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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Six

As Ronald rode, Viktor's message played over and over in his head. It was only one sentence long but had a much deeper meaning.

Malfoy is on his way to Ravenclaw.

Although he was sure Viktor would not take his eyes off his cousin, he just couldn't trust anyone but himself with his cousin's safety and well…to be frank, her virginal well being. The thought of that putrid scum Malfoy having the opportunity to paw at his cousin made him sick. Malfoy was coming to the castle for one thing and one thing only, to offer his hand in marriage to the Lady Hermione. And it would be over Ron's dead body that he would have that opportunity.

He was thoroughly irritated by this constant thought and add to that, he had acquired against his will two extra riders. His annoyance getting the best of him, he stopped his riding to take his anger and lash it out to whomever he could.

"What are you doing? I'm nearly to the border, you can leave now," he said angrily to Harry and Neville.

"I know a faster way to Ravenclaw," Harry shot back, "since you're in such a hurry to get back to your cousin."

Ron clenched his jaw. "How do you know about that?"

"You said you needed to get back to your cousin after you read the note you received. If Hermione is ill or in trouble, it is my duty to get you to her as quickly as possible."

Ron narrowed his eyes at Harry, bringing his horse next to his. "What is it between you and my cousin?" His tone was dangerous.

Harry didn't reply, he was caught off guard by the statement. Did Hermione mention him in a letter?

A whooshing sound of an arrow flew by Harry's ear, landing into the chest of the Ravenclaw soldier that rode with the group. He let out a groan of surprise then fell from his horse. Harry, Ron and Neville all drew their swords at once, their horses neighing in irritation of the attackers nearby.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, young Royal," a voice called out.

Thirty Dark Riders stepped out of the woods, all of them in black cloaks bearing the symbol of the False King. A few of them parted the way, letting a rider through. This one rode an enormous black horse, his black cloak rustled slightly in the breeze, the mask of a skull covered his face.

"Drop your swords," he said.

"We'll do no such thing," Harry spat back.

The thirty riders all drew their arrows, all of them pointed at the King's nephew. The man in the black cloak held up one hand.

"Go ahead and you'll give the Ravenclaw King a reason to march his armies over your land. It'll just make my job easier," the man spoke.

"Harry don't," Neville whispered.

Harry gritted his teeth then dropped his sword.

"Good," the man said. Harry heard a sound behind him then a sharp pain in the back of his head before all went dark.


Hermione sat by the window in a small patch of sun, warming herself. She could see a gentle breeze brushing against the trees below, the green grass of the fields surrounding the castle and the sound of the birds chirping. Summer was on its way and bringing with it the start of the Veranis festival.

She had watched earlier as the carriage for Luna Lovegood left for Hufflepuff. Luna would be staying at the House of Weasley as a guest of her cousin Ginevra. Hermione sighed as she thought of this. Thoughts of her cousin's guest led her to thoughts of Harry and thoughts of Harry put her in a state of melancholy. She wondered what he was doing now, if he was happy with Cho, if he ever thought of her.

"I knew I'd find you in here," a voice startled her out of her thoughts and she abruptly stood up, her book she was reading fell to the floor.

In the doorway of the library stood a tall and handsome young man. A few strands of his blond hair fell forward, the penetrating gaze of his grey eyes wandered over her. He strode into the room toward Hermione.

"Sir Draco," she said politely, giving him a small curtsy. "I had no idea you had arrived." He took her hand in his and kissed the back of it.

"Milady," he greeted. "I've been here for a little over two hours. I had matters to discuss with your father."

"I see," Hermione replied. Her stomach churned.

He stayed near her still holding her hand. "I must say that I was disappointed to learn that part of my business here had been but a moot point."

"Oh?" Hermione asked, faking interest. She wished he wouldn't stand so near her.

"I have just learned of your engagement to Viktor Krum. I must say I was very surprised. Perhaps the lady thought there would be no other offers and acted too rashly?" His tone was arrogant.

Hermione really didn't know what to say but she was saved of a reply when her intended walked into the library.

