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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On


Chem is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, thank you for all being so patient with me to uploading this chapter. I wasn't sure I'd get it done by today, because I had a last minute family thing. Anyways, I just got back and started typing away….

I'd also like to thank everyone who encouraged me and gave me such positive feedback. Hopefully now that Chem is over (I start Bio), I sshall update more regularly. I'm hoping to finish by this week, but we'll see how that goes. -_-;;;

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

"Did the Auror on duty leave?" asked Hermione, as she saw me enter her room.

"Yeah," I said, "There really is no reason for him to be here when I'm here."

Hermione frowned slightly. "Don't you have training?"

"Er… yes." I said, evasively, as I sat in my usual seat next to her.

Hermione glared at me. "You shouldn't be skipping out on your training. How will you become an Auror then.?"

I just smiled happily and replied, "I'm not missing much training, besides these are special circumstances."

Hermione just rolled her eyes at me. "Don't blame me if you don't pass later on."

"I don't plan too." I said, winking. Hermione blushed.

"It's nice that you've been here everyday, these past few days, but I'm worried this will affect your training." Hermione said, worried, "You've worked so hard these past two years for it!"

"Don't worry," I said, "I plan to get my badge by next year."

"Good." Hermione said, satisfied.

Just then Crookshanks, who had been lying asleep on the foot of Hermione's bed, woke up and leaped into my lap. He obviously wanted a scratch.

"Hi there, Crookshanks," I said to him. Crookshanks didn't care for my greeting, but just wanted me to continue scratching him. Hermione just smiled.

"So the Healers haven't found out about Crookshanks yet?" I asked as I stroked Crookshanks.

"No," Hermione replied, "fortunately Ginny has been here every other day to take him home and bring him back. Also Crookshanks loves to hide from the Healers. He's also taken to taking brief walks around the place. I guess he's tired of being cooped up in the room. I know I am."

"Well, fortunately for you," I said, smiling, "You get to go home with me in two more days! I have your room set up. I'll just need to put up stronger wards and make a connection from my place to St. Mungo's."

"Why?" Hermione asked, annoyed, "I'm fine now."

"Well," I said, nervously, "Just in case. I mean if something happens, I want the Healer's to be able to come ASAP."

"I guess," Hermione said, reluctantly, "I guess with my attacker on the loose it would be a bit dangerous for me. But I think I can fend for myself, Harry. The only reason the attacker was almost successful was because I was unconscious! The guy had the upper advantage."

I didn't plan on telling Hermione about the attacker soon after she woke up. I wanted to give her a chance to rest, but Ginny had told her the next day, while I was away.

I was glaring at Ginny and Hermione was glaring at me for not telling her.

"Someone attacked me, Harry?" Hermione asked, frowning,

I just nodded, still glaring at Ginny for telling her so soon.

"And when did you just plan on telling me about this attacker?" asked Hermione, glaring at me.

"Well…" I mumbled.

"Yes," I said, frowning, "But still, I feel it would be helpful if we just took precautions. And you'll be getting your wand back soon."

Hermione perked up at my answer. "Oh goody! It'll nice to have my wand back! I need to practice some of my defensive spells again! Well I need to practice all spells again! I'm a bit rusty. About three years."

I chuckled at her eagerness. "Same old Hermione."

"Oh!" Hermione cried suddenly, "My NEWT scores! OH! My results! Do you know my results?!"

I laughed at her. "I don't have them with me, but I know you passed all your NEWTs! Set a new school record!"

Hermione looked relieved for a moment, then looked panicked again, "Were they all O's or were there some E's?"

I just laughed at her. Hermione panicked. "Oh no! Do I have some A's too?!"

I laughed harder, while Hermione fretted over her scores. After I had calmed down I told her she didn't have any A's. "I think you have all O's. I don't know. But an E is good too."

Hermione shot me a look of disbelief. I laughed at her again. She just glared at me.

"You had the top grades of our class and set a new record, "I said, "You should be proud!"

"Yes, I did." Hermione said, blushing, "I'm just glad it's over!"

I smiled at her.

"I should start sending in job applications then." Hermione said, in deep thought.

"Why?!" I said, incredulously. 'She can't work right away! She needs to relax! She needs to stay with me and relax!'

"Well," Hermione said, looking oddly at me, "I need to make a living to support myself."

"Hermione!" I said, in disbelief, "You just got out of a coma! You don't need to get a job right away! You need to-

"-Relax?" Hermione interrupted. "Harry, please, I've practically been resting for three years."

"No!" I said, "You need to take it easy for awhile! You've just been attacked! You need to rest for awhile!"

"No." Hermione said, firmly.

Hermione glared at me.

I just frowned at her stubborn attitude.

Hermione's glared softened into a sad expression.

"It's been three years, Harry," Hermione said, sadly, "I've missed so much already."

Hermione's hands were playing with the edges of her blanket.

I just watched her looking down at her lap, playing with her blanket.

"It feels like I've fallen behind everyone, "Hermione said, softly, "I just want to catch up."

I reached for her hands and put mine over them.

I stared at her and told her, "Don't rush your self. You don't need to play catch up. Ginny's here, everyone's here, and I'm, here."

Hermione gave me a small smile, as I stroked her hand.

"I'm not expecting you to catch up on three years in one day," I added, "Even if you are Hermione Granger."

I squeezed her hand and Hermione crinkled her nose at me.

"Just take it easy for awhile, please?" I pleaded, giving her a puppy dog look.

Hermione gave a small chuckle.

"Alright," Hermione finally agreed, "I won't rush on the job applications."

"Good." I said in relief.


"Harry!" Hermione said, pointing, "Is that Ginny's shop?"

Hermione had been settled into my home for two days now.

We had decided to do a little shopping today. We had spent the past two hours in bookstores. She bought a ton of books too. And made me carry most of them.

My guess was that she's trying to make up for three years of not reading.

When I told her this, she had just rolled her eyes and playfully smacked me on the arm.

I was pretending to be in pain when she noticed Ginny and Lavender's shop.

"Harry, is it?" asked Hermione, "Let's visit her!"

She dragged me towards the shop while I tried to think of a reason not to go in. "Umm.. Let's go later, I'm thirsty!" I said.

Hermione just harrumphed and dragged me in, "Come on! I want to see her shop! I've been dying to go for days now!"

I let Hermione lead me into the shop, while I prayed that for some reason Lavender would not be in.

No such luck.

There was a loud scream from Lavender as she dropped the clothes she was carrying. She stared at Hermione like she saw a ghost.

Her scream startled me and Hermione and made me almost drop Hermione's books.

Ginny came running from the back room. "Lavender! What's wrong?!"

Lavender just stared at Hermione. She was white.

Ginny noticed us and froze. I glared coldly at Lavender.

Hermione looked confused and warmly greeted Lavender and Ginny.

"So is Lavender you partner, Ginny?" asked Hermione, while looking around, admiring the place.

Ginny just nodded, watching me glare at Lavender.

Lavender was still speechless.

"Wow!" praised Hermione, "You guy's have done a great job on the place! You must have a lot of customers!"

Ginny gave a weak smile.

Lavender finally stopped gawking at Hermione. She sat down in a chair and started nervously fanning herself.

Hermione and Ginny started feeling a bit awkward.

Ginny suddenly grabbed Hermione's arm and led her towards the back. "Hey, I have a couple robes that I just got in this morning. You should try them on!"

Hermione let Ginny drag her towards the back of the store. She turned her head and smiled at me then started browsing with Ginny.

I just stared down at Lavender, gripping Hermione's bag of books tightly in my hands.

Lavender nervously looked up at me.

"She woke up?" Lavender weakly asked.

She looked tired and weak all of a sudden.

"Yes," I said coldly, "She woke up about two weeks ago."

Lavender looked at the ground.

"Didn't Ron tell you?" I said sarcastically, as I glared at her.

Lavender looked up with a slight frown on her face.

"No…" Lavender said quietly, "This… This is just …a huge surprise."

I shifted my arms as I just watched her fidget.

"Does she know?" Lavender timidly asked after awhile.

"No." I said coldly.

I walked closer to her.

Lavender grew nervous as she saw me approach her.

"And don't tell her," I said to her lowly and menacingly. Lavender looked at me sadly.

"I don't care about you or Ron," I said, glowering, "I care about her! She doesn't need to be upset about the likes of you! So don't go and try being honest or even be nice to her. Just stay away from her!"

Lavender stared at the ground in shock, speechless.

"I really don't know what's going to happen with you and Ron's relationship," I said coolly, "and frankly I don't care! But now that Hermione's awake, don't you think some things might change?"

Lavender was still speechless.

I leaned over to face her.

"I wonder what Ron's going to do with you?" I said coolly, "After all, Hermione is his fiancé."

Lavender just closed her eyes and started taking deep breaths.

I left her and went to join Hermione and Ginny.

Hermione was oohhing and ahhing over some pale pink robes. Ginny noticed me walking over and looked nervously over to where Lavender was sitting.

Ginny gave me a questioning look.

I just ignored it.

"The pink ones are nice." I said as I stood next to Hermione.

Hermione smiled at me.

"Yes, they are lovely," Hermione said, smiling, "I think I'll get these!"

"I buy them for you." I offered, reaching into my pocket to grab some money.

Hermione stopped me.

"Don't you dare!" Hermione declared, "You already bought me half of the bookstore! I'll pay for these!"

Ginny just smiled at us. "How about I pay for them?"

Hermione was about to protest, but Ginny just shook her head. "Think of it as a late birthday present."

Hermione relented, reluctantly, "But I've missed your birthday."

Ginny took the robes and folded them into a bright box and bag.

"Please!" Ginny said, "You're back and doing well. I think that's a great present!"

"Here, here!" I said, agreeing with Ginny.

Hermione just laughed and jabbed me in the ribs.

Ginny handed Hermione the box. Hermione thanked her and then looked around. "Hey, where did Lavender go?"

We looked at the chair Lavender had been sitting on.

It was empty.

"I guess she's in the back doing inventory." Ginny said nervously.

"She was a bit surprised when she saw me." Hermione said apologetically, "I wanted to apologize. She probably thought I was a ghost! Wasn't expecting me!"

"No, she wasn't" Ginny said, smiling nervously. She gave me a look.

I took the hint.

"Come on. Hermione," I said, "Let's go eat, I'm starving!"

Hermione invited Ginny to join us, but Ginny declined, staring at me.

I just ignored her gaze and opened the door to leave.

We said our goodbyes to Ginny and left the store.

Hermione was smiling, peeking into her bag.

I grinned at her.

"Shall I carry the bag too?" I asked jokingly, "I've been your packhorse the whole day!"

Hermione just smacked me on the arm.

She moved to grab the bag of books from my hands.

"Fine," Hermione said, "I'll carry them!"

But before she got a hold of them I moved away from her, grinning. "No!"

She moved to grab the bags, and I ran away from her, laughing.

I had managed to take her bag with the clothes too.

I waved them victoriously over my head.

Hermione just rolled her eyes, with her hands on her hips. "See, you won't even let me carry them!"

I just laughed at her and waited for her to catch up to me.

Hermione took her time catching up to me. When she did, I handed her the bag.

She took it from me and hit me with it.

I pretended to be in pain.

"Prat." Hermione said to me.

I just grinned.


"I think I want to be a Healer." Hermione said, out of the blue.

"What?" I said, as I was about to take a bite of my sandwich.

We were at a local deli, where we decided to have lunch. We got our orders and were eating and chatting for awhile, when Hermione just announced it.

"I want to be a Healer." Hermione repeated, taking a sip of her drink.

I thought about it for awhile.

I could see Hermione as a Healer.

She had the top grades at our school. She could have gone into any field.

Frankly I thought she would work at the ministry and promote SPEW.

I told her that and she laughed.

"I'll probably work on starting up S.P.E.W. again, but I would never work at the ministry!" Hermione said, laughing.

"Well, I don't blame you," I said, smiling, "I think you'd make an excellent Healer!"

"I do to0," Hermione said, "Seeing how I've been at St. Mungo's for three years. I practically lived there!"

I slightly frowned. "You're not just being a Healer because of that, right?"

Hermione just laughed at me. "Of course not! I actually want to be a Healer. I wanted to be one since I was at Hogwarts!"

"That's good." I said, "Hopefully not like Madam Pomfrey."

I pretended to shudder.

"What's wrong with Madam Pomfrey?!" Hermione said, incredulously, "You know you've spent half your time at Hogwarts in the Hospital Wing. She's saved your life many times! She's my inspiration!"

I jokingly grimaced. "I did have my own bed there, didn't I?"

"Yes," Hermione said huffily, "You were always injured. You and Ron. With fighting Voldemort, Deatheaters, the Triwizard Tournament and Quidditch."

I just laughed at her dark expression.

"I figured, you and Ron need a personal nurse," Hermione said thoughtfully, "I mean, you had to worry about Voldemort then. But now you're in Auror training and Ron's playing professional Quidditch, Talk about dangerous jobs!"

"Hey it's not bad." I protested. "You make it sound like I'm accident prone or something."

"Well, you are!" Hermione declared with a smile.

I smiled.

"Well then, at least I'll have my own personal nurse!" I said and asked jokingly, "So will you also be offering personal massages as well?"

I wagged my eyebrows.

Hermione just blushed and smacked my arm.

I pretended to be in pain.

"Prat." Hermione said, smiling.

I just gave her a cheeky grin.


Part 4 Finished

AN: *sobs* chem is over…. *sighs* I can relax now. But I start Bio tomorrow… I don't mind though… I love Bio….

Thank you for all those who have been reading and consistently reviewing… What was originally a short, simple piece has now become a little more complicated… all because of the encouragement and attack of the plot bunnies! Hopefully it'll be better than what I originally had in mind….(With what I had in mind, I probably would have been done by now, though -_-;;;)

But I realized the story was more complicated…

Anyways, thank you! And as always, comments and constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome!