Unofficial Portkey Archive

Buttercup by MemoriesFade



Ginny was in pure and absolute hell. Fortunately for her and Draco, the renovations for her bakery were able to be held on the weekend of the Annual Broom Race, which meant she had to close the bakery. Ginny had been completely and utterly ecstatic. Unfortunately, Narcissa and Lucius decided that the family was in need of a family vacation. The Annual Broom Race happened to be their destination for this family retreat of sorts. Of course, they invited Ginny along too. However, they also invited all of Ginny's brothers for what Narcissa called bonding. Her weekend would be hell.

"There you are."

Ginny jumped in shock as she heard Charlie's voice. "Merlin, you scared the living daylights out of me."

"Hermione, I told you she would be in her room." Charlie shot his wife a disgruntled look. "You've had me walking all over this hotel for the past twenty minutes."

"Oh, relax, Charlie." Hermione poked his arm. "You act like you're the one who is three months pregnant."

"What did you want?" Ginny had hoped she would be able to sneak down and see Draco. He was taking a `nap' while Lucius and Narcissa watched Serena. "I was on my way to um-get something to eat."

"We just had breakfast," Hermione said.

Ginny glared at Hermione. "I wanted something sweet."

"Oh," Hermione replied, her cheeks turning red. She turned to Charlie. "Charlie, why don't we go to the reservation in the mountains? I know you've been dying to see the dragons."

"Are you sure you don't want to come, Ginny?" Charlie clapped her on the shoulder. "You love the dragons."

"You know me and my sweets," Ginny said with a small laugh. "Besides, we're meeting up in two hours to go to the festival. I'd like to relax first. Portkey travel really doesn't bode well with me."

Charlie kissed his little sister on the cheek. "I'll see you later then."

"Sorry," Hermione whispered in Ginny's ear as she hugged her. "I didn't know."

"It's okay." Ginny and Hermione disentangled. "I'm going to take the stairs."

Charlie shrugged, moving towards the lifts, his voice carrying down the hall. "Let's ask the people at the front desk about getting to the reserve."

Ginny sighed in relief. The last thing she needed was for her brother to be following her around. She needed Draco. She had been thoroughly hoping to begin her adventure in Arjeplog, Sweden, by testing out the bed in their room. Well, it had been their room. Now, it was Draco's room. Narcissa and Lucius were the ones who made the reservations for the room, which left Draco and Ginny in separate rooms. While her room was a wonderful suite, one of the best in the hotel, she would have enjoyed being in a room with Draco. However, as their relationship was secret, she and Draco had to be in different rooms.

Ginny reached Draco's floor.


Ginny groaned. "Percy, Penelope, good to see you."

"How are you?" Penelope gave Ginny a polite hug. "We're sorry we couldn't make the original Portkey time. I had my checkup."

"Is everything running smoothly?" asked Ginny. She hugged her brother. "Any news on whether it's a boy or girl?"

"I don't want to know." Penelope's face lit up with excitement. "I want it to be a surprise. I'm going to have Percy paint the nursery in a neutral color, not yellow, though."

"I would pay to see Percy do manual labor," Ginny teased.

"Very funny," Percy said. "I'll have you know that I am excellent at everything I put my mind to."

"I'm sure you are." Ginny turned her attentions to Penelope, happy to be bonding with her sister-in-law. She hadn't really had a chance to get to know Penelope. And while Percy was far from her favorite brother, he was still her brother. "You could try sea foam green or beige and brown."

"Earthy tones sound nice. I could probably mix together green and brown. It would look lovely." Penelope hugged Ginny without any stiffness. "That is a wonderful idea. I could do a forest theme."

"That sounds great," Ginny said.

"Maybe you can come over and help," Penelope suggested. "I could use another female's opinion. And all my friends are busy with work or their own children."

"I would like that." Ginny began to think that perhaps this family bonding had something to it after all. "So, what are you two up to?"

"Well, the festival is in a few hours," Percy said in a stern way.

"I know," Ginny said.

"I think he means we're going to take a nap." Penelope felt the need to fill in Percy's unspoken meaning. "I'm exhausted. Portkey traveling does not agree with me right now."

