Unofficial Portkey Archive

Buttercup by MemoriesFade



Pansy took a deep breath, a feeling of utter sadness washing over her as she ascended Draco's stairs. She had spent most of the morning at the hospital with Ron and the rest of the Weasley family, along with Harry and Cho Potter, waiting. It had been agonizing. She didn't know how families dealt with people being in hospitals. The hospital alone was enough for Pansy to want to cry, vomit, or both.


Pansy slipped into the room, a smile on her face when she saw Draco's sleeping form. He always slept weird. For example, now, he had one hand slung over his eyes, the other wrapped around the pillow, hugging it to his body. He had obviously been having nightmares as the covers were on the floor, his legs in a scissor like position.

"Draco, wake up."

"Pansy, what are you doing here?" Draco didn't bother opening his eyes or moving. "I explicitly remember telling you not to visit me before nine or after midnight, unless it's an emergency."

"It is an emergency," Pansy said.

He immediately sat up, his eyes wide. "What happened?"


"Spit it out," Draco snapped.

"Ginny-Ginny is in the hospital," she said in a rush.

"What?" Draco wasn't able to comprehend her sentence. "Is this a joke?"

"I don't even know why she was wandering the streets at two in the morning. After I Flooed to see if she was here, we went to check the flat. She wasn't there either. When midnight rolled around, Ron called in his brothers. They found her-" Pansy paused, her face blank. Despite only knowing the girl for a few weeks, there was an inexplicable bond between the two. "She was lying in the middle of Diagon Alley, bloodied, bruised, and broken. She's unconscious now. But she was awake long enough to say Tracey Davis."

Draco didn't hear anything after Davis. He was out of bed in a flash, searching for some clothes. The suit he had worn to the Greengrass Ball was the first thing in sight. Though it was a tad bit over dressed for a hospital, it would do. He quickly rushed to Serena's room, lifting the girl out of bed and dragging one of her cloaks on over her pajamas.

"Mmm, what's going on?" Serena wrapped her arms around her father's neck. "Where are you taking me, Father?"

"We have to go to the hospital," Draco murmured. "Hold on."

In seconds, he was holding her against his chest, standing in the waiting room of St. Mungo's, uncaring about whether or not Pansy had followed. For the first time in Draco Malfoy's life, he felt fear and guilt for another person, who wasn't family. Not only because it would be his fault but also because, on a subconscious level, he cared for Ginny Weasley. She was the woman who had given him a gift in the form of a child.

"Sir, can I help you?" The unfriendly witch behind the desk spoke with disdain in her voice. "If you're ill, you need to sign in."

"I'm looking for Ginevra Weasley's room," Draco said coldly.

And though he looked far from intimidating in his formal wear with a child clinging to him, sleep in her eyes, the witch couldn't help but to feel afraid of his voice alone. The way the man spoke told her that should she not give him the information, she would suffer a fate worse than death itself. That alone was incentive for her to give the information, despite the warning not to divulge the information to anyone other than family.

"Fourth floor, room five," she said quickly as she handed him two visitor's passes. "You have to hold onto these."

"Father, what's wrong with Mum?"

"I don't know, Serena."

Serena's eyes were wide, sparkling as if holding back tears. The young girl hated hospitals, ever since the time she got sick with a mild case of Dragon Pox, which had her staying in the hospital for weeks. The fact that her father wouldn't tell her what was wrong with her mother wasn't comforting at all.

Thoughts of that fled as they rounded a corner, a sea of red greeting their eyes. It was normal to feel apprehensive when approaching the Weasleys and, much to Draco's chagrin, Potter. After all, he had impregnated their sister at the age of sixteen, which caused her to have to leave her family behind, and, not to mention, he had been a complete and utter bastard to them at school. There was a small bit of hope flaring inside Draco when he saw Ron Weasley. But it died when the man turned a glare on him.

"What did you do to my sister?"

