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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


Ever since the second chapter, I have been waiting to write this chapter! I loved how you guys had your guesses and theories about who the supposed killer is. Is it Lavender? Ginny? Ron? Harry? Or maybe… it was… Hermione… *ooooh* *Plum is being a bit silly, had too much soda*

Well I hope you guys like this chapter, I really enjoyed writing it…. I still have like 2 chapters left… technically one….to tie up all the HHr romance and stuff… I just realized, it doesn't really seem much like and HHr romance….

Maybe I should change the category to Drama/Mystery

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

Even though I'm still angry at Ron and I know our friendship will never be the same, I still am worried about him.

It's hard enough to have Hermione in an accident; I don't need to lose Ron too. I don't want to lose any of them.

It frustrated me that once again it was my fault that both of them were hurt. It was my fault that Hermione was hurt and out for three years and my fault that Ron moved on.

Now, it's my fault again. It's like it never ends.

Remus pulled me aside at St. Mungo's.

"Harry," Remus said, putting his hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me.

I just took a deep breath and tried to put on a strong face.

"I know who did it." I said, calmly. I gave Remus a look.

Remus nodded.

I couldn't go into Hermione's room yet. I felt I would breakdown and go after the attacker. I'd probably end up in Azkaban for what I would do. Hermione would kill me. She would scold me for jeopardizing my career and future.

'But it would be worth.' I thought darkly, gripping my wand.

I retrieved Crookshanks from one of the Aurors, he seemed upset with Lavender. Crookshanks was always unusually intelligent. Like Hermione. He knew something was up between Ron and Lavender. He kept and hissing at her. I had to calm him down.

That's when I noticed it and my previous anger at Ron returned.

Lavender turned white when I mentioned her hand. She tried to cover it, but I had already seen it.

Ginny who was sitting by Lavender, trying to comfort her, looked confused then looked down at Lavender's hand, before Lavender covered it.

Ginny gasped.

Even though Lavender's hand was trying to cover it. Some of the gold wedding band peak between her fingers and shone in the fluorescent lights of the hospital.

I looked darkly at the ring.

My jaw tightened at the thought. 'Not even a week.'

Lavender looked fearfully at me. I just met her eyes.

"I guess congratulations are in order." I said coolly.

Ginny was speechless. Lavender didn't say anything, she just held onto her bag tightly.

Just then Healer-in Training Vane along with the Head Healer came.

The Head Healer addressed all of us.

My body stiffened when the Healer addressed Lavender as Mrs. Weasley. The Healer told us that fortunately Ron and Hermione received only minor concussions and head injuries. Hermione can leave when she wakes up, but Ron will have to stay for a couple days. It seemed that Ron had taken the heavier beating.

Lavender bursted into tears. Ginny tried to comfort her.

Crookshanks started hissing again. This frightened the Healers and Healer-in-Training Vane.

I quietly whispered to Crookshanks, "Calm down. We'll get the person."

Crookshanks begrudgingly complied with my request. But he still glowered.

"Mr. Potter," the Head Healer asked, "Will you want us to perform the blood test?"

"No," I said calmly, "We would just like to use your facilities, but a person from the Ministry will conduct the test. We just need to use one of your labs."

"Blood?" Lavender asked, fearfully.

"There was blood on Crookshanks paws," Ginny explained and quickly added, noting Lavender's fear that it was not Ron's or Hermione's.

"The blood was the attacker's" I said quietly, "Crookshanks attacked the person."

Lavender's eyes grew wide.

"We will perform the blood test here and match it with our database of criminal profiles." Remus said, "Hopefully there will be a match."

Lavender's eyes grew wider.

"But what if the person is a first time offender?" Bill asked, a bit perplexed.

"Then no results will match up." Remus said, a bit disappointed. "The database only contains the DNA of registered offenders along with all the Ministry workers. It's standard protocol."

"Yes, along with the staff here at St. Mungo's" the Head Healer added, "It's a mandatory for all workers in health facilities to donate their DNA and have their medical record on file, but only for health and liability purposes."

"So if it was a regular citizen with a non government or non-health care related job, they can virtually be untraced." Bill concluded, sounding defeated.

"But then I say we asked people to volunteer their DNA," I announced, "if that is the case."

"But we can't ask everyone in London to donate their DNA!" Ginny said, a bit frustrated, "That's a violation of individual rights!"

"We have a list of potential suspects." Remus said calmly, staring at me, "And we'll only ask them, if we have to."

I just stared back at him.

