Unofficial Portkey Archive

The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Four

The sun was high in the sky as the two travelers made their way across the hills to Hogsmeade. Harry still rode in front with Hermione behind him. They were almost to their destination.

"So, everyone runs out into the road, and sure enough, the troll lay in the middle of the road, knocked out cold. Neville and I were petrified, staring at everyone who ran out who stared in turn at us." Harry was telling Hermione a childhood story of his.

Hermione laughed, a sound that lifted Harry's spirits. "Did you get in trouble?" she asked.

"Oh, Sirius was beyond himself. He was so angry and impressed at the same time. He just stood there, spluttering incoherent sentences." He smiled at the memory. "Of course I was never to go out again on my own after dark, or so he told me."

"Let me guess, you did anyway?" she asked.

"I never really was one for the rules."

"I share the same sentiments. To a degree of course, otherwise why would I be all the way out here?"

"Because your Lady sent you?" Harry looked back at her.

"Well, yes that," Hermione recovered. "But it still would be considered improper to be alone in the company of a gentleman without an escort."

"A gentleman, huh?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Don't taint that picture I have of you just yet," Hermione sighed and Harry laughed.

Hogsmeade was a quaint little village dotted with homes and building with thatched roofs. Farms dotted the outskirts of the town when they reached the main road. The village itself was protected by a tall stone wall surrounding it's borders, broken only in one area where there was a large wooden gateway. Its doors open to receive the population during the daylight hours. Harry picked up the Hedwig's pace as they entered the town, probably to limit the amount of staring at pointing that was in their direction. Apparently, Harry was well known in the village.

He stopped in front of a large building, a Great Hall that stood alone. They dismounted and walked toward it. An older gentleman, with shaggy dark hair, and aged good looks, greeted them.

"You're back early," the man spoke, taking a glance at Hermione.

Harry introduced her. "This is a royal messenger from Ravenclaw bringing a message for Dumbledore. Her entourage was attacked on the way here."

"A royal messenger for Dumbledore? I'm afraid the stars were not aligned for you today my dear, Dumbledore will not be returning for a couple of days."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, disappointment and failure was clear on her face.

"Where did he go, Sirius?" Harry asked, trying to salvage something from this mess.

"You know the old man never tells anyone where he's going," Sirius waved him off.

"Well…do you know if we can reach him?" Harry asked. Sirius stared at Harry, he knew darn well that Dumbledore could not be reached when he didn't want to. Harry threw back a meaningful look and Sirius looked at the desperate hope on the young woman's face, then back at Harry.

"Tell you what I can do for you, Harry. I'll notify you immediately upon Dumbledore's arrival," Sirius smiled sweetly. The young woman's face filled with relief and she looked up adoringly at Harry.

"Thank you, Sirius," Harry said, turning the young woman away but she looked back and thanked him as well. Sirius rolled his eyes at Harry when her back was again turned to him. Harry threw him a mock look of innocence.

Harry took her back to the tavern they had passed on the way to the Great Hall, called the Three Broomsticks. The tavern was nearly empty when they walked in and Harry relayed Hermione's story to the Tavern's mistress, Madame Rosemerta.

"Oh you poor thing!" she exclaimed. "Of course she can stay here for a couple of days, Harry. There's no need to ask such a favor." She came around the bar and greeted Hermione properly. "Come now, I'll show you to your room. I'll have Luna come up and bring you some bathwater and clothes so you can clean up." She ushered her away from Harry and up the stairs.

The room Hermione was brought to was a simple one, wooden floors, a single bed with a quilt on it, a small table next to that with a chair. The single window filtered the sunlight that streamed through it. She wasn't going to balk at it, after three days of sleeping on the ground, the small bed looked like paradise.

"I'll ask Luna to bring you up some fresh clothes and a wash basin," Madam Rosemerta said kindly.

"Thank you," Hermione replied politely.

Madam Rosemerta left her company and Hermione sat on the bed. It was surprisingly soft and comfortable. There was a knock at the door and she answered it. A pretty young woman with long blond hair stood on the other side.

"Lavender, right?" she asked her.

