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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Three

"I'm a simple messenger," she answered.

Harry gave her a scrutinizing look. "A messenger," he repeated. "Disguised as a man?"

Hermione didn't answer him.

"This must be an important message to have the Death Eaters after you. Who's it for?"

"It is not for the ears of a common brigand," she said haughtily.

Harry eyed her.

"Now, if you would please tell me which way the road is?" she continued.

"Bossy aren't you? Are you sure the roads are safe?" he asked.

"I can hold my own," she said picking up her sword and sheathing it. She then went to pick up her wig and put it on her head. Harry had to suppress a smile and laugh.

"Well," he began in an amused tone, "I'd hate to point out a few problems for you. But I'm sure you may have already figured them out. One thing, your entourage is probably completely destroyed. Since the messenger is missing, the mission has probably been called off.

"Problem number two, since the roads have obviously been compromised and your entourage scattered, the road isn't very safe for a lone traveler. Let alone a mere messenger." Hermione opened her mouth to protest but he continued on.

"Problem three is a big one, you have no idea how to get to your final destination, do you? And finally number four, this tunnel we're in is only one of several and there is only one way out. But you can spend several days in here finding out which way to go." Harry turned and mounted his horse. "I bid you good luck." He smiled as the horse slowly cantered away.

Hermione stood there, annoyed at the problems he listed, problems that she herself should have known. She looked over as the man rode away slowly. With a huff, she decided to put her pride away, but only for this moment.

"Wait!" she called out and Harry smiled to himself.


When Hermione thought they had plunged into the river, what had actually happened was that they leapt through the waterfall across the ravine into a tunnel that was hidden behind it. The tunnel was dark and a bit humid. The sound of water trickling was constant as well as the stale smell of water and rock. Hermione sat behind Harry who held a torch ahead of them to light the way.

"How far to Hogsmeade?" she asked, breaking the silence, her voice echoing off the walls.

"Is that where you're headed?" Harry asked.


"At least a day's ride," he answered.

They rode in silence some more until they came upon a large cavern, a beautiful sparkling pool was in the middle of it, being fed by a narrow stream of water that made its way down the rock from above. Harry stopped the horse and dismounted, Hermione followed suit. He led the horse to the edge of the pool to let it drink. Harry pulled out a waterskin from the saddle and filled it with water. When it was full he offered it to her.

"Thank you," she said politely, taking off her gloves to take a drink.

Harry watched her for a moment. "Why did you follow me?" he asked.

She looked at him. "You know the way out of this tunnel."

"Maybe. I mean, I could be a brigand leading you deep in the caverns only to take advantage of you."

"You could be, but you won't."

"Why do you say that?" he smiled.

"You would've done it already." Hermione handed the waterskin back to Harry.

Harry took a drink himself then refilled the bag. "So a messenger for the King, huh?" he asked, walking back to the horse.

"Yes, that's right," Hermione answered.

"So what's it like being a servant?" He tied the waterskin to the saddle. "Working all day for a living?"

"It's all right I suppose," she answered plainly and looked up at him.

He was giving her a scrutinizing look.

"What?" she asked defensively.

He walked over to her and knelt next to her. He reached out and grabbed her wrist, turning it so he could see her hand. Hermione yanked her arm away and stood up, backing away.

"How dare you!" she scolded.

"Those hands have not seen a days work," Harry said seriously. "Either you tell me who you really are or I will have no hesitation about leaving you here.

Hermione stood there and fumed. Harry turned and moved to mount the horse but Hermione's voice rang out.

"I'm a lady-in-waiting in Lady Hermione's court," she spoke out. Harry stopped and turned to look at her and she continued. "The Lady was afraid that her father's message would not get to its final destination so she sent me along, in disguise of course, in case anything was to happen to the messenger."

"Why were you not protected by the other Knight's?" he asked.

"No one knew I was there. The Lady sort of went against her father's wishes," her voice lowered with shame and she looked away awkwardly.

"A rebellious future queen," Harry stated. He turned and mounted the horses, reaching down to help Hermione up. "Well I give your Lady credit for being clever," he said and Hermione smiled. "But Merlin help you all when she ascends the throne." Hermione's smile dropped.

"What's your name?" he asked her.

"Lavender." She inwardly berated herself. It really wasn't a lie, she did have a lady in her court named Lavender.

"Lavender," Harry repeated.

"And yours?" she asked.

"My name is Harry."

"Harry," she repeated his name as well then motioned to the horse. "And this is?"

"She's Hedwig," he answered.

"She's a beautiful creature," Hermione praised. The horse made a small neigh of appreciation and she laughed. A sound that stirred something deep inside Harry.

They eventually made it out of the tunnel, but when they emerged it was evening. The sun would set soon and the crickets began their nightly serenades. They rode out into a grassy plain, the grass blowing gently in the breeze. Harry stopped the horse and pointed to a rocky outcrop ahead of them.

"We'll make camp there. We'll leave early in the morning and we should arrive in Hogsmeade sometime in the afternoon."

They tethered Hedwig before they set out to find dry wood for a fire. When that was done they went out into the plains to find dinner. Small furry ferrets scampered away from them as they walked and it took Harry several tries before he caught one.

"There!" he said triumphantly, "It's really not that hard. I know you don't have a lot of experience in the outdoors but this should manage us through the…"

Hermione dove to the ground, wrestled a little bit then leapt up triumphantly.

"Look! I caught one!!" she cried out, holding a large rabbit in her hands.

Harry closed his gaping mouth and tossed his ferret behind him, setting it free.

"Very good!" he said. "Beginner's luck."

On full stomachs, they lay on opposite sides of the fire. Hermione gazed up at the stars above her.

"Harry?" she asked.


"Who are you? I mean, what do you do?"

"I'm not a brigand, if that's what you're thinking." Hermione smiled. "I'm a Rider."

"That's a lonely profession, isn't it?"

"I like being alone," he answered.

"Don't you have any family?"

"Those whom I consider my family are in Hogsmeade."

Hermione was silent.

"I was orphaned as a baby. My godfather took me and fled here," he had no idea why he was telling her this. He surprised himself that he was this much at ease with her.

"I'm very sorry for your loss," she said softly. Harry didn't reply. She watched the stars above her some more until her eyelids slowly became heavy. She took off her wig and tossed it into the fire before closing her eyes to sleep.

A sound woke her from her slumber. She looked above her, the sky was different, it must have been at least two hours. She heard a low moan then a strangled cry. She looked over. It was coming from Harry. He tossed and turned in a restless sleep.

"Harry," she said aloud and crawled over to him. She shook him gently to wake him but he still tossed and moaned. His face was damp with sweat and she brushed his bangs from his forehead and cradled his head in her hands. "Harry! Harry, wake up!"

He started, his eyes shot open and in one swift movement had her pinned beneath him, a dagger in his right hand, its point mere millimeters from her throat. Hermione didn't move, she was petrified with terror. Harry was breathing heavy, his mind clearing from his nightmare as he looked into her terrified eyes, felt her trembling body beneath his. He quickly moved off of her.

"You scared me to death, Lavender," he said putting the knife away.

She scrambled away from him. "I'm sorry. You were having a nightmare. I…"

Harry sighed, he didn't mean to frighten her. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Are you?" she answered back.

"Yeah. I didn't mean to…"

"I know, Harry. I know. Let's just…try and get some sleep, alright?"

She turned over, facing away from him. Harry sighed and lay down. He looked at her across the fire. It would be a while before he would get any sleep. The feeling of her beneath him, still lingered in his mind.