"Hopefully those few individuals will cooperate." I said stiffly.

"How long will it take to produce the results?" asked Bill.

"We'll run them through tonight and get the results by tomorrow morning." Remus said, "We'll have the person by noon. Hopefully."

Bill nodded.

Lavender looked up at me. "So will know who hurt Ron?"

I gave her a slight, cold nod, "And Hermione."


I brushed the stray strands of hair from Hermione's face. I looked around and sighed, depressed at the thought that yet again, Hermione was in a hospital bed.

It was always her.

I wished that for just once it was me that got hurt. Rather than those close to me.

I was so tired. I held her hand and rested my head by her side, on the bed. I wasn't intending to fall asleep, but her soft, even breathing, lulled me to sleep.


I awoke later, getting ready for tonight.

Hermione was till asleep so, I just made sure she was tucked in and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

Visiting hours will soon end, but I had special permission from the Head Healer to stay overnight.

I walked quietly over to Ron's room and noticed Lavender sitting next to his side, sleeping. She was holding his left hand. His right arm was in a sling. It had been badly broken.

Ron had a couple bruises on his face as well. It looked painful, but he seemed to be resting peacefully. I turned to leave, when Lavender shifted and awoke. She noticed me then.

She looked at her watch and noticed that visiting hours would be over soon. She kissed him softly on the cheek, and stood up to leave.

"It won't be a good idea to stay tonight," I said quietly, "But I you can stay overnight tomorrow. I've talked it over with the Head Healer. She can bend the rules for you."

Lavender looked a bit surprised.

I turned to leave when she stopped me.

"We didn't mean to hurt anyone." Lavender said quietly, "honestly."

I took a deep breath and shuddered. Even though I was angry at her and Ron, I understood.

"I know." I said, turning to face her.

"You know I would have waited for him, but after this week, I'm all he has!" Lavender said, as she started to cry, "Bill and Ginny are the only ones in his family that will talk to him now!"

"He had nobody!" Lavender continued, as she wiped her tears, "So we just went on ahead and did it. We got married."

I didn't say anything.

"We're the only ones in each other's world!" Lavender said desperately, through her tears. "Just us!"

I watched her as she sniffled and rummaged through her purse for a handkerchief.

"His family will understand with time." I said quietly, "They'll forgive him."

Lavender just nodded.


I sat in the dark, thinking about Ron, Ginny, Lavender and Hermione.

Our lives didn't turn out like I expected them to. I don't think anyone expected it. But strangely, I understand.

Things happen. People change. Feelings change.

But do we regret them?

I really don't think so.

I stiffened at the sound of the door knob being turned. I had my wand prepared as the door opened and a figure quietly slipped in through the dark. The person quietly walked to the lab table. I quickly flipped on the switch.

The person jumped in shock at the sudden illumination of the room. I waited as the person's eyes adjust to the brightness of the light.

"Isn't your shift over by now, Romilda?" I asked calmly, standing by the door. Healer-in-Training Vane looked a bit startled by my use of her first name.

"Mr. Potter!" she said, putting her hand to her chest, "You startled me!"

I just gave her a cool smile. "What are you doing here?"

Romilda looked nervously at me. "Oh!... I had some supplies I needed to get!"

"At this hour?" I asked raising an eyebrow, "Pretty late to be getting supplies. Also seems like the wrong room too. What kind of supplies did you need?"

"Just a few medical instruments?" Romilda said, evasively, "You wouldn't know what they were."

"Try me," I said as I folded my arms, "Hermione's becoming a Healer and I prepped for weeks on Medical instruments, practices methods, etc, etc."

"Oh." Romilda said.

"Yes, Hermione just passed." I said calmly, "She's a Healer-in-Training now. Just like you."

"Oh," Romilda said giving a small smile, "How nice! We can work together!"

I shook my head.

"I doubt it." I said coolly.

Romilda had a nervous expression on her face, as I stepped closer to her.

"You guys have a pretty strict dress code for workers here at St. Mungo's," I said prodding her long sleeve white shirt with my arm, "White hat, white shirt, white skirt…"

"…and white shoes." I said, pointing my wand at her feet.

"Well yes," Romilda said uneasily, "I guess we do."

"I guess you forgot to take your work shoes off when you put on your Deatheater costume." I said evenly.

Romilda turned white at my comment.

She started sputtering.

"Mr. Potter!" Romilda said, alarmed, "What are you talking about?!"

"I'm talking about you dressing up like a Deatheater and trying to suffocate Hermione!" I said.