Hermione nodded and let her in.

"My name's Luna," she said, walking into the room. "You're Harry's friend. Oh don't worry about it," Luna waved her off. "The whole town is talking about some mysterious person Harry rode into town with. Everyone will know your name by tonight." Hermione was filled with horror. "Well, here you are." Luna set down the wash basin on the table and put the clothes in her hands. "Let me know if you need anything. If you are hungry, we'll be serving dinner in a couple of hours."

"Thank you very much," Hermione said. "I'll think I'll rest for a bit. Thank you again…Luna."
The young woman smiled and walked away.

She took a nice nap and awoke a few hours later as the sun was beginning to set. The dress Luna left her was made of a simple cotton material, cream colored with long sleeves, the overdress was a brown color. After washing herself, Hermione slipped it on then headed out of the room. The aroma of food hit her and she realized she hadn't had a good meal in a few days as well and she was ravenous.

The tavern was noisy with its boisterous occupants sitting down for a meal. Luna walked up to her, smiling.

"I was wondering when you were coming down. Come on!" she chirped and led Hermione to a small table in the corner. Hermione could feel the curious stares of the patrons flicker at her. Luna seemed to sympathize.

"I tried to get you a table far away, would you rather eat in your room?" she asked.

Hermione was about to answer when a group of young men approached her.

"So this is who Harry left us for?" one of them said. He looked to be about Harry's age, brown hair and brown eyes. He had a kindly disposition.

"This is Neville Longbottom," Luna introduced, "he's a rider like Harry."

"Pleased to meet your acquaintance," Neville took Hermione's hand and kissed the back of it.

"This is Lavender, she's a messenger for Ravenclaw," Luna smiled at her.

"A messenger?" Neville asked, an eyebrow raised.

Hermione changed the topic. "Where is Harry?" she asked.

"Probably getting ready for tonight," Neville sat down across from her, the others pulled up chairs and joined him.

"Yeah, he's probably taking his time for tonight, Cho's going to be there," another one of the men said, they all laughed in agreement.

"Harry's very smitten with Cho Chang," Luna explained.

"Oh," Hermione said, smiling a little.

"Yeah, we've got lots of stories about him," Neville beamed.

It turned out that Neville and the other riders were actually pleasant company and kept her entertained throughout her meal. As the tavern quieted down a few hours later, they left their company for the Hog's Head. Hermione finished her meal and brought her dish up to the bar where Luna was.

"Did you enjoy your meal?" Luna smiled.

"Yes I did. Thank you very much," Hermione answered.

Just then the tavern door opened and three young ladies walked in, they were very pretty with lovely dresses on. The one in front was the prettiest of them all with dark hair and dark exotic eyes.

"Cho!" Luna exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

Cho and the others walked toward Hermione.

"I just wanted to formally introduce myself to our visitor," Cho said, never taking her eyes off Hermione. She stopped in front of her and gave a small smile that Hermione immediately recognized as false. "I am Cho Chang, this is Marietta and Susannah. You must have heard of me, my father owns most of the land around Hogsmeade. But I'm being rude, your name is?"

"Lavender," Hermione said in a neutral tone.

"And what brings you to our humble village?"

"She's a messenger for Ravenclaw," Luna chimed in.

Cho threw Luna a look of disdain at speaking up as the two girls behind Cho stifled their giggles. Cho gave them a sharp look and they immediately stopped.

"A messenger," Cho repeated, looking over Hermione, taking in her plain clothes. "Well, well."

Marietta stepped forward and looked at Hermione curiously. "You look very familiar to me," she said slowly, tilting her head.

"Of course she looks familiar to you," Cho snapped impatiently, "your father does business for the Ravenclaw King, you've probably seen her around the castle."

"Delivering messages," Susannah added.

"Well, we just stopped by to introduce ourselves to our visitor. We'll be off to the Hog's Head now," Cho announced and the three of them left the tavern.

Hermione watched them as they left.

"What is this Hog's Head place?" she asked.

"It's another tavern down the road," Madam Rosemerta spoke up, joining Hermione and Luna. "Mostly the young people enjoy themselves there until very late."