"Excuse me?" He knew that he should probably fess up. But telling the Weasley family that he had told their baby sister she would have been better off dead was not in his best interests. "I did nothing to her."

"There is only one explanation as to why my sister would have been wandering around the streets so late at night, you." If it weren't for Serena in his arms, Draco would have probably had a hand around his neck. "What did you say to her to make her so upset?"

"I knew it," Serena yelled, wriggling around in his grasp. And to his horror, she began to reiterate his and Ginny's conversation from the night before, down to the last detail. His face fell as she continued, ending with, "Then Mum said, you are a cruel bastard."

Mortification and fear did not begin to describe how Draco felt. His heart was pounding at an unnaturally fast rate, his eyes moving from the Weasley to Weasley, similar expressions of hatred and vengeance on their faces. He couldn't move. He was frozen to the spot. Part of him screamed to run. The other part said to stay, take what he deserved.

"I am going to strangle you until you cannot breathe," Bill bit out.

"You will not touch my daddy." Serena had a hand on her hip, a finger pointing to the fast approaching men. "If you do, I will hit you."

Ron stared incredulously at the young girl. "Hit me? Do you honestly think that will stop me from getting to him?"

"Oh dear," Hermione murmured as Serena punched Ron in a particularly delicate area of is anatomy. Though she was as upset as everyone else, she couldn't stop from giggling. "You shouldn't mess with a little girl, one who is Ginny's daughter, no less."

"What in the name of Merlin is going on here?" Pansy ran to help Ron up off the floor, a heated gaze directed towards Draco. "Did you do this?"

"No, I did, Aunt Pansy," Serena said sweetly. "He threatened Daddy."

"You were upset with him too," Ron said, gasping for air.

"I'm allowed to hit him if I'd like." She proved her point by hitting her father's leg. "But I am his daughter. And it's none of your business whether or not my mummy and daddy fight."

"She's my sister," Ron exclaimed.

"Ronald, you're fighting with a six year old," Pansy scolded. "Now, will someone please explain what happened?"

"He said he wanted Ginny dead," Ron accused.

"Enough," Hermione yelled. She had been up since three in the morning, worrying over Ginny. And a bunch of bickering adults was not helping her situation. "You will all sit down. You will all remain calm. Regardless of what happened last night, you will all respect each other, for Ginny's sake."

"But Hermione," Charlie began.

"Charlie Weasley, don't you dare interrupt me." She glared at him. "Draco Malfoy may not be high up on anyone's list at the moment. But remember he is high up on Serena's list and Serena is Ginny's daughter. You will all behave yourselves and not bring up any discussions better left for a place where children are not present."

"Hermione," Charlie began again.

"Sit down," Hermione said, pointing a finger at all of them. A satisfied smile covered her face as they all, even Draco, sat in one of the chairs outside of the room. "See, isn't this better?"

The grumpy faces of the men surrounding her told her they thought no such thing. She was saved from having to say anything else as four women came floating down the hall, Penelope, Angelina, Cho and Fleur, who had gone to fetch tea for everyone, with Fred, Jasmine, and Sirius trailing behind them.

"We bring tea," Cho said. She seemed surprised to see everyone seated, more so to see Draco Malfoy. "Hello, Malfoy."

"Mrs. Potter," Draco greeted.

"Who are you?" Jasmine ran over to Serena, eyeing her warily.

"Serena Verity Malfoy," Serena said proudly. "Who are you?"

"Jasmine Gabriella Weasley," Jasmine answered. "What are you doing here?"

"My mum is sick," Serena whispered.

"My Aunt Ginny is sick. Is she your mum?" asked Jasmine.

"Jasmine, come over here," Fleur said softly, noticing that Serena looked fit to burst into tears. "You'll have plenty of time to speak with your cousin."