"Hermione," Viktor smiled at her as he walked into the room. Hermione yanked her hand out of Draco's and stepped away from him.

"Viktor," Hermione breathed, "have you greeted our guest, Sir Draco Malfoy?"

"No I don't believe I have," Viktor stood protectively next to Hermione. "Must have slipped by me." Viktor gave Draco an icy smile.

Draco's reception was equally warm. "I have just received word of your engagement and I just came by to offer my congratulations to the Lady."

"Thank you," Hermione replied politely.

"Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I was wondering if you would join me on an afternoon ride?" Viktor asked Hermione.

"Yes. Yes, I would love to," Hermione answered.

Draco watched as Viktor smiled, taking her arm in his as they walked out of the room. It did not go unnoticed by him that even though Viktor looked at Hermione with love and adoration in his eyes, the look was not returned by the fair lady.


Harry stood before a large crowd of people in sea of blue and silver, Dumbledore and Sirius stood to his left, Ron and Remus to his right. Dividing the large crowd was a blue carpet, decorated in silver thread that ran the length of the crowd and ended at Harry feet. Walking on the carpet was a beautiful woman in a white cloak and dress. The crowd cheered and screamed with joy. As she came closer, Harry could see her creamy skin and her flowing cinnamon hair.

"Hermione," he whispered. He looked down at his hands. They were holding a silver crown adorned with sapphires and diamonds that sparkled. Sharp points, like small daggers pointed inward, ready to impale the skull of whomever wore it.

Dumbledore turned to him and spoke. "You will put her on the throne."

Hermione walked up the steps and stopped in front of Harry. The Ravenclaw crowd screamed and went crazy with joy, the volume increasing as she knelt before him.

Dumbledore spoke once more. "Make her a queen."

Harry held the crown high above his head. "Long live the queen!" he shouted before slamming the crown onto Hermione's head.

Harry jerked awake and bolted upright. He was breathing heavy, his hair plastered to his forehead by sweat.

"Harry?" Neville asked with concern. "Harry are you alright?"

Harry's breathing slowed and he put his hand to his chest, feeling the necklace Hermione gave him underneath his shirt. He turned to look at Ron but his expression gave nothing away. He hadn't said anything to Harry the past few days but his jaw was clenched as if he were holding back something to say.

"Yes, I'm fine," he said as he turned to look at where they were. The three of them were locked away in a wagon with steel bars pulled by four horses. Four others had accompanied them on this mobile prison since their journey began three days ago. They had to be deep in the land of the False King, the landscape having turned from lush forests to barren deserts of sand and fire. They were quite the entourage with the thirty riders, led by the man in the black cloak.

Suddenly one of the prisoners cried out, "Save us! We're here! He will kill us! We are dead!"

"Shut your raving, you coward!" Another prisoner admonished.

The entourage had reached the crest of the hill they were climbing revealing a large castle, black with sharp spires reaching up to the heavens. Swirling black clouds hovered above it sending bolts of lightning down every once in awhile sending the boom of thunder across the land. A river of lava surrounded it acting as the castle moat.

"Well," Ron spoke for the first time, "it's not like we were expecting banners and a feast marking our arrival."

Neville smiled wryly at him then looked back at his friend. "Harry?" he asked.

Harry didn't even smile at Ron's comment. As soon as he laid eyes on the castle, his heart stopped beating and the blood left his face. He had seen this castle many times before but only in his nightmares that plagued him.

"Get out, you dogs!" barked the man in black as the door was opened.

The seven of them were yanked out, put in line and marched into the castle. Only a few of the Dark Riders accompanied them as they made their way on the drawbridge. Harry tried his best to remain calm and focused on the back of Neville's head as he marched ahead of him, Ron was behind him. But a strange thing happened the moment Harry stepped foot into the castle, there was a very slight tremor as if the whole castle shuddered.

"Did you feel that?" one of the riders whispered.

"Feel what?" another answered.

"Nothing. Never mind."

"Stop here and wait, you slime!" the man in black ordered. The group halted and were forced into a straight line. For a split second, Harry thought he saw two glowing orbs that floated in the shadows but when he blinked and looked again they were gone.

