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Harry Potter and the Gryffindor Sword by SoraSummers

Harry Potter and the Gryffindor Sword


Chapter 10

Harry was walking through the Department of Mysteries, but it was different this time. Eh was in the room with the veil. He could hear voices, they were so close, and yet, he still could not make them out.

Harry stepped closer to the veil, trying to hear the voices. He crept even closer still, until he could finally hear a voice he could understand.

It was Sirius.

"Harry, Harry," the voice was saying. "I'm ssstill here Harry, you can ssstill sssave me."

Harry couldn't believe it he could save him!

"Harry, come, now, we can be together."


Harry realized Sirius would never ask this of him.

Harry took a step back.


He screamed at the veil. Sirius' voice chuckled. "You will come, Harrry Pottterrr. One way or another you will come."

Lord Voldemort's face came out of the veil, followed by his face, his body, holding the lifeless body of Hermione in his hands...

"NOOOOOO!" Harry screamed as he woke up, drenched in sweat.

He looked around and realized he must have woken up at least half the school with his scream. He looked past the terrified faces of Ron, Neville, Seamus, and Dean and screamed, "HERMIONE!" and he bolted out the door.

He was halfway down the stairs when he saw Hermione running the other way at him. "Harry!" She was looking absolutely terrified.

Harry pulled her into a tight hug.

"Harry, Harry, what's wrong?" This was Ron's voice, very scared.

"Come on." Harry said, taking Hermione's hand and motioning Ron to follow them.

"We have to see Dumbledore now."

If anyone had questions, they didn't ask them, but just watched horrified as the three left Gryffindor tower and walked determinedly to Dumbledore's office, being only slightly slowed up by Peeves, who had tried to throw a statue on them.

To none of their surprise, Dumbledore's eagle door started to do up as they walked up to it, and they all hopped on, and into Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore was behind his desk, and with a wave of his wand created three chairs for them to sit in. Dumbledore's face was very serious.

"Tell me exactly what happened Harry." So Harry told him every little detail, making sure that he left nothing out, and heard scared gasps coming out of Ron and Hermione's mouths at the mention of her lifeless body.

After all was told, Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, thinking steadily. Finally, after what seemed like ages, he spoke.

"Harry, you and I will begin Occlumency lessons three times a week, starting tomorrow night. I am making the DA a now sanctioned class Harry. You will meet four times a week and I will give you the material needed for the lessons. Ron and Hermione,"

Dumbledore turned his stare to their scared faces. "I am afraid all three of you must stay on Hogwarts grounds at all times. You will no longer be able to visit Hogsmeade, and you both will remain here over the Christmas holidays. I will write to each of your parents tonight. Minerva," they all turned around, none realizing that McGonogall and Lupin had both entered the room.

"You will escort Mrs. Granger and Mr. Weasley back to their dormitories and find Mr. Evans and tell him everything I have just told these students. You will also retrieve Mr. Longbottom and bring him to my office immediately."

McGonogall nodded and left, no questions asked. Harry fell back into his chair. He had no idea what all the precaution was for, it had only been a dream in which Voldemort had appeared wasn't it?

"Harry," Dumbledore said to him, Harry snapped his eyes back to Dumbledore.

"I am afraid that Voldemort is making his move. He has now threatened the life of one friend, and will likely do it again soon with another. Harry you must promise me that you will never head back to the Department of Mysteries again without myself, or another fully trained member of the order. Do you understand?"

Harry nodded his head weakly, barely aware that Neville had entered the room. Dumbledore broke out into the story and told Neville everything, including Neville's involvement in it. When he was finished, Harry was only dimly aware of Neville's ghost white face.

"Neville," Dumbledore continued, Harry focusing back on the conversation. "You too, will learn Occlumency with me and Harry, as Voldemort may be liable to come after you next, hoping that your connection with Harry through the prophecy can help him. Do you understand?"

Neville nodded weakly. "Okay then, Minerva, please escort these young men back to their dormitories, and Harry, Neville," they both turned to look at him. "What I have said does not leave this room. Ron and Hermione are the only two you are to speak of this to, as they are involved as well. We do not want the story of the prophecy to fall into the wrong hands. Do I make myself clear?"

They both nodded, horrified. They had never heard Dumbledore speak like this before, it was almost as if it was a threat. A stone faced McGonogall lead them back to their dormitory.

Upon arriving finally back in their room, Ron, Seamus and Dean exploded with questions. Harry and Neville shook their heads defiantly, and the others got the message. Neville fell on to his bed and cried himself to sleep. Harry was to afraid to sleep, but eventually fell into a dreamless sleep after an hour of turning over restlessly in bed.