Draco gathered Serena in his lap, rocking her against him. If anyone found his behavior odd, they said nothing. In fact, they all simply stared at him in shock as if not expecting him to be so caring towards his daughter, which in Draco's opinion was foolish. He may have been a heartless bastard back in school. But he had certainly changed over the years. Then again, look at what he had done to Ginny.

A somber mood fell across the occupants of the hallway, no one speaking. The only sound was of Serena sniffling in her sleep, which Draco was having a hard time bearing. If there was one thing he hated, it was Serena crying. Usually, he was able to get rid of her problem. Now, though, he was the problem. He was the reason why his daughter was crying, a sad thought indeed.

"Excuse me?" A Healer stepped out of the room, shocked to see so many people sitting in the hallway. "Am I correct in saying you are Ginevra Weasley's family?"

"Yes," Ron said, jumping up first. "She'll be alright, right?"

"Ms. Weasley is in a potion induced sleep," the Healer began to explain. "Usually, we do not take such extreme measures as a pain potion would suffice. However, with the extent of the internal and external damage, we felt it would be better to keep her in a deep sleep for a few days."

"How many days, exactly?" asked Ron.

"It's not definite, sir," the Healer said.

"What do you mean it's not definite?" George was in the Healer's face in minutes. "Do you or do you not know what is happening with my sister?"

"Healer Wendle, I believe I should take over this case." Hermione planted herself in between George and the Healer. "I am more capable of dealing with the volatile Weasleys. I'll need her chart right away."

"Yes, Healer Weasley," the Healer responded with relief. "Should I have your Aide come now?"

"I'll page her when necessary." Hermione took the folder that the Healer handed to her, briefly looking over it before turning back to the awaiting crowd. "Her vitals are normal. She simply needs to rest. When her body is healed, she will come around. Until then, we have to wait."

"Do you know how long?" George was barely hanging onto his patience. He had already lost one sibling. He couldn't bear losing another, especially not Ginny. Ginny had just come back into his life. He couldn't even begin to think what it would be like to have her gone.

"I can only guess," Hermione said. "I would say two days to a full week. I'll be able to tell you more in a few hours. In the meantime, I should go and change."

"Go ahead, love." Charlie got to his feet, pulling her away to a corner where he could speak with her privately. "You don't have to put yourself in this position, Hermione. You understand how my brothers can get."

Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder, resting her head against his chest. "She's my best friend, Charlie. If our positions were reversed, she would do it for me."

"I love you." Charlie kissed the top of her head, burying his face into her hair. "You better go change before I drag you into an empty room and have my way with you."

"Is that a promise?" asked Hermione huskily.

Charlie grinned. "You witch."

"I'll be back soon," Hermione said. "Do you think you can manage to keep your brothers under control? Merlin knows Ginny would come around and beat you all bloody, if anything happens to Malfoy."

"I'm not so sure after their argument," Charlie muttered. "But I'll keep them in check."

"Behave," Hermione warned the boys as she sauntered away.

"Perhaps I should go and tell Luna," Pansy said to no one in particular.

Draco grimaced. "I would rather wait until we have a definite diagnosis."

"She'll kill us if we wait." Pansy sighed. "I'll go and get her."

"No, stay," Draco said. "I need to take a walk. Do you think you could watch Serena?"

Pansy stood from her seat, gently switching spots with Draco. Serena woke for a second, recognizing her Aunt before slipping back into sleep. Once Draco was sure she was situated, he took off for the main floor, a blank expression on his face. He couldn't begin to think how Luna would react, especially after she heard the full story.

"Malfoy, where are you going?"

"To inform Luna," Draco said curtly. "Pansy thinks it's best for us to tell her now."

Hermione nodded. "Yes, of course."

Draco inclined his head.

"No matter what happened, I'm sure she will be glad to know you came."

He looked back. "I'm not as sure as you."

"It's a good thing I know her better." Hermione smiled. "Go on. I don't envy your job. I have witnessed telling a pregnant woman bad news. It is never easy."

