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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


For all those who love Ron, I'm sorry if he comes out to be the bad guy in this story. ><;;; I tried not to make him look too bad, just human… There's a little language and suggestive adult situations.

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

My head pounded as I got out of bed. I shuffled around my hotel room looking for my boxers.

'Damn it… Shouldn't have drank so much, Ron.' I thought, as I put my boxers on. I checked the clock on the nightstand.


I'm late again.

I rushed to the bathroom, stripping myself naked again to take a quick shower.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

After taking the fastest shower possible, I burst from the bathroom to my duffel bag, to put on some fresh clothes. As I was buttoning up a shirt, a hand stopped me from behind.

I turned around to see Lavender smiling coyly, with only a sheet wrapped around her naked body. She slowly removed my hands from buttoning my shirt and started unbuttoning them, while pressing her body against me and kissing me.

I gave into the kiss for a few minutes, but stopped her before she got the shirt off.

Lavender gave a playful pout. "Playing hard to get?"

I smiled at her. I gave her a quick kiss.

"I've gotta go, Lavender." I said, as I rebuttoned my shirt.

"Where?" she asked, letting out a sigh of fake annoyance, "We have a nice hotel room, completely to ourselves and you don't have practice for the next two days."

"I know." I said, as I fumbled with the buttons. Lavender let out a sigh of frustration and pushed my hands away to button my shirt herself.

"I need to go today," I quietly said, "It's… you know…"

Lavender's hands froze for a moment, and then she quietly finished buttoning my shirt. She then walked away from me and started gathering her clothes.

"I guess you better get going then." She said quietly. She grabbed her clothes and headed for the bathroom to change. I grabbed her arm to stop her.

"I'll be back." I told her, brushing her cheek. The hard look on her face melted and she gave me a small smile.

"When is this going to stop, Ron?" she asked, staring up at me. "When can we stop hiding?"

I grimaced at her words. I closed my eyes and slowly took a deep breath.

"You know how things are for me." I said, ignoring the pangs of guilt in my stomach.

She gave me a sad look and turned to go to the bathroom. I stopped her again. I hated hurting her like this. When she turned to face me, I saw tears in her eyes.

I hated hurting her like this. I gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

"I love you." I whispered, cradling her face with my hands.

She smiled through her tears. "I know," she said. She let out a sigh and walked into the bathroom.

"Be back soon." She said to me, as she closed the door.

I grabbed my wand and my robe, then apparated to St. Mungo's.


I stopped by the St Mungo's Visitors Shop and bought some flowers. I then headed for Hermione's room.

I walked by the front desk where I waved to Healer-in-Training Vane who let me go without signing in. She knew me quite well back when I literally camped out in Hermione's room. She just smiled and went back to sorting her files.

I went into her room and found Harry already there, talking to her. He stopped when he saw me and gave me a wary look.

I smiled uneasily as I put the flowers on the nightstand and gave Hermione a soft kiss on the cheek.

I grabbed a chair and sat on the other side of Hermione, facing Harry, who was giving me a questioning look while holding Hermione's hand.

There was an awkward silence. I don't know why there should even be awkward silences between us, but I don't know. It seems like we've drifted apart somehow. I'm always busy with Quidditich and Harry has his training.

We try to hang out together, but recently not as often.

And when I do see him I feel guilty. I feel the same way when I come to visit Hermione, but usually Harry's there then too.

"So how've you been doing Harry?" I asked breaking the silence.

He gave me a small smile. "Training's brutal, as usual."

I gave a small, uneasy chuckle.

"Yeah, same here with Quidditch practices. The coach is a killer!"

We chatted for a couple minutes commiserating about our trainings, but soon the silence came back.

I watched Harry as he stroked her left hand and gave it a small squeeze. I noticed the ring I gave her. I felt a small pang of guilt.

"Did you know that Hermione was sick this past week?" Harry asked, still stroking her hand.

"No." I replied honestly. I hadn't seen her for a month.

"She had an infection and a high fever," He said, "but fortunately the fever broke and she's doing fine now."

"Yeah." I said nervously, "Thank goodness for the Healers."

I started fidgeting as the silence came back again.

"She's 21 now." Harry said, breaking the silence again.

"Yeah." I said, "She can go to Vegas and gamble!"

Harry gave a small smile. "I doubt she would."

"Yeah," I said with a sad smile, "she'd totally disapprove of it."

It was quiet again.

I really couldn't take it anymore, so I stood up. I kissed Hermione on the cheek and whispered her a Happy Birthday.

"I better get going." I said.

Harry gave me a disappointed look. "It's only been 30 minutes. I thought maybe you would stay longer."

"I'm busy." I said evasively, "I'll come by next week."

I turned to leave.

"Will you really?" he asked, "Or will something come up again at the last minute? Like another practice? Or a match?"

I froze at his words. I turned around and saw Harry had stood up and was staring at me, angry.

"It's her birthday, Ron!" He spat angrily, "can't you spare at least an hour for her in your BUSY schedule?"

I glared at him. "I came didn't I?"

I walked out the door. I wasn't in the mood for this. I was stopped by Harry, who had grabbed my arm.

"What's going with you?" he asked angrily, "You're always busy and you never come around to see her!"

I glared at him. I couldn't take this anymore.

"I have a life, Harry!" I retorted, "I'm sorry if that inconveniences you or her!"

"She's our friend, YOU'RE fiancé!" he said, giving me a dark look.

I grimaced at his words. I hated this. Feeling guilty and obligated. Feeling trapped. I couldn't take it anymore.

"She's in a coma!" I shouted angrily "She's been like that for three bloody years now! What am I supposed to do wait for her? She's not coming back! I'm trying to live my life, Harry! I'm not like you! I want to move on!"

Harry looked at me sadly "But what about Hermione? What about her?"

"She's not coming back!" I spat out, "Face it Harry! She might as well be dead!"

The next thing I knew I was on the ground with a blinding pain on my left cheek.

Harry had punched me.

"Don't you ever say that!" he shouted seething with anger.

I glared at him, while sitting on the ground holding my cheek.

"What's going on!" cried Healer-in-Training Vane, who came running to us.

Harry just glared at me. I stood up and offered the healer a small smile. She gasped when she saw my bruised cheek.

"Everything's fine." I said to her. I turned to leave, but then stopped and turned around to face Harry.

"It hurts me too that she's like this, but I can't put my life on hold." I said, "You shouldn't either."

Harry's face was unreadable.


Lavender gasped when she saw my face when I returned to our hotel room.

"Oh my gosh! What happened!" she cried, gently touching my cheek.

"Nothing." I said evasively.

Lavender frowned at me and put her hands on her hips. "If it's nothing why do you have a bruise on your cheek the size of a bludger!"

"I got a bit clumsy" I lied "I ran into a post coming back."

"You ran into a post?" she asked skeptically.

"Yeah," I said, nervously, "I was trying to get back to you as fast as I can, I wasn't thinking straight."

The frustrated look on Lavender's face melted, as she gave me a hug and a deep kiss. "Silly Won-Won, you should of apparated."

"You know I can't think straight when I think about you." I said, snuggling into her embrace.

She gave a coy smile. Then a grimace when she glanced at the cheek. "We better get some ice on that. I would do a Healing spell if I knew, but I don't."

"I'll be fine, sweetie." I said hugging her tightly "I just need you."

"Oh." She said with a seductive smile as she left my embrace.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the bed. "Well then, let's get started. Healer Lavender will make you feel better!" she said, as she pulled me down on the bed.


It was sometime after Healer Lavender had given me a… physical, I heard the door knock.

"Sweetie! Can you get it? I just got out of the shower!" Lavender asked.

I grumbled and put on my boxers. I opened the door a crack, expecting to see room service or the maid. I was going to tell them to bugger off.

It was Harry.

"Ron, we need to talk." He said, looking at me nervously, "can I come in?"

I froze. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there.

"Look." he started "I think we both said some things today we both regret. I wasn't in a good mood and I'm sorry I punched you."

He gave me an apologetic look.

"You're right about wanting to live your life." He said, "I know it's was the most hardest on you. I'm sorry, Ron."

I just stared at him shocked and I mumbled to him thanks.

Harry smiled at me, looking relieved. "I know you're in town only for a few days. Want to go grab something to eat?"

"Umm.." I mumbled.

"Ron! Who was at the door?" asked Lavender.

Harry looked startled by the sound of another voice from my room.

"Ron!" Lavender said frustrated as she grabbed me aside and opened the door. She gasped.

"Umm… hi Harry." Lavender said nervously. Harry didn't say a thing.

He just stood there staring at me then at her. I refused to meet his gaze.

When I did finally meet his gaze I saw pure, unadulterated hatred. He gave me a cold, hard look and turned to leave.

I just stood there not knowing what to do.

Lavender coaxed me to sit down as she brought me some Firewhiskey. I just sat and drank what Lavender offered me. She was comforting and reassuring me that everything was going to be fine.

But I knew they weren't. I had done the unthinkable.


Part 2 Finished

AN: There was a bit of action in this plot… I hope it was better than the first…Constructive criticism is ALWAYS helpful!