"Exhaustion is going to increase as time goes along." Ginny patted her arm. "Those days where you get to sleep in are going to be the best."

"I can only imagine," Penelope replied.

"I'll see you both later," Ginny said as she gave Percy a quick hug.

When the two disappeared around the corner, Ginny made a dash for Draco's room. She was unlucky in her attempt to get there before someone saw her. As soon as she made it outside his room, George and Fred came running down the hall, the little boy running from his father. Angelina could be heard from around the corner, shouting for George to stop goading Fred, who had barreled into Ginny. Ginny's nephew looked up at her in fear before realizing who it was. He quickly raised his arms for Ginny to lift him up. She obliged.

"The monster coming," Fred shouted. He pointed to his father. "We hide."

Ginny resisted the urge to sigh. Instead, she put on a face of horror. "But where will we hide?"

Fred pointed to a nearby plant. "There, Aunt Gin Gin!"

"Good idea," Ginny whispered. She dashed behind the plant. "If we be quiet, the monster won't find us."

"Think again," George said in a deep voice.

Ginny and Fred screamed as George poked his head around the plant. "Run, Fred! Save yourself!"

"I'm going to get you fair maiden," George said.

"Somebody help me," Ginny said in a high pitched voice.

"What is going on?" Narcissa exited her room, which was a few doors down from Draco's room. "Ginny, is that you?"

"Mum," Serena yelled. She dashed past her grandmother and out of the room. "What are you doing?"

"You run now," Fred said, pointing at Serena. He pointed at his father and said, "Dad monster."

"Run," Ginny shrieked as George growled.

Fred grabbed Serena's arm. Hand in hand, they ran down the hall, screaming, "Monster."

"Oh dear," Narcissa exclaimed.

George chased after them. He grabbed the two kids around their waist. "I've got you now."

"I'll save you." Ginny brandished her wand. "You are going down."

Angelina placed her hand on her hips. "Ginny, don't encourage him."

"We're just having a bit of fun, Angie." George aimed his wand at Ginny. "The kids love it."

"Go, Mum! Get him!" Serena jumped up and down.

"Aunt Gin Gin!" Fred joined his cousin.

"You have my own son against me," George exclaimed in outrage. "For that, you must die."

"Bring it on." Ginny shot blue sparks at George and winked.

George gasped and writhed about as if having a seizure. "I've been hit. But I won't go down without a fight."

"I've got you now," Ginny said.

"That's what you think." Purple sparks shot out of George's wand and hit Ginny.

"No," Ginny screamed. She sank to her knees. "Help me!"

"I save you, Aunt Gin Gin." Fred tackled his father around the knees. George fell to the floor. "I beat you!"

"Mum," Serena wailed. She sank to her mother's side. "Wake up, Mum."

"What the bloody hell is going on?"

"Watch your language around the children, Draco." Narcissa shot her son a disapproving look. "I taught you better."

Ginny sat up, dragging Serena onto her lap. "I'm sorry, did we wake you?"

"You're not sorry at all," Draco muttered.

"You're right." Ginny grinned at him cheekily. "We were playing a game."

"Is this a party we weren't invited to?" Bill came walking down the hall with Jasmine in his hands. "Why are you two on the floor?"

"George is being childish again. Ginny happened to join in this time." Angelina grabbed Jasmine, spinning her around. "How are you?"

Jasmine giggled. "Put me down."

"This is so lovely," Narcissa said with a sigh.

"Well, what's all this then?" Lucius came wandering out of his room.

"We're having an impromptu get together in the hallway," Narcissa answered.

"A very loud get together," Draco drawled. "Is this what the Weasley household was like?"

Ginny nodded and said, "More or less."

"More," Bill and George said at the same time.

"This is why I want a sibling, Mum." Serena crossed her arms and pouted. "Being at home alone with Dad is so boring. I want to do this every day. Can I get a baby brother or sister now?"

George choked on his laughter. "Best get moving on that wish, Ginny."

"Serena, we've had this discussion," Draco warned.

"I like Uncle George the best." Serena moved off her mother's lap. She walked over and stood by George. "He agrees with me."

"Thank you, George." Ginny glared at her brother.

"Can I be brother?" asked Fred.

