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When Life Goes On by plumgirl

When Life Goes On



I should be studying for my final, and I will… I won't be updating until Sunday… But I didn't want to leave you guys with just that… Originally this piece was going to be a three chapter or four chapter pieces… It doesn't look like so anymore… I have all these little plots coming to me… SO maybe at most eight chapters or nine… I dunno…

When Life Moves On

By: Plumgirl

Summary: It's been three years since Voldemort's defeat and things have changed a lot. Everyone is picking up the pieces and moving on with life. Except Hermione and Harry. Hermione, because she can't go on. And Harry because he won't leave her behind.

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter… though I wish I did… who doesn't? Ms. JK Rowling owns it…

I rushed out of St. Mungo's to get Ron. I quickly apparated to the entrance of the hotel Ron was staying at and went in.

While riding the elevator, I thought of how Ron was going to react to the news. Will he be happy? He has Lavender now. I knew about them for quite awhile. Harry wasn't happy when he found out.

"You knew!" Harry said to me, angrily, "You knew that bastard's been cheating on her?!"

I grimaced at his words.

"Of course you knew!" he spat out angrily, "You work with her! You probably set them up!"

"Of course I didn't!" I snapped angrily, "I would never do that to Hermione! She's like a sister to me!"

I really would never do that to Hermione. She was one of my closest friends and a sister to me. I was happy when she got together with Ron. I always pictured Hermione with Ron.

'And me with Harry.' I thought, as I knocked on Ron's door.

Ron opened the door and didn't look too surprised to see me.

"He told you?" He stated dully.

"I knew!" I said, angrily, "You and Lavender aren't too inconspicuous, you know!"

He just frowned. "Listen, I have to go. I don't have time for one of your lectures."

I frowned at him.

"Lavender left yesterday, so she's not even here so you can tell her off." He continued. He grabbed his bags and passed me as he prepared to leave.

"I'm not here to scold you, Ron!" I said, exasperated, "Hermione's awake!

Ron froze, and then he turned around. He didn't say anything.

"She woke up!" I said again. Ron looked so lost. He started shaking and shuddering. I went to him and took his arm. "Come on, she's wants to see you!"

Ron let me lead him for awhile, then suddenly he shook off my arm.

"No." He said quietly, "I have to go. I have practices."

I glared at him and slapped him, hard. "Fuck the practices, Ron!"

"Stop being selfish for once and go see her!" I shouted, "I don't care if you feel guilty and feel like shit! Stop thinking about yourself and GO FOR HER! SHE wants to see YOU! And if you're not going to come willingly, I swear, Ron, I will hex you! You're going whether you like it, or not!"

Ron just stared at me, looking defeated, and he said, "Fine."


As we both went back to St Mungo's, I noticed Remus Lupin was outside Hermione's room, talking with Healer-In-Training Vane.

There had been many changes, one of them being that there was less discrimination of werewolves, vampires and other 'so-called' dangerous creatures. Remus was one of the head Aurors in the Law Enforcement department at the Ministry now. He looked much better. He survived the war, got married (to Tonks) and was expecting their first child next early spring.

Remus smiled when he noticed us and excused himself from the healer. Ron gave him a half smile and nervously looked around the hallway.

"She's in there right now with Harry. She'll be thrilled to see you." Remus said to Ron. Ron just nodded.

I grabbed his arm and led him into Hermione's room. She was laughing at something Harry was saying when she noticed me and Ron. Her eyes lit up when she saw Ron.

"Ron!." She cried. Harry froze and didn't turn to face us.

"Hey." Mumbled Ron, as he stared at Hermione. She was sitting up in her bed, her hair pulled pack in a pony tail. She was smiling.

Harry still has his back to us. "Harry," I said, "have you talked to Remus yet. He needs to file the report."

"What report?" Hermione asked, curiously, looking at Harry.

"Er.. nothing, Hermione," Harry said evasively. He kissed Hermione on the cheek and told here he'd be right back. Harry turned to walk out without even a glance at Ron. Ron took Harry's original seat by Hermione as Hermione touched his face. "You've aged." She said, stroking his face.

Harry's jaw tightened as he strode out the room. I followed him. Remus was waiting for us and started to immediately ask Harry questions about the intruder.

"I was coming to see her, when I noticed the room was dark and I saw a dark figure over her," started Harry.

"I shouted and turned on the lights," Harry continued, "and I saw the bastard was suffocating Hermione with a pillow!"

I gasped.

His fists curled up into tight balls. "I got out my wand when I was about to hex him, when he apparated!"

"Do you remember what he looked like?" Remus asked, frowning.

"Yeah." Harry said darkly, "He was wear black robes and had a Deatheater's mask on!"

"What?!" I shrieked, "A Deatheater?!"

"You didn't see his face?" Remus asked, frowning.

"No!" said Harry, "But it's obvious he was a Deatheater!"

"But I thought all the Deatheaters were captured or executed." I said, looking confused.

"Yes, they were." Said Remus, still frowning.

"Well I guess we missed one!" snapped Harry, angrily.

"But it doesn't make sense!" I said. All the deatheaters were captured.

"She's right." Said Remus, agreeing with me. Harry shook his head.

"No," Harry said, "Voldemort had many supporters; maybe this one laid low for awhile."

"But why would he attack now?" I asked.

"I don't know!" Harry snapped at me. He looked frustrated. Remus gave him a sympathetic look.

"Is there anything else?" Remus asked, calmly. Harry closed his eyes to think.

"Shoes." Harry said, "He had on white shoes."

"White shoes?" asked Remus. Harry nodded.

"Why would a Deatheater wear white shoes?" I asked, "Wouldn't black be more his color?"

"I don't know, Ginny!" snapped Harry, "Maybe his black shoes were getting polished!"

I glared at him. "Stop being an ass, Harry!"

He glared back at me.

"Settle down." Ordered Remus, "Both of you."

"Now Ginny does seem to have a point." Remus said, looking puzzled, "White shoes?"

"Maybe the bastard liked white shoes." Mumbled Harry, looking frustrated. He ran his hand through is hair angrily.

"So he could potentially be a Deatheater, but most likely someone posing as one." Remus concluded.

"How can you be sure?" asked Harry angrily.

"How come he didn't use his wand to cast a Dark spell on Hermione?" asked Remus, "It would have been much more convenient, since he used it to apparate away."

Harry swore. He looked defeated.

"But who would want to pose as a Deatheater?" I asked.

"Someone who was trying to do the deed and mislead us at the same time." Mumbled Harry. Remus nodded in agreement.

"So that leaves us with anyone being the potential suspect." I concluded, miserably. Remus nodded. Harry punched the wall.

"What if he comes back?" I asked.

"The hell he will!" declared Harry, "I'll be standing guard."

"Harry," Remus said, sternly, "You know you can't do that. You still have training."

"Screw training!" retorted Harry, defiantly.

"Harry!" I said, "Hermione wouldn't want that! She'll be upset if you jeopardize your career for her like that!"

"Yes," said Remus, agreeing with me, "I'll send down people to watch her round the clock."

"See." I said to Harry, "Hermione will be safe!"

"Fine." Muttered Harry.

"Besides she's only going to stay here for a couple more days." Remus said, smiling, "I talked to the head Healer and she said Hermione will be able to go home after a few tests!"

I smiled. Harry looked deep in thought. "She'll move in with me!" he declared.

"What?!" I asked surprised.

"Yes," Harry said firmly, "her parents are away in France right now. Plus she'll be safer staying with me than them!"

"I agree." Remus said, "You have the strongest wards in Wizarding London."

I frowned. Harry looked at bit cheered up. "I should tidy up the place."

Remus chuckled, "Yes, you should."


Harry went back to Hermione's room. He gave her a soft kiss on the cheek and said he'd be back later. Hermione just blushed and waved goodbye. Ron tried not to make eye contact with him.

Remus left awhile later too, after greeting Hermione and making small chat. Hermione squealed in surprise when Remus told him he was married to Tonks.

"Married?!" cried Hermione. Remus just grinned.

"And he's going to be a father too!" I added. Remus blushed.

"A father?!" gasped Hermione. "OH congratulations!"

She opened her arms and Remus gave a hug. Remus thanked her then left.

"A baby." Hermione said, still in shock, "Married and a baby."

"Yes" I said. Ron looked at the ground uncomfortably.

"A lot changed," Hermione said, "It makes sense since it's been three years!"

Ron grimaced. Hermione didn't notice it, thankfully.

"Ron tells me that you've gone into fashion designing!" Hermione said to me, eagerly.

