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Just Friends by Searcy

Just Friends


Trios, Duos And Trios Again

Harry and Hermione celebrated New Years very quietly in Glynnmoor. Harry was still seething inwardly over his latest row with Ron. While he hadn't expected Ron to be overjoyed at the prospect of the woman he had feelings for marrying another man Harry had thought he'd at the very least be adult enough to get on with things. Hermione who had expected Harry to be upset over what appeared to be the end of his and Ron's friendship was stunned at Harry's apparent indifference to the entire situation. The loss of the friendship did not seem to be bothering Harry it was the reason for the loss of the friendship that had Harry in a nark. It was Harry's opinion that Ron was being a git of the first order out of childish jealousy and not some deep abiding love he held for Hermione. And while Hermione agreed with Harry she thought that twelve years of friendship was worth fighting for. Ron and Harry however thought differently and though she'd tried everything she could think of to get them talking nothing had worked. Ron flatly refused to talk to either of them and Harry changed the subject whenever she so much as mentioned Ron's name.

As the end of the holidays approached Harry and Hermione held a small dinner party at Glynnmoor. They invited Hermione's parents, Remus Lupin and Wendlyn Carlyle, Molly and Arthur Weasley and Ginny and Draco. Tonks was off visiting Charlie who was back in Romania corralling dragons, Bill and Fleur were in Paris on holiday with Fleur's mother and sister, and Fred and George where out of town on business. Ron of course had not been invited, as he was not speaking to either Harry or Hermione and would certainly not of come even if he had been invited. And as neither of them fancied the idea of an extra evening with Percy, Sunday's were more than enough; his name had been dropped from the guest list as well. The guests all seemed to be enjoying themselves as they sat down to eat.

Harry smiled as he placed a forkful of fish into his mouth and said.

"Outstanding love absolutely outstanding"

Hermione smiled.

"You like the salmon then…I got the recipe from mum…I wasn't quite sure I was doing it right"

Harry spoke around another mouthful of food.

"You did it perfect love just perfect"

Arthur Weasley chimed in.

"Harry's absolutely right…excellent nosh-up simply excellent"

Thaddeus Granger added.

"Not to worry Poppet you got the salmon just right and this roast joint of pork is simply smashing"

Hermione beamed as the rest of the dinner guests nodded and mumbled enthusiastically around mouthfuls of salmon, roast pork, runner beans, jacket potatoes, parsnips and carrots and salad. Hermione shoveled a bite of the meal she prepared into her mouth and nodded to herself pleased with her own accomplishment. Harry was adding seconds to his plate when Draco asked out of the blue.

"Practice resumes tomorrow eh Potter"

Harry nodded and muttered an indistinct yes. He'd been civil towards Malfoy since he and Ginny had gotten back together and gone public with their relationship but Harry still found it a little disconcerting to be sharing a meal with the git. Regardless of his relationship with Ginny Harry still thought Malfoy was a prat of the highest order. He also held fast to the belief that Ginny could do much better. Draco continued speaking to Harry.

"You and Ron on speaking terms yet"

Silence descended upon the room at Draco's words. A scowl floated across Harry's face and he put his fork down and carefully chewed his food and swallowed Harry looked as though he was about to say something exceedingly rude in reply to Malfoy's query. Hermione's eyes darted around the table quickly settling on Harry then Draco then back to Harry before she rose from her seat and asked in a rush.

"Who wants afters"

Hermione grabbed an armload of plates and hurried into the kitchen to retrieve the treacle pudding she had made for dessert. She called over her shoulder and asked Harry if he would help her clear the table. Harry rose from his seat and grabbed the remaining empty dinner dishes and followed Hermione into the kitchen. As Harry disappeared through the kitchen doors he distinctly heard Draco's muffled whimper of pain from the blow that Ginny dealt him underneath the table. The rest of the evening passed by enjoyably enough and there were no further references made to Harry's and Ron's not speaking.

After all the guests were gone Harry straightened up the dining room and lounge while Hermione attacked the kitchen. Once the dining room and lounge had been put back in order Harry strolled into the kitchen to find Hermione elbow deep in soapsuds. The dishes rinsed themselves underneath a jet of warm water pouring from the spout in the sink then a bewitched kitchen towel dried them before they dashed off to their appointed cupboards. Harry walked over to Hermione and drew her hands out of the hot sudsy water. Harry spun her around in his own arms and began to dance her around the room in a leisurely side-to-side circle of sorts. Surprised by his sudden appearance and strange behavior Hermione turned to Harry and asked.

"Harry what on earth are you doing"

He replied with a single word.


