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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Five

Ron was getting suspicious. His cousin Hermione came down with an illness the day after the entourage left. He could understand not seeing her for two days, he had other errands to run anyway. But on the third day he went to her room and was told that he couldn't see her because she was taking a bath. The second time he went to her room he was told she was "indisposed of at the moment". On the fourth day, he went to her room and was told that she was sleeping and could not be disturbed.

He burst into his sister's room, startling her as she sat at a small table, her breakfast served before her.

"Don't lie to me and tell me she is ill! Did she leave with the messenger?" he shouted.

Ginny's eyes were wide. "How dare you burst in here!"

Ron just glared at her and stormed out of the room. Grumbling to himself he made his way to the grounds and to the stables.

"Sire, what are you doing? Where are you going?" his pages called out to him as he rode away on his horse.

He made good time on his horse, crossing into Hufflepuff in a day and a half. He took the road the messenger took as the bright morning sun filtered through the forest canopy. He raced his horse hoping he could make it to Hogsmeade by nightfall. Up ahead he saw a fallen log in the road. Bad news.

Ron veered his horse off the road and into the forest itself. Brigands were nearby, using the fallen log to their advantage, they would ambush passing carriages, stealing and murdering. He prayed his cousin was okay and that no such fate had befallen her.

He heard a whizzing sound then felt a sharp pain in his side. Looking down he found an arrow sticking out of his lower side abdomen. Another whizzing sound and he was shot again in his shoulder. The horse neighed and reared tossing him off. He fell hard, his head making contact with something hard. He could hear people approaching him, their footsteps crunching on the forest floor. He tried to move for his sword put the pain in his head, arm and belly were unbearable. He gasped for breath, fighting the darkness that threatened to overwhelm him, but it was too late and his eyes closed.


Hermione's group didn't take the road that they had used to arrive in Hufflepuff. It was too dangerous and they were shown a different route, a bit longer, but hopefully without any real danger on it. In their two days they had been lucky and had not encountered any trouble. A folly of fate though, because had they gone the route they had previous, they would've run into her cousin Ron.

Hermione was very quiet, lost in thought and memory throughout the journey so far. As soon as they crossed into Ravenclaw, she felt like she was waking up from a dream. She wondered if the past few days really had happened, that she really had met Harry, that she really did fall madly in love with him. She choked back a sob that desperately wanted to escape her throat but she remained strong.

As soon as they arrived into the castle, Viktor snuck her back to her room. Her father never questioned the whereabouts of his daughter, believing the lie that she had been ill the past few days. It was only in the solitude of her room when Viktor left her presence did she finally burst out in tears, crying herself to sleep.

Harry wasn't faring off that well either. Although he didn't cry, he was moodier and more sullen than usual. He didn't go with Dumbledore to Ravenclaw. What good would it do him to see her, watch her, be by her and not be able to do a thing about it? No, it was best that he stayed where he was, remembering the way she looked, laughed and smiled. He would think about their kiss, her taste lingering on his lips.

It was nearly a week since she had left, Harry and his fellow Riders had returned to Hogsmeade from another excursion at the border. He was brooding alone, practicing his broadsword when Luna approached him. Her demeanor was nervous and she was wringing her hands in anticipation.

"Luna?" Harry asked when he saw her. "What is it? What's the matter?"

"There's something…someone you should see," she said nervously.

Following her, she led him to the Great Hall, down the stairs into the dungeon where the prisoners were kept, mostly thieves and brigands. She led him to a cell where a young man, about Harry's age was sleeping. He was sweaty with fever, bandaged on his abdomen, shoulder and head, his red hair plastered to his face.

"Who is he?" Harry asked.

"Cedric's group found him and brought him in. His horse had no markings and he had no armor. But I don't think he's a brigand. Look at his clothes."

Harry looked at the strangers clothes. Luna was right, the tunic was expertly made of fine material.

"How long has he been here?" he asked.

"About a week. I've been taking care of him since he arrived," Luna answered.

Harry sighed. "Maybe he stole the clothes?"

"I don't think so, Harry. He keeps mumbling in his sleep, saying the same thing over and over. `I have to find her'."

"Hermione," the prisoner mumbled in his sleep.

"He says that a lot too. Hermione is an unusual name, there is only one Hermione I know of and…Harry, are you alright?" Luna asked with concern.

When the prisoner mumbled Hermione's name, Harry's stomach dropped, his face paling. "Keep an eye on him Luna," Harry said, heading out of the dungeons. "Do what you can to keep him well."

Harry rushed out of the dungeons to search for his godfather. He found him at the Three Broomsticks talking to Madam Rosemerta.

"Harry! You're back!" he cried out.

"Sirius, can I have a moment with you?" he asked him, leading his godfather to a quiet corner of the room. "Did Dumbledore send word of his arrival?" he asked him in a low voice.

"Yes he did. He made it safely to Ravenclaw and he wanted to mention to you that the Lady Hermione made it back safely as well."

"All of them?" he asked.

"Yes, all of them. Why?"

Harry brought Sirius to the dungeons, showing him their newest prisoner.

"We don't think he's a common thief or brigand," Luna said.

"His clothes are too fine," Harry explained.

"Maybe he stole them?" Sirius asked.

"Maybe…but he keeps repeating a name over and over," Luna countered.

"Hermione," Harry said, looking pointedly at his godfather.

"Hermione? As in…?" Sirius looked at his godson.

"Do you know any other Hermiones?" Harry asked.

Sirius sighed and looked at the prisoner. "Are you taking care of him, Luna?"

"Yes sir."

"Very well, let us know the moment he wakes from his fever. There's nothing we can do until we talk to him."


Meanwhile, in Ravenclaw, a sort of crisis was unfolding. The King received a message that his nephew had failed to show up at Arneau Tak when he was supposed to. The King sent out a search party and messengers all over Ravenclaw, looking for him.

"Milady," Viktor approached Hermione one day. "I may have an idea where your cousin is."

"I know," Hermione answered. "I have a fair idea as well."

"I can take a small party back…"

"No! I don't want to risk another missed encounter. I'll talk to Dumbledore and ask him to send a message."

She approached Dumbledore later that afternoon.

"I have already sent messengers to Hufflepuff," Dumbledore informed her.

"Oh, thank you," Hermione breathed.

"There is no need for thanking me yet. I hope your cousin is safe and sound. But I do hope this teaches you an important lesson, my dear," Dumbledore looked at her gravely.

"I know. It was a stupid and foolish thing for me to do," Hermione sighed.

"We all make mistakes in our lives. But it's what we learn from them that makes the mistakes worthwhile."

Hermione said nothing for a long time then thanking him she took her leave.


Harry and Sirius were in the Great Hall when Dumbledore's message arrived.

"Well, that tells us who our prisoner is," Sirius sighed handing the note to Harry.

"We should probably move him to more comfortable quarters," Harry said. "Holding the King's nephew in our dungeons would probably be frowned upon. This is the only message sent?" he asked turning the paper over.

"Were you expecting another?" Sirius asked.

"No," Harry replied hiding his disappointment. "Just curious." Of course he shouldn't expect her to write to him. What happened between Hermione and him was over.

A few days later, he was informed that the stranger had awoken and Harry went to talk to him at his new quarters in the Three Broomsticks. The young man was still in bed, weak but with eyes open and talking with a rough, scratchy voice. When Harry entered the room, Luna was keeping him company, the young man tried to sit up.

Harry held up a hand. "Please, don't try and sit up. Your wounds still need to heal."

Ron settled back down on the bed and looked up at the young man who entered. He was about his age with dark hair and green eyes.

"I've been inquiring about a young woman who may have passed here," he said roughly.

Luna looked up at Harry. "I haven't told him anything, I was waiting for you, Harry."

"Your cousin was here," Ron looked up at Harry in surprise. "Yes, we know who you are and who your cousin is. She came here and delivered her message to Dumbledore. She is now safely returned to Ravenclaw."

Ron let out a sigh of relief. "What happened to me?" he asked.

"You were attacked by brigands just inside our borders. One of our men managed to find you and bring you here before they could do any more damage," Harry lied. He didn't think it would be wise to say that Cedric had gotten a little overzealous and attacked the King's nephew then dragged him to Hogsmeade, tossing him in the dungeons.

"You can stay while your wounds heal," Luna said, gazing at Ron.

Ron looked back at Luna and Harry suddenly felt uncomfortable being in the room. He moved to leave but Ron stopped him.

"Could I have some parchment and a quill? I would like to send word that I am okay."

"Of course," Harry said then quickly left the room.


"Hufflepuff?" the King asked. "What's Ronald doing in Hufflepuff?"

Four days after Dumbledore sent his message to Hogsmeade a reply came saying that the King's nephew was found and was currently residing in the village.

"I'm not sure Milord," Dumbledore said calmly.

Hermione stepped from the shadows. "Father…I may have some idea why." Hermione then went on with her confession, telling her father how she had disobeyed him and traveled with the entourage under disguise. As predicted, her father was in outrage, ranting and raving at her for at least an hour.

After being released from his presence, Hermione wandered down to gardens to seek some solace. However, when she got there she found she was not alone.

"It was the right thing you did, telling your father the truth," he spoke aloud.

"The right thing is always the hardest thing to do," Hermione sighed. Dumbledore grinned at her. "Sir, may I ask…was there anything else in the letter?"

"No, there wasn't. Where you expecting any news?" he asked mildly.

"No, no I was just curious." She hid her disappointment well. Did she really expect Harry to inquire about her? She half wished he did.

She made her way to the stables to visit Hedwig and see if she was well. The mare cantered out to greet her, neighing softly.

"Hey girl," she cooed to the horse, petting her mane. "Was it all a dream?" she sighed. "It can't have been, you are here, you are real."

"Pardon me Milady," Viktor said aloud, looking apologetic. "But your father has requested that you have an escort with you at all times. In case you decide to take another adventure."

Hermione frowned. "I was wondering if he was going to do this. Very well, I was going to take this lovely horse on a tour of our grounds. Feel free to follow, I'll not leave the land." She gave a dry half hearted grin.

Since she had returned, people noticed that Hermione was more withdrawn, very quiet and often lost in thought. There was a sadness about her but she spoke to no one, save Ginny, about her experience. For his part, Viktor told no one, not even her cousin, about the cause of her heartbreak, the young man with the green eyes.

For quite some time now, Viktor had been harboring feelings for the fair Lady. He watched as the other noblemen of the court, tried to pursue her, only to find their efforts had been in vain. He watched and waited, hoping that one day he would work up the nerve to make a request for her hand. And pray to everything he held dear that she would return his favor. When her father requested that Viktor be her escort, he was not unhappy with this new position.

One day, Hermione finally worked up the nerve to write her cousin a letter herself. Asking of course the usual questions about his health and when he thought he would be returning soon, she also inquired about a certain young man by the name of Harry.

By this time, Ron was healing nicely. He was now up and walking around, short walks of course, with Luna by his side to aid him. He would dodge questions from his family about his health and when they should be expecting him. Ron wasn't looking forward to the day he would have to leave Hogsmeade. He was quickly losing his heart to the fair lady who constantly stayed by his side. But, sadly, he knew he would have to leave sometime.

An idea came to him when he received a surprise letter from his cousin, Hermione.

Harry entered the Three Broomsticks to check in on Ron.

"Afternoon Luna," he greeted the pretty blond, "how is our guest today?"

"He's doing much better. We were able to walk to the stables and back today," she beamed. Harry always noticed that she lit up whenever she was asked about Ron.

"That's great! He'll be healed up in no time!" Harry immediately regretted saying this before the smile even wavered on Luna's face. "Luna, I'm-"

"No, it's okay. Really," Luna quickly said.

"I'm sure you two will work something out," he tried to sooth her.

"Yes, I'm sure you would know all about that," Luna quipped then walked away briskly.

Harry sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.

"Harry!" a familiar voice called out.

"Cho," he said in surprise. She walked up to him, looking lovely as usual.

"I was wondering if I could have a word with you," she said.

"Uh…sure," he replied following her to a corner of the tavern.

"I haven't seen much of you lately," she began. "In fact, I hardly see you at all. You used to come by and let me know when you returned from the borders."

Harry didn't reply to that, he didn't know what to say.

"Is everything alright with you?" she asked.

"Yeah…yes, everything's fine. I just have a lot on my mind," he replied.

"Okay," she nodded and looked closely at him. "Have I lost favour with you?"

"Cho…it really shouldn't matter to you whether or not you're in my favour. You're with Cedric and I--."

"But I'm not with Cedric," she cut him off. "Not anymore." She pounced on Harry and gave him a kiss on the lips.

Harry was stunned. It happened so quickly it caught him off guard. Although it was a different woman kissing him, he couldn't help comparing it to the kiss he shared with Hermione. This kiss with Cho paled in comparison to Hermione's. She ended the kiss and looked up at him expectantly.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly and walked out of the tavern.


As soon as Ron finished reading his cousin's letter, he left his room to find Luna. He had a plan already forming in his mind, but a question his cousin had asked him, left him a little disturbed. Why would Hermione ask about the well being of the Rider named Harry? He walked into the tavern and nearly ran into Madam Rosemerta. He opened his mouth to question her but she held up a hand to silence him, nodding toward a corner. Ron followed her gaze to the two people who stood in the corner of the tavern, very engaged with each other. She nudged him out of sight, indicating that she didn't want them disturbed.

"That's Harry and Cho," she whispered when they were out of sight. "He's been in love with her for so long and it looks like she returns his feelings."
"Oh," Ron whispered in understanding.

My Dearest Cousin,

I was pleasantly surprised to receive your letter. I hope all is well with you and your father. As for me, I am healing nicely and should be returning to Ravenclaw soon. The Veranis festival is arriving soon, bringing with it the warm air of summer. I was wondering if you would do me a favor, cousin, and extend an invitation to a guest from Hufflepuff. Perhaps you may have heard of her, her name is Luna Lovegood. Her father is one of the Lords of the land here. She has taken it upon herself to oversee my recovery and I dare say that I would like to show her my deepest gratitude. Please do me this honor. As for the person you had inquired about, I am happy to say that he is well. Very well, in fact, for I am told (and have seen with my own eyes) that he has finally won the heart of the fair Cho Chang, for whom he had been desiring for so long. Take care cousin and send a reply to my request as quickly as you possibly can.

Yours truly,

Ronald de Weasley


Hermione and Viktor were just returning to the stables when one of her chambermaids ran up to her.

"Milady, this just came today," she said, handing Hermione a rolled piece of parchment. Hermione immediately recognized her cousin's scrawl. "And you father wishes to see you immediately."

She found her father in his study, standing behind a large table with the maps of the land sprawled out upon it. Viktor closed the door behind them quietly.

"The house of Malfoy has sent word that they will be staying with us for the festival. We are to expect their company in a few days," the King spoke without looking up at her.

"Yes, father," Hermione gave a small curtsey.

"With their arrival, we are expecting an offer of marriage from their son, Draco. He has already written me earlier about it and I have given him my consent."

"Father," she began in protest but he cut her off.

"I am expecting you to accept his offer," he said firmly. He threw down a quill that he was writing with and looked up at her. "For too long have I let you live like a child, it is time for you to accept your duties that come with your birth."

"No more galavanting off to other lands, dressed in disguise!"
"No more turning away every suitor at your whim! No! No more! Enough!" He was red in the face when he finished his tirade.

"Father," Hermione began in a calm tone but she was once again cut off.

"You are to accept his offer, that is final."

Hermione, filled with outrage, turned and left her father's presence in a huff. Viktor watched her go, not following her.

"Yes?" her father asked him, realizing he still stood there.

Viktor swallowed nervously. "Your Majesty….there is a matter that I would like to discuss with you," he said bravely. The King gave him a gentle, knowing smile.

Viktor found Hermione a little later in the garden. He could hear her crying softly, a piece of parchment lay in her lap.

"Milady!" he exclaimed and ran to her side. "Is everything okay?" he motioned to the letter.

Hermione had sought refuge in the gardens after leaving her father's presence. She was in such an outrage that she nearly forgot about her cousin's letter. She sat down at a bench in the warm sun and proceeded to read it. No matter how her cousin tried to disguise his feelings, she could tell that another member of the royal family had fallen for a citizen of Hogsmeade. And Hermione was full of approval, she got along finely with Luna and wouldn't hesitate to extend an invitation and a carriage for her. But her happiness quickly faded when she read the news about Harry. She suddenly couldn't breathe, the sun seemed to stifle her and before she knew it, tears were falling down her face, her breath coming in sobs. So, Harry had finally won the heart of his long awaited love. She should be happy, she probably helped him out a bit. But she grieved, grieved because it made what they had shared, or at least what she thought they had shared meaningless.

"Is that news of your cousin? Is he well?" Viktor's voice was full of concern.

"Yes, yes he's fine," Hermione assured, wiping her eyes. "I'm just upset about my father…" She couldn't think of another lie, and it was partly true. "To be wed into the house of Malfoy." She closed her eyes.

"Milady," Viktor began, finding his courage. "I put in a request for your hand."

Hermione looked up at him in astonishment. "You…you what?"


Ron was sitting with Neville and Luna, talking excitedly about the Veranis Festival. The food, the music, the jousts and swordplay, it was all animatedly detailed for them. Word had spread quickly that the Lady Hermione herself invited Luna to the festival and would be sending a carriage for her shortly. Ron's dialogue was interrupted when a messenger arrived, accompanied by two Ravenclaw soldiers, handing him a parchment. Ron took it with a puzzled look on his face.

"This is from Viktor," he said.

"He sent us as well," one of the soldiers spoke up.

Ron unfurled the message and read it to himself, then he abruptly stood up. "I wish to leave now," he told the visitors.

Harry was upset to learn that Hermione had written to her cousin here in Hogsmeade but didn't bother writing him. He didn't dare ask her cousin if she mentioned anything about him in her letters, he figured Ron would've told him. Part of him felt foolish for thinking that she would actually think of sending him a note. The more sensible half of him realized that what they had shared was just a fling, a small spark of passion.

He was leaving the Great Hall when Luna and Neville came running up to him.

"What is it?" he asked.

"He's leaving," Luna panted. "He's leaving right now!"


"Ron got a letter from someone named Viktor. He didn't tell us what it said but as soon as he read it he demanded to leave," Neville answered.

"Well…I suppose he is better now," Harry shrugged.

"Harry," Neville stepped forward, "we heard him talking when he was saddling up. He mentioned his cousin and that he needed to be with her right away."

This caught Harry's attention. "Hermione? Is she ill? Is everything alright?"

"We don't know," Luna repeated. "Ron didn't tell us about anything in the letter, he just demanded to leave right away."

The sound of galloping horses caught Harry's attention and he looked up to see Ron riding away with one of the soldiers from Ravenclaw. He took off at a run toward the stables, Luna and Neville in pursuit. The other soldier's horse and the messenger's horse were still saddled and ready to go. Harry mounted one while Neville mounted the other, ignoring the protests of the stablemen.

"I'll meet you in Ravenclaw," Luna told the men, opening the gate.

"You don't have to come," Harry told Neville who only grinned in response.

The two men raced out of the stables to catch up with Ron.
