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Just Friends by Searcy

Just Friends


World Cups, Quidditch Mates and Wedding Dates

Llewellyn Field was filled to bursting with witches and wizards chatting boisterously. A tiny mustached wizard wearing bright red robes carrying a megaphone strode onto the field and climbed up the stairs of the raised dais situated in the middle of the pitch and signaled for quiet. A hush descended upon the assembled crowd and a wild excitement seemed to fill the air as all eyes fastened upon the tiny wizard who had just raised the megaphone to his lips. Clearing his throat his magically magnified voice boomed across the crowded stadium.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to Llewellyn Field…it gives me great pleasure to introduce the NEW…WORLD CUP CHAMPIONS…YOUR ENGLISH NATIONAL TEAM…I GIVE YOU…








The crowd erupted into applause as seven blurs of white, red and blue robes flew out onto the pitch. The players circled the stadium stopping several times to allow the fans time to snap their pictures or to excitedly wring their hands before they angled their brooms towards the ground and dismounted. They then turned and walked up the stairs onto the dais where their coach Darnley Cromwell stood with the tiny mustached wizard who was serving as announcer for the evening and the Minister of Magic Augustine Neanderhook. A table was placed just behind them. Upon it stood a tall gleaming cup that was situated in the center of the table. Minister Neanderhook smiled triumphantly as he raised the magical megaphone to his mouth to speak over the crowd, which was still screaming loudly.

"Yes…yes…no finer moment have we had in such a long time as the likes of this one…I am pleased to welcome home our English National Quidditch team who soundly beat a tough Romanian team to bring home the cup…."

Again the crowd raised their voices in a deafening cacophony of sound that seemed to vibrate the very earth. The minister smiled indulgently and pushed on.

"I am sure these young people are itching to get down to some well deserved celebrating as are all of you but first there are a few minor details that need attending to…"

Neanderhook tapped the megaphone with his wand, bewitching it to levitate of its own accord even with the level of his mouth, thus, leaving his hands free. He then grasped the gleaming golden cup by the handles, turned to Coach Cromwell and said.

"It gives me great pleasure to present you with the four hundredth and thirty-first Quidditch World Cup…ladies and gentlemen I give you the Quidditch World Cup champions "

The stadium exploded in applause and cheers and chants of ENGLAND, ENGLAND, ENGLAND. Cromwell graciously accepted the cup and waved a hand in the air signaling for quiet. Neanderhook directed the megaphone in his direction and the crowd once again grew silent. Cromwell cleared his throat and spoke.

"Not much for speech making but I think this particular occasion warrants that a little something be said…about…about this team…a fair few folks thought I was taking the mickey when I went with an all new squad this season…with the exception of one or two of my choices…"

Cromwell threw a furtive glance in Harry's direction.

"…folks thought I hadn't put together a strong enough side…well I said then that this was the best damn Quidditch team in the world…and I reckon this cup bloody well proves it to the rest of you"

Harry, Ron and the rest of the English squad broke into raucous applause at the glowing praise their coach had just bestowed upon them. Cromwell then handed the cup to Harry and the crowd began chanting SPEECH, SPEECH, SPEECH. They were no doubt thinking of the rather amazing spiraling dive he'd made to catch the snitch. The last thing he wanted to do was make some sort of speech, Harry looked around for a way out but his teammates were chanting as well. Ron nudged his shoulder and mouthed the words `Go on'. Expelling a gust of air Harry hoisted the cup more snugly in his hands as the megaphone drifted over to him and began to speak.

"Looks like I've been drafted by the team to say a few words…"

Laughter rippled across the stadium.

"…not much for me to say really other than to thank Coach Cromwell for believing in us when nobody else would've done…and to all our family and friends thanks for putting up with us…and of course thanks to all the fans for all your support…"

Yet again the stadium seemed to vibrate from the force of the screams and cheers of delight issuing forth from the audience. Harry picked up his thread of speech and continued on.

"On a more personal note I'd like to say to this lot standing beside me…you're a damn fine bunch of Quidditch players and I'm right pleased to play alongside you"

Eric Thomaston and Jillian Greengrass roared back.

"We think you're a cracking good player yourself"

"Best ruddy seeker there is"

Harry smiled and nodding his head raised the cup above his head to the joyous cheers and applause of the crowd.

Following several more impromptu speeches and the pronouncement of the day as World Cup Day by Minister Neanderhook the team again took to the sky, circling the pitch with the World Cup held aloft twinkling in the dimming evening light. After touring the pitch at least four times the team trooped into the Minister of Magic's private box. Usually reserved for Neanderhook and his close friends and visiting dignitaries; this evening it held the families of the victorious English squad. Vivian Bell, Joseph Pringle, Jillian Greengrass, Liam McClellan and Eric Thomaston rushed in grinning broadly. Their hands were wrung and their backs were patted as they meandered through the box and made their way to greet their waiting families.

Ron and Harry were the last to cross the threshold into the box. Molly Weasley immediately set upon them. Catching them in one of her legendary bear hugs, she peppered their cheeks with kisses. Harry graciously allowed Molly her moment before moving on to receive congratulations from Arthur and the rest of the red haired Weasleys and Remus Lupin. Ron however could be heard mumbling, "Mum, geroff…you're embarrassing me". Hermione, Ginny and Lavender Brown (who Ron had started seeing not long after the trio made up) snorted loudly as they attempted to suppress a stream of giggles while watching Ron disentangle himself from his mother's embrace. Fred and George were now rushing up to Ron taking it in turns to hug him and plant loud wet kisses upon his cheeks as they imitated their mother's voice and called out things like "Oh Ronnie I'm so proud" and "Ickle Ronnikins has won a world cup". Ron shoved the twins away and following in Harry's wake stomped over to where the three women were standing. Ginny congratulated the two with a hug and said.

"Well done you two…that was a bloody brilliant dive Harry and Ron that was a fair bit of keeping you did"

Harry and Ron beamed at Ginny and replied.

"Thanks Gin"

"I was rather brilliant wasn't I"

Ginny shook her head at Ron's comment and looking to Lavender asked.

"How in the name of Merlin do you put up with him"

Lavender smiled and replied.

"Well he did play quite brilliantly don't you think"

Ginny waved her hand in the air as if shooing away a fly.

"Never mind…forget I even asked…"

She glanced down at her watch and noting the time said.

"I best be off…you lot are stopping by for drinks aren't you"

Hermione answered.

"Yes we'll meet you at Sixes and Sevens in an hour"

Ginny nodded said her goodbyes and called over her shoulder as she headed for the door.

"Keep Ron away from the Fire whiskey won't you Lav"

Lavender, Hermione and Harry all laughed at the affronted look on Ron's face. Harry turned to Hermione and asked.

"Where's Ginny off to…I thought we were all going out to celebrate tonight"

"We are going to celebrate but Gin needed to run an errand first then she is going to meet Draco and the two of them are going to meet all of us at Sixes and Sevens for a drink before we all head over to The Pitch for the victory celebration"

Harry and Ron groaned. Lavender looked at Ron and asked.

"What's wrong"

Ron answered irritably.

"Must she bring Ferret Boy…I mean really how long have I got to endure this…this …life with Malfoy"

Harry responded the tone of his voice obviously annoyed.

"At the rate those two are going for eternity"

Hermione cut in.

"Honestly you two are the limit…I admit he is not the person I would have chosen for Ginny but he has really changed some and he genuinely cares for Ginny…so the least you two can do is try and be supportive…"

Ron and Harry looked nervously at each other. Hermione was winding up to one of her hour-long lectures about decorum and loyalty and a load of other rubbish that neither of them fancied hearing at the moment. A few more seconds and their celebratory evening would be shot. Hermione was hitting her stride now.

"Ron how would you feel if people judged you by your past mistakes…and Harry you know what it feels like to have people attack you when you have done absolutely nothing wrong…I expected better of both of you …"

Ron fixed Harry with a pleading glare. Knowing what he had to do Harry pulled Hermione into his arms and captured her lips with his own cutting her off mid-sentence. Hermione lost herself to the feel of Harry's body pressed so close to hers. She moaned and looped her arms about his neck deepening the kiss. They soon became so involved in each other that Ron had to poke Harry in the back sharply to remind him that he and Hermione were not alone. As they breathlessly disconnected their mouths Liam McClellan called over to Harry.

"Oy, Potter, you practicing for the wedding ceremony"

Harry waggled his eyes suggestively at his teammate. Ron added in an undertow.

"More like the honeymoon"

Ron and Liam chuckled bawdily as Hermione's face erupted in a flushed shade of pink. Harry shot the two a reproving glance as Vivian Bell, Joseph Pringle, Jillian Greengrass, and Eric Thomaston wondered over towards them. Guessing they'd said something highly inappropriate Vivian nodded at Ron and Liam and said to Hermione.

"Pay those two no mind they're completely childish they are"

Jillian bobbed her head in agreement and asked.

"So when's the big day anyway"

Joseph Pringle inserted himself into the conversation then.

"Yeah Harry been meaning to ask you when are you two doing the do"

Eric Thomaston chimed in.

"I asked Ron about that the other day figured he'd know being that he's bound to be your best man and all but he said you hadn't mentioned it to him at all"

Harry tucked his bottom lip between his teeth. The truth of the matter was that he and Hermione hadn't even discussed when they were getting married. Harry'd honestly never given any thought to the actual act of marrying Hermione; he'd focused all of his attention on the asking and getting her to agree. While Harry puzzled things over in his mind Hermione smoothly responded to everyone's queries about she and Harry's impending wedding date.

"Harry hasn't mentioned a date because we haven't chosen one"

Ron's eyes widened as he looked from Hermione to Harry and asked.

"Why haven't you two set a date…you are still getting married aren't you"

Hermione sighed and replied.

"Of course we are still getting married Ron…"

Ron cut her off.

"Then why haven't you set a date"

Hermione smiled.

"Well we haven't had the time have we…"

Hermione paused as everyone present eyed she and Harry suspiciously. Taking a deep breath she continued.

"All of Harry's attention has been devoted to Quidditch these past few months and things at the Ministry have been far more hectic than normal and we talked about it and decided that it would be best if we just waited until the Quidditch season was over before we started discussing wedding plans"

As Hermione finished a chorus of "ohs" and "well that makes sense" broke out among Harry's teammates. Liam piped up again.

"Well now that that's all settled we best get changed and head over to The Pitch otherwise we'll be late for our own victory party"

The team said their goodbyes to their assembled guests and snatching up their brooms trotted out of the door and flew off towards the locker rooms. Ron Kissed Lavender on the cheek and grabbing his broom in one hand and the back of Harry's robes with the other he started for the door. Harry, who had been staring at Hermione oddly, stooped and caught up his broom in his right hand. He threw Hermione one last questioning glance before he mounted his broom and zoomed off after his teammates.


It was nearly nine in the morning when Harry and Hermione apparated into their bedroom at 321 Marigold Court. Hermione was exhausted. Once Ron and Harry had changed they had left the stadium and as planned they had gone to Sixes and Sevens to meet Draco and Ginny. The plan had been to meet and have a drink then head over to the team party at The Pitch but the owners at the restaurant had been so pleased to have two of the World Cup champions in their midst that they had insisted on buying a round of drinks for the group at least. Drinks turned into dinner and what was supposed to be a ten-minute stop lasted over an hour. Ron said it would have been very rude to leave when the owners were being so accommodating. Ginny thought it was more along the lines of Ron not being able to pass up free food. By the time they arrived at The Pitch the celebration was just getting started. It seemed that the other players had had the same problem at the places they'd stopped by as well. It was nearly midnight before the party at The Pitch was over. Liam then invited everyone back to his flat for a nightcap.

After an hour there Ron, Lavender, Ginny, Draco, Harry and Hermione left and went to the Burrow where the remainder of the Weasleys, Remus, Wendlyn, Hermione's parents and a host of their other friends and acquaintances were waiting to celebrate with them. They had talked and laughed into the wee hours of the morning, then Molly along with the help of the women present went into the kitchen and cooked a delicious breakfast of bangers with eggs, back bacon, fried potatoes, grilled tomatoes, toast and marmalade, pumpkin juice and tea. Completely knackered from the night of celebrating and very well fed the revelers slowly began departing for their own domiciles. Harry and Hermione were among the last to leave as they'd stayed behind to help Molly and Arthur with the tidying up.

Hermione took her wand and waved open the doors to the closet and stepped inside, a moment later she emerged clad in a faded Hogwarts t-shirt and clambered into bed. Harry had likewise stripped down to his boxers and was sitting in bed looking extraordinarily worn-out. Hermione leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek and muttered good night as she snuggled beneath the covers. Harry replied.

"Its morning love"

Hermione mumbled a muddled incomprehensible reply, waved her wand at the open blinds and drew them shut and summoned the drapes closed. The room was plunged into a semi-darkened state and Hermione closed her eyes intent on sleeping for at least the entire day. Harry sat there for a minute or two before he gently shook Hermione by the shoulder and asked.

"You sleeping"

Hermione grunted.


Harry frowned and asked.

"If you're asleep how do you know what I'm saying"

Hermione replied groggily.

"I'm not totally asleep yet"

Harry poked her side.

"Well wake up we need to talk"

Hermione asked.

"Can it wait till morning"

Harry answered cheekily.

"It is morning"

Hermione groaned and sat up in bed. Something had been on Harry's mind all evening; he'd been extremely preoccupied throughout all the celebrating. But Hermione knew him well enough to know that he'd talk about it when he was ready. She just wished he had picked a more convenient time to get chatty. As such she responded more tersely than she normally would have.


Seeing that she was tired from the day's events and was no doubt getting exasperated with his prolonging the moment when she'd be able to rest Harry got right to the point.

"Why did you lie to everyone about why we haven't set a wedding date"

Hermione thought for a moment about what she had said about their not having set a wedding date and answered.

"I thought it was easier to give them a plausible explanation than to have to explain that we just never got around to talking about it"

Harry nodded grimly.

"I suppose so"

Curious as to what had brought on this question Hermione inquired.

"Would you rather that I told them the truth…that we haven't discussed actually getting married at all"

Harry frowned deeply and after several minutes replied.

"No I don't suppose that would have been to helpful Ron almost did his nut when he heard we hadn't set a date yet…"

Satisfied that the conversation was over and Harry's fears were properly assuaged Hermione planted a kiss on his lips and laying her head against his chest closed her eyes intent on getting some much needed rest. Then Harry's voice sounded above her.

"People kept coming up to me congratulating me on winning the Cup then asking when's the wedding…do they do that to you…ask when's the wedding"

Hermione gave a defeated sigh and sat up once again.

"Of course they ask when's the wedding. Not a single day has passed in the four months since the entire wizarding world found out about our engagement that someone hasn't asked me that question"

Harry looked at Hermione and asked.


Hermione nodded.

"Every other day someone is asking about our wedding plans or else telling me where they went on their honeymoon or about some quaint little out of the way wedding chapel that would be just perfect for us…then there are the magazines…"

Harry cut in.

"Magazines…what magazines"

"Why the bridal magazines of course…"

Harry cut Hermione off again.

"You've got bridal magazines"

Hermione nodded.

"Bridal magazines for witches and for muggles…mum sends the muggle ones of course"

Harry ran his hand through his hair.

"If all this has been going on why haven't you said anything about it"

Hermione worried her bottom lip with her teeth as she responded.

"Well what I told Ron wasn't a complete lie. We have been extremely busy at the ministry and you've been so consumed with your matches that I honestly hadn't given it much thought"

Harry ran his hand through his unruly hair again and said.

"Well don't you reckon we should be thinking about it? I mean we can't stay engaged forever. No point fannying around about it is there…we should set a date…get moving with this whole wedding thing as soon as possible"

Hermione was thunderstruck.

"You…you want to set a wedding date right now"

Harry nodded enthusiastically.

"Well…yes…why not…you do still want to marry me don't you"

"Of course I still want to marry you…I want to be your wife more than anything in this whole world…I just wasn't expecting this…its all so…so sudden"

Harry smiled.

"What about our relationship hasn't been sudden"

Hermione giggled. Harry smiled and continued.

"So how long would it take you to plan your dream wedding"
