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The Adventure by RowlingIdol

The Adventure


The Adventure

By RowlingIdol

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. I don't own the song `Love Lockdown'. This chapter contains slight language and sexual references. Review if you wish! They are most appreciated.

Author's Note- There's also two bits from Kelly Clarkson's `I Do Not Hook Up' mixed in here, but I can only name the chapter after one song, and this is the one I originally chose.

Chapter 7: Love Lockdown

Ginny stormed into the library the next afternoon after lunch time. She breathed heavily as she stomped up and down the aisles of bookshelves until she found what she was looking for.

"This really needs to stop happening." Ginny snapped at Draco, ripping away the book that he was reading from his hands and face.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Now give me that back, I was reading." Draco said, sitting up in his armchair and reaching for the book. Ginny held it up behind her head.

"Don't you `I don't know what you're talking about' me." she said, waggling a finger in his direction.

"You know perfectly well what I'm talking about."

"What? That we hooked up again?" He drawled, winked, and smirked at the same time.

"Don't call it that. I do NOT hook up!" She said, throwing the book back at him.

"Then what do you call it?"

"Impaired judgment." Ginny snapped.

"Sounds like hooking up to me." Draco said, reclining in his armchair, propping his book open again.

Ginny fumed, her hands tightening into fists down at her sides.

"I don't know why you're so mad." He said from behind the book. "At least it wasn't on the couch again."

"Against a wall doesn't make it any better." Ginny growled.

"Are you sure about that? Because when you put your hands on it and backed up your-"

"STOP!" Ginny said loudly. Draco sniggered.

"You shut up!" she hissed at him. The sniggering quickly stopped.

"Now you listen." She said, pointing a finger in his direction again.

"I have a sneaking suspicion that Blaise knows this happened again, but don't you DARE go around telling all your friends about this, understand?" she snapped.

"Oh sure. I'm going to tell all my friends right now." Draco said, lowering his book. "Hey Ginny, guess what?"


"I slept with you- AGAIN!"

Ginny frowned at him, hands on her hips.

"Honestly. Do you think I'm going to tell people? Really woman…" He said, going back to his book.

Ginny continued to stand menacingly in front of him.

"What do you want from me?" Draco asked, lowering his book again.

"For you to say you're sorry." Ginny whined.

"Fine." Draco said, slightly closing his book.

"I'm not sorry I shagged your brains out last night."

He went back to his book.

"You can't say you're not sorry!" Ginny spluttered exasperated.

"You didn't specify what kind of `sorry' you wanted."

"Urgh! You're impossible." Ginny said, throwing her hands in the air.

"You lo… You like it though." Draco stuttered from behind his book.

Ginny huffed and impatiently tapped her foot.

After a minute of this Draco lowered his book again and stared at her.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

She continued to glare at him.

"That's really annoying you know that right?" Draco asked her, indicating her tapping.

"Oh I'm quite aware of that." She replied.

"So are you going to stop?" He glared.


"Fine. Maybe I should just let Potter take his property then." He lazily drawled as he went back to his book.

The tapping stopped. He grinned behind his book at this result.

"What did you say?" She whispered harshly.

"Oh he didn't tell you?" Draco asked.

"For your information, Wonder Boy himself told me after class yesterday to leave his hot piece of arse alone."

Ginny went red.

"He said that?"

"Well. It was more along the lines of- I saw you starting at her arse, leave her alone, she's mine. But I like my version better." Draco said smugly.

"You were looking at my arse in class?" Ginny squeaked.

"It's perky." Draco said, shrugging.

She blushed and put her hands behind her back.

"Never mind that." She said aloud, shaking her head.

"Now what's this about how I'm his property."

"Potter believes you're his. Like you're his territory. He might as well have peed on you to mark you as such. It seems he thinks you've already given him your answer…… Have you?"

"No." Ginny said, suddenly feeling very guilty.

She had promised Harry she was going to re-think them getting back together. Then everything changed once she had slept with Draco. She should have been able to push the event to the back of her mind and make her decision. So why hadn't she? She knew that Harry would be hurt, and that Ron and Hermione wouldn't understand. Her mother would try to persuade her to retract her rejection of Harry.

