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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Ten

The castle at Anguin, where the Malfoy's resided, was very different from the one at Rowena. For one thing it was built of dark stone, larger than the one at Rowena of course, and although the interior seemed gloomy, it was exquisite.

The Great Chamber was large with buttresses that arched high overhead, the gargoyles sneered at the crowd that had gathered below, statues of kings past stood as giants among the crowd. A green, carpeted runner divided the room as the crowd on either side faced toward the throne.

A young man knelt before the High Council, dressed in an elaborate tunic and pants of the finest dark green silks. His cloak of dark velvet lined in dark fur trailed behind him. An older man, a member of the Council, placed a crown on his head of blond hair. It was silver and adorned with emeralds that glistened in the torchlight of the hall. The old man presented a sword, shining steel with a hilt adorned with a serpent, two large emeralds as its eyes. He tapped the young man on each shoulder with it as the young man recited an oath of allegiance to his country, his land and his people.

As he rose from his knees, clapping and cheers filled the hall, spilling out of the room to the castle grounds where the villagers huddled and waited en mass.

"All hail King Draco," one of the Council members called out as the young man faced the chamber.

"Long live the King!" was the reply inside and out.

Lords and Ladies from across the land came to pay their respects to the new king. The Lords bowed cordially offering gifts of precious metals and stones, the Ladies laying down bouquets of the finest flora from their gardens. His mother, Narcissa, sat in the seat next to his, smiling politely at the well wishers.

"The Lady Violet of Orlich," a servant announced as a dark haired beauty laid her bouquet before the king.

"Long live the King," she said coquettishly and Draco nodded.

"The Lady Pansy of Anguin."

Narcissa smiled with approval and the lovely young lady with fair hair and blue eyes. She was the young woman she was intending for her son.

"Long live the King," Pansy said as she offered her bouquet.

"The Lady Hermione of Rowena, Princess of Ravenclaw."

Narcissa watched with disdain as the Lady approached her son, kneeling and presenting her bouquet. Draco's gaze burned into her.

"Long live the King," she said politely returning his gaze for only a moment before taking her leave. His eyes followed her, much to the queen's dismay. The Lady Hermione was a threat to the plans she had for her son and his intended. She needed to be dealt with and swiftly.

Hermione and Ron did not stay long in Slytherin. That very evening a messenger from Ravenclaw was sent delivering a note to Ron. Hermione was preparing herself for bed when the urgent knock came at her door.

"What is it?" she asked her cousin who had a grim look on his face.

"An army of the False King was seen headed west toward Hufflepuff," he said breathlessly.

"Hufflepuff?" Hermione was alarmed. "You don't think they will attack Hogsmeade?"

For a moment, anger flashed through Ron's eyes. Was she thinking of Harry? She did not answer his question about her feelings for the Rider but she was adamant about marrying Viktor. Although, he didn't like Viktor going behind his back and asking for his cousin's hand, he was still his friend. And so was Harry and he didn't like being caught in the middle. Whatever was going on between his cousin and him, neither had made clear and it angered Ron that they could possibly be keeping a secret. But his anger quickly gave way to fear for Luna's life.

"Harry told me that they had been spotting more and more encampments along their borders. It's possible they were scouting a location to attack."

Hermione ordered her chambermaids to pack her trunk, they were to leave immediately. "I can appeal to my father to send a small army to Hufflepuff. I assume you will lead it?"

"Your father is on his way to Arneau Tak with Viktor."

From the shadows in the hall, Narcissa listened to the two of them. A small army would be leaving Rowena, including the young Sir de Weasley. It would leave the castle vulnerable with the future Queen residing in it alone. She silently backed down the corridor.

As the servants packed the trunks onto the carriage, Draco stepped into the courtyard. Hermione and Ron bowed politely.

"You were going to leave without saying goodbye? I thought you would be staying longer," he said with disappointment in his voice.

Ron rolled his eyes, unseen by the king, and mounted his horse.

"An emergency has come up that needs to be dealt with," Hermione said cordially.

"Is everything okay in Ravenclaw? It's not your father, is it?" Draco's voice had genuine concern in it.

"No, no. None of that but it is an urgent matter," Hermione said as she climbed into the carriage.

Draco summoned a servant. "Send a group of twenty soldiers to accompany the Lady safely to the border," he ordered.

"That really isn't necessary," Hermione said but Draco waved her off.

"It's dark and as I know," he sighed, "the roads aren't safe."

Hermione looked at him. "I was sorry to hear about your father," she said sincerely. Draco's expression was guarded.