Draco didn't linger in the hall any longer. He reached the lobby and quickly Apparated to Blaise's house, a thought that the couple may be asleep flickering through his head. He was positive that this constituted as an emergency, more so in Luna's eyes than Blaise's, as his best friend hadn't had a chance to really get to know Ginny Weasley.

"How may Heego help Master Malfoy?"

"I need to speak with Master Zabini." Draco sneered at the elf.

"Yes, sir," the elf replied with a bow, Apparating away.

No more than a few seconds later, a ruffled Blaise appeared at the top of the steps. "I suppose this is an emergency."

"Ginny is in the hospital," Draco said bluntly. He ran a hand through his hair, a curse flying from his mouth. Saying it out loud made everything so much worst. The fact that he would have to tell Luna why wasn't appeasing either. In fact, it was probably the part he was most dreading.

"What happened?"

"We had an argument-"

"You put her in the hospital," Blaise boomed. If there was one thing he couldn't abide, it was abuse against women. His mother had to endure it from many of his fathers. He was not about to allow his best friend to fall in a habit of abusing women. It was not acceptable.

"What? No," Draco yelled, hurt by the accusation. "We had an argument. She stormed out. She was walking around Diagon Alley and Tracey attacked her. No one is sure how because she's unconscious, in a healing sleep. She is supposed to wake up in good health."

Luna came down the stairs in a hurry. Apparently having heard Blaise's yelling, she had come down to investigate, hearing the ending of the story. Her look of hatred and disdain showed Draco exactly how angry she was with him. This was what Draco had feared above all else. The shouting he could take. But the expression she shot him, the face that held loathing, anguish, and a hint of betrayal, was the worst.

"I-Luna I didn't mean for things to go that way," Draco said. "When we were arguing, it just felt good to finally get some of that anger out. I wasn't thinking straight. I thought I would be able to go visit her and make things right this morning. I hadn't expected her to get attacked."

"What do you mean you didn't think?" Luna shook her head. "You are a Slytherin. Slytherins think before they act. It is a trait that you all hold oh so dear to you."

"One time," Draco groaned. "The one time I let my control slip and-"

"Love, let me handle this," Blaise said. "Why don't you go and get dressed? I'm certain Draco won't mind escorting you to the hospital when you're ready. I will come after as soon as I get Xavier ready.

Luna hesitated before nodding. "I will be down in a second."

"Tell me about the argument." Blaise dragged Draco into one of his sitting rooms. "You're going to need help fixing your problem. Now, what happened after you followed her out of the ballroom?"

Draco sighed. He could always count on Blaise, and even Pansy, to help him through his issues. They never had a problem with it. And as he launched into a detailed explanation of what occurred that night, it was obvious from the way Blaise's eyes flashed that he was not happy with Draco, not in the slightest. It was funny how Ginny's appearance could change his friendships; change him, in such a drastic way.

"This is a problem I cannot help with," Blaise said. "Can I give you some advice?"

"When have you ever asked, Blaise?"

Blaise shrugged. "Good point."

"Get in the Weasleys good graces." Luna's voice floated in the room as she did, her dress swishing about her ankles. She turned a stern look onto Draco. "I am not happy with you right now. But for Serena's sake, I will help you. She needs both her mother and father."

"Luna, you have to understand I didn't mean half the things I said. I guess I finally had someone to vent those frustrations upon." He dropped his head in his hand. "I can't even begin to imagine what would happen if she were to be removed from Serena's life."

"What about your life, Draco?" Luna sat next to Draco, a hand running up and down his back. "What would happen to your life without her?"

"I would go back to raising Serena by myself," Draco said quizzically. "What else?"

Luna gave Blaise a look. "Blaise, why don't you go see about getting Xavier up and dressed. I don't doubt that Serena wouldn't mind the company."

"Yes, love." Blaise pecked his wife on the cheek, murmuring, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." Luna blushed a little, despite it being her husband. He still had a way to make her feel like a school girl again. As soon as he left, she turned her stare on Draco. "Draco, really take a look at your feelings."