"That is so sweet," Narcissa whispered.

Serena cocked her head to the side. "I guess. Come on. Let's go have a tea party. Father, can we have a tea party in your room?"

"Ooh, I want to come," Jasmine squealed and tugged on her father's shirt. "Dad, can I go?"

"Serena's dad hasn't said yes yet," Bill said.


"Let's all have tea," Narcissa suggested. "It would be a good way to pass time until the festival."

"Father, can we have chocolate chip scones?" Serena batted her eyelashes at her father. "Please?"

"Everybody inside," Draco said. He directed everyone inside his room. "I'll order the tea service."

"Fleur will be wondering where I got off to." Bill ushered Jasmine towards Ginny. "Can you watch her while I go and get Fleur?"

"Of course," Ginny replied. She joined hands with Jasmine. "Let's go inside."

By the time they all made their way into Draco's sitting room and got comfortable, the room was chaotic. Serena was coaching Fred on what being a little brother meant. It consisted mostly of her telling him what to do and him listening. Narcissa and Angelina were talking about how cute the two were being. Jasmine was informing Lucius of the new pretty dress her mother bought her for the final day of the broom race. Draco and Ginny were arguing on how exactly they were to get the tea service upstairs. Draco said they should just be able to call out for the house elf. Ginny said that they had to pull the rope to get anyone's attention. In the end, Ginny won.

"How can Sippy be of service?"

Ginny gave Draco a triumphant smile. "Hi, we'll have a tea service for eleven. We would also like some chocolate chip scones."

"Cinnamon too," Draco added.

"Will that be all?"

"Yes, thank you," Ginny said. As the house elf disappeared, Ginny turned to Draco. "I was really hoping for some time alone."

"Me too," Draco murmured low enough so only she could hear. "I owe you something."

"Does it have anything to do with what happened two and a half weeks ago?" Ginny kept a good distance from him so as not to arouse suspicion from everyone else. When Draco nodded, she said, "Merlin, I can't believe it's been two and a half weeks."

"The price of a secret relationship," Draco replied.

"I've missed you." Ginny pouted. "I've only seen you twice over the past two and a half weeks. And those times we weren't by ourselves. I'm happy I get to spend time with family. But I wish our weekend had turned out like planned."

"It's not over yet." Draco smirked. "Don't worry. We'll get our time alone."

"I don't like that look," Ginny said.

A house elf popped into the room before Draco could respond. The two decided it best to join the group rather than let anyone cast questioning glances on them. They both almost sat down next to each other but decided against it. In the end, they ended up sitting on couches across from each other. No one seemed to notice anything different between them. They joined the conversations going on around them, Ginny deciding to pour tea for everyone, minus the kids. They didn't want tea. They just wanted the cups and scones, which they took. The three kids moved to the corner of the room and sat in a semicircle. They were content to have their own tea party.

"Ginny, what are you wearing to the festival?" Angelina slapped George's hand as he reached to grab a third scone. "Leave some for the rest of us."

"I was thinking of wearing shorts," Ginny replied. "It's warm out."

"Good idea," Angelina said. "In shorts, we can get a Quidditch game going. They have a charity game at the festival every year."

"I didn't know that." Ginny perked up. "It's been ages since I've played Quidditch."

"I think we have a team," Angelina said. "Draco, you should play. You were a talented seeker. And you are a talented coach."

"I know." Draco leaned back in the couch and crossed his ankles. "Who would be playing where?"

"Who would be a better Beater, Charlie or Bill?" Angelina looked at George. "I'm asking you."

"Bill," George said. "Charlie would be better at Chaser."

"There we have it. Charlie, Angelina, and I will play Chasers. George and Bill will play as Beaters. Draco will be the Seeker. And Ron will be Keeper," Ginny said. "Hopefully, he still has the game in him."

"Of course I do." Ron was standing in the doorway with Pansy, Fleur and Bill in front of him. "I'm upset you would think otherwise."

"You picked up some strays along the way," Draco remarked to Bill and Fleur. "It's a shame. I was hoping to get a break from the love couple over there."

Ron blushed. Pansy smirked. "You're looking a bit green, Draco. You should look into that."

