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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


This was by the far the longest chapter….

I actually thought of breaking it up into two or three parts, but I knew you guys wouldn't like that. Plus I know a lot of you guys couldn't wait until the action started…. Well I guess it kinda starts….

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

"Ron!" cried Mom, as she rushed out of the Burrow to give me one of her famous hugs. She literally crushed me.

"Umm.. Mom, I can't breathe." I managed to say, which was hard to say, seeing as she was cutting off my air supply.

Mom immediately released me and stared fussing over my state. She asked me the usual questions about my health and if I was eating and sleeping regularly.

I of course would get no word in edgewise.

I just waited for her to drag me in and start piling food on my plate.

"Oh! I saw Hermione a few days ago!" my mom gushed, "She's looking so well!"

I just nodded and dug into my food.

My mom just sat across from me, smiling and chatting away.

"It's just a miracle, Ron, a miracle!" she said, her eyes sparkling with tears, "All these years!"

I didn't say anything; I just stuffed my face not to say anything. Even though I was beginning to lose my appetite.

"You know, Ron," Mom continued, "I'd lost hope, I really did. I know how much it hurt you and Harry."

I just nodded, not meeting her eyes.

I just kept shoveling food into my mouth, not really tasting anything.

"And now," Mom continued, "You guys can finally get married!"

My stomach clenched.

Mom bursted into tears, "I'm so happy!"

She was dabbing her eyes with the corner of her apron, smiling through her tears.

I managed a small smile.

I stopped eating.I had lost my appetite.

I watched awkwardly as my Mom sniffled and chatted to me about wedding plans.

"Have you guys settled on a date," She asked, "Of course there's no rush! You guys are young!"

She looked at me eagerly, waiting for my response. I gave her a weak smile.

"Well," I started, "Hermione and I haven't really discussed anything about the wedding."

"Oh! Of course!" Mom prattled, "There's no rush! No rush!"

I just smiled at her. I started pushing the food around my plate.

"So have you talked to her?" Mom asked eagerly, "I know you've been away for a month since she woke up."

"Umm" I said, nervously, "I've owled her a couple times…I've been really busy."

Mom gave me a sympathetic look then smiled, "Well you best be off then to see her! You can spend time with me later! You know Hermione's dying to see you!"

"Yeah" I said, staring at my plate.

I wasn't really planning to see her anytime soon.

It just seemed easier when away at games, but my coach heard about the situation, most likely Mom owled him, and he let me take a week off.

I had refused, but he insisted.

"Come on Weasley," He insisted, "Can't keep you here when the love of your life just came back!"

He had urged me and patted me on the back.

"Well can you make it to dinner tomorrow?" Mom asked, breaking me out of my thoughts, "Harry and Hermione will be over. Along with Bill and his family and the twins! It'll be a family get-together!"

"Oh!" I said, startled by the news.

"I think Charlie can make it too." Mom continued, "They all want to see Hermione!"

"Umm," I said, "I don't know…"

Mom frowned at me. "Ron, you don't have work! Come! It's been awhile since the whole family got together!"

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

I didn't want to go.

I especially didn't think an evening with Harry glaring at me would be so great.

"Now, don't be such a workaholic, Ron" Mom said, "You're just like your father! I'm expecting you there!"

"Okay." I mumbled. Mom smiled then got up and started clearing the plates away.

I got up to help her, but she just shooed me away.

"Go see Hermione!" she said, as she pushed me out of the house, "She's staying at Harry's!"

I gave her a weak smile.

I wasn't looking forward to going there. It's like going into a hungry lion's den.

Hopefully, Harry's not there.

Maybe Hermione won't either.


I decided to go to Ginny and Lavender's shop first. I haven't seen Lavender in awhile and we haven't been in contact for the past month.

I guess they've been doing well. Their store is becoming well-known.

I went inside the shop and Lavender was with a customer. Ginny was usually on her break these times. I sat in a chair and waited while Lavender finished working with the customer.

I gave her a smile and waved when she noticed me, but she was too busy to greet me back.

I just thumbed through one of their catalogs, not really looking but keeping myself idly busy. When the last customer paid and left, I got up and went to her to give her a hug and a kiss.

She just walked away and started folding some clothes, ignoring me.