Draco resisted the urge to roll his eyes as it would be decidedly an Un-Malfoy-like thing to do. He knew what Luna expected to hear. However, he was certain she would not be getting any outbursts of his undying love for the mother of his child, simply because it didn't exist. It would be a ludicrous thought to think that he was in love with a Weasley, merely because they had a child together. When it came down to it, they barely knew each other.

"If you're waiting for me to confess the love that I've harbored for her, you'll be waiting for a lifetime, Luna," Draco snapped. "I don't love her. The reason I care about her is because of Serena and only Serena."

"Well, shall we go?" Luna had a smile on her face as Draco stood. "Think about this, Draco. If you didn't care about her, other from for Serena, why would you feel so guilty? Ginny will be fine. Serena will have her mother. And you've certainly done worst. Think about it. I don't need a response."

Draco raised an eyebrow. "Is that all?"

"You don't love her. I know," Luna said. "But you have feelings for her, Draco. I can tell. They aren't the type of feelings one marries or even involves themselves in a serious relationship over. But they are feelings that one would ask someone out on a simple date, a dinner or something, over. And don't you at least owe it to yourselves to see if there is something deeper beyond your physical intimacy seven years ago."

"Even if that were the case, which I doubt it is, there is a chance that Ginny will not want anything to do with me. I told her she would have been better off dead." Draco held his hand out for Luna, a hope that the conversation was over flaring inside him.

"I'm finished." Luna looped her arm through his. "But I know Ginny. She can be forgiving when she wants to be."

"When she wants to be," Draco muttered, Apparating away.

Draco found himself in the lobby of St. Mungo's once more. And, yet again, he found himself having to deal with a particularly moody receptionist. Apparently, Ginny had too many visitors. Luckily, she still remembered Draco from earlier, practically whimpering as he glowered at her. She hastily gave Luna a visitor's pass as well as nodded yes when asked if she would give Blaise and Xavier ones as well.

"Cranky bint," Luna muttered. She then shot Draco a grin. "Are you ready to face the Weasleys again?"

"I don't have much of a choice." Draco led her down the hallway, which led to Ginny's room, the horde of Weasleys already visible. "With luck, they found out some good news that will distract them from me."

"I'm sure they have," Luna comforted.

"Hello, Luna."

"Hi, Pansy," Luna greeted as she leaned down to place a kiss on Pansy's cheek.

"Aunt Luna, your belly is crushing me," Serena whined, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Is it?" Luna laughed as Serena hugged her stomach. "I'm sorry."

"Luna," Hermione exclaimed, entering the hall from Ginny's room. "You're pregnant."

"Yes that would be the reason for my stomach being the size of a watermelon," Luna joked. "I hear you're pregnant as well."

"A month and a half," Hermione divulged. "What about you?"

"Five months," Luna answered. Upon seeing Hermione's wide eyes, she said, "If you plan on having a second baby, plan on being bigger."

Charlie paled. "Let's get through the first one."

"Hello, Weasleys and Potters," Luna said. When everyone murmured their greetings, she turned to Hermione. "As you are a Healer, I am going to ask. What the bloody hell is wrong with Ginny?"

It was obvious that Luna's restraint had finally snapped. Her face, which had been a happy one before, had slowly morphed into one of curiosity, sadness, and anger, mostly anger. Though most of it was supposed to be towards Draco and Tracey, she happened to be taking it out on the person who knew anything about Ginny.

"Ginny is fine," Hermione said, loud enough for everyone to hear. "She still has good vitals. She seems to be healing at a rather steady pace. And I think that she should be awake sometime within the next three days."

There were murmurs of relief floating through the hallway as Hermione made her pronouncement. As soon as she did, though, all eyes turned upon Draco. He could tell that Serena had only diverted the attention from him for a moment. And he knew that no amount of groveling would make it up to them or to Ginny.