"Have you ever gone?" Hermione asked Luna.

"Oh, no! I don't fit in," Luna replied, blushing a little.

"But you get along so well with Neville and the others," Hermione queried but Luna only blushed. Understanding dawned on Hermione.

"Cho," she said simply.

Hermione looked again at the door the girls had walked through.

"We're going," Hermione said determinedly.

"What?" Luna exclaimed.

"I said we're going."


The noise from the Hog's Head could be heard before the two of them even approached the place. Luna trotted next to Hermione, still nervous and unsure about this idea. Hermione on the other hand, couldn't help her curiosity. She cautiously pulled the door open and a blast of heat and the noise flew at her. People were laughing, talking, drinking, sitting, standing or dancing to the music that was being played by a small group of musicians in the corner. The atmosphere of such gluttonous enjoyment was unlike anything she had ever experienced. Luna herself, who had never set foot in the place, seemed as much at awe as Hermione was.

"Lavender! Luna!" a familiar voice called out to them. Neville stood up from the table he was seated at and picking up two large cups, greeted them as they walked in.

"What is this?" Hermione asked, sniffing the contents of the cup.

"Best pint you'll have in all the lands," Neville said proudly.

Lavender looked unsure at Luna who shrugged and took a drink. Hermione hesitated a moment, then followed suit.


After dropping Lavender off at the tavern, Harry headed back to Sirius.

"You want to tell me what that was all about?" his godfather asked him as they walked into the great hall.

"A royal entourage of Ravenclaw's was attacked just inside our borders," Harry answered.

"Dementors?" Sirius asked.

"And Death Eaters."
"And Death Eaters," Sirius let out a low whistle. "Must have been an important entourage."

"Ravenclaw's King sent a messenger for Dumbledore. We arrived just as they were being attacked, the messenger managed to get away. I followed and brought her here."

"She's very pretty," Sirius said.

Harry made no acknowledgement to that statement. "She went through a lot to deliver this message. I didn't want her to be disappointed that Dumbledore wasn't here."

"Of course," Sirius said quietly, then quickly changed the subject. "Death Eaters within our borders…"

"Our neighbors are getting a little too comfortable here. I found a small camp of scouts two nights prior," Harry informed him.

"As soon as Dumbledore returns, we'll have to tell him that our neighbors are getting a little chummy."

Harry was very distracted giving his report to the rest of the town council. The meetings seemed to have dragged on forever. He wanted to see that Lavender was faring well, not that he really liked her or anything, he was just…concerned. After all, he just dropped her off with some strangers in a strange town. He had no idea how she was doing on her own.

As soon as the meeting concluded he headed straight for the Three Broomsticks hoping to catch her before she turned in for the night.

"You just missed her Harry," Madam Rosemerta informed him when he walked in the door. "She left with Luna for the Hog's Head."

"The Hog's Head?" Harry was surprised. "Luna never went to the Hog's Head."

The noise from the place could be hear even before he reached its doors. Harry welcomed its electric atmosphere, watching the usual crowd do its usual thing. He spotted Luna at a table sitting with a couple of Riders.

"Never thought I'd see you around here," Harry said sitting himself down next to her. Luna seemed a little tense and nervous.

"Well...I…" she stammered.

"Relax," Harry smiled, "it's really good to see you here. I hope these men have been gentlemen in your company?" he asked nodding to the two riders who sat at the table. One of the barmaids walked by and Harry grabbed a couple of pints off the tray, setting one of them down in front of Luna.

"Is it always this…active?" she asked.

Harry grinned. "Actually, I think tonight might be a little slow."

"I came with Lavender," Luna said over the loud music.

"Really?" Harry tried to sound disinterested.

"Yeah, she's dancing with Neville."

Harry took a drink from his pint, scanning the dancing crowd quickly. He didn't see her.

"Luna! What a surprise!" Cho came up to their table, accompanied by her two friends and Cedric Diggory, her suitor.

"Yeah, she came with Lavender," Harry said distractedly still scanning the crowd.