"And I'm talking about you breaking into my house, with the floo connection, attacking my friends, and making it look like a break-in!" I added angrily. I stepped closer to her.

I grabbed her arm and pulled up the sleeve of her shirt.

"Got in an accident?" I asked calmly, holding her bandaged wrist, "It looks like something bit and scratched you!"

Romilda pulled her arm away.

She glared at me. "I don't have to stand here and listen to this!"

She moved towards the door. I blocked her and pointed my wand at her.

She froze.

"You haven't changed a bit," I said, quietly smirking at her.

"Actually you did," I added, with a small smile. "You just got nastier."

Romilda's face contorted in anger as she raised her hand to slap me.

I grabbed her hand.

"At first it was just your self-assured, snobby attitude and your love potions," I said angrily, "Now it's attempted murder!"

She tore her hand away from me.

"You don't know!" she said, angrily, "All these years!"

I glared at her, my wand raised.



"What does that show you?" I snapped back, "It shows that I would never ever consider you! I'D CHOOSE A LIVING CORPSE OVER YOU!"

Romilda bursted into tears at my words.


"So you tried to kill her!" I said angrily, "SO YOU COULD HAVE A BETTER CHANCE?!"

"She was gone!" Romilda said through her tears, "She might as well have been dead!"

"But she isn't now." I said coolly, "She's alive and well."

Romilda looked sadly at the floor.

I glared at her as Aurors bursted through the door and arrested her.

"Everyone moved on, Harry." Romilda said, sadly as they dragged her away, "Why couldn't you?"

"I did," I said, coolly, "I moved on with her."


I felt soft, warm hands moving through my hair. I stirred and saw Hermione awake, running her hand through my hair. I had been sleeping with my head on her bed.

Hermione smiled as I awoke.

"This time I woke up before you!" Hermione said, smiling.

I childishly stuck out my tongue. "It was only a couple hours!"

Hermione smiled. "As opposed to three years."

I just held her hand.

We just sat in silence, holding hands.

"Do you know the story of Rip Van Winkle?" Hermione suddenly asked.

I shook my head.

"It's about a man who falls asleeps and wakes up 20 years later." Hermione explained.

"Oh." I said.

"I feel kind of like him." Hermione said softly.

I frowned. "I was thinking you were more like Sleeping Beauty."

Hermione blushed and laughed.

"I'm no beauty," Hermione said, shaking her head.

I disagreed with her. 'Very strongly.'

"Besides," Hermione said, "Sleeping Beauty just woke up and lived happily ever after."

"And Rip Van Winkle didn't?" I asked, frowning.

"Well he did," Hermione said, biting her lip, "But the story says more on how Rip was able to readjust to life after 20 years than in Sleeping Beauty."

"In Sleeping Beauty," Hermione continued, "she just wakes up after 100 years and lives happily ever after. It seems too unrealistic."

"But they both ended up happily ever after." I said, still a bit confused, "Just because you don't know how Sleeping Beauty adjusted to life, doesn't mean she didn't."

"I'm sure Sleeping Beauty also had to adjust to life 100 years later and lived happily ever after." I said, in deep thought.

Hermione's forehead crinkled in thought. "I guess."

"Like I said before," I said, holding her hand, "I think you're more of a Sleeping Beauty than some old man."

Hermione rolled her eyes and chuckled.

"Besides," I said, quietly stroking her hand, with my thumb, "You can retell the story and add in just how Sleeping Beauty readjusted to life."

"You can tell how she lived happily ever after." I added, giving her a smile.

Hermione gave me a small smile.

"And it's so you, Hermione!" I joked, "Fixing and reediting things. Always did with my homework!"

Hermione smacked my hand.

"And you're too violent!" I cried, moaning in mock pain.

Hermione just rolled her eyes.


Part 9 Finished

AN: I really, really thought one of you guys *I'm sure a number of you did* got the very few subtle hints as to whom Hermione's attacker was…. It was just so easy to pick on Lavender…*well I made it seem so* ^^;;;

And for those who do not know who the character is, I suggest you reread HBP, or check on Lexicon and look up the name….

Thank you for all those who have been reading and consistently reviewing… What was originally a short, simple piece has now become a little more complicated… all because of the encouragement and attack of the plot bunnies! Hopefully it'll be better than what I originally had in mind….(With what I had in mind, I probably would have been done by now, though -_-;;;)

But I realized the story was more complicated…

Anyways, thank you! And as always, comments and constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome!