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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Fourteen

A handsome young man with dark brown hair and blue eyes stood amongst the Slytherin Knights. His name was Jason. Since they had been children, Jason was always picked on by Draco. Once when they were ten, they were playing in the courtyard with wooden swords, Jason was doing a good job of defending himself to the frustration of the young prince. He ordered Jason to have one hand bound behind his back and to be blindfolded. Draco stabbed and whacked him mercilessly until he was bloodied and bruised all over. He had no choice. He was taught to obey the young prince and to do whatever he was told.

Jason was fast and skillful with the sword and it earned him a place amongst the Knights in Slytherin. How proud he was to wear the green tunic with the silver serpent over his armor. But he quickly learned that he was different from his fellow Knights. Crabbe and Goyle had no honor, they were cruel and savage like the others. When they rode through the villages to assist in the collection of taxes, they were deaf to the pleas of the people. Jason could see in some of the poorest towns that they could barely make the payment, living in the poorest shacks, dressed in the shabbiest of clothes, their children pale and thin. Jason could hardly stomach this. Especially since the money went to pay for the Malfoy's extravagances. But he had no choice. He was taught to obey the young prince and to do whatever he was told.

When Draco was crowned King there were festivals held in the city. Jason entered the joust and had done extremely well for himself. He easily unseated his rivals and made his way up the list. The people in the streets cheered and congratulated him and he had many fans in the galleys. The purse was a large amount of gold pieces and a fine tunic made of silk. The night before the final tournament the King summoned him. Draco wanted Jason to lose the tournament, the challenger was one of the King's friends. So Jason unseated himself in the joust, losing the tournament and the purse, while Goyle received the praise and cheers of the people. He had no choice. He was taught to obey the young King and to do whatever he was told.

Jason climbed the small hill, carrying the burlap sack. His stomach twisted when he emptied its contents and the Ravenclaw Queen's intended's head rolled out of it. The King was a man who was used to getting what he wanted. The Ravenclaw Queen had managed to fend him off until now. He watched as they King whispered in her ear, forcing her into marriage lest her city fall to the armies of the False King. He turned away as the King kissed her when the Queen accepted his proposal. She would be taken to Slytherin immediately, the King had brought the finest carriage he had to take her back in. The King charged Jason as her warder, her personal Knight and that she was to return to Slytherin safely. As Jason rode next to the carriage he could hear her small sobs. His extended hand of courtesy did little to cheer the Queen. He had no choice. He was taught to obey the young King and to do whatever he was told.


By the time she reached Slytherin, Hermione had cried herself dry. It would do no good to shed tears now, she had a kingdom to protect and a new one to learn about. The air was warm and pleasant and Hermione imagined what summers here would be like.

The carriage came to a halt at the castle and its doors opened. She blinked into the midday sun.

"My Queen," the Knight called Jason said as he held out a hand for assistance. Hermione took it and stepped down from the carriage. Jason snapped his fingers and servants scurried to take her trunks.

"This way my Queen," a portly middle aged woman urged Hermione into the castle. When she showed Hermione her new quarters, she breathed a sigh of relief that she wasn't sharing a bedchamber with Draco. Not yet, at least.

The room was large and more elegant than even she had seen. The gilded large bed in the middle of the room had a quilt of green silk, a large rug lay in the middle of the room so plush it seemed that your foot almost disappeared when you stepped in it. A large fireplace was opposite the bed, though it probably wouldn't be used until winter it was so warm here. Tall columns and sheer green draperies held the gateway to an open balcony that dominated the far wall. Hermione walked to it to take in the wonderful view of the city far below her.

"Do you like it, my Queen?" Jason asked.

"Yes. Yes, it's beautiful," Hermione smiled.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"A parchment and a quill. I wish to write to my cousin," Hermione asked.

"As you wish, my Queen." Jason frowned. All of the Queen's correspondence was to be delivered to Severus Snape who would then carry any messages to Ravenclaw.

After finishing some business in Ravenclaw, Draco rode quickly to return to Slytherin. He arrived the night Hermione did.

"Has she arrived?" he asked Jason as he handed over his stallion to the stableboys.

"Yes, she is in her chambers preparing for dinner," Jason answered.

"Good, I wish for it to be a private one," he ordered. Jason paused.

"I don't think it will be possible tonight. Your audience has been requested by another."

Draco sighed impatiently. "It is her first night here in the castle as the future Queen. All I want is a private dinner with my beloved!"

"I'll be as quiet as a mouse," Bellatrix smiled coyly as she emerged from the shadows.

Dinner indeed was a quiet affair. Draco sat at one end of the table while Hermione sat at the other, Bellatrix sat between them. She had introduced herself to Hermione as the King's counselor.

"Be careful my Lord," Hermione said to Draco. "I'd keep a watchful eye on your counselor." She was thinking of Severus Snape.

"I assure you, my dearest, that she will be watched closely," Draco scowled.

Draco did not eat his food. He sat there scowling through the entire meal. He couldn't believe that the False King sent his whore to be his eyes and ears. No doubt she was here to see that his end of the deal would be seen through.


