Unofficial Portkey Archive

Winning the Heart of An Almost Seven Year Old by frecklegirl87

Winning the Heart of An Almost Seven Year Old


Chapter 6: Never Letting Go

Time: Saturday, at 7:30 in the morning…

"Mummy! Get up! We have to meet Daddy in 30 minutes!" Lizzie said jumping on her mother's bed.

"Lizzie! Stop jumping!" Ginny scolded.

Lizzie stopped jumping and then grabbed her mother's hand and dragged her out of bed. She was pretty strong for a six year old that was about to turn seven.

"Come on Mummy! Who's going to cook me breakfast?" Lizzie asked.

"Go drag Colin out of bed and make him do it," Ginny said.

Ginny watched her daughter go out of the room and then she could hear Colin yelling her name at her.

"Ginny! You just had to do that. That was pure evil, Ginny!" Colin yelled to her.

"Colin! Breakfast!" Lizzie said.

"Alright, go set the table and I'll be right there," Colin said.

Lizzie went off to the kitchen and Colin went to Ginny.

He entered her room to find at least a dozen clothes on her bed, again.

"Ginny, do I need to help you figure out what to wear in front of Draco, again?" Colin asked.

"Your help would be nice," Ginny said.

"Well, you could wear that little black dress," Colin said.

"Colin, I do not want to go make a sibling for Lizzie. Something a little less like that ok?" Ginny asked.

"Ok," Colin chuckled, "Alright how about…"

He stopped to think on this, "This black shirt and this blue skirt. Wait, skip the black shirt go for the light blue halter top with the white shirt as a over wrap."

"Ok but no white shirt as an over wrap," Ginny said.

"Ok but I thought you said no sibling for Lizzie," Colin said expecting to get hit by Ginny sometime soon.

"I'm going to forget you just said that. Go to Lizzie before she starts

screaming. She has got to be an exact replicate of Draco," Ginny said.

"That she must be," Colin said as he left Ginny to get dressed.

Time: 5 minutes before 8 in the morning…

"Colin! I'm going over there! You bring Lizzie in five minutes ok?" Ginny asked.

"Ok Gin, go then," Colin said.

Ginny apparated to Draco's office, she came to her office just right outside of his.

She looked around, looked the same just as she left it almost seven years ago.

She looked on the desk to see a stack of papers. The top had something interesting on it. Before she could get closer to it a voice arose.

"I see you finally came back after what almost seven years?" Draco asked watching her appear.

"And for good reason too," Ginny said getting closer.

"Where is this other somebody that I'm supposed to meet?" Draco asked referring to Lizzie but doesn't know it yet.

"Don't worry, you will. Just in few minutes," Ginny said, "I wanted you all to myself for a few minutes before they arrive by floo."

"Hmm, sounds dangerous," Draco flirted with her.

"Don't doubt it for a second," Ginny said as she then came face to face with him and kissed him.

His arms went around her as her arms went around his neck as they kissed to an old rhythm.

"I love you Ginny," Draco said as he pulled away and then asked, "Why did you leave me?"

She replied with a kiss and then said, "You remember when I was sick those first days that I didn't show up? Colin said he owled you about it. Which by the way, the roses were beautiful."

He nodded.

"I was pregnant Draco," Ginny said as Draco's face dropped and looked at her abdomen.

Ginny noticed and said, "Draco, was being the key word. I'm not pregnant anymore."

"So this somebody that I'm supposed to meet shortly is my child?" Draco asked.

She nodded and continued, "I couldn't face you when I wasn't sure how you'd react to the news so I didn't come back."

Ginny hoping for at least something from him then said, "I'm sorry. You can be mad at me if you want, just please don't take her away from me."

He did something she never expected; he hugged her and then said, "That's great Ginny. I would never take our daughter away from you. I love you. I wouldn't separate my child from her mother. Come here would you?"

She followed him into his office.

He pulled something out of his desk drawer and then got down on one knee and said, "Ginny Weasley, would you marry me?"

"YES!" Ginny said excitedly.

He then got up and put the ring on her finger and then kissed her.

His hands began to go under her shirt.

"Draco, no," Ginny said taking a hold of his hands.

"Why Ginny?" Draco asked.

Instead of answering him she kissed him deeply.

"Mummy!" Lizzie's voice could be heard from outside the office.

Ginny pulled out and said, "That's why not."

He then kissed her again.

"Draco, they're right outside the door," Ginny said between kisses.

"We don't have to let them in until 8. We've still got a whole two minutes," Draco said and then ended their conversation with a kiss.

Soon they heard a pounding on the door.

Draco sneered softly.

"She doesn't like to wait does she?" Draco asked, pulling out of the kiss.

"No, she's an exact copy of you," Ginny said, "the only difference is she's a girl and has my hair. All the rest is you; all you."

"I'll remember that. Should we let them in?" Draco asked.

"Draco! Yes let your own daughter in," Ginny said giving him a sharp look.

"Easy Gin," Draco said, "They can wait a little bit longer. What's another couple of minutes?"

"Draco Malfoy you let them in right now," Ginny said giving him a stern look.

"Ok Mrs. Malfoy, gosh that sounds good. We'll elope," Draco said.

"Ok, but let your daughter in before she starts screaming at the top of her lungs and starts a fit," Ginny said warning him of what could happen if he didn't let her in.

"Is it that bad?" Draco asked.

"What did you expect? She's your child. You try waking up every morning since she could get out of her crib on her own, and waking up to her jumping on your stomach until you woke up," Ginny said.

"She did that?" Draco asked with an amusing smirk on his face.

"Yes she did that," Ginny said, "now let your own daughter in before she gets worse. You don't want to see her at her worse. It's worse than the Weasley temper I can promise you that."

"Ok," Draco said, "but first I want one last kiss before I see her."

Ginny happily obliged to his request and kissed him.

The pounding on the door came harder and harder and then you could hear a voice saying, "Come here Colin. It won't hurt, I promise! I just want to see Mummy. Please can't I use your head to get the door open?"

Draco laughed at this and said, "Yep, she's mine."

Draco pulled out, took out his wand and swung the door open.

"It's about time," Ginny said under her breath just so Draco could hear it.

Draco ignored that last comment as the door swung open.

AN: sorry I haven't updated in such a long while. I've been at my grandparent's. the rest of my family had the flu. I wouldn't stay in the same house with them.