"Perhaps this family outing wasn't a good idea. If you all insist on acting like children, I'll send you to your rooms," Narcissa scolded.

"It's all a bit of fun," Pansy said. She moved into the room and kissed Narcissa on the cheek. "Is that chocolate chip scones I smell?"

"You certainly have a good sense of smell," Ginny said.

"Brings me back to my strays comment," Draco drawled.

"I'd rather have tea with the children," Lucius remarked. "They seem to be able to hold better conversation than you children do."

"I suppose we shouldn't forget that the ones acting up are relatively young." Narcissa sniffed. "This Quidditch idea sounds like a good one, though. It will be for a good cause. And you can all bond. Our families are irrevocably tied. So, we might as well learn to get along."

"Narcissa, I am so sorry to burst your bubble; however, we will never all get along in a harmonious fashion," Ginny said in a placating tone. "I mean I've had years to try and get along with this lot. Trust me. We will never be the type of family to have tea without teasing."

"Well, as long as no one takes anything too seriously," Narcissa said.

"We don't," George said.

"While we're here, I would like to thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy for inviting us on this family retreat." Bill stood by the arm chair that Fleur was sitting in. "It was very kind of you."

"It's a pleasure, Mr. Weasley," Narcissa replied.

"Call me Bill. There's more than one Mr. Weasley in this room," Bill said.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to be part of a big family." Narcissa had a wistful smile on her face. "I am so happy that Ginny has a big family to introduce us into."

"Mother, you're getting far too sentimental." Draco shot his father a significant look. He knew his mother wanted more children after him. After severe complications with Draco's birth, she was unable to have any more kids. "I think a change of subject is in order like brooms."

"I can arrange for the brooms," Lucius said.

"On a more important note, more important than Quidditch, there's a boutique in town that I've been dying to go to." Pansy grinned as the boys groaned in unison, all except Lucius. "You would think you would be more appreciative. I mean it is a linge-"

"Kids," Ginny interrupted. "There are kids."

"Mum, I want to go shopping with you," Serena said from her corner. "I've never had a mother to go shopping with."

Ginny bit her lip in an effort to not let the tears shine through. "I would love to go shopping with you."

"Why are women so bloody emotional?" Ron kept his voice low but not low enough. Pansy smacked his arm. "I didn't mean you."

"You ruined a perfectly good mother daughter moment," Pansy snapped.

"This would be a good time to go and change." Angelina stood from her seat. "Come on Fred. You can play with Serena later on."

"Serena my sister," Fred said with a big smile.

"That is so cute," Fleur whispered.

"Mum, can I get ready in your room?" Serena stood and ran over to her mother. "Or you can get ready in here. I think that's a better idea."

"Serena is working on getting a real sibling," George teased.

"I'll go and get dressed in my room. Then, I'll come down here and help you get dressed," Ginny said. "Is that a plan?"

Serena looked down at her shoes. "I guess."

"I'll be quick." Ginny gave her a small hug as the room emptied. "By the time you have another scone and annoy your father for a bit, I'll be back."

Ginny was the last one out of the room. Bill was waiting for her outside of Draco's room. Fleur was nowhere in sight. He held out his arm and she looped hers through. They walked towards the stairs, both silent. It wasn't until they were in the stairwell that Bill actually opened his mouth. He sat down on the stairs and told Ginny to do the same. They sat side by side in silence, Bill contemplating his next words carefully. When Ginny opened her mouth to ask what he wanted, Bill cut her off with a raised hand. He let out a breath before speaking.

"How are you, Ginny?"

"I'm good." Ginny turned to stare at Bill. "That isn't what you want to talk to me about."

"No, it isn't." Bill sighed. "Are you happy, Ginny?"

"Of course I am. Why would you ask?" Ginny was curious.

"I'm not blind, Ginny. None of us are. It's clear what's going on between you and Draco," Bill said. He wrapped an arm around Ginny's shoulder when her cheeks blazed red. "Don't worry. I'm not going to launch into any tirades. You're a big girl. You can handle yourself."

"Thanks, Bill." Ginny rested her head on his shoulders.

"You're creating a mess, Ginny. I know a little bit about six year old girls. I know the type of attachment Serena has to Draco and the one she has to you. She's a smart girl, Ginny," Bill said. "If you don't tell her soon, she'll figure it out on her own. And she isn't going to like it."