"You will stand there as he observes you," the man in black spoke as the other riders went down the line spacing the prisoners apart and taking their shirts off. "You will not speak to him. He will decide what to do with you. He only wants this maggot here." The man pointed to Ron with his sword. "The rest of you will either be sold as slaves or killed where you stand."

Harry raised his arms as his shirt was yanked over his head. "What is this?" the man in black said slowly as he approached him. Harry tried to free his arms but they were held back by a couple of riders. The man in black reached out and lifted the pendant on the necklace Hermione gave him off his chest. Ron looked at the pendant then slowly turned to Harry. He didn't return his gaze but he could feel the anger in his eyes.

"Such a lovely gift to be worn by such scum as you," the man in black said then he yanked the necklace from his neck, breaking the chain.

Harry struggled even harder against his captors. "Give it back," he snarled menacingly.

The man in black laughed softly as he placed the necklace in his cloak then hit Harry hard in his abdomen. Harry doubled over and coughed.

"There is no need to worsen the condition of the prisoners before I look at them, MacNair."

His voice was cold and chilled Harry to the bone. His voice was familiar, a voice from his nightmares. There was a slight splashing sound and the faint smell of urine hit the air. Neville moved closer to Harry as the prisoner next to him, trembled and let out a small terrified cry. Harry stood staring forward, his eyes averted from the False King as he stood in front of them.

He started down the line. "He's scrawny but he is in good health. We'll keep him and the one next to him." He stopped in front of the trembling prisoner who had soiled himself. "Kill him," he said coldly and MacNair eagerly drew his sword and plunged it into the frightened man. The False King walked on. "Keep him," he motioned to Neville. "Keep," he motioned to Harry and moved toward Ron.

But he stopped suddenly.

He took a step back and looked again at Harry. Harry lowered his gaze but still kept it away from him. The False King tilted his head to the side as if working out a puzzle in his head.

"Do you want me to send the message to the King, Milord?" MacNair spoke aloud, rousing the False King from the thoughts he was lost in.

"Yes, do so," he said and paused one more time to look at Harry before taking his leave of them.


Draco approached Hermione as she walked around the castle garden. She stood there in the warm sun wearing a pale blue dress made of a light material that lifted slightly in the breeze.

"Mind if I join you?" Draco asked, startling Hermione. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," he said sincerely.

Hermione let out a small laugh. "You didn't frighten me, just brought me out of my thoughts."

He took a step closer to her. "You seem to do that a lot. You know, wander around lost in thought." Hermione didn't say anything. She only turned and continued on her way, Draco at her side. "Something's different about you Milady, something I can't quite put my finger on."

"Really?" Hermione asked, slightly amused.

"A certain sadness about you."

Hermione stopped and turned to look at him. "It's inappropriate for us to be walking without an escort. Especially since I am to be married."

Draco stepped in front of her. "Why are you doing it? You can't even stand the man."

"That is not true!" Hermione hissed and stomped away. Draco followed her.

"When we were younger, he was one of the first ones at your side whenever you were hurt," he said. "He follows you around like a puppy, looking at you like a dog would to a master, but you don't return his gaze."

Hermione turned around and slapped him on the face. "How dare you!" She looked shocked at her own actions and quickly dropped her hand to her side.

Draco didn't flinch when she slapped him. "I apologize if I spoke rashly," he said. "But your actions only verify my claim."

Hermione sighed and picked up her dress, raising the hem as she stepped into the garden's maze. "What do you want, Draco? Other than to pester me?"

Draco followed her. "I want you to deny his proposal and accept mine."

"Yours?" Hermione asked incredulously as Draco circled her.

"Think about it Hermione," his hands slid around her waist as he stood behind her. "Our kingdoms united together, it only makes sense. I'll be king of Slytherin very soon and you'll be queen of Ravenclaw. Our lands United. The two most powerful houses joined in marriage. Together we will be more powerful than the Shadowlands and Hufflepuff combined!" He whispered into her ear.

"Is power all you think about?" she breathed.

