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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

A/N: This is it! The final chapter! I'm dividing this story into two so I can take a break to finish up my other story. Then I shall return to this one. Thanks for all the positive reviews. I hope you all enjoyed this story and I hope you will read its sequel.

Chapter Sixteen

Jason and Hermione were already too late. Draco had received the message by raven from Severus Snape while they were out and he had already sent his scouts out, one of them disguised as part of Hermione's escort. He watched as a beggar approached the litter only to be brushed away by Jason. He left the group and followed the beggar through the streets. He watched as he left the city to the surrounding forests just as Severus had predicted. The scout left for the castle.

Braeden met the others as the sun began to set. "She is there," he said. "I gave her the message."

"Is she well?" Ron asked.

"Yes, she is," Braeden answered.

"At least he's treating her well," Ron muttered.

"Of course he is," Harry said impatiently. Draco wanted Hermione for his Queen not a simple prisoner.

"The gates close soon, we should get going if we want to make it into the city," Ron said as he dismounted his horse.

Disguised as simple travelers, they made their way to the road and rejoined the villagers on the road who were making their way back into the city before the gates closed.

Jason was seeing to his horse after the Queen and he returned to the castle when Goyle approached him.

"Special duty for the King," he said gruffly. "We are to be stationed at the gate for inspections. We are looking for a group of beggars. Their descriptions are here," he said handing Jason a parchment. "We are to take into custody any young man who fits this description, especially the first one. No harm may come to him. The King wants them brought directly before him."

Jason read the list. The first one described a young man with black hair and green eyes.


Hermione sat at the long table staring at the candles as they burned down their wicks. Her King kept her waiting and she sighed and took another drink from her goblet. Setting it back down on the table, familiar hands were placed on her shoulders.

"I have kept you. I apologize," he said smoothly kissing her neck. His hand moved from her shoulder to caress her clavicle, his pinkie dipping into the neckline of her dress.

"It is not a problem, my Lord," she said.

"Perhaps our meal can wait," Draco whispered huskily as his hand dipped past her neckline and cupping a breast.

"But I had it specially prepared for you," she said as he brought her to her feet.

He turned her around to face him and placed his hands on her waist. He lifted her and placed her on the table. "We can have it some other time," he whispered then he hungrily sought out her lips.

He laid her back gently on the table, the goblet Hermione had been drinking from clattered to the floor. He kissed her lips, her neck her chest while his hands wandered over her cupping and kneading her breasts over the dress she wore. She shut her eyes when she felt his hardness press against her thigh through his trousers. She bit back obscenities she wanted to scream at him.

"Why, oh why must you keep me waiting?" Draco whispered longingly. Hermione gathered all her courage for what she was about to do.

"I want you to do something for me," she said as she lifted her hips to press herself against him.

"Anything," Draco groaned.

"Rowena," she whispered in his ear. His kisses grew frenzied as he pressed himself against her and she pressed back. "I wish to visit Rowena."

"You'll leave in the morning," Draco whispered. Hermione smiled. With any luck she could intercept Harry.

"Ahem," a voice came from the corner of the room. "My pardons, my Lord," Goyle said, his eyes averted from the scene he had interrupted.

Draco moved off of Hermione. "Yes?" he asked not bothering to mask his annoyance. Hermione straightened her dress.

"You, uh, had asked me to inform you right away. We have found them and they are waiting for you in your throne room as you requested," Goyle said.

"Very well. I will be there shortly," Draco replied, waving the Knight away. He turned to Hermione. "I am so sorry for our dinner being ruined but we have some special guests. Follow me, my Queen," he said, holding out his arm. Curious, Hermione took it.


Harry watched Ron as he walked ahead of him, Braeden was ahead of Ron, Mat and Geoff were behind him. A feeling of unease settled over him when he saw that there were Knights stationed at the gate doing inspections. Ron made it past the city gates and veered to the left and so did Braeden. They were to go their separate ways and meet at the Gaping Trout, an inn. Harry held his breath as he walked past the Knights, his heart beat rapidly in his chest. He veered right and let out a sigh of relief.

The streets were crowded with last minute travelers arriving and scrambling to find rooms at inns. The vendors who sold food called out bargains to those coming in that were hungry for a meal. Whores cooed and greeted the weary travelers.

"If you know what's best for you, I suggest you hide and leave first thing in the morning," a voice next to him murmured.

Harry turned to face a Slytherin Knight riding on horseback casually through the street. He was about his age with brown hair and blue eyes. At first Harry wasn't even sure he was speaking to him.

"Did you not hear what I said?" the Knight spoke out of the corner of his mouth.

"I beg your pardon, Sir Knight, but I am a simple beggar," Harry replied.

The Knight rolled his eyes. "I know who you are, Harry." Harry's eyes widened slightly but the surprise was gone in a flash. "The Queen has given me orders to make sure you do not set foot inside that castle. And I will stay true to her word even if I have to bind and gag you and toss you over the wall."

"I really don't give a damn what the King's mother says," Harry hissed back, his hand stealthily reaching for the hilt of his sword.

"His mother has passed on. I'm speaking of the Lady Hermione," Jason whispered fiercely.

"Hermione is not your Queen," Harry spat.

It happened in a flash, the Knight's sword was drawn and held at his neck. Harry fingered the hilt of his sword. "She gave me orders to keep you away from the castle but she didn't say I couldn't cut out your tongue."

Harry glared at the Knight. Hermione would not keep him away from her.


Comprehension dawned on his face but it was too late. The trap had already been sprung. A small group of Knights surrounded them. The Knight that Hermione had sent jumped down from his horse and stood behind Harry.

"Just don't do anything stupid," he whispered as he manacled Harry's wrists. "We'll find a way to get you out of this."

"Well done, Jason," another Knight said as he approached. "I'll be taking over now."

Jason did not release Harry. "I think not," he replied coldly. "He is my prisoner."

The Knight raised an eyebrow and looked at his fellow Knights. "So…the Queen's lapdog wishes to be rewarded. Very well, you are a dead man walking anyway. If the King finds that his marriage bed has already been slept in, he'll know whose manhood to cut off." The Knights laughed and Jason bristled.

The Knight reached toward Harry's sword to strip him of it but when his hand touched the hilt he sharply pulled away. He looked suspiciously at him. Jason reached for the sword and withdrew it from Harry, disarming him.


The eunuch announced them as they entered the Throne Room and Hermione was floored to see five people on their knees, foreheads touching the floor and Slytherin Knights behind them holding chains. Hermione sat in the chair next to Draco's but Draco remained standing.

"You may rise," Draco said calmly and the prisoners rose to their feet.

Hermione's eyes went over the Ravenclaw Knights in front of her stopping briefly at her cousin and locking eyes with Harry.

"What is the meaning of this?" Hermione demanded as she stood from her chair.

"I had received word of a most sinister plot involving these men," Draco said as he slowly walked past the prisoners. He shook his head when he passed Ron. "It seems they were here to kidnap you, my love." He stopped at Harry and smirked at him. Harry stared back at him, his gaze cold.

"Well, there must be some mistake. My cousin is here after all and I demand that he be released along with the others," Hermione stated boldly.

"I'm afraid I cannot do that, my Queen," Draco said smoothly. "It is a serious crime to kidnap a member of the royal family. Let alone the King's future bride."

Harry saw that Hermione's gaze moved from him to behind him at Jason who held his chains.

"Draco, surely there must be some mistake. Ron is my cousin after all. Perhaps he was here to visit?" she said pointedly.

Ron was furious however. "You forced her into this marriage, Draco. I know you did. You stole her from Ravenclaw!"

Hermione sighed and closed her eyes. She had been trying to give them a way out and Ron blew it. Every moment that Harry spent in the room with Draco, the more he wanted to be released from his bonds and strangle the man.

"I ask you for mercy," Hermione said quietly to Draco. Her gaze fell upon Harry and he saw a brief flash of love in her eyes.

"Let me think of what I shall do to you," Draco announced to the prisoners. "In the meantime…I hope you enjoy your stay in our dungeons."


As Jason led Hermione back into the dungeons they came across two of the guards again. Let Draco know that I've come here. She was furious with him for this capture. She told him that she would not be joining him for dinner after all. He was angry with her but she didn't care. Her plans for leaving for Rowena were put on hold indefinitely.

"Ron!" she whispered when she saw him in his cell with the other Knights. He moved to the iron gate that imprisoned him and reached out for her through it.

"There's a traitor in Rowena," he said to her. "We tried to come for you but someone sent word."

"Severus," Hermione said. "It's Severus. He was the one who took me from the castle. Oh, they killed Viktor," she sobbed.

"Hermione, did you agree to marry him?" he asked.

"I had no choice. I had to save Rowena. I had to save you and…," she stopped abruptly and sighed wearily.

"I know, Hermione," Ron whispered. He looked at Jason, warily, who stood behind Hermione. "Hermione," he began seriously. "There's something you should know--."

Hermione held a finger to her lips. "I know. That is why I cannot let what's about to happen happen." Ron looked at her questioningly. "Bellatrix is here," she said and his eyes widened. "Draco made a deal to seek Harry out. He will turn him over to her to bring to the False King."

"Hermione, that cannot happen."

"I know. Where is he?"

"They moved him to another cell," he replied.

She held her cousin's hand. "I will get you out of this. I swear it."

She left her cousin to find Harry. She walked down the corridor until Jason whispered to her softly.

"Milady," he whispered.

Hermione turned and saw that he had stopped in front of a cell. She must have missed it. She peered into it and saw that Harry was indeed alone. As soon as he saw her he scrambled to his feet to meet her.

"Harry," she sobbed quietly. She reached out to hold him, cursing the metal that divided them. Harry kissed her hands as he held them then reached out to caress her face and wipe the tears from her eyes. She kissed his palm.

"Hermione, my sweet Hermione," he whispered. "I have failed you. I swore that nothing would happen to you."

"I am fine, Harry. My concern lies with you. Harry…Bellatrix is here. She is to take you to the False King."

Harry sighed wearily. "There's something you should know…"

"I know, Harry. I know it all."

"Then you'll understand why I'm asking you to do what I ask of you," he said. "Return to Rowena. Find Dumbledore and leave with him."

"I cannot do that," Hermione trembled.

"Yes, you must! Dumbledore will keep you safe. Hermione…he killed my family. If he ever found out about you…"

Hermione shut her eyes. "No," she whispered.

"Please, Hermione, you must! For me," he pleaded.

"What I am about to do, is for you." And our child.

Harry looked at her. "You're going to marry him, aren't you?" he said softly.

"I bound myself to you. My heart truly lies with you," she said quietly as tears rolled down her face.

"Please, Hermione…go to Dumbledore. He will keep you safe."

"And who will keep you safe?"

"No. Hermione, no, don't do this," Harry shook his head.

Hermione kissed the palm that bore the slight scar of the binding then took his leave.

"NO! Hermione!" Harry shouted out, grabbing the iron bars and shaking them uselessly. "Don't do this! Hermione!"

Hermione shut her ears to her true love's cries. She was doing this for him but most of all for their unborn child.


Harry sat brooding in his cell. He didn't sleep at all that night as thoughts raced through his head. He ignored Ron and the other Knights as they called to him. He ignored the Riders of Hufflepuff and their calls for a plan to escape.

"Hermione will get us out of this," Ron had called out to him.

And she would but at what price? Giving herself to that poor excuse of a king was not worth his life, no matter who he was.

His parents had sacrificed their lives for him, so did Dumbledore and Sirius. The Ravenclaw Knights pledged their alliance with him as surely as the Riders would. All of them, sacrificing for him. The True King. The one who could defeat the False King and reunite the lands. And he didn't want any of it.

Until now.

He swore an oath. When he was free of this mess, he would declare himself the True King and ride under the banner of his fathers. He would do it. Hermione's sacrifice would be the last and it would not be for nothing.

The dungeon door opened and he could hear the sounds of many footsteps. Draco walked in and marched to Harry's cell. A large Knight that Harry recognized from last night brought out the keys that unlocked his cell and stepped in. They put Harry in chains and restrained him. Draco walked into the cell.

"A King for a day," he said softly. Harry said nothing, his jaw clenched in anger. "And yet you still don't get your Queen." He sneered at him then quickly brought his hand back and hit Harry across the face. Harry glared at him, blood trickled from his lip. "Take him to Bellatrix," Draco spat.

They shoved him to the ground and dragged him but Harry did not cry out in protest. The Riders screamed at Draco and Ron and his Knights spewed obscenities. The morning air was cool. Bellatrix sat upon her horse as Harry was dragged into the courtyard. They shoved him into a small caged wagon not bothering to remove his chains.

"And so it is done," Bellatrix said cheerfully to Draco.

Draco looked at Harry in disgust. "So it is."

At her command the caravan began to move and leave the city to begin their journey north to the False King.

Harry looked back at Draco standing in the courtyard of his castle. He would remember this. After he defeated the False King, he would amass a great army and lay siege to Slytherin. He would defeat Draco and take back what was stolen from him.

Hermione looked down into the courtyard, watching as Harry was taken away. Jason stood by her side.

"You know what you must do, Jason," she said quietly to him. She had formed a plan and had given Jason her instructions.

"It will be done my Queen," he replied then left her side.

Hermione stared coldly down at Draco and at Bellatrix. The courtyard would be bustling with activity in a few hours to set up the gallows. The Riders of Hufflepuff and her Ravenclaw Knights would be hung tomorrow. Her cousin, Ronald, would be spared but he was to be stripped of his title. She would go out into the city today and make the necessary preparations for this evening.

It was late afternoon by the time Draco had finished with matters of the Kingdom. After checking on the progress of the gallows which were near completion, he sat on his throne wearily and summoned for the Ravenclaw Knights. Hermione was visiting the city and would not return until later he was told. She was still angry with him and had not spoken a word to him, nor let him lay a single finger on her.

But he had to do this. The Knights had plotted against him and if he let them go free it would be a sign of weakness. He had spared her cousin because it would not look good to kill family you were to be wed into.

The doors opened and his Knights brought forth the prisoners of Ravenclaw. They were shoved to the ground.

"Kneel!" Goyle commanded harshly.

Draco surveyed them. "I brought you here because I am giving you one last chance. Swear allegiance to me and you will be beheaded instead of the drawn out process of a hanging."

"Our allegiance is to the Queen!" Matt grumbled.

"And yet you plot to harm her?" Draco said calmly.

"We were to rescue her from a King that had stolen her," Ron said angrily.

"I'd hold your tongue, Ronald. I only spared you because you are my love's cousin."

"Does your love know you sold Harry to the False King?" Ron spat.

"And why would the Queen care about a Rider?" Draco asked lazily.

"He is her Knight and our sworn brother!" Braeden roared.

"The Rider a Knight?" Draco laughed.

"The Queen stood before him as he knelt and pledged his fealty to her," Geoff growled.

A shadow passed over Draco's face and his smile vanished. His lips pursed together tightly as his hands gripped his throne. The next words out of his mouth were said with great restraint.

"I'll give you one last chance to swear fealty to the King."

"We swear fealty to only one King," Ron replied.

Draco stared at them. "Hang them all. Including the Queen's cousin."

The prisoners were dragged to their feet and led away. Goyle stood by his King's side. One of the guards approached him.

"If I may speak, my King?" he said and Draco waved at him. "If these Knights have pledged to the Lost Heir, might have the others?"

Draco snapped his head at him. "What did you say?"

The guard swallowed nervously. "I said if they have pledged to the Lost Heir-"

"The Lost Heir?" Draco asked, harshly. "Where did you hear that?"

"I heard the Queen and Jason speaking, Milord," the guard said timidly.

Draco closed his eyes and sighed heavily before opening them. "You may leave me. All of you except Goyle." The attendants all left hastily.

"My King?" Goyle asked.

"I'm sending a letter to our friend Severus commanding that all the Knights in Ravenclaw will be killed."

"Yes, my King," Goyle said obediently.

Draco looked up at him, rage in his face. "Find Jason," he said quietly. "Kill him."

"As you command," Goyle said, a smile on his face.

"And find the Queen and bring her straight to me."


The sun was setting when Hermione's litter was placed before the steps of the castle. A few of Draco's Knights stood ready for her.

"The King has asked for your presence in the Throne Room," one of them said as she climbed out of the litter.

"Of course," Hermione said and headed into the castle.

Jason had followed her in and saw to his horse in the stables. He brushed her and wiped her down when he heard someone approach him from behind and the scrape of a blade being withdrawn from its hilt. Jason turned quickly as Goyle struck but he was quick and had his own sword out to block the hit.

Hermione entered the Throne Room and saw Draco slumped in his chair. His servants hastily left the room, closing the door behind them and leaving the two of them alone.

"Draco?" she asked.

He looked up at her. "I had asked you," he said softly. "I asked you if you knew where he was."

"Milord?" she asked, confused.

"The Rider, Hermione!"

Hermione gave a small laugh. "This is about the Rider again? Draco-"

"YOU LIED!! YOU LIED TO ME! YOUR KING!" he roared and flew out of his seat. Hermione gasped and stepped away from him frightened. "You knighted him!!"

"Draco-" she breathed.

"You stood in front of me and LIED! You KNEW he was the Lost Heir!"

"I can explain!" she pleaded but Draco reached out and hit her across the cheek.

She went sprawling on the floor. Hot tears stung her eyes. Draco crouched next to her.

"Were you protecting him because you loved him?" Draco asked, heartsick. He grabbed her shoulders. "Do you love him?"

"No, Milord!" she cried.

He shoved her back down on the ground. "Every word out of your mouth is a lie!" he snarled. He gathered the hem of her skirts and ripped them. Hermione cried out.

"I swear it!" she said as she struggled against him.

"My patience with you is through," he growled as he lay on top of her. "You will sleep in my chambers now, we will wed on the morrow and you will give me an heir," he whispered fiercely in her ear. "You will love me!"

"I already do," she cried weakly. "I already do."

Jason let out a small groan of pain as Goyle's blade sliced his arm but the damage was not serious. Jason countered and parried with him. Goyle was slow but strong and Jason had the advantage. Goyle delivered a strong blow but missed causing him to be off balance. Jason seized the opportunity and struck him down.

He withdrew his blade now red and slick with blood. The King had finally put a price on his head, his time here was over. But first things first.

He ran into the dungeons, disposing of the guards there. The prisoners looked at him wide eyed and confused as he broke the locks, setting them free.

"My cousin?" Ron asked.

"She cannot be helped now," Jason gasped out of breath. She had given him explicit instructions that she expected him to follow no matter what happened to her. "Quickly! We must ride now if we are to catch Bellatrix."

To the stables they went, stealing horses and Jason riding his, his bundles already secured. They raced through the city as other soldiers joined them. The gates opened for them, Hermione having paid the gatekeeper well.


Harry lay at Voldemort's feet bound and gagged. The crowd of dark creatures cheered in triumph as Voldemort raised a hand, the Gryffindor sword in his hand. Draco walked up the stairs to greet him.

"What gift has the Slytherin King brought me?" Voldemort asked.

Draco smiled and bowed, moving to the side. Harry saw the look of surprise on Voldemort's face as a lioness leapt from behind Draco, her teeth sinking into Voldemort's throat as he was knocked to the floor.

Harry woke up from his dream startled. He thought he had heard a strange noise. The wagon had stopped and he heard the galloping of horses! Bellatrix began to shriek commands and there was the sound of metal clanking, the screams of horses and the grunts of men. He couldn't see anything in the dark because his prison had been covered.

At last the battle was over and the tarp was ripped off. A familiar face looked back at him in the moonlight.

"Sorry we're a bit late," Ron said as he broke the lock.

"Ron!" Harry exclaimed.

"I believe this is yours?" he said, handing Harry his sword.

He stepped out of the wagon and his jaw dropped. His Knights had been freed as well as his fellow Riders, Slytherin soldiers stood among them with the Knight name Jason. Hermione's Knight. Bellatrix was on her knees before him.

"You will pay for this," she spat at Harry.

"We shall see," he replied. "Bind her. She will be our prisoner."

"I'm sorry, Milord," Jason spoke up. "But we have specific instructions from the Queen."

Harry, the Riders and the Knights looked at each other uneasily. Jason reached down and yanked Bellatrix's head back.

"I have a message for you from the Queen Hermione herself," he proclaimed aloud. Then he bent down to whisper in her ear. A message that Hermione had given Jason to give to her at the moment of Bellatrix's death. A message to be whispered so that no other ears could hear save hers. A secret that Jason was sworn to keep.

The Queen carries the True King's child.

Harry didn't hear what was whispered. No one did but Bellatrix's eyes grew large as she looked at Harry, her jaw dropping in surprise before the whoosh of Jason's blade lopped off her head. A Slytherin soldier stepped forward and unfurled a banner. It was blue with a silver raven on it with a crown on its head. Hermione's banner, the banner of the Queen. Bellatrix's head was wrapped in it and placed in the wagon. Jason slapped the horses' haunches as they continued their ride north to the Shadowlands.

Harry shared a long look with Ron. Hermione had started the Final Battle with the False King.

"The Queen has also asked me to give you this," Jason said and another soldier stepped forward and handed Harry a bundle. "She had found a drawing of it and had it specially crafted."

Harry unwrapped the bundle and unfurled the banner. It was a large one, crimson with a large lion embroidered in gold thread.

"It is from the house of your fathers," Jason explained. Harry was speechless. Hermione had done this for him.

"All hail the Gryffindor King!" Ron shouted.

"Hail the Gryffindor King!" the others replied and they all bent on one knee before him.

All of them.


Hermione bowed her head as the heavy crown of silver, diamonds and emeralds was placed on her head. The smoke of the incense bowl weaved its way around her and her groom. She rose to her feet as she faced the Lords and Ladies in the hall. They cheered and clapped. Draco took her hand and kissed it as they walked together down the aisle and to the balcony. The citizens of the Kingdom had come far and wide for this moment. They cheered as Draco appeared on the balcony.

"I present to you your Queen. The Lady Hermione Granger of Ravenclaw!" he shouted.

Hermione stepped forward and the crowed roared with approval. Hermione smiled and waved down at them. An albino pigeon fluttered and landed on the ledge next to her and she gave a knowing smile.

She had given the pigeon to Jason to let her know that his deed had been done. She looked north. Harry had been freed and was now riding to gather an army to rise against the False King. And when he did, he would have a powerful ally in Slytherin.

Draco came up behind her and placed a hand on her lower back as he waved to the crowd.

"You see. They already love you as I love you," he said to her.

"And as I love you, my King" she replied and Draco beamed.

Her smile did not reach her eyes but he didn't see that. And she cringed at every touch he gave her. He wouldn't see that either. He wouldn't see that she hated him with every fiber in her being.

And he would be delirious with joy when she would tell him, a moon from now, that she was with child.