"I'm hoping to see you again soon," Draco quickly changed the subject. "One of the things I wish to do is strengthen our relationship with Ravenclaw. Please give your father the message that if Ravenclaw needs anything, Slytherin will extend a hand."

"I will and thank you for your hospitality," Hermione smiled.

Riding all night without a break, they reached Rowena just as the sun passed its midpoint in the sky. Hermione and Ron burst into the Great Hall.

"Send a small brigade of a hundred men to Hufflepuff," she ordered her cousin. "You will lead the counter attack."

"I want at least five hundred men," Ron said.

"Fine, just leave immediately," Hermione said.

Ron turned around and left the hall but stopped at the doors and turned back around.

"What?" Hermione asked at Ron's proud look on his face.

"Already a queen," he said softly.

The army was ready in a few hours. Ron looked up in surprise to see his cousin join him, holding the reigns of her favorite horse.

"You don't think I'll be left behind, do you?" she smiled.

"Should I even bother protesting or will it be a waste of breath?" Ron said warily.

"Save your breath for the battle cousin," she said as she mounted the horse.


Harry sat at a small table in the Hog's Head with Luna and Neville nursing a pint of ale. He was saying goodbye to the Lady Hermione from his life.

He's just a rider. A simple rider.

Her words cut through him. He felt foolish. What was he thinking? Did she really care for him? Did she really lose her heart to him? How could she when she so easily gave it away to Sir Viktor? What could he offer her anyway? Sir Draco was right, he did not belong in that world.

"Listen to her, she's still ranting and raving about it," Luna said disdainfully looking at Cho.

"I don't think anybody in Hufflepuff got an invitation," Neville said.

"Invitation to what?" Harry asked.

Luna and Neville both looked at him.

"Harry where have you been lately?" Luna asked.

Harry lifted up his half empty pint and Neville sighed.

"You have to get over her, mate."

"She loves you Harry. Ginny told me so but she has…" Luna was cut off by Harry.

"…a duty to fufill. I've heard it all," he said sullenly. "Anyway, invitation to what?"

"The Slytherin coronation. Draco is the new king," Luna announced.

Harry who had been taking a drink spit it out, spraying the contents.

"What?!" he said, wiping his chin.

"The royal entourage was attacked by brigands coming back from Ravenclaw. The king was killed in the ambush," Neville informed him.

"There haven't been brigands in Slytherin for decades," Harry said thoughtfully. "A bit odd don't you think?" Neville and Luna shrugged.

They didn't have long to ponder this thought before Sirius burst through the doors.

"Harry, Neville, we need you right away at the Great Hall," he panted as if he'd been running.

"Is everything okay?" Harry asked.

"Dumbledore needs you right away," he said.

"Dumbledore?" Harry asked, springing to his feet. "He's back."

"Come, quickly!" Sirius said dragging the men out of the door.

Harry had no idea what was going on. He had received no word that Dumbledore was on his way back from Ravenclaw. The Great Hall was crowded with the local land owners, farmers and Riders. Dumbledore stood in the center of the hall surrounded by them.

"I came as quickly as I received the word from the King," Dumbledore was saying as they walked in. "They were seen headed this way two days ago." At this a murmur went through the crowd.

"Two days!" Master Chang spoke up. "They are upon us already!"

"Which is why I have summoned every available hand we have," Dumbledore said patiently.

"Who's here?" Harry asked.

"An army of the False King was seen headed in our direction two days ago," Sirius whispered.

"Merlin's beard," Neville gasped and Harry swore under his breath.

The crowd was dismissed to spread the news and ready themselves for battle. Dumbledore sought Harry out immediately.

"Take the riders and spread them out along the city walls. You are our eyes and our first line of defense," Dumbledore said quietly.

"What about Ravenclaw? Are they sending help?" Harry asked.

"The messenger had just missed the King, I redirected him to Arneau Tak. Provided the King received it in time he will not be able to do anything until he reaches the fort. I doubt he will do anything in time, the fort is four days ride to here. I'm afraid we are on our own."

The clanking of the blacksmith's filled the night air and well into the morning as each able bodied man was armed with a sword and armor. The women and small children took refuge in the basements of the Three Broomsticks or the Hog's Head. Luna took it upon herself to see over the refugees in the Three Broomsticks, stocking up on bread, cheese, water and blankets. The same thought ran over and over in their heads. They were a small quiet village, why would the False King send an army to destroy them?

Night soon fell and Harry stood on the perimeter fence, staring out into the dark.

"Harry," Neville whispered nodding to his right.

