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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Fifteen

"Long ago, the land was not divided as it is now. There used to be only one kingdom, Gryffindor, with one King. He was a well liked King, loved by almost all of his people. He did have his quabbles with his Lords but he was a just King and fair. There was a young wizard who resided in the castle named Tom. Although he was an apprentice to the King's counsel, Artemus, he was already powerful. This made the young man cocky and arrogant and with it a lust for power blossomed within him. He wanted to sit on the throne and rule all the lands.

Now, the throne was well protected. Not just anyone could claim it. It is protected by an ancient spell that states that only the King's blood may sit on the throne. Tom knew this because Artemus knew this as well as all the wizards and Kings that came before. The Queen had passed away but not before birthing the King five sons. Tom gathered followers and in one night did a most dastardly deed. He slew the King and his sons hoping to break the spell and open the throne to himself.

But he was unsuccessful. Artemus managed to flee the castle with the youngest son, Phillip. They rode all night and sought refuge in the kind villagers who had heard the horrible news and were still loyal to the King. The people did not stand for this act of murder and they rose against the one they called the False King. The armies of Gryffindor rallied and set against him but as I said earlier he was a powerful wizard. He summoned the darkest creatures to assemble his army and he slew and nearly wiped out the army. The people fled. The neighboring Lords did not stand for this and created their own armies, destroying the army of the False King who called himself Lord Voldemort. They divided the land to as it is now.

Back to Phillip, he grew up strong and noble, hidden in the lands while Voldemort searched for him. His identity was kept secret only known by Artemus and a select few trustworthy people. He eventually married and had children of his own, a son and two daughters. Voldemort eventually found them and sent his armies to destroy them. Phillip and his two daughters were murdered but his wife fled with his son again with Artemus. Centuries passed and the story repeated itself, the King's blood hiding, escaping death only to hide again. Artemus eventually took on another apprentice, charged with carrying on his duty of protecting the royal line." Dumbledore sighed wearily.

Harry swallowed nervously. "What does this have to do with me?" he asked softly.

"The duty was passed from wizard to apprentice. I am now charged with that task. I was to protect James Potter…your father. Only a select few knew who your father really was and unfortunately his fate was the same as his father's and his grandfather's."

"He was betrayed by our friend," Sirius spoke up. "Peter Pettigrew was one of your father's best friends. He betrayed him by giving away where your parent's resided to Voldemort. I found out about it and tried to warn them but I was too late. Voldemort had already sent his soldiers, your parents were dead. I found you before they did and we fled to Hufflepuff where I knew Dumbledore was visiting. It's been your home ever since."

Harry sat there stunned. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "No…no," he said stubbornly. "Like you said, there are hundreds of his descendents. There has to be!"

"No, Harry," Dumbledore said. "They've all been hunted down and killed. You are the last."

"That's impossible!" Harry scoffed. "I'm not a descendant of the King. There's no proof!"

"Not just any King, Harry. The True King!" Sirius said. Harry closed his eyes, holding back his anger.

"Proof, Harry? The proof is with you," Dumbledore spoke. "For centuries Lord Voldemort has resided in the Castle Gryffindor. Although he rules what is now the Shadowlands, he truly does not rule the land."

"Wait a moment," Ron interrupted. "Centuries? How old is this guy?"

"When he killed the King, the throne and its crown were locked forever to him. It's impossible for him to leave the castle and although many have tried, he cannot be killed. The only one who can is the True King to avenge his fathers."

"Locked away in a castle to sit and stare and a throne that he cannot open," Sirius said quietly.

"That doesn't prove anything!" Harry said angrily.

Dumbledore looked patiently at him. "The key to unlock the room resides in the castle, or at least it did. The Sword of Gryffindor lies patiently in a lady's arms, a lion at her feet. No one can remove the sword, the strongest man cannot, the most powerful wizard cannot. Only the True Heir to the throne can. May I see your sword, Harry?"

Harry trembled slightly as he unsheathed it. He remembered where he had gotten it, the castle, the statue. Dumbledore took it and held it in his hands.

"This is no ordinary sword. No one really knows what it can do, but in the King's hands it can test the true loyalties of his people. I can hold it because I proclaim myself true to the King, an enemy will shy away from it, its hilt burning the traitorous hand that touches it. See for yourself, Harry."

Dumbledore held out the sword. It was truly a beautiful thing, a lion with red rubies and inscribed on the blade was a single word "Gryffindor".

"I have nightmares," Harry said softly as he took the sword.

"I know, Harry," Dumbledore said quietly. "Your father had them as well as did your grandfather."

"I don't want it," Harry said a little more boldly. "No…I don't want any of this. I am NOT the True King." He stormed out of the room and Ron followed. Dumbledore and Sirius looked at each other.


Jason led Hermione through the darkness and down the stairs into the dungeons.

"I do not like this, my Queen," he whispered. "Prisoners are kept here, some who are more foul than dark creatures themselves."

"I shall be fine if you stay on your guard," Hermione whispered back. She had seen Neville brought in with other Riders she recognized a few days ago. She didn't bring it up with Draco and he didn't mention any of it to her. Curious as to why he was being held here she asked Jason to sneak her down to the dungeons.

The dungeons smelled horrible, human waste mixed with the damp cold musty smell. Hermione paused a moment to ease her stomach. Jason looked worriedly back at her. She hadn't been feeling well for quite a few days and hadn't been able to hold down a meal. She was beginning to look a bit sickly and pale. He had asked the Queen if he would taste her food that was brought to her before she had a chance to taste it. But she dismissed the idea. He could swear that she was slowly being poisoned.

She hugged her cloak tighter around her when they reached the bottom. Two guards stood at the entrance.

"What is your business here, Knight?" one of them asked Jason.

"I wish to see the new prisoners, my business is my own," Jason replied coolly.

"No one is to see the new prisoners. King's orders," the guard said smugly.

Hermione dropped the hood of her cloak over her shoulders. "By my order, then, I demand to see the prisoners."

The guards were taken aback and quickly kneeled. "As you wish, my Queen," they said in unison.

Jason took one of the torches from a sconce on the wall and led Hermione into the dungeons. Half frightened out of her wits, she concentrated on the torch that Jason held. Sensing that she was frightened Jason took her hand and drew her to him. Hermione took comfort in that.

"Milady," Hermione heard a familiar whisper.

She peered into the darkness of one of the cells and saw the familiar face of Neville.

"Neville!" she whispered and approached the cell. His face peered back at him through the iron gates. "What has happened? Why are you here?"

"I was hoping you could answer that for me, Milady," Neville whispered. "We were ambushed by Slytherin soldiers and brought here before the King."

"But…why?" she asked. Remus appeared next to Neville.

"He's looking for someone," he said.


Neville and Remus glanced nervously at each other. "We think he's looking for Harry," Neville said slowly.

"Harry?" Hermione asked, surprised. "What makes you think he's looking for Harry?" Jason quickly looked down at Hermione. He had heard that name mentioned before by the King as he was overseeing these prisoners.

"They lined us up and the King said to remove anyone who had fair hair. Those that were left he looked over," Neville explained. "He kept muttering to his guards `No, not him. He had green eyes, I believe'."

"At the end, he asked us if we knew a Rider named Harry," Remus said.

"You said nothing did you?" Hermione asked quickly.

"No, Milady," Neville said. "We would not betray Harry."

"But why?" Hermione whispered. "Why him?"
Remus looked uneasily at Jason who straightened himself under the prisoner's gaze. "I cannot say Milady. But I must ask you to be very careful, you have a dangerous guest in your castle." Hermione had a blank look on her face. "A woman with dark hair, dressed in dark robes."

"Bellatrix? She's not a guest, she's the King's counsel," Hermione explained.

Remus looked uneasy. "All the more reason to be cautious my Queen. She is the False King's whore, she obeys only him, she is his eyes and ears."

Fear went through Hermione. The False King's hand had reached Slytherin.

"Thank you. You've both said enough. I will speak to Draco in the morning about this…atrocity," Hermione said gesturing to the cell.

They both thanked her and Remus walked away. Jason turned and to lead Hermione back out of the dungeons but Neville whispered her name again.

"Yes," she asked.

Neville looked warily behind him to make sure no one else was listening. "Harry stole something from the False King," he whispered and Hermione's eyes grew large. "A sword from his castle, gold with rubies on it. I think he wants it back, that's why Bellatrix is here."

Hermione nodded. "Thank you, Neville," she whispered. "Take care."
Jason led Hermione back to her room in silence.

"Do you know this person…Harry?" he asked her when they were safely in her room. Hermione did not answer him. She was deep in thought. The Malfoy's had a library in their castle like many noble houses did. However, it would be suspicious for Hermione to be looking for the answers she needed under the watchful eyes of the False King's whore.

"Jason…is there a Hall of Records in the city?" she asked.

"Yes, it's on the far side of the city in the Court of the Kings," he answered.

"Good. I wish to be taken there tomorrow," she said.

"I shall arrange a litter for you, my Queen," he said as he bowed and made to leave the room.

"Oh…and Jason?" she said stopping him. "I wish for no one to know about this. I want absolute secrecy."

Jason felt more than a little hurt. Did she still not trust him after all this time?

"There is a market nearby, they sell the finest linens," he said.

"Thank you," Hermione said kindly. "And goodnight, Jason."

She lay awake that night, her thoughts making her unable to sleep. The puzzle of why Draco was searching for Harry was brushed away by a larger more pressing thought. She sighed and turned on her back looking up at the ceiling above her. Her life was going to be in danger if she did not act soon. She was no fool. Her sickness, her tiredness, the dizziness, the absence of her woman's blood. Her hand wandered down and touched her lower belly. Her time was running out.


Harry gazed out in the night sky at the city of Rowena below him, the warm lights from the inside of houses and inns made the city twinkle. He didn't want this. He didn't want to be the True King. He heard footsteps approach him and he knew that it was Ron.

"Well, the good news is that you have my blessing to marry my cousin. Provided that we stop her wedding to that poor excuse of a King," Ron said cheerily.

Harry sighed and hung his head, his arms resting on the balustrade before him. "That's the last thing I want," he said quietly.

Ron gaped at him. "I thought you loved Hermione. I know she loves you. This is your chance to finally be together and-"

Harry spun around angrily. "Did you not hear what Dumbledore said?" he snarled. "I'm cursed. My blood is a curse. If I marry her, I could give her nothing but a life of death and pain. We would be hunted down and killed. I cannot do that to her."

"You can end it," Ron persisted. "You can rise up and defeat the False King. I know you can."

"Are you so certain?" Harry scoffed. "Why should I be the one? My forefather's couldn't do it!"

"It was meant to be you, Harry. You have the sword in your hand."

Harry laughed. "And what about the people? Do you think they would just bow down to a new King of Gryffindor?"

"If it were you…yes. The people would follow you, Harry. Already my men follow you. The people already love you!"

Harry rolled his eyes and frustration filled Ron. He reached out and grabbed the Gryffindor sword out of its hilt. Harry made a move to stop him but didn't. Ron wielded the sword in front of him, the blade pointing to the sky.

"The sword doesn't sting," he said sharply to Harry. "I proclaim my loyalty to the King. The True King." He handed the sword back to Harry. "Now…we are going to commence with the plan to rescue my cousin. We ride tonight. We can discuss taking back Gryffindor when we return."

The castle was dark and quiet. Luna and Ginny made their way through the courtyard to the castle gates where two Slytherin soldiers stood guard.