Hermione giggled.

"Yes I can see that but why are we dancing…I have a sink full of dishes that need to be washed"

Harry pulled Hermione closer.

"Can't I dance with the woman I love just because she's the woman I love? As for the dishes I think they can carry on by themselves quite well"

Harry waved his hand and the dishes began washing themselves. Harry looked down and smiled at Hermione who smiled in return and snuggled closer to him laying her head upon his chest. Harry wrapped his arms more snugly around her waist and gently swayed back and forth to the newest song by the Weird Sisters that he was humming. The pair held each other close and danced in the kitchen for sometime before Hermione broke the silence.

"Are you all right"

Harry frowned at the question.

"Course I am why wouldn't I be"

Hermione bit her lip anxiously before answering.

"Well you have been rather quiet since Draco brought up you and Ron…"

Harry's frown deepened. Hermione pushed on.

"And you…well…you have been brooding since your last row with Ron…and I…I'm just worried about you is all"

Harry stopped dancing and the humming abruptly halted though his hold on Hermione remained firm as he stared vacantly at the wall. Softly Hermione called his name.


He answered.


"Do you want to talk about you and Ron"

"Not especially"

"But don't you think that we should decide what to do about the whole thing. I mean honestly don't you think this has gone on long enough"

Harry released his hold of Hermione and ambled over to the cooler and withdrew a bottle of ale. Popping the cap off he took a long sip as he watched the last of the dishes put themselves away; the water shut itself off and the dishtowel wiped down the counters before dropping itself onto its rack. Harry took another sip of his drink then responded to Hermione's query.

"I quite agree this has gone on for far too long…it should have been sorted out ages ago…but Ron the big git wouldn't talk to me and I could give less than a kelpies' arse about resolving things now"

Hermione let out a scandalized gasp.

"Harry you don't mean that…you…"

Harry interjected explosively.


Harry flung the bottle he was holding into the sink and stormed out of the kitchen leaving Hermione staring in shock as she heard the door swing open then bang shut.


Ginny sat in stunned silence, a look of total astonishment marring her pretty face. Ginny was having lunch at The Pitch with Hermione who was filling her in on the previous evening's events after the guests had taken their leave of Glynnmoor. Shaking herself mentally, Ginny spoke.

"He yelled at you just like that"

Hermione nodded as she vigorously chewed her chicken casserole. Ginny asked.

"What did you do"

Hermione replied.

"Took a nice long hot bath"

Ginny's eyes widened in wonder as she sputtered.


"Well what could I do? Harry stormed out of the house he was so upset…and you know how thick-headed he can be at times. I knew it was just him finally getting his frustrations out. I thought it was best to let him cool off a bit then try talking to him again. I thought he may be more rational once he had vocalized some of his hurt and maybe I'd be able to get him to try talking to Ron again"

"And did it work"

"Ummm…sort of…he apologized for taking his frustrations out on me when he got back…and we did talk about it a little but he's really wound up about it all and he's adamant that he is not going to make anymore efforts to reconcile with Ron…he's just so hurt…I don't know what to do"

Ginny nodded.

"Ron's a mess as well the giant prat…outside of games and practice no one ever sees him anymore…and when you go over there its like talking to a stone wall…I've tried everything I can think of short of hexing him and Mum told me she'd skin me alive if so much as a wand was raised to him"

Hermione put her fork down and pushed her plate away with a sigh of frustration.

"Merlin this is so frustrating! I feel like I have to fix it somehow. If I could just get them talking maybe they could sort it all out…oh this is all my fault…"

Ginny butted in.

"Hermione this is not your fault…no one person is to blame here…its like you said before we all could have handled things differently but that's not how it worked out so its no use trying to lay blame on yourself when all you've done is love Harry"

Hermione nodded.

"I know but I just feel like I should be able to do something to sort this mess out"

Ginny answered.

"The only person who can sort out this mess is Ron. He's the one who won't talk to you and Harry so he has to be the one to make the first move"

"I suppose so but what are we supposed to do until Ron comes to his senses"

Ginny shrugged her shoulders and replied with a smile.

"A lot of shagging"

Hermione frowned and asked.

"And how is that supposed to help sort this out"

Ginny picked up her fork and started in on her slice of chocolate fudge cake and said.

"No idea how it would possibly help sort out anything but it has to be more fun than worrying over my stupid prat of a brother…you can't make Ron see reason and you can't go round being bloody miserable because Ron is…you're young and in love…why worry over a load of rubbish you can't change…enjoy yourself"

Ginny gestured towards the slice of cake in front of Hermione as she popped another mouthful of cake into her own mouth. Hermione sighed and picking up her fork took a heaping bite of cake.


January faded into February and Hermione found that Ginny's advice had been exactly what was called for. While she hadn't repeatedly jumped Harry's bones and shagged him senseless though at times she found it hard not to do just that, she had followed Ginny's other advice and stopped fretting over the situation with Ron. She and Harry began focusing solely on their relationship, not the absence of Ron's friendship and slowly their estrangement from Ron had become less and less of an issue. Not to say that they did not miss him, they did, but as he was not inclined to square things with them there wasn't very much they could do to change the situation. Ginny had been absolutely right; as Ron was the one who refused to speak with them all they could do was go on with their lives.

And go on with their lives they had. They routinely went out in public to restaurants, pubs, shopping or just for a walk around the park; the press was used to seeing them together nowadays so their presence in most places caused only a minor stir. They alternated Sunday dinners between the Weasleys and Hermione's parents. They made a point of coming to Molly and Arthur's around mid-morning and having lunch then leaving just before dinner was served so as not to prevent Ron from spending time with his family. Molly tried to convince them that their behavior was silly and that Ron wouldn't dare be rude to either of them in her presence but Harry assured her that the present solution was for the best. As far as Ron was concerned neither Harry nor Hermione knew what was going on with him as they only ever saw him at Quidditch games and practices. True to his word Ron was careful to keep up the pretense that nothing was amiss between he and Harry. In truth anyone seeing them in practice or at games would never guess they weren't speaking otherwise. Most people just assumed that Ron was giving the new couple their required amount of time together and that things were going on as they had always gone on amongst the trio. No one ever suspected that Harry and Hermione were adjusting to their abrupt new status as a duo rather than a trio and that Ron was carrying on as a solo act.

On Valentine's Day morn Harry and Hermione awoke to find that they were once again the Daily Prophet's top story:



Underneath the headline was a picture of Harry and Hermione holding hands as they walked out of Flourish and Blotts. The picture kept zooming in on Hermione's left hand, which was firmly clasped in Harry's right showing off the ring he'd given her at Christmas. Harry folded the paper up and tucked it underneath his arm and began the trek up the stairs to his and Hermione's bedroom. Harry still found it strange saying that; his and Hermione's bedroom, a lot had changed in the five or so months that he and Hermione had been together. Following the holidays Harry had moved into Hermione's London flat. Considering the fact that they were engaged and the amount of time they spent together the pair had thought it was a waste to keep two flats and as Hermione's flat was bigger than Harry's he had moved in with her. Harry had also given up his flat in Appleton as he was on the National team now he had no use for it. They had planned to use the Glynnmoor manor as an occasional weekend getaway but Harry said it felt more like their permanent residence. They were up there practically every weekend (and several days through the week) that their schedules permitted because Hermione was redecorating and wanted Harry's input on everything. Harry could think of a million things he'd rather have done than stare at fabric swatches and paint cards but as of yet he hadn't found a suitable way of skiving off so he endured the ordeal with what Remus liked to call a grin and bear it attitude.

Harry walked into the bedroom and sat down heavily on the bed. Hermione looked up and caught the peculiarly passive expression on his face and asked.

"What is it"

Harry didn't respond he just handed her the morning edition of the paper. Hermione took the paper from his outstretched hand and unfolded it. There on the front page was a picture of she and Harry holding hands. Suddenly the picture adjusted itself and zeroed in on her sparkling engagement ring. Hermione's eyes drifted to the headline then back down to the picture before she read through the article that completely filled the front page. The article was pure speculation as no one had any idea whether the ring was actually an engagement ring or if Harry had given it to her. But the story surmised that it had to be an engagement ring considering the fact that the couple was rarely seen apart and that they had reportedly recently moved in together. Having finished the article Hermione refolded the paper and laying it aside turned to Harry who was getting dressed.

"Well we knew they would find out sooner or later"

A garbled "ummm…hmmm" sounded from the closet as Harry slipped his jumper over his head. Hermione stood up and walked over to the closet where Harry was getting dressed and peered inside.

"So what are we going to do…the press will be all over this…if they already aren't"

Harry turned to Hermione and expelled a gust of air that fluttered his disorderly fringe.

"I don't know what we can do other than to ignore it or answer their bloody questions"

Hermione gnawed her bottom lip reflexively.

"We'll have to answer their questions otherwise we won't get a moment's peace and neither will anyone close to us…they're bound to go after our family and friends…"

Hermione stopped mid-sentence as a horrible thought occurred to her.