He heard them first before he saw the lights. The stomping of the soldiers, the twigs snapping underfoot as they marched through the forest. The flames of the torches appeared in the darkness. Harry's heart beat hard in his chest. He could hear the faint yells of the general in the distance.

"We'll be alright," Harry said quietly to his friend. "We'll be alright."

Dumbledore joined him on the perimeter. "Of course we will," he said smiling, "we have you."


Ron rode up next to Hermione.

"We have to stop and rest. My men will be of no use if we get there quickly but are too tired to fight."

Hermione nodded.

"We'll make camp here. Let the men rest overnight then resume in the morning," he said.

"How far are we?" she asked.

"About half a day," Ron answered.

Hermione's horse fidgeted. "What if we are too late?" she barely voiced the thought as if it would make it true.

"We'll be in time. We have to be."

She did not sleep well that night. She wondered if anyone else felt like this and if they did was it worth it to stop if you weren't going to get any rest, anyway. She stared up at the roof of her tent.

"Please don't let us be too late. Please," she pleaded to her ancestors.

Harry lowered his hand in a slashing motion, signaling the archers. Bright flares flew into the air, landing in the forest and illuminated the oncoming army. A bright orange glow filled the forest as a giant fireball flew in their direction.

"Above!!" Harry yelled as the fireball landed in the middle of the town. Another one followed it, crashing into a building and setting it aflame. Screams and yells from the townspeople could be heard.

"Ready the trebuchets!" Neville shouted his order.

The squeaky wooden wheels of the catapults made its arrival as it was hauled into the streets. At Neville command they were let loose sending large boulders over the town walls. They hit their marks, dropping the numbers of the invading army.

The Riders stood looking down as the army marched toward the town. Bows strung and arrows notched, they waited for Harry's command. At the sound of a horn they ran for the city. Harry fired an arrow into the onslaught and the others shortly followed. A wall of the False King's soldiers fell.

"Shields!" Harry yelled bringing up his shield to guard his body. The others followed suit as the invading army sent their answer to Harry's attack. The arrows whizzed by his head, some hitting his shield with a dull clank. He could hear the groans of some of his men as they were struck down.

"Go!" Dumbledore signaled to the archers that were hidden within the city walls. Neville sent another wave of stones. The False King answered as more fireballs hit the town.

"Put it out!" Sirius ordered as the women who chose not to hide ran with water from the wells. The horses screamed in panic when a fireball hit too close to the stables. The men set them free before they tore down the place.

"Fire at will," Harry ordered as the enemies reached the wall. There was a loud boom and the wall shuddered.

"They have a battering ram!" he heard Oliver shout.

"Secure the door!" Dumbledore ordered and Remus took a group of men with him to support the barricade.

He stood in the center of the village, taking out his wand and closing his eyes to concentrate. Harry felt the wind stir around him and dark clouds swirl above him. Suddenly, lightning shot down, a bright flash of light that nearly turned the night to day. It struck in the middle of the oncoming army. It struck again, then again, decimating their numbers. But still they came. Harry drew his sword as the first of the ladders hit the perimeter fence. The other riders followed suit.

"Faith be with you," Neville said to Harry.

"And to you," Harry said, hoping to see his friend when all this was over.


As they left the clearing, the Ravenclaw army saw smoke rising in the distance. Hermione looked at Ron, a slight panic in her face. Ron picked up the pace of the army.

Harry ran down from the perimeter to help barricade the gate. But before he could get there, there was a loud crack and the gate gave way. The False King's army spilled through. Dumbledore sent small explosions their way as they bottlenecked through the broken door. Hogsmeade was going to fall, they were infiltrated over the walls and now the gate was broken down. He was surprised and proud that they had lasted through the night.

He heard the unfamiliar blast of a horn followed by a low rumble. The enemy burst through the door, rushing into the village as if running from something. Running in a panic to Harry and the other Riders' swords. The final remains of the gate gave way and a sight ran through that Harry was so happy to see in his entire life.

A familiar red head led countless soldiers on horseback, bearing blue and silver, through the gates, swords drawn. He could hear the shouts of more soldiers from outside the city walls. The battle quickly ended as Ravenclaw and the Hogsmeade soldiers demolished the enemy's army.

Ron dismounted and fought his way to his friend.

"Sorry we're late," he said when he reached Harry.

"Better late than never," he smiled.

"We can set up a sick bay inside the stables, take the wounded there," Harry ordered another Rider.

Ravenclaw soldiers helped the townspeople put out the fires. Dumbledore walked out of the Three Broomsticks with the women and children.

"Ron! Ron!" Luna screamed.

