Unofficial Portkey Archive

Just Friends by Searcy

Just Friends


Advice and Admissions

Harry rolled over and reaching out for Hermione felt the cold bare sheet beneath his fingertips. Pushing himself upright in bed, Harry raked his hand through his hair pushing the scruffy wayward strands out of his eyes. Glancing around the bedroom of his London flat Harry's gaze landed on the clock sitting on his bedside table, it was eight fifteen in the morning a most inopportune hour for him to be wide awake. As if on cue the planner that Hermione had given him for his last birthday screeched that it was Saturday November the twentieth and proceeded to list all the things he needed to get done that day as well as the things he'd neglected from the previous few days, quite naturally the list was rather long. Harry summoned his robe and slippers and donning them quickly he headed downstairs to the kitchen.

On the way he reminded himself to incinerate that planner as soon as possible, Hermione kept jotting down his schedule in it in a vain attempt to be helpful and keep him on his toes, and though he found it utterly annoying he hadn't the heart to tell her how much it bothered him. Actually he thought her desire to look after him was rather sweet and he had to admit that he was immensely enjoying all the attention she showered him with. Smiling to himself Harry entered the kitchen to find it completely empty. He had expected to find Hermione putting on a kettle for tea or perhaps setting about making breakfast instead he found the kitchen quite deserted and a note lying on the wooden draining board. Harry picked up the scrap of parchment and skimmed it quickly. Hermione had gone to the market to pick up a few things, as usual his cupboards were bare. Dropping the note in the dustbin underneath the sink Harry strode from the kitchen and stepped into the living room he noticed that the increasingly large pile of post tottering haphazardly on his coffee table was gone. In its place were four neat piles of post. Harry surmised that they had been sorted out by date and urgency of response, clearly more of Hermione's handiwork.

Harry's grin broadened, he took the stairs two at a time as he headed back up to the bathroom to have a quick shower. He turned the water on full blast and stepping out of his robe and boxers hopped into the shower. While the water pulsed over him Harry let his mind wander over the remarkable turn his life had taken in the span of two short months. In that scarce amount of time he'd left the Arrows to become seeker for the National Quidditch team, an accomplishment that Which Broomstick referred to as destiny and he'd started dating his best friend. At the thought of Hermione his face once again broke into a colossal grin. Thinking of her had that kind of effect on him. Harry was amazed that no one else had figured out their little secret considering the barmy expression he tended to wear whenever he was within a mile of anywhere Hermione happened to be. Not to mention the penchant they'd developed for touching each other. It seemed that they couldn't be in a room with each other for very long without having some sort of physical contact.

During the last two months Hermione had taken to hugging the entire Weasley family on her visits to the Burrow to cover the compulsion she seemed to have for launching herself into his arms every time she saw him. The two of them had also gotten into the habit of insisting that Molly allow them to clear away the dishes and tidy up the kitchen after dinner. They told Molly it was their way of small thanks for having them but it was actually an excuse for them to slip away from everyone else and steal a few kisses. And then there where their nights out with friends; Harry always made sure that whenever he, Hermione, Ginny, Ron and the twins got together for drinks that the pub they chose was on the side of town farthest from his and Hermione's flats so as not to raise suspicions as to why he was the one seeing her home safely instead of someone else. And then of course there was the small matter of their spending the night at each other's flats; Ron had nearly caught them in a rather compromising position on two separate occasions. Yet somehow they had managed to keep their liaison private right under the noses of all their friends and family. Outside of Ginny and Remus no one else had a clue that Harry and Hermione were a couple. The press hadn't even gotten wind of the fact that their favorite poster boy was presently seeing someone although Harry was certain that this had more to do with the fact that he and Hermione attended Muggle establishments exclusively when they were out on dates. Outside of the wizarding world Harry was a nonentity, just another nameless face in the crowd. He was able to take Hermione out to dinner, to see a film or maybe even go dancing; a simple stroll in the park holding hands was possible even though Harry rarely chanced it, as there were some wizards who frequented heavily populated Muggle areas.

Harry shut the water off and grabbed a towel from the bracket on the wall by the shower; another one of Hermione's little improvements. When he walked into his bedroom Harry was greeted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting up the stairs through the open door, he dressed quickly and bolted down the stairs intent on kissing Hermione senseless. However, upon entering the kitchen he was greeted by none other than Ron Weasley.