"Harry…what if they go to Ron…if the press starts badgering him he's liable to let on that he's not speaking to us…if the press gets a hold of something like that they will…"

Harry closed the gap between he and Hermione and took her hands in his and replied.

"That's not going to happen…Ron would never do that…Molly would skin him if he let on that we weren't speaking…not to mention what that'd do to the team…no…you don't have to worry about Ron he'll keep mum"

Hermione gave a half smile as she nodded her head in agreement with Harry's pronouncement of Ron's fidelity to his word.

"Yes you're absolutely right Ron would never let on that the two of you are at odds…but that still means we will have to give a statement to the press"

Harry snatched up his Quidditch bag and nodded at the same time as he strode purposefully to the window overlooking the courtyard. Looking down Harry saw no signs of the press milling about below. He supposed it was a good thing that Hermione had chosen a flat in a section of London that hadn't been completely vacated by muggles otherwise they'd have been up to their necks in reporters by now.

"There's no sign of `em outside just yet. I reckon they'll be waiting at the Ministry and at the pitch…you still have the day off"

Hermione bobbed her head up and down to signify that the answer to Harry's question was yes. Harry hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and stated.

"Don't worry I'll handle everything"

He swiftly kissed Hermione's soft lips before apparating to Llewellyn Field. Even though Harry had told Hermione that Ron would never tell the wizarding world that Harry had stolen Hermione from him he wasn't completely sure that was the truth. Ron had been such a prat lately that Harry had not idea of what he was likely to do. All he could do was hope that he was right about his former best friend.

Harry arrived at the Quidditch pitch to find the doors to the locker room blocked by a pack of reporters. He could make out several of his teammates struggling through the mass of press people towards the door. Suddenly a patch of red hair appeared at the right of the locker room door. One of the reporters called out.

"Look its Ron Weasley, Potter's best mate he'll know something"

All the reporters shifted and converged upon Ron. Plumes of black and purple smoke wafted into the air as the media people snapped pictures of Ron and fired off questions.

"Is it true that Harry Potter's engaged"

"When did it happen"

"Are they really living together"

"Have they set a wedding date yet"

"How do the bride's muggle parents feel about the impending nuptials"

"Will it be a traditional ceremony"

"Will you be serving as best man"

"Has Ms. Granger picked out her dress yet"

"How do you feel about your two best friends getting married"

At the last question Ron lowered the hand he'd been using to block the steadily blazing flash from blinding him and repeated what he'd been asked.

"How do I feel about my two best friends getting married"

Harry's heart hammered in his chest and everything around him seemed to slow down as Ron swallowed thickly and replied.

"Well knowing them like I do I'd say that its taken some getting used to thinking of them as a couple and not just my mates but all in all I can say that I'm really happy for them I'm glad they both found what they were looking for in each other…as for the rest of that stuff you'll have to ask the happy couple about all that"

Ron turned on his heel, yanked open the locker room door and disappeared within its depths. Harry stood there stunned at what he had just heard…it had actually sounded as though Ron had meant what he said. Harry was jolted back to reality by the sound of hurried footsteps he blinked and became aware of the fact that he was now surrounded by the press. Taking a deep breath he began answering the questions being yelled out at him.


The Pitch was filled to the rafters as usual but this evening's crowd was not its customary clientele of drunken high profile wizards and witches out to be seen no this evening's crowd were all there for an impromptu congratulatory party for Harry and Hermione. Following Harry's substantiation that he and Hermione were indeed engaged his teammates had decided that the occasion called for a celebration. So with the help of Ginny Weasley they'd commandeered the Pitch and owled everyone they could think of who would want to share in the moment and asked them to meet them there that evening. Harry having no idea what they were up to had tried to beg off saying he was knackered and wanted to get home but his teammates had been adamant about his having one drink with them before heading off. Harry arrived at the Pitch and was greeted by Hermione and a host of their family, friends and well-wishers. The couple had been seated at a table of honor in the center of the pub and treated to a superb dinner and encouraging wishes of happiness for the future.

Ginny strolled over to the bar and ordered a pint of ale. She was about to go back and join Harry and Hermione at their table when a familiar voice sounded in her ear.

"That smarmy little ferret got you drinking ale by the pint now eh"

Ginny smiled and turned around, faced her brother Ron and replied.

"Draco is not driving me to drink just fancied something a bit stronger than a butterbeer is all"

Ron nodded nonchalantly and ordered a pint for himself and took a seat at the bar. Ginny sat down next to her brother and followed his gaze to Harry and Hermione's table. They were sitting very close to each other and Harry had his arm draped lovingly around Hermione's shoulders. The duo was chatting with Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet and Fred and George. Ginny looked back at her older brother and noticed that the look of pain and frustration she'd expected to see wasn't there instead she saw a look she'd seen on Harry's face on more than one occasion since he and Ron had rowed…it was a look of loss. Ginny queried her brother.

"You're not angry with them anymore"

Ron sipped his ale and replied.


Ginny's eyes widened in surprise as she spat out half formed sentences.

"How long…when did you…why haven't you said anything"

Ron sighed.

"I was going to say something at Christmas but Harry beat me to it. I reckon I deserved that bit of dressing down though seeing as how I acted like the world's greatest git"

Ginny nodded in agreement.

"More like the universe's greatest prat"

Ron chuckled as Ginny asked.

"So you've been okay about things and you haven't said a bloody word"

Ron nodded. Ginny inquired.


Ron sighed heavily and explained.

"When I first found out I was pretty wound up I mean honestly I looked an arse…here I was going on and on about Hermione to Harry and they're carrying on and nobody bothers to tell me anything…looking back I'm not really sure if I was angry at them for being together or because they didn't tell me they were together"

Ron Paused and took a swig of his drink before continuing.

"Well anyway when I found out I was especially narked at the lot of you. And that's when I stormed over to Grimmauld Place and had a go at Harry. Then later when Hermione stopped by and said her bit it got me thinking. I knew they couldn't've done it on purpose but I wasn't quite ready to forgive them until I saw them together at the ministry ball…it was obvious that they really were in love and I saw something in Harry I don't think I've ever seen before…"

Ginny couldn't help herself from interjecting a question.

"What did you see"

Ron smiled sadly.

"I saw him happy…honestly and truly happy…how could I begrudge him that"

"Then why didn't you say something right away"

Ron shrugged.

"Embarrassed…pig-headed…stupid…take your pick. By the time I plucked up the old Gryffindor courage Harry was telling me they were engaged and to grow up. Naturally I got angry and stormed off and then it was too late. I mean what am I suppose to say to them now…hey Harry sorry mate its really all right you and Hermione carrying on, I was sore that you didn't tell me but I'm done acting a git now so let's just carry on shall we"

"Add a bit more begging and it might just do the trick"

At the sound of Harry's voice Ron whirled around in his seat and found himself staring at Harry and Hermione.

"What…when…how much did you hear"

Hermione answered.

"We have been listening since you said you wanted to apologize at Christmas.

Ginny jumped in.

"But how did you hear"

Harry grinned and held up a thin piece of flesh colored string.

"An oldie but goodie…extendable ears…Fred saw you two talking and staring at our table and wanted to know what was up"

Ginny and Ron nodded their heads in understanding. A heavy silence descended on the quartet for a moment as Ron and Harry stared at each other. Ron was the first to speak.

"Listen I owe you two an apology. I had no right to behave the way I did and I'm truly sorry"

Ron opened his mouth to saw something else then quickly shut it as nothing else came forth. Harry nodded his head and replied.

"It's all right, we should have told you what was going on from the start"

Ron grinned.

"So we're all right then"

Harry grinned back at him.

"We're all right…but that's twice you've pulled a nutter on me you do that one more time and I'm hexing you into the middle of your fiftieth birthday"

Ron laughed and said.


Ron and Harry clasped each other in a brotherly hug. Hermione whacked both of them on the shoulder and said.

"Oh you two"

She quickly kissed them both on the cheek before she hurried off to the loo with Ginny dead on her heels both their faces shining with tears. Harry and Ron stared after them quizzically before shrugging their shoulders and sitting down at the bar. Ron ordered two fresh tankards of ale and then looking at his best friend of twelve years nodded in the direction that Hermione had hurried off in and said.

"Told you when we first met her she was mental. Sure you want to be tied to her for the rest of your life"

Harry smiled.

"Well I reckon if I'm gonna have a whomping prat as my best mate I may as well get a barmy wife to boot"

Ron chuckled.

"I reckon that's fair seeing as how me and Hermione get landed with the famous Harry Potter as a mate"

Harry smiled and said.

"A toast then"

Ron nodded and pronounced.

"To famous mates, barmy wives and whomping prats"

Harry echoed Ron's words.

"To famous mates, barmy wives and whomping prats"

After they'd drained their tankards and ordered another round Harry looked to Ron and dropping an arm around his shoulder said.

"Glad to have you back mate"

Ron clapped Harry on the back and replied.

"Glad to be back, glad to be back"
