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The Lost King by Twitch E. Littleferret

The Lost King

Twitch E. Littleferret

Chapter Eight

As they neared Rowena, the village where the King's castle resided, unease settled into Harry. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Why did he want to be present to see the Lady Hermione and Viktor fawn affection all over each other? His nervousness brought no conversation with Neville and he soon gave up and began to talk to Ron.

The village was lively, spirits were high due to the promise of summer and the festivities. Word that the King's nephew had been rescued was more reason to celebrate. Barrels of ale were carried through the streets, the smell of roasted meat permeated the air along with wafts of fresh baked goods. The sounds of music and people dancing lifted the soldiers' spirits. Harry couldn't help but smile as the villagers crowded and waved to Ron's entourage dotted with a few curious looks at Harry and Neville. It almost took Harry's mind off his nervousness. Almost, until the castle doors shut, blocking out the sounds from the village.

The castle was large and built of brick and stone, the roofs of the spires were the royal blue that signified the colors of Ravenclaw. Pages and stable boys immediately tended to the riders and their horses. Harry dismounted and looked up at the castle. Hermione was somewhere within these walls. Did she know he was there?

"I'll see the King first. Please let any of the servants tend to your needs," Ron said to Harry and Neville. "You are my guests after all. After this, we'll go to my home."

Harry only nodded. He didn't dare open his mouth for fear that actual butterflies might actually fly out of it. Draco and Viktor dismounted and made their way into the castle. Harry dismounted and busied himself with the saddle but a page took over.

"Would you like something to eat?" a maid walked up to them. Confident that he could leave his belongings since Dobby kept a close watch on his things, he and Neville followed her inside the castle.

They snacked on bread, cheese and water, chatting once in awhile until another servant entered the kitchen. This one was more finely dressed.

"Which of you is Harry Potter?" he asked.

"I am," Harry said, rising from the table.

"The King wishes to see you." Harry gave a questioning glace at Neville. "Don't worry," the servant said. "Ron will be down shortly to take your friend to the House of Weasley."

As Harry followed the servant through the corridors, he couldn't help but hope to see a glimpse of Hermione. They came to a set of large wooden doors that opened into a Great Hall. A long chamber filled with beautiful marble statues of past dignitaries. The royal blue carpet runner that ran to the foot of an elaborate throne upon which Hermione's father, the King, sat upon. A familiar old man stood on his right.

"Your Majesty," Harry bowed respectfully.

"It is not very often that I find myself indebted to another. Never to one as young as yourself," the King began. "My Nephew has told me of the service and hospitality you have shown him while he was in Hufflepuff. And once again, helping him to escape from the Shadowlands and the False King. You have spared Ravenclaw a battle, although I fear there are many more to come.

"Most important to me is the service you had provided to my daughter during her…escapade to Hufflepuff. You saved her life, thereby protected the throne of Ravenclaw. I thank the saints that she will soon be Sir Viktor's problem, heaven help him." To this Harry gave a wry smile.

The King got up from his throne and stood in front of Harry. "Dumbledore speaks highly of your bravery and character. And so I ask you this, what do you want? What reward can Ravenclaw give you for your bravery?"

Harry was momentarily stunned but recovered nicely. "Your Majesty, I seek no reward. I did what I did for your nephew out of friendship, not for glory."

"And for my daughter?" the King asked.

Harry paused. "Out of duty," he answered.

The King smiled. "Very well, think on it Harry. But in the mean time, you are a guest in the castle. I shall have a room prepared for you complete with servants. Anything you need, you just ask them. You shall be my guest of honor at the feast tonight."

The King turned and left the room leaving Harry to be reunited with Dumbledore.

"It's very good to see you, Harry," the old wizard said kindly to him. Harry gave him a small smile. "So…the Shadowlands?"

"And the castle of the False King," Harry sighed.

"Hmm," Dumbledore said thoughtfully. "Did…did he say anything to you?"

"No," Harry answered.

"This is an odd question but did you take…anything from the castle?"

Harry scratched his head in thought. "An elf," he answered, forgetting the sword.

"An elf?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, his name's Dobby."

"I see," Dumbledore smiled. "Very well. Oh, a servant is here for you. I'll see you tonight, Harry."

He and Dumbledore walked out of the room, a moment later, a man with a hooked nose and oily hair stepped out of the shadows.

The servant led Harry up the winding stairs and down a long corridor to his room. It was a large one, with a plush bed and a large fireplace. Cushioned chairs, a plush rug and a mahogany table completed the furnishings. Harry stood by the large window looking out over the grounds when the servant left and Dobby appeared.

"Is there anything else, Master Potter?" he asked.

"No," Harry said absently, staring out the window.

"I will see to your clothes for tonight," the elf squeaked.

"Thank you, Dobby."

Harry was staring into the garden. His heart nearly stopped when he saw her there. Her cinnamon brown hair in soft curls, the smooth creamy skin. She was walking through the garden with Viktor. Harry felt a stab of jealousy and envy for the man. He was about to walk away from the window when something else caught his eye. Hidden from view, Draco watched the couple from afar.


"What did you just say?" Ginevra asked as she walked into the parlor with Luna. Ron and Neville had been regaling their harrowing tale of their escape from the Shadowlands to his brothers and father.

"I said that the two of them are here as my guests," Ron repeated, standing to greet Luna. "You look lovely," he whispered to her.

"Neville and Luna?" Ginny inquired.

"No, Neville and Harry," Ron said absently, his eyes still on the lovely Luna who wore a pale blue dress. "The carriage is ready and waiting.

"Harry?" Ginevra asked. She was thinking of the story the Lady Hermione had told her of her adventures in Hufflepuff and the young man she had lost her heart to.

"Oh, Harry's here?" Luna asked.

"He's staying at the castle as the King's guest," Neville chimed into the conversation.

Ginny tore out of the room and clambered into the carriage. Neville, Ron and Luna stood there a bit puzzled.

"She really loves the starting feast of the festival," Ron said, trying to explain his sister's odd behavior.

"I'm not going to wait here all day!" Ginny called out to the others from the carriage.

"The silver or the gold, Milady?" a handmaiden asked her.

"I'm sorry?" Hermione was brought out of her thoughts.

"The silver or the gold?" she repeated.

"Um…gold," Hermione said absently.

Her thoughts were occupied by the odd conversation she had had with Viktor earlier that day. He kept asking her if she truly was committed to their engagement, if she truly did choose him as her intended. She kept reassuring him that her word was her word. Did Draco say something to him? She was going to have to have a talk with him. He had no business interfering in her personal affairs, filling Viktor's head with doubts and insecurities. Viktor asked her if she loved him. She was honest with him. She cared for him deeply and one day it may grow into love. It was the best she could do.

The gown she wore was made of a fine gold silk material, fashioned after the gowns worn by the royal ladies of the Roman Empire she had read about. Her curly hair gathered and held in a simple updo. She looked lovely but she wasn't in the mood for a feast and dancing. But she had a duty to carry out and she composed herself enough to be pleasant and greet the guests.

The hall was buzzing with the conversations between the guests that had arrived. Hermione entered the room and began to make her rounds, smiling and laughing with the guests. Harry stood hidden in the crowd. His breath hitched when he saw her walk into the room. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. He found that he was frozen, unable to move yet unable to take his eyes off her. She was truly breathtaking. He watched as Sir Draco Malfoy made his way over to her, watched as she pulled him to a quieter corner. He could tell that whatever they were talking about was an intense subject.

"What did you say to him?" she hissed softly.

"Don't worry, Milady, our little secret is safe," Draco smirked at her.

"There is no little secret!"

"Oh! So I can tell him about our little walk in the garden?"

"I can tell him how you forced yourself upon me," she whispered harshly.

"And I can tell him how much you enjoyed it."

"Enjoyed what?" Viktor interrupted and Hermione and Draco jumped away from each other.

"Enjoyed the…" Hermione floundered for a moment.

"The Winter Festival at Slytherin," Draco recovered. Viktor looked down at Hermione but she didn't dare meet his gaze. He was just about to say something when he was nearly run over by a blur of red hair.

"Milady!" Ginevra gasped out of breath.

"What? What is it? Is everything okay?" Hermione asked as her friend dragged her away from the two gentlemen.

"He's here!" Ginny whispered.

"Who's here?" Hermione whispered back.


The horns sounded, announcing the King's arrival to the feast and Hermione barely heard her friend.

"Who?" she whispered.

"Lords and Ladies, may I present his royal Majesty King Edward," one of the royal attendants announced. The guests all bowed respectively as the King entered the hall.

"Welcome everyone to the Veranis Feast, the start of the Veranis Festival," he said warmly and his guests clapped with approval. Viktor made his way through the crowd and stood by Hermione's side. "And we have much to celebrate," the King continued. "Most importantly, the Ravenclaw army led by Sirs Ronald deWeasley and Viktor Krum have successfully defended Arneau Tak, thereby staving off another attack by the False King." Hermione looked up at Viktor, who was blushing and smiled warmly as the crowd clapped. "And speaking of Sir Viktor, he has asked the Lady Hermione for her hand in marriage and she has gladly accepted. Let us all celebrate this good news." Gasps of delight filled the crowd along with more clapping that Draco Malfoy did not partake in. "And lastly, as you may already know, my nephew Ronald was captured by the False King. He escaped, however, unharmed and without having to employ our armies. For this feat, we should be grateful for the bravery of two young men, Neville Longbottom," the King gestured for Neville to step forward. He did, blushing to the roots of his hair as the crowd clapped.

Hermione, gasped. "I know him!"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you," Ginny whispered feverishly to her.

"The other has been of assistance to the throne twice and for that, I am deeply grateful. He is my personal guest here…Harry Potter." Harry nervously stepped forward and the crowd cheered and clapped.

Hermione couldn't breathe. It was him. It was Harry. Her Harry. His emerald eyes fell on her.

She gripped onto her friend. "Hermione?" Ginny asked with concern.

Hermione couldn't catch her breath. Her blood left her face. Harry was looking at her with concern on his face. Her father was speaking again but she couldn't hear him. Why couldn't she breathe? Darkness began to cloud her vision and the last thing she heard was Ginny saying her name before all went dark.
