Unofficial Portkey Archive

Just Friends by Searcy

Just Friends



Hermione and Harry spent all of Sunday morning in bed basking in the afterglow of their recently confessed and thoroughly illustrated love. The two lay in bed in Hermione's flat, Harry had his arms wrapped protectively around her and Hermione was snuggled up against him, her head resting on his broad muscular chest. Hermione shifted slightly in her sleep, rolling over onto her side away from Harry causing her to pull away from his embrace, the sudden loss of her supple, warm skin next to his own caused Harry to awaken from his slumber. Blinking profusely he reached out and drew her back into his arms. A scandalous grin spread across Hermione's face as Harry's hands roamed across her nude form. She rolled over onto her back as Harry lowered his head and allowed his lips to follow the path set forth by his hands. Hermione moaned forcefully as Harry set about showing his appreciation of the beautiful woman before him.

Harry languidly ran his hand up and down Hermione's prone frame, smiling contentedly. He had just spent the better part of an hour worshipping every inch of Hermione's body kissing and caressing her until she literally pleaded with him to stop. His grin broadened as he thought of how much he adored the woman cradled in his arms. She meant more to him than anything else in the world; he would willingly give up his own life if it meant her happiness. Suddenly it occurred to him that for the first time in his life Harry wholly understood how he had survived Voldemort's first attack. If his mother had felt even a tenth of the affection and devotion to protect him that was coursing through his body, nearly bursting from his chest at this moment it was a wonder that anything had been left of Voldemort to return at all. A bittersweet smile turned the corners of Harry's mouth and he closed his eyes as thoughts of his mother raced through his brain. Unconsciously he tightened his hold on Hermione; her eyes fluttered open and she turned her warm chocolate gaze to his face. Hermione stared at Harry perplexedly; his eyes were screwed shut and his handsome face was blemished by a sad forlorn expression. Reaching out and caressing his stubble lined jaw she whispered quietly.

"Harry…darling…are you all right"

Hermione's concerned voice forced Harry back to the present blinking back tears he gruffly replied.

"I'm fine love…just fine"

Harry leaned back against the headboard attempting to prevent Hermione from seeing the tears collecting in his eyes. But she saw the unshed tears glistening in Harry's eyes and pushed herself upright in bed clutching the covers to her bare chest. She grasped his face in both her hands and forced him to look at her.

"Harry you are a dreadful liar…now tell me what's wrong"

Harry saw the determined set of her jaw and the unflinching look of resolve on her face and once again the powerful all consuming love he felt for her welled up in his chest and heaving a great sigh he smiled at her and answered.

"There's nothing wrong…honestly…I…I…just thought about my mum for a second is all"

Harry's voice faltered and he bowed his head unwilling or unable to say anymore, Hermione was not sure which of the two it was. She knew how difficult it was, how difficult it had always been for him to talk about his parents. She regarded him for a moment before she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to rest in the bend of her neck and stroked his back as she held him tightly. They sat that way for quite some time each lost in their own thoughts, when suddenly Hermione felt Harry's lips form what was unmistakably a smile. Curious as to what had improved his mood so quickly; usually it took much longer to rebuff his hurt over the loss of his parents, Hermione raised the question.

"What are you smiling about"

Harry nuzzled Hermione's neck, she felt that smile grow into a mischievous grin that seemed to be growing ever wider upon his face.

"I was just thinking how much I like having you protecting me"

Harry kissed his way up Hermione's neck to her ear and back down again. She smiled at the thought of being the protector of the Great Harry Potter. As Harry began his second trip back up to her ear Hermione's soft smile faded into a breathless moan. Harry whispered in her ear.

"Blimey what a honking prat I am…I haven't given my beautiful girlfriend a proper good morning kiss"

Hermione glanced at the clock sitting on her bedside table the clock-face which was blushing furiously, read the time as a quarter to one.



"It's nearly one in the afternoon"

"Really…then I suppose it'll have to be a good afternoon kiss"

Hermione gently pushed Harry away from her back onto the pillows at the headboard and straddled his waist, leaning forward she said.

"As I recall you spent the better part of an hour this morning kissing me…so it seems that I have been the one who's neglected my duties as a girlfriend"

Harry composed his face into a look of mock reproach.

"You know now that I think on it I believe you're right…yes…yes…you are absolutely correct…you have been neglecting me"

Hermione smiled and leaned down brushing her lips against Harry's.

"I am so sorry darling…will you allow me to make it up to you"

Harry bobbed his head up and down as he said.

"I suppose you can give it a try"

Smiling, Hermione lowered her head to Harry's mouth. She nibbled and licked Harry's bottom lip before taking his mouth completely, reveling in the feeling of the fullness of his soft sculpted lips and inhaling the magnificently masculine scent of sunshine, fresh air and earth that filled her nostrils whenever she was near him. She ran his fingers through his thick black tousled curls angling his head back so that the kiss could be deepened, exploring the depths of his mouth intertwining her tongue with his. Moaning softly into her mouth Harry removed the bunched up bedclothes that were separating them and allowed his hands to roam freely over Hermione's beautifully sculpted body. Hermione pressed her body flush against Harry's as their kiss became more urgent and passionate. Suddenly a loud mewling sound erupted from the door followed by a cacophony of screeches and shrieks and the distinct rustle of wings. Startled Harry and Hermione broke apart. Crookshanks bounded onto the bed and settled himself on Harry's abdomen awaiting his perfunctory scratch behind the ears, Socrates and Hedwig landed on the headboard on either side of Harry's head. Hedwig gave a scandalized hoot as she looked at Hermione's exposed breasts before turning her attention to and extending her leg to Harry. Hermione quickly grabbed and wrapped the sheet around her unclothed body and slid from her perch astride Harry and settled herself beside him instead. Harry glared at the three animals a hugely annoyed expression covering his countenance.

"Going to have to do something about this bloody menagerie of ours"

Hermione giggled and kissed his cheek.

"They are just unaccustomed to sharing us is all…and considering the amount of time we have been in bed I suppose they may be a bit hungry as well"

With a clap of her hands Hermione produced a perch complete with owl treats and water for Hedwig and Socrates and bowl of cream for Crookshanks. She then retrieved the post from both birds who hooted thankfully and flew off to restore themselves. Hermione handed Harry, who was absently scratching Crookshanks ears, his letter. As Harry opened his letter Hermione skimmed her own correspondence. Bored with Harry's half-hearted attention Crookshanks leapt off the bed and languidly lapped at his bowl of cream. Hermione looked to Harry and spoke.

"Note from Molly inviting you to Sunday dinner"

Harry nodded.

Hermione again glanced at the clock.

"Well I suppose we best get moving Molly says dinner's at three its half past one now if we hurry well just be able to make"

Hermione swung her legs over the side of the bed and was about to summon her robe just as Harry's large hand closed around her wrist stilling her movements.

"What's say we beg off going to the Burrow for dinner"

Seeing the question forming in Hermione's eyes Harry responded.

"Nothings wrong I just thought maybe we could spend the day together…alone…with no interruptions"

Hermione pondered Harry's suggestion.

"It would be nice to spend the day together but don't you think it would look a bit strange both of us begging off our invitations on the same day"

Harry shook his head.

"It's happened before…besides no one knows about us but Gin and she's keeping mum"

Hermione cocked her head to the side and chewed her lip thoughtfully. Seeing that she was nearly in agreement with him Harry magicked a bottle of ink, two quills and some spare bits of parchment.

"I'll tell Molly I can't make it because I'm going up to Glynnmoor for the day and you can say that you're knackered from your trip to Cambridge so you're staying home"

Hermione frowned.

"I can not tell Molly that…it sounds as if I have gone off and gotten dicky…Molly would be here in an instant most likely with my mum in tow…and there is the fact that to say that would be an out and out lie"

Harry sighed heavily; sometimes Hermione's sense of propriety was exasperating.

"All right then tell Molly that a friend of yours came into town and you're spending the day together…and it's not a lie because you and I will be spending the day up at Glynnmoor together"

Hermione stared at Harry in amazement and exclaimed.

"Harry I th…"

Before she could finish her sentence Harry kissed her; he slid his tongue along her bottom lip before gliding it inside her mouth and entwining it with her own. When they parted Harry smiled and handed a quill to Hermione who hastily began writing.


A deafening crack rang through the air as Ron Weasley apparated into the living room of his parent's home. Everyone looked around startled, some holding their ears. Unsure of what had happened Ron was about to apologize when Fred and George burst into raucous peals of laughter. Ron turned to see them faces covered in soot and green slime holding the remnants of what looked to be some sort of fireworks in their hands. George wiped green gunk from his eyes as he spoke.

"Sorry `bout that everyone just testing out our newest creation, all right there Ron"

Ron nodded to his brothers flashing them both a grin before heading into the kitchen. As he made his way to the kitchen Ron took in who was there for the evenings festivities; Fred and George where there of course, testing out their latest invention, Bill and Percy were sitting by the fireplace playing a game of Wizard's Chess while Fleur and Penelope, Percy's wife looked on. Charlie and Tonks were sitting on the couch talking to Arthur Weasley who was bouncing Perceus, Percy and Penelope's two-year-old son on his knee. Harry was nowhere to be seen. Upon entering the kitchen Ron found his mother and sister busy putting the final touches on dinner; Ron had expected to see Hermione lending a hand as well and was somewhat put out to see that she was not there yet. Ron ambled over to the table and kissed his mother on the cheek while simultaneously grabbing two-pieces of chicken from the platter in front of him. Ginny rolled her eyes as she scolded him.

"Ron you're such a pig"

Ron answered amid a mouthful of chicken.

"A andsome ig et at"

"Ronald Weasley do not talk with your mouth full"

Molly reprimanded him then turned back to chopping vegetables for the salad. Before continuing what he'd been saying Ron made sure to swallow before opening his mouth to speak.

"Where are Harry and Hermione…they usually get here long before I bloody do…you did tell them about dinner didn't you"

Molly replied.

"Ronald watch your language…"

"Sorry Mum"

"I owled them both earlier dear…Harry had some business to attend to up in Glynnmoor so he won't be coming and a cousin of Hermione's is visiting from Edinburgh and they're spending the day together so she won't be joining us either… Ginny be a dear and finish setting the table, Ron help your sister"

Ginny grabbed a stack of plates and headed for the dining room. Ron stared around the room completely gobsmacked.

"Hermione never mentioned a cousin coming to visit yesterday"

Molly waved her wand and filled an empty platter with the ham she'd just sliced.

"Dear I got the impression that it was a very sudden sort of thing"

Ron frowned.

"How do you just show up at someone's door unannounced"

Ginny snorted disdainfully and answered as she zoomed glasses and napkins into the dining room.

"You simply show up…I thought you'd know that considering the fact that you do it all the bloody time"

"Ha, Ha think you're so damn funny do you"

"Ronald and Ginevra Weasley…watch your language please"

Both Ginny and Ron replied in unison.

"Sorry Mum"

Ron shoved a roll into his mouth and chewed thoughtfully.

"Why didn't she just bring this cousin with her"

Molly turned around seemingly irritated by the misplacement of something she was hopelessly searching for.

"I expect she thought it might be a bit much to bring her muggle cousin into a household full of wizards dear…now would you and your sister please finish setting the table"

The two youngest Weasleys each grabbed a platter and headed into the dinning room. As she arranged the platters and trays of food on the table Ginny spoke to Ron who was shoving another roll into his mouth.

"What did you mean when you said Hermione didn't mention a cousin yesterday"

Ron shrugged.

"We had breakfast at Harry's yesterday and Hermione never mentioned a cousin coming to visit…come to think of it Harry didn't say anything about going to Glynnmoor either"

Ginny turned to face her older brother in a puzzled wonder.

"You had breakfast with Harry and Hermione at Harry's flat"

Ron nodded plucking a tomato from the salad and popping it into his mouth.

"I stopped by to have a ummm…er…ummm…a private chat with Harry…I walked in and there was Hermione she fancied a chat with Harry too…Harry was up in the loo taking a shower so Hermione decided to make breakfast…then Harry came down and we ate…after breakfast I stayed to chat with Harry and Hermione went off to her parents house for the day…I imagine that's when she found out about her cousin coming…."

Ron's voice drifted off as he pondered Hermione's rendezvous with her mysterious cousin he swiped a piece of ham from the platter and popped it into his mouth. Ginny slapped his hands away automatically and drug him back to the kitchen by his sleeve. Ginny hadn't known when she arrived that both Harry and Hermione had begged off dinner; her mother had only mentioned Harry she'd thought Hermione was on the way. Knowing now that neither of them was coming she was sure that their prior engagements were a sham. She was confident that they were holed up in Harry's house in Glynnmoor shagging each other's brains out. Ginny and Ron entered the kitchen and found Molly putting the finishing touches on the pudding, Ginny ground out angrily.

"Mum if we don't eat soon Ron's going to nick it all off the tables"

Ron mouthed wordlessly with an indignant look plastered across his face. Molly Weasley nodded and handed the pudding to her daughter.