"Hey Lav" I said softly, trying to nuzzle her neck. She just shoved me aside and started folding more clothes.

I frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to hold her.

She ignored me.

She seemed mad at me.

Maybe because I didn't owl her often.

"Hey Lav," I said softly, "I was really busy. I'm sorry babe."

Lavender stiffened and still wouldn't talk to me.

"I really missed you." I said, hugging her and smelling her hair.

It always smelled nice.

Lavender just glared at me, not saying a word.

She was really mad.

I sighed.

"I'll owl more often" I said, trying to console her.

She just sniffed and ignored me.

"I'll owl everyday then!" I said, trying to make her smile, "Every hour!"

She just scowled at me and stalked away.

I started getting upset. I mean, I really was busy.

'And I did owl her occasionally. She was the one who didn't respond to any of them.'

'Why is she mad at me?!' I thought, frustrated.

"When were you going to tell me?" Lavender suddenly said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

She threw some of the clothes she had been folding at me.

"WHEN?" shouted Lavender as she sent another sweater my way.

I ducked and covered.

"Lavender, what's wrong?!"

"WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME?!" she shouted, throwing some pants at me.


"WHEN?" she kept shouting, "WHEN YOU GUYS GOT MARRIED.?!"

"Lavender!" I shouted, "What's the matter with you!"

"You should have told me!" she cried, "You should have told me about Hermione!"

I try to formulate a response, but I just froze.

"You knew!" she cried, "You knew and you didn't tell me!"

Lavender started crying. I moved to hug her, but she pushed me away.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!!" she shouted, "YOU DON'T CARE!"

"Lav! Stop!" I tried to calm her down.

She slapped my hands away.

She was getting hysterical.

"You don't care!" she cried, "You don't care at all!"

Lavender started sobbing. I tried to console her.

But she pushed me away.

She wouldn't let me touch her.

I didn't leave.

I waited until she calmed down.

She was sobbing on the floor and I just stood over her, from a distance, watching awkwardly.

After awhile her sobs died down, and then she started sniffling.

I kept my distance, not wanting her to blow up again.

I didn't say anything. I waited for her to talk. I just waited until she calmed down.

It took her awhile, but she finally did.

She stood up and wiped her face with a tissue. I still kept my distance and just watched her walk over to the counter, to get more tissues.

I went to the back room where they had a mini fridge and got a bottle of water.

I cautiously handed it to her and she quietly took it.

Her eyes were still puffy and red and she was still sniffling.

I hated hurting her.

"You know who told me?" Lavender said, suddenly.

I shook my head.

"Harry." Lavender spat out bitterly.

I was surprised. I didn't think Harry would ever talk to Lavender.

"He showed up with Her, two weeks ago" She said, "I almost had a heart attack!"

I couldn't say anything.

"He told me you knew, Ron" Lavender said, staring at me, "you knew for awhile!"

I looked at her, feeling guilty.

"Lav, I-

"Did you ever plan on telling me?" She asked quietly.

"Or did you plan on telling me your wedding day!" She continued angrily.

She glared at me.

Then she looked at me sadly.

"Harry says that now that she's back things are going to change." Lavender said, her lip quivering.

"Are we going to change?" She asked sadly.

I didn't say anything.

"Are we?" She persisted, looking at me earnestly.

I tried to think of the right thing to say.

"I don't know," I finally said, honestly.

Tears filled her eyes at my response. My stomach clenched at the sight of them. I hated hurting her.

"So is it over between us?" She sniffled.

She looked hopeless and devastated.

"Ron? Ron Weasley?" A woman's voice cried out from the restaurant.

I'd been eating lunch there. It had been the first time I had eaten anything besides hospital food.

Harry had insisted I go out and eat. He wanted me to take a break. He had pushed me out of Hermione's room and told me to go take a shower and go eat.

I reluctantly agreed, after he pointed out my BO and how it might aggravate Hermione.

I was eating lunch at the local restaurant re-reading the recruiting letter I received from the Chudley Canons.

I glanced up and saw Lavender calling me and waving me from the other side of the restaurant.

We had made small chat about what was going on with our lives, when she saw the letter.

"OH! Ron! Are you going to take the offer?" She asked me.

