Chapter 32: Azkaban Interlude/ Nightmare Proposals
~ 3 miles off the shore of Azkaban Prison~
Sirius paddled along as he had for hours now, occasionally stopping and letting himself float along in dog form to give his poor limbs a rest. He had not well prepared for his escape, but he had done it! He was out, and now all he had to do was reach the mainland and he could plan his next steps.
He hadn't given much consideration to what he would do after he got out, mostly because he never thought slipping through the bars as a dog would actually work. It was such a simple plan, it had to be the stupidest thing he'd ever thought of, yet it had done the trick. The dementors had not given him much thought when he was transformed, and so escape had been much easier than he had imagined.
It had been like a fever he could not get rid of: recognizing Peter in the newspaper and the realization that Peter was at Hogwarts, perfectly placed to perform another atrocious act that would be reminiscent of his own last days at Hogwarts.
Just a few more miles, he thought desperately. He had to make it to Harry. . .
Meet me on top of the Astronomy Tower at 11:30 tonight. Dress warm. I have something I want to show you.
All my love,
James folded the note and stuffed it in his bag. He would sneak off to the kitchens after class to make sure the arrangements for tonight were all set. It was going to be perfect. He was very nervous, but he knew that what he was going to ask was the right thing. The timing was perfect. He was going to make Lily the happiest she'd ever been. He just prayed she was as ready for this as he was.
Calista almost made it to the entrance to her common room. She had not been to a History of Magic class in months and didn't care if she passed. It was not important to her what happened in the lives of fairies. How was knowing their doings beneficial to her?
Something grabbed her arm and pulled her into a shadowy corner. Remus. She was very surprised to see him out of class and opened her mouth to say something about it to him when she felt his lips on hers and all conscious thought was driven from her mind. Remus was an amazing kisser, and it was very easy for her to lose herself in his arms. And what a smart thing to do, right outside your common room where Severus or Lucius or Bellatrix could walk by at any moment.
Oh god. She broke herself away from Remus and leaned back against the wall, panting. He still had her by the arms, and he trailed one finger along her jaw line and tilted her face up to his.
"Calista," he murmured.
"Someone might see," she whispered.
"I already told you I don't care anymore."
"But--" Remus settled his lips on hers, ending the argument that she had never really put herself into. Caring about anyone will only ruin their life. Once again, Narcissa's warning rang through her mind.
Screw it. Calista wrapped her arms around Remus' neck and lost herself completely. Narcissa was wrong; escape was possible, especially with this man with her. She was not condemned to the life she had been forced into. She would survive this. No, they would survive this. She smiled against Remus' lips and her heart was lightened for the last time.
Lily saw, but she didn't believe. It was mind-boggling, yet there it was, plain as day. Remus Lupin and Calista Serene. The world was completely topsy-turvy if this was going on. How could Remus? Didn't he know what that girl was?
He either doesn't know or he's lost his mind and doesn't care, her mind decided. Her dear, sweet, sensible friend Remus was wrapped in the arms of the second most despicable person alive (in Lily's opinion) and in broad daylight in the open hall where anyone could see them! Lily half wondered what else the day would have in store for her, and then quickly decided she didn't want to know.
Severus watched the Lily watch the two lovebirds, not surprised but grimly accepting. He would have to settle things after all. He could never have imagined that things would be settled for him, exactly as he wanted.
Remus finally broke for air, leaning his forehead against Calista's as both gasped for breath. She fits, he thought. She was made for me.
"Meet me in the Shrieking Shack tonight," he whispered impulsively.
"It's not full moon," she answered.
"I know."
Calista smiled suddenly and flung her arms around him, holding him to her in a tight hug. He returned it gladly, touched by this small, unexpected display of affection.
"Will you come?" he whispered into her hair. He felt her nod against his neck. He smiled, then kissed the top of her head and gently disentangled himself from her. Calista leaned in and kissed him softly one last time, running her fingers through his hair, then let him go and drifted into her common room with a blissful smile on her face.
Remus waited until the door had swung shut behind her, and then turned to go back to the Great Hall but found his path blocked by Lily Evans. She had a look of complete disbelief on her face, mingled with what seemed to be the beginning of anger. What does she have to be angry about? he thought defensively.
"If you can't accept it Lily, then leave it alone," he said abruptly. He strode off, leaving her staring after him with her mouth open like a fish. Neither of them saw Severus slink into the common room after Calista. He felt bad, leaving Lily like that, but it was his life and he was tired of hiding it.
Night fell, and the castle took on an eerie stillness. In contrast to the warmth of the past few days, the night air carried winter's chill still. Lily remembered the last time it had felt this strange: the day of Lucius' first attack, and Sara's death that very night. She supposed she was just being fanciful, but seeing Remus and Calista like that had seemed an omen of something; she wasn't sure of what, exactly, but she knew in her bones something was coming.
It was almost enough to put her off seeing James tonight, but the note she had found on her bed had seemed very intriguing. So, she wrapped her black wool shawl around her shoulders and wandered over to the Astronomy Tower. Being Head Girl, she had the advantage of using the excuse that she was patrolling the corridors for errant students, but since she met no teachers on her way she did not have to.
She climbed the winding staircase and clambered up onto the deck of the Tower. What she saw made her gasp. On the center of the deck there was a large blanket and two cushions. There were candles everywhere, flames flickering despite the lack of wind. It was a romantic setting and Lily smiled. She knew James had a mushy romantic side, but this was beyond adorable.
Lily walked forward and settled herself on one of the soft cushions. Despite her happiness, she couldn't shake her feeling that the worst was just around the bend. But she could worry about that tomorrow. Tonight, she wanted to see what her James had in store for her.
Sirius sat on the couch in front of the Gryffindor fire, watching the last embers flicker and die, as he had so many times before. He had sat silently as Lily had left. He knew where she was going, what was worse, he knew what James' plan was and he could not muster up the dignity to be happy for his best friend. It required far too much effort, and so he sat with a stolen bottle of Old Ogden's Firewhiskey, mourning the loss of a chance he would never have.
Autumn watched Sirius from the staircase. She knew he was drinking and she had a feeling she knew why. She knew Sirius didn't love her, didn't even return the attraction she felt for him. Time to be a big girl, Autumn. She would end it herself, before he got the chance, and they would stay friends, but it would never go beyond that. Why does nothing ever turn out like it should? she thought furiously.
She wanted to go cry to her brother, but Spike had vanished this evening, along with everyone else. Remus, Peter, James, Lily and now Spike; all had vanished. It was like everyone had their own agendas, which, she supposed, everyone did. The entire world knew James was going to propose tonight except for Lily, who could be charmingly oblivious when it came to her own relationship.
Watching Sirius drink himself into stupidity was too much and Autumn had no desire to be around in case he got a little out of hand and so she turned and quietly went up the stair to her own dormitory. A large chest inscribed with her name was at the foot of her bed and she crossed to it now and opened it. At first glance, it was filled with all the things a young girl would have: pictures of her friends, little keepsakes from boyfriends come and moved on, family mementos, trinkets from childhood she was too sentimental to throw away. She pulled out her favorite item: a fairy doll her Aunt Rowan had given her as a going-to-Hogwarts present when she was eleven. It had a light green dress and glittering purple and blue wings and it wore a little green hat. It always made her feel better, especially if she was sick or was unhappy. When she was eleven, she swore up and down to Spike that the doll came alive to watch over her, that it was a real fairy, but she had grown past the stage of believing in the living doll. Still, it brought her comfort, even at the old age of seventeen. She climbed into her bed and pulled the blankets up to her chin, doll tucked in the crook of her arm, fully prepared to sleep through the night.
Lily sighed and checked her watch. 11:30 sharp, yet there was no sign of James. It was getting to be very cold. She pulled her shawl tighter around her shoulders and looked around her. The night was full of stars, their light dancing against the velvety blackness of the night sky. The half moon hung low over the nearby mountains, looking like it wanted to hide but not daring to leave. It was the kind of night Lily loved; star-gazing was a favorite pastime. It filled many summer nights when she wanted to get away from Petunia, so she climbed onto the roof of her little house and dreamed of a world far away from her bickering sister. Hogwarts was her escape. And after this year, it's all over, she realized.
There was a rustle behind her and she turned in her perch to see a grinning James emerging from the trap door, a large pitcher of butterbeer and two goblets in his hands. Lily gave a little laugh and clapped her hands, loving the cleverness of her James.
"Good idea, then?" he said as he settled on the cushion next to her.
"Brilliant!" she said. She gave him a peck on his cheek and took one of the golden goblets from him. He filled their glasses, then held his up.
"To us," he said softly.
"To us." Lily clinked her goblet against James' and took a small sip. The look he was giving her was evoking a funny feeling in the pit of her stomach and she looked away and out over the grounds.
"Nice Remus impersonation there, Lily-girl."
Lily nearly choked on her butterbeer as she laughed, covering her mouth with her hand. She had completely forgotten to tell him about the shocking events of earlier.
"Speaking of our dear insane friend Remus, you will never in a million years--"
"Tell me in a sec, okay?" James interrupted softly.
"All right," Lily said. James had a very serious look on his face, so she set her goblet down and gave him her full attention. "What is it you wanted to show me?"
"Actually, it's more something I need to talk to you about," James said. He looked nervous, so Lily took his hand and smiled encouragingly. James took a deep breath and plunged in.
"I love you," he said quietly. Lily waited for a moment and when James didn't continue let out a soft laugh.
"That's what this is all about?" she said. "Silly boy, I love you too." She reached out and tenderly brushed a lock of hair away from his forehead.
"So will you marry me then?"
Complete silence. Lily was floored; had not even remotely seen this coming (Autumn's assumption that she was dense about her own relationship with James was very accurate). James pulled a blue velvet box out of his pocket, opened it, then held his breath.
The small but lovely diamond twinkled in the candlelight. Lily stared at it as she tried to remember how to breathe. This was her chance to escape the world of her sister and go to where she really belonged, and to go there with the man she loved. It was everything Lily had ever wanted in life.
"James. . . I can't." Lily ran, leaving her shawl, her drink, her ring, and her James behind her.
"So, Calista and Lupin? Why am I not entirely surprised?" Lucius was almost indifferent to what Severus was telling him. He'd had a feeling about her. . .
"I'm not sure how I should handle it," Severus asked quietly.
"How you should handle it?" Lucius stopped in his tracks and turned a curious eyebrow to his companion. "This is no longer your problem. The Master left her in your control and you have failed to control her. I'll settle this matter with her."
"No buts, Severus my friend. This is how it will be done." Lucius put a hand on his friend's bony shoulder. "It's not your fault," he said kindly. "She was never really one of us to begin with."
"She could have been," Severus said quietly.
"I suppose," Lucius drawled, "but her potential for evil will never be realized now."
"Will you go to the Master?"
"I wouldn't be surprised if he already knew about it," Lucius said thoughtfully. "If the bird hasn't told him, then surely he picked it from the rat's mind."
Severus gave a derisive snort. "IF he gets anything from that worthless mind it's a miracle."
Lucius smiled and nodded. Both considered Peter to be of almost no worth, yet they knew the small boy had some steel in him. He had made his own sacrifice, after all, though the disposal of the body of Lauren O'Henry had been handled much better. And Peter had his uses, being the only Gryffindor in their little band. Still, they didn't see him as anything more than an annoying little twat.
"Meet me back here in an hour," Lucius said now. Severus nodded and watched as Lucius strode into the forest, headed for the one safe place on the grounds, the place that was guarded against even Dumbledore, thanks to long ago efforts of Salazar Slytherin. There, it was safe to call to the Master.
A/N: Salutations everyone! I did a bit of tweaking on this chapter. I find myself doing that a lot lately. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited your feedback makes me, and I love that so many new people are latching onto this story. Makes me feel all warm and tingly inside. I do feel the urge to respond to a couple of these reviews, so bear with me for a sec here, ok?
Milk Situation - you noticed my Les Mis references! I was stage managing the national tour when I wrote this story, so that's why there are so many. Pieces just seem to fit better in my head that way. You're the first person to ever notice that! Go you!
Anonymous - I wish I knew who you were, because then I could convince you that I'm not actually a prodigy. (Although thank you so much for the compliment!)
Silvynitelite - You're not the first one to oppose my Lily/Sirius shipping! I love that I got you hooked though.
I would love to be able to respond to everyone, but alas, the Powers That Be did not grant me enough time in the day to do so. Just know that I truly love all the feedback I get (yes, I am a review whore - I love them!!!) and you guys rock for sticking with my inconstant updating. I keep trying to update regularly, I swear! I am happy to say that the sequel is finished. Now I'm off writing a one shot that I may or may not be able to post, depending on what James and Nappa say. If not here, I will provide a link for anyone interested to read it when I get it posted.
Thanks for reading! --Jess