ron about us…before everything got all wonky…I realized something that I hadn't really thought of before…I realized that I love you"

Hermione stared at Harry a wee bit perplexed. She and Harry had confessed their love for each other long before that day. Harry caught the look on her face and shook his head as he said.

"Not that I didn't already know that I loved you…I just realized that I don't ever want to be without you…I mean I can't imagine my life without you in it"

Hermione smiled and cut in.

"I can not imagine my life without you either"

Harry returned her smile and took her hand in his.

"When I envision my future Hermione you're always right there at my side…I see us building a life together…I see myself coming home to finding you in the kitchen of our home making dinner…every time I picture my forever you're in it…you always have been…even before we got together I always pictured you by my side…Hermione what I'm trying to say is that…well…when you think about your future…years from now…what do you see"

Hermione smiled as tears filled her eyes, Harry had always seen her as a part of his life. Past, present and future. She replied softly.

"Honestly I see things a lot like you do…even when I was with Viktor I could never see myself with him…just the two of us. I guess I've always believed that some how you'd be a part of my life no matter what…but lately…since things between us have changed…so has the picture"

Harry regarded her curiously and asked.

"How has it changed"

Hermione took a deep steadying breath and replied in a barely audible whisper.

"Well when I think of my future now I picture a winding country lane that leads to a beautiful old stately cottage with the most amazing front and back gardens, a porch swing and a doormat on the porch that reads…The Potters…"

Hermione blushed and averted her gaze from Harry's. He took her hand in his and squeezed it. Adoringly he placed his other hand underneath her chin and raised her gaze to meet his and whispered.

"There's something I'd like to ask you"


Christmas had always been a special holiday in the Weasley household even when the children had been away at school or traveling abroad for their jobs Molly had made a point of making sure their sweaters got to them on time. Now that her brood was all grown up, especially since the second war had ended, Christmas had become an even more special time for the Weasleys. The second war against Voldemort had taken many lives. Molly Weasley knew she was lucky to have escaped with her family in tact. Yes, she, Arthur, all seven of their children and Harry and Hermione had made it through the war virtually unscathed. Though Molly hadn't given birth to Harry or Hermione she loved them both as much as she did any of her own children. Harry had been through so much and lost so much at such a tender age that it broke her heart and she'd wanted to give him what he'd never had, a family, a true one that loved and cared for him, not like that horrible aunt and uncle of his. And though Hermione had a loving family of her own, all that Hermione had done to help Harry and Ron had endeared the girl to Molly so much that she couldn't help loving the young woman as much as she loved her own daughter. It was the fact that she loved Harry and Hermione as much as she loved her own children that had made the last few weeks so difficult. Ron's estrangement from his two best friends over their new found romance was hurting all three of them far more than they let on and Molly was determined to put a stop to it. Ginny's voice calling her name broke through Molly's thoughts. Wiping her hands on her apron as she took it off Molly replied to Ginny's cry.

"In the kitchen dear"

Molly walked into the living room and was greeted with a hug from her only daughter who was accompanied by her boyfriend Draco Malfoy. Draco walked over and kissed Molly's cheek as he handed her four bottles.

"Happy Christmas Mrs. Weasley…as I wasn't sure what we were having I brought dandelion and nettle wine"

Molly had been very unsure of Ginny's relationship with Draco but after having gotten to know him she'd found that he really wasn't a bad sort just a bit misguided. And how could he be blamed for that considering what he'd had for parents. Even Arthur and the boys, with the exception of Ron, agreed that Draco was an all right enough chap and they had no objections to his seeing Ginny so long as he didn't hurt her in any way. Though Molly was sure from seeing the two together that Draco Malfoy would step in front of one of the unforgivable curses before he'd willingly harm her only daughter. Molly smiled.

"How thoughtful of you dear and I've told you its Molly I'll hear no more of this Mrs. Weasley nonsense"

Draco grinned sheepishly and inquired as to the whereabouts of Ginny's father Arthur. Molly sent him off to the shed and steered Ginny to the kitchen.

"Are we the first to arrive"

"Yes…I expect everyone else will be along shortly"

"And exactly who is everyone"

"Just family and close friends of course…let's see…Bill and Fleur, Percy, Penelope and Perceus, Charlie and Tonks, Fred and Angelina, George and Alicia, Remus and Wendlyn, Neville and Luna and Lee may be stopping by…oh and certainly Ron and Harry and Hermione"

Molly mentally recounted the number of people expected for dinner and nodded satisfied that she had not over looked anyone. Ginny stared at her mother. She was about to ask her whether or not she thought it was a good idea to have Harry and Ron in the same room together when she heard the voices of her father and boyfriend as well as her brothers Bill and Charlie. Molly smiled brightly and headed out to greet her sons and begin the merriment. Ginny sent up a silent prayer to the gods that everything went well.


Ginny walked over to the table set up in the drawing room of her family home and grabbing a glass of wine took a long slow sip. Her eyes darted about the room taking in the scene before her. Her mother was playing with two year-old Perceus while she chatted with Remus' girlfriend Wendlyn, Luna Lovegood and her daughters' in-law Penelope and Fleur. Fred, George and Lee were getting a great laugh from Neville, Charlie, Tonks and Alicia after having fed Percy one of their newest confections, which had caused him to develop a donkey's head and tail. Angelina and Bill were watching her father and boyfriend play a game of wizard's chess. Ginny was so engrossed in her perusal of the room that she hadn't heard Remus' footsteps as he joined her. His voice startled her out of her ruminations.

"Not enjoying yourself"

Ginny sipped her wine and shook her head.

"Oh no…it's a lovely do…just lovely…I'm just wondering what's keeping the other guests"

Remus took a swallow of his butterbeer and responded.

"Worried how Ron will react to seeing Harry and Hermione"

Ginny replied.

"Wondering whether he'll show really…after seeing them at the Ministry ball"

Then added in a scarcely audible undertow.

"I'm not sure if he'll be able to take seeing them together at all after he hears what happened up in Glynnmoor"

Unsure of what Ginny had just said Remus raised an eyebrow and asked.

"What was that"

"Just mumbling to myself"

A voice from behind them startled both Remus and Ginny.

"Malfoy making you nutters all ready"

Ginny and Remus turned around to find Harry standing behind them grinning. He casually draped his arms around each of their shoulders and kissed Ginny on the cheek as Hermione appeared at his side and said in a cheerful voice.

"Happy Christmas"

Ginny and Remus smiled and exchanged hugs and Happy Christmases with the couple. The sound of Harry and Hermione's voices caused a bit of a stir as Molly, Arthur and the rest of the Weasleys and other guests drifted over to say hello. There was a great deal more hugging and kissing and wishes of Happy Christmas before things settled down and everyone drifted back over to their previous entertainments as Molly headed off to the kitchen to put the finishing touches on dinner. Ginny pulled Hermione to the side while Remus engaged Harry in conversation. Ginny glanced down at Hermione's hands and asked.

"Where is it"

Hermione stared at her strangely and asked.

"Where's what"

Ginny sighed exasperatedly.

"The ring"

Hermione smiled reassuringly and patted Ginny's hand.

"There is no ring as of yet…we only just talked about it…"

Ginny interjected with a hurried whisper.

"You only just talked about it…you told me that Harry wants to marry you…"

Hermione chuckled lightly and Ginny stared at her in confusion.

"Yes Ginny Harry did say that he wants to marry me…but there is a bit of a difference in saying you want to marry someone and actually proposing"

Ginny answered sarcastically.

"Really I wouldn't know…as far as I know no one's ever wanted to or asked to marry me"

Hermione dissolved into a fit of giggles. Ginny knocked her shoulder in mock indignation before she spoke again.

"Well either way it's not much of a difference…its obvious as bloody hell how smitten you two are with each other…you may as well be engaged"

Hermione glanced briefly in Harry's direction then turned back to Ginny and replied.

"You sound like Harry you know that"


"That's nearly exactly what Harry said when we talked about it. I think we should give things a little more time…make sure we are sure before we take that next step…but Harry doesn't see the point in waiting to get engaged. He reckons the whole world can see we're in love so why be so formal about things when we can just get on with it now"

Ginny stared at Hermione and asked.

"And why do you want to wait"

Hermione lowered her gaze and spoke to the floor.

"Well it's a lot to consider…certainly we love each other but there is still a lot we don't know about each other…"

Ginny cut in.

"Like what"

Hermione began wringing her hands together and continued.

"Well there has to be something I don't know about him yet…and…and then there is Ron to consider…we can't very well leave things the way they are between us now…"

Again Ginny cut in.

"Bollocks…Ron is just being an arse and you know it…once he stops whining he'll be fine…what's the real reason you're putting him off"

Hermione sighed and replied in a whisper.

"What if he changes his mind…realizes one day out of the blue that I'm not what he wants…"

"I've been in love with you practically since the moment I laid eyes on you…nothing could ever change that"

Hermione and Ginny turned around simultaneously and stared up at Harry wide-eyed. Harry continued speaking.

"You're one of the only truly good things in my life. For as long as I've known you you've been there for me…loving me and taking care of me no matter what…I could never wake up one day and not want you…I honestly don't know what I'd do without you considering that the very best part of me is the part that loves you"

At some point the room had gone deathly quiet and everyone's attention had turned to Harry and Hermione. Hermione watched as Harry reached into his pocket and somewhat shakily withdrew a black velvet box. Dropping to one knee Harry gently clutched Hermione's left hand in his own and looking into her eyes he began to speak.

"Hermione Jane Granger will you marry me"

Hermione dropped to her knees and threw herself into Harry's arms chanting the words `Yes I'll marry you' through her tears of happiness.

The room erupted in a chorus of cheers as everyone rushed to congratulate the happy couple. Arthur hurried to the kitchen to retrieve the wine Draco had brought for dinner while Molly sobbed hysterically as she clutched Harry and Hermione in one of her infamous bear hugs. Molly let go of them long enough for Harry to slip the ring on Hermione's finger, which set off a bunch of ooohing and aaahing from all the witches present. Ginny hugged Hermione and said.

"I thought you were keen to wait"

Hermione smiled and replied.

"There's a bit of difference in knowing someone wants to propose to you and their actually proposing"

Ginny smiled knowingly and hugged Hermione again before Harry pulled her into his arms.

Harry was happier than he'd ever been in his life. Hermione was going to be his wife. Suddenly Harry looked up and the joy he felt evaporated as a knot formed in his stomach…Harry had just looked up and locked gazes with Ron. Harry slowly slipped his arm from around Hermione's waist and started across the room towards Ron. Bereft at the loss of Harry's touch Hermione turned to see where he had gone and gasped loudly when she saw him heading over to Ron. The room fell silent once again. Ron was the first to speak.

"What's all this then"

Harry squared his shoulders and steeled himself for what was sure to follow.

"I've just asked Hermione to marry me and she's accepted"

Ron visibly gritted his teeth.

Harry spoke again.

"Look…I understand that all of this has been difficult for you…Hermione and I being together…and I wish it hadn't hurt you Ron honestly I do but enough is enough…"

Ron cut in.

"Enough is enough…what the bloody hell does that mean"

Harry shook his head and nearly spat the words out he spoke with such force.


Ron stared at Harry clearly befuddled, but Harry paid no mind he had some things he needed to say and by Merlin he was going to say them.


Ron bellowed angrily at Harry.


Harry replied.


Harry glared at Ron chest heaving from all the yelling he'd done. Ron never said a word he just glared furiously at Harry before disapparating with an explosive pop.