Neville watched silently as one of the riders approached the wagon that was stopped in the middle of the road. They were merchants whose wagon wheel was broken. A feeling of unease settled into his stomach. Something was wrong about this, something very wrong. The merchants argued with the rider and drew their knives. Neville gave the signal and he and the other riders appeared out of the woods and surrounded the wagon.

"I'm afraid you're outnumbered, friend," Neville said to one of the merchants.

"I think not, Rider," the merchant replied.

There was a clang of swords being drawn and the stamping of hooves. Out of the forests from whence the riders came emerged soldiers of the Slytherin army.

Sirius sat back and laughed jovially as he watched the young ones dance and drink. The Hogs Head was teaming with laughter. He brought his cup to his lips when the doors burst open and Slytherin soldiers poured into the room. Screams of surprise filled the air as the soldiers gathered up the young men in the room. Sirius quickly leaped behind the bar and hid himself in one of the cabinets as he listened to the melee that took place in the room.

Quietly he let himself out of the cabinet and snuck himself into the basement. He hoisted himself up onto some crates to the window in the stone wall. He opened the window then crawled through the narrow opening. The brawling spilled out into the streets. Sirius ran to the stables, mounted his horse and galloped away.


Music filled the air and the people crowded in the streets. Bread and wine flowed everywhere as the people of Ravenclaw gorged themselves while a group of Knights scowled in the corner.

"Unbelievable," one of the Knights muttered under his breath.

"Your King wishes to celebrate with the people," a Slytherin Knight replied. As Harry had predicted, the King had placed a few of his own Knights among them. The lovely piece of joy standing with Harry and Mat, one of the Ravenclaw Knights, name was Crabbe.

"He's not our King yet," Mat muttered. Crabbe raised an eyebrow.

"What Mat means to say is that the wedding is a few months away," Harry cut in. A wedding that Harry was determined to stop.

Harry and Ron had come up with a plan. All they needed was to ready one of the Knights. Braeden would go to Slytherin disguised as a commoner. He would somehow get the message to Hermione that help was on its way. Harry and the other Knights would be waiting in the forests for Braeden to return. Then they would make their move. It was going to be tricky, a handful of Knights suddenly disappearing from the city. They had a plan for that. They would find and pay a few loyal commoners to dress up as Knights in their absence.

Ginevra came up to Harry. "Would you care for a walk?" she asked.

Harry accepted, ignoring the catcalls behind him from Crabbe and followed the young woman.

"Ron has received a letter from Hermione," she said in hushed tones as they walked. "He's waiting for you at the Ladies Lace." She stepped away from Harry, pretending to examine some fine linens at a merchants table.

Harry left her side and made his way to the brothel that Ginny had instructed him to. It was crowded with people, a few Slytherin soldiers scattered among them watching him closely. A familiar looking whore came up to him.

"Come to see me again, Harry?" she said aloud so the soldiers would hear. She laughed and led Harry up the stairs to a room above.

Ron stepped out of the shadows when they entered the room. She locked the door behind them and they waited a moment. As usual, the footfalls of a soldier could be heard outside the door. The whore began to jump up and down on the bed, giving the illusion of the activities that would be going on in the room. Satisfied, the soldier walked away from the room.

"I've got a letter," Ron whispered.

"What does she say?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Nothing of importance. She says nothing of how or why she agreed to the marriage." Harry groaned with frustration. Ron ignored him. "But look at this." He held the parchment up to him and to the light. "The seal has a thin line through it. This letter has been opened then resealed."

"Someone is reading any letters that she sends?" Harry devised.

"And probably letters she'll receive," Ron added.

Harry's lips thinned into a grimace. "Two weeks, Ron," he said quietly. "He's had her for two weeks."

"We'll get her back, Harry," Ron said quietly. "We will."


Hermione shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The two weeks of celebration in her name was wearing its toll on her. She watched as the two Knights sped their horses toward each other, lances out and ready to unseat each other with a sickening crack. But she was disinterested in the event. Even though she was shaded, the heat seemed to stifle her. The noise of the crowd began to grind her ears. And the smells…oh the smells! She was tired of it. She was oh so tired and wanted to return to the castle and rest.

"I wish to return, Jason," she said to her Knight.

"As you wish, my Queen," he replied.

He arranged a litter and she stepped onto it and rested against the lush pillows as it was lifted and carried through the streets.

"You do not have to accompany me," Hermione said to Jason as he rode next to her on his horse.

"It is not a problem, my Queen," he replied and smiled.

"Do the games not interest you?" she asked.

"I have lost interest in them long ago," he said.

"A Knight should always be interested in honor and bravery. It is like the sun and water for the plant. Without it, a Knight would wither away," she smiled.

"There is no place in this kingdom for a Knight to truly grow," Jason said bitterly and Hermione raised an eyebrow. "Forgive me," Jason said hastily. "I have spoken untruly." He did not speak for the rest of the trip.

In fact, Hermione did not speak with him until a week later. They were in the library, Hermione reading while Jason kept guard in the room. Hermione sighed and closed her book, she left the bench she was sharing with her escort, an elderly woman who was working on her stitching.

Silently Hermione approached Jason.

"Are you unhappy?" she whispered to him.

"No, my Queen," Jason replied.

"Do not lie to me, Jason. You have been my constant companion for the three weeks I have been here. The only one here whom I've spoken to other than Draco. You may speak freely," Hermione said.

Jason eyed her warily. Hermione sighed and walked to a window and looked at the grounds below her. Jason followed her.

"I'm unhappy," she said quietly.

"I know," Jason whispered. "What you did was very brave."

"Was it?" Hermione asked.

"Your selfless actions are a breath of fresh air for this Kingdom," Jason said.

"Why are you so cynical?" she asked.

Jason sighed. "Let us just say that Knighthood is not what I thought it would be." Hermione looked at him curiously. Jason explained further. "When I was a boy, my nurse used to entertain me by telling me stories of Knights and Kings, dragons and beautiful princesses. One of my favorites was the legend of the Lost Heir." Hermione smiled knowingly. She too was familiar with the legend. "The values of honor, loyalty and bravery were heavily impressed upon me and I couldn't wait until I reached of age to vie for Knighthood. Now that I am a Knight I am disappointed to learn that these values are the same stuff of legends used to entertain children. I serve a gluttonous Kingdom led by a selfish King who steals his bride."

Hermione frowned and put a gentle hand on his arm. "Those values are real, Jason. You were just served a misfortune of swearing into the wrong Knighthood."

Jason looked at her. "That is why I wasn't lying when I said I wasn't unhappy. For once, I get the honor of protecting a beautiful Queen." Hermione smiled and Jason frowned. "Forgive me my Queen for I have deceived you."

Hermione frowned. "How?"

"The letters you have entrusted me to send…I was ordered to deliver them to Severus Snape. He has been reading them before sending them on to Ravenclaw."

Hermione smiled. "I figured Draco would do something like that. Do not trouble yourself Jason, I put nothing of importance in those letters."

The doors swung open and Draco walked into the room. "Leave us," he ordered. Jason and the Queen's escort hastily left the room.

"You did not appear at the beheadings today. I had hoped you would be there by my side," Draco said.

Hermione sat down on a bench. "I'm not feeling well," she said. It was the truth.

"I had heard," Draco kneeled in front of her. "Is it the food? I can kill the cook."

"No, no. I think it is just this heat," Hermione replied hastily.

Draco had given Hermione some dresses of fine material that were thin and lightweight for the upcoming summer. She had been wearing them lately, she was used to the cooler temperatures of the North. Draco couldn't concentrate on anything when she wore them around the castle. The material flowed around her, clung to her as she walked. In the light he could see her silhouette. His eyes darkened with desire at these thoughts and he sought Hermione's lips.

"I don't have my escort," Hermione said as he kissed her neck. "This isn't proper."

Draco grinned at her. "I am the King," he said coyly. He kissed her lips again as his hand wandered from its resting place on her hip to between her legs. Hermione whimpered as he cupped her through her dress.

"I don't know why you continue to deny me what is already mine," he whispered. Hermione gave him a stern look and he moved away from her. "I know, I know. It isn't proper," he smiled at her. "I think I'll be able to hold out a few months."

"Good. It will teach you some patience," Hermione said confidently. Inside she trembled with terror. Her time would be up soon and Draco would eventually exercise all his husbandly rights.

A knock came at the door and Draco voiced it was okay to enter. A couple of soldiers walked into the room.

"The first group is here, your Majesty."


Remus watched as they neared the castle. The cage door opened and he and his fellow riders were yanked out and put in line. Manacles bound their hands and feet and they were linked together by heavy chains that clanked as they were marched into the castle.

His eyes widened at the sight of the person who greeted them at the gate. Bellatrix stood there, dressed in a long black cloak and dress. She sneered down at them.

"Put them in the dungeon," she ordered the men.

Remus' heart beat loudly in his chest. Why was the False King's whore here at the Slytherin castle? His confusion was furthered when his gaze caught another unexpected person at the castle. The Queen Hermione. She was walking across the foyer when he spotted her. He heard Neville gasp softly next to him. He wasn't the only one that saw her but if she had spotted them he was not sure. They were marched out of the room before he could catch her face.


Harry and Ron burst into the room gasping for breath. Sirius lay on a bed, weak and tired.

"I came as quickly as I could," Harry gasped. Ron had fetched him and they ran across the village and to the top of a tower to Dumbledore's room.

"There were so many taken," Sirius said weakly. Harry looked up at Dumbledore for clarification.

"Hogsmeade was attacked. All the young men were captured and taken prisoner," Dumbledore said quietly.

"What?" Harry and Ron said in unison.

"By who?" Harry asked.

Dumbledore paused. "Slytherin."
Harry was speechless.

"What does Slytherin want with them?" Ron asked.

"They were looking for someone," Dumbledore answered.

"Who?" Harry asked.

"You," Sirius said.

"Me?" Harry said in disbelief. "What? Why?"

"Tell him," Sirius said sharply to Dumbledore. "Tell him. He needs to know."

Harry looked at Dumbledore. "Need to know what?"