"Alright Ginny dear…take this into the dining room…Ron tell everyone to get washed up we're sitting down to dinner straightaway"

Ginny turned and stalked her way back into the dining room. It seemed this little infatuation between Harry and Hermione was getting more involved than she'd thought. A visit to Hermione tomorrow seemed in order; the two of them had a lot to talk about.


"Maude if you would immediately send copies of these notes to Percy Weasley and Padma Patil for me that would be of a great help…thank you so much"

Hermione smiled as she handed the notes she'd taken in her meeting to her assistant.

"Of course Ms. Granger I'll attend to it right away…and might I add that you are looking particularly merry today and quite fetching as well"

"Thank you Maude"

Hermione smiled again as she strolled into her office. All morning long she had been receiving compliments on how wonderful she looked. She hadn't done anything differently in her preparations to come to work this morning but then again last time her co-workers had seen her she and Harry hadn't acknowledged the fact that they were madly in love with each other. Harry, just the thought of him made her smile. Yesterday had been absolutely perfect. They'd gone up to Glynnmoor and spent what was left of the day walking around the grounds exploring. They sat at the lake for over an hour just talking, then they watched the sunset before Harry ushered her back in the house saying it was getting too cold outside to just stand around. They had a late supper and capped off the night making love in front of the fireplace. This morning he'd drawn her a bath and made her breakfast before they each apparated back to London, Hermione to the Ministry and Harry to the Quidditch training facility. She wanted to do something special for him; a romantic dinner would be nice, if his practice didn't run long and she got out of the office at a decent hour she might have time to stop by her parents and say hello to her cousin Judith then run by the market and pick up something nice to make for dinner.

"Hem, hem"

Hermione blinked and shook her head to clear it of her rambling thoughts. Gazing around the room she saw Ginny seated behind her desk staring at her.

"Ginny what are you doing here"

"Oh just thought I'd stop by and check up on you as I haven't seen you in a few weeks.

Ginny rose from the seat she was occupying as Hermione walked around the desk and embraced her.

"It has not been weeks…perhaps a week but certainly not weeks"

Hermione playfully swatted Ginny's arm as she drew up another chair.

Ginny smiled good-naturedly and sat in the seat Hermione had just pulled up as Hermione settled herself behind her desk. Ginny said.

"So I take it you spent the weekend with Harry"

"Most of it…I did spend Saturday evening with my mum and dad"

Ginny nodded agreeably. Hermione queried.

"Did you and Draco get together over the weekend"

Ginny responded.

"No I had to work late Friday and most of Saturday and yesterday I had dinner with mum and dad…he owled me though and we are getting together tonight…so how was your visit with your cousin"

Hermione's cheeks flushed bright red as her eyes connected with Ginny's.

"I expect I will find out this evening when I stop by mum and dad's house"

Ginny's eyes widened in shock.

"You mean there really is a cousin"

Hermione smiled guiltily.

"Yes there is actually a cousin…I would never tell an outright lie for solely selfish purposes…my cousin Judith is visiting this week…Mum rang to let me know she was coming a day earlier than we anticipated…"

Ginny interjected.

"And you used that tidbit of information to beg off dinner at the Burrow"

"Yes…I'm sorry that we fudged the truth a little but Harry and I needed some time together"

"Really…and does that alone time have something to do with that smile you've been wearing since you walked through the door"

Hermione snapped her fingers and Ginny heard the distinct turn and click of the lock to Hermione's office.

"Ginny I'm in love"

Ginny replied.

"I know"

"You know"

"It's a bit obvious the way you look at him…"

Hermione chewed her bottom lip and nodded in agreement with Ginny's statement. Ginny continued speaking.

"Has Harry figured it out yet or did you just tell him"

Hermione giggled and launched into a recount of everything that had transpired from Saturday morning breakfast right up to Sunday evening dessert.

"It was absolutely wonderful…just perfect…who would have ever guessed that Harry and I would fall in love"

Ginny replied dryly.

"No one"

Hermione raised an eyebrow and looked at Ginny. She noticed that Ginny looked rather unimpressed by the whole affair; as a matter of fact she looked wholly displeased. Hermione asked.

"I take it you are not happy about this"

Ginny pondered her words carefully and took a deep breath before replying.

"It's not that at all…I'm really happy that you're happy but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried"

"Worried…what is there to be worried about"

Ginny took another steadying breath and said.

"Well all of this is a bit sudden don't you think…I mean yes you and Harry have known each other for ages but you two have only been…ummm…er…seeing each other for a few weeks now and well Harry isn't exactly known for being the type of bloke who handles commitment well…"

Hermione quickly interjected.