"Mornin' mate"

Ron smiled cheerfully up at Harry from his seat at the kitchen table and took a sip from the steaming cup of coffee in front of him. Harry mumbled a brief greeting in reply. Looking across the room he saw that Hermione was standing at the range dropping great dollops of batter into a skillet. Harry stared between the two of them for several minutes before Hermione looked up from the breakfast she was preparing and spoke.

"Good Morning Harry…hope you don't mind my making myself at home…I stopped by to return that book on vampires I borrowed from you…I heard you in the shower and since I fancied a chat about getting you to come in and speak to the IWC about their appalling views on werewolves and their treatment by wizards I thought I'd make a spot of breakfast…then Ron showed up…would you prefer eggs and bacon with your pancakes or eggs and sausages"

Ron chimed in.


Hermione rolled her eyes towards the ceiling and waited for Harry's answer.

"Er…ummm…bacon I suppose…or whatever you like seeing as you're the one cooking"

Harry's voice held a note of bewilderment…it never ceased to amaze him how quickly Hermione could think on her feet. Her voice intruded on his thoughts once again.

"There's coffee…I didn't put on the kettle for tea but I could make some if you like"

Harry responded.

"No…no need…coffee's fine"

Harry sauntered over to where she was standing and took the mug she offered him and smirked at the scarcely discernible gasp that escaped her as he ostensibly, innocently brushed up against her while reaching for the sugar bowl that was sitting on the counter by Hermione's mug of coffee. Harry took his coffee and the sugar bowl to the table and sat down across from Ron. He liberally added sugar and cream to his cup as he spoke.

"So Ron…now that I know why Hermione's here…what brings you by this morning"

Ron shrugged his shoulders, mumbled something that sounded like `I'll tell you later' and began fiddling with his napkin as Hermione magicked three plates of pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and roast potatoes onto the table as well as a carafe of pumpkin juice and another pot of coffee. Harry guessed that whatever it was that Ron had wanted to discuss was of the sort that he didn't want Hermione privy to, certain that he'd hear about it later Harry directed his attention to the plate of food in front of him. Hermione took a seat and the three friends enjoyed a leisurely morning breakfast catching up on the happenings in each other's week. Harry had little to tell that neither Ron nor Hermione didn't know about already and vice versa but he managed to keep the conversation directed to subjects they could all talk about rather easily. After they'd finished their meal Ron volunteered to do the dishes and Harry escorted Hermione to the door. His voice dropped an octave as he spoke.

"So I'll see you tonight"

Hermione smiled and nodded in the affirmative and grabbed her cloak and handbag from the hall closet. As an afterthought she added.

"It'll have to be late though I'm having dinner with my parents"

Harry gnawed his bottom lip thoughtfully then glanced over his shoulder into the kitchen and glimpsed Ron elbow deep in soapsuds, satisfied that they were not being watched Harry swept Hermione into his arms and lowering his head caught her lips with his own and slipped his tongue into Hermione's surprised mouth. Entwining his tongue with hers, slowly he deepened the kiss, exploring every inch of her delectable mouth; she tasted faintly of the maple syrup she'd poured over her pancakes earlier. Harry released Hermione from his grasp and whispered.

"That should hold me over till later"

Hermione nodded dazedly as Harry fastened her cloak about her shoulders and smiling devilishly stepped away from her just as Ron ambled out of the kitchen and into the foyer. Hermione's cheeks flushed crimson as she lowered her head at the thought of what Ron could have walked in on if he'd arrived a few seconds earlier. Harry's voice rang out from above her.

"Let me know when you need me to appear before the IWC and I'll clear it with Cromwell I'm sure he'll let me off so long as its not on a day when we have a match"

Hermione nodded mutely and replied haltingly.

"Yes…I will…er…ummm…owl you…as…as soon as…a date…is set for the hearing"

Harry smiled.

"I'll see you later then"

"Yes…later…goodbye Harry…Ron"

Ron smiled and replied.

"Bye Hermione and thanks for breakfast it was really good"

Hermione mumbled something that sounded like `you're welcome' turned and scuttled out the door.

