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Winning the Heart of An Almost Seven Year Old by frecklegirl87

Winning the Heart of An Almost Seven Year Old


Chapter 14: Caught Snooping

2 months later….

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Lizzie went over those words in her mind. What did they want to know about her? They were her parents. What was there that they didn't know about her?

These questions came popping in and out of her mind as she read a prophecy book. Technically, she wasn't supposed to be even in 20 feet of one but yet she had one only about 2 yards away from her reach.

According to the book, she was in for a good life. Nice good lookin' husband, 3 children in her future, a mansion basically, where she'd live. She'd be the most famous witch in the wizarding world.

"What do you think you're doing young lady?" a voice said behind, making Lizzie jump about 6 inches from where she sat.

Lizzie turned around to see her father right behind her, as he reached in front of her and picked up the book that she wasn't supposed to be anywhere near.

"Daddy," Lizzie said. "What are you doing here?"

"'What am I doing here'? I live here you knucklehead. Question is: Why do you have this book? You know you're not supposed to be anywhere near it," Draco said, looking down at his daughter.

"It just came to me," Lizzie said, hoping that he'd believe that one.

Draco, thinking, that was the worst lie I ever heard. If she's a Slytherin, then couldn't she think of anything better than that little lie?

"Nice try Lizzie but no cigar," Draco said.

"No cigar? What the hell?" Lizzie said, confused.

"Elizabeth Nicole Malfoy, don't you ever swear like that again," a voice said, coming in the room.

"Yes mother," Lizzie said, instantly.

"Go to your room," Ginny said to her daughter.

"Yes ma'am," Lizzie said, as she began to walk out of the room.

Once Lizzie was out of plain sight and also in her room, Draco turned to Ginny and said, "How do you have that much control of her? She won't do what I say without arguing or lying."

"Well, think about it, she's been around me more so she knows not to push her buttons and as there's you, who hasn't been around much, or at least as long as I have, so naturally she's going to push a little with you," Ginny said.

"Ok, you just lost me but owe well, I'll trust you," Draco said as he came closer to her body.

"I know," Ginny said, as Draco put his hand on her stomach and then kissed her gently.


Draco pulled out the book that which, Lizzie was reading from... he read the title of it, Fantasy Prophecy Book.... meaning, fantasy for whatever your heart wants at the moment would be what it said. Basically a book that tells you what you want to hear.

At least she didn't find the other book, Draco thought.


Ginny was in their own private library that was secretly attached to their room, just by moving a book over, making another room appear.

I've had enough of the waiting. I should know the reason for why my child can speak at least 3 other languages, that I couldn't even at her age, Ginny thought.

Ginny then went over to the shelf and started to look through Draco's side of the library.

They had separated their library into three parts: her's, his, and both of theirs, plain and simple, it was. The middle section was both, to the right was Draco's and to the left was Ginny's.

War and History, 1863, Ginny read while she scanned through for something that might help her more on her search.

MBC... Battles of the Wizards, 1727.... Stuffed Animals of the Century...

Stuffed Animals of the Century? What in the world would he need this book for? Ginny thought as she continued to scan her way through.

Citations for the Idiotic Gryffindors'…

Idiotic Gryffindors'? Somebody seriously needs to have a talk with whoever reads this, not to mention whoever wrote this. Ginny thought, as she felt offended for her own house during Hogwarts.

Legends of the Unknown Prophecies, Yet to Come....

Bingo! Ginny thought as she found what she was looking for.

Ginny pulled the book out and went over to one of their tables and chairs. She set the book down on the table, sat down in the chair near the table, opened the book and began to read through...

"Ah ha!" Ginny said out loud, not realizing she had.

"What are you saying, 'ah ha' for?" a voice said, coming into their library.

"I found the answer to our question in this book. Remember what Lizzie said, or rather what Dumbledore said? About the third day after the moon sets a new image of itself?" Ginny answered.

"Yeah what about it? Wait a minute, what were you doing in my section of the library?" Draco asked, knowing that they both had agreed to stay on the side that was theirs, well, except for the middle section.

"I wouldn't be talking if I were someone who had a book entitled, 'Citations for the Idiotic Gryffindors'," Ginny said, instantly defending her house during her Hogwarts days.

Draco stayed silent for a minute.

"Still you shouldn't have been snooping in my section," Draco argued, with his wife.

"Oh come on Draco. You didn't really think I'd snoop unless it was really important would you?" Ginny asked bluntly.

"Well..." Draco said, but then coming to a blank.

"Well what?" Ginny asked, pressuring him.

Great! I wonder is she was this annoying when she was pregnant with Lizzie, Draco thought. By the rate we're going, this will be a while.

"Well?" Ginny's voice said louder, interrupting Draco's thoughts.

{AN: I was listening to, Have A Nice Life, by Dana Dawson, while I was writing this part}

"Depended on how important it was," Draco said, becoming a little colder towards her.

"Don't get cold with me Malfoy. You don't want an angry pregnant wife on your hands do you?" Ginny said.

Draco suddenly remembered the times when Ginny had first come to work for him. Always snapping and jumping at each other's throats it seemed at times.

He decided to act back the same way. He didn't want to but the mood set itself.

"I'll do whatever I please, Weasley," Draco snarled at her. "Even if I do, have my angry pregnant wife in my hands. Which by the way, would remind me, in-my-hands, which would mean that I would control you. This would mean that I'd treat my angry pregnant wife, the way I feel at this moment."

"Watch it Malfoy, you may end up with no wife, no right to my daughter or my future baby" Ginny growled.

"That's what you think Weasel," Draco said, back growling fiercely as if nothing else in the world mattered.

"Fine, say good-bye to the Malfoy heirs," Ginny said as she grabbed the book and apparated away from Draco.

Draco quickly turned around to see Ginny already out of their room.