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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter One

A group of horseman galloped across the plain approaching the castle. The gate keeper announced their arrival and opened the city gates. The riders were dirty, tired and battle worn. Their horses adorned with silver and blue, matching the banner that they carried. They slowed their pace as they approached the gates, the leader taking off his helmet to reveal a shaggy mane of red hair. As they entered the castle he looked up at a young maiden who was watching their arrival from the balcony above. She wore a pale blue gown, her long waist length cinnamon hair blew gently in the breeze.

The young red haired man and another with dark hair dismounted and walked into the Great Hall. The King promptly got up from his throne to greet them.

"Milord," both of the riders knelt before the King.

"Good to see you back," the King said earnestly. "What news have you from the North?"

The red haired man rose. "Arneau Tak will hold but we need to send reinforcements."

"How many were lost?"

"At least a hundred men."

The King sighed. "We are already spread so thin."

"We must protect our borders."

Over four centuries ago the land was divided when the King was assassinated leaving no heir to the throne. It was a mutiny the other lords did not stand for and did not succumb to the rule of the one who called himself Lord Voldemort. To protect their lands they created their own kingdoms; Hufflepuff to the West, Ravenclaw bordered it on the East, Slytherin was to the South. All three had managed to fend off Lord Voldemort to the North, they called it the Shadowlands, for it was always shrouded in darkness, its dark clouds festering above.

A silky voice spoke from the shadows spoke. "Perhaps Slytherin can be of assistance." A man stepped forward, pale and thin, his oily hair fell around face.

The red haired man scowled inwardly. He did not like the idea of having the armies of Slytherin running around Ravenclaw. Luckily, the King shared his sentiments to some degree.

"Slytherin has been getting fat at the expense of our land. We are the barrier between them and the Shadowlands. Their people and trades are more protected than ours," the King muttered. "Give me some time to think on this. I shall seek the counsel of Albus Dumbledore."


The red haired young man walked up the stairs, his armor now free from his body. The afternoon sun filtered in through the windows casting spots of light upon the castle floor. The tapestries glinted in the sunlight. It had been a long and weary trip. He was gone for nearly a month, the battles casualties had been more than he would've liked, but they were able to defend their border once again. Although, without help, he didn't know for how much longer.

The man's name was Ronald de Weasley and he was the King's nephew, his mother being the King's sister. He was the youngest boy in his family, his younger sister, Ginnerva, was a lady of the court and a frequent companion to his cousin, Lady Hermione. Lady Hermione and he had grown up together, gone on many adventures through the castle. And although they were still very close, the duties of their births had separated them for long periods of time. As custom, Ronald choice of service to the King was in the military and he had proven himself a very good fighter. It was a duty he was fond of, something he was actually great at, so he was gone for long periods of time to check the borders of Ravenclaw.

He turned down a long corridor and entered large double doors on the left. It opened into a large open library, where the young maiden he saw earlier sat near a window. She looked up as he entered the room.

"Ron!" she exclaimed, dropping the book from her lap.

"Hermione," Ron gave a short bow as an escort left the library, closing the door behind her, leaving the two in the room alone.

Hermione ran to Ron as he welcomed her in an embrace. "I feared I would not see you again," she said to him.

"I shared the same sentiments." He broke the embrace and looked at her, giving her a small smile.

She examined the healing cuts on his face, touching one lightly. "How bad was it?"

"We lost many men," he said quietly. "Too many men." He moved away from her and watched out of the window. Hermione followed and stood by his side.

"Is my father sending for help?"

"He's sending for Dumbledore's counsel," he turned to look at her. "In the West."

"The West?" Hermione looked incredulous. "But it is a lawless land, full of warlords and brigands."

"I know. The messenger will be escorted by Viktor and a few others."

"Who is he sending?"

"Just one of the royal messengers."

Hermione sighed and angrily looked away and Ron looked at her.

"Hermione, this is far too dangerous a diplomatic mission. Putting you in danger is putting the crown in danger. Your father will do no such thing."

"I can hold my own. I wish he would stop treating me like a child."

"I would have to agree with your father on this."

"Of course you would."

"I mean you no ill will, cousin. But I too, would be concerned for your safety."

It was an argument that would go nowhere. She sighed and stared out the window at the countryside. A small group of horses approached the castle, a green and silver banner waved above them. Hermione looked at her cousin, who had the same curious look on his face. Slytherin had sent a messenger.


The next morning, Ron practiced his broadsword relentlessly on the poor pages that assisted him. He was in a poor mood by the news the messenger from Slytherin brought. The Malfoys would be coming to Ravenclaw. He hit a target a page propped very hard. Ugh! How he hated their son, Draco. If ever there was a more arrogant Knight, he'd hardly believe it.

Since they had met, Draco and Ron had never been amiable to each other. The Malfoy's ruled Syltherin, getting rich on their protected trades. Ron got the immediate impression from their visits that they thought themselves above the house of Granger. Much to Ron's chagrin, Draco was an equally good warrior, just as good on the horse and sword as he was. Draco never let it rest when he had bested him on something. Draco served in his father's army as well, but unlike Ron, he was a cruel General. Fairness and justice were values that led to weakness in Malfoy's opinion.

Ron attacked another target, sending the page to the ground. He had a fair idea of why the Malfoy's were coming to Ravenclaw, though he did not voice it to his cousin. She was smart enough to know why, she probably figured it out already.

The Lady Hermione was the only daughter of King Edward. And though her father still had many years to live, at his passing Hermione would ascend to the throne, ruling all of Ravenclaw. A marriage to the house of Malfoy would unite two of the largest kingdoms in the land. Although his cousin had managed to fend off many suitors, her father was growing impatient with her. He wanted to see his daughter's position in life be secured, even after his passing. An offer from the young Prince would be most advantageous.

It was not lost on Ron what Draco's "affections" for his cousin were. The fact that she had matured into a lovely young woman did not go unnoticed by the spoiled brat. Ron did not like the way he looked at her, the way his eyes followed her, how he shadowed her. For this reason, Ron made it a point to always be around his fair cousin, when the Malfoy's came to call. But if he thought that Hermione's thoughts were now occupied by this, he was mistaken. She had other ideas on her mind.


Hermione watched from of above as the small cavalry assembled below her. The royal messenger was seated in one of the carriages, escorted by fifteen of the King's knights.

"How long do you think they'll be away?" a voice broke her thoughts.

Hermione turned to her cousin, the Lady Ginnerva. "It's three days ride to the village of Hogsmeade. I imagine a little more than a week."

Her cousin sat her down and pulled her hair up into a knot. "That's a lot of time to make up excuses."

"You're brilliant, you can manage," Hermione answered wryly.

"There!" her cousin exclaimed, handing her a mirror.

Hermione looked at the wig atop her head. "Brilliant, Ginnerva!"

"You'll be able to pass as a young escort," she replied triumphantly, handing her a hooded robe.

A few moments later, the diplomatic entourage left for the land of Hufflepuff with an extra escort in tow.
