Unofficial Portkey Archive

Stories by CandiceMarie

  1. When I grow up... by CandiceMarie

    Hermione visits her attic after 10 years, and comes across her past. Major character death, actually.

  2. Be My Hermione by CandiceMarie

    A little something for Valentine's Day. I wanted to find out the origin of the day. I did, and I was inspired to do this ficlet. Happy Valentine's Day, Portkey :)

  3. Sweet and Compassionate by CandiceMarie

    What happens when Ronald accidentally sees Luna make a snowman that strangely resembles a certain red-headed Gryffindor Keeper? Come find out! ^.^ No angst today, because it's Christmas season :D

  4. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing by CandiceMarie

    "Harry moved gently, and slowly changed positions. He took Hermione’s head in his free hand, that wasn’t on her back, and tenderly laid it on the soft pillow. She moaned sleepily and softly, as if to protest her dislike of her new position. But Harry smiled. He wanted to, and did, kiss her forehead, then her nose, and then her lips." Fluffiness-galore :)

  5. Love is... by CandiceMarie

    My take on answering the wonderful CryHope's H/Hr forums challenge: What's Love? One question, thousands of answers. Harry finds Hermione at the kitchen of 12G, in the wee hours of the morning. They eat *breakfast*, talk, and eventually get around to talking about the mystery that is Love. Not too long. Might get angsty in the end, as the challenge requires. {CHAPTER 2 UP: short, but sweet (I think, anyway :D ) ]

  6. Inevitably inevitable by CandiceMarie

    A quick summary of this persistent plot bunny: Hermione, the library, 2nd year reporters, and questions about Harry and Hermione's romantic relationship. It might be appropriate to mention that Hermione and Harry are not dating... yet *evil grin*

  7. That keychain by CandiceMarie

    Hermione has lost something, and she's frantic about it. She refuses to tell anyone what was lost, but is desperate to find it. What exactly did she misplace, and just what makes it so important to her?... No deaths this time! Imagine that :P .... [CHAPTER 3 UP: Third and last chapter. Will Harry stop being blind? Come find out :) ]

  8. Not her by CandiceMarie

    He's defeated the Dark Lord, but it feels like an empty victory without her... If you've read my other angsty fics, you know what to expect, I guess. Yes, I know, it was about time I stopped killing Harry...

  9. My Harry by CandiceMarie

    Hermione is found inches from the Lake, alone. Harry was taken from her unfairly, and she's come to be by herself... and to do something else. An angsty piece where, again, I have killed the main character. Cruel? Heartless? Cold, Ice Queen? Maybe, but I hope this piece tugs at your heart like it did mine when I wrote it... (Chapter 2 is the proof-read version of Chapter 1. Read it, mistakes' gone *blush*)

  10. In a life before this. by CandiceMarie

    Harry has been having this strange dream for a week, where his name is David, and he shares his last kiss with a woman whom he felt was very important to him. Harry does not believe in reincarnation, but what else could it be? This fanfic is meant to be purely fluff. No Voldemort, no deatheaters, no prophecy. Takes place in Harry's 7th year. Would be nice to get reviews ^.^;; [Chapter 3 is up! It might answer some questions :D]

  11. She was Luna like that. by CandiceMarie

    There is a dance coming up, and Luna wants to go with a certain boy Weasley. Will he get her hints? Plotless, but fluffy. R/Lu. R and R, please ^.^ [NEW! I wrote another chapter/sequel to She was Luna like that because I couldn't resist. Check out what I named the chapter ^.^ ]

  12. All Alone... by CandiceMarie

    I promised myself I'd never kill Ron, but this just goes to show, even the most stubborn of us eat our words sometimes. This angsty piece is in Luna's PoV. I don't know what else to tell you, except, if you like R/Lu, have the tissues ready...

  13. Just Harry. by CandiceMarie

    Ginny ponders why Harry never reciprocated her feelings. She realises she had treated Harry like the hero everybody did. Except for one person. H/Hr. OotP spoilers! R&R [New: Added a new PoV! See who it is-]

  14. Hermione's fault by CandiceMarie

    Harry has just realised something with the help of Hermione, but it is because of this that he is angry with her. Will he stay angry? Why is it Hermione's fault? H/Hr, naturally. R&R, pretty please.

  15. I love you... by CandiceMarie

    Original title, yes? Harry has skipped breakfast, lunch and dinner. He has a problem that concerns his girl best friend. Will she help him solve it? Mind you, this is short, so R&R, please :)

  16. I Shall Believe... always by CandiceMarie

    This song-fic is dedicated to all those who love angst. I really feel for Hermione. Even now, I cannot believe I did this to her. I hope this never happens...