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Harry Potter and the Gryffindor Sword by SoraSummers

Harry Potter and the Gryffindor Sword


A/N: Just thought I give a quick plug to a friend of mine, Lady Cassie, who just posted the first chapter of Harry Potter and the City of Woe -- sequel to Harry Potter and Dumbeldore's Feint -- on her Yahoo Group at

For those of you that haven't read it yet, it is a must-read series, by far the best sixth-year fic on the net.


Chapter 15

The room was dead silent. Everyone was staring at Harry, contemplating what he had just said. Ron was to shocked to talk, Mark was staring emptily into space, only just now truly grasping the situation that had made his cousin famous, Hermione was once again sobbing into Harry's robes, knowing full well that if he failed, her, Ron, and the rest of the wizarding world would go with him.

It was Dumbledore whom spoke first. "Alas, that is true Harry," Dumbledore eyed him very seriously. "But you are not ready, I am afraid. But please allow me to give you this,"

He pulled the sword that Harry had killed the basilisk with in his second year and handed it to Harry.

"This sword is rightfully yours Harry," His eyes twinkled. "Use it well."

Harry and the rest walked back to the dormitories, as Harry was to tired to apparate. They got a huge surprise as they entered the common room. The entire DA was there waiting for them. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, they were all in the Gryffindor common room.

It was Ginny who stepped forward.

"What happened?"

Harry smiled and shook his head. He looked around and met the eyes of every person in the room.

"I am sorry, but we can't tell you anything. We can't risk it. And do not pester Neville about it when he wakes up from the infirmary, he's been through a lot tonight and no one is to bother him. You will all find out the truth when it is time."

He looked around at the faces again, satisfied that they all knew they would not get an answer from anyone and not try to either.

"Also, none of what happened tonight is to leave this room. No one outside of the DA and the Gryffindor's here can know that I apparated on school grounds. Neville had an accident, that's why he's in the hospital wing. No one is to know that he attacked me, is that clear?"

Everyone in the room nodded their agreement. Zacharias Smith stood up and walked straight to Harry and held out his hand.

"You are the greatest man I've ever met Harry."

Harry smiled and shook his hand, then watched as Smith exited the common room and headed for his own. One by one, every member of the DA followed suit, until finally only the Gryffindor's were left. Dean and Seamus shook Harry's hand and left for bed, the Creevey's did as well.

Ginny, Katie, Parvati, and Lavender all gave Harry a hug and a kiss on the cheek, and they too, went to bed. Finally it was only Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Mark left. Harry quietly left for bed, smiling at Mark and giving Hermione a peck on the cheek first, and then Ron followed him, and they all went to their dormitories. Seamus and Dean were feigning sleep, as they did not want to disturb Ron and Harry.

"Well, goodnight mate." Ron said, shaking Harry's hand.

Harry nodded and replied, "And what a night it was." Within ten minutes, the four of them were all asleep.

The next morning at breakfast Harry was very pleased to see that no one was talking about the previous night, not that he had expected anything else.

"So," Ron said, starting to munch on his toast. "Transfiguration, DADA, and Charms today, huh?"

"Yeah," Harry said, happy that Ron was trying to get their minds off the previous night, but Harry shook his head. "I have to go see Neville today." Ron and Hermione nodded at him. Hermione grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"We know. We're coming with you."

So twenty minutes later they found themselves at the end of Neville's bed, and Madam Pomfrey had assured them that she had told no one what truly happened to Neville, and that Dumbledore had filled her in on only what she needed to know.

"He will be out cold for at least 2-3 weeks," she told them. "After that he will need to stay here for at least another month. He is truly lucky to be alive." Harry, Ron, and Hermione all glanced at each other. Apparently Dumbledore had not told her as much as they had thought.

Classes were a nightmare for the next few weeks, but the homework was light, as Dumbledore had no doubt told the teacher's to take it easy for a while, although not exactly why.

Harry, Hermione, and Ron spent the first Hogsmeade weekend inside together, studying, playing chess and exploding snap, and avoiding questions of why they weren't in Hogsmeade with their friends.

When December had arrived, homework had picked up again, and everyone was excited for the second quidditch match of the season, although with Neville still in the hospital wing, the Gryffindor was down a beater, and was forced to play with both Kirke and Sloper. As Harry flew out on to the field, it seemed that all of his worries had been washed away, even though they were playing Slytherin.