"Yes," I replied, "I'm partners with a friend and we own a clothing line."

"Wow." Said Hermione, "No wonder I didn't recognize you at first! You're dressed like a model now!"

I blushed at her words. "I design and make the clothes, not wear them."

Hermione smiled, "But you look smashing! You always had a great sense of style!"

"I'll design you some robes" I offered, "I know a particular design that would suit you!"

"That would be nice," Hermione said, "What do you think, Ron?"

Ron was startled a bit. "Umm fine, you'd look gorgeous."

Hermione blushed at Ron's words. There was bit of an awkward silence before Ron got up.

"Well, I gotta go." Ron said, "I have practices."

"Oh," Hermione said, looking a bit disappointed, "When will you be back?"

"Umm I don't know," Ron said, evasively, "I have a busy schedule."

Hermione looked disappointed, but smiled, "Come visit me when you can then."

"Okay." Mumbled Ron prepared to leave.

"Ron!" Hermione called out, stopping Ron. She motion for him to come back. He slowly did.

She held his hand and squeezed it softly then pulled him slightly to give him a soft kiss on the lips.

"Bye." She said, shyly.

Ron just gave her a small smile then left.

Hermione just turned to me and smiled. "I can't believe he's Keeper for the Chudley Canons! He must be so happy!"

"Yeah." I said, nervously. I quickly changed the subject away from Ron and chatted about other people and how their lives had changed. I told her about the twins' and how they're opening a line of stores in America. I told her about Bill and Fleur and their two children. I told her about Hogwarts and the new teachers that taught there. I told her about Harry and his Auror training.

She listened to me patiently, looking a bit wistful. "I missed so much."

"Well, we missed you," I said honestly. She smiled at my words. I checked my watch. It was pretty late; I had to get back to the shop.

"Oh I better get going." I said, "I need to get back to the shop!"

"Oh," Hermione said, "well it was nice catching up."

"Yeah, it was." I said, quietly. Hermione looked lost in thought.

"Listen, I'll stop by tomorrow, I have a surprise for you!" I said.

"Really? What?" asked Hermione eagerly.

"Well it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you!" I said, laughing. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" Hermione said. She grabbed a book nearby and started reading as I left.

As I walked through the entrance I saw a messy haired young man appear in front of me with a 'pop'

It was Harry.

"Harry!" I said brightly. He just nodded to me and rushed inside to see Hermione.

I felt a small pang in my stomach.


I apparated to my shop and went inside.

I thought of Hermione, Ron and Harry.

I always thought it would be Ron and Hermione. After the war, they'd get married, have kids. They'd have careers and Harry would go into training. I thought it would be the four of us. Two couples.

Ron and Hermione.

Harry and me.

But that changed.

Why is that?

I walked into the shop and noticed my partner rubbing her feet and moaning.

"So many sales, Gin!" she said when she saw me.

"That's good." I said, as I took off my coat, "Busy day?"

"Very, "Lavender said, as she continues massaging her feet,. "Mrs. Mitchell bought four robes! Four! But I think she bought more because she's trying to set me up with her grandson."

"Well is he cute?" I asked, smiling.

"Please!" Lavender said rolling her eyes, "I have my eyes set on someone else that's far more handsome and cuter!"

"Who?" I asked quietly staring at Lavender. She froze, then just smiled and gave me a wink.

"Mystery man." She said, as she reached into the shoe closest, to replace her strappy heels for a pair of comfortable white shoes. She put them on and stood up.

"Well, "she said, nervously, "I better do inventory!"

She walked into the backroom.

I just watched her back as she disappeared.

I smiled sadly.

It used to be Ron and Hermione.

'But now it's him and you,' I thought,

'and Harry and Hermione.'

And Ginny with no one.

I laughed bitterly. I never felt more alone in my life.


Part 4 Finished

AN: Now I shall starting cracking and hit the chem. Books. *shudders* someone referred Chem and Potions! I agree! That is a perfect analogy!!!

Thank you for all those who have been reading and consistently reviewing… What was originally a short, simple piece has now become a little more complicated… all because of the encouragement and attack of the plot bunnies! Hopefully it'll be better than what I originally had in mind….(With what I had in mind, I probably would have been done by now, though -_-;;;)

But I realized the story was more complicated…

Anyways, thank you! And as always, comments and constructive criticism is ALWAYS welcome!