Unofficial Portkey Archive

Stories by HavaBisqitPotter

  1. Long Way Home by HavaBisqitPotter

    [Sequel to Sweet Child of Mine] Ron Weasley left London to make sense of his new life sans Hermione. He never expected to fall in love. R/L, with H/Hr and D/G.

  2. Sweet Child of Mine by HavaBisqitPotter

    To his friends, Harry Potter died eight years ago. But when he returns suddenly, he finds that things have changed... drastically. Now, he must win back the woman he loves... before it's too late. (First fic, please R/R)

  3. Santa Monica by HavaBisqitPotter

    When Ginny Weasley runs away from home, she receives help from the most unlikely person. One-shot.

  4. Seven Days by HavaBisqitPotter

    Based on a challenge by Julietta. Ron is sick and tired of Harry denying his feelings for Hermione, so he decides to give him a little incentive. Harry has seven days to confess his love for Hermione before Ron tells her for him... in front of the entire school.

  5. Daughters by HavaBisqitPotter

    'Fathers be good to your daughters... Daughters will love like you do... Girls become lovers who turn into mothers... So mothers be good to your daughters, too'

  6. My Skin by HavaBisqitPotter

    A one-shot songfic to 'My Skin' by Natalie Merchant... The voices made me do it...