"It is true that in the past Harry has been rather bad with respect to commitment but this time is different"

Ginny asked.

"And what makes this time so different Hermione the fact that this time it's you he's shagging and not some other bird"

Hermione straightened in her seat and stared at Ginny unflinchingly.

"Yes that is exactly why it's different this time"

Ginny was flabbergasted.

"What…that doesn't make an ounce of bloody sense"

Hermione responded.

"All of those other witches were after Harry because of his celebrity, his notoriety…they did not neither did they care to know who he was…they did not care about his feelings or his happiness…they did not know what makes him happy and what makes him sad…they could not understand the difference between the times when he needs to be left alone and when he needs to be with someone…all they cared about was being with Harry Potter - the Boy-Who-Lived, Lord Voldemort's defeater, seeker for the Appleby Arrows, famous Harry Potter…they did not care about the person…the real Harry…but I do…I understand him and I want him to be happy no matter what…that is why it is different this time…because I really love him…I always have and I always will"

Ginny looked at Hermione as she finished nodded her head and said.

"This is exactly what I was afraid of…you're so close to him already that you're blind to see what's happening"

It was Hermione's turn to stare at Ginny in absolute mystification.

"Ginny now you are not making any sense"

Ginny answered back.

"You two have been friends for twelve years there is probably nothing that you don't know about each other right…"

Ginny paused as Hermione nodded in agreement.

"You said yourself that none of the other witches he's ever dated have taken the time to get to know him…that its always been about his being a celebrity…"

Again she waited for Hermione to give some sign of concurrence before she continued.

"So it has to be a whole new experience for him to have someone come in and take care of him…make him dinner, ask about his day, listen to his problems, forgive his mood swings and maybe even tidy up his flat a bit…"

Hermione nodded slowly as she thought of all the things she'd done for Harry in the past two months. Ginny saw the look of reflection etched on her face and kept on with her speech.

"It would be only natural for him to want to return those feelings that you so obviously have for him and Merlin knows I honestly do believe that he cares very deeply for you. But that deep bond you two've shared over the years could easily be confused for something more to someone who hasn't ever truly been in love before. I mean think about it in all this time you two haven't told a soul about your relationship, you haven't told your mum and dad and he hasn't said a thing to Ron or dad or mum…you never go out in public and you spend all your time together holed up at one of his houses…why is that…why is he hiding the woman he's so in love with"

Hermione averted her gaze and slowly rose from her seat at her desk. She turned and cast her gaze out of her office window.

"So you think Harry isn't really in love with me…that he's just playing at it because he doesn't know the difference between our friendship and something more"

Ginny came and stood next to Hermione and wrapping an arm around her waist replied.

"I hope not…I really, really hope not…but I think it's possible"

Hermione closed her eyes and fought back the tears that were threatening to flow from her eyes as Ginny stroked her back.

"Hermione you're not angry with me are you"

Hermione sadly shook her head. Her voice was thick with her unshed tears as she spoke.

"No Ginny I'm not angry with you at all…you're doing what one friend does for another…and I'm very grateful to you for that"

Ginny answered with a solemn nod. Hermione took a deep breath and pulled herself from Ginny's embrace just as her assistant Maude came into the room.

"Oh excuse me Ms. Granger I hate to interrupt but Mr. Weasley said he needs you to look over these reports as soon as possible if not sooner"

Hermione nodded and extended her hand to retrieve the stack of parchment Maude was holding.

"It's not a problem Maude, thank you very much I will see to them straight away"

Maude smiled and quietly left the room. Ginny walked back over to Hermione's desk and grabbed her cloak.

"If you're sure you're all right I need to shove off"

Hermione nodded absently.

"Yes I'm fine…"

She pointed to the stack of parchment she had just dropped on her desk and continued.

"I've got loads of work to do"

The two women embraced and said their goodbyes. Ginny grabbed Hermione's hands in her own and whispered.

"Don't worry…I could be completely wrong and I truly hope I am for your sake…we'll talk later all right…maybe get together for lunch one day this week"

Hermione replied.

"That would be lovely"

"Good I'll check my schedule and send an owl when I know I'm available"

Ginny hugged Hermione and flashed her a bright smile as she disapparated.

Hermione sat down at her desk and replayed her conversation with Ginny all over again. Was she right…was Harry really in love with her…was he mistaking their deep friendship for true love…was he truly ashamed of being seen with her…was that the reason they never went out? As her head began to swim from the jumble of confusing thoughts collected there Hermione buried her head in her hands and wept.
