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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


This is my first after HBP fic that is not a one-shot… So please bear with me. Former parings of GH, RH and of course HHr pairing..

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

"Excuse me, Mr. Potter." Said the St. Mungo's Healer, as she move passed me to check on Hermione.

"How is she doing?" I asked, after stepping aside. I stood as I watched the nurse check her vitals.

"Well her fever broke, so that's some good news!" said the Healer, as she smiled, "the infection must be clearing up!"

"That's good." I said, as I let out a sigh of relief. I resumed my seat next to her bed. I looked hopefully at the nurse.

The Healer met my gaze with a sad smile, "It's good news that her body reacted and fought the infection, but there still are no signs that she's still out of her coma."

"I know," I said, my smile fading. "But thank you."

"You're welcome." Said the Healer with a smile, as she left the room.

I knew things wouldn't change. I looked at Hermione's breathing form.

'She looks so peaceful.'

I visit Hermione once a week, usually on Saturdays, sometimes on Sundays, when I have Auror training. I just sit next to her and hold her hand and tell her what's going on with everybody. She doesn't respond, but I know she can hear me.

I hope she can hear me.

Ron used to come almost every day after the accident. He basically camped out here. Finally his family and I encouraged him to go on and live his life and that Hermione wouldn't want him to waste away his life like that.

Ron's been a Keeper for the Chudley Canons for about two years now. He comes by as often as he can, but he's usually busy with practices and games. He hasn't seen her in about a month.

I'm pretty busy with training and all, but I visit every week.

I don't know.

Everyone's lives have changed so much since the war ended. Everyone's moved on. I just don't want her to fall behind.

And naturally, I feel guilty about it.

"Harry!" shouted Hermione, "Be careful!"

We had destroyed the remaining Horcruxes, except for one when we found out where Voldemort was hiding. We were fighting against a couple Deatheaters and Voldemort was nowhere to be found.

"Bloody Hell!" shouted Ron, "There's Nagini!"

"Ron!" cried Hermione, "Be careful!"

Ron managed to dodge the snake's bite while cursing a Deatheater.

After dodging a few curses, I shot a curse at Nagini, to kill him. It hit his long body and immobilized him for a second, but he started moving again.

I swore, frustrated and sent another spell his way.

"Harry! Aim for Nagini's head!" ordered Hermione, as she immobilized a Deatheater.

I sent a curse well-aimed at his head. Nagini wiggled and writhed like he was in pain.

"Now Harry!" shouted Hermione.

I grabbed the sword of Gryffindor from my pocket and quickly enlarged it. I then plunged the sword into its head. Nagini wiggled a couple times, then Ron sent a curse towards it to finish him off. Nagini got full blast of the spell and was dead.

All three of us let a sigh of relief out. The final Horcrux was dead. Now only Voldemort remained.

We surveyed the damage in the room. Broken windows and walls from the curse and a couple deatheaters body-bounded.

"Not bad, Harry!" said Ron with a grin as he dusted himself off.

"We better get out of here," said Hermione, with an uneasy look on her face "It's too quiet."

I felt the same way. Something felt wrong. Really wrong.

Then I heard him.

Hermione screamed from shock and Ron shouted to me. "He's here!"

Soon, the room was filled with curses again.

Voldemort was defeated that night. Having destroyed all the Horcruxes left him in a vulnerable state.

But that didn't mean he didn't go without a fight. He managed to get to Hermione before I finished him off. He sent a foreign curse towards her and she tried to shield herself. The shield managed to absorb much of the dark spell, but it crumbled and she was hit.

My mind went blank then.

Ron told me later that I went crazy and killed him. I then collapsed.

I awoke later in St Mungo's where they let me go after a week with a clean bill of health. But Hermione remained there. She had never regained consciousness since that night. The Healers said that the shielding charm helped save her life. She would have died instantly without it.

So now, three years later she's still at the same state. Sometimes I wonder if it was better if she did die, then she wouldn't be in this state now.

Not dead, but not living.

But then I remember how much she means to me, she always was there for me. Every step of the way.

I want to return the favor. I brushed a few strands of hair from her face and held her hand.

But still I sometimes wonder if this the right way.

I stroke her hand and smile sadly at the diamond ring on her finger.

She would have been married by now. She would have been Mrs. Ron Weasley.


Part 1 Finished

AN: I know it's slow and not much happening…but it's building ^^… Constructive criticism is ALWAYS helpful