"We're doing this for her, Bill," Ginny murmured. "We're keeping this secret because we don't want her to get hurt if anything happens between us."

"It's a tough situation. I'm not going to pretend I know anything about it." Bill let her go and stood. "You do what feels right to you. Parenting is trial and error. Sometimes you get things wrong, sometimes you get it right."

"I guess I better hope we're right." Ginny allowed Bill to help her into a standing position. "I should go get ready before Serena becomes antsy."

"I'll see you soon." Bill kissed her forehead. "Whatever you need, Ginny, I'm here."

Ginny nodded before going down the stairs. She quickly reached her room. She went inside, her mind on what Bill had said. She moved over to her luggage, sorting through to find her clothes. She kept thinking about if she was doing the right thing by keeping Serena uninformed. Bill had a point. Serena would be devastated if somehow she overheard one of the adults talking about Ginny and Draco's relationship. And according to Bill and Pansy, everyone knew, which meant that at some time or another they spoke about it.

Ginny slipped into a pair of dark jeans shorts and a black fitted t-shirt. It wouldn't win her any best dressed awards. But it looked decent enough and it was extremely comfortable. That was what the redhead had been striving for. She quickly put on her sandals, grabbed her wand and purse, and left the room. Her talk with Bill had taken up more time than she had bargained for. She left the room, knowing that Serena was, more than likely, bothering her father about what was taking Ginny so long. If there was anything Ginny learned, it was that Serena was impatient.

She made her way back to Draco's room.

"It took you long enough." Draco sneered.

"You've dealt with her for six years. I doubt it could really be that bad," Ginny said.

"Famous last words," Draco muttered.

"Stop being so dramatic," Ginny exclaimed. She pushed past him and into the hotel room. She was met with piles of clothes littered all over the sitting room. "What happened in here?"

"I wanted you to see all my outfit choices." Serena came out of her room with three dresses in her hands.

"I will be in my room." Draco closed the hotel room door before walking into his bedroom. He and Serena had the two bedroom suite.

"Come on, Mum. What should I wear?" asked Serena. She held her hands on her hip in a manner that reminded Ginny of Molly Weasley. "Mum?"

"Sorry, you reminded me of my mum just then." Ginny took out her wand and waved it. All the dresses zoomed back to Serena's room. "You wouldn't want to ruin any of your dresses. You don't need any robes either."

"What is your mum like? Why don't I ever see her?" Serena plopped herself down in an arm chair.

"One day, you'll meet her. For now, there is a lot of animosity between me and her," Ginny replied.

"What is animosity?"

"We're basically mad at each other." Ginny made a pile of all the clothes that would be inappropriate for a festival. "Why don't you come over here and choose something you would like?"

Serena made a pile of all the things she liked the most. "I want to wear shorts like yours."

"You don't have any like mine." Ginny showed her a pair of white linen Bermuda shorts. Ginny wasn't surprised that Serena didn't own jeans. "These are a lot better than having you walk around in short shorts. Your dad would have my head."

Serena giggled. "I don't have short shorts. Father doesn't buy me short shorts or tank tops."

"You're going to have a wonderful time growing up under him." Ginny winked. "I'll see if I can't sneak you some jeans. For now, let's find you a top to wear today."

"I like this one." Serena held a blue and white blouse in her hand. "Can I wear this?"

"You didn't need my help." Ginny kissed her cheek. "Go get changed. I'll clean up this mess and find you some shoes."

As Serena wandered off, Draco's room door opened. "Got that settled pretty quickly."

"I'm just that good." Ginny whispered a spell while waving her wand, causing all the clothes to fly back into Serena's room, hopefully into her closet. "So, what were you talking about earlier?"

"You'll have to wait and see," Draco said.

"I don't like that sneaky look on your face," Ginny replied.

"Can you play Quidditch in shorts that short?" Draco smirked as he moved closer to her, his hands finding purchase on her hips. He brushed his lips against hers, reveling in the feeling of her body against his. "This secrecy thing is starting to have its disadvantages."

"I wholly agree. Now, kiss me," Ginny demanded.