"I don't know," I mumbled. Taking the job meant long practices and games away from home.

Away from Hermione.

"What?!" Lavender said looking scandalized, "But it's your dream!"

"It doesn't matter." I muttered, carelessly tossing the letter aside.

Lavender snatched it. "Ron! This was your dream!" she insisted, "Don't give it up now!"

"I don't know." I said, evasively, not wanting to talk about it.

Lavender looked at me sadly, and then said, "You know, you shouldn't put your life on hold. This is what you dream of doing since you were a little kid! Don't give it up!"

I didn't say anything.

Lavender grabbed my hands, "What are you holding yourself back for? Hermione? You're going to stop living for her?"

I didn't say anything.

"I'm not trying to be harsh, Ron," Lavender said quietly, "But it seems like your throwing your life away. And honestly I don't think that's what Hermione would have wanted."

I tried not to cry. I closed my eyes.

"What do you think Hermione would want?" Lavender asked me softly.

"She'd want me to play, "I said, quietly as I stared at her, "And live."

Lavender smiled.

"No." I finally answered after a long pause, "It's not."

Lavender looked both relieved and sad at my answer. She started crying. I went to hold her and this time she let me.

I didn't want to end things with Lavender.

I just couldn't. I mean, I love her.

'But what about Hermione' I thought.

I pushed away all the guilt and pain at the thoughts of Hermione.

I just didn't want to think about it.


"Ron!" squealed Hermione as she pulled me in the house. "You're back!"

I gave her a smile and a hug as she ushered me into Harry's living room. I looked into the room nervously to see if Harry was there.

Hermione must have read my thoughts because she said, "Harry's not home yet. He will be soon!"

She smiled at me as she went to the kitchen to get refreshments. I just sat awkwardly on the sofa, looking around.

There were a lot of books on the coffee table and ground. A lot of spell books and Healer manuals. There were also a lot of parchments scattered on the table and ground too.

I smiled.

'Same old Hermione' I thought.

Hermione came back with two glasses of juice. She blushed as she set the tray down and tried to clean up the table.

"Sorry," Hermione said, embarrassed, "It's a bit messy here."

"Alright." I said quietly, giving her a small smile. I grabbed one of the glasses and started drinking the juice.

It was weird.

We couldn't think of anything to say.

Hermione just sipped on her orange juice, smiling at me, without a word. And I couldn't really think of anything to say to her. I was too nervous.

I just busied myself with finishing the juice.

But after it was gone, I had to start talking to her.

" How're things?" I asked awkwardly.

Hermione just smiled. "Things are fine. I've been mostly cooped up in the house reading."

I let out a nervous chuckle.

"I'm trying to review all the spell work and I spent the past few weeks studying for my entrance exams." Hermione continued, "I'm thinking about being a Healer."

"Oh" was all I could manage to say.

Hermione just nodded. "I just finished the exams last week, I should be getting my results soon."

"You'll definitely pass," I said, "You're the brightest witch of the century!"

Hermione blushed at my comment.

"Well I won't be a Healer yet," She said, still pink, "I'll be a Healer-in Training for about a year or two then take the exam to get my license."

"Well you'll definitely pass and get it." I said, giving her a smile.

"Hopefully." She said shyly.

The conversation died down again as Hermione started sipping her juice.

I fiddled with my empty glass.

"So," Hermione began, "How's your training?"

"Good." I answered, "Lots of hard practices, but good."

"Good." Hermione said, smiling.

It got quiet again.

Hermione had finished her juice and set the empty glass back on the tray. I guess she felt awkward by the silence because she started fidgeting with hands.

It felt too awkward.

I just kept looking around the room. I glanced at some of the pictures on the mantel. Most were of us when we were at Hogwarts.

After awhile I glanced at Hermione and noticed her fixated on her hands. She was fiddling with a ring.

The ring I gave her.

Our engagement ring.

My stomach clenched at the thought.

"Ron!" Hermione said, as I dragged her by the Lake. "What are you doing?"

I just laughed at her and led her to our tree by the Great Lake.

"Come on, 'Mione," I said, grinning, "We've broken a hundred rules before that were far worse than having a midnight picnic by the lake!"

Hermione just rolled her eyes.

She started lecturing me about being 7th years and how as Head Boy and Girl, we were supposed to set a good example.

"Come on 'Mione" I pleaded, "Just for an hour! We can sneak back in! Harry gave me his Invisibility Cloak. Filch won't catch us!"

Hermione gave me a disapproving glare, but relented as I conjured up a blanket. We sat down and I enlarged the picnic basket I had in my pocket.

Hermione laughed at me while I started eating.

"You're such a pig!" Hermione said jokingly.

"Hey!" I said, offended by her remark, "I'm a growing boy!"

"You eat enough for ten growing boys!" she retorted, grinning.

I started tickling her and she squealed, trying to escape.

I loved listening to her laugh.

I loved her smile.

I loved her bushy hair and brown eyes.

I proposed to her that night.

I figured it was the appropriate time and setting. We only had a Horcrux left to destroy then Voldemort. I knew the end was coming soon.

I remember being so nervous and Harry trying to calm me down.

I was so worried that she would say no.

And so happy when she said yes and we both started crying.

What changed?

"Ron?" Hermione asked me, out of the blue, "What's going on between you and Harry?"

"What?" I said, nervously, "Nothing's wrong."

Hermione frowned at me. "You're a terrible liar, Ron. You and Harry."

She crossed her arms and looked at me curiously, "Now tell me. Why are you guys acting so cold towards one another?"

"We're …fine, Hermione," I said, awkwardly, "We're not fighting. Nothing's wrong."

Hermione just gave a frustrated sigh. "You and Harry say that, but I know you guys are lying."

"I know you both," she continued, "And the Harry and Ron I know would not act like strangers to each other! They're best friends! Been that way since you guys were kids!"

"Things change." I said quietly, "People change."

Hermione dropped her arms and gave me a worried look, "How?"

"They just do." I mumbled evasively.

Hermione had a lost look on her face. She looked at me, concerned and reached for my hands.

Before she grabbed them, I heard the door slam.


It was Harry.

Hermione stood up and went to greet Harry.

Harry looked tired. He threw his duffel bag on the couch. It nearly hit me. But Harry hadn't noticed me then.

I watched Hermione fuss over Harry as he in return started interrogating her about her day and well-being.

"I'm fine, Harry!" Hermione said, slightly annoyed.

"Did the Healer-in-Training Vane stop by for your check-up?" Harry asked Hermione, seriously.

Hermione rolled her eyes and sighed. "Yes, she came by a few hours ago, but I don't see the point now! I'm fine!"

"Still," Harry insisted, "We should take-

"Precautions," Hermione interrupted, "I know."

Harry noticed me then, on the couch.

His body stiffened.

Hermione noticed this and dragged Harry over to me.

"Ron came by an hour ago," Hermione said, "To visit."

Harry just stared at me.

"A whole hour!" Harry said sarcastically, "my, my! Are you sure you could spare it?"

"Harry!" Hermione hissed as she smacked his arm, she gave me an apologetic look.

"Be nice!" she told him.

Harry just grumbled.

"Now sit!" she ordered him, "I'll get us more refreshments!"

Harry sat at the farthest corner of the couch. He didn't make any eye contact with me.

Plus his body language indicated, he'd rather kiss the Giant Squid than even be near me.

I didn't even try to make conversation, but just waited for Hermione to return.

Harry was the same way.

Except it seemed like a long time before Hermione came back.

'What is she doing in there," I thought nervously, 'Is she picking and squeezing the oranges?'

I noticed Crookshanks come from one of the rooms. He mewed as he made over to Harry's lap. Harry started petting him. Crookshanks started purring.

Hermione came back with the drinks and we both thanked her as she sat between us, in the middle and handed us the drinks.

Crookshanks left Harry's lap to go onto Hermione's.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione crooned, "You're awake!"

Harry started petting Crookshanks, in Hermione's lap.

Crookshanks resumed his purring.

I felt out of place.

I guess Hermione sensed it because she tried to engage us in small chat.

She asked Harry about his day and about my job. We both gave her monosyllabic answers and only grunted to each other. Hermione seem frustrated with this.

It was just too awkward.

And it didn't help that Crookshanks was staring at me like I was another Scabbers or something.

I finally stood up to leave.

"Oh you're leaving already?" Hermione asked, disappointed.

"Umm yeah," I said evasively, "I have some…errands."

"What kind?" I heard Harry mutter. I saw Hermione give him a glare.

She tried to stand up, but Crookshanks wouldn't get off her lap.

"Crookshanks!" Hermione cried, "Can you move for a second? Go to Harry!"

The cat wouldn't budge. He dug his claws into Hermione's pants and just glowered at me.

Harry was no help and just continued to pet the beast.

Hermione gave a frustrated sigh as she tried to push Crookshanks off her lap to stand.

Harry was snickering and Hermione glared at him.

Finally she gave up and just gave me an apologetic smile.

I gave her a smile and gave her a look to indicate I was okay. I was about to leave when she called me from the couch.

"You're going to be there tomorrow?" Hermione asked hopefully, "Right?"

"Umm" I said.

I looked at Hermione's hopeful face and then Crookshanks' glowering face and Harry's smirking face.

"Yes," I said, being satisfied by watching the smirk fade off of Harry's face, "I won't miss it."

Hermione's face brightened. "Good!, I'll see you then!"

Harry gave a snort.

I told her good bye and left.

As I left the house, I heard Hermione scolding Harry and Crookshanks.


"No, Ron!" Mom scolded, as she smacked my hands away from the bread she had freshly baked.

Fred and George snickered at me. "Is ickle Ronnikins hungry?

"Bugger off!" I muttered as I went to the living room, where Bill, Charlie and Dad were talking about some new legislation being passed.

Ginny hadn't showed up yet and Fleur was in the kitchen, getting on mom's nerves. Probably criticizing Mom's cooking.

The nieces and nephews were running down the stairs, playing with some gloopy substance that had a distinct WWW label on it.

I sensed a scolding from Mom to the twins later.

I watched the kids scramble around and laugh when the front door opened. It was Harry and Hermione.

"Hermione! Harry!" Mom cried as, she ushered them in, taking their coats, "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"We wouldn't miss this for the world!" I heard Harry say.

Dad, Bill, Charlie and the kids all scrambled to see Hermione and Harry.

By the time we all got there, the twins were joking with the two of them, making Hermione blush. Everyone started greeting Hermione and shaking her hands and hugging her.

The kids all went to grabbed onto Harry's legs shouting, "Uncle Harry! Uncle Harry!"

It was a bit chaotic and I could see Hermione was nervous.

Mom managed to usher us all to eat in the dining room.

"Wow, Mrs. Weasley!" Hermione said looking around, "You've expanded the Burrow!"

"Yes, yes!" Mom chirped, "We've added a couple bedrooms and bathrooms as well!"

We all sat at the table to start eating.

Hermione was sitting next to Harry and Mom on the right. Dad and Bill sat at the ends. I managed to sit directly across from her. The twins insisted, giving me overly large winks.

Hermione laughed at their antics.

We started to eat when Ginny finally arrived. We all greeted her from the table and she rushed to sit and eat.

Hermione gave her a pleasant greeting and Ginny smiled.

"You're wearing the robes!" Ginny said, smiling, "They look great!"

"Yes, it looks lovely on you!" Mom agreed.

Everyone agreed, even Fleur.

Hermione just blushed and gave me a shy smile.

Fred elbowed me hard and cleared his throat.

"Yeah," I said nervously, "you look very pretty."

Hermione blushed at my compliment.

The twins started hooting and the kids started laughing.

"You look beautiful" Harry said quietly which silenced everyone for a moment.

Hermione turned even redder at the compliment and just stared at her plate.

Mom started shoveling more food onto her plate, insisting that she eat more. The twins started poking fun at Mom's insistence and Charlie and Bill were giving me curious looks while Fleur whispered to Bill. Ginny was eating quietly, occasionally glancing at Harry, who was eating and occasionally glancing at Hermione while talking to Dad about Internet.

Hermione looked a bit embarrassed by the attention and kept looking at me, Harry or her plate.

I don't know if anyone noticed, but it seemed like for me, Hermione Harry and for some reason Ginny, that dinner was very awkward.

After dinner we all went to the living room while Mom brought out dessert. Everyone started talking to Hermione about their lives and what's going on.

Bill, Charlie and Fleur were whispering and kept giving me, Harry and Hermione furtive glances.

