Unofficial Portkey Archive

Winning the Heart of An Almost Seven Year Old by frecklegirl87

Winning the Heart of An Almost Seven Year Old


Chapter 12: Message Awaits

(Besorgung machen erwarten)

3 months later….

"Ginny, dear… I know you said that unless you're sick or something then you'd be in the kitchen but I really don't want you in here right now. Why don't you let the house elves take care of it? We can go have a little bit of fun. What do you say?" Draco asked.

"Draco," Ginny said, sighing in defeat.

"Ginny," Draco said.

"Draco," Ginny said. "What's wrong with me cooking you dinner?"

"Ginny," Draco said, repeating the pattern. "There's nothing wrong with that but I just want you to see something and well…. Please Ginny? Please just let the house elves take care of it tonight?"

Ginny looked at him. Looking into his eyes, searching for something that might be the key to why she was suddenly supposed to abandon her kitchen.

"Let me take care of it tonight, please Ginny?" Draco pleaded.

"Oh alright," Ginny said giving in.

"Thank-you sweetie," Draco said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey you can't just get away with just one lousy kiss on the cheek! Must I remind you that you're taking me away from the kitchen, which I could easily go right back to it if I wanted?" Ginny asked.

"Sorry," Draco said quickly as he kissed her, actually he French kissed her.

It's about time, Ginny thought. He hasn't kissed me like this in two weeks!

Draco felt a small tug at the bottom of his cloak. He pulled out of the kiss with Ginny, looked down, and saw Lizzie at his cloak, trying to get their attention.

"Draco, why the he-" Ginny started to say but Draco's hand quickly came against her lips to shush her from saying something in front of their daughter that she needn't need to hear.

Ginny looked down and saw Lizzie. Draco took his hand off of her mouth.

"What do you need sweetie?" Ginny asked.

"First, I'll let you off the hook for calling me sweetie. Maybe because you might have forgotten that my birthday is coming soon. Second, some strange old fart-"

"Lizzie, don't say that right now," Draco said, remembering he used the same exact words when he was in Hogwarts.

"Reword that and please continue," Ginny said.

"Yes ma'am," Lizzie said.

Ma'am? Draco thought. Since when did my daughter start calling her mother ma'am?

"Ok, some strange white headed guy with a beard a mile long told me to say something to you. But it's in a different language," Lizzie said.

"What language?" Draco asked.

"German," Lizzie answered.

"Ok, then what is it?" Ginny asked.

Before Lizzie spoke, Draco said, "But if you don't mind, in English please."

"Yes Daddy," Lizzie said, as she translated the message in her head.

"Thank-you," Draco said.

"Mummy, das dritte dei nach das mond von legen ei neu bild ort sich, wil," Lizzie said but then Draco had interupted her.

,"In English, I said," Draco said.

"Yes Daddy," Lizzie said.

"The third day after the moon has set a new image of itself, will be revealed the answer to your question about your daughter," Lizzie said.

(AN: up where she's talking in German, it's the same as she says after Draco makes her recite it in English)

"What's that supposed to mean?" Draco asked.

"Has to mean, 3 days after the new moon, we'll see the answer to our question," Ginny said.

"Lizzie, did Professor Dumbledore say anything else?" Draco asked.

"Pro what?" Lizzie asked.

"The old guy, with a beard down to his knees practically," Draco said.

"Oh, the old fart," Lizzie said.

"Lizzie!" Ginny scolded. "Don't call him that. His name is Professor Dumbledore and not 'the old fart'."

"Sorry Mum," Lizzie said.

A few minutes later…

"Mum?" Lizzie asked.

"Yes?" Ginny replied.

"Why can't I call Professor Dumbledore an old fart if Dad calls him that all the time?" Lizzie asked.

Draco's face turned beat red as Ginny turned towards her husband.

"Ginny," Draco simply said.

"Draco, I don't even want to talk to you right now," Ginny said and then left the room.

"Geez Dad, what'd you do wrong this time?" Lizzie asked.

"Elizabeth Nicole Malfoy, go to bed," Draco said.

"What? It's only like," Lizzie said, stopping to look at her watch. "Like 8 o-clock at night."

"Lizzie don't argue just go to bed," Draco said, as he followed Ginny's shadow to their bedroom.

AN: Besorgung machen erwarten means the title of the chapter, Message Awaits, in German