Draco lowered his lips to her. However, when he was mere centimeters away from her lips, Serena called out for Ginny. Draco swore under his breath, stepping away from Ginny. Ever since that night that Ginny had-serviced him, they hadn't had a moment alone. Either they were around her family, his family or their friends. It was uncanny how everyone seemed to know the right time to come around. Then, of course, there was the fact that he was extremely busy with training his team and she had the bakery to run. With the two of them working all the time, things were not looking all that great for their relationship.

"I better get in there," Ginny said.

He nodded. "I'm going to see my father about the brooms."

"Okay," Ginny replied.

Draco left the room. He walked down the hall and knocked on his parents' room door. Narcissa answered with a wide smile on her face. It made Draco wonder what in the world had put that smile on his mother's face. As soon as he did, he wished the thought had never crossed his mind. He was thinking of all the things he had done to put smiles on Ginny's face. He repressed a shudder of disgust at the images that crossed his mind. This was the first time disgusting images of his parents had crossed his mind. He hoped it would be the last.

"Where is Serena?" Narcissa poked her head out in the hallway.

"She is getting Ginny's help with her attire. May I come in?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, of course," Narcissa said. She stepped aside. "Lucius, Draco is here."

Draco stepped into the room as his mother closed the door. "Did Father send out for the brooms?"

"I believe he did," Narcissa replied. "Now, let's talk about you and Ginny."

"Mother, there is nothing going on between Ginny and I," Draco lied.

"I'm your mother, Draco. I can tell when you're lying," Narcissa said. A knock sounded on the door. "This isn't over."

"I'm going to see Father," Draco said. "That might be Ginny and Serena."

Narcissa opened the door. "Theodore, this is a surprise."

"I thought this was Draco's room," Theo said.

"It's not but he's here." Narcissa motioned for him to come inside.

"Theo, what are you doing here?" Draco suddenly got chills up his spine. "This isn't good news, is it?"

"Remember when I said she didn't work alone?" Theo held up a manila envelope. "I was right. Do you remember Alan Warrington?"

"I saw him at the War Memorial," Draco said. "He's still as bastardly as ever."

"Draco, you didn't see him there by chance. He's following you," Theo said. "We put protection on Ginevra and Serena but not you. Luckily, I managed to glean some information from a comrade."

"He can follow me all he likes," Draco drawled.

"Draco," Narcissa admonished. "Don't take these things so lightly. I'm going to get your father."

Narcissa walked away. Draco ignored her. "Did he follow me here?"

"Yes, he did. That's why I'm here. I'm scared of what he might attempt," Theo admitted, a hint of uneasiness in his voice. "He drinks a lot. He's unstable. And your family and friends are all gathered in one spot."

"We're open targets." Draco stretched out his arm to take the envelope. "What's in here?"

"Where he's been and what he's been doing. My usual work," Theo said with a shrug.

"What's this I hear about the miserable lowlife Warrington?" Lucius entered the room with his usual show of power and grace. "Should I be worried?"

"He was the accomplice we were searching for." Draco perused the file, pausing at a sheaf of parchment. "He's been sitting outside of Ginny's flat?"

Theo nodded grimly. "He trades off between you and her. Draco, I would take this seriously. This would be a good time to inform the Weasley men and Ginevra. She should be on her guard at all times. He may use her or Serena to get to you."

Narcissa gasped. "Is it that bad?"

"He wants revenge, Mother. If there's anything we were taught in Slytherin, it was to get revenge at any cost," Draco said. "Besides, he's never liked me. If he were truly in love with Tracey, his hatred towards me has only increased."

"I'll employ extra security for you," Lucius said.

"We'll discuss this at dinner," Draco said. He stuffed the parchment back into the envelope. "It will be easier to do with the entire family in the same room."

"For now, let us enjoy the festival as best we can." Narcissa grabbed her wand tightly. "One carefree moment won't hurt anyone."

"I was looking forward to that Quidditch match," Draco remarked. He turned to Theo. "You are more than welcome to join us."

"I think it best that I return to my duties of watching the not so elusive Warrington." Theo smirked. "I wouldn't want him to get any wild ideas."