"No one is allowed to leave," one of them said gruffly.

"I don't care! I'm leaving to go out! And I'm taking my Lady with me," Ginny said defiantly.

"We are under strict orders," the soldier replied.

Ginny screwed up her face in anger. "If you don't let me out, I will make your night miserable."

Harry watched from the side of the wall. The guards above were watching the scene below them. He was dressed in a black cloak, Hedwig was draped in black as well. Four others behind him were dressed the same, their horses too. They stood silently by a side gate with Sirius.

"Fine!" Ginny yelled. "If you don't let me out, I'll just sit here!" She dragged Luna down with her at the front of the gate.

"You cannot sit here!" the soldier protested.

"Oh yes I can!" Ginny said stubbornly.

The soldiers that were above Harry and the others began to move toward the commotion.

"Now," Harry whispered and Sirius opened the gate.

"Be careful," he whispered to Harry. "Remember, you're not only stealing the Ravenclaw Queen, your stealing the King's future bride."

"We're rescuing her," Harry whispered back.

"Call it what you want," Sirius smiled and Harry and the others slipped through the door. Severus Snape watched them from the other side of the courtyard then he slipped back into the shadows.

Dumbledore was waiting for them outside the gate. He was going to ride with them to the city's border.

They stuck to the shadows in the street. Dumbledore rode ahead blowing out the torches where he could with his staff, leaving a shadow they could ride in. It seemed to take forever to reach the city wall.

"Be safe, Harry," Dumbledore said to Harry. Harry only nodded back, he hadn't quite forgiven him for withholding important information about his past from him. They trotted their horses to the edge of the forest before sending them in a steady gallop to Slytherin.


The doors to the throne room swung open and Hermione marched in.

"Leave us," she demanded. "I wish to speak to the King alone."

Draco raised an eyebrow at her in amusement as the rooms occupants hastily left. Bellatrix eyed her haughtily but Hermione stared her down. Draco nodded to Bellatrix and she pursed her lips tightly together and left the room.

"Already the people listen to you," he said pleasantly as she walked toward him. "Almost all of them," he added dryly. "What is it that you wish to speak to me about?"

"Why are the Riders of Hufflepuff being held prisoner?" she demanded.

Draco sighed and shifted in his seat. "So…you have found out about this."

"The castle has eyes and ears, Draco."

"And apparently mouths. Yes," he sighed, "I do have Riders being held prisoner."

"Then I ask that you release them. I still hold a duty to Ravenclaw and it does not look good for me to keep them prisoner. We have just newly forged an alliance. This will be frowned upon. They obviously do not have what you are searching for," Hermione said.

Draco looked at Hermione. "And what is it that I am searching for?"

"It's whom," she said evenly. "You are searching for the Rider Harry, are you not?"

Draco took in a deep breath and rose from his chair. He slowly walked over to her. "Hermione…I'm going to ask you this question one time and one time only. Do you know where he is?"

Hermione looked back at Draco. "No Milord, the last I saw him was the day you last saw him. He was returning to Hufflepuff."

Draco nodded thoughtfully. "He's very taken with you."

Hermione let out a small laugh of relief. "Is this what it's about? Draco," she smiled at him and took his hand in hers, "he's only a Rider. I don't mean to sound vain but many have mistaken my kindness for affection." She brought his hand to her lips and kissed the back of it.

Draco smiled down at her. "You are too kind but that is one of the things I love about you. Why would you think I would be searching for him for that reason?"

Hermione gave him an amused look. "Draco, you nearly beheaded the cook because you thought he was poisoning my food. I had to spare his life by admitting embarrassingly to you that I was suffering from my woman's curse." She had to lie to save him.

Draco flushed red. "Yes, that was a bit…awkward. But that is not why I am looking for him."

"Has he wronged you in some way? If it please you, I shall write to my cousin. He can send word out to his Knights to search for him as well," Hermione offered.

"No, no. There's no need of that, I have the situation under control. My soldiers will scout out this Rider." He smiled down at her. "Now on a lighter topic, what do you have planned for today?"

"I was going to go out to the other side of the city. I was told there was a market there with fine linens," Hermione answered.

"Very well. I shall have a seamstress ready for you when you return. You will be back in time for supper?"

"Long before that, hopefully. But…does she have to be there?" Hermione asked, thinking of Bellatrix. "She's been there for every evening."

"I know," Draco sighed.

Hermione rubbed her arms insecurely. "She makes me uneasy, Draco. I do not trust her and I see no reason for you to trust her either."

"I know my love. I'll find a way to be rid of her. She will definitely be absent for tonight," he said soothingly.

"Good," Hermione said more cheerfully. "Now, tell me your favorite meal so I can tell the cook to prepare it."

"My favorite meal?"

"A good wife should know her husband's favorites," Hermione said innocently.
When Hermione left him, he summoned Jason to him.

"My King?" Jason asked as he knelt before the King.

"The guards in the dungeon informed me that you took the Queen to see the prisoners last night," the King said coolly.

"She requested it," Jason answered.

"And what did she do when you took her?"

"She spoke to them. Asked them why they were here."

"And what did they say?" the King asked.

"They said you were looking for someone named Harry," Jason answered.

"And what did the Queen say to this?" the King leaned forward.

Jason shook his head. "Nothing, your Majesty. She left after that. I believe she was just curious as to why they were here."

The King sat back. "You wouldn't lie to me, would you?"

"I serve the King and the King only," Jason replied.

"One more question. Where is the Queen going to today?" he asked.

"She had asked me yesterday to arrange for a litter to take her to a market in the city. She wished to buy linens," Jason answered. "Do you disapprove?"

"No, no. Go ahead. Send her off with a purse filled with gold," the King sighed.

"As you wish," Jason said giving a short bow.

"You have been spending a lot of time with the Queen," the King said.

Jason looked uncertain. "You had assigned me to her, your Majesty."

"Do you think she's beautiful," the King asked.

Jason paused a moment. "She's the most beautiful Queen I have ever seen. She will make Slytherin proud and she is a perfect match for you, my King."

"You may go," the King said, satisfied with his answer.


The market was lively and crowded with people as the bright sun shone down on them. Jason ordered the litter to be placed at the entrance of the street so Hermione could be free to wander from stand to stand at her own accord. She wore a cloak of cream colored linen, sheer with gold embroidery that matched her cream dress. It hid her well enough that she looked like a lady of a noble house without giving away that she was a Queen.

Jason led her through the crowd and when they were out of sight of the litter, they ducked into an alley to the street behind. They crossed to a large building made of smooth stone. Statues of King's past lined its entrance. The inside opened into a large chamber open to the sky above. This was where the Lords of the land discussed and debated over various issues while the King presided.

He led her to a door to the side which opened to another set of stairs that led down. A man waited at the bottom with a book open in his arms.

"Name and business please?" he asked.

"I am Jason, First Knight of the King Draco, House of Lonning. I am here to check my lands and my taxes to collect. My Lady is accompanying me. We wish not to be disturbed."

"Very well, Sir," said the man as he wrote in his book.

Jason led Hermione into the chamber. It was larger than expected and looked more like a tomb than a Record Hall. Torch light lit the room and its bleak stone walls. Within them were carved niches were books upon books were piled, scrolls lay haphazard in some. Hermione sighed. This was going to be more difficult than she thought.

"Perhaps I can help you?" Jason offered.

Hermione looked at Jason. "I need to find everything I can on the False King, stories, records…anything."

Jason's look was unreadable but he marched forward to one set of books and scrolls.

"The Lost Legends and Stories," Jason said as he stood in front of them. "I know this section well," he said softly.

Hermione pushed up her sleeves. "We have a lot of work to do," she said. "I'm looking for a sword."

Jason picked up a book and flipped through its pages. "This one, my Queen?"

Hermione took the book from him and studied the picture. The word "Gryffindor" was inscribed on the blade. Its hilt bore a lion and Hermione read that it was gold, the lions eyes were rubies. She put down the book and slowly sat down, gazing out in front of her at nothing.

"Have you seen this sword?" Jason asked her urgently. "My Queen?" Hermione nodded. Jason shook his head. "That's impossible, Milady. It resides in the castle of the False King, protected by the Lady and the Lion. No one can remove it, no one can wield it save for-"

"The Heir of Gryffindor," Hermione finished for him. She had whispered it, her fingers touching her lips as if confirming the words had really come from them. Harry was a King. Is a King. The True King. "It's true," she breathed. "The legends are true."

"They can't be!" Jason had lived his life believing in the make believe, he couldn't afford to hope that they were true. "According to the legends, the False King hunted the King's blood down and murdered them all." Hermione's hand went unconsciously to her belly. "There's no one left. There can't be!"

"Yet the throne is still closed to him," Hermione said.

Jason had no reply to that. He sat down next to the Queen.

"Jason…why is Bellatrix here?" she asked him, her tone was cold. "Do not lie to me, Jason."

"She is to bring someone to the False King," he answered. "The King has sent his soldiers out to look for this person."

"Harry," Hermione said.

"Does this Harry have the sword?" he asked.

Hermione looked at Jason sharply. "Give me one reason why I should not have you killed before you go running off to the King."

Jason eyes went large and anger boiled to the surface. "You still do not trust me?"

"I know that Draco summoned you after I spoke with him," she spat.

"He asked me what took place in the dungeon last night and where you were going today."

"And what did you tell him?"

"I lied to him. I lied to protect you, my Queen."

"Your loyalty is to the King," Hermione said.

"My loyalty is with you and has been since the moment I was ordered to watch over you. I serve you first my Queen. I would lie for you…and I would kill for you."

Hermione looked him in the eyes. He was sincere.

"Harry is the True King, though I do not believe he knows this. He resides safely at-"

"No! Do not tell me where he is. I do not wish to know. But we should leave, I fear we have stayed too long."

"I have to get home and write my cousin," Hermione said as they gathered the books to put them away.

"I can find someone to deliver the letter. The King must not know about this," Jason said determinedly as he led them out of the chamber and up the stairs. He stopped suddenly. "He will come for his friends, won't he? I am sure he has heard about this."

Hermione nodded. "He will. Which is why we must do everything in our power to warn him that a trap awaits him here."

Hermione piled panel after panel of linens in Jason's arms to give the illusion that she had been shopping this entire time. She didn't' really care what they looked like, she just grabbed what she could and paid for them. Jason dumped them in the arms of waiting servants as Hermione climbed into the litter.

As she was carried through the city, Hermione fought another wave of sickness. Harry's seed had quickened within her, his child nestled safely within her womb. The True King's heir. An overwhelming feeling of love surrounded her along with fierce protectiveness of her unborn child. The False King would not find out about this child, she would do anything to see to that.

"Milady! Milady!" a beggar approached the litter.

Hermione barely gave him a glance then looked again. "Braeden!" she whispered, recognizing the Ravenclaw Knight.

"Step away, Filth!" Jason said, moving his horse between the beggar and the litter but not before Braeden was able to toss something into the litter.

Hermione picked up the rolled piece of parchment and read it.

We are coming for you. Be ready cousin.

"Jason!" Hermione called him. She reached out to him and gave him the note. Jason read it, a grim look on his face. "He's with him. I know it," she said.

Jason tossed the note into the flames of a nearby spit below where a pig was roasting. He drew close to the Queen. "Say nothing to no one. Try to act as if nothing happened."

Hermione looked at him. "We must make sure he does not set foot inside the castle."