Even she did all that, then where did that leave Draco? If she went public with him, the reactions would quite similar. Hermione might be the most understanding of all her friends. Then again, Draco and Hermione didn't like each other. None of her friends liked him.

She sighed.

"I really should." She mumbled.

"Should what." Draco said, stomach tightening.

"Give him my answer." She said.

His heart fell hearing the words.

"What is your answer." He dared to ask.

The mood between the two was somber.

"It depends." she said, shrugging.

"On what."

"Well…. There's this guy."

Draco slammed his book shut, making Ginny jump.

"Really Ginny? TWO guys? First Potter now another one? Who is it? Is it Neville? I knew it. He always gave you the oogle eye in the Great Hall." Draco began ranting.

Ginny giggled.

"I'm talking about you, idiot!" She said. Draco stopped fuming immediately.

"Oh." he said.

"Look, it's stupid anyways." she said, shaking her head and turning to leave.


She stopped but kept her back towards him. There was a creak as Draco got up from his armchair.

"I was meaning to say something to you…. But….. Well….. I guess I ought to now." He said.

The swarm of butterflies started in Ginny's stomach and her heart swelled.

"I have to go home." Draco blurted.

Ginny turned around.

"Why?" She asked concerned.

"It's my Father. I got the letter earlier today. I came here to think."

"Is he okay?'

"Yes. He just likes to blow things out of proportion. Mother wants me to come home for the weekend. It's already been cleared by McGonagall. Professor Slughorn is accompanying me."

"I see." Ginny said. She was hoping for something else.

"When do you leave." She asked, looking down and shuffling her feet.

"Around six." Draco said, looking at his watch.

"So a couple of hours then." Ginny said.

"Yeah." Draco mumbled.

She turned around quickly so he couldn't see that tears had started to rise in her eyes.

"Well….. Enjoy your visit. Goodbye." She forced out. She then rushed from the library.


Draco came home very annoyed. Professor Slughorn was quite the chatterer and hadn't shut his mouth since Draco had gone to his office for them to take a portkey to the Manor. Plus, he had left on bad terms with Ginny, something he hadn't wanted.

"Oh good you're here!" Narcissa said, hurrying into the room looking a bit frazzled.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy! You are looking as lovely as usual! I was just telling Draco here how I admire how you've re-decorated your house. It's quite splendid. So much more space than mine. I swear I have about a thousand chairs and couches and-"

"It's nice to see you too." Narcissa said, cutting off Professor Slughorn.

"Draco. Your father requests an audience with you in his room. Professor, evening tea is being served in the parlor."

"Tea! How splendid!" Professor Slughorn said. He gave Draco a hearty clap on the back causing him to nearly fall over.

"Draco! Posture!" Narcissa scolded as her son righted himself. "What would your father say?" He heard her mutter to herself.

Draco sighed and made his way to the stairs. He climbed them slowly, his feet feeling heavy with each step.

When he reached his fathers room he knocked on the door.

"Come in." Drawled his fathers voice. With one large sigh Draco entered the room.

"Hello Father. How are you feeling?" Draco asked, coming into the bedroom.

Lucius was propped up on pillows, a house elf pouring a hot cup of tea off to the side. The house elf bowed deeply to Lucius before handing him the tea.

"Took you long enough." Lucius snapped at the creature. The elf bowed to Draco before scampering from the room.

"How do you think I look Draco?" Lucius snapped again, this time at Draco.

Draco gritted his teeth. His father looked perfectly fine.

"You've looked worse." Was Draco's answer.

Lucius snorted.

"Of course I've looked worse. That's not what I asked you. Come here boy."

Draco moved closer to the bed. He took a seat that was placed next to the bed. His mother probably had been occupying it earlier.

"How is school." Lucius asked gruffly, taking a shaky sip of tea.

"It's going well father."

"Did that tutor we hire help? Merlin knows how much he cost us."

"Yes father. I'm in good standings with the NEWT professor. I completed an extra credit assignment before Granger."

"Excellent…" Lucius mumbled.

"Are you pleased we made you return to school Draco?" Lucius drawled, giving his son a side look.

"Yes father, though may I remind you, I didn't have any say in the matter."

"You needn't remind me of such things Draco, tsk tsk." Lucius said, taking another sip of tea.

The same house elf hurried back into the bedroom and handed Draco a cup of tea before scurrying away.

"Have you given what you are going to do after school any thought?" Lucius inquired.

"Some." Draco admitted.


"Yes. Some."


"Well I was thinking about banking…."

Lucius snorted.

"Or maybe real estate… Like Blaise."

"Blaise? Ha! No son of mine is going to be in that line of work! I know of that place of his. A damnation of an establishment if you ask me. Don't think I don't know what goes on in there." Lucius said giving Draco a hard look with a raised eyebrow.

Draco coughed, choking on his tea.

"Aha! So you HAVE been there!" Lucius said.

Draco pounded his chest, still coughing.

"He's my friend. Of course I have." Draco gasped out. He coughed a couple of more times.

"You need to be serious about your future Draco. Do you know what is expected of you?"

"Yes father." Draco said. "Graduate and get a good job."

"And?" Lucius added.

"And…… Make a lot of money?"

"Wrong boy!" Lucius said loudly. Afterwards Lucius winced before taking another sip of his cooling tea.

"Your are expected to settle down, get married. Make your family proud."

Draco began to fiddle with his tea cup.

"Who is she." Lucius barked.

Draco sighed. His father could smell the guilt rolling off him.

"Is she of noble stature?"

"She's a pureblood if that's what your asking."

"She better not be some promiscuous hussy if you met her at that place of Blaise's." Lucius warned.

"I didn't meet her there." Draco said.

"Met whom where darlings?" Narcissa said, coming into the room. She strode over to the bed.

She kissed Draco on the forehead before turning to fluff Lucius' pillows.

"Leave me be woman! I am fine!' Lucius snapped.

"Is the tea helping your chest pains dear?" Narcissa babied.

"Yes." Lucius muttered.

"Good." she then kissed his forehead, Lucius grumbling.

"Draco has met girl." Lucius said, shooting his son a look and taking the attention off himself.

"Really? Why haven't you told us anything?" Narcissa said, turning to Draco, hands on her hips.

He shrugged.

"Don't shrug at your mother." Lucius scolded.

"Take it easy darling." Narcissa told him.

"I am FINE. They've gone away now." Lucius said, leaning to set his empty tea cup on the nightstand behind Draco's chair. He winced slightly as he moved back.

"I don't believe that for one second." Narcissa said.

"What exactly is wrong with you." Draco asked his father, hoping to avoid the girl subject.

"Nothing. It's nothing." Lucius said, waving his hand.

"Your father has been experiencing chronic chest pains." Narcissa explained, patting Lucius hand. He glared at her as if she was telling on him.

"Did you see a medi-wizard?" Draco inquired.

"Of course we have." Lucius snapped.

"The medi-wizard says its probably due to stress. He should be resting." Narcissa said, her turn to shoot Lucius a look. "And drinking special tea that should help."

Lucius grumbled some more.

"It's nothing. Really." Lucius said, frowning.

Draco held back a snort. His father was acting as if his pains weren't a problem on the outside but on the inside, Draco knew he was having a life crisis, believing his was on his death bed or something much more tragic than what really was.

"Where is Professor Slughorn." Draco asked is mother, breaking the awkward silence that had filled the room along with Lucius' brooding.

"Oh I nearly forgot! Draco, come down to dinner." Narcissa said, waving Draco out of his chair.

"Father." Draco said, with a nod to his father who nodded back silently.


After dinner, Draco went up to his room and collapsed on the bed. He ran a hand through his hair, and sighed.

The subject of Ginny had been successfully avoided at dinner but Draco still knew he wasn't in the clear. His fears would become more prominent the longer he stayed at the Manor. He wished he could go home but Professor Slughorn had already retreated to his guest room for the night. He would have to wait another day.

