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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


Wow! A lot of Ron hating going on! ><;;;; I'm not trying to make Ron look like the evil, bad guy of the story. I mean you have to understand, it was hard for him, and he moved on. It sucks that it happened, but he's human. Besides how else am I gonna have the HHr going on!

Someone asked if Ginny was going to make an appearance and she does! She's in this chapter!

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

I love being here. The weather's getting better again. It's nice and sunny. Not too hot, just warm.

It always looks beautiful. I gaze at the Great Lake where the Giant Squid is swimming, wiggling one of his tentacles in the air, as he moves into catch his prey.

I smile and then return to reading, Hogwarts, A History, under the shade of tree where Ron, Harry and I would often relax and do homework. Well, I'd do homework.

It's nice being here, relaxing and reading. There's no one here with me, but that's not too bad.

It's peaceful. And sometimes I can imagine Harry by me, talking to me, joking with me. I don't see him, but I can here his voice.

It sounds crazy, I know. It's comforting to here his voice occasionally. It does get a bit lonely here.

Only a bit.

And if I'm lucky, sometimes I hear Ron too. I used to hear him all the time, but then it just stopped. But I continue to hear Harry occasionally, not always.

I didn't mind. I like being able to meditate and read here. In Hogwarts, under this tree, is my favorite place in the world.

It's my favorite place because Ron, Harry and I were able to relax here and forget about our troubles. Just for a single moment we were normal teenagers.

I like it here so much, but it would be even better if they were with me, or at least I can hear them both. Especially recently. The weather had been getting bad. It didn't seem so lovely anymore. I felt alone.

I didn't know what was going on, but the sense of security I'd felt here was pulled right away from me. I felt so alone, so scared, but then I heard Harry's voice again, it made me feel better, less afraid, less alone. And the weather got better again.

Right now I'm feeling fine, but I worry that the weather will get bad again. And I'm afraid, the next time I won't be able to here Harry's voice. I think I lost Ron's, I don't what I'd do if I lost Harry's.

I take a deep breath and try to go back to reading. I don't need to worry. Worrying will not solve anything. It's NOT constructive.


I shudder as I feel the wind starting to pick up. I notice the sky is getting cloudy. I look around me and everything is darker. Another storm.

Don't panic. Don't panic.

I focus on reading, trying to ignore my surroundings. I try to forget I'm alone and scared.

And then it happens.

I see the Giant Squid come closer and closer to the shore, but he doesn't look friendly anymore. He looks dark and ominous. He comes closer and closer to me and grabs my legs with his tentacles.

I try to scream, but I'm too scared. I flail around, but the Giant Squid pulls me closer to him. Another one of his tentacles is wrapped around my throat and it covers my face. I try to scream, but I can't.

He drags me into the water, into the center of the lake, where it's the deepest and pulls me under. I couldn't breathe. I'm going to die.

Suddenly there's a shout. And the squid releases me. But I'm sinking. I'm drowning.

I stop panicking after awhile, I just accept it.

Everything fades to black as I sink further to the bottom.



I hear voices. Loud voices.



I hear other voices as well. Many other voices, and they're getting louder and louder. I feel someone lifting me up. Trying to get me back to the surface.

'It's too late' I think, 'I'm in too deep.'


I feel jolts rush through my body. But I feel the darkness surround me.


I wake up.

A blinding light greeted me as I heard the many voices, louder than ever. I couldn't distinguish what they were saying or recognized any of them. Except one.

I waited until my eyes adjusted to the light, but I saw a shadow above me, a face. As my eyes adjusted, I saw who it was. It was Harry.

"Hermione!" said Harry, hovering over me. There were other people surrounding him and me as well.

Where did they come from?

"Mr. Potter, please try to restrain yourself!" said a lady in a white uniform, as she and other people in white tried to pull Harry away from me.

"She's awake!" Harry shouted, "She's awake!"

I'm confused and so tired. I looked at Harry.

He's crying.

I tried to speak out to him, but my voice was so dry, that nothing came out. I tried to reach for him, but my arm felt so heavy.

And I felt tired.

The light was blinding me.

I closed my eyes.

"Hermione! Don't!" I heard Harry say, "Open your eyes!"

'I'm too tired. Harry.' I thought as I closed my eyes. The voices started fading away again, slowly. And everything faded to darkness once more.


"…and he attacked her!" I heard a voice say. Another person gasps.

"Are you sure?" another person asks.

"Yes, he tried to suffocate her, then I came in and he apparated! Bloody bastard!" I heard the other voice reply angrily.

"So he's escaped?" I heard the other voice ask, sounding worried.

"Yeah." I heard the other person mutter, bitterly.

My mind felt a bit foggy, but I opened my eyes.

I saw the blinding light again and I grimaced as my eyes tried to adjust to the light. I let out a little moan. I heard a gasp.

"She's awake!" the person says, a woman.

I saw the two people rush towards me. My eyes slowly adjusted and I saw they were. It was Harry and a pretty, redheaded woman I couldn't recognize.

"Hermione!" She said to me eagerly as she grabbed my hand. "You're awake, You're really awake!"

I noticed tears in her eyes, but she looked so happy. But I was confused and a bit scared by her outburst. She must have sensed this and her happy face fell.

"Hermione?" Don't you recognize me?" she asked, looking so anxious.

I tried to think. She looked so familiar.

"It's ok, Gin," said the other voice, a man's, "She's just woken up."

I recognized the voice. I looked at the man and saw who he was. It was Harry.

"Harry?" I tried to say, but my throat was so dry. So only a moan warbled out.

They both were shocked with my outburst. Harry turned to the woman and quickly told her to bring the Healers. I saw her rush out of the room.

'Healers?' I thought, 'I must be at St. Mungo's.'

Harry gently grabbed my hand and smiled. "Hermione? Do you remember me?"

I frowned. That was a stupid question. Of course I knew who he was. What was with the dumb questions?

Harry's hopeful face fell when he saw my puzzled expression. I tried to say something, but my throat was so dry. All that came out was a dry moan.

Harry looked worried and said, "Don't try talking. It must hurt."

I frowned. 'No, really?"

He grabbed my hand and put it on his chest and said, "I'm Harry." Then he put my hand on my chest and said, "You're Hermione."

I gave him an annoyed expression. I knew who he was and who I was. Did he think I had amnesia? Or was he trying to humor me. I wished I could talk right then, to tell him off.

Of course I knew who he was! The dolt.

The redheaded woman came back two woman dressed in white. The older woman in the white uniform came to my side and started checking my vitals.

Harry stepped aside to let her examine me. "She woke up a few moments ago!" he said, "But she doesn't remember us."

'What is he talking about' I thought, as I glared at him.

The woman, who I assumed to be a Healer, motioned for me to open my mouth. She then conjured up some liquid in a cup of her wand. "Her throat's very dry and sore."

She handed me the cup and said, "Here, drink this."

I did as she told me. My throat was so parched; I didn't even care if it was some nasty potion.

It wasn't.

It was a nice, sweet, soothing liquid. After I drank the whole cup, I cleared my throat, it didn't hurt.

"Ah." I said, testing my voice out. The Healer smiled.

"You're throat feels much better now, doesn't it?" she asked, smiling.

"Yes, much better." I replied. I could finally talk. I noticed Harry and the redheaded woman perk up at the sound of my voice.

"Harry." I said, staring at him. He looked surprised and smiled.

"Yes, I'm Harry." He said slowly, "and you're Hermione."

"Oh course I'm Hermione, Harry!" I said, annoyed with his antics, "Stop playing games with me."

"You remember me?" He said, looking shocked. I glared at him.

"Oh course I remember you, you prat!" I said, frowning at him. The redheaded woman laughed at my response and came towards me.

"Do you remember me?" she asked, hopefully. I frowned.

She looked familiar. Red hair, freckles, and a pretty face. Reminds me of Ginny, but this woman is much older looking and prettier. Although Ginny is pretty too. Or could it be her.

"Ginny?" I tentatively replied. Her face broke out into a huge smile, as she started to cry.

"You're back!" she said, holding my hand. I just smiled, a bit startled by her reaction. I noticed Harry had tears in his eyes as well and the younger woman in uniform, who I assumed was also a Healer, was crying as well.

The elder Healer smiled at me and said, "Welcome back, Ms. Granger."

I just smiled, a bit confused by everyone's reaction, but smiled nonetheless and responded, "Glad to be back."


The elder Healer left and everyone else remained by my side. The younger Healer wouldn't stop crying and kept apologizing to Harry.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Potter." She sobbed, "I had just left my post for a minute. I let the intruder come in unnoticed!"

Harry and Ginny tried to comfort her as she continued to cry.

"It's okay," said Ginny, reassuring her, "Everything's fine now."

"Yes," Harry said, "actually everything is better than before!"

"But-but she could have die!" I heard her sob, "I'm a horrible excuse for a trainee!"

"But she's alive now and awake," Harry insisted, "Even though I will hunt down and kill the bastard who try to murder her, in a way, I have to thank him, because we were able to bring Hermione back."

"Don't blame yourself!" said Ginny, with a smile, "You've been great with Hermione and you'll make a great Healer someday."

The Healer-in-Training was comforted by Harry and Ginny's and thanked them. She then left the room.

Harry and Ginny looked sadly at the woman's back as she left.

"Poor girl," said Ginny, "I hope she feels better. It's not her fault."

"I know," Harry said sadly, "It's mine."

"What's your fault?" I asked, annoyed at left out, "What's going on?"

Harry and Ginny looked surprised with my questions. They looked at each other questioningly.

"Well?" I demanded, "Isn't anyone going to tell me what's going on? Why am I in bed in St. Mungo's? And why was that healer bawling?"

They both smiled. "She's back." Ginny said, with a grin. Harry gave her a grin. I just frowned.

Finally Harry put on a serious face and sat down by my bedside. Ginny grabbed another chair at sat on my other side.

"Well?" I asked again.

"Hermione, what do you remember?" Harry asked. I was confused by his question.

"Well…I was in the Great Lake and the Giant Squid was trying to drown me. I thought I was going to die, but then I just… came to and now I'm here."

Ginny and Harry exchanged worried glances with my response.

"I don't think it's the Giant Squid's fault though, I mean I'm always by the tree, reading, it sees me all the time." I said, not wanting the Giant Squid to get punished, "Maybe I offended it somehow."

Ginny and Harry's faces grew more worried.

"What?" I asked, confused.

After a lengthy pause, Harry grabbed my hand.

"You don't remember anything else?" he asked earnestly, "Fighting, Deatheaters, Horcruxes. Voldemort?"

"Of course I remember that!" I snapped annoyed by his silly questions, "He's been after you for 7 years and we've been trying to destroy the remaining Horcruxes!"

They both looked a bit relieved at my response.

'Of course I know about them.' I thought, 'We were trying to destroy all the Horcruxes…And we found out where Voldemort was hiding….Harry and Ron had destroyed Nagini, the final Horcrux, when…"

My blood froze.

"Voldemort." I managed blurt out, "We fought Voldemort! He showed up after you destroyed Nagini."

Harry nodded yes, holding my hand firmly. My hands were shaking. I tried to calm them, but they wouldn't. Then, Harry put his hands over both mine to calm me down. I noticed my pale hands still shaking in his grasp. Then I noticed it.

The ring. The diamond glittered in the fluorescent light. Ron gave it to me. He proposed.

I panicked.

"Where's Ron?" I asked. Ginny looked alarmed at my question and Harry had a dark look.


Ron! Where's Ron!

We were fighting and Voldemort came out of nowhere. I screamed and Ron shouted, "He's here!"

There were spells everywhere and I tried deflecting one, but my shield broke.

I don't remember what happened next. No. No. No. No. No.

"Where's Ron?" I said, panicking, "Where is he? Is he in another room?!"

Harry's jaw tightened. I turned to Ginny who looked alarmed.

"Where is he, Ginny?!" I ordered, "Tell me where he is!"

She just looked trapped as she glanced at Harry. Harry's face looked unreadable.

I burst into tears.

'He's dead!'

'Ron's dead!'

My whole body shook from my sobs, Ginny tried to calm me down. I just panicked and screamed, flailing away from her arms.

Ginny was yelling at Harry telling him to help calm me down. He finally held onto me tightly and stroked my hair. I just sobbed into his shirt.

Ron was dead. He's gone. My Ron.

As my sobs died down a bit, I heard Harry say to me, "Ron's fine." He kept reassuring me that Ron was fine.

Over and over again.

"Ron's alive." He said softly, "He's alive. Don't cry."

He kept telling me over and over.

Finally I calmed down enough to be able to speak.

"Where is he?" I hoarsely asked, staring at Harry.

Harry looked at me and gave me a sad look, then he looked at Ginny and in an odd voice he said, "Go get Ron."

Ginny just looked at him and me sadly and rushed out of the room. I started crying again, but this time from relief. Harry just held me, stroking my hair as I cried.

Ron's alive! He made it!

We all made it.


Part 3 Finished

AN: I hope the beginning wasn't too confusing…. More to come soon… but I might have to wait a couple days before I update… I have summer school and my chem final is this Sat. ><::::::: Chem is evil! Anyways, as always, comments and constructive criticism are ALWAYS welcome!