"You'll be well compensated." Draco shook his hand.

"Draco, we're friends. I do this because I care about what happens to you and the people you care about." Theo slapped his shoulder. "By the way, the press is getting slightly suspicious about you and the very gorgeous Ginevra."

Draco's jaw tightened. "I would watch it."

"Jealousy is a trait for someone romantically involved," Lucius commented.

"I would know if those two were involved." Theo gave Draco a knowing gaze before winking. "Perhaps I will join you for dinner later this evening."

"If my stalker is stalking me, then you know where to find me." Draco showed Theo the way out. He turned back to his parents. "I'm going to get Serena and Ginny."

Soon, the large group, compromising of Malfoys, Weasleys, and a Parkinson, was making their way out of the hotel and into Arjeplog. They had decided to stay at the finish line, choosing to Apparate to the starting line. It was more interesting watching from the finish line. From Arjeplog, much more of the race could be seen. Besides, Narcissa and Lucius had both decided that Arjeplog was a better place to stay. They had a nicer hotel. Kopparberg only had an inn like the Leaky Cauldron. However, Arjeplog, being known not only for the fact that it was the finish line but for its beautiful town, had three different hotels. The one they were currently staying at was one of the best in all of Sweden.

"Father, can I have a pumpkin juice?"

Serena held onto her father's hand tightly as they maneuvered their way through the festival grounds. Flags from all the different countries participating swayed in the breeze. Stands were set up with various food and drink items as well as souvenirs. There was a petting zoo with animals of all kinds, Hippogriffs, Unicorns, Winged Horses, and much more. Kids ran about with large floating balloons, some shaped like dragons and breathing fake fire. Music circulated the outdoor venue as a band struck up the popular song, A Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love. People could be seen dancing on the dance floor, laughter floating through the air.

Ginny stuck her fingers in her mouth and whistled. "Serena wants a drink. I could use one as well. Who knew the festival grounds could be so large?"

"That vendor doesn't look too shady," George said. Fred was happily propped on his shoulders. "Who else needs a drink?"

"I'll have a Butterbeer," Ginny said.

"Pumpkin juice for me," Hermione said.

"That sounds safe," Penelope interjected.

Loud orders were shouted at Draco, who, for his part, did not comment on how undignified their shouting was. He simply did his best to keep a tally of what everyone wanted. When he was sure he had gotten everyone's order, he went over to the vendor. He seemed nice enough. He began pouring out drinks in broom shaped cups. The cups caused Serena to get excited. She had been pointing them out ever since they had stepped onto the grounds, yelling that she wanted one.

"You have a big family there," the vendor said.

Draco looked back at the large group of people, the way they had taken his family in so to speak. His mother seemed happy, a wide smile on her face, one arm wrapped around his father while she spoke to Penelope. Serena was begging Ginny to get George to put Fred down. She wanted to hold hands with her `little brother.' Draco came to the realization that should he and Ginny ever stop dating, these people would still be an integral part of his life. This was Serena's family. Serena was his family. Ergo, they were his family. It was an odd family but a family nonetheless.

"We are," Draco replied. He gave the man three Galleons. "Keep the change."

Over the next few minutes, Draco was stuck with the task of handing out sixteen different beverages. It took another few minutes to get different drinks for the people who didn't want their original drinks, Hermione and Penelope. They were being difficult to please. Finally, after twenty minutes of standing at the beverage stand, they were able to move away. Draco took his place at Serena's side, only to have her move away from him to hold hands with Fred. George had put him down. George was scared the little boy would accidentally drop his drink on George's head.

"Hey," Ginny said.

"I found out two interesting pieces of information today." Draco scoped the crowd around them. "One of them will wait for dinner tonight. The other is that everyone knows about us."

Ginny laughed. "I know. I had a conversation with Bill today about it."

"I think Mother did this `family vacation' on purpose." Draco gave the back of his mother's head a slight glare. "I think she knew we would be going together."

"Bill said he thinks we should tell Serena." Ginny looked to Draco to see his reaction. When he didn't say anything, she said, "He thinks we're hurting Serena by not telling her."

Draco didn't show any outward sign of hearing anything Ginny said. Inside, he was thinking over what she had just said. Time and time again, he thought of how much easier things would be if everyone knew. However, after receiving information from Theo about Warrington, he was positive he wanted their relationship to remain the way it was. He didn't need to give Warrington more incentive to come after Ginny. Warrington knew that Ginny was important to Draco, just by being the mother to his child. He didn't have the need to come out with his relationship and put an even larger target on her back.

"I signed us up for the Quidditch tournament," Angelina yelled. "The winners get to start off the race tomorrow."

"It's been a long time since I played Quidditch," Ginny commented.

"And you were worried about me," Ron teased.


Later at dinner, after winning the Quidditch tournament, Draco observed the diverse group of people around him. Not for the first time, he wondered how in the world his life had turn out in such a manner. He remembered when Serena was a baby. He had wondered how in the world a family like the Weasleys could resist coming to see their niece and grandchild. They were the type of family who loved children of all kinds. Now, he realized that had he reached out to one of them, besides Ginny's parents, he would have probably gotten a response. Not to mention, Serena would have grown up with a mother. He shook those thoughts off as they placed their orders.

"Draco, don't you have something to say," Narcissa said as the waitress walked away.

"Bloody hell, he's going to propose," Ron exclaimed.

Ginny paled. "You're proposing?"

"Why would he propose? They aren't dating," Percy said.

Charlie eyed Percy as if he were blind. "And we thought that Ron was the unobservant one in the family?"

"Hey," Ron yelled.

"You two are dating," Percy cried.

Ginny gulped. "No?"

"Father, you're dating Mum!" Serena looked petrified.

"No," Draco said firmly. "Ginny and I are not dating."

"Right," Ginny said.

"Oh," Serena said, sounding relieved.

"I thought you wanted your parents to be together, Serena." Lucius was not one to let such a subject go. "You don't want them together now?"

"That is not what I wanted to talk about." Draco was curious about his daughter's exclamation as well. He too was under the impression his daughter wanted a relationship between Ginny and him. "I know we all remember Tracey Davis."

At this, Ginny stiffened. "Did the memory charm not work?"

"When we were planning this, we said she had an accomplice," Draco said.

"I'm going to take the children over to that lovely fountain." Narcissa pointed to the large fountain at the front of the restaurant. "Come on children."

Jasmine immediately stood. Serena stood as well. When Fred began to make a fuss, Serena grabbed his hand. "Come on. I can't go without my little brother."

"We'll have to plan play dates now," Angelina said to Ginny.

"That will be fun," Ginny replied. She was still tense. "Who is her accomplice?"

"You met him recently, Alan Warrington." Draco saw Ginny's face turn white. "Theo is keeping a watch on him. I just want you to be on alert, especially you Ginny. He's after anything that may be of harm to me. You are the mother of my child. In his eyes, apart from Serena and my parents, you would hurt me the most should something happen to me."

Ginny didn't miss the significant look in Draco's eyes. "I'll be okay."

"I'll see what we can dig up on him," Ron said. "If you have proof of anything, send it to me. We can possibly get a restraining order."

"I don't want to do that." Draco leaned back in his chair. "I'm afraid of what he might do if he can't get his hands on me. He might come after one of you to get to Ginny, which will get to me. According to Theo, he is deranged at the moment. He was in love with Tracey. He hated me because I was with Tracey."

Percy stared from Draco to all his brother. "What meeting are you guys talking about? Did you have something to do with that woman being in the hospital?"

"Of course not, Percy," George said.

"I'm an Auror, Percy." Ron shook his head in mock disbelief. "I would never do something against the law."

"Oh," Percy said, his curiosity sated. "In that case, we should move on to more pleasant subjects."

Lucius smirked, leaning over to whisper to Ginny. "Your brother is very naive."

"Percy had his head stuck in cauldron bottoms when we were in line for observation skills," Ginny whispered. She winked. "He missed out."

Lucius laughed in response. "You are a breath of fresh air."

"He does like you better," Draco muttered.

"Stop being a baby," Ginny admonished.

"I'm not a baby," Draco said, loud enough to be heard by the whole table.

"That's good to know, Draco," Bill said.

Draco sulked for the rest of dinner, not happy to be the butt of many jokes for the rest of the night.