His thoughts turned to how Ginny had fled from the library earlier that day. Was she upset that he left? It was only for the weekend. Was she upset because she was going to choose Potter instead and she feared he'd tell everyone what happened at Zabini's?

His heart felt heavy and cold as he thought of losing to Potter again. He wasn't after Ginny at the prospect of taking her from Harry. He admired her kindness and her thoughtfulness. She was quite annoying when she was angry but besides that she was pleasant to be around. She was the only person who really cared to still know him despite the war and Voldemort. He wanted to be around her all the time. It hurt that he had to leave her so upset. He missed her. He…. No…. He couldn't…. Did he?

He sat up with a jolt.

"Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit shit no no no no no!" He said aloud to himself, holding his head in his hands.

He was in love with her.

He didn't love anyone else outside of his own family before. Not even Pansy. She was a friend with benefits. She didn't feel the same way about him so it was no big deal.

He was in love with Ginny Weasley, but not the way he wanted to. It felt forbidden. His parents were okay that he had met a girl but they didn't know who it was. If they knew who it was he was sure they'd highly consider yanking him out of Hogwarts despite the face he only had close to two months before graduation.

He realized that one of the reasons he went home was to get away from these same feelings. He had to run from her. He was scared of loving. Especially loving Ginny Weasley. The vibe was wrong. And it had haunted him all the way home.

Their relationship had lost control. He never knew he could feel this confused over love. It was a system overload. He wanted to move from her. The feelings made him sick. But he couldn't escape her. He was in far too deep.

They already were sort of seeing each other in private. If they continued to keep a low profile, keep it a secret, no one else would have to know.

He would keep his love on lockdown.


Ginny trudged down to the Great Hall on Saturday afternoon. She had slept through breakfast and now her stomach was grumbling.

She hadn't slept well. She had tossed and turned. She probably shouldn't have ran away after Draco told her he was leaving. It was only for the weekend. It's not like he was leaving her. Hell, they weren't even considered to be together, so why would it matter if he left her anyways.

"Well well look who it is." Hermione said to Ginny as she collapsed onto the bench at the Gryffindor table.

"Unnngh…" was Ginny's response.

"What's wrong with you?" Ron asked, reaching past Ginny for a basket of fruit in front of her plate.

"Didn't sleep good." Ginny mumbled, rubbing at her face.

"It looks like you've been crying." Harry said concerned.

"I'm just tired, that's all." Ginny said, turning her head away from him.

It was quiet and tension filled between the group.

Ron cleared his throat loudly.

"Wonder where Malfoy is." He said, looking in the direction of the Slytherin table.

"Why don't we ask Ginny." Harry spoke up rudely. "She's the one Draco talks to all the time in NEWT prep."

Ron and Hermione turned towards Ginny who avoided their stares.

"Do you know where he went?" Ron asked.

"Something about his dad." Ginny mumbled.

"He went HOME?" Hermione nearly cried out.

"He said McGonagall approved of the visit."

"But he could be up to something." Harry snapped at her. "You need to stop talking to him. He's bad news."

"Professor Slughorn is his chaperone." Ginny snapped back. "And you can't tell me who I can or can not talk to."

"I can." Ron said. "You're my little sister. I don't want you around that ferret."

"You guys don't get it." Ginny said, standing up, placing her hands firmly on the table. "You don't think anyone can change can you? The war is over. Give it a rest. No one is out for anyone."

"Calm down Ginny." Hermione said, lightly touching her shoulder.

"We know people can change." she said, shooting Harry a look. "It's just that with Malfoys past, he's not exactly the kind of person you should be associating with."

"He's a git." Ron chimed in.

"What we're trying to say is- its going to take a lot for us to get to trust him. All right?" Hermione said. Ginny sat down again.

"Fine." She said grumpily.

After a moment Harry turned to her from his spot at the table.

"I'm sorry Gin. Its just…. I don't like him." He told her.

"I know that." Ginny said, without looking at him.

"But…. I'll try to understand the importance of change. For you." He said.

Ginny hung her head for a moment.

"Thanks." She managed to say.

"Good." Harry said with a slight smile.


Draco was prodded awake by a house elf. He slapped the creatures hand away.

"Master requests to see you." the house elf squeaked.

Draco sat up and smoothed his tousled hair.

"What time is it?" He asked the elf.

"Young master slept through two meals. Mistress is quite unhappy but Master is insisting you see him."

"Great. Dismissed." Draco said, tossing the comforter off him and sliding out of his bed onto the floor. The house elf bowed and hurried out of the room.

Draco shrugged into a shirt and buttoned it up in front of his mirror. His hair was still a bit tousled in the back. He grabbed a pair of black pants and quickly pulled them on before heading towards his door.

He could hear Professor Slughorn twittering away about potions and other nonsense, most likely to his mother, as he entered the hallway.

He knocked on the door to his father's door.

"Enter." came Lucius stern voice.

Draco turned the knob and entered the room.

"Afternoon Father." Draco said after he shut the door behind him.

"Take a seat Draco." Lucius said from the bed. He had a green silk robe on and was tucked into the bed. A tray with tea on it sat next to him on the bed.

"Are you feeling better today?" Draco asked.

"That damn tea is giving me heart burn." Lucius said, giving the tea tray a glare.

"I see." Draco said.

"We have some issues to discuss Draco." Lucius said seriously.

"All right." Draco said, shifting in the armchair that still sat next to the bed.

"I'm not getting any younger, my son."

Draco tried to hold back from rolling his eyes.

"And I may not be around much longer."

"Father you are FINE." Draco sighed.

"What do you know?" Lucius snapped. He then began coughing and clutched at his chest. After a moment he reached for the tea and took a shaky sip.

"Now." He said, setting the teacup back on the tray. "What were we talking about."

"You're not getting any younger." Draco started.

"Right. And I may not be around much longer." Lucius repeated.

"The war took a lot out of me. Mentally, physically…. Emotionally." Lucius mumbled the last part.

"I understand that Father. But what do we need to discuss?" Draco pressed, urgent to get to the point.

"I need you to get serious with your life." Lucius said.

"I know. We spoke of this yesterday."

"I have something for you." Lucius said, reaching into a pocket on his robe. He pulled out a small black box.

"No." Draco said knowing exactly what lay inside.

"Take it." Lucius said dramatically.

Draco rolled his eyes.

"I'm not taking that…. That thing, Father." Draco said.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me boy!" Lucius nearly shouted. He wheezed for a moment.

"I understand you know what to with this." Lucius said, holding out the box to Draco.

"Yes." Draco said glumly. "But Father-"

"No `buts'." Lucius snapped.

"Its too soon." Draco stuttered.

"I'm not asking you to do it now." Lucius snapped again. "You will know when you should present it."

"But she's G-"

"I said no `buts`!" Lucius roared, gripping the box so tight his knuckles were white.

Lucius breathed heavily, still holding out the box. Draco sighed and took the box from his father.

If only Lucius knew who he was asking Draco to give the box to.


Monday rolled around and Ginny hadn't seen or heard of Draco's return to school.

She nearly beheaded a mandrake in Herbology because her thoughts were scattered. Neville, surprisingly, was able to snap her out of it.

"Careful Ginny!" Neville shouted, wrenching the mandrake away before the shears snapped shut dangerously close to the mandrakes head.

"I'm sorry Neville!" Ginny said, as Neville trimmed the mandrakes leaves successfully. Once the mandrake was repotted, Neville pulled off his earmuffs.

"It's all right Ginny. Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine." She sighed, taking off her own earmuffs. "Just had a bad weekend, that's all."

"I see. Well, things well get better. I'm sure." He said, giving her a re-assuring smile.

"Thanks Neville." Ginny said, taking off her gloves and going off to put them away in the supply cubbies.

"Neville!" Called Professor Sprout.

"Yes Professor?" He replied.

"Don't forget about the teachers meeting after lunch, all right?" Professor Sprout reminded him, handing him a potted mandrake.

"Oh! You mean the meeting about the Masquerade Ball?" Neville asked, setting the pot on table with the others.


"A ball?"


Students shouted their inquiries towards the two teachers. Professor Sprout gave Neville a look.