"Malfoy, a word," Bill said.

"Pansy, could you take Serena up to the tea room for a bit." Draco decided he would need to have the conversation and would rather his daughter not be around for his death. "She could use some breakfast."

"Yes, of course," Pansy answered, motioning for Luna to follow her. "I'm sure you haven't eaten yet, Luna."

"I could use another cup of tea," Fleur said. "Jasmine, would you like some hot chocolate?"

"Yes, Mum." Jasmine clambered out of the seat to follow her mother.

"Oh, tea, yes," Cho spluttered, finally catching onto what was happening. "I'll take Sirius with me, Harry."

"Thanks," Harry replied.

"Fred, come on. You can get to know your cousin, Serena," Angelina said.

"Okay, Mum," Fred said.

"I could certainly use some biscuits," Penelope exclaimed, rubbing her stomach, which showed a slight bulge. "I will be back soon, Percy."

"Yes, dear," Percy said.

"Ah, I will be in Ginny's room," Hermione muttered. "Knock when you're through."

Suddenly, Draco found himself being surrounded by five Weasley men and Harry Potter. It was daunting to say the least. None of them said anything. None of them did anything. All they did was stand and stare at him as if he were some animal in a Muggle zoo. But they got their message across. They were giving him a chance to talk, a chance for them to understand.

"I deserve any form of torture you choose to bestow upon me." Draco decided that perhaps he should show them he had a conscience and felt guilty. "What I said to your sister was wrong and unacceptable. I know."

"If you know, then why did you say it?" Charlie's voice sounded more like a lion's.

"Frustration," Draco admitted. "We had exchanged a few words at a ball we were both in attendance at. I thought that Ginny was implying I was a bad father."

"All of this stemmed from one argument?" Harry snorted. "Malfoy, spit it out. The truth might save you."

"I thought-I vented some of my anger from having to deal with Serena by myself for six years," Draco bit out, unhappy he had to have a heart to heart, so to speak, with Weasleys. "I thought that she shouldn't have run away from her problems as she did. And I was angry at her for it."

"I rather think my mother is more at fault," Percy said.

"Didn't you think your anger was a bit misplaced?" Bill was slowly beginning to put the pieces together, an understanding of what went down washing over him. "Ginny would have never chosen to purposefully leave her child."

"To be honest, I don't know that much about your sister."

Bill chuckled. "She told me as much."

Charlie groaned. "Alright, this is what happens. We're all going to wait to see what Ginny wants. If we're to beat him to a bloody pulp, we do. If not, well, we can probably convince her to allow us to."

"What?" Ron eyed his brother as if he had grown a second head. "Are you kidding?"

"No, Ron, I'm not." Charlie crossed his arms. "Are you willing to risk a relationship with your niece so that you can give Malfoy a proper beating?"

"No." That didn't stop him from punching Draco squarely in the nose. "Hermione will heal him before Serena comes running down the hall."

George patted Draco on the back. "Look at it this way. He could have said yes."

Draco grunted in response, his hands attempting to stem the blood.

Charlie knocked on Ginny's door, a broad smile on his face. "Love, we need help."

Hermione came out, shaking her head and muttering about barbaric ways to handle discrepancies. She fixed Draco's nose in a matter of minutes, not without a few painful pokes though, her warning to him. She cleaned the blood up and with good timing too as Serena came skipping down the hall soon after. She had a small bag in her a hand and a bright smile on her face.

"Father, I brought you a chocolate muffin but it's not as good as Mum's. And Aunt Pansy has your tea."

Draco touched his nose, relief flooding through him. "Thank you, Serena."

"Ron, I thought some fudge might cheer you up." Pansy flashed him a wicked grin. She pranced up to him, leaning into his ear and saying, "Do you think there's a desk around?"

Ron blushed but chuckled all the same. "You know how to cheer me up."

"Aunt Pansy, why do you need a desk?"