Draco walked around to face her, his hand never leaving her waist. "The thoughts I have about you would make you blush." He brought one hand up to the side of her face as he leaned forward, his lips centimeters from hers. "I would make you a queen like no other."

His lips brushed against hers in a soft kiss that quickly escalated to something more. It wasn't as passionate as the one she had shared with Harry but it was passionate enough to ignite a small flame of desire that was accompanied by guilt. She ended the kiss abruptly.

"I gave Viktor my word," she said softly but firmly. She left Draco's arms and moved to exit the maze.

"You've never looked at Viktor the way you looked at me just now," Draco said, stopping her in her tracks. "And you've never kissed him, the way you kissed me now."

Hermione spun around to retort but was interrupted by the cry of a raven. The two of them looked up in the sky and saw the bird carrying a parchment. They looked at each other once more before running to the castle.

Hermione opened the door to the throne room looking flushed and out of breath, Draco followed just after her. Viktor was next to her father and looked up at her as she entered and looked from her to Malfoy, his jaw clenched.

"Father?" Hermione asked with concern in her voice.

The King sighed. "Take five hundred men with you," he said to Viktor. He looked at Hermione. "The False King has declared war on Ravenclaw by capturing my nephew. I want Arneau Tak reinforced."

Hermione brought a hand up to her mouth in horror. "Ronald," she breathed.

"Take a handful of men with you into the Shadowlands," the King said to Viktor. "Bring him back if you can."

The castle gates were a flurry of activity as the soldiers stood in line. Pages scurried back in forth, readying the horses and bringing their masters supplies. Hermione stood with Ginevra watching all this unfold in front of her. She walked up to Viktor as his pages brought out his horse. Her hand brushed over the emblem of a raven on his armor, the mark of a General.

"I'll be back soon, Hermione," he whispered and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips.

Hermione brought him into an embrace. She looked over his shoulder and saw Draco watching them, a slightly amused look on his face and she averted her gaze.

"Be careful," she said quietly to Viktor when she broke the embrace.

"I'll bring him back," Viktor promised when he mounted his horse. Hermione smiled and watched him disappear into the ranks as the gates opened and the soldiers filed out. Draco brought his horse to Hermione.

"Milady," he bowed his head slightly. "Have no fear, your soldier will come back safe and sound to the woman he loves."

"Ooh, I hope an arrow finds its way past your armor," Hermione retorted. Draco laughed and galloped away with the rest of the soldiers.


As soon as they were thrown into the dungeon and left to themselves, Ron pounced on Harry, tossing him to the ground.

"Where did you get that?" he shouted as he pinned Harry. Harry pushed Ron away from him and sprang to his feet.

"Hermione gave it to me," he said waiting for Ron to strike again.

"How dare you speak her name!" Ron was held back by a couple of the prisoners.

"She gave it to me as a gift for saving her life," Harry lied as Neville held him back.

"What?" Ron said.

"It's true," Neville interrupted. "Her entourage was attacked by Death Eaters on the way to Hogsmeade. Harry saved her life and brought her safely to Dumbledore." He omitted the part about Harry falling head over heels for her.

Ron sighed and the other prisoners released him. "I'm sorry," he apologized then walked to a corner. The other prisoners drifted off into their own retreats to wallow in their sorrow. Harry and Neville joined Ron in the corner.

"Hey Ron," Harry began awkwardly, "there was no apology necessary. You didn't have to leave to this corner."

"That's not what I'm doing," Ron cut him off. "Look," he said pointing the wall, "there's a draft somewhere here." He took a pinch of dust and held it in front of the bricks, slowly letting it fall from his hands, the grains of sand blew sideways as they fell to the ground.

"Where there's a draft, there's a way out," Harry grinned.

"Exactly," Ron whispered. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting out of here. He'll sell the others as slaves, including you Neville. But he's going to keep me around for a long time, until he gets what he wants. And as for you Harry, I saw the way he looked at you. There's something about you that has him intrigued. He's going to kill you, Harry. I can't explain it, but he'll come after you."