Harry and Ron stood momentarily watching Hermione's retreating figure until she rounded the corner and disappeared from view, Harry then closed the door and the two friends took seats on the couch in the living room. Ron had made a pot of tea and was drinking a cup as he ate a bacon sandwich. Harry poured himself a cup of tea and began rifling through the post that Hermione had organized for him. Harry peered down the sofa at Ron, who was looking around at the improved condition of Harry's flat, and said.

"Now she's gone you can tell me the real reason you stopped by this morning"

Ron shoved the last bit of his sandwich into his mouth and chewed vigorously, after taking a mouthful of tea he answered.

"It's nothing really…just fancied a chat…no big deal…the flat looks good…no plies of post on the floor…cupboards stocked…reckon Dobby's been coming by loads more since you've moved back to London eh"

Harry could tell that Ron was nervous about something and judging by the fact that he hadn't wanted to mention it in front of Hermione and his abrupt change of subject just now Harry was certain it had something to do with a woman. Keeping his expression blank Harry tossed aside the letter he'd been reading and reached for the day's edition of the Prophet.

"All right then…we don't have to talk about it now…you can tell me about this witch you're interested in whenever you like"

Harry flapped open the paper and begin reading the scores from last night's Quidditch matches. Ron's head snapped up and a slightly embarrassed blush covered his face.

"How'd you know I'm interested in someone"

Harry shrugged but continued his skimming of the paper.

"It's the only thing you never want to talk about in front of Hermione"

Ron grinned sheepishly.

"Yeah well…"

Ron let his voice fall off and silence reigned for a moment before Harry spoke again.

"So you going to tell me about her or not"

Ron sighed.

"Not much to tell really…I've liked her for a while but she was seeing this other bloke so I never said anything…now she's single and I've noticed some strange things when we're together…like she blushes a lot when she's around me…and when she found out I'd made the national team she hugged me real close and kissed me…she'd never done that before but she's kept it up since…the hugging I mean…I'm just not sure what to do"

Harry smiled.

"Sounds like she may be interested…why not ask her out and see what happens"

Ron looked at him quizzically.

"But we're friends…and…well don't you think that would ruin our friendship"

Harry smiled and ran his hand through his messy black curls; he distinctly recalled Luna Lovegood as well as Lavender Brown being particularly friendly with Ron the night they'd found out they had indeed made the national team, he wondered which of the two Ron was smitten with. Shaking his head Harry's thoughts then drifted to his own relationship with Hermione, they'd started out as friends too and he'd nearly let that stop him from pursuing a relationship with her, if it hadn't been for Remus' advice he wouldn't be half as happy as he was right now. Harry replied to Ron.

"I know how you feel I've been in the same situation before myself and I know its scary to think of losing a good friend if they happen not to feel the same way you do but what if she does feel the same way…and it sounds to me like she does feel the same way mate…you could be missing out on something wonderful"

Ron asked.

"You really think so"

Harry replied.

"Yeah I do…I mean the worst that could happen is she says no and nothing changes…right"

Ron nodded in agreement.

"You're right Harry…thanks…I think I will talk to her about it"

Harry smiled.

"How about a game of wizard's chess"

Ron answered.

"Love to, haven't beaten you in ages"

As Harry stood and went to retrieve his chess set Ron wondered when Harry had had unresolved feelings for a friend and exactly who was the friend he'd had these feelings for.


Olivia Granger was standing at the kitchen counter of her Cambridge home chopping carrots, potatoes and celery for the stew simmering on the stove when suddenly out of the blue a loud crackling noise startled her, the knife she'd been holding slipped from her hand and fell with a clatter into the sink.

"Mum did I frighten you"

Olivia recovered the knife she'd been using from the sink then turned to kiss her daughter and replied.

"I am still unaccustomed to your appearing out of thin air and there is the possibility that your father and I could be entertaining when you decide to `pop' in"

Hermione grinned guiltily.

"I'm sorry mum, sometimes I forget that you and daddy are not wizards"

Olivia rolled her eyes skyward and pulled her daughter into a hug. They embraced for a minute before Olivia released Hermione from her grasp and stood back to survey her only child. Hermione slipped out of her cloak and hung it on the coat rack by the kitchen door and came back to the sink to wash her hands. Olivia stared at her daughter and noticed a certain lightness to her step and a sparkle in her eyes that Olivia was positive hadn't been there since long before her breakup with Viktor. Hermione had taken over the task of chopping the vegetables so Olivia busied herself with buttering the buns before placing them in the oven.