"Good to see you, Harry," Cho stepped in his line of sight.

Harry tilted his head a little so he could look around her when he finally spotted Lavender dancing with Neville. Her hair was no longer tied up and it flowed gently down her back in soft, gentle waves. Her face was flushed from the dancing she was doing giving her lovely face an ethereal glow. Harry was immediately entranced by her. He needed to be by her side.

"Harry?" Cho called out his name. Beside her, Cedric straightened up and puffed out his chest at her paramour, waiting for him to make a fool out of himself…yet again.

"Oh…how are you doing tonight?" Harry asked absently, getting up from his chair and walked away not really waiting for her answer. He was focused on Lavender, the way she would laugh when Neville accidentally stepped on her toes.

"Harry!" The way she said his name and the smile she threw him sent his heart racing a mile a minute.

"Hey Harry, I was wondering when you would join us. I was just keeping our lovely new friend here company," Neville smiled good-naturedly.

"Good, I arrived just in time. I hope the damage was minimal. How are your toes Lavender?" Harry teased.

"Oh they are just fine. Practice makes perfect, doesn't it Neville?" she answered.

"Yes it does," Neville agreed and looked over Harry's shoulder at Cho Chang. "She looks very pretty tonight doesn't she?"

"Yes, she does," Harry said without thinking then cringed inwardly. He had been looking at Lavender when he blurted that out. Thankfully, her attention was with Neville.

"That's the girl that he's crazy about," Neville was saying to her, "Cho Chang."

Harry's face flushed embarrassment. Why did he have to bring her up now?

"Oh, I've met her already," Hermione said. "She's a…lovely young lady, Harry."

"Yeah well, enough talk," Harry said briskly, wanting to end this conversation right away. "Care to dance?" he asked Lavender, taking her in his arms.

Hermione's breath hitched and her heart beat loudly in her chest when his arm went around her waist, taking her hand with his other. The drums started up a new song as they began to dance.

"I didn't think they danced like this at court," Harry said over the music.

"I'm a fast learner," Hermione answered. "They also don't serve ale at court." Harry raised an eyebrow at her and she grinned slyly. "I did say I was a bit rebellious."

Hermione reluctantly left his gaze to look over his shoulder. Cho stood amongst her crowd, giving Hermione scrutinizing looks. She looked back into Harry's mesmerizing green eyes.

"She likes you, you know," she whispered into his ear. "A lady can tell these things. You have nothing to worry about."

Harry looked into her eyes. At the moment, with Lavender in his arms looking up at him, he couldn't care less.


The next morning, Harry and Neville hunched over a map on a table. The other Riders were nearby practicing their broadsword or arrows. They were mapping out their next route, their next path to hunt the forces of the False King. It was a journey that Harry was very reluctant to make. He lifted his attention from the map to Lavender, who was walking down the road toward the stables. Neville watched Harry as he watched her.

"You know your friend," Neville began hesitantly, "isn't who she says she is."

Being caught in the act, Harry returned his attention hastily back to the map. "Really?" he said disinterestedly.

"I don't know. It's her presence, they way she carries herself, her hands. She is not a messenger," Neville said in a hushed tone.

Harry sighed and looked at his friend. "Just between us?" he asked.

"Just between us," Neville said back.

Harry looked around to make sure no one was in earshot. "She's a Lady in Waiting in Lady Hermione's court." Neville's eyes widened slightly. "The Lady Hermione sent her in disguise in case the messenger didn't make it."

Neville let out a low whistle. Harry went back to the map. Neville sat with his thoughts, looking at his friend.

"A lady of the court?" he repeated.

"Mm hmm," Harry nodded, scribbling on a piece of parchment.

"Meaning you'd have to be a Knight."

Harry paused a moment in his writing. "Yes."

"Which means you would have to be of noble bl…"
"I know what it means, Neville," Harry cut off his friend with a harsh tone. He sighed then returned his attention to the map.

Meanwhile, Hermione decided to spend her morning at the stables. Walking down the street, she bought some apples and oats from a vendor. She was lost in her thoughts, lost in the memory of the way his green eyes looked at her, the way she felt when his arms were around her. She was losing her heart to this young man, something she couldn't or shouldn't do.

Stepping into the stables, a familiar white mare stuck her head out to greet her.

"Good morning, Hedwig," Hermione smiled at her, stroking her muzzle. "I brought breakfast."

Hermione held up the pail of oats and apples. Hedwig neighed with approval and promptly helped herself. Hermione stroked her soft mane and sighed.

"You really are a beautiful creature. Harry must take good care of you…but does anyone take care of your master?" Hedwig looked at Hermione, blinking. "Can you keep a secret?" Hermione lowered her voice. "I'm very taken with your master, I believe he might have captured my heart." Hedwig let out a soft neigh. "I'm not who he thinks I am though." She looked around her to make sure that no one could hear her. "I'm Lady Hermione," she whispered to the horse. Hedwig just gazed at her and Hermione sighed, her voice no longer a whisper. "I have a horse like you back home. Not as beautiful of course, but I love to ride her just the same." Hedwig finished her meal and Hermione set the empty bucket down. "Thank you for the lovely chat, Hedwig. I'll see you later."

Hermione turned to leave but was stopped by a tugging at her cloak. Hedwig had stopped her and had a bit of her cloak between her teeth, tugging.

"Did you want me to stay?" Hermione asked. Hedwig turned her head. Hermione followed her gaze. "Did you want to go for a ride?" she asked. Hedwig neighed.

"Stableman" Hermione called out, "could you please saddle this horse for me?" The stableman looked at her as if she grown two heads.

Hedwig was brought to these stables ten years ago by the famous creature peddler, Rubeus Hagrid. It was a birthday gift for the young Harry Potter when he was eleven. She seemed tame enough until the stableman and his assistants tried to saddle her. She nearly tore the place down. She only let a few people handle her and only one person could ride her, Harry himself. So imagine the stableman's surprise at the lovely young maiden's request. His shock at seeing her open the stable door and lead the mare out, the horse's eyes gazing at him innocently. He quickly saddled her up for the young lady and stared disbelievingly as she climbed up and rode away.

"Isn't that Hedwig?" Susannah asked. She was standing with Cho and Marietta at the peddler's cart, examining the new wares he brought.

"Of course not. She only lets…Harry…ride her," Marietta's voice died in her throat as she watched the horse ride by.

Cho watched with narrowed eyes. "Where Luna?" she demanded, throwing down a piece of fabric she had been admiring back on the cart. "I want to know everything about this…Lavender."


Hermione let Hedwig guide her throughout the forest. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. Perfect weather for a ride. They had been gone for nearly two hours when Hermione spotted a small river and decided to follow it to the small waterfall that emptied into a small, quiet and clear pool. She dismounted Hedwig and led her to the edge, letting her drink, when suddenly a twig snapped behind her. She turned around and found herself staring at the edge of a sword, Harry was on the other end.

"Lavender!" he exclaimed, lowering his sword. "What are you doing? You shouldn't be out here alone."

Hermione was at a loss for words, first from the shock of nearly being beheaded then at the state of which Harry was in. He must have been washing in the pool, his hair was damp on his head, water beaded down his bare chest. Hermione blushed and turned away, thankful that he at least had his trousers on. Harry, realizing the state he was in, hastily put on his shirt.

"Is that Hedwig?" he asked.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you. It was such a nice day, I thought I would go for a ride and Hedwig thought so too," Hermione rambled on.

"Hedwig?" he asked looking at his horse. She looked guiltily away. Harry stepped in front of Hermione and she was silently relieved that he was dressed.

"Did you want a ride back to the village?" Hermione asked. "I was headed there, anyway."

"Did she take you up to Eaglesview?" Harry asked her.

"I'm sorry?"

"Did Hedwig take you up to Eaglesview?"

"I don't know, I…"

Harry stood next to Hedwig and motioned to her. "Ladies first," he grinned.

After she climbed on, Harry climbed on behind her, his hands sliding past her waist to reach the horse's reigns. "Hold on," he whispered into her ear, sending shivers down her spine. He clicked at the horse and she gave out a snort before taking off into the woods at breakneck speed. "She's the fastest horse in all the land, I guarantee it!!" Harry shouted from behind. And run she did, expertly dodging trees and fallen logs. She moved with beauty and grace. Hermione's hands clung to the reins, moving them closer to Harry's, feeling a jolt of electricity inside her when their hands touched but she didn't move them and neither did he, not even when Hedwig began to slow down. She cantered up a grassy slope, Hermione leaned back slightly into Harry's arms and chest causing butterflies to stir inside. The slope gave way to the green forest below, and the view of the village.

"Oh it's beautiful," Hermione gasped, gazing at the valley below her, nestled in the hills.

"Yes, beautiful," Harry whispered, his lips grazing her ear.

Heart pounding Hermione turned to face him. His green eyes gazed into her brown ones as he cradled her head in his hands. Very slowly he lowered his lips to hers, touching them softly to give her her very first kiss. It was sweet and tender, making her dizzy with joy. She let out a small gasp of surprise when she felt his tongue touch her lips. Instinctively she parted her lips, letting him in to deepen the kiss. Hermione reached one hand behind his head, holding him to her as the kiss intensified.

Suddenly, Hermione turned away from him. "I can't do this. I'm sorry," she said, getting down from the horse. She walked away, trying to gain her composure.

Harry dismounted and followed her. "Are you spoken for?" he asked her, dreading the answer.

She looked up at him, tears began to well in her eyes. "No…it's worse," she said.

"Worse? Lavender, I know I'm not of noble blood and I know we can't be together." Harry caught up with her and turned her to face him. "Don't leave," he said bravely. "When you give your message, stay here."

"I can't do that," Hermione cried.

"You'd rather go back to your courts and your nobleman? Lead a life of doting on a selfish woman who is waiting to take the throne?"


"You may think you are above a servant, but you are one in a way. You lead a life where you keep company with selfish people and shallow riches. Lead a life where you laugh and smile and bow the every whim of the future queen, you-"

"Harry…I lied to you," Hermione burst out. "I have been lying to you. My name isn't Lavender. It's…it's Hermione." She turned to look at him but his expression gave nothing away.

"Hermione," he repeated plainly. "As in…"

"Yes," Hermione confirmed and he closed his eyes.

"Who are you going to be tomorrow? The court jester?" Harry said harshly.

"Harry, it's the truth!" Hermione protested.

"Do you even have a message for Dumbledore?" he asked, stomping back to Hedwig.

"Yes! My father (Harry gave a snort at this) sent it with one of the royal messengers. He said it was too dangerous for a diplomatic mission, so I disguised myself and snuck away."

"That's a bit reckless don't you think? You nearly put the throne in danger," Harry spat at her.

"I know," Hermione said. "It was stupid of me."

"Enough!" Harry tossed up his hands and mounted his horse. "I've heard enough out of you. I can see Dumbledore making his way to the village from the North. You can give him this so called message and be done with us." He roughly pulled Hermione onto the back of the horse behind him.


Harry stabled Hedwig then took off at a brisk pace for the Great Hall, Hermione in pursuit. She dared not say a word to Harry, besides she doubted if he really even wanted to hear anything she had to say. Sirius greeted them at the door.

"I was just about to send for you to tell you he arrived," he told Harry.

Sirius motioned for Hermione to enter the hall. It was a large room made of bricks of stone, it's torches illuminated it, giving it a warm, inviting glow. Her heart pounded as she laid eyes on the old man who sat in a large chair at the end of the chamber, a man she had only heard about in stories and never met in real life. His kindly eyes fell on her and he immediately got up from his seat and walked to her.

"Milady!!" a startled cry from the side of the room caught her attention. Her stomach dropped when she saw that it was Viktor Krum.

"The fair Lady Hermione," Dumbledore greeted her kindly, giving her a short bow. "To what do I deserve this honor? I found a broken entourage of Ravenclaw's during my return, but they never mentioned you were with them."

Hermione didn't dare look back at Harry but she could hear movement behind her. "They did not know of my presence, sir. I was in disguise, and I broke my father's trust doing so."

"I see," Dumbledore's eyes seemed to twinkle in amusement at her.

"I am sorry, Milady, but the mission failed. We have lost the messenger and the message," Viktor spoke from the shadows.

"No, it hasn't," Hermione smiled and reached into her cloak, drawing out a rolled piece of parchment. She walked over to Dumbledore and placed it in his hands. He unrolled it and quietly read it to himself.

"Very well…Remus!" he called out and a tall man stepped from the shadows. "We shall leave first thing in the morning," he ordered.

"Pardon me, sir," Viktor spoke out. "But I was thinking it would be best if I escorted the Lady back to her father as quickly as possible."

"That is fine, I shall provide you with fresh horses for your men."

"Thank you sir." Viktor walked over to Hermione.

"I can leave in the morning with Dumbledore," she protested.

"I think you have caused enough trouble, Milady," Viktor answered back.

"As much as we would love your company, your escort is right," Dumbledore said. "After all, we do not want a diplomatic crisis on our hands."

Harry had heard enough when Dumbledore confirmed…Hermione's story of her identity. He couldn't breath, he felt dizzy. The walls felt like they were closing in on him and he had to get out of there. He was drowning in a feeling that was unfamiliar to him…but it had a name.


Many times Harry had lamented over the feeling he called love. Since the discovery of the opposite sex, he had romanced and pined away for many of the fairer sex. But he had never felt like this before. He literally felt like his heart was breaking. He was in love with the future Queen of Ravenclaw. He'd lost his heart to the one thing in life he couldn't have. She had gone from unattainable Lavender to untouchable Hermione.

His miserable solitude was disrupted by the stableman's assistants opening the stalls and gathering horses.

"He said he needed six horses," he heard one of them say as Harry followed them. Sirius joined him.

"She's leaving tonight. Her entourage has found her," he said quietly.

Harry watched Hermione emerge with a group of men that he recognized as part of the Ravenclaw entourage. He quietly walked back into the stables.

"Were you harmed Milady?" Viktor asked Hermione as they walked toward the horses.

"No, I was well protected," she answered then looked up in surprise. "Harry!" she breathed.

Viktor followed her gaze to a strapping young man with dark raven hair and emerald green eyes leading the most beautiful white horse he had ever seen. He recognized the young man as the one who had led a group to their rescue. He saw the look in his eyes, he was familiar with it in association with his fair Lady. She had never returned the favor of her suitors and they always rode away with the look of heartbreak on their face. Viktor was surprised though, when his Lady mirrored the same look. The young man stopped in front of Hermione and Viktor excused himself, reminding his Lady that they were to leave immediately.

"Like I said, heaven help Ravenclaw when you ascend the throne," he joked quietly and Hermione gave a small laugh. "Take her," Harry said, handing her Hedwig's reigns.

"Harry, I can't. She's yours," Hermione protested.

"I want you to arrive home safely and I only trust Hedwig to do that for me."

Tears welled in Hermione's eyes. "I've never wanted to be Queen. Everyone close to me knows this, I've always said it. But until now, I never truly meant it." She reached into the front of her dress, drawing out a necklace with a large sapphire in it. She took Harry's hand and placed it in it, closing it and giving it a kiss. "It was my mother's, I want you to have it. I wore it close to my heart, it should rightfully stay with you."

Harry's forehead touched hers. "Hermione…" he began but she cut him off with a kiss. A kiss that was bittersweet as he drew her into his arms.

"Milady," a voice interrupted. Viktor stood a discrete distance away, the entourage began to leave the stables. "We must leave soon."

Hermione stepped away from Harry and climbed onto Hedwig. Harry stroked Hedwig's mane and whispered to her. "Watch over her for me, girl. Get her home safe." Hedwig neighed softly and trotted after the others carrying away his beloved.

Harry watched her ride away.

Sirius came up from behind him. "You know, Dumbledore's leaving in the morning, you could-"

"She's going to be the Queen," Harry cut him off. "And I have our borders to protect." He walked away.