"Oops." He said, going red.

"Well, don't forget to be in attendance Mr. Longbottom." Professor Sprout said. She nodded to him.

"Class dismissed!" She called to the students who spoke excitedly and rapidly to each other as they exited the greenhouse.

"A Masquerade huh?" Ginny asked as she and Neville walked to the school for lunch.

"Yeah. It'll be on Halloween that's all I know for now. Its supposed to be a tribute to those we lost during the war. You know, with the masks representing all the different people…." Neville trailed off.

"Ah." Ginny said, looking down as they walked up the hill.

"I probably shouldn't say anything else until they make the official announcement." Neville said as they reached the Great Hall.

"Sounds fair." Ginny said.

"Feel better." Neville said heading towards the head table.

Ginny's heart felt as she still didn't see Draco at the Slytherin table. She was anxious to get to NEWT prep to see if he was there.

He wasn't. He didn't show. The second class he missed so far.

After class she headed back down to the lake despite the chilling temperatures that were drawing in.

She hugged her sweater tighter around her, staring out at the water. The water lapped at the deck she stood on.

A board creaked behind her. She whirled around.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." Draco said as he walked towards her.

"It's all right." She said, looking down and blushing. She turned back towards the lake, arms still hugging herself. Draco stepped closer until he was standing directly behind her.

"Did you have a pleasant trip?" She asked, not turning around.

"I suppose." He sighed.

"How's your father?" She continued to pry.

"Dramatic." He said. "He thinks he's deathly ill but he's just complaining about regular old aches and pains."

"I see."

He took several deep breaths. He kept opening and closing his mouth as he tried to explain his feelings to her. They threatened to spill out of his mouth.

He couldn't keep it cool. He had to keep it cool. If he didn't make his move he'd lose her. But, he could he keep himself and still keep her too? If he couldn't, would he lose? He was loving her, but not the way he wanted to. Love was supposed to be something wonderful and grand and full of joy and happiness. He wanted to feel that way. He need to push all the negative feelings aside and make his move. No more wasting time. He was just racing time and he had reached the finish line.

He placed his hand on her shoulder and forced her to turn around. She frowned at him, her arms still wrapped around herself. Was she just cold or was she trying to protect herself?

He took a final deep breath.

"Ginny. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. This past month has been a torment. I had to come see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth, my rank and circumstance. All these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony."

Ginny took a step back from him.

"I don't understand." She said, shaking her head.

"I love you." He blurted.

Ginny blinked several times, giving him a blank stare.

"Most ardently." he said almost pleading with her.

Ginny bit her lip. His first words to her were rude, but it was all very true. She too liked him against her better judgment. She knew it was wrong and out of place to like Draco Malfoy but she had fallen for him anyways.

He was correct about his parents expectations. Their families hated each other. Last thing they would want for him, especially now with the little contacts they had, was for him to be with a Weasley.

Her inferiority by birth being her lack of fortune. His outstanding wealth and questionable past gave plenty of circumstance as to whether she should be with him or not.

"Well then." She said, taking a step forward, back towards him.

"What do we do now?" She whispered. Draco breathed heavily. He felt like he was going to be sick.

"Are… Are you….Will you…. Would you be….. Girlfriend…." Draco managed to get out. He could feel himself getting very hot despite the cold weather outside.

Ginny bit her lip again, a small smile turning up at the corners of her mouth.

She reached out for one of his hands.

"We'll take it slow, all right?" she said, gently squeezing his hand. Draco nodded, unable to speak.

"This may not last." She warned him. "But this is now."


Author's Note- Okay so I ripped `Pride and Prejudice' off a little bit but hey, it works here right? I just had to tweak things a little. I was also going to have Draco go back to talk to Blaise this chapter but I really wanted to get this finished and posted so definitely next time. He has affairs to discuss with his old friend regarding the dreaded black box of doom. :D Please review, I am grateful for all that I have received so far-special thanks to Moogle, RenMalfoy, Frecklegirl87, and WritingMadness for your multiple reviews. And of course, to everyone else- even including those anonymous`. Thank you and goodnight!