"You're an hour early"

At the sound of her mother's voice Hermione glanced down at her watch and saw that she was indeed an hour earlier than she had been expected. Hermione shrugged her shoulders and replied.

"Hadn't noticed really…I just finished my errands earlier than I thought so I just came as soon as I finished"

Hermione raked the chopped vegetables into the pot simmering on the stove and deposited the cutting board and knife into the sink as her mother placed the freshly buttered buns into the oven. As she straightened up Olivia queried.

"Where were you last night, I rang you after midnight and received no answer"

Hermione distractedly pulled a tin of ginger newts towards her and stuffed one of the chewy cookies into her mouth chewing and swallowing slowly before she answered.

"I…ummm…spent the night with a friend"

Olivia Granger raised her eyebrow in a questioning manner reminiscent of the looks Hermione often bestowed upon Ron and Harry and asked.

"And exactly who was this friend you spent the night with"

Hermione stuffed another cookie into her mouth and cast her gaze about the room looking for a way to avoid answering her mother's question when the kitchen door swung open and Thaddeus Granger stepped across the threshold arms laden down with parcels.

"Managed to grab the last gallon of vanilla ice cream to go along with the gateau you made"

Hermione sprang up from the table thankful for the respite in the conversation with her mother.

"Daddy you're home"

Thaddeus smiled lovingly at his daughter.

"Poppet, how long have you been here"

Sitting the packages down on the counter he turned around and wrapped his daughter in a warm hug, kissing the top of her head he leaned back and gazed at Hermione waiting for her to respond.

"Not long… I arrived just a few minutes ago…I've been helping mum finish up dinner"

Thaddeus nodded and smiled indulgently down at his daughter. He was about to ask how her week had been when his wife interjected into the conversation having put away the parcels from the market.

"Yes Hermione was just telling me where and with whom she spent last night…I rang her flat after midnight and she wasn't home"

Thaddeus looked from his wife to his daughter and seeing the expressions on both their faces shrugged out of his jacket and laid it across the back of the chair.

"Is there something you two want to tell me"

Hermione twirled an errant strand of hair around her middle finger and shrugged indifferently.

Thaddeus turned to his wife who spoke immediately.

"Thad, I think Hermione's seeing someone…I've been watching her since she got here and she seems very cheerful…and then she tells me she spent the night at a friend's house but she is not being especially forthcoming about who this friend is"

Thaddeus Granger turned his attention back to his daughter and asked.

"Hermione is there something you need to tell your mother and I…what I mean to say is if there was something or someone new in your life you would tell us wouldn't you…especially if things were of a serious nature"

Hermione looked at both her parents, she'd never lied to them and she didn't think it prudent to start lying to them now, yet she wasn't sure if she should tell them about her relationship with Harry. After several moments of silence Hermione spoke.

"Well…I have been seeing someone for the past two months…and one could theorize that it seems to be getting rather serious"

Olivia asked.

"Why haven't we heard about this before now"

Hermione chewed her bottom lip and replied.

"We decided to wait and see how far things went before we told anybody…we're sort of…well we are friends and we thought things might be a bit awkward if we told everyone and then things didn't work out between us so we thought it would be better to just keep things between us until we had sorted the whole thing out"

"And have you sorted everything out…who is this man…are you in love with him…is he in love with you"

Hermione stood slightly dumbstruck at the barrage of questions being hurled at her by her mother. She had feelings for Harry…very strong feelings…but she hadn't even entertained the thought of being in love with him. Was she in love with Harry? And more important than that was Harry in love with her? Hermione was drawn from her befuddled thoughts by the sound of her father's voice.

"Liv, darling, I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself here…Hermione's only said that she's seeing someone and it sounds to me as though she and this young man are taking the sensible course and taking their time to sort this all out…"

"But she just said one could theorize that things were rather serious"

Hermione jumped back into the conversation meaning to bring it to a harmless conclusion.

"Mum, dad its nothing really…if it were I would have said so before now"

Olivia looked at her daughter and sighed.

"I don't mean to pry dear I just worry that you…"

Hermione walked across the room and cut her mum's explanation off with a kiss on the cheek.

"I know mum, I know"

The two women exchanged an affectionate smile and embraced. Thaddeus walked over and hugged both his wife and daughter.

"Now that we've sorted all that out…I'll set the table while you two bring the food, I'm positively ravenous"

The Grangers passed the evening in contentment enjoying the company of their daughter and their next-door neighbors the Prestons who came to call following dinner and stayed for afters and coffee as well as a game of snooker. No more was said that evening about Hermione's secret relationship. But Hermione's thoughts kept drifting back to her mother's words and she couldn't help wondering…was she in love with Harry?


Hermione popped into her bedroom at half past eleven. She was supposed to meet Harry but the conversation with her parents had put her on edge and now she was completely knackered and all she wanted to do was fall into bed and sleep. She'd send Socrates, her owl, off with a note for Harry telling him she'd see him later. Hermione sat down at her desk and pulling a sheet of parchment from the drawer set about writing to Harry when she felt a pair of soft warm lips on her neck.

"I thought you were coming by my flat after you left your parents"

Harry's words were a bit jumbled due to the fact that he was kissing her neck as he spoke.

"Actually I was just writing you a note to beg off tonight…I'm a little tired"

Hermione set down the quill she'd been holding and slid out of Harry's hold. She stood up and strode into the bathroom.

"I think I'm just going to go to bed maybe we could have lunch tomorrow"

Harry heard the sound of water rushing from the tap. Raking a hand through his hair Harry took a deep breath and followed Hermione into the loo. Standing in the doorway he saw her sitting on the edge of the bathtub with her hand under the tap gauging the temperature of the water gushing from it.

"Care to tell me what I've done"

Hermione looked around clearly surprised at his presence in the bathroom.

"What do you mean…what have you done"

Harry made a face somewhere between a smile and a grimace.

"Mi, we've been friends long enough for me to know when you're wound up about something…and when I'm the one who's wound you up…so want to tell me what it is I've done then"

Hermione sighed and with a snap of her fingers turned off the tap and responded.

"My parents asked if I was seeing someone"

"And what did you say…did you tell them about us"

"I told them that I was seeing someone…a friend…and then my mum wanted to know if …if…if things were serious and I said they weren't"

Harry felt a pang of unease at Hermione's last words and responded a bit more curtly than he had intended to.

"You're not serious about us"

Hermione was taken aback by Harry's reaction. Before she could answer Harry had resumed his inquisition of her.

"I thought we were in agreement about things…it never occurred to me that you were interested in a…that you wanted something different"

Hermione stood up and closed the distance separating Harry from her.

"Harry we haven't discussed much about…our…situation since it started other than to agree that we'd keep it secret until we sorted out how we felt about one another…and its been two whole months and we haven't begun to do that"

Harry raised his eyes to Hermione's and spoke.

"All right then…how do you feel about me"

Hermione's eyes widened in astonishment.

"What do you mean how do I feel about you…I…I…we've been carrying on for two months spending every spare moment we have together…I should hope you know how I feel about you"

Harry's words carried a heated edge when next he spoke.

"I thought I did until you went off and told your parents that nothing serious is going on between us"

Hermione's voice shot up two full octaves as she replied.

"And exactly what am I to tell them…that for the past two months I've been carrying on with my best friend and that now…I'M HEELS OVER HEAD IN LOVE WITH HIM"

The last words uttered from Hermione's mouth came out as a shout that reverberated around the bathroom. Hermione stood mortified at what had slipped out of her mouth. Ever since her mother had articulated those words she had been wrestling with the knowledge that she was in fact in love with Harry and now in a fit of temper she'd told him so with no idea of what he felt for her. She buried her face in her hands and stumbled blindly through the bathroom door. Harry caught her about the waist and pulled her hands from her face. Tilting her chin upwards so that he was looking into her eyes he asked, in a husky voice.

"Hermione did you mean what you just said"

Briefly she thought of lying but Harry had always been very adept at discerning when she was telling the truth and when she wasn't. Slowly she nodded her head. Harry inhaled sharply and said.

"Say the words Hermione…I want to hear you say the words"

Hermione looked into Harry's hypnotically beautiful emerald green eyes and murmured.

"I love you"

Harry closed his eyes and a smile of pure joy broke out across his face, pulling Hermione closer to him he laid his forehead against hers, opened his eyes and replied in a voice full of emotion.

"I love you too Hermione…I love you too"