"Luna!" Ron was so thankful that she was unharmed. They rushed into each others arms, Ron held her tight, whispering words of love into her ears as she covered his face in kisses and tears of joy. Dumbledore and Harry smiled at the sight.

"I didn't think the King received the message in time to send help," Dumbledore said to Ron jovially.

Ron turned away from Luna. "He didn't. I received the message."

"Well, then who sent the armies here?" Sirius asked, joining the group.

Ron looked over the men's heads.

Hermione looked at Harry as the men turned their heads to her. Thank the heaven's he's alive. He's alive! Harry just stared at Hermione. She was a vision, a regal lady sitting upon her horse looking down at him…

…with love and relief in her eyes.

"Milady," Sirius stumbled forward to help the Lady from her horse.

"You sent the armies?" Dumbledore asked, his eyes twinkling.

"I had to," Hermione said in a small voice. "It was least Ravenclaw could do."

A crowd had gathered around the group, the villagers whispering amongst themselves.

"It is her."

"The Lady Hermione."

One by one the crowd kneeled before her. Marietta nudged a gaping Cho hard in ribs, yanking her down to kneel.

"No, please don't kneel," Hermione said, walking to one of the villagers. "I am the one who is honored to be in the presence of such brave people."

Harry watched as she brought the people to their feet. He could not love her more than at this moment.

She was his queen.

"Please, I've brought fresh food and water, and clean bandages for the wounded." She motioned to some of the soldiers who brought forth packages to the villagers. Hermione looked at Harry one more time as if reassuring herself that he was still alive before she was ushered away to help the villagers.

Although the damage to the town was great, they could rebuild. Hermione spent most of the day in the sick ward, brightening their moods with her presence. But the sheer number of casualties was overwhelming to her. She couldn't understand how her cousin could deal with it. Mothers had lost sons, wives lost husbands and children lost fathers. The guilt overwhelmed her and she eventually needed to get away.

She sought solace in the now empty Great Hall. Walking to a pillar she rested her back against it then slid down in a slump. Tears fell from her eyes and she cried silently for those who had been lost and the families that had been broken. The door opened and footsteps filled the room. Hermione quickly scrambled to her feet and wiped her eyes.

"Harry," she said quietly, surprised at her visitor.

Harry had also sought the quiet of the Great Hall but was surprised to see it was already occupied.

"Milady," he said, "you should not be alone and unguarded." He was a bit peeved at the Ravenclaw soldiers for leaving her unprotected.

"I wanted to be alone," Hermione said. "You of all people should know I can get away when I want to."

Harry gave a small laugh. Hermione moved closer to him, standing in front of him.

"Were you hurt badly? I didn't see you in the stables," Hermione said, eyeing the bandages on his arms and one on his head. She raised her fingers to touch them but at the last second thought better of it bringing them back to her sides.

"Just a few scrapes," Harry whispered. He could smell the scent of cinnamon and vanilla from her. She was so close to him.

"I'm sorry we didn't come sooner," she said, her voice breaking. "All those people…dead."

He so desperately wanted to comfort her. "We're thankful that you showed up at all. Thanks to you, we still have a town to rebuild. For every man we lost, two will go home to their families."

She looked up at him, a small smile growing on those lush lips that begged to be kissed. Tears unshed pooled in her eyes. Harry needed to pull himself away from her.

"I hope you will not get in trouble with your father for this. Or Viktor," Harry said, stepping away from her.

"It doesn't matter. I would send armies wherever you were in danger," Hermione clamped her mouth shut, she spoke too much.

Harry gazed at her. She did this for him?

"Be cautious, my Queen. Your fair knight would not be happy if he thought he lost your heart," Harry said softly.

"He can't lose something he never had in the first place," Hermione whispered back but Harry couldn't help but notice the sadness in it.

Hermione gave him a small smile and gathered her skirts to leave. Walking past him toward the door she paused and looked over her shoulder.

"Give Cho Chang my best. She is the luckiest maiden in all the lands."

She turned and continued on her way. She heard quick footsteps behind her then felt herself being turned around. Harry held on to her arms, his eyes gazing into hers before his lips descended upon hers. Hermione wrapped her arms around his neck as the flame of desire roared within her. Harry gathered her in his arms, his kisses intensified, he couldn't get enough of her. She ran her hands through his hair bringing him closer to her. She tasted sweeter than he remembered and he didn't want to be without her taste ever again.

Their kiss was interrupted by a door opening and another person entering the room. Ron saw his cousin in the Rider's arms. Hurt and anger flashed in his eyes.
