Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Secrets of War by Liz21

The Secrets of War


Hi everyone. Yes another update. I am being careful on not using certain punctuation because of the weird symbols I get. I think it is because I upload from a Mac. For the rest of the story I will upload it from my brothers PC. So excuse grammar and talking funny for now.

I have reached a critical point with the story which is why it is taking forever to add a new chapter. Basically right now I need to go back and reread everything to make sure I am closing all the holes and not forgetting anything important. When I decided to write this story I knew everything that would happen up to the climax. Now I need to double check my work and all the facts leading up to this point. I have to say that rereading my work is weird especially since I started it a few years ago. I would have done a lot of things differently but I am amused with the many subtle hints I have left along the way. At the end of the story I may go back and point out a few for fun.

But for now I guarantee an update by the end of June. I WILL finish this story. I have just hit a major writers wall and want to get everything right. Not to mention weÕre about a few weeks behind at my magazine and I am baking my friends wedding cake like I had any extra time.

Thanks for your patience.