Later, I notice Ginny whispering something to Harry and them walking out. They tried to make it inconspicuous, but everyone noticed.

Mom just smiled and resumed talking to Dad about something. Fred and George were wagging their eyebrows, which made the kids burst into giggles.

Hermione looked a bit confused and awkward, but Bill and Charlie were keeping her occupied with something.

I later saw Ginny quietly leave. She looked like she'd been crying. She quietly made her escape and I saw Harry come back awhile later with an unreadable expression on his face.

Hermione saw the look and grew worried. I saw her leave Bill and Charlie to talk to Harry. She kept talking to him and occasionally glancing at me.

I decided to leave too.

And like Ginny I wanted to leave without anyone knowing.

I mean, I had spent a good amount of time today with the family and Hermione. I just wanted to go now.

I tried to sneak away and was out in the front yard when someone called me.

It was Harry and he didn't look too pleased.

I just ignored him and prepared to apparate when he stalked towards me.

"What the are you doing?" Harry hissed, glaring at me.

I just glared back. "I need to go now."

"Busy?" Harry asked coldly.

"Very." I snapped back. I prepared to apparate when Harry snatched my wand.

He started walking away from the house with it.

"Give me my wand, Harry!" I said angrily as I caught up with him. He moved away from me as I tried to grab it.

Finally I just snapped and tackled him to the ground. He didn't seem to mind as he started pummeling me.

He finally threw my wand in the pond.

I swore.

"What the hell is your problem?!" I shouted. I ran to the lake, trying to fish it out.

Harry just glared at me, out of breath.

I got pissed, when I couldn't fish it out and went back at Harry to sock him.

"You bastard!" I shouted, "What is your fucking problem!"

"What's yours?!" he shouted back as he pushed me away.

"Harry, stop being an ass!"

"You're one to talk!"

"Leave me alone!"


I just glared at him.



"OH YOU'RE HURTING!" Harry shouted sarcastically, "Is Won-Won hurting? Is Lav-Lave hurting? WHAT ABOUT HERMIONE, YOU ASSHOLE!!! I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT YOU OR LAVENDER!!"

We started fighting, when Bill and Charlie came out to stop us.

I just pushed Charlie away, wanting to hit Harry and shut him up.



I moved towards Harry when I heard my parents shouting.

"STOP! BOTH OF YOU!" Mom shouted as she tried to separate me and Harry.

Bill, Charlie and the twins somehow were trying to pull us away from each other.

I noticed some of the younger kids crying in Fleur and Dad's arms. The other kids were just staring at me and Harry in shock.

Mom was furious at the both of us and started scolding us then.

It was awhile before I noticed Hermione wasn't there.

Harry noticed and left in the middle of Mom's lecture. He quickly rushed into the Burrow, and then came back and apparated away.

Mom started crying as she started hitting me. My brothers all went to stop her, but I noticed the look on some of their faces.

It seemed like they wanted her to have a go at me.

Finally Dad ushered Mom and the kids in. Charlie and the twins were trying to comfort Mom as she cried into the house. Bill and Fleur were talking furiously about something.

Fleur sent a glare my way and flounced into the house.

Bill sighed and slowly walked towards me.

He looked a bit sad and disappointed, but he didn't scold me.

I didn't think anything he could say would bring me down lower.

I was at my lowest point.

Bill sighed as I sat down by the pond, frowning. He sat with me and noticed the bruise on my face.

He quickly performed a Healing spell. It must not have worked completely because I saw him grimace.

I just stared into the pond, not saying anything, trying not to cry.

I've never felt more horrible in my life.

Bill just sat with me there and as I started to calm down, he put his hand on my shoulder.

"What's going on?" he quietly asked.

I just let out a bitter laugh.


Part 6 Finished

AN: Hopefully you guys all liked this extra long chapter…. -_-;;;

Thank you for all those who have been reading and consistently reviewing… What was originally a short, simple piece has now become a little more complicated… all because of the encouragement and attack of the plot bunnies! Hopefully it'll be better than what I originally had in mind….(With what I had in mind, I probably would have been done by now, though -_-;;;)

But I realized the story was more complicated…

Anyways, thank you! And as always